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An exact sampling scheme for Brownian motion in the presence of a magnetic field PDF

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Preview An exact sampling scheme for Brownian motion in the presence of a magnetic field

3 0 An exact sampling scheme for Brownian motion in the presence of a magnetic field 0 2 Mini P. Balakrishnan1, M. C. Valsakumar2 and P. Rameshan1 n 1 Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Calicut University PO, Pin 673635, India a 2 Materials Science Division, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Pin 603102, India J (Dated: February 2, 2008) 0 1 Langevin equation pertinent to diffusion limited aggregation of charged particles in thepresence of an external magnetic field is solved exactly. The solution involves correlated random variables. ] A new scheme for exactly sampling the componentsof theposition and velocity is proposed. h c e I. INTRODUCTION II. SOLUTION OF LANGEVIN EQUATION IN m THE PRESENCE OF MAGNETIC FIELD - t The diffusion limited aggregation(DLA)model[1] and a someofitsvariantshavebeenusedtomodelpatternfor- ConsidertheLangevinequationdescribingtheBrown- t s mation in diversecontexts such as electrochemicaldepo- ian motionof a chargedparticle of unit mass and charge t. sition, dissolutionand erosionof porous media, gelation, q,in presenceof a magneticfield B~ alongthe z-direction a fracture, dielectric breakdown etc [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. These m patterns, in general, have a fractal structure and the d ~r(t) = ~v(t) (1) - studyofDLAclustershaveresultedintheunderstanding dt d n of various aspects of fractals such as fractal dimension, d~v(t)+γ~v(t) q~v(t) B~ = ~η(t) (2) o multifractalityandthescalinglaws. Theinsightobtained dt − × c fromthe analysisofDLA clusters has ledto the applica- In the above equation, ~η(t) = (η1(t),η2(t),η3(t)) is a [ Gaussian white noise of zero mean and its components tion ofthis model to the study ofthe scaling behaviorof satisfy the normalization condition 1 two-dimensional quantum gravity. Yet a complete theo- v retical understanding of DLA has not been achieved to 6 date. Recently, a few groups [7, 8] have carried out ex- 3 perimental investigation of the influence of an external hηi(t)ηj(t′)i=2Aδijδ(t−t′) (3) 1 magnetic field on DLA of charged particles. They ob- 1 Sincethe magneticfieldisorientedalongthe z-direction, served a bending of the branches of the DLA cluster, 0 itaffectsthemotioninthexandydirectionsonly. Defin- 3 which could be attributed to the Lorentz force, as well ing 0 as a conspicuous change in the morphology of the clus- / ters with increase in the strength of the magnetic field. t X =x+iy, V =v1+iv2, Γ=γ+iω, η =η1+iη2(4) a As a prelude to a detailed study of DLA in presence of m an external magnetic field, we solved the corresponding we get - Langevin equation exactly. It is found that the solution d involves correlated Gaussian random variables. In order d n X = V (5) o tocarryoutnumericalsimulationofDLA,itisnecessary dt c to sample these random variables,at discrete instants of d V +ΓV = η(t) (6) v: time, consistent with the correlation relations. In this dt paper, we describe an exact sampling procedure that is i X valid for arbitrary values of all the parameters that ap- The formal solution is given by r pear in the problem. The results of the DLA simulation a t using this prescription are in qualitative agreement with V(t)=e−ΓtV(0)+ e−Γ(t−t1)η(t ) dt (7) 1 1 the experimental results and will be published elsewhere Z0 [9]. 