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An evaluation of the Qut Al-Qulub of Al-Makki with an annotated PDF

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This thesis has been submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for a postgraduate degree (e.g. PhD, MPhil, DClinPsychol) at the University of Edinburgh. Please note the following terms and conditions of use: • This work is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights, which are retained by the thesis author, unless otherwise stated. • A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge. • This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the author. • The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the author. • When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given. - - AN EVALUATION OF THE QUT AL-QULUB OF AL-MAKKI WITH AN ANNOTATED TRANSLATION OF HIS KITAB AL-TAWBA. W. Mohd Azam b. Mohd Amin Ph.D University of Edinburgh 1991 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Firstly, I wish to express my profound thankfulness to my supervisor, Dr. Carole Hillenbrand. I am deeply grateful to her for e}tpert guidance and continuous encouragement for the past three years. She also patiently supervised the whole of this work and frequently made useful suggestions for alterations or additions. Her advice and criticism have been of great value, sustaining this work especially during the period of its preparation. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to Dr. M.V. McDonald who thoroughly supervised this work especially for the translation part. His guidance and assistance throughout my studies deserve a special vote of thanks. I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to Dr. I.K.A. Howard for lending me a number of his useful books for my research. The departmental secretary, Miss Irene Crawford, certainly deserves my gratitude. She has been most helpful and co-operative in every possible way. Secondly, I would like to acknowledge a debt of gratitude to the Public Service Department of Malaysia for granting me the Academic Staff Training Scheme Program scholarship (SLAB} for almost three years. i ABSTRACT This thesis seeks to study in depth the contribution to Sufism made by the little-known 4th/10th century figure Abu 'fa lib al-Makk1. The first chapter deals with an analysis of the life and works of al-Makki against the background of the religious milieu of his time. A major section of the thesis (the second and third chapters) provides for the first time in English a translation of the Ki tab al-tawba of al-Makki. The fourth chapter assesses the originality of al-Makki 1 s Kitab al-tawba and compares it with similar works ~ufi of the period. The fifth chapter attempts to compare and contrast al-Makki and al-Ghazal I 1 s approach to Suf ism through an analysis of their respective Kitab al-tawba. It has long been known that in his work on Sufism, al-Ghazali depended very heavily upon al-Makki. This thesis conclusively proves this dependence whilst pointing to the more sophisticated presentation of al Ghazali. Al-Makki is shown to have been one of the early figures who tried to harmonise the views of the ~ufi and Baghdad groups and to effect a synthesis Ba~ran ~ufi between moderate Sufism and the Shari'a. iii NOTES ON TRANSLITERATION The system of transliteration of Arabic that has been adopted throughout this work is the one employed by the Encyclopaedia of Islam with the following modifications. j instead of 9.1 for t;. kh instead of kh for L. q instead of 1$ for '-' iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Acknowledgements i Abstract iii Notes on Translation iv Table of contents V Abbreviations viii CHAPTER ONE: ABU 'fALIB AL-MAKKI 1.1 Birth, Name and Early Education 1 1.2 Life at 4 Ba~ra 1.2.1 The Salimiyya 5 1.3 Life at Baghdad 8 1.3.1 The School of ~ufi Baghdad 9 1.4 Al-Makki's Death 15 1.5 Al-Makki's Attitude Towards Tradition 16 1.6 The Image of al-Makki As presented In Muslim Sources During