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An autumn survey of the vascular flora, birds, fungi, myxomycetes and lichens of Baladjie Lake Nature Reserve and Baladjie Rock PDF

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Preview An autumn survey of the vascular flora, birds, fungi, myxomycetes and lichens of Baladjie Lake Nature Reserve and Baladjie Rock

AN AUTUMN SURVEY OF THE VASCULAR FLORA, BIRDS, FUNGI, MYXOMYCETES AND LICHENS OF BALADJIE LAKE NATURE RESERVE AND BALADJIE ROCK By DAPHNE CHOULES EDINGER Department of Parks and Wildlife, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, 6983 Western Australia ABSTRACT In April 2009 the Western Australian Naturalists’ Club conducted a biological survey at the Baladjie Lake Nature Reserve and at Baladjie Rock, on the western edge of the Great Western Woodlands near the town of Bullfinch. 97 specimens of lichens (including Parmeliopsis macrospora, a Listed Priority 3 species), 15 fungi, 13 vascular flora and six myxomycetes (slime moulds) were collected in this survey and deposited in the Western Australian Herbarium. Twenty-five species of birds were also recorded in the area. An updated inventory of all flora comprising 170 species and lichen records (including those made in the current survey) was compiled for the Baladjie area from herbarium records. INTRODUCTION is located about 16km north-west of the small town of Bullfinch in The 2009 Easter Excursion of the the Shire of Westonia. It Western Australian Naturalists’ straddles the border between the Club (WANATS) involved 23 Avon Wheatbelt and Coolgardie club members who camped near 1BRA Bioregions and is thus part Baladjie Rock in the Shire of of the Great Western Woodlands Yilgarn for seven days (April 8- which form the largest area of 14). The purpose of the excursion temperate climate woodlands in was to conduct a survey of the the world. The Great Western vascular flora, fungi, lichens and Woodlands (about 160,000 km2) birds at the request of the then are also remarkable on a global Department of Environment scale due to their high bio¬ and Conservation (DEC). diversity and largely pristine The Baladjie Lakes Nature vegetation and because wood¬ Reserve (C42720) encompasses land formations elsewhere do about 8,916.34ha adjacent to the not inhabit areas with such dry Baladjie Rock Water Reserve and climates and nutrient poor soils. 126 The Baladjie Lakes and Baladjie to assist in the relocation of the Rock are located within the quadrats. Each quadrat was Yilgarn Block, a stable Archaean photographed from the north Craton that consists of belts of east corner. All taxa of trees, banded gneiss, ironstone and shrubs, herbs, grasses, sedges, and layered sedimentary, volcanic lichens in the quadrats were and intrusive rocks (Chin and recorded and identified. Addit¬ Smith 1983). The gently undu¬ ional opportunistic collections lating landscape of this area and records of vascular plants, comprises lateritic, duricrusted fungi and lichens were also made uplands and sandplains (at an outside the quadrats. elevation of about 400m) Fungal fruiting bodies were dissected by broad paleodrainage collected opportunistically and channels (now chains of shallow placed in paper bags. The sub¬ salt lakes). In places where the strates and vegetation associated landscape above has eroded away with these locations were noted. to a lower plain, there are often In the laboratory, the collections residual monadnocks such as were identified by Elaine Elachbutting Hill (elevation Davison using standard keys 407m) and Baladjie Rock (eleva¬ (Cunningham 1979, Grgurinovic tion 377m) that are emergent 1997). Spores and capillitium were from this plain. mounted in lactophenol cotton Prior to this excursion, the local blue and examined at x 1000 flora was known from only 93 magnification. All collections vascular plant collections in the have been deposited in PERTH. Western Australian Herbarium Myxomycetes were grown in (1998- ). The Department of En¬ moist chambers (Stephenson and vironment and Conservation has Stempen 1994) on bark from also previously compiled a list of Acacia sp. narrow phyllode (B.R. 97 taxa for