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Radiochimica Acta 79, 221-233 (1997) © R. Oldenbourg Verlag, München 1997 An Atomic Beam Source for Actinide Elements: Concept and Realization By B. Eichler* Labor für Radio- und Umweltchemie, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland S. Hübener Institut für Radiochemie, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., D-01314 Dresden, Germany N. Erdmann, K. Eberhardt, H. Funk, G. Herrmann, S. Köhler, N. Trautmann Institut für Kernchemie, Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany G. Passler and F.-J. Urban Institut für Physik, Universität Mainz, D-55099 Mainz, Germany (Received April 3, 1997; accepted July 2, 1997) Atomic beams /Actinide elements / Resonance colours for stepwise excitation and final ionization of ionization mass spectroscopy / Volatilization the atoms. The ions are identified and counted in a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. RIMS is applied to determine actinide elements in up to now inaccessible Sunmiary small quantities, but is also used for the determination of basic atomic properties of actinide elements such as For ultratrace analysis of actinide Clements and studies of their ionization potentials. atomic propcrties with resonance ionization mass spectroscopy In our earlier work on trace element analysis [7, 8] (RIMS), efficient and stable sources of actinide atomic beams are required. The thermodynamics and idnetics of the evapora- and ionization potential measurements [9] with RIMS, tion of actinide elements and oxides from a variety of metals atomic beams of neptunium and plutonium were pro- were considered, including diffusion, desorption, and associative duced from actinide oxides deposited on rhenium fila- desorption. On this basis various sandwich-type filaments were ments and covered with thin rhenium or platinum-lead studied. The most promising system was found to consist of tantalum as the backing material, an electrolytically deposited coatings. These "sandwich" sources had to be oper- actinide hydroxide as the source of the element, and a titanium ated at high temperatures, around 2000 K, and the covering layer for its reduction to the metal. Such sandwich beam yields varied from filament to filament by nearly sources were experimentally proven to be well suited for the two Orders of magnitude [10], mainly due to imperfec- production of atomic beams of plutonium, curium, berkelium and califomium at relatively low operating temperatures and tions and instabilities of the coatings. In order to de- with high and reproducible yields. velop more reliable atomic beam sources, thermo- dynamic and kinetic properties of the actinide ele- ments and possible source materials were examined, as presented in sections 2 to 4 of this paper. Additional 1. Introduction pertinent data, also for homologous lanthanides, are The volatility of actinide metals is frequently used in compiled elsewhere [11]. The result of these con- radio- and nuclear chemistry. To mention only a few siderations is a tantalum-actinide oxide-titanium sand- applications: By evaporation-deposition of actinide wich-type source whose superior properties for REMS metals on substrates [1], counting samples for a- measurements are presented in section 5. particles and spontaneous-fission fragments with high energy resolution are prepared as well as thin actinide targets for nuclear reaction studies. Gas chromatogra- 2. General requirements phy of actinide metals in metal columns [2-4] re- vealed the Separation of individual actinides on ana- An atomic beam source for RIMS should deliver over lytical and preparative scales, and provided with trace a long period nearly constant particle fluxes, and amounts insights into the adsorption of actinides on should finally lead to an evaporation of a large fraction metallic surfaces and the respective binary systems [5, of the actinide element even in trace quantities when 6]. In resonance ionization mass spectroscopy (RIMS), interactions with the backing and other source mate- atomic beams of actinide elements produced by vola- rials may interfere. The operation temperature of the tilization are crossed with laser beams of different sources should be as low as possible, to improve their Overall thermal stabihty and to suppress background * Author for correspondence. events due to thermal ionization. The same type of 222 B. Eichler et al. source should generally be applicable within the whole fusion through the foil or coating plays a role. For series of actinide Clements. diffusion controlled thermal release from a foil, the The Parameters which govem mass transfer and following relation [13] holds for large release rate F, chemical State of the emitted particles depend basically independent of the initial distribution: on the material combination present in a particle-cave F = 1 - • exp(D • tld^). (3) or particle-filament arrangement. For each combi- nation, the kinetics of mass transfer and the thermo- To release 80% of a substance within t = 1200 s from chemistry of elementary processes have to be consi- a foil or through a coating of thickness d = 1 |j,m, a dered. On this basis the construction materials for the diffusion coefficient D > 10"" cm^/s is needed. With source and its operation conditions can be chosen. D = D°- exp(-Ö/A: • T) (4) Operation temperatures T can be estimated from the 2.1 Mass transfer matrix-dependent constant D° and the activation ener- gy of diffusion ß, with k being the Boltzmann con- The elementary processes of mass transfer from a solid stant. into a gas comprise evaporation, desorption and dif- fusion. In the following, we estimate the most impor- tant Parameters which have to be met in an atomic beam source for actinide elements. 