1 t t X(t) X(0)= (1 e−Γt)V(0)+ η(t ) dt e−Γ(t−t1)η(t ) dt (8) 1 1 1 1 − Γ − − (cid:18) (cid:20)Z0 Z0 (cid:21)(cid:19) Usingtheaboveformalsolution,wecanimmediatelyob- v (t) are given by 2 tain x(t),y(t) by taking the real and imaginary parts of Xfas(ht)io.nv.1T(th)eatnwdovt2i(mt)eccaonrraellasotiobnefoubntcatiinoends oinf va1(sti)mailnadr hv1(t)v1(t′)i = Aγ e−γ|t−t′|cos(ω(t−t′)) (9) (cid:18) (cid:19) 2 v (t)v (t′) = v (t)v (t′) (10) j−1 h 2 2 i h 1 1 i ψ(t) = ψ (15) hv1(t)v2(t′)i = Aγ e−γ|t−t′|sin(ω(t−t′)) (11) j Xl=0 l (cid:18) (cid:19) j−1 φ(t) = e−(j−1−l)Γτφ (16) The other correlation functions can also be calculated j l easily. Xl=0 The interesting point is that unlike in the case of the We can then write motion without the magnetic field, now the components v (t) and v (t′), of the velocity, are correlated. But, the 1 1 2 X = (1 e−jΓτ)V(0)+ψ(t) φ(t) (17) second moment < vi(t)2 >, of each of the components j Γ − j − j of the velocity, has the same value A/γ as in the case of h i zero magnetic field. This can be easily understood once We can perform the numerical simulations if we can re- we recognize that < v (t)2 > is twice the kinetic energy i liably sample ψ andφ . since ψ andφ depend onη in j j j j and that does not change by application of a magnetic the interval [jτ,(j +1)]τ] alone, and since the η are field. However, < x(t)2 > and < y(t)2 > asymptotically delta-correlated,wecanimmediatelyseethat ψ{ψ′i}and (i.e.,ast )tendto 2A t= 2A tsothatthedif- j j fusion coe−ffi→cie∞nt D = (γ2|+AΓ|ω22) de(cγr2e+aωs2e)s with increasing reφljaφte′jd.vaTnhieshrefwohreenitjis6=imj′p.oHrtoawnetvetor,eψvjolavneda(cid:10)φpjroarcee(cid:11)dcuorre- (cid:10) (cid:11) magnetic field. to sample these correlated random variables. Inthe numericalsimulationswewillbe interestedinget- It is convenient to work with the following real random ting realizations of x(t), y(t), etc. at discrete instants of variates: time t = j τ. We have developed such a scheme that j ∗ is valid for arbitrary values of A, ω, γ and τ. Define τ ψ = (ψ ) = du η (jτ +u) (18) xj =x(tj), yj = y(tj), Xj =xj +iyj (12) jR ℜ j 1 Z0 τ τ ψj = du η(jτ +u) (13) ψjI = (ψj) = du η2(jτ +u) (19) Z0 ℑ Z0 τ φ = du e−Γ(τ−u)η(jτ +u) (14) j Z0 τ φ = (φ ) = du e−γ(τ−u)[cos(ω(τ u))η (jτ +u)+sin(ω(τ u))η (jτ +u)] (20) jR j 1 2 ℜ − − Z0 τ φ = (φ ) = du e−γ(τ−u)[ sin(ω(τ u))η (jτ +u)+cos(ω(τ u))η (jτ +u)] (21) jI j 1 2 ℑ − − − Z0 [Intheaboveequations, (z)and (z)aretherealandimaginarypartsofthecomplexnumberz]. Sinceψ andφ j j ℜ ℑ are Gaussian randomvariates of zero mean, the knowledge of their covarianceis adequate for describing them. They are given below: ψjRψj′R = 2Aτδj,j′, ψjIψj′I =2Aτδj,j′, ψjRψj′I =0 (22) h i h i h i A A φjRφj′R = (1 e−2γτ)δj,j′, φjIφj′I = (1 e−2γτ)δj,j′, φjRφj′I =0 (23) h i γ − h i γ − h i 2A hφjRψj′Ri = (γ2+ω2) γ(1−e−γτcos(ωτ))+ωe−γτsin(ωτ) δj,j′ (24) 2A (cid:2) (cid:3) hφjRψj′Ii = (γ2+ω2) ω(1−e−γτcos(ωτ))−γe−γτsin(ωτ) δj,j′ (25) φjIψj′R = φjRψj′I(cid:2) , φjIψj′I = φjRψj′R (cid:3) (26) h i −h i h i h i Our aim is to provide a scheme for sampling ψ , ψ , We propose to achieve this by expressing ψ , ψ , φ jR jI jR jI jR φ and φ that is consistent with the above equations. and φ as sums of n identically distributed Gaussian jR jI jI 3 random variables (pj1,pj2,...,pjn) with zero mean and A(1 e−2γτ) n unit variance in the following manner: φjI = − νlpjl (30) s γ l=1 X n (31) ψ = √2Aτ α p (27) jR l jl l=1 X n ψ = √2Aτ β p (28) jI l jl l=1 Thesubstitutionoftheaboveresultsinequations22-26 X A(1 e−2γτ) n gives 10 constraintsthat the parametersαl, βl, ǫl and νl φ = − ǫ p (29) should satisfy. jR l jl s γ l=1 X n n n α2 = 1, β2 =1, α β =0 (32) l l l l l=1 l=1 l=1 X X X n n n ǫ2 = 1, ν2 =1, ǫ ν =0 (33) l l l l l=1 l=1 l=1 X X X n 2γ [γ(1 e−γτcos(ωτ))+ωe−γτsin(ωτ)] ǫ α = − C (34) l l sτ(1 e−2γτ) (γ2+ω2) ≡ 1 l=1 − X n 2γ [ω(1 e−γτcos(ωτ)) γe−γτsin(ωτ)] ǫ β = − − C (35) l l sτ(1 e−2γτ) (γ2+ω2) ≡ 2 l=1 − X n n n n ν α = ǫ β = C , ν β = ǫ α =C (36) l l l l 2 l l l l 1 − − l=1 l=1 l=1 l=1 X X X X α , β , ǫ and ν maybeconsideredasunimodu- where R= (1 C2 C2) and θ is a free parameter. { i} { i} { i} { i} − 1 − 2 larvectorsα~,β~,~ǫand~ν inann-dimensionalspace. Such p a geometrical interpretation of the above relations im- mediately leads to the conclusionthat 4 is the minimum value ofn, for whichthe aboverelationscanbe satisfied, B. Solution 2 seetheAppendix. Weconsiderthecasen=4,henceforth. Since there are 16 parameters and only 10 constraints, Another choice for α~ and β~ is there will be a 6-parameter family of solutions. We can choose α~ and β~ consistent only with the constraints 1 α =α =α = α = (41) 1 2 3 4 represented by eq. 32, and then solve for ~ǫ and ~ν. 2 In what follows, we show two solutions explicitly and 1 β = β = β = β = (42) alsodiscusstheprescriptiontoobtainanyothersolution. 1 − 2 − 3 4 2 We then obtained~ǫ and~ν to be ǫ =D +D cos(θ), ǫ =D +D sin(θ), (43) A. Solution 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 ǫ =D D sin(θ), ǫ =D D cos(θ) (44) 3 2 3 4 1 3 − − A simple choice for α~ and β~ would be ν1 =D2+D3sin(θ), ν2 = D1 D3cos(θ),(45) − − ν = D +D cos(θ), ν =D +D sin(θ), (46) 3 1 3 4 2 3 α =1, α =0, α =0, α =0, (37) − 1 2 3 4 β1 =0, β2 =1, β3 =0, β4 =0 (38) where D1 = (C1 + C2)/2, D2 = (C1 − C2)/2, D = 1 (C2+C2)/2 and θ is a free parameter This choice leads to wh3ich was se−t to1be π/24 in our simulations. p ǫ1 =C1,ǫ2 =C2,ǫ3 =Rcos(θ),ǫ4 =Rsin(θ), (39) Any set of vectors α~′, β~′,~ǫ′ and ~ν′ obtained by simul- ν = C ,ν =C ,ν = Rsin(θ),ν =Rcos(θ), (40) taneouslyrotating(SO(4)rotation)agivensetofvectors 1 2 2 1 3 4 − − 4 α~,β~,~ǫand~ν willalsobeavalidsolutionoftheequations is given which is valid for arbitrary values of the friction 32 - 36. It remains to be seen if a particular choice of coefficient of the medium, the strength of the magnetic these vectors is better than others for numerical simula- field and the time step of evolution. The components of tions with finite number of realizations or not. the position and velocity are represented as linear com- binationsoffour independentandidentically distributed Gaussian random variates. A six parameter family