the reserve (Ben Maslin 7831), Eucalyptus petraea, Lullfitz, pers. comm.) but there collected close to the quadrats. were no fine scale vegetation The chambers were observed at maps available for the area. frequent intervals and any myxomycetes that developed were mounted on slides and METHODS identified using standard keys To sample the vascular flora, three permanent 30m x 30m Table 1. Location of flora sampling quadrats (Table 1; Figure 1) were quadrats at Baladjie Nature Reserve set out in eucalypt woodland using the system of Keighery Quadrat Location (1994). Galvanised fence droppers BRI 30° 57 07.0"S, 118° 52' 31.1'E were placed at the four corners BR2 30° 56’ 57.7”S, 118° 52' 50.7”E of each quadrat. A marker peg BR3 30° 52' 51.8"S, 118° 55' 08.3"E was also placed on a nearby track 127 Figure 1. Quadrat locations at Baladjie Lake Nature Reserve and Baladjie Rock. (Mitchell 2003, Neubert et al. petraea (Granite Rock Box) 2000). All collections have been formed stands near the base of deposited in PERTH. Baladjie Rock and Eucalyptus Updated inventories of all loxophleba subsp. lissophloia (the smooth bark form of the York vascular flora and lichens known from Baladjie Lakes Nature Gum) was also nearby. Eucalyptus Reserve and Baladjie Rock were kochii subsp. plenissima (Trayning Mallee) grew further away from compiled from records of the rock towards the salt lakes. specimens held at PERTH (WA Herbarium 1998- ) and records Eucalyptus salmonophloia (Salmon from this survey. It is unknown Gum) and Eucalyptus salubris (Gimlet) were the larger trees of if there have been previous fungi and slime mould (myxomycete) the area. collections in the area as records The understorey layers of the for these groups are not readily mallee and woodlands were available from WA Herbarium dominated by Acacia spp., in¬ (1998). cluding Acacia sp. narrow phyllode (B.R. Maslin 7831) (the A list of birds that were sighted or heard by all members of the Northern Jam Wattle) and Acacia excursion was compiled during tetragonophylla (Kurarra). Also the survey. This included all common were Bursaria birds identified near the three occidentalis, Eremophila clarkei flora sampling quadrats at (Turpentine Bush), Eremophila specific times during the flora drummondii, Eremophila ionantha (Violet-flowered Eremophila), survey (Table 2). Eremophila scoparia (Broom Bush), Leptospermum fastigiatum, Lepto- RESULTS spermum macgillivrayi, Olearia dampieri subsp. eremicola, Olearia 1. Vascular Flora and Vegetation pimeleoides (Pimelea Daisybush), The current survey found sam¬ Olearia muelleri (Goldfields Daisy) phires and shrublands adjacent and Pittosporum angustifolium. to the Baladjie Lakes, and mallee All of the vegetation was gener¬ and woodlands further from the ally in very good or excellent lakes. The mallee Eucalyptus condition with little disturbance except occasional signs of rabbit activity. Table 2. Bird observation locations/ Forty-six specimens of vascular times at or near flora quadrats flora were recorded in this Nearest Date and time of records survey, identified by the author quadrat and Gilbert Marsh and 13 specimens were deposited in BRI April 11,10:30am to 11:15am PERTH (WA Herbarium 1998- ). BR2 April 11,3:00pm to 3:45pm The taxa identified in the field BR3 April 12,10:00am to 10:45am and deposited in the herbarium 129 are listed with previous herb¬ BR-2: Open Eucalyptus kochii arium records from this location subsp. plenissima mallee (25% in Appendix 1. cover) over Exocarpos aphyllus- The vegetation sampled in the Dodonaea viscosa subsp. quadrats of the current survey is angustissima tall, open shrubs (>2m, 10% cover); over low open briefly described below in terms of the dominant (greater than 2 Senna artemisioides subsp. filifolia shrubs (<2m, 5% cover); and other % cover) taxa in each layer. low open shrubs including Olearia muelleri and Rhagodia BR-1: Mid-dense Eucalyptus drummondii (<lm); and sparse loxophleba subsp. lissophloia mallee Austrostipa elegantissima perennial (40% cover); over Calycopeplus grass (5 % cover). paucifolius tall, open shrubs (>2m, Associates of this vegetation are 5% cover); Acacia sp. narrow listed