2.2 Chemical identity The yield of actinide atomic beams can be reduced 2.1.1 Evaporation kinetics by competitive reactions. Surface ionization leads to desorption in ionic rather than atomic form. The rela- According to Langmuir's relation tive number of ions to neutral atoms, njno, depends on the difference between the electron work function <]> dm/dt = 4.37 • 10"= • p • (M/T)"^ (1) [eV] of the substrate and the first ionization potential the evaporation rate dm/dt [g/cm^ s] of a pure sub- /, [eV] of the evaporated element, and on the tempera- stance into vacuum is a function of the molar or ture T [K] according to the Langmuir equation: atomic weight M, the vapour pressure p [Torr], and the temperature T [K]. The relation gives an estimate of n, g, / O-/, — exp (5) the volatility (p) required to evaporate a given mass at «0 go \ k-T a given temperature and time. For example [11], to evaporate 0.1 ng of a substance with M = 244 at where g, and go are the Statistical weights of the ground 2000 K within 1200 s from an area of 1 cm^ the states of ion and atom, respectively. In order to mini- vapour pressure has to exceed 1 • 10"® bar, and mize surface ionization, materials with low electron 1 • 10"^ bar for 100 |Xg. This appUes to the Saturation work function (O < /;) have to be used, and the Opera- pressure over the pure substance or to the decomposi- tion temperature has to be kept as low as possible. tion pressure over a decomposing solid. Anotiier interfering effect is molecular desorption which can occur from thermodynamic reasons, e.g., if the reducing power of the matrix metal for actinide 2.1.2 Desorption kinetics monoxides is not sufFicient to prevent their volatiliza- tion. Such an associative desorption may be due to For quantities smaller than a monolayer covering, the contaminants present on the substrate surface or in the volatility is determined by interactions between the residual gas. Also, desorption as a dimeric [14] or evaporating species and the substrate material. With intermetallic molecule [15] seems to be possible. some simphfications [12], the time tso% required for 50% volatilization can be estimated from the acti- vation enthalpy for desorption, JHa^^ [kJ/mol], and the temperature 7^0% [K]: 3. Specific requirements for actinide elements = 2.303 • R • T^^ • log (^50% • Vo/0.693) (2) In this section, relevant material properties of the actinide elements and their interaction with potential where Vo is the basic Vibration frequency of the adsorb- source materials will be discussed. ed atom, typically 10'^ to 10" and R the gas con- stant. In order to evaporate 50% of a substance at 2000 K within 1200 s, AH^,, should not exceed 3.1 Thermal volatilization 600 kJ/mol; at 1000 K the hmit is 300 kJ/mol [11]. of actinide metals and oxides Actinide soiu-ces are conveniently prepared by electro- 2.1.3 Diffusion rate lytic deposition leading to hydroxides or by electro- The actinide element can be applied as a deposit on a plating of nitrates. After subsequent heating, oxides metal foil, as an implant into a foil or as a deposit are obtained. Hence, the behaviour of oxides is of pri- covered with a coating. In the latter two cases, dif- mary interest in this context. An Atomic Beam Source for Actinide Elements: Concept and Realization 223 3.1.1 Dioxides and sesquioxides Dioxides and sesquioxides of the actinide elements are less suited for evaporation because of their extremely low vapour pressure. Also, the decomposition pressure of the Oxides is low [11] even at high temperatures, as is known for substoichiometric dioxides of Pa [16], Pu [17], and Am [18], and for Cm203 [19]. Evaporation of actinide oxides is not a simple process [20]. Exten- -1 1 1 r- sive high-temperature studies were reported for the di- 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 oxides of Th [21, 22], Pa [16], U [23], Np [24], and Atomic number Pu [17, 18], and for the sesquioxides of Pu [25], Am Fig. 1. Dissociation enthalpies of gaseous actinide monoxides: [20, 21], Cm [19, 26], Bk [20], Cf [20, 27], and Es experimental and calculated values; dots from [29], circles from [20]. [20]. Elementary actinides An, the monoxides AnO, and for UO2 and PaOj also AnOj, were observed in the gas phase. For sesquioxides, AnO is the dominant A higher stabiUty is known for the gaseous mon- species in the gas phase. Hence, the basic thermal dis- oxides formed in high-temperature reactions. On the sociation reactions are most likely basis of literature data, empirical relations were de- rived [29] between JH^^o(e), the formation enthalpies An^O, ^ 2 AnO(g) + 0(g) (6) of gaseous monoxides from the gaseous monoatomic and elements, and the Standard Sublimation enthalpies of the metals, ^i/suw mc- For the divalent lanthanides, acti- An.Oa -- 2 An(g) + 3 0(g). (7) nides and aUcaline earths one obtains: The stability of monoxides in the gas phase is, thus, -zff/SeCKg, = -3.7811 JH^^u-m. + 179.6 [kJ/mol] determining the dissociative evaporation of sesqui- (9) oxides. In analogy to the behaviour of lanthanides [20] we expect, that at dissociation enthalpies of the mon- and for all other lanthanides and actinides: oxide <700 kJ/mol, the species AnO(g) is preferen- -AH^^, = -0.5769 AH, - 485.5 [kJ/mol]. tially formed; below 600 kJ/mol AnO(g) and An(g) (10) appear simultaneously, and below 500 kJ/mol An(g) is dominating. Hence, the major species in the evapora- These relations were used to estimate AHtno^g) when tion of sesquioxides should be [20]: PuO, Am, CmO, experimental actinide data were not available. The re- BkO + Bk, Cf, and Es. It should be noted, that most sults [29] shown in Fig. 1 are in good agreement with studies of dissociative evaporation were carried out a recent compilation [20] of experimental and esti- with metalhc effusion cells where an influence of the mated data. Both sets of data indicate that high-tem- wall material such as Ta, W, Mo, Re cannot easily be perature vaporization of oxides and their thermal dis- corrected for; an exception is Ref. [20] where a ThOa sociation is not a practical approach for the production cell was used. of actinide atomic beams, though in the evaporation of the heavier actinides, atomic species dominate. The limitation lies in the high temperatures required. 