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An Attached Solar Greenhouse 1976 PDF

21 Pages·1976·1.51 MB·English
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A project of Volunteers in Asia An Attacked Sobr Greenhouse by: Bill and Susan Yanda Published by: ’ The Lightning Tree P-0. Box 1837 Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA Paper copies are $2 in the USA and $2.25 in other countries.. Available from: The Lightning Tree P.O. Box 1837 Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA Reproduced by permission of The Lightning Tree. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any form is subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document. In English and Research made possible by a grant from THE FOUR CORNERS REGIONAL COMMISSION te the Solar Sustenance Project THE LIGHTNING TREE-Jene Lyon, Publisher P.O. Box 1837, Santa F6, N. M. 87501 US& hl ATTACHED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH Copyright 0 1976 by Wi!liam F. Yanda * ISBN: &8$016-028-7 * Published by The Lightning Tree-Jene Lyon, Publisher . P. 0. Box 1837 l Santa F6, New Mexico 87501 * U. S. A. A manual for the design, construction and operation of solar beated greenhordses Research made possible by a grant from THE FOUR CORNERS REGIONAL COMMISSION Un lnvernadero to the Solar Sustenance Project BY W. F. AND SUSAN 8. YANDA Spanish Translation by Jude Pardee Drawings by Karl Tani Conectado de Energia Solar For a small amount of money you can build a solar greenhouse attached to your home that will: 1. Lengthen the growing season. For in- stance it is possible to have fresh toma- toes from May l-January 1. 2. Add heat to the home. 3. Allow certain plants to be grown all winter. .A. Provide an area to get many vegetables and flower seedlings up early. 5. Insulate part of your house. 6. Add a pleasant living space to the home. The designs shown in this manual can be owner built for under $2.50 per square foot. Most of the needed materials can be purchased at a local building supply store. The fiberglass and plastic glazing can be shipped to your home. The rectangular shed roof examples shown are easy to build and maintain. If you under- stand the principles involved in the solar green- 1 house, the size and shape are limited only by your building skills and finances. Por poco dinero, usted puede construir un invernadero de energia solar, conectado a su casa. El invernadero tend& la capacidad de: 1. prolongar la estacion de cultivaci6n. Por ejemplo, es posible tener tomates frescos desde el primer0 de mayo hasta el primer0 de enero. 2. proveer calor para la casa, 3. permitir el cultivo de ciertas plantas durante todo el invierno, 4. ofrecer un lugar para comenzar tempra- no las plantitas de vegetales y de flores, 5. insular una parte del hogar, 6. a?iadir un espacio placentero a su hogar. Los disefios mostrados en este manual se pue- den construir por el duetio por menos de $2.50 el pie cuadrado. La mayor parte de 10s ma- teriales se pueden comprar en las tiendas lo- cales de materias de construcci6n. El vidrio fibroso (fiberglass) y el pl6stico interior pueden mandarse por correo a su casa. Los ejemplos aqui mostrados son f6ciles de construir y de mantener. Si usted entiende 10s principios b6sicos del invernadero solar, el ta- mario y la configuraci6n dependen solamente de su destreza coma constructor y sus fondos econ6micos. SELECTING A SITE SIT10 A southern exposure is necessary for a good solar green house. However the structure may be as much as 40’ to the east or west of south ana still be functional. (#l) Un cuarto que de al sur es necesario para poder calentar el invernadero por el sol. Sin embargo, el invernadero todavia funcionaro si la direction de la pared varia hasta 40 grados hacia el este o el oeste. (#l ) FIGURE 1 # No large obstructions should block the win- ter sunlight from the greenhouse. In midwinter the sun is only about 32’ above the horizon at noon in New Mexico. That’s as high in the sky as it gets. You can afford to lose an hour or so of morning or late afternoon sunlight, but not much more than that. A check of your property rill usually produce an acceptable area. Figure #2 shows the mid-December and mid-June movement of the sun at 35” north latitude. NO NG NO NO ti0 NO NO NO NO NO W THE HOME No debe de haber grandes obstrucciones que sombrean el invernadero de la luz del sol en el invierno. A mediados del invierno, el sol a mediodia sube solamente hasta 32 grados