of III. CONCLUSIONS solutions is obtained for the expansion coefficients. Fur- ther studies are required to see if a particular choice of The Langevin equation for diffusion of charged parti- theexpansioncoefficientsisbetterthanalltheotherpos- cles in presence of an external magnetic field is solved sibilities. exactly. Ascheme forsamplingthe positionandvelocity [1] T.A.WittenandL.M.Sander,Phys. Rev. Lett.47(1981) The expansion coefficients a1, a2, b1 and b2 can be ob- 1400 tained by substituting eq. 52 in eqs. 49 and 50. The [2] A.Bunde,H.J.Hermann,A.MargolinaandH.E.Stanley, result is Phys. Rev. Lett. 55 (1985) 653 [3] R.F.Xi,J.I.D.AlexanderandF.Rosenberger,Phys. Rev. ~ǫ=C α~ +C β~, ~ν = C α~ +C β~ (53) 1 2 2 1 A38 (1988) 2447 − [4] M. Ausloos and J.M. Kowalski, Phys. Rev. B45, (1992) Eq. 53 implies 12830 [5] P. Meakin, Phys. Rep. 235 (1993) 189 ~ǫ.~ǫ=~ν.~ν =C2+C2 (54) 1 2 [6] L. Nietmeyer, L.Pietronero and H.W. Wiesmann, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 1033 which is not equal to 1 in general. Thus the ~ǫ and ~ν [7] Matsushita et. al,Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 286 fail to satisfy the unimodularity condition (see eq. 48). [8] Sawada et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1984) 1260 Hence we see that it is impossible to obtain the four [9] Mini P. Balakrishnan, M. C. Valsakumar and P. Rame- vectors α~, β~, ~ǫ and ~ν satisfying the constraints eqs. shan, (unpublished) 47-50 in two dimension. IV. APPENDIX B. 3-dimensional case Consider four unimodular vectors α~, β~,~ǫ, ~ν satisfying the conditions The most general vector α~ can be written down as α~.α~ =1, β~.β~ =1, α~.β~ =0 (47) α~ =(sinθ1cosφ1,sinθ1sinφ1,cosθ1) (55) ~ǫ.~ǫ=1, ~ν.~ν =1, ~ǫ.~ν =0 (48) where θ and φ are arbitrary parameters. The most 1 1 ~ǫ.α~ =C , ~ǫ.β~ =C (49) general vector β~ perpendicular to α~ is given by 1 2 ~ν.α~ = C2, ~ν.β~ =C1 (50) β~ =cos(ζ)β~+sin(ζ)(α~ ~η) (56) − × with A. 2-dimensional case ~η =(cosθ cosφ ,cosθ sinφ , sinθ ). (57) 1 1 1 1 1 − Let us first consider the 2-dimensional case. Here, the and ζ is a free parameter. It is obvious that the vectors most general pair of vectors α~ and β~ satisfying eq. 47 α~,β~,α~ β~ formabasisinthreedimensionalspace. Then × can be easily constructed as follows ~ǫ can be defined as α~ =(cosθ1,sinθ1), β~ =(−sinθ1,cosθ1). (51) ~ǫ=a1α~ +a2β~+a3α~ ×β~. (58) Using eqs. 49 and then 48, we get where θ is an arbitrary parameter. Since α~ and β~ are 1 orthonormal,theyformabasisin2-dimensionsandhence ~ǫ=C α~ +C β~+a α~ β~. (59) 1 2 3 anyothervectorcanbeexpressedaslinearcombinations × of these vectors. Therefore~ǫ and ~ν can be written as with C2+C2+a2 =1. Similar analysis gives 1 2 3 ~ǫ=a α~ +a β~, ~ν =b α~ +b β~ (52) ~ν = C α~ +C β~+b α~ β~ (60) 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 − × 5 with C2+C2+b2 =1. Substituting for~ǫ and~ν, we get straints eqs. 47-50 in three dimensions as well. It is, 1 2 3 however,possible to obtain solutions in four dimensions, ~ǫ.~ν = C1C2+C1C2+a3b3 =a3b3 (61) as explicitly demonstrated in the text. − which is not zero in general. Hence it is impossible to obtain the four vectors α~, β~,~ǫ and ~ν satisfying the con-

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