3.1.2 Monoxides 3.1.3 Metals The monoxides AnO(g) play a crucial role as interme- diates in the thermal decomposition of higher oxides The vapour pressure data for the actinide metals Pu, and as intermediates and equilibrium components in Am, Cm, Cf, Es [31], and Fm [32] show straight lines the reduction of actinide oxides by metals. In the older in a log p versus MT presentation. The position of literature, the suboxides of U, Th, and Pu were consi- other actinides can reasonably well be estimated [11]. dered to be refractory with high Sublimation enthalpies Clearly, the divalent metals, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, and No [21, 25, 28], but in more recent studies it is pointed are most volatile. The trivalent metals Am, Cm, Bk, out [20, 29, 30] that pure monoxide phases were not and Lr show medium volatility. The polyvalent actini- prepared and the thermodynamic constants are uncer- des are least volatile, with increasing volatility in the tain. Order Th, (Pa), U, Np, and Pu. All actinide metals ful- The monoxides of Th, U, and Pu strongly tend to fill the criterion of a minimum partial pressure postu- disproportionation at high temperatures [21], and the lated above, except thorium which is a limiting case reactions of Am and Cf sesquioxides according to but its volatilization could be achieved at temperatures above 2000 K. An^OaCs) + An(s) 3 AnO(s) (8) have still large positive Standard potentials AG, 3.2 Properties of source materials +429 kJ/mol for Am and +250 kJ/mol for Cf. Pre- sumably, stable solid monoxides can be formed only On the basis of the given stabiUties and volatilities of for mendelevium and nobelium. actinide metals and oxides we have to consider the 224 B. Eichler et al. 0 Table 1. Differential molar enthalpies of adsorption AH^, Solu- tion AHsu and segregation JHSE, for interactions of oxygen -100 ^-200 " ® with titanium and tantalum metal o -300 3-400 Metal -AH.,, -AHs^ -AHs^ (kJ/mol 0) (kJ/mol 0) (kJ/mol 0) ^-500 - -600 Titanium 742 626 116 -700 II 1 II 1 Tantalum 692 385 307 500 1000 1500 2000 1000 1500 Temperature [K] • TiO(g) 0 0(Ta) • Ta(0) A TajOs ü TiOj 0 Ti(0) Fig. 2a shows the thermodynamic Standard Poten- • 11305 ^TiO A Ti(0) • PuO Q PU2O3 tials of the oxides of titanium, tantalum, and plutonium as a function of temperature [28]. It follows that the reduction of PU2O3 to Pu by formation of pure single- Fig. 2. (a) Themiodynamic Standard potential AG (a) for oxides of titanium, tantalum, and plutonium [28] and (b) for solutions phase oxides Ti02 and TazOs is not favoured thermo- of oxygen in titanium [41] and tantalum [38] as a function of dynamically. However, the decrease of the A G-values temperature. In (b), two lines are given for the Ti(0) system, with decreasing oxygen content (TiOz —• TijO, —• experimentally obtained in contact with MgO/Mg (circles) and TiO) indicates an increase of the reductive potential CaO/Ca (triangles) [41], which continues into the monophase region of the oxy- gen-metal Solution. According to Fig. 2b depicting the reductive, adsorptive, alloying, and diffusive proper- thermodynamic Standard potentials for solutions of ties of possible source materials to find combinations oxygen in metallic titanium and tantalum [38, 41], a which yield efficient atomic beam sources. With re- reduction of PuzOa by formation of an oxygen Solution gard to the reductive potential, the group IV and V of low concentration in the metals seems to be pos- metals are most interesting; thus, the following dis- sible. cussion will be focused on titanium and tantalum. A thermodynamic sink for oxygen could also be its binding to metallic surfaces. In Table 1 thermo- chemical data are compiled [29] which characterize 3.2.1 Reductive potential the distribution of oxygen between bulk phase and sur- Thermodynamic sinks for oxygen face. One sees that the adsorptive binding charac- terized by AH^^s exceeds the Solution enthalpy AHst., Titanium and tantalum metal are strong reducing so that the reductive potential increases. However, this agents. The solubility of oxygen in titanium, zir- potential is only available for surface coverages less conium and hafnium is remarkably high, whereas it is than a monolayer. The difference between the differen- less pronounced in vanadium, niobium, and tantalum. tial molar enthalpies AH^, and AHsi. gives the From niobium and tantalum, oxygen can be released differential molar segregation energy for oxygen at high temperatures in vacuum, but not from titanium, AHSE- It is proportional to the driving force for an zirconium and hafnium [33]. Even with the strengest enrichment of oxygen at the surface under thermal reducing agents such as calcium, there remains a re- stress of the solid Solution. Table 1 also indicates that sidual oxygen content of 0.07% in titanium [34], Over titanium is a strenger reducing agent than tantalum, TiO, containing 10% oxygen, the oxygen partial pres- and that oxygen is more easily enriched at the surface sure is as low as 10"^= Pa at 1150 K [34], In a- in tantalum than in titanium. titanium, oxygen can be dissolved up to 34 atom per- Reduction reactions of actinide oxides AnO, with cent [35]. In )ff-titanium the solubility is lower, limited metals Me should proceed through the following to 4 atom percent at 1473 K. Thermochemical data for steps: solutions of oxygen in the titanium phases are known [36, 37], 2 An02 + Me ^ An203 + Me(0) (13) In tantalum, oxygen occupies the octaeder vacan- An^Oj + Me 2 AnO + Me(0) (14) cies in an interstitial