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An Early Mongolian Version of The Alexander Romance reas Woodman Cleaves Harvard Journal of Asiare Studies, Vol, 22 (Dec . 1959). 1-99. Stabs URL: paso ong bch USHER L820 ECL SAA SEMIVOTTESE UCORSE ML Harvard douneat if Satre Stdey ix utculy pushed by Harvent-Yeuclivg louie. ‘Your use of ue STOR abies tvs yourasceplence u: SOR" Tern and Coaious of Uke, avaible bap: sor ansaou ers a) JSTOR Tse aad Ceuions ut Ue ps a arb ae uu as ‘ohbited prior sense. yo ty ol vowulsad wt svv isso oj elple sro eloy, ed you ‘uy use ene te STOR asc nls lor your Peronal aotsouniendel Plans uate poll eave oo Ue wo, Bubb tl banaue ray be use a pz? jsex ogous al cl cony iy pat oa ASTOR Kaawsisva na sul Ha smi omy aus thu app the roar ne igen eh nen, {JSTOR ea independent color pol ngacaion doe. od nen poser weal wei Surly joumul, Hur tors infonutuaseguning ISTOR. plows vont! apport, apiece hw ang 1205011 08 AN EARLY MONGOLIAN ¥ERS(ON OF THE, ALEXANDER ROMANCE, ‘Tassimo ano Axons Ktewany Woonnres Crnaes Tanna of Comes Paecacr Terremnrmes Protiminury Temuks Desesiption af the Teal Puneluation sud Orthovruply Material Dipesivion of the et. ‘Nouns ro ama Jyeronrenas ‘Transcauetion ow ame Te Ine Preis Moxsouscout a. Thassuanios evens Nous wy vue TeansLanon ov ame Tax Busuinizanuy Prares EVOL alter p. 2 maNeus WOODSIAN cERANIS ipower Nile Poppe publiabed ino Zatch kee Destrhon Mergen alle Gefesafh 1070S) 108.108 an ar’ elod Even fetbcie Finer er Alcanconuge™ It we wat etn the mera Fentribe'gn ef rom re to hs Bld oF cy Memasineetlane, Le PRlarur Pays eaifodcon uf Oe eucasnay at eaten Dad, Slates pope elds? nf Use Fon dagumen'f TD fat? tn Ma bln seri of a Storie ome Hr am chinnerent a ht Fumvitaty ie turin. timlain, and aston of ew om Ro ‘aoe of a err Snorcsnce An to ution td act tek 0 Secpiag eat af co rogue 4 solar, Poles Pope hae sepa IAC in aauaer Star an ut axa Ue aia ni ert tne a Etronoa secant ont of sng ork, hae neo UBo det uf este un couparative Utalee vad fsb, Alva Th sade gublave har Proud ver poate of wl) Mage Fara fe ampere "Torr lrr Eke etc ofthe ea thew ete Bebe se eerarny eter ta Deo om a) yg SL, afer Ie Denar luugedon af Ue Taslan Goctawatt Us Devs Ableae dor Blew en OF Ws (el be wool A.D 1 he oe dls amd «iy fogs i och san Pes Fab. FT eae We ew soa ll dnd 27 gt 1451 De Seb ene lia tere gla ast smc on thee, nek the ee ach age Mise AoE. Wt inet actus men 48 EARLY MONGOLIAN VERUUS DE HL ALAANDPR ROMANCE. 9, 4 emtdele toy of ona ee Mecgsoe tie the bk oan aed in tet i a cher a of ep Ste Riayat wy hae torah we ‘Tag vtec t Une Meio oa i He tile Ui Ba al bine Yas day ee. ny i save fad Use veny bes hon the ot flrs Dr. itn Martane fo any tat jas pier ld’? tape te gle to sore teeing othe wera Mhoupuhea devusw Gow Tuan al oie for thee Coston repos tov Ube evans fous Di Htaiaty Toad i Tle ath ne me ipl gee sas oth Pole Popp ad Te Gowen Amen Siators He tas fe te dd 2} Dan, 1908 {Gat Peter Pepys communi the exci new Hatt dee [Ae test sr Miglin orn Uo lesa ar 125) inerramay cing see hata evi Ue Ate Ps Dna te fee Mag To Tar” see laa nade Gk hse il tne we aba ali 1a Hs ight ‘eet art kamal acl " Apersean Pepsin vara Htbnenanx Waunqin Shousesecap opueas taal esas aan: “Has Carag 9 Vek la Awl Bera of the Catt Snengooie Repub] Ta nunersx past Seow NO 8, MSU ap side Gogh ten YAS Prat NEN Pay TST gh hates “Cusepaane" bie Cnet] 1 th Mow a te Mactan oe fe" B asicouen Us Tepueceuom Teena Pasnyenine Ta the eden af Seance othe Gnman Dect ae 4 {HRA SUTE HOODIA CLEAVES 1, the ditngosbod Mongolia, Seodenician Profesor C. 