the Pre- Modern Period {10th-17th centuries) 20 1.7 Modern Scholarship on al-Makki 27 1.8 The Works of Abu Talib al-Makki 34 1.8.1 The contents of cilm al-Qulub 35 1.8.2 The contents of Qut al-Qulub 42 Notes 45 CHAPTER TWO: THE TRANSLATION OF AL-MAKKI 'S KITA B AL- TAWBA I {The Translation of al-Makki's Kitab al-Tawba} 53 Notes 101 CHAPTER THREE: THE TRANSLATION OF AL-MAKKI'S KITA B AL- TAWBA II {The Continuation of The Translation of al-Makki's V Kitab al-Tawba) 109 Notes 155 CHAPTER FOUR: THE ORIGINALITY OF AL-MAKKI'S WORK 158 4.0 The Plan Of al-Makki's Chapter of Repentance 158 4.1 ANALYSIS OF THE CHAPTER 166 4.1.1 Contents of the Chapter 166 4.1.2 The Method of Presentation and Style used by al-Makki 169 4.1.3 A Brief Comparison Between al-Makki's Chapter of Repentance with similar chapters on this topic written by his predecessors and his contemporaries. 172 4.1.4 A Brief Comparison Between the Qut and the Cilm al-Qulub. 178 4.2 THE CONTRIBUTION OF AL-MAKKI 182 4.2.1 Al-Makki's Attitude towards innovation. 182 4.2.2 Al-Makki's Attitude towards Sahl, al-Junayd and Abu Yazid al-Bistami. 185 NOTES 187 CHAPTER FIVE: THE INFLUENCE OF AL-MAKKI ON AL-GHAzALI 5.0 Introduction 190 5.1 Comparison Between al-Makki And al-Ghazali With Special Reference to the Kitab al-Tawba 192 5.1.1 The Plan of al-Ghazali 's Chapter of Repentance 192 5.2 Analysis of The Chapter 193 vi 5.2.1 General Introduction 194 5. 2. 2 Summarising al-Makk1's 195 Material 5.2.3 Enlarging al-Makk1's 197 material 5.2.4 Summarising And Enlarging 210 al-Makki's Material 5.2.5 New Material Added By al-Ghazali 212 5.2.6 Stylistic Approach 215 5.3 General Comments And Conclusion. 220 Notes 223 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 230 Primary sources 230 Secondary sources 235 vii ABBREVIATIONS. Bidaya :Ibn Kathir,al-Bidaya wa '1-Nihaya. De Slane :Ibn Khallikan,Wafayat al-Acyan,(Tr. De Slane} . Doctrine :M.A.Shukri,The Mystical Doctrine of Abu Talib as Found in His al-Makk~ Book Qut al-Qulub. E.r1 :Encyclopaedia of Islam (Old edition, 1913-1936). E.r2 :Encyclopaedia of Islam (New edition, 1954- }. E.I(s) :Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam. GAL :Brockelmann, Geschichte der Arabischen Literatur. Ghunya :Al-Jilani,Kitab al-Ghunya li Talib Tarig al-Hagg. Hilya :Al-Ieyfahani,Hilyat al-Awliya'. Huffaz :Al-Dhahabi, Tadhkirat al-Huffaz. crbar : Al-Dhahabi, Ki tab al- c I bar fi Khabar man Ghabar. I.C :Islamic Culture. Ihya' :Al-Ghazali,Ihya' culum al-Din. crlm :Al-Makki,cilm al-Qulub. :Islamic Quarterly. I.S :Islamic Studies. Isaba : Ibn ijajar fi Tamyiz al ,~l=~ba Sahaba. JRAS :Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society. Kamil :Ibn al-Athir,al-Kamil fi '1-Tarikh. Kashf :Al-ijujwiri, Kashf al-Mahiub,(Tr. R. A. Nicholson} . Kubra :Ibn sacd,Tabaqat al-Kubra. viii Lis an :Ibn ijajar al-'Asqalani Lisan al 1 Mizan. Luma' :Al-SarrajiKitab al-Luma'. Mir 1 at :Al-Yafi'I~Mir 1 at al-Janan. Muntazam :Al-Jawzi~Al-Muntazam. Mu'tamad : Al-Farra 1 al-Mu' tamad fi Usul al I Din. :Muslim World. Mystics Of Islam. :R.A.Nicholson~Mystics Mystical :G.Bowering The Mystical Vision of 1 Existence in Classical Islam. Passion Passion of al :L.Massignon~The Hallaj. al-Qulub. :Al-Makki~Qut Rabi'a the Mystic. :M.Smith~Rabi'a Rasa1 il :Al-Rundi~al-Rasa1 il al-Sughra. Ri'aya :Al-MuQasibiial-Ri'aya li Huqug Allah. Salimiyya :L.Massignon~"Salimiyya" 1 E.rl. Sezgin :F.Sezgin,Geschichte Des Arabischen Schrifttums. Shadharat :Ibn al-'Imad al-ijanbali, Shadharat al-Dhahab. Shafi'iyya :Al-Subki,Tabaqat al-Shafi'iyya al Kubra. Si fat :Al-Jawzi,Sifat al-Safwa. Sufism :A.J.Arberry,Sufism. Tabaqat :Al-Sulami,Tabaqat al-Sufiyya. Tadhkirat : Farid al-Din 'Attar Tadhkirat al I Awliyal. Talbis :Al-Jawzi Talbis al-Iblis. 1 ix

AN ANNOTATED TRANSLATION OF HIS KITAB AL-TAWBA. W .Mohd Azam b Talbis. :Ibn ijajar al-'Asqalani 1. Lisan al-. Mizan. :Al-SarrajiKitab al-Luma'. :Al- Yafi'I~Mir 1 at . Tafsir al-Qur'an which was published in 198o.23. Sahl attracted
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