below. phyllode (B.R. Maslin 7831) and other low, open shrubs; and Shrubs <2m: Acacia sp. narrow sparse annual grasses. Common phyllode (B.R. Maslin 7831) associates of this vegetation are A triplex nummularia, Callitris listed below. columellaris, Eremophila oppositifolia, Shrubs <2m: Acacia Maireana diffusa, Maireana georgei, Olearia muelleri, Ptilotus nobilis tetragonophylla, Eremophila subsp. nobilis, Ptilotus obovatus and decipiens, Eremophila drummondii, Solanum hoplopetalum Leptospermum fastigiatum, Olearia dampieri subsp. eremicola, Olearia Perennial herbs: Thysanotus muelleri, Olearia pimeleoides, manglesianus (dead). Rhagodia drummondii, Santalum Annual herbs: Podolepis capillaris acuminatum and Solanum (dead). nummularium. Hemi-parasite: A myema miquelii on Grasses: Aristida contorta, (Eucalyptus kochii subsp. plenissima). Austrostipa trichophylla. This quadrat was at the north Perennial herbs: Dianella revoluta. end of Baladjie Rock (close to a Annual herbs: Waitzia acuminata small lobe of the salt lake) on var. acuminata (dead). orange sand with a 50% litter cover. Hemi-parasite: Amyema miquelii (on Eucalyptus loxophleba subsp. lissophloia). BR-3: Eucalyptus salubris low open woodland of (<10m, 10% cover); This quadrat was at the base of Baladjie Rock to the north of the over tall Eremophila scoparia and camping area. It was a poorly Acacia sp. narrow phyllode (B.R. Maslin 7831) shrubs (>2m, 15% drained flat with orange, granitic, gravelly soil and 50% cover); over A triplex nummularia low open shrubs (<2m, 5% cover). bare ground. Leptospermum fastigiatum formed dense thickets Associates of this vegetation are closer to Baladjie Rock. listed below. 130 Shrubs <2m: Eremophila clarkei, brackets growing on dead wood. Eremophila ionantha, Eremophila In addition to these macrofungi, oppositifolia, Eremophila scoparia, bark incubated in moist Exocarpos aphyllus, Scaevola chambers yielded six species of spinescens, Senna artemisioides Myxomycetes (Appendix 4). subsp. filifolia and Senna These include Arcyria pausiaca, chatelainiana an uncommon species world¬ Shrubs <0.5m: IDissocarpus wide, which has been found paradoxus, Maireana sp., Ptilotus several times on bark from arid nobilis subsp. nobilis and Ptilotus and semi-arid areas in Australia obovatus (Davison and Davison, un¬ published). Grasses: Austrostipa pycnostachya These groups were identified by This quadrat was approximately Elaine Davison (Curtin Uni¬ 11.5 km NNE of Baladjie Rock just west of the track running up to versity) and all collections were deposited in PERTH. the Mt Jackson Road alongside Lake Baladjie. The soil was poorly-drained, lichen-covered, 4. Avifauna orange clay-sand, with about 5% Twenty-five bird species were litter cover. noted in the general Baladjie Rock/ Baladjie Lakes Nature 2. Lichens Reserve area and adjacent to the three flora sampling quadrats Ninety-seven lichen specimens (Appendix 5). (from 13 families and at least 21 genera and 36 species) were collected (Appendix 2). These DISCUSSION collections were identified by Ray Cranfield of DPaW The flora survey was conducted (Manjimup) and all specimens at a low intensity during dry, were deposited in PERTH. autumn weather. However, although there were no vascular 3. Fungi and Myxomycetes (Slime flora taxa of listed conservation Moulds) significance found in this survey, Thirteen collections of fungi 31 taxa not previously known (from five families, six genera from the area (WA Herbarium, and at 11 species) were made 1998- ) were collected in this (Appendix 3). All were taxa with survey. It is recommended that persistent fruiting bodies. Nine additional flora surveys are (Geastrum spp., Podaxis pistillaris, carried out in spring at Baladjie Pisolithus sp., Tulostoma spp.) were to survey the annuals and puffballs or puffball-like species geophytes. The playa vegetation and occurred on the ground. The also appears to be worth further other two, Pycnoporus coccineus investigation as a Priority 1 and Gloeophyllum sp., were species (Tecticornia flabelliformis) 131 is known from the area (WA that were collected in this survey Herbarium, 1998-). Classifying (e.g. Podaxis pistillaris) are