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St We mest mee ae thee on en ‘Sin On ees UT ok Ty ale gb Hon es esi 3 Cie began pl ~cond oP BL wis Oo on re the XO a etare aBoo 3f Iruve wer ur ee Oy UetrSsor a hi then tid ha hoi wie abled souvent tet Gores vor pea al ‘remanent oor eb i a yn yo SE tat thee ng OL ag. Mele Fee MLAS at 0809.1 AN EARLY MONGOLIAN VERSION OF ITE AUIEANDER ROMANCE 5 esate tnd mgsian nd aed ona end wp Wr a8 the urety tr BoE lei, whe ei Ths ww oe che wae Miele wk tnd bem weber in gue Wer" san hy Bl Tense war ut sie ty hud nts a Ue ant owt, Thos me ee crm tes Samet yt ol he se Te the nets aad Siousts of Ue Moogtn Borin owe [gaausapL age ha on agree pace egg fo Be 11 ot ‘eget wading wh Banos gage 125 sate Ue Gt oer Lo copes fins and erie hom to geen which mat nt gp Heabroiel in he Tar vien of he beau aguas of Ce Let or che bitors of ely Bungay Meine, evel ave Oot in Bagh Udon woe “tly deve Ae thy Enlatin bic | ene prorat Ive a © eg of Sis hoy arm pron tne frm tot Pofesne Poppe, fay ase ur emo tion ty eneerton a th ear ih ‘She cha teal is Une d U Caet al Bes pte impowttn be Sy side pene at cope wy ean ak Lt Ul Uo be expated a the frees lih Tree opp, having Heine» wd asceara UL inttonsnt isowes in with n ros bang seen rade te Unive seas vit 1 thar of sneha, ene ek bi or ei ‘kip Ue oudi ur agosentd ia gout sgn teens one d= tdi of Ue ee be ate oe tv, T Lag ded ely ar tse fsignst nv snpplemn these pode hy Biswas Buy, Fan's ola one of he hicks Means ns change fash, ae ‘oely enced) Ee lic, L here appended der Peck Mo (pce Uy Suit geo Uy Ue eats 9 fe tnt TA ar aie ae wy Input nll te Ue iu iae of i tw, in the fo ouensy wig tthe leliaal noch why Presenn Bose at Fo ia ering oS arbor sy, Ak the sore Uns [fol waa Uo'ay Uns hed Probone Pompe ra boon ne ene totale te oad ‘ite unquatieaily toad Lave dev sae uf tho mands wok ca Seve Te topes sd urbe erany et which est wage spelconthl. hope, tnt, Latte cope Lah a ESCs wit ove ans temic an ne a cng wade "live Ie le wasghered gn 73 Torrington 9f ocd see Ie the “linsusta 25348" eIyETIME SOO ont + Jam norapen 1484 uk the yen cd Asn, nar wth Se Ena pats to en the Dt vet fe 6 FRASCTE WOOOMAN exAvES, oom cr thie ere ita an nomen fr den edbtnd ee ce Reseteal Autene Blslant, WHA nto T lime eeespoaded ‘ative Ls sminus pile ner wk he si eat {Sa sont tthe ert tol eens gl Uno pie Ey bate racoge npn, ian for Be ingen ttre xP fe Se ann odige of cata wade thy altaya fete Urdentnliag of Ue tsk Stull Wan, hinted tae oo "i rnbing, at he ake acl 1 de wok bt ay ses dis neni Sor the pertetions ory oe AN TARIY MONGOLIAN VKESION OF THE ALESANDI RUMLANEE 7 Taanovcerion Profiminsry Remus ur Moayoliem vursion of the Alesander Romence, in which te yuest of immortality scoms to be the prdemingnt theme, fumeste of four distinet opisdes: <1} the ascent pan Mount Sunnur, (2) the decent to the Datiom of the