mtrs arriba del horizonte en Nuevo Mexico. No importa demasiado el perder una hora de luz de la mafiana o la tarde, pero no debe perder m6s de eso. Una inspection de la propiedad usualmente resultara en un sitio apropiado. El esquema (#2) muestra el movimiento del sol a North I 4 FIGURE 2 ‘\ \ \ \ \ SUMMER SUNRISE mediados de diciembre y de junio a una latitud de 35 grados norte. El invernadero puede iuntarse a una casa u The greenhouse may adjoin a home or other building to the advantage of both. If possible find a window, door or combination of these to enclose in order to maximize the heating potential of the greenhouse. Use available natural features to your advantage-a fruit tree might shade the unit in the summer und not block much winter light. otro edificio con ventajas para 10s dos. Si es posible, procure que el invernadero encierre una ventana, una puerta o combinaciones de puertas y ventanas para aprovechar la mayor potencia para la calefaccion. Utilice 10s exi- stentes elementos naturales para su ventaja tambien: un Clrbol frutal, por ejemplo, pudiera sombrear el invernadero en el verano sin qui- tarle mucha luz en el invierno. PRlNC!PLES LOS PRINCIPIOS A brief explanation of the principles that Una breve explication de lo: principios que make the solor greenhouse operate wilt nelp hacen funcionar el invernadero solar le you understand some of the basics. ayudaro a entender la teoria barica. 1. 2. The sun shines through the Jear areas in short waves. 1. These waves strike objects in the green- house and are re-radiated as long waves. The long waves do not resdily return through the glazing. (This is known as the “greenhouse effect.“) The inside air becomes warmer than the outside air. 2. ROCK FLOOR / / 3. Massive (heavy) objects in the green- house such as masonry walls, rocks, water drums, concrete, etc., absorb heat during the day and return heat to the structure at night. Pound for pound, en- closed water is the most efficient heat storer you can get. It is necessary that the greenhouse have considerable mass in order to perform properly. (About 2 gallons of water or 80 pounds of con- crete per square foot of glazing.) If this is done, the unit will maintain tempera- tures as high as 30” F above outdoor lows in winter. 4. The warm air (80-90’ F) from the green- house Foes directly into the adjoining structure. (#4) This works best if there are 3 FIGURE 4 @ La luz del sol, cuando penetra por las superficies transparentes, lo hate en forma de ondas cortas. Estas ondas, al chocar con Los objetos en el invernadero, son irradiadas de nuevo coma ondas mas largas. Estas on- das mas largas no pasan focilmente a traves de cristal o piastico. (Este feno- meno es conocido comoel”efectoinverna- dero.“) El aire adentro se hate m6s ca- liente que el aire afuera. (#3) 4 FIGURE 3 3. 4. Los objectos pesados dentro del inverna- dero-coma paredes de albatiileria, pie- dras, barriles de 50 galones para agua, concrete, etc., absorben el calor durante el dia y lo devuelven al interior del inver- nadero durante la noche. Libra por libra, el agua encerrada es el deposit0 de calor rn,& eficaz que hay. Para funcionar bien, es’ necesario que el invernadero contenga una cantidad considerable de bulto. (A- proximadamente 2 galones de agua o 80 libras de concrete por pie cuadrado de vidrieria.) Si esta necesidad es suplida, el invernadero mantendra una temperatura de hasta 30 grados m6s alta que las temperaturas baias del invierno. El aire caliente (80-90” F) del invernadero entra directamente en la estructura ad- junta. (#4) Este traslado del calor funcio- na mejor si hay aberturas altas y baias. WARM AIR d--/ INTO HOME C- FROM HOME 5. high and low openings. The vents estab- lish a natural air circulation system that benefits the home and the greenhouse. At night the openings can either be left open or closed, at the owner’s option. If open, the unit will draw on some home heat and will keep higher temperatures. The partially shaded and insulated greenhouse roof will keep it warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Notice that the south face of the unit is tilted be- tween 60’ and the vertical. This maxI- mizes winter sun and reflects a large percentage of summer sun off the front of the greenhouse. Thus overheating is iess of a problem. (#5) 5. Las aberturas establecen un sistema natu- ral de circulaci6n del aire que benefrcia IQ CQSCI y el invernadero. Por la neche, las aberturas que dan al interior de la casa pueden cerrarse o deiarse abic-rtas, segOn la preferencio del duel’io. Si est6n abiertas, el Envernadero tomarh unu pa% del calor de IQ casu y mantendr6 una temperatura m6s crha. El invernadero insulado y parciolmente sombreado tendr6 m&s calor en el invier- no y m6s frescuru en el verano. N6tese tombi& que la pared de! invernadero que da al sur puede ser construida en un Clngulo de m6s o menos 60 grados. Este drngulo da el mayor provecho del sol de invierno y refleja gran parte de la luz veraniega. (#5) I I I 4 FIGURE 5 60 to Vertical I > 1:: i . t . _. __ _, :?