con¬ and mapping the fine-scale spicuous and widespread (Grey vegetation assemblages in the and Grey 2001), but the small area could also provide useful stalked puffballs (Tulostoma spp.) information for the manage¬ and earthstars (Geastrum spp.) are ment of the area. easily overlooked. These latter genera contain many species that The low number of birds can only be separated by recorded in this survey probably microscopic examination. The also reflected the warm to hot, species found at Baladjie Lake dry weather conditions at the Nature Reserve and Baladjie time of survey and the low intensity of the survey. Rock are similar to those from arid areas in other parts of The lichen collections made in Western Australia and in the this survey were the first lichens Northern Territory (Davison, recorded at Baladjie since 1971, unpublished). when Prof. A. R Main (1919— The fungi that occur in arid areas 2009), a long-term member and a fill the same ecological niches as patron of the Western Australian those that occur in more mesic Naturalists’ Club, collected three environments. Some, such as taxa at Baladjie Rock and lodged them in the WA Herbarium Pisolithus are mycorrhyzal with shrubs and trees. Decomposers, collection. None of the taxa collected by Prof. Main were re¬ such as Pycnoporus coccineus and collected in the current survey. Gloeophyllum are important for recycling cellulose and lignin. It One lichen species (Parmeliopsis macrospora) that was collected in is only when weather conditions are suitable that they produce the current survey is listed as a macroscopic fruiting bodies, and Priority 3 taxon by DPaW (Western Australian Herbarium this is less frequent at Baladjie than in higher rainfall areas. 1998- ). Seven of the species collected in the current survey From this survey, lichens and (including Parmeliopsis fungi appear to be significant macrospora) were first records for components of the biodiversity the Coolgardie and Avon at Baladjie. Further surveys of Wheatbelt IBRA Bioregions. these poorly known groups in other areas of the Great Western The fungi and slime moulds Woodlands may contribute in¬ collected in this survey appear to sights into the ecology of this be the first collections of these poorly known area. groups from Baladjie Lakes Nature Reserve and Baladjie Rock, to be deposited at the WA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Herbarium. The macrofungi that occur in arid areas of Australia WA Naturalist’s Club members are not well known. Some species who participated in this Easter 132 Excursion survey were Daphne GREY, P. and GREY, E. 2001. Fungi Edinger, John and Ruth Luyer Down Under, the Fungimap Guide to (who collated the bird data), Australian Fungi. Fungimap, c/o Elaine and Peter Davison (who Royal Botanic Gardens led the collection of the fungi Melbourne. and slime moulds), Penny Hussey GRGURINOVIC, C. A. 1997. Larger (who led the collection of the Fungi of South Australia. The lichens), John Abbott, Margaret Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and and Alec Brimms, Yvonne and State Herbarium and the Flora Peter Broome, Margaret Larke, and Fauna of South Australia. Gilbert Marsh, Lyn Myles, Handbooks Committee, Adelaide. Graeme Rundle, Marlene and KEIGHERY, B.J. 1994. Bushland Bob Willis, Joan and Rob Sharp, plant survey. A guide to plant Jolande Keeble, Yvonne and community survey for the community. Kevin Coate and Rob and Wildflower Society of WA (Inc). Maureen Skeet. Rohan Swan developed an electronic draft of MITCHELL, D.W. 2003. this paper. Ben Lullfitz (Con¬ Myxomycete keys. CD-ROM servation Officer, DEC Yilgarn) privately published by the author. provided information and NEUBERT., NOWOTNY, W. and assistance in the planning of this BAUMANN, K. 2000. Die trip. The paper was edited by Myxomyceten. Karlheinz Baumann Cate Tauss. Verlag, Gomaringen. STEPHENSON, S. L. and STEMPEN, H. 1994. Myxomycetes: a REFERENCES Handbook of Slime Molds. Timber CHIN, R.J. and SMITH, R.A. 1983. Press, Inc., Oregon, USA 1:250,000 Geological Series, Jackson, WA HERBARIUM, 1998- SH/50. Geological Survey of FloraBase. Department of Parks Western Australia. and Wildlife, Western Australia, CUNNINGHAM, G. H. 1979. The http:/ / florabase.calm.wa.gov.au/ Gasteromycetes of Australia and New Accessed January, 2013. Zealand.J Cramer, FL-9490 Vaduz. 