Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–4(2002) Printed2February2008 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) An estimate of the SN kick velocities for High Mass X-ray Binaries in the SMC M. J. Coe School of Physicsand Astronomy, Southampton University,SO17 1BJ, UK 5 0 0 2 Jan2005 n a J ABSTRACT 4 2 This work investigates the possible supernova kick velocities imposed on HMXB systemsintheSmallMagellanicCloud.Comparisonsaremadebetweenthelocationof 1 suchsystemsandthelocationsofyoung,stellarclustersonthepremisethatthesemay v representthe birthplace of many of these systems. Measurements of the separationof 5 clusters and HMXBs,and an estimate of the typical lifetimes of these systems, leads 0 to a minimum average space velocity 30 km/s. This value is compared to theoretical 5 estimates. 1 0 Key words: stars:neutron - X-rays:binaries - Magellanic Clouds 5 0 / h p 1 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND PortegiesZwart(1995)andVanBever&Vanbeveren(1997) - o investigate the evolutionary paths such systems might take The Be/X-ray systems represent the largest sub-class of r and invoke kick velocities of the order 100 - 400 km/s. In t massive X-ray binaries. A survey of the literature reveals s an investigation into bow shocks around galactic HMXBs a that of the 115 identified massive X-ray binary pulsar sys- Huthoff & Kaper (2002). They then used Hipparcos proper : tems (identified here means exhibiting a coherent X-ray v motion data used to derive associated space velocities for pulseperiod), most of thesystems fall within thisBe coun- i Be/X-ray and supergiant systems. From their results, an X terpartclassofbinary.TheorbitoftheBestarandthecom- average value of 48 km/s is found for the 7 systems that pactobject,presumablyaneutronstar,isgenerallywideand r theywereabletofullydeterminethethreedimensionalmo- a eccentric. X-rayoutburstsare normally associated with the tion.Sincethisisratherlowerthanthetheoreticalvaluesit passage of the neutron star close to the circumstellar disk is important to seek other empirical determinations of this (Okazaki&Negueruela,2001).Arecentreviewofthesesys- motion. tems may be found in Coe (2000). This paper addresses what may be learnt about kick X-raysatelliteobservationshaverevealedthattheSmall velocities by looking at the possible association of HMXBs Magellanic Cloud (SMC) contains an unexpectedly large intheSMCwiththenearbyyoungstarclustersfrom which numberofHigh Mass X-rayBinaries (HMXB).Atthetime theymayhaveemergedasrunawaysystems.Areviewofthe of writing, 47 known or probable sources of this type have properties of the optically (and/or IR) identified counter- been identified in the SMC and they continueto be discov- partsto theX-ray pulsarsis presented in Coe et al. (2005). ered at a rate of about 2-3 per year, although only a small In that paper the authors introduce the nomenclature of fraction oftheseare activeatany onetimebecauseoftheir SXPnnnforthesystems,whereSXPstandsforSmallMag- transient nature. Unusually (compared to the Milky Way ellanic Cloud X-ray Pulsar, and the numbers nnn identify and the LMC) all the X-ray binaries so far discovered in the X-ray pulse period in seconds. This simplified identifi- the SMC are HMXBs, and equally strangely, only one of cation is used here. The SMC cluster data come from an theobjectsisasupergiantsystem,alltherestareBe/X-ray extensive review of the spatial location of stars by Rafelski binaries. & Zaritsky (2004). Clusters from this paper are hereafter referred to as RZ clusters. 2 BIRTHPLACES AND KICK VELOCITIES There is considerable interest in the evolutionary path of 3 ANALYSIS High Mass X-ray binary systems (HMXBs), and, in partic- ular, the proper motion of these systems arising from the Itiscritical tousetheexactposition for theSXPsourcesif kick velocity imparted when the neutron star was created. distances are to be measured - some have X-ray positional 2 M.J. Coe SXPID NearestRZCluster Separation ID (arcmin) SXP0.92 046 3.18 SXP3.34 150 2.43 SXP8.02 124 2.87 SXP8.80 77 4.45 SXP9.13 60 5.33 SXP15.3 80 3.99 SXP59.0 90 1.40 SXP74.7 51 7.38 SXP82.4 72 3.25 SXP172 68 2.92 SXP304 133 5.47 SXP323 66 3.67 SXP348 150 6.37 SXP452 130 1.33 SXP504 96 5.56 SXP565 101 3.79 SXP756 57 1.98 Figure 1.DistributionofSXPs(shownascrosses)andRZclus- ters(shownassquares)intheSMC.Therectangularboxindicates Table 1. Table of optically identified SXP objects and, in each theregionusedfortherandomsamplingcomparison-seetext. case,thenearestRZclusteranditsdistanceawayfromtheSXP source. errors of afew arcminutes. Consequently,only theSXPob- jectsfrom Coeet al.(2005) which hadpreciseopticalcoun- terpartswereselectedforthiswork.ThisresultedinanSXP list of 17 objects. Firstly the spatial distributions of SXPs and the RZ clusters within the SMC were checked to ensure adequate matchingcoveragearoundtheregionsoccupiedbytheSXP objects. This was found to be satisfactory - see Figure 1. The OGLE catalogue of SMC clusters (Pietrzynski et al., 1998) was also considered, but this has restricted coverage andseveraloftheSXPsourcesfelloutsidetheOGLEregion. In order to determine whether the SXP sources may have originated from a nearby stellar cluster, the coordi- natesoftheSXPobjects werecompared tothoseoftheRZ clusters.ForeverySXPitspositionwascomparedtothelo- cation of all of theRZ clusters and theidentification of the nearest cluster neighbour obtained. The results from this search are