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Preview An Assessment of Yourdamung and Nalyerin Lakes in the Jarrah Forest Region of Western Australia

AN ASSESSMENT OF YOURDAMUNG AND NALYERIN LAKES IN THE JARRAH FOREST REGION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA By BRUCE WARD* RAY CRANFIELD and GRAEME LIDDELOW Science Division, Department of Environment and Conservation, Manjimup 6258, Western Australia "Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Surveys of fringing and aquatic plants, birds and aquatic macro-invertebrate species were carried out at Lake Yourdamung and Lake Nalyerin during 2002. The purpose of this survey was to determine whether Lake Yourdamung, situated on private land, was suitable for inclusion into the Lane-Poole Reserve. Results provided technical and scientific support of an application for land acquisition, which proved to be successful and the 81 ha (182 acres) property was purchased in 2004. After applying wetland functional indices to a range of wetland characteristics, Lake Yourdamung was rated as partially degraded due to draining and clearing (50%) of its fringing vegetation. Despite these interventions, it had retained good water quality and a high diversity of plant, bird and aquatic invertebrate fauna. Lake Nalyerin in comparison was in near natural condition but had suffered some degradation due to vehicle damage of the reed beds. Lake Yourdamung with some remedial restoration could in time return to a near-natural condition and form an important wetland environment, the only one on the Bingham River system. Lakes Yourdamung and Nalyerin appear to meet criteria for listing in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia. INTRODUCTION wetlands and their significance to society (ANCA 1996). Wetlands Since European settlement are among the most productive wetlands have been destroyed at ecosystems in the world and are a an alarming rate either filled in source of substantial biodiversity or drained and used for other in supporting numerous species purposes. It is only in the past from all of the major groups of few decades that we have begun organisms - from microbes to to understand the many eco¬ mammals. Physical and chemical logical functions associated with features such as climate, top- 280 ography, geology, nutrients, and 33°08'S and 116°22’E (Figure 1), is hydrology help to determine the fully within state forest on the plants and animals that inhabit Harris River. Lake Nalyerin pro¬ various wetlands. The combi¬ vided a benchmark to compare nation of shallow water, high against as it was in natural forest levels of inorganic nutrients, and and has had minimal dis¬ high rates of primary pro¬ turbance. Both Lake Nalyerin ductivity is ideal for the and Lake Yourdamung are development of organisms that natural sumpland type wetlands form the base of a dynamic food and as such have an important web (US EPA 2010). functional role. Benefits of these Lake Yourdamung is located on wetlands include water storage, the head-waters of the Bingham flood control and help with River at 33°12'S and 116°16'E groundwater recharge. in situated some 30km north-east addition, many of the aquatic of Collie, Western Australia, and semi-aquatic plants assist while Lake Nalyerin, a further 10 with stripping nutrients and km north east of Yourdamung at harmful contaminants from the Figure 1. Location of Nalyering and Yourdamung Lakes within the Lane-Poole Reserve and their proximity to Collie, Western Australia. 281 water improving its quality. The soil, flora and fauna. Both lakes wetlands also provide habitats are situated within the Jarrah for many plants and animals, forest biogeographic region, thereby increasing species di¬ which is defined as: duricrust versity. Biological monitoring of plateau of Yilgarn Craton macro-invertebrate fauna is characterised by Jarrah-Marri often done to assess water forest on laterite gravels and, in quality and the health of a the eastern part, by Marri- system. Wandoo woodlands and clayey soils. Eluvial and alluvial de¬ A drainage channel across the south west side effectively posits support Agonis shrublands. In areas of Mesozoic sediments, drained the majority of Lake Yourdamung, reducing the lake Jarrah forests occur in a mosaic with a variety of species-rich area from 30 hectares down to shrublands and warm Medi¬ about one hectare. Fringing vegetation from the original lake terranean climate (ANCA 1996). Wetlands of the Jarrah forest level was still evident with a new biogeographic region are poorly rim of vegetation developing around the current high water¬ represented in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia mark. (Environment Australia 2001). The aim of this investigation was Only seven wetlands / wetland to record and measure vegeta¬ systems have been listed in the tion, birds and aquatic inverte¬ directory as being of national brates for Lake Yourdamung and significance. All of these are on Lake Nalyerin and rate their the periphery of the region, with health and condition. The study five along the southern