133 Appendix 1. The vascular flora recorded at Baladjie Lakes Nature Reserve and Baladjie Rock in April 2009 and all WA Herbarium (1998- ) records from these locations. -d U O u o >- zo <xrut $oC-1J .•52CW WLa> PrQt n d s< <X JOs-i o Pl-Hi Prqi Pmi oOPh *xX5 pp H £ a PQ PQ PQ Aizoaceae Gunniopsis intermedia Diels * Aizoaceae Gunniopsis quadrifida (F.Muell.) Pax * Amaranthaceae Ptilotus nobilis (Lindl.) F.Muell. * * * subsp. nobilis Amaranthaceae Ptilotus obovatus (Gaudich.) F.Muell. * * * Asparagaceae Chamaexeros fimbriata (F.Muell.) Benth. * Asparagaceae Thysanotus manglesianus Kunth * * Asteraceae Angianthus aff. micropodioides * Asteraceae Angianthus prostratus P.S.Short * Asteraceae Angianthus tomentosus J.C.Wendl. * Asteraceae Erymophyllum ramosum (A. Gray) * Paul G. Wilson subsp. ramosum Asteraceae Cephalipterum drummondii A.Gray * Asteraceae Cratystylis subspinescens S.Moore * Asteraceae Gilberta tenuifolia Turcz. * Asteraceae Gnephosis acicularis Benth. * Asteraceae Goodenia quasilibera Carolin * Asteraceae Gnephosis tenuissima Cass. * Asteraceae Olearia dampieri subsp. eremicola (Diels) * Lander ms Asteraceae Olearia muelleri (Sond.) Benth. * * * Asteraceae Olearia pimeleoides (DC.) Benth. * * Asteraceae Podolepis capillaris (Steetz) Diels * * Asteraceae Podotheca pritzelii P.S.Short P3 * Asteraceae Senecio pinnatifolius A.Rich. * Asteraceae Waitzia acuminata Steetz var. acuminata * Brassicaceae Stenopetalum salicola Keighery * Campanulaceae Isotoma petraea F.Muell. * Campanulaceae Lobelia winfridae Diels * Centrolepidaceae Centrolepis cephaloformis Reader * subsp. cephaloformis Centrolepidaceae Centrolepis eremica D.A.Cooke * Centrolepidaceae Centrolepis polygyna (R.Br.) Hieron. * Chenopodiaceae A triplex nana Parr-Smith * Chenopodiaceae A triplex nummularia Aellen subsp. * * spathulata Aellen 134 -d U O u OJ u u -dCO u f2 >- Z QtsotJf yOy d <u O ¥M3 £SH S X m O as < < pcj pcJ pcJ Ph to p-i H PQ PQ PQ O 'S * Chenopodiaceae A triplex stipitata Benth. * * Chenopodiaceae A triplex nummularia Lindl. * Chenopodiaceae ? Dissocarpus paradoxus (R.Br.) Ulbr. * Chenopodiaceae Enchylaena tomentosa R.Br. var. tomentosa * Chenopodiaceae Maireana amoena (Diels) Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Maireana diffusa Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Maireana georgei (Diels) Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Maireana sp. * Chenopodiaceae Maireana thesioides (C.A.Gardner) Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia drummondii Moq. * Chenopodiaceae Rhagodia preissii Moq. subsp. preissii * Chenopodiaceae Roycea Idivaricata Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Sarcocornia blackiana (Ulbr.) A.J.Scott * Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena diacantha (Nees) Benth. * Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena eurotioides (F.Muell.) A.J.Scott * Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena fusiformis Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Sclerolaena parviflora (R.H.Anderson) A.J.Scott * Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia disarticulata (PaulG.Wilson) K.A.Sheph. & Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia flabelliformis (Paul G.Wilson) K.A.Sheph. & Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia halocnemoides (Nees) K.A.Sheph. <Sl Paul G.Wilson * Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia pergranulata (J.M.Black) K.A.Sheph. & Paul G.Wilson subsp. pergranulata * Chenopodiaceae Tecticornia sp. Dennys Crossing (K.A. Shepherd & J. English KS 552) pn * * Cupressaceae Callitris columellaris F.Muell. * Ericaceae Leucopogon sp. Kau Rock (M.A. Burgman 1126) PN * * Euphorbiaceae Calycopeplus paucifolius (Klotzsch) Baill. * Euphorbiaceae Ricinocarpos velutinus F.Muell * * Fabaceae Acacia sp. narrow phyllode (B.R. Maslin 7831) * Fabaceae Acacia coolgardiensis Maiden * Fabaceae Acacia leptopetala Benth. * Fabaceae Acacia ligulata Benth. 135

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