Daniel Rabasquinho Gouveia Undergraduate in Engineering and Industrial Management Sciences [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] [NomeA conm pEletso sdoa ayut oor] n Agile Project Management Practices [ Habilitações Académicas] [Título da Tese] [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] Dissertation for the achievement of an Integrated Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em [Nome completo do autor] [Engenharia Informática] Adviser: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Maria Baptista Ramos Tenera, Assistant Professor, [ Habilitações Académicas] FCT-UNL [Nome completo do autor] Jury: [ Habilitações Académicas] President: Prof. Dr. Isabel Maria do Nascimento Lopes, Assistant Professor, FCT-UNL Members: Prof. Dr. Mário José Batista Romão, Associate Professor, ISEG Prof. Dr. Alexandra Maria Baptista Ramos Tenera, Assistant Professor, FCT-UNL September, 2015 Daniel Rabasquinho Gouveia Undergraduate in Engineering and Industrial Management Sciences [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] [NomeA conm pEletso sdoa ayut oor] n Agile Project Management Practices [ Habilitações Académicas] [Título da Tese] [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] Dissertation for the achievement of an Integrated Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management [Nome completo do autor] [ Habilitações Académicas] Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em [Nome completo do autor] [Engenharia Informática] Adviser: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Maria Baptista Ramos Tenera, Assistant Professor, [ Habilitações Académicas] FCT-UNL [Nome completo do autor] Jury: [ Habilitações Académicas] Pr esi dent: Prof. Dr. Isabel Maria do Nascimento Lopes, Assistant Professor, FCT-UNL Members: Prof. Dr. Mário José Batista Romão, Associate Professor, ISEG Prof. Dr. Alexandra Maria Baptista Ramos Tenera, Assistant Professor, FCT-UNL September, 2015 An Essay on Agile Project Management Practices Copyright © Daniel Rabasquinho Gouveia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. A Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia e a Universidade Nova de Lisboa têm o direito, perpétuo e sem limites geográficos, de arquivar e publicar esta dissertação através de exemplares impressos reproduzidos em papel ou de forma digital, ou por qualquer outro meio conhecido ou que venha a ser inventado, e de a divulgar através de repositórios científicos e de admitir a sua cópia e distribuição com objectivos educacionais ou de investigação, não comerciais, desde que seja dado crédito ao autor e editor. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the guidance and availability of my coordinator in this thesis Prof. Alexandra Tenera who took the time, even on late hours, in helping me with this study. I would like to thank my family, specially my mother and my father, who always supported me on my decisions. To Isabel, I would like to thank the support given day-by-day and for always finding a way to cherish my day. I would like to thank my friends, especially Samuel and Tomás, for always looking out for me and for all the comradeship. Finally, I would like to thanks Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT) for lengthening my horizons and for being the most welcoming second home, always filled with great experiences and friendship. ABSTRACT The main goals for the current dissertation is to research on how practices and concepts from Agile Project Management can be applied in a non-IT context and to discover which aspects should be considered when deciding if whether an Agile approach should be implemented or not. Previous studies reflect on the adoption for the identified context. However, the recognition of these practices and concepts by the Project Management field of studies still remains unresolved. The adoption of Agile Project Management emerges as a manifestation against traditional approaches, mainly due to their inability of accepting requirements’ changes. Therefore, these practices and concepts can be considered in order to reduce the risks concerning the increase of competition and innovation – which does not apply to the IT sector solely. The current study reviews the literature on Agile Project Management and its adoption across different sectors in order to assess which practices and concepts can be applied on a non-IT context. Nine different methods are reviewed, where two of these show a higher relevance – Scrum and Extreme Programming. The identified practices and concepts can be separated into four different groups: Cultural and Organizational Structures, Process, Practices, and Artefacts. A framework based on the work by Boehm & Turner in 2004 is developed in order to support the decision of adopting agile methods. A survey intended for project managers was carried in order to assess the implementation of the identified practices and concepts and to evaluate which variables have the highest importance on the developed decision support framework. It is concluded that New Product Development is the project type with the highest potential to implement an agile approach and that the Project Final Product’s Innovativeness, Competitiveness, and the Project Member’s Experience and Autonomy are the most important aspects to consider an implementation of an Agile approach. Keywords: Agile Project Management; Project Management; Scrum; Extreme Programming