Improving Network Performance: An Evaluation of TCP/UDP on Networks A Doctor of Computing Thesis by Shaneel Narayan Supervisors Principal ProfessorAbdolhosseinSarrafzadeh Associate DrChandimalJayawardena DrImanArdekani Submittedinpartialfulfilmentofthe requirementsforthedegreeof DoctorofComputing DepartmentofComputing UNITECInstituteofTechnology Auckland,NewZealand December2014 Dedicatedtomymumandmylittleangel Abstract Computernetworksarecomplex-theyareaheterogeneousenvironmentin which numerous services, such as electronic mail, web browsing, voice and multimedia data, traverse the globe daily. The needs and demands of end users continuously change, and to meet these, new technologies are being incorporated into this mega digital infrastructure at a phenomenal rate. In addition to ensuring that necessary functionalities are provided, it is vitally importanttoensurethatnetworkperformanceisalwaysatitsoptimum. Fundamentally,networksareanenvironmentwheredata,mostlyintheform ofTCPandUDP,arebeingpropagatedend-to-endbetweenthesendingand receiving nodes. There are numerous avenues of network performance that canbeexploitedinordertoimproveitsperformance. Researchinthisareais multi-faceted, and in this thesis the focus is on evaluating the behaviour of TCPandUDPend-to-endonnetworksinthreescenarios,namely,networks with transition mechanisms, wireless based networks, and in the context of usingvirtualprivatenetworktechnologiesassecurityprotocols. Thisthesiswillgiveinsightsintothebehaviourofcommonprotocolsonreal networks. Therefore, performance metrics related to networks have been gathered from test-bed implementations. The collected data has been pre- sented in graphs and heat maps, which have been evaluated to ascertain network related characteristics. In particular, key metrics have been identi- fied, networking techniques within each context have been ranked, specific observations related to each network environment have been made, and fi- nally, the impact of either version of the Internet Protocol or an operating systemhasbeenevaluated. v Acknowledgments A lifelong dream of completing a Doctorate has been fulfilled, and for that, first and foremost I would like to thank my Mum. She has inspired me and instilledinmethevalueofeducation. Hersacrifices, blessings, andencour- agement have been my strength from inception to conclusion. Thank you Mum. IwouldliketoexpressmysinceregratitudetomyprincipalsupervisorPro- fessor Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh, and associate supervisors Dr Chandimal Jayawardena and Dr Iman Ardekani. Thank you for giving me an opportu- nity to work with you, your guidance has been priceless. Special acknowl- edgements go to my employer Unitec Institute of Technology and the De- partment of Computing for supporting me in this process for a number of years. IthankmyHeadofDepartmentProfessorAbdolhosseinSarrafzadeh forbelievinginme. A big shout out to all those undergraduate and postgraduate students who have worked with me tirelessly on various network research projects over thelast14years. Yourenthusiasmandsupporthasbeenbrilliant. IamforevergratefulformydaughterGitali’sunconditionallove. Moments with you are always priceless, and now with the completion of the Doctor- ate,Iwillspendmoretimewithyou. Lastbutnotleast,IwouldliketothankGodforbeingmystrength. Without Hisblessings,thiswouldhavenevercometofruition. vii List of Abbreviations AES AdvanceEncryptionStandard AH AuthenticationHeader AMID Additive-IncreaseMultiplicative-Decrease APNIC AsiaPacificNetworkInformationCentre ARP AddressResolutionProtocol ARPA AdvanceResearchProjectAgency BYOD BringYourOwnDevice CA CertificationAuthority CCK ComplementaryCodingKey CCMP ChainingMessageAuthenticationCodeProtocol CGA CryptographicAnomaly CHAP Challenge-HandshakeAuthenticationProtocol CIDR Cluster-basedInter-DomainRouting CPU CentralProcessingUnit CRC CyclicRedundancyCheck CSMA/CA CarrierSenseMultipleAccess/CollisionAvoidance D-ITG Distributed-InternetTrafficGenerator DES DataEncryptionStandard ix DHCP DynamicHostControlProtocol DNS DomainNameSystem DoD DepartmentofDefense DOS DenialofService DSCP DifferentiatedServiceCodePoint DSSS Direct-SequenceSpreadSpectrum DSTM DualStackTransitionMechanism DTTS DynamicTunnellingTransitionSolution DUPACK DuplicateAcknowledgement EAP ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol ECN ExplicitCongestionNotification ELISIA EvolvableLocator/IDSeparationInternetArchitecture ERP ExtendedRatePhysical ESP EncapsulatedSecurityPayload FTP FileTransferProtocol GPRS GeneralPacketRadioServices GRE GenericRoutingExaminations HMAC HashMessageAuthenticationCode HR-DSSS HighRate-DSSS HTTP HypertextTransferProtocol HTTPS SecureHTTP IANA InternetAssignmentNumbersAuthority ICAAN InternetCorporationforAssignmentNameandNumbers ICMP InternetControlMessageProtocol ICV IntegrityCheckValue IEEE InstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers IETF InternetEngineeringTaskForce x