edge and further aimed to determine if two on the northern tip. Lake Yourdamung would revert A visit to the lakes was con¬ to natural condition forming a ducted on the 20 November 2002 worthwhile addition to the to sample plant material for State’s conservation areas. identification and species listing of fringing and aquatic plants (See Appendix 1 for plant species, METHOD Appendix 3 for cryptogams). The Australia has an immense array fringing vegetation area sampled of diversity, both physical and was between the high water mark biological, and to describe and and the lake edge. Aquatic and manage this diversity areas of semi-aquatic plants from within similar ecosystems have been the lake were also included along divided into biogeographic with cryptogams. Voucher speci¬ regions (ANCA 1996). Biogeo- mens for study were collected graphical regions are defined from plants flowering at the according to biological and en¬ time of the survey and returned vironmental attributes, which to the laboratory, where they include terrain, climate, geology, were processed and later sent to 282 the Western Australian Herb¬ point transect method (Davies arium. A rapid assessment tech¬ 1983) and sightings and sounds of nique rated the condition of the bird species were recorded at fringing vegetation and pro¬ points around the lake. A bird vided a comparative species list for Lake Yourdamung is listing to determine the level of presented in Appendix 2. degradation and species compo¬ sition for both lake systems Analysis Aquatic macro-invertebrate taxa Data from both lakes (Nalyering were quantified to determine and Yourdamung) was applied to water quality and lake condition a functional capacity rating at Yourdamung Lake, whereas system which assesses each only a visual inspection was attribute separately by applying a done at Lake Nalyerin due to score based on its condition. All time constraints. The method scores are added together to used a timed survey technique provide an overall total which is where sweeps of the water from compared with a standard. This surface to lakebed with a fine produces a functional capacity mesh net were conducted over a index derived by the following 20-second period. Ten sweeps equation for the wetland placed at random locations (adapted from Smith et al. 1995) around the lake produced (see Table 3). sample specimens, which were re¬ FCI = Functional capacity turned to the laboratory, identi¬ measured / Functional capacity fication of specimens using standard available keys provided a list of species which, together with a measure of their abundance, RESULTS were applied to tables published by Davis and Christidis (1997) to Vegetation species data collected determine water quality and the for fringing and aquatic plants health of the system. are summarised for lakes Yourdamung and Nalyerin in Bird counts of fringing and in¬ Table 1. lake vegetation at Lake Yourdamung assessed numbers A comparison of the fringing of bird species. The assessment vegetation for both lakes, shows used the standard Birds Australia Lake Yourdamung to have Table 1. Number of fringing and aquatic vegetation species in each lake Total number Species common Weed of species to both species Lake Yourdamung 87 19 28 Lake Nalyerin 50 19 2 283 significantly more weed species pollution and are species than Lake Nalyerin. This is not consistent with a healthy system. surprising given that up to 50% Bird counts using standard bird of the fringing vegetation was census techniques over two removed to provide pasture for mornings at Yourdamung re¬ grazing, allowing 28 exotic grasses turned a species list of 74 birds and weeds to become established (See Appendix 3 for complete compared with only two weeds list). at Lake Nalyerin. Once the weed Water quality was measured species were deducted from the twice at Lake Yourdamung species list there was a similar during 2002, in July a period of level of species with Lake maximum dilution and again in Yourdamung having slightly December during the peak of higher species numbers. How¬ concentration. The results show; ever, only 19 species are common pH ranging from 6.0 in July to to both lakes and this shows that 7.49 in December and con¬ these two lakes have dramati¬ ductivity from 104 to 177 gS/cm cally different species compo¬ (0.06-0.1ppt) respectively. The sition even though they are only dissolved oxygen concentration 10km apart. was 83% in July. The pH of Lake At sweep sites ‘Yourdamung’, 10 Yourdamung is slightly acidic aquatic invertebrate taxa were but well within the range of present in low numbers and of a values reported for other lakes in type consistent with good water South-Western Australia (Lane et quality (Davis and Christidis al. 2004, 2011), most of which are 1997) (Table 2). Time allowed for more alkaline, probably due to only a visual inspection of Lake differences in soils and vege¬ Nalyerin, which showed a high tation. Salinity values are very abundance of shrimp and other low compared with those of crustaceans that are sensitive to most South West Wetland Monitoring Program (SWWMP) Table 2. Macro-invertebrate taxa and wetlands, as is typical in the abundance at Yourdamung Lake. Jarrah forest. Lake Yourdamung had a maximum depth in its Taxa Abundance current state of about lm, which is lower than that of most Caddis fly Trichoptera 1 SWWMP wetlands. Clam shrimp Mollusca 40 Mites Arichnida 15 A functional capacity index of Backswimmer Hemiptera 10 each lake was calculated from Beetle Coleoptera Spl 5 wetland attributes that rated the Beetle Coleoptera Sp2 3 level of degradation and com¬ Dragonfly Odonata 2 pared against a standard value Midges Diptera 6 (Table 3). The functional capacity Worms Oligochaeta 20 index was determined by enter¬ Mosquitoes Diptera 2 ing the total of all ratings into 284 Table 3. Showing functional capacity index for both lakes compared with the standard for each function Function standard Yourdamung Nalyerin Comments index index Water storage 1.0 0.5 1.0 Yourdamung drained Nutrient cycling 1.0 0.8 1.0 Intact aquatic vegetation Removal of compounds 1.0 0.6 1.0 Area at Yourdamung reduced Organic carbon 1.0 0.6 1.0 Area of Yourdamung reduced Maintain plant community 1.0 0.9 0.9 Maintain detrital biomass 1.0 0.9 1.0 Spatial structure of habitat 1.0 0.6 1.0 Connectivity 1.0 0.3 1.0 Abundance of invertebrates 1.0 0.9 0.9 Abundance of vertebrates 1.0 0.9 0.9 Water quality 1.0 0.9 0.9 Total 11.0 7.9 10.6 the equation from Smith et al. river system. Comparison of (1995). plant diversity for both lakes show the numbers of species to FCI = Functional capacity be similar but they have measured / Functional capacity distinctly different species standard composition and this highlights Lake Yourdamung = 7.9/11 gives a the spatial differences between FCI of 0.71 the two catchments. Lake Lake Nalyering = 10.6/11 gives a Yourdamung has more species FCI of 0.96 with higher levels of grasses and A wetland in pristine condition weeds, which has resulted from disturbance associated with would have a score of 1.0 and clearing to produce pastured both lakes rated highly. land. This lake although cleared of some of its fringing vegetation has maintained good water DISCUSSION quality and a high diversity of The fringing vegetation is plant, bird and aquatic in¬ subject to inundation annually vertebrate species. The land and forms a natural filtration surrounding the lake is mostly system that strips and retains pastured farmland with a narrow nutrients and harmful pollut¬ strip of vegetation upstream that ants from the water improving provides some connectivity to water quality discharged into the the natural forest to the north. 285 The areas cleared would easily and animal species; it can be revert to natural vegetation and restored back to a natural state; it already show some evidence of is within the boundaries of the sedges and reed beds becoming Lane-Poole Reserve; and it established, an observation noted contains habitat suitable for the during the initial visit and a reintroduction of rare fauna subsequent visit during 2010. such as Tammar, Woylie and Lake Nalyerin in comparison is Chuditch also lakes listed in the in near-natural condition but Directory of Important Wetlands has some damage due to vehicle in Australia are poorly repre¬ traffic crossing reed beds. Some sented in the Jarrah forest bio- remedial action could rectify this geographical region. Combined, area by resiting tracks and access these reasons provided com¬ points. pelling biological evidence to support the application for land Lake Yourdamung appears to acquisition which was finally meet Criteria for listing in the achieved in 2004. Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia. Such as, It is a good Restoration of Lake Yourdamung example of a wetland type occurring within a biogeographic region in A priority following land acqui¬ Australia but, due to a lack of sition was to destock the data demonstrating national sig¬ property of cattle and sheep. This nificance at the time of assess¬ significantly reduced grazing ment of wetlands in this region pressure allowing natural vege¬ (J. Lane, pers. comm., 3 March tation to re-establish. As part of 2011), has not been listed. Lake the farming activities, a drain cut Yourdamung is also not included on the south-eastern edge among the 152 wetlands of the effectively lowered the lake by Department of Environment 0.8-1.0m altering the entire and Conservation’s ‘South West hydrology of the lake. The lake Wetlands Monitoring Program’ originally covered about 36 which, for historical reasons, has hectares and because of drainage, an emphasis on wetlands of the only about one hectare holds wheatbelt and the coastal plains. water and actively functions as a Most lakes in this monitoring sump. To restore this lake to its program are within national natural level, forms the next parks or nature reserves estab¬ priority and can be achieved by lished prior to 2000 (Lane et al. filling in or blocking the drain. 