presented in Table 1. Theaveragedistancebetweenthepairsofobjectslisted in Table 1 was found to be 3.85 arcminutes. The histogram of the distances between each SXP source and the nearest RZ cluster is shown in theupperpanel of Figure 2. Obviously it is important to ensure that the SXP-RZ cluster distances are significantly closer than a sample of randomly distributed points. One way to determine this is Figure2.Upperpanel:histogramofthedistancesbetweeneach simply tojust use theRZ cluster data and findthe average SXP and its nearest neighbour RZ cluster. Lower panel : his- cluster-clusterseparation.Thisgivesavalueof6.13arcmin- togramoftheminimumdistancebetweenrandompointsandRZ utes. Alternatively, therectangular region indicated in Fig- clusters. In each case the dotted vertical lineshows the position ure1wasused,andtheminimumdistancebetween100,000 ofthemeanofthedistribution. randompointsand,ineachcase,thenearestRZclusterwas found. The average value was found to be 5.30 arcminutes andthecorrespondinghistogramisshowninthelowerpanel of Figure 2. From comparing the two histograms it is clear thetwo distributions are thesame, whereas thet-test gives thattheredoesexistamuchcloserconnectionbetweenSXP avalueof 3% thatthemeansarethesame.Thustheabove sources and RZ clusters than expected randomly. conclusion (that the SXP sources are closer to the clusters This conclusion may be tested further using either the thanrandom)iswellsupported,butnotoverwhelminglyso. Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test or the Student t-test to Asampleof4SXPobjectsandtheirnearestRZcluster quantify the probability that the two distributions are dis- isshowninFigure3.Theimageshownisfrom thedigitised tinctlydifferent.TheK-Stestgivesaprobabilityof9%that sky surveyred band. An estimate of the SN kick velocities for High Mass X-ray Binaries in the SMC 3 Figure 3. Four examples of the fields around SXP objects showing the nearest RZ cluster. Each field is 6 x 6 arcminutes insize with NorthupwardsandEasttotheleft.TheSXPobjectisindicatedandtheassociatedRZclusterisshownwithinthedashedcircle. 4 DISCUSSION to have some estimate of the likely travel time of the SXP system since birth. An upper limit on this may be taken from theevolutionary modelsofSavonije&vandenHeuvel If the distance of 3.85 arcminutes is indicative of the dis- (1977) who estimate the maximum possible lifetime of the tancetheSXPpulsarsystemshavetravelledonaveragesince companion Be star after thecreation of theneutron star to birth, then this value may be used to estimate the kick ve- be 5 million years. However, in the same paper they esti- locity of the systems. To do this one first needs to convert mate the spin down time of the pulsar since creation to be the angular separation into a real distance. Using a value less than 600,000 years. If we take the lower limit (thespin of 60 kpc for the distance to the SMC, then 3.85 arcmin- down time) then theminimumaverage velocity of the SXP utes corresponds to 65 pc. To compute a velocity one has 4 M.J. Coe systems projected on to the sky is 130 km/s. This num- ber is significantly higher than the numbers presented by other authors, for example van den Heuvel et al. (2000). ThoseauthorsinterpretedtheHipparcosresultsforgalactic HMXBs(Chevalier&Ilovaisky,1998)intermsofmodelsfor kick velocities, and concluded that values around 15 km/s were more appropriate for such systems. So if, instead, the lifetime number of 5 million years is used, then transverse velocity components of 16 km/s are obtained. Ineithercase,assumingthesystemsaremovingincom- pletelyrandomdirectionscomparedtoourlineofsight,then the true average space velocity will be a factor ∼2 greater, i.e. an average of 32 km/sin thesecond case. Finally, theages oftheRZclusters associated with the SXP sources are of significant interest. Using the extinc- tioncorrectedagespresentedinTable2ofRafelski&Zarit- sky (2004) it is possible to determine the mean age to be 130±140 Myrs. As can be seen from the histograms pre- sented in their paper, this is very much at the young end of their sample distribution. It therefore reinforces the sug- gestionthattheclustersidentifiedwiththeSXPsourcesare verylikelytobethecorrectparentclustersfortheseobjects. 5 CONCLUSIONS Asa result of thestudy of HMXBs in the SMC it has been shown thatthereexistsaconvincinglink betweenthethese systems and nearby stellar clusters. Accepting this link, leads to a determination of the average space velocity of thesystems arising from theSNkick to be ∼30 km/s. This valueis ingood agreement with observational andtheoreti- cal values. REFERENCES Chevalier C., Ilovaisky S.A., 1998, A&A 330, 201. Coe M.J. 2000 in “The Be Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars”,IAUColloquium175,ASPConferenceProceedings, Vol.214,ed:M.A.SmithH.F.Henrichs.AstronomicalSo- ciety of the Pacific, p.656. Coe M.J., Edge W.R.T.E., Galache J.L., McBride V.A., 2005, MNRAS(in press). Huthoff F. & Kaper L., 2002, A&A383, 999. Okazaki A.T. & Negueruela I.,2001 A&A377, 161. Pietrzynski, G., Udalski, A., Kubiak, M., Szymanski, M., Wozniak, P., Zebrun,K., 1998 AcA48, 175. Portegies Zwart S.F., 1995, A&A296, 691. Rafelski M. & Zaritsky D., 2004, AJ(in press). SavonijeG.J.&vandenHeuvelE.P.J.,1997,ApJ214,L19. vandenHeuvelE.P.L.,PortegiesZwartS.F.,Bhattacharya D., Kaper L., 2000, A&A364, 563. Van Bever J., VanbeverenD., 1997, A&A 322, 116. ThispaperhasbeentypesetfromaTEX/LATEXfileprepared by theauthor.