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An Easy Out: Corporate America's Addiction to Outsourcing PDF

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P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 AN EASY OUT P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 AN EASY OUT Corporate America’s Addiction to Outsourcing Jack Buffington P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Buffington,Jack. Aneasyout:corporateAmerica’saddictiontooutsourcing/JackBuffington. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978–0–313–34502–9(alk.paper) 1.Contractingout—UnitedStates. I.Title. HD2365.B84 2007 338.6(cid:1)3–dc22 2007027851 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationDataisavailable. Copyright(cid:2)c 2007byJackBuffington Allrightsreserved.Noportionofthisbookmaybe reproduced,byanyprocessortechnique,withoutthe expresswrittenconsentofthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:2007027851 ISBN-13:978–0–313–34502–9 Firstpublishedin2007 PraegerPublishers,88PostRoadWest,Westport,CT06881 AnimprintofGreenwoodPublishingGroup,Inc. www.praeger.com PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Thepaperusedinthisbookcomplieswiththe PermanentPaperStandardissuedbytheNational InformationStandardsOrganization(Z39.48–1984). 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 ThisisforMomandDad,whobroughtmeupright, mybeautifulwife,Kari,wholovesmeevenwhenI’mupat1:00A.M. writingeverynight,andmywonderfuldaughters,KaitlinandMarin,who remindmeeverydayoftheimportanceofthefuture. P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 Contents Illustrations ix 1 TheNeedforProductivity 1 2 TheHistoryandMythsofOutsourcing 15 3 StrangeBedfellows—TheOpportunistsofOutsourcing 32 4 MarketMyopia,Enron,andPoliticalOverreaction 48 5 TheEconomicsofWho’sRightandWho’sWrong 59 6 ScrewIt,I’llOutsource 73 7 The“DifficultIn”overthe“EasyOut” 86 8 FearofaGlobalPlanet 103 9 TheLastoftheSpirits 117 10 Solutions,WhatIf... 129 Conclusion:GetInvolved 165 Notes 169 Bibliography 175 Index 183 P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 P1:000 GGBD144FM C34502/Buffington August6,2007 15:55 Illustrations FIGURES 2.1 IndiaTradewithUnitedStates 20 2.2 ChinaTradewithUnitedStates 20 2.3 U.S.vs.IndianWages 25 3.1 ReasonsforTemporaryEmployment 42 9.1 GrossWorldProduct 121 10.1 SolutionstotheEasyOut 130 TABLES 7.1 EasyOutvs.DifficultIn 87 10.1 2007FederalBudgetforStatisticalAnalysis 148

Outsourcing is as controversial as ever in today's globalized world. But for all the noise about it in the media, whether reflecting the perspectives of labor, business, consultants, academics, employees, or protestors, there is far more emotion surrounding the benefits and drawbacks of the trend th
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