2004, 2011). The Lake Restoration of the damaged Yourdamung property was with¬ fringing vegetation would de¬ in, but not part of, the Lane- velop naturally but intervention Poole Reserve and had many in the form of replanting and reasons why it should be added infilling of the vegetation would to the reserve. These include: it speed this process. The cost of has a high diversity of plant, bird this type of intervention often 286 prohibits this work. important habitat and its ecological diversity. There was evidence of water birds nesting and foraging in the water during our visit and CONCLUSION suggests that this is an important site for many of these species. Lake Yourdamung showed Lane-Poole Reserve has 120 partial impact from farming and species of birds and this survey has a high diversity of plant, bird has captured over 60% from this and aquatic animals with one site, which emphasises its fringing vegetation forming an importance. Increasing the area important habitat which would of the lake back to its original regenerate over time. The prop¬ size would benefit these species erty containing the majority of providing increased habitat and the lake was purchased and maintenance of diversity. incorporated into the Lane- Despite the draining and clearing Poole Reserve and will form an of the lake, the health of this important natural wetland for system is in good order. Evidence this area. of this was shown by the cover of aquatic and semi-aquatic plants, with good water quality capable ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of supporting growth and a suite We thank Department of of macroinvertebrate fauna Environment and Conservation, recognised for their capacity to District and Regional officers for only survive in good quality assistance. Special thanks to Matt water. The water was clear and Williams for advice with data contained no evidence of algal analysis and to Dr Lachie McCaw blooms. and Jim Lane for reading the Lake Yourdamung drains into draft and providing invaluable the Bingham River through a comment. broad valley flat that is subject to inundation. The lake forms a natural sump and experiences a REFERENCES strong seasonal hydrological CHRISTIDIS, L. AND W.E. BOLES cycle of flooding during winter while drying out in summer and 2008. Systematics and Taxonomy of is typical of the natural wetlands Australian Birds. CSIRO found in the Jarrah forest. Once Publishing, Melbourne restored, it will play a substantial DAVIES, S.J.J.F. 1983. Methods of ecological role in the natural censusing birds in Australia. functioning of the river system. Proceedings of a symposium Restoration of the lake and organised jointly by the Zoology maintenance of the river system section of the ANZAAS and the is a responsible goal to preserve Western Australian group of the the long-term viability of this Royal Australasian Ornithologists 287 Union. ED S.J.J.F. Davies. Depart¬ LANE, J., PEARSON, G., CLARKE, ment of Conservation and En¬ A., WINCHCOMBE, Y. AND vironment, Perth, W.A. Bulletin MUNRO, D. 2004. Depths and 153. salinities of wetlands in south-western DAVIS, J. AND CHRISTIDIS, F. Australia: 1977-2000. WA Depart¬ ment of Conservation Land 1997. A Guide to Wetland Management. 129pp. Invertebrates of South Western Australia. Published by the West SMITH, D. AMMANN, A., Australian Museum. BARTOLDUS, C. AND BRINSON, ENVIRONMENT AUSTRALIA. M. 1995. An Approach for Assessing 2001. A Directory of Important Wetland Functions Using Hydro- geomorphic Classification, Reference Wetlands in Australia, Third Edition. Environment Australia, Canberra, Wetlands and Functional Indices. Technical Report WRP-DE-9 http:/ / www.environment.gov.au/ October 1995. Prepared for U.S. water/ topics/ wetlands/ database/ Army Corps of Engineers diwa.html Washington DC LANE, J. CLARKE, A. AND WINCHCOMBE, Y. 2011. South US EPA. 2010. U.S. Environmental Protection Authority Watershed West Wetlands Monitoring Program Academy Web http:// report: 1977 - 2010. Western Aus¬ www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/ tralian Department of Environ¬ wacademy/acad2000/wetlands/ ment and Conservation. 156pp. index.htm Accessed 31 Dec 2010. 288 . APPENDIX 1 (Vegetation species from Lakes Yourdamung and Nalyering in 2002). Genus marked with an asterisk is a weed species Lake Lake Yourdamung Nalyering Amaranthaceae * Alternanthera nodi flora Apiaceae Daucus glochidiatus * * Homalosciadium homalocarpum * * Araliaceae Trachymene pilosa * * Asparagaceae Chamaescilla corymbosa * * Sowerbaea laxiflora * Thysanotus tenellus * Asteraceae *Arctotheca calendula * *Cotula coronopifolia * Helichrysum luteoalbum * *Hypochaeris glabra * * Lagenophora huegelii * Senecio quadridentatus * Siloxerus humifusus * * *Sonchus asper * *Sonchus oleraceus * Campanulaceae Lobelia anceps * * *Monopsis debilis * Wahlenbergia gracilenta * * Centrolepidaceae Aphelia cyperoides * Centrolepis aristata * Characeae Chara sp. algae Crassulaceae *Crassula natans * Cyperaceae B aumea articulata * Baumea juncea * Isolepis cyperoides * *Isolepis marginata * Isolepis stellata * Dilleniaceae Hibbertia amplexicaulis * Hibbertia racemosa * * Hibbertia stellaris * Elaeocarpaceae Platytheca galioides * 289

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