solid Solution. The maximum solubility in the monophase is [38]: AnO(s) + Me ^ An + Me(0) (15) log [atom %] = 1.22 - 980/7 [K] . (11) AnO(g) + Me(g) ^ An(g) + Me(0). (16) At high temperatures only TajOs and oxygen-saturated Here, Me(0) refers to any thermodynamic sink for metal coexist [39]. The Solution enthalpy is -385 oxygen: oxide phases, solutions, or adsorbed states. In ±9 kJ/mol O in the homogeneous phase region, and case of the isomolecular exchange reaction, Eq. (16), -403±4kJ/mol O in the two-phase region [40]. The a large surplus of gaseous Me could shift the equili- thermodynamic Standard potential of a Solution brium in direction to the formation of gaseous An. The of oxygen in tantalum at infinite dilution is given by: complementary product TiO introduces a dissociation JGl [kJ/mol O] = -382.745 + 0.0958 • T [K] . enthalpy of 663 kJ/mol [37]. A comparison with the dissociation enthalpies of the actinide monoxides in (12) An Atomic Beam Source for Actinide Elements: Concept and Realization 225 100 • -J I L J 1_ tantalum. Very low solubilities in tantalum are ex- o pected for the divalent actinides from califomium to 50 - ' S S s a nobelium. o 0 - 8 a 8 e e g » ^ E With platinum, intermetallic Compounds are 3 -50 - formed, strongly favouring the reduction, but an ad- A A A A X< -100 - ditional reducing agent is needed (coupled reduction) A A A because the ground reaction is not allowed thermody- -150 - namically. However, the Compound formation strongly -200 - ~r r hinders the volatilization so that a thermal desorption 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 from solid platinum can practically be excluded. Atomic number Experimental data on actinide solubilities in Fig. 3. Formation enthalpies of solid, ordered, equimolar inter- titanium are limited to thorium, uranium, and plu- metallic Compounds of actinides with titanium (dots), tantalum tonium [37, 39], but with calcium and the lanthanides (circles), and platinum (triangles), calculated [6] with the Miede- ma modal [14], [44] as Stand-in elements, the predicted trend in solu- bility: polyvalent > trivalent > divalent actinides is clearly observed [11], and also the higher solubility in Fig. 1, taking into account also the vapour pressure of titanium with respect to tantalum. titanium [11, 28], indicates that this reaction seems to Data for the formation, structure, and stability of be possible, at least for heavy actinides from einstein- complex oxides are poor, especially thermochemical ium to nobelium. With tantalum, this reaction type is data. Well known is the formation of binary oxides unlikely because of the low vapour pressure. with TiO, and Ta,Oy. Their stability should increase with the basicity of the actinide oxides. In particular with trivalent metals such as Lu, Sc, Ga, In, AI, and Cr, complex oxides of the type MeTiTaOg are formed Promotion and Inhibition of actinide oxide reduction [37], which should also exist for trivalent actinides. The equilibrium of reduction reactions can be shifted Reactions of actinide oxides with oxide coatings of the in different directions by side reactions. The volatiliza- source materials hinder thermodynamically the re- tion of oxides MeO, fosters the volatilization of acti- duction reactions because of the stabilization of the nide particles An, the formation of complex oxides be- oxide phases, and they constitute also a diffusion bar- tween An and Me inhibits it. When stable intermetallic rier in the access to the free metal surface, thus delet- Compounds An^MCy are formed, oxide reduction is ing kinetically the reduction reaction. favoured, but metal volatilization is hindered. Since the relevant processes occur under strongly According to the vapour pressure data for titanium reducing conditions, the behaviour of actinide oxides and tantalum and their oxides [11, 28] the gas phases in lower oxidation states such as the +2 states are of contain only Ti, TiO, and TiOz, in dependence on the particular interest. Hence, we focus on temary oxides stoichiometry of the TiO, system. At low oxygen con- of the type MeTiOj and estimate the stability of this centrations, Ti and TiO are present, for TijOj the mon- type of Compounds with monoxides of actinides by a oxide TiO dominates, and for TijOs it is TiOj [42]. comparison with the formation enthalpies of isotypic The Situation in the Ta-O-system is analogous. From temary oxides. the thermodynamic data for oxygen solubility it fol- In Order to identify the most likely lattice type, lows, that titanium metal is able to extract oxygen from the An^^ radii R [45, 46] the Goldschmidt factor from solid tantalum. In an open system (with a carrier ta for the perovskite structure is calculated: gas or in vacuum), the volatilization of TiO from the reaction system should favour the reduction. 1 + Ro-) to = (17) In Order to discuss whether actinide metals are 72 (Rxi^. + Ro^-) soluble in and react with titanium, tantalum, and plati- num, Fig. 3 gives calculated formation enthalpies of By comparing these calculated values for actinide ele- solid, ordered, equimolar intermetallic Compounds. ments with fo-values for Compounds with known struc- They were calculated [6] on the basis of the Miedema ture and formation enthalpies, one can estimate the model [14], Formation enthalpies around zero indicate structure and formation enthalpies of the actinide Com- a high solubility in the solid State or mixed crystal pounds [11]. According to Goldschmidt's criterion, formation, values below +40 kJ/mol point towards perovskite structures are formed for 1 > ^g > 0.91. limited solubility, and values above +40 kJ/mol However, this structural type is also found with in- towards insolubility [43]. creasing deformation for calcium and cadmium with The results show that titanium and tantalum form ^G-ca = 0.868 and to^^ = 0.857. For the actinides, tc no stable intermetallic Compounds with actinides. decreases from 0.980 at actinium to 0.875 at fermium; Thus, an additional promotion of the reduction reac- hence, the perovskite structure MeTiOj seems to be tion is not expected, but a limited solubility of the acti- very likely. However, for mendelevium and nobelium, nides in these metals is likely. In general, tiie solubility with ta.Md = 0.868 and ^g-no = 0.864, either deformed of actinides in solid titanium should be higher than in perovskite or ilmenite structures should be expected. 