cea, (8: the descent to the land af darkens, aml {$1 the celica Lo te ily uf Misr Because of tke exvenively drugmeulary ebarveler uf We be fing of Ue Lest ez of Ue fret epivale bus been Jost. Law fees, we cam anoke it uit in ite genend lines: Tn wncient tsa, in the lou! of Queusan iX (ui sien’ im the Gly auned Mise (Mig)? there Tved a aim need Sulguenat Digan none, it appears, saya anmcthing about lieing fox two—po> ably three—thouaand years snd tellz Sulcjamat that be is fa voted hy Heaven. Selrjamai, thereupon, ascemblen his oye offices, an reponis tn Gers vial ie has head, stating, ft seams, that he wiches to Hive (lee thousand years. He sets fonts sl eects o gomal Eau in whieh Ie eroses & Uwilge with ty youd nded * ( eompuuious”), but he alune usemeds uso Mowil Suuur {Sumeru}* whenwe he surveys the whole wold On the Mount there iw stsup. by whieh, Uying 3 Wo himsell, Sulquensi descends to make au inquisy of une w his nate. ‘he goradé (gevnda bird, pen seeing kira descending. tlle hum that Ihe is foolidh, and makes still other ohservations whieh seem to ‘iseuarie im from his quest of immortality on Meunt Boum, ‘Of the aeeomd epinade, the descent to the battnm of te aca, mors ean he relate, Recanee the text beoomes inemeasingly com plete: pan hearing frem Solqaenai that he intrnda to descend la Te ba gen i the sen, his nagad inp 1p disauade him, warning Lin of Ue iaaurserable, Cerri ereabutes (bere to be enema, boul ia the fuew of Lis deteraiaatien tu anole Une descemt, they express the wish thot he escape all iva, Sulyomnat bis buill-& fgorahe* big enough ty acournudute fu poses, Fulheraose, hae nas neta placed outalie the gaveba anf hus inmuaacruble opus ‘evistedlong enough ta streteh a distue of 5.000 nou? Within the gornba he Toads fond and pmovisious anu, ting w stune faly 4 _Aigicts WOODMAN eEEAVE, tn the gaeaba, goes inty the sen. At some point—it ix not leur ‘che, bul presumably, the battam of the sea—eomeone engages him in & conversation, fa the conse af which he haa qonssian refer to bia ascent upon Manni. Sommar, Lyon being wnpal 69 retum suiitly, he makes (he ascent back Wy Uke surfuee of tbe 2a fa one mon and velates Wy his wage ull Ct be Is eeu ‘within the sea With the hegianing of the thitd epkode, the Ueal is complete for several Lines: Sulyarnii mow informs his wiked. noyed, tht Te will set with Mother Sun vad deneend ty the fund of darkness, A lhe distius this acw ventune which he proposes, he naamants ern fo lllow. Setting with the sum, they reach the entzmcs of Alookuess and, uyon entering, eeouater someone who aay some Ling tn Sulgamai which, Boewuse of teewae in the text, is bat partially comprehensible. Sulgomai, after a word to hie adted, tums hick frum the land of darknows, As he drums nur to the entrance of daskneas, a person hn docs nat reveal hima given him a cup full af the water of immortality with the assurance that, after drinking the water, he will ive for Uhver thensand sears, Then Silqamat saps anmething 1 Wis mike who reply. ‘with a statement of which Le yssenial elemenl2 have been Tat Than acing cutie, Sulqamai agsia speaka ip hic ndked, caking shal hinders them from dining the water and gives it hem ‘The wie, jensen, are en minds soeve wishing