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An area-analytical zoogeographical classification of Paleartic Unionaceae species PDF

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by  K Baba
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Preview An area-analytical zoogeographical classification of Paleartic Unionaceae species

, BollettinoMalacologico,Roma,36(5-8):133-140,2000-SocietàItalianadiMalacologia An area-analytical zoogeographical classification of Palearctic Unionaceae species Károly Baba KEY words: Unionaceae,area-analyticaldivision,faunacircles,West-Palearctic-,East-Palearctic-Elements,Pacific-Palearctic-Elements. abstract: The zoogeographical classification for 31 Unionaceae species is given by using the area-analytical zoogeographical approach formerly successfully applied to terrestrial snails (Bába 1982). Studied species belong to the following genera: Margaritifera, Margaritana, Unio, Potamida Lanceolaria , Pseudanodonta Anodonta CristanaandCorbicula. , , riassunto: Laclassificazionezoogeograficadi 31 speciediunionaceaèstatastilatautilizzandounmetodoarea-analitico. Lespecieappartengonoagli zonobiomi BorealeeAboreale. Nei duemaggiorigruppidellozonobiomaAboreale-i.e. neigruppi Paleartici dell'Ovestedell'Est-glielementi chesiorigina- nodallaSiberiaorientale,centraleeoccidentale, circa 20specie,sono i piùabbondanti. Sono necessarie ulteriori ricercheperdeterminare l’origine degli elementi della Manciuria e Sinopacifici nei gruppi della Siberia orientale (15 specie). I gruppi occidentali paleartici includono gli elementi centro-asiatici, ponto-caspici e olomediterranei, le specie Adriatico e Atlanto Mediterranee da rifugi secondari. La maggior parte di queste specie posseggonosiaarealistabilicheinregressione. KÁROLYBÁBA, Gyulajuha’szteacherstrainingcollege,Dep.ofbiologyVáru.6.,Szeged,Hungary. INTRODUCTION FAUNA GROUPS In contrast to numerous invertebrate taxa (Plecoptera, Heteroptera The 31 studied Unionaceae species belong to the Boreal and , Odonata, Ephemeroptera Tricboptera, etc.), the area-analytical clas- Aboreal zonobiomes. The range ofthe Boreo-Alpine circumpo- , sification offreshwater molluscs has not been prepared yet. This lar (Flolarctic) Margaritifera margaritifera from the Boreal zono- gap is filled partly in this study for the Unionaceae, and was biome (Fig. 2) was drawn based on the work ofJungbluth et al. done so earlier forSphaeriidae(Bába 1997). (1985). In the Aboreal zonobiome the most species rich fauna element group in the East Palaearctis is the East Siberian, which MATERIALAND METHODS includes many refugia. These refugia may combine with each Earlier studies proved that the dispersal ofterrestrial and aquat- other. The Amurian (Manchurian) elements are of particular ic organisms follow the same fundamental rules (De Lattin importance, since these extended from the Amurian region into 1967, Varga 1975, Dévai 1976), that also holds true for plants North China, Japan and Korea through the Japan Inner Lake and terrestrial snails (Bába 1986). The zoogeographical cate- during the Mindel Glaciation (De Eattin 1967). This resulted in gorisation of species is further hampered by the limited infor- the Manchurian-Sinopacific distribution pattern, which is tem- mation available on the subspecies distinguished by mostly porarily classified as East Siberian elements based on De Lattin's anatomical traits. Albeit, the geographical distribution of sub- theory. species carries important information on the history of the Shadin (1952) gives no information on the subspecies. Species species (Heptner 1959). Different subspecies reported from the assigned to this category are Margaritana middendorfi Rosen same area in the literature are sympatric, that in turn makes the 1926, Margaritana sacchariensis Shadin 1938, Margaritana subspecies status questionable. The dispersal of clams was dahurica (Middendorf 1850), Unto continentalis (Haas 1980), enhanced by certain human activities, like fish introduction (A. Lanceolaria grayana Lea 1834, Lanceolaria cylindrica (Simpson ivoodiana) and waterway canalizations (Dreissena polymorpba). 1900), Anodonta beringiana Middendorf 1850, Anodonta enscaphys Occasionally, the glochidium may be transported by migrating Hende 1879, and Anodonta araeformis Hende 1877. These fauna birds. Nevertheless, the fossil-based dynamics for East Palearc- elements have stationary areas (Figs 2-3). Species with tic species is incomplete, which could serve with essential infor- Manchurian-Sinopacific disjunct area are Unio douglasiae Griffit mation on theirdistribution. at Pitaeon 1833, Anodonta woodiana (Lea 1834) (adventives in Generalised maps for the species (Fig. 2-5) were prepared by Europe arrived with Amurian fish), Cristoria plicata (Leach using literature data from the listed references. Fauna elements 1815), Corbiculafluminea (O.F. Müller 1774), Fig. 3- and refugium areas (Fig. 1) were classified after Dévai (1976). Anodonta anatina (Linné 1758) is a Middle Siberian element Due to the occurrences of various combinations, Manchurian from the Angarian refugium (Fig 3). West Siberian elements refugia in East Siberia were collectively considered as East most probably originated in the West Siberian meltwater lake, Siberian elements. For faunistic data from Spam, Portugal and and then distributed toward east and - through a link with the Switzerland I thank F. Ramires and H. Turner. The help ofS. Onega Lake - in the direction ofEurope during the Riss glacia- Bagdi in drawing the maps is also acknowledged. tion (De Lattin 1967). Such species are : Unio tumidus Retzius >133< KárolyBába 1. 