226 B. EicMer et al. Between the formation enthalpies AHi of perov- Table 2. lonization potential Ii and electron work function ® for skites of the alkaline eaith elements calcium, Stron- actinide metals and source materials tium, and barium and their Goldschmidt factor to, an Metal /, for /, for O empirical correlation exists [37]: Me Me Me+ MeO — MeO^ [eV] [eV] [eV] AHf [kJ/mol] = -677.96 • t^ + 506.57 (18) Ac 5.2 and for ilmenites Th 6.307* AHt [kJ/mol] = -58.79 • t^ + 21.31 . (19) Pa 6.0 U 6.194** 5.7 Using these correlations, the formation enthalpies JHf Np 6.266* of the actinide Compounds were estimated [11]. They Pu 6.026* Am 5.974* decrease systematically from — 158kJ/mol for actin- Cm 5.991* ium to -96 kJ/mol for fermium and -79 kJ/mol for Bk 6.198* nobelium. For an ilmenite structure of the mendele- Cf 6.282* vium and nobelium Compounds, the stability should Es 6.45 even be lower, as follows from an estimated AHf of Fm 6.5 Md 6.6 —30 kj/mol. The relatively high formation enthalpies No 6.6 of the perovskites could lead to a strong hindrance of the reduction reactions, if the monoxides of the acti- Tia 6.3 nide elements would find unchanged TiOj at the sur- Ti 6.82 6.8 3.95 face. This is rather unlikely, however, because of the Ta 7.89 6.0 4.12 Pt 8.96 5.32 high-temperature properties of the system Ti-TiOz. In addition, one should expect that with increasing * From [55, 56], rounded. atomic number of the actinide elements, a possible ** From [57], rounded. hindrance of the reduction reaction by the formation All other data, partly estimated, taken %om compilations [58- 60], of temary MeTiOj oxides plays a minor role. 5.2.2 Diffusion of actinides in titanium and tantalum reached in titanium aheady at temperatures of about 1000 K. For tantalum, about 200- 300 K higher tem- As a measure for the diffusion rate in the metals we peratures are needed. Hence in contact with titanium, consider the volume diffusion coefficient. This yields tantalum constitutes a diffusion barrier for actinides. lower limits since we neglect grain-boundary diffusion which is much faster due to a considerably lower acti- vation energy. 3.2.3 Desorption of actinides from metal surfaces For the diffusion of actinides in jff-titanium, only data for U [37] and Pu [44] are available, but the mag- Desorption from the metal surface is a decisive step nitude and temperature dependence is quite similar for the nature of the gaseous species released, since it [11] as for comparable systems, Sc [37] and Ta [47] determines the abundances of neutral particles and in titanium, and Y [48] and Ce [49] in zirconium. At ions, An(g), AnO(g), An"^, and AnO"^. 1200 K, the diffusion coefficients D are around 10"' cm^/s [11]. For oxygen in titanium, the diffusion coef- Desorption of ions ficient is much larger, D « lO"' cmVs at 1200 K [37]. For diffusion in tantalum, more actinide data are For a given actinide element, i.e., a given ionization known, namely for U, Pu, Cm [50], Cf, Es, Fm [51], Potential, the fraction emitted as ion depends on the Md [52], and for oxygen [53]. They are of the same electron work function of the surface and the tempera- Order of magnitude [11], e.g. D 10~'^cm7s at ture (Eq. (5)). In Table 2, relevant data are compiled. 1200 K, whereas for oxygen, D is again at the level of Titanium offers the best conditions for the emission ~10"^cm^/s [53]. The fast oxygen diffusion in of neutral particles, whereas with tantalum at higher titanium and tantalum is of advantage for the reduction temperatures strong interferences by surface ionization reaction, and should support the release of oxygen have to be expected, as experimentally observed with from the reaction in an open system. Diffusion of actinides and lanthanides [61]. Platinum in pure form metals in titanium is much faster than in tantalum. cannot be applied. Titanium belongs to the "anomalously fast diffusers" [54] whose diffusion coefficients for dissolved sub- Desorption of neutral atoms stances are by several Orders of magnitude larger than for self-diffusion. The activation energies for dissolved In a first approximation, the desorption enthalpy substances are typically 0.3 to 0.5 times the self-dif- (negative adsorption enthalpy) can be considered as fusion energies. the crucial parameter in desorption kinetics (see 2.1.2). Diffusion coefficients of as required In [5], partial molar adsorption enthalpies of actinides for fast release of actinides from thin layers are on metal surfaces at zero coverage were calculated. An Atomic Beam Source for Actinide Elements: Concept and Realization 227 400 • I r I L. 600 _I U _l I I I I I I I I I 1_ 200 - O O o O 400 8 8 8 8 0 g a a a a i gg 1 200 - A A A A -200 - f. 0 8 « . 8 8 g ^ 8 8 -400 - < -200 - ® A A A A ^ -600 - -400 - -1—I—r -600 T—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—r 400 O o O o o 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 200 - Atomic number o o o o 3 ° Fig. 5. Calculated differences between the enthalpies for asso- E ciative desorption of actinides as monoxide, and as -200 - metal, from titanium (dots), tantalum (circles), and X -400 - A platinum surfaces (triangles). < -600 - ® -800 - • • —1—I—r- -T—r is the key argument for using tantalum as the backing 200 foil for actinide beam sources. 