^^iif -m^- ^^ Mi-. mi • AN ESSAY ON JUSTIFICATION, AND A TREATISE ON REGENER A T O N, I BY , JOHN WITHERSPOON, D. D. «OMETIME MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL ATPAISLEY, AMD LATft: PRESIDENT OF fRINCETON COLLEGE, IN NEW JERSEY. To whub isprefijted, SOME ACCOUNT OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. EDINBURGH MINTEDFOR OGLE &AIRMANJ J.PILLAN8 8c SOK9§; J.RITCHIE; AND J. TURNBULL. j.Ritchie, Printtr. CONTENTS. Life ofthe Author, - - ^ An Essay on Justification; towhich is pre- fixed a Letter, to the Rev. James Hervey, 35 Treatise on Regeneration. Introduction, - - 107 Cha?. T. Some general obfervatjons on the metaphor iifed by the apoftle John, Except a man be ho>n again ; and the fame or ftmilar expref- fions to be found in other parts of the word of God, - - - 115 f 1. From this expreflion, Except a man he born again he cannot fee the kingdom of God. we may learn thegreatnefs of that change which mutl pafs ^|j^ eve- ry child of Adam, before he can be- , come an heir of life, - ii^ f 2. This expreflion, Except a man he horn agawy and otherfimilar expreffife.^ im- ply thatthechange here intencS^is not merely partial, but univerfal, 123 J 3. From thefe words. Except a man he horn again hecannotfeethekingdom oj God, and other fimilar expreflionsinthe holy Scriptures,wemayinferthat the change here intended is notmerelyexterna/and imperfeB, butinward^ efjential^ud^ com^ plete^ ' - - 131 § 4. From this metaphor. Except a manhebom again, hecannotfeethekingdom ofGod, GONTENTS.. andotherparallelexpreflionsintheholy Scriptures,wemaylearn thatthechange here intended \^Jupernaturalp, l6l£ Chap. II. II which is fhewn wherein this change doth properly and diredly confift, and what are its principal evidences and fruits, - 173 fi. Wherein the change in regeneration doth properly and diredly confift, - iB, f 2. The fecond part of this change, - 180 J 3. The efFefts ol regeneration, with fome of the principal evidencesofits fincerity, 191 A § 4. more particular inquiry into what pro- perly conftitutes the fincerity of the change, - - - 209 Chap. III. Of the fteps by which this change is accom- pliflied, - - - 23Jt J 1. There mud be a difcovery of the real na- ture of God, - • 334 f 2. There#iift be a difcovery of the infinite glory ofGod, - - 245 f 3. There muft be a conviftionoffinanddan- '* ger^ ^ . .. 257 § 4. Ofthe degree offorrowfor fin in true pe- nitents, - - 270. § 5, Acceptance of falvation through the crofs ofChrift, - - 283 J 6. How the believer recovers peace of con- fcience, - - - 295, §7. KowtheChriftian is governed inhis daily converfation, - - 303' Conclusion, • - 310