Laden, Ue eater and come being in a yuondary, not knowing whelter Wo fly vo ue aot, ‘Thereupon, a wise muon tells Sugar Ural be will weary ul immurulily sad Uaot 1 will uvail him nothing to cist lune in Che world. ‘Te reminds him that peuple who tallow dia will be bura au ance aud euachides his cuumsel with wurde wth ellet that, if Sulcus dovs aul Kear th, tutes, segeet Ling tu find himself lone va the enol, fe aight say to Kise that, it he bad not drual: the water, he would net find hizisl€ in aed, 4 cireomuatance, thu he should drink it, These words of wisdom are hevded by Solgsmat who poors ont the water which falls upon the leaves of the express trae whic in consequence, is ever sreen Tn the fourth and final episode Sulanenal ratte aafe and zownd | MARL SIONCOMLAN ViaESIOM OF TRG ALEKANDIME HUMANE 9 1a the eily of Misir whence be laud yome fur in quest of inunor- laliip, Astembliny his neu, be reeouale his eaperienves and les lem tnt there ne uever been bura w sovereign who has rejoieed fo much wa he, He thea mivkes hie testamentary ehowge: alter dhe death. they ure to take him once sround the word, te offer a ‘thousind fine maidens, to Sls thousand natur "of gold with big pois litte pearls, and gold, to choaee a thowand young and ford wresilerathlctes, and aitherats, ta aend a thausmnd som thaae wha ave feealy ce thirty years old In send a thansmd shite headed ol men, ls aend some persane—perhaps, soldiers— Dearing spears anf vorts, and i caver his hands 1» be exposed lin went, AL UsaL yoint, Sone are facia in the text and the leranis egzential fr a perfeet comprehension af wht follows are iminsing, ‘The epitede is brunght lo & clase, however, with Su gpenais dent ‘Buels of nese four vpisoues hus Ss coun terpast in other versions uf the Togunee, although the themaliv pallens are variable, tus to versivaa.it appear, inving ll the sigue lbemalie lemons The diengugement wud iwolution uf the fuller for comparative ppurpaca is sometimes cxtromely dificult. As alreudy nalienl hy Professor Poppe," counturpurt of the Hist episude ie found in ‘the Natiedtan v€ wintoria Aleoods! Magni rogie by the Anchi- preabyter Len, Dr. Friedrich Pfister, Der Alezondersannan doe ‘Avehipeeshytors Zoo, yp. 11-112: X, Abin eons eneadge loom, nen arr to Hc feacuoe neque Clone sedeal npr ay ue Subehg pr oe SH Inceieeretos srt sol quse sonilar Pale XI Drince veri a momen, e orl sub ee tiga i la Ponda retina soron et bbb ome tne yas ce ml quiere ‘sch nct fhesiuta aa!) Spem om aici tora vend RE pdm batwale Vout ef sspears tong re Hsp rina ar Ht el empl fs abe arvana oR ce rc ett, Tasha nf tna hen mages nae dea, Eolas cote alba, eoubiss ovate og aa ot bis prs Vad ft yen cle even Lalo wa lille tog adoceinge es. TX. Tore thine mr cme ta 9 tan plate whic he wae 6 tn sei td ther itor, at thee ea sting hove Ms ch iC eve Ht ead eg mye a ie fn woh me eel eae

Harvard: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 22 (1959): 1-99 p.In view of the tremendous importance of this text for the history of early Mongolian literature, it seemed to me that an English translation was highly desirable. As the translation which I here present is based on a reading of the
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