0 From platinum surfaces (Fig. 4c), desorption of ac- -200 - 0 o o Q o o O o o tinide metals is nearly impossible before the melting -400 - o o o o • • • • 0 point is reached. Because of the high Solution enthal- o • pies which correlate with the formation enthalpies of -600 - • • • • • • • intermetallic Compounds (Fig. 3), actinides are prefe- -800 - • © • rentially dissolved in the bulk phase. This is also evi- -1000 - • * • dent from the low segregation enthalpies. 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 Atomic number Associative desorption Fig. 4. Calculated enthWpies of adsoq)tion JH^^, (dots), Solution In Order to obtain an estimate for the probability of JHsi. (circles), and segregation AHsb (triangles) of actinide desorption of actinide monoxides, enthalpies for disso- metals in interactions with (a) titanium, (b) tantalum, and (c) platinum [5]. ciative adsorption of the monoxides on metal surfaces were calculated [29]. This process can be considered as the reverse reaction of an associative desorption from surfaces. Fig. 5 shows the differences of the en- Fig. 4 shows these adsorption enthalpies AH^^ on thalpies for associative desorption as monoxide and as titanium, tantalum, and platinum, and also the Solution free atom fi'om titanium, tantalum, and platinum sur- enthalpies AHsi^ and segregation enthalpies AHse- faces. Associative desorption is favoured for negative Using Eq. (2), the desorption behaviour can be esti- values in this diagram. mated. These data take only into account contributions Titanium (Fig. 4a) has very suitable properties for from surface material, actinide dement and oxygen the desorption of actinides. Divalent actinides should binding. In real systems the oxygen concentrations in be desorbed akeady below 1000 K, plutonium and the metal, on the surface and in the residual gas play americium without problems slightly above 1000 K. a role, too. From titanium and tantalum, desorption as Only for thorium, protactinium, and uranium, tempera- monoxide is likely for thorium and protactinium, and tures around the melting point of titanium should be may also contribute for trivalent actinides. The diva- required. The Solution enthalpies of actinides in lent elements califomium to nobelium should be de- titanium are somewhat less positive than in tantalum. sorbed as free atoms. The relatively high probability Because of the considerably lower adsorption enthalp- for monoxide desorption implies that the thermo- ies of Th, Pa, Am, Cm, and Lr on titanium compared dynamic activity of oxygen in the total system should to tantalum, the driving force for their surface en- be kept as low as possible. Partial prevolatilization of richment is smaller in titanium, but it remains still con- oxygen, e.g. in the form of TiO, could be helpful. For siderable even for divalent actinides. platinum, monoxide desorption is very likely so that From tantalum (Fig. 4b), any actinide dement only for divalent actinides desorption of atoms may could be desorbed. For divalent actinides desorption occur. should akeady occur at temperatures slightly above 10(X) K. For trivalent actinides, temperatures of about Experimental results on adsorption and desorption 2(X)0 K are required, and for thorium and protactinium even much higher temperatures are needed. Under Investigations of the desorption kinetics give access to thermal stress, tantalum enriches the whole actinide binding energies between adsorbed atoms and sur- group at the surface, as the /dHsE-values indicate. This faces. To a good approximation, the activation energy 228 B. Eichler et al. for desorption E^^^ represents the negative adsorption Table 3. Thermochromatography of actinides in titanium and enthalpy AH^^ which can be obtained, under certain zirconium columns conditions, with Eq. (2). Thermal desorption of acti- Ele- Adsor- Deposition Adsorption Refer- nides has not yet been studied systematically, but a ment bens temperature enthalpy ence few results and also data for several lanthanide ele- ments are available. [kJ/mol] The remarkably high volatility of americium, Am Ti 970 285 [67] plutonium, and curium from surfaces of group IV Cf Ti 930 268 [68] d-metals and thorium was first reported in [62], Acti- 775 176 [3] nium was completely volatilized from thorium beyond 810 201 [70] 1220 K [63]. The volatilization of americium from Es Ti 720 163 [3] 930 220 [4] titanium and zirconium begins already at 1070 K; and 760 189 [70] at 1470 K complete volatilization is achieved within Fm Ti 720 163 [3] 30 min [62, 64]. On the contrary, americium could not 890 210 [4] be volatilized from W, Ta, Ni, steel, and Pt at tempera- 730 182 [70] Zr 870 222 [68] tures up to 1470 K. With platinum, diffusion into the 930 239 [68] bulk phase was observed. From experimentally deter- Md Ti 715 162 [3] mined activation energies for desorption from titanium Zr 870 222 [68] surfaces, adsorption enthalpies -AH^, = 332 kJ/mol 930 239 [68] were obtained for americium, and 334 kJ/mol for curium [1]; this corresponds to temperatures of 1255 and 1245 K, respectively, for 50% desorption within 1800 s. Data [11] for the desorption of lanthanides from titanium [1] and tantalum [65, 66] may be useful for orientation. In general, the kinetics of desorption processes de- pends strongly on the initial chemical State, the surface properties of the matrix metals and the composition of the surrounding gas atmosphere. The experimentally observed activation energies for desorption charac- terize, hence, the rate determining step in an often [ kJ/mol ] complex surface interaction. Nonetheless, desorption energies obtained in single-step experiments are useful Fig. 6. Comparison of experimental and calculated adsorption as an orientation for practical applications. More in- enthalpies of actinide and lanthanide metals on titanium (cir- sights into the interaction of trace