9. 1. West-Paiearctic Elements East-Palearctic Elements Pacific-Paiearctic Elements South-mediterranean Elements Mongolian Elements 12. Japanese (Canarian,Mauritanian, Tyrrhenian, 13. Korean Cyprenean, CyprianRefugia! areas) Dzsungarian Refùgial areas 14. Sino-Pacific Refùgial areas Mongolian-Altaic-Hangayn 15. Sino-Tibethian Refùgial areas 1. Holomediterranean Elements Daurian Refùgial areas 16. Yunnan l.aAtiantomediterranean 1 b Adriatomediterranean Refugia! SiberianElements areas l.cPontomediterranean a)West Sibirian Elements 1 d South Italian 7. West Sibirian Refùgial area eeuxin b) Central Sibirian Elements 2. Ponto-Caspian Elements 8 Angaran Refùgial area Ponto-CsapianRefùgial area 10. c)East Sibirian Elements Stanovoy-Bureyan West-Asian Elements Okhostkian Refùgial areas a) Pre-Asian Elements Kamchatkan 3. Syrian Refugia! areas 1 1. d)Manchurian Elements 4. Iranian Amurean b) Central-Asian Elements Sakhalin-Kurilian 5 Afghan Refùgial areas Hokkaidon Refùgial areas 6. Turkestanian Manchu-Ussurian Note The Korean Refùgial area belongs to Manchurian elementsby De Lattin 1967. Fig. 1 Systemoffreshwaterrefùgialareas(faunacircles)andfaunaelementsin theArborealofPalearcticregion(DeLattin 1967,Z. Varga 1975)from Gy. Dévai 1976. >134< Unionaceae,area-analyticaldivision 1788, Uniocrassus Retzius 1788, Untopictorum (Linné 1758) and likDeutschland, Malacologia 18, 185-195. Anodonta cygnea (Linné 1758). The subspecies appear at the Bába, K. 1982. Eme neue Zoogeographische Gruppierung der edges of the species’ European ranges in Western and Central Ungarischen Landmollusken und die Wertung des Faun- Europe and in the Pontis, arranged radially with the former abildes. Malacologia22(1-2),441-454. OnegaLake incenter(Figs 3-4). Bába, K. (1997): An area-analytical zoogeographical classification of West Palearctic elements include the Central Asian (Afghan) Bivalves in the Sphaeriidae family. Abstract band von Sympo- fauna group element Corbiculafluminalis (O.F. Müller 1774), sium “Ókologia und Taxonomía von Süsswassermollusken" which colonised Central Europe during the Pleistocene (Min- InternationalCongresson PalearcticMollusca, Salzburg,4. del-Riss interglacial) already, since its tossils have been found in Bellavere, C. - Peretti, E. (1984): Revisione, catalogoedistributione Germany, Czech Republic and Hungary (Lozek 1964, Zilch et al 1878 dei Molluschi viventi nel Versante settentrionale Del- al. I960). The species’ recent range (Fig 4) is given by Girardi l'Appenino dal Tidone al Sacchia della Collectione Strobel. (1989-90). Central Asian elements originate from non-Euro- MuseodistoriaNaturale, Umv. di Parma, Pavona, 54-107. pean territories ofthe great Mediterranean refugium (De Lattin Bilgin, F. (1980): Systematicsand distribution ofMolluscaspeciescol- 1967). lected from some freshwaters of West Anatolia. Diyarbakir Stationary species in the Ponto-Kaspian group: Untostevenianius Univ. Tip. Fakültesi Dergesi, Diyrbakir,8(2), 1-64. Kyrnicky 1837, Unio sieversi Drouet 1881, Unto mingreltcus Boettger, C.R. (1954): Süsswassermuscheln von der Insel Sylt (Nord- Drouet 1881, Anodonta cyrea Drouet 1881 and the disjunct frizischeInseln). Arch. Moll. FrankfurtaMain, 83,4-6, 139- Pseudanodontacomplanata (Rossmàssler 1835). (Fig 4) Bole, J. (1962): Die Mollusken des Triglav Nationalparks an der For Holomediterranen elements the following division can be Umgebung (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia), Varstvonarave, made. Adriato-Mediterranen refugium: Microcondylea compressa Ljubjana, 57-58. (Menke 1836). Atlanto-Mediterranean refugium: Margaritifera Castagnolo,L. - Franchini, D. -Giusti, F. (1980): Bivalvi (Bivalvia) auricularis (Sprengler 1793)- Great Holomediterranean Guide per il Riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque refugium: Unio mancus Lamarck 1819, euxtn Unio hueti (Bour- interneItaliane 10. ConsiglioNazionaledelle Ricerche, 1-64. guignat 1836) and the regressing Potamida littoralis (Lamarck Cossignani, V. - Cossignani, T. (1995): Atlante delle Conchiglie ter- 1801). (Figs 4-5). restri e dulciacquicole Italiane. L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona, 1-208. SUMMARY De Lattin, G. (1967): Grundiss der Zoogegographie. Gustav-Fischer The zoogeographical