~~~.;‘;:.::::::8:.:...:.~.~~..~~...~ . . . . :::...;...:>.:.; . ..-...... . . . _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .__. . . . ..:....:... 6. How weii the greenhouse keeps largely determined by how well warm is it is con- structed and sealed. All cracks and joints ia the unit must be insulated and caulked to prevent “infiltration” heat losses. The greatest heat loss area for the green- house is through the clear wall portions. A moveable insulator to cover these areas would greatly increase the winter perfor- mance of the greenhouse, but will raise the price an Dmplexity of the structure. CONSTRUCTION The example in this manual is for a home with a true south exposure. It will be 10’ wide by 16’ long-a good size for a family. Because of the limited length of this manual, only the major techniques pertaining to the construc- tion of the gree ouse will be described. A reference list at t end of the manual will di- rect you to other oks on construction. NOTE: 6. La calidad de la construcci6n y de! cerra- miento hermetic0 del invernadero de- termina su eficacia en mantenerse calien- te. Todas IQS grietas y junturas decen insu!urse y rellenarse de calafateo para evitar la p&dida del calor por “infiltra- ci6n.” Lu mayor perdida del calor ocurre por medio de lassuperficiestransparentes. El funcionamiento del invernadero seria mucho mejor si estas 6reas se cubrieran de una insulacidn movible, pero 6sta haria subir el precio tanto corn0 la complejidad de la estructura. LA CONSTRUCCldN El ejemplo dado en este manual es para una cuss con frente directamente al sur. Es de 10’ de ancho y de 16’ de largo, buen tamatio para una estructura para una familia. Por causa de 10s limites de la extensi6n de este ma- nual, solamente se describir6n las t6cnicas m6s importantes para la construcci6n del inverna- dero. Una bibliografia en la p6gina 1.8 le diri- gir6 al principiante a 10s libros que-tratan de bl The best source of information about building la construcci6n. NOTA: La meior fuente de in- I is from an experienced builder in your com- forma&n sobre IQ construcci6; es una persona munity. Enlist this person’s aid, and promise 1 fresh tomatoes in payment. perita de su comunidad. Pidale a tal persona su ayuda y prom&tale tomutes frescos en pago. Hereis a diagram Df our example green- ’ house: He aqui un esquema del invernadero que usamos de ejemplo. (Q) SUNl.IGHT AFTER 3:00 P. M. IN THE 55-GALLON DRUMS OF WATER CAN SE PLACED NEAR NORTH VIEW FROM WINTERTIME IS INSIGNIFICANT WALL FOR HEAT STORAGE SOUTHEAST FOR HEAT OR PLANT GROWTH VERY IMPORTANT: GREENHOUSE hlUST BE P.IRTIGHT.. . NO LEAKS ANYWHERE A TtilS PART OF ‘NEST WALL IS SOLID AN0 INSULATED . SOUTH SIOE OF HOME A HIGH NORTHEAST VENT (FOR SUMMER) / I DOORWAY IS ON EAST SIDE.. OR WHATEVER SIDE IS AWAY FROM THE PREVAILING WIN% EAST WALL CLEAR FOR MAXIMUM LIGHT OOOR COVERED WITH FIBERGLASS PIIMICE, SAWDUST, FLAGSTONE. ETC., FLOOR OUTER LAYER OF i I % FLAT LASCOLlTElFlLON INNER LAYER IS MONSANTO 602.. LASCOLITE OR FILON /‘L’ 2 X 4 FRAMING A U. V. RESISTANT PLASTIC SHEETING AT 47” CENTERS , PAiNTED WHITE WITH LIFE OF UP TO FIVE YEARS INNER LAYER MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE THAN OUTER AUOBE, CONCRETE BLOCK, ETC. DOUBLE LAYER NE CESSARY FOP. INSULATION SOUTHWEST - VENTlFOR SUMMER) VIEW FROM SOUTHWEST FIGURE 6 Here are some design considerations to keep in mind before you stoit building. . If possible build the unit to cover a door or window of the house, or both. This will al- low you to enjoy it to the fullest and will per- mit warm air circulation to the home. m Plan one wide exterior door in the green- house. (Wider than a wheelbarrow.) In New Mexico a door on the east side makes sense because the prevailing winter winds are usu- ally from the northwest. Also plan a low south- west vent and a high northeast vent for cross circulation. l Use all

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