amounts of chemi- cles), zirconium (triangles), and tantalum surfaces (squares); ex- perimental data obtained by thermochromatography (filled) and cally reactive elements with metallic surfaces are thermodesorption (empty symbolsX provided by multistep processes such as thermochro- matography. Thermochromatography is a variant of adsorption 3.2.4 Phase stability and compatibility gas chromatography. In a stationary, negative tempera- of metallic titanium and tantalum ture gradient, the species to be studied form internal Metallic titanium and tantalum are completely mis- chromatograms whose peak positions are determined cible at high temperatures i.e. ß-Ti and Ta form a com- by the strength of the particle-surface interaction and plete series of solid solutions whereas in a-Ti, the solu- by the experimental conditions. With thermochromato- bility of Ta is hmited. The stability ränge of the phases graphic methods, the adsorption of lanthanide ele- are for titanium <1155 K a-Ti (hcp); 1155-1933 K ments on titanium was investigated [1, 2], and similar ß-T\ (bcc); and for tantalum <3269 K Ta (bcc). At studies were carried out for the relatively volatile ele- high temperatures, a mixing of the components could ments Am, Cf, Es, Fm, and Md [2-4, 67-70]. The occur. The lowest melting point in the system is that observed deposition temperatures T^as and the adsorp- of titanium. tion enthalpies AH^a^ deduced from such data accord- ing to the prescription of Ref. [71] are compiled in Table 3. Further data on lanthanide elements are given 4. Atomic beam source elsewhere [11]. 4.1 Concept In Fig. 6, the adsorption enthalpies derived from experimental studies of thermal desorption and From the thermodynamic and kinetic data presented in thermochromatography are compared to calculated the preceding sections it follows that straightforward values [5, 72], On the whole, the calculations predict evaporation from any metal surface is not a promising quite well the desorption behaviour of actinides from approach to develop an efficient atomic beam source metal surfaces. for actinide elements. Rather, a sandwich-type source An Atomic Beam Source for Actinide Elements: Concept and Realization 229 :—1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1— I is required: the actinide dement in oxidic form is deposited on a mechanically and thermally stable sub- ® ä strate foil and covered with a thin metallic coating of 10-^ high reductive power. ; 1 -«-»-•-3 Tantalum is the best choice for the substrate foil. 1§ 10-5 ^ 1^ J In addition to its mechanical stability even at high tem- 05 1 peratures, tantalum has the very favourable property to q: enrich actinides at the foil surface and to form a dif- 101--6 - fusion barrier against back diffusion into the substrate. ] Titanium is the choice for the surface coating be- L.—1 1 i L_J 1 1 L- cause of its high reductive potential and low electron 8 12 16 work function, and because of the low adsorption Filament number enthalpy and high diffusion rate for actinides in this Fig. 7. Overall efficiency for the detection of plutonium with metal. Titanium is applied as a thin, dense metallic RIMS using atomic beams from tantalum-plutonium oxide- titanium sandwich filaments; titanium coatings applied by (a) layer. evaporation, (b) sputtering; source temperature 1270 K. In such a sandwich source, three time-consuming, thermally activated processes - reduction, diffusion, and desorption - occur which should lead, at suitable ionization steps. The ions are accelerated in an electric Operation temperatures, to a relatively slow, steady re- field and analyzed in a time-of-flight mass spec- lease of actinide atoms and, fmally, nearly complete trometer. They are fmally counted by a Channelplate volatilization of the actinide sample. detector located at the end of the RIMS setup. The laser beams are delivered by three tunable dye lasers, pumped simultaneously by two copper vapour lasers. 4.2 Preparation of tantalum-actinide The high repetition rate of 6.5 kHz provides a good oxide-titanium sandwich filaments temporal overlap with the continuously produced The actinide elements are electrochemically deposited atomic beam, as is required for achieving high detec- [73, 74] on tantalum backings as actinide hydroxides tion sensitivity. in form of a spot of 3 mm diameter. An 11 X 3.5 mm For applications in ultratrace analysis, high ef- tantalum foil, 50 |im thick, is operated as the cathode ficiency and good reproducibility of the atomic beam in the electrolytic cell, a platinum wire is the anode. production is a prerequisite, for studies of atomic The electrolyte is a 1.5 M ammonium sulfate Solution properties the controlled, steady release over long of pH-value 1.5 to 2.0, the current density is about periods is a necessity. 3.5 A/cm^, and the time of deposition about 60 min. Yields are between 60 to 80 per cent. After drying, the hydroxide-on-tantalum filament is covered with an 4.3.1 Reproducibility about 1 |im thick titanium layer. Evaporation-conden- The reproducibiUty was checked by measuring the sation of titanium in high vacuum as well as sputtering Overall efficiency of RIMS with a series of filaments were applied as coating procedures, with much better carrying the same actinide amount. This efficiency is results obtained for sputtering. Uniformity and thick- defmed as the number of ions counted with the RIMS ness are checked by a-particle spectroscopy with sur- detector, compared to the number of atoms originally face barrier detectors. For a uniform titanium coating present on the filament. The source strength is deter- a Sharp ö-energy peak is observed which is shifted to mined by a-particle spectroscopy. The RIMS ef- somewhat lower energies due to the absorption of a- ficiency includes any loss of actinide material between particles in the titanium layer. From this shift the source and detector. With a well tuned RIMS setup, thickness of the coating can be deduced [73]; e.g., for apparative factors should be rather constant. Hence, a 0.9 um thick titanium coating a shift of 0.20 MeV of fluctuations in the Overall efficiency from sample to the 5.148 MeV a-particles of ^^'Pu results. When the sample reflect largely the reproducibility of the atomic coating is less uniform or has holes, broader and struc- beam source. tured energy distributions are obtained. Fig. 7 shows results of tests with a series of filaments containing the same quantity of ^^'Pu, 10" atoms. Titanium coatings were deposited by eva- 4.3 Experimental tests poration or sputtering. The sources were run for 2 to of the sandwich sources 4 h at 1270 K. With sputtered coatings, the overall Experimental tests of the sandwich actinide beam efficiency and reproducibility are superior compared sources were performed by RIMS using the setup de- to evaporated coatings, as shown by the respective scribed in Ref. [8]. Atomic beams are produced by averages of 3.4(±0.8) • 10"= compared to 7.4(±2.8) heating the sandwich Filament. They are then ionized • 10"®. Obviously, sputtering yields more uniform by three intersecting laser beams of different wave- coatings. The evaporation of plutonium under such length in a sequence of three resonant excitation- conditions is nearly complete, with only a few percent 230 B. Eichler et al. time-of-flight mass spectrum of a ^''Pu sample ob- tained by RIMS. In addition to the plutonium signal at mass number 239, small peaks around mass numbers 255 and 270 can be seen which could be assigned to the molecular ions PuO^ and PuOJ, non-resonantly ionized by the laser light. However, since the sample should contain a surplus of uranium from contami- nants, and from non-resonant pro- cesses may also contribute. In any case, the intensities are Orders of magnitude smaller than that of the Pu^ Signal. 100 Fig. 8. Time profile of the RIMS count rate for curium released 5. Operating experiences and some applications from a tantalum-curium oxide-titanium Sandwich source oper- ated at 1410 K. Sandwich sources were so far used for RIMS measure- ments of plutonium, curium, berkelium, and califor- nium. In Table 4 operation conditions and some charac- teristic properties are summarized. The Overall RIMS efficiency is mainly determined by the limited spatial and temporal overlap between the continuous atomic beam and the pulsed laser beams. For plutonium the measured efficiency of 3 • 10"' (Table 4) can be com- pared with a calculated value of 2 • 10"" [75] obtained with reasonable assumptions for all individual factors contributing, but assuming 100% source efficiency. This results in a source efficiency of 10 to 20% which should be a lower limit since in practice some assump- tions made are not always reached, e.g., the photon intensities are not sufficient to saturate all excitation Fig. 9. Oxidic contaminants in a plutonium beam released at steps. 1270 K from a tantalum-plutonium oxide-titanium sandwich The low Operation temperatures are an important source as revealed by the RIMS mass spectrum. advantage, being most pronounced - as expected - for berkelium and califomium. Consequently, the spectra are nearly free from background events, and remaining on the filaments, as is found by a-particle very low detection limits can thus be achieved. The spectroscopy after use. limits are estimated from the Statistical 3 o limit of the number of background events accumulated during a 4.3.2 Time profile of volatilization typical operation time. The detection limits listed in Table 4 correspond to a few femtograms of the acti- A time profile of the volatilization from a tantalum- nide Clements. actinide oxide-titanium sandwich is shown in Fig. 8 for a sample of 10" atoms of ^''»Cm run at 1410 K. The The superior sensitivity of RIMS is demonstrated shape of the curve indicates different rate-determining by Fig. 10 where the same ^''Pu sample was analyzed processes. The initial increase is due to the transport for plutonium by conventional a-particle spectroscopy of curium metal to the surface, determined by the ther- and by RIMS. Whereas with a-particle spectroscopy a mally activated processes of reduction and diffusion. counting time of 23.5 h is required to obtain a statisti- The subsequent descent is caused by the increasing cally significant signal, RIMS yields within 1.5 h a depletion of the source between the tantalum and signal stronger by three Orders of magnitude. titanium layers and at the titanium surface. Such a time As an application to environmental analysis, RIMS profile is well suited for spectroscopic investigations measurements of two plutonium samples are depicted whereas with the previously applied, rhenium-based in Fig. 11. One sample was chemically isolated from filaments the temperature had to be increased stepwise a hot particle from the Chemobyl area. An activity of to achieve good yields [73]. 45mBq 239,24opy ^^^ measured by a-particle spec- troscopy which cannot resolve the nearly identical a- lines of these two isotopes. In the RIMS spectrum, 4.3.3 Evaporation of neutral molecules Fig. IIa, these two isotopes are clearly resolved. Also Since actinide oxides are formed during heating the seen is ^'Pu, a pure y9-ray emitter which escapes a- source, the formation of neutral monoxide and dioxide particle counting, and two minor components, the molecules due to incomplete reduction to the metal has a-emitters ^"Pu with 0.9%, and ^^Pu with 1.2% abun- to be proven and kept at a minimum. Fig. 9 depicts a dance. A known activity of a tracer, the a-emitter

tion of actinide elements and oxides from a variety of metals were considered sights into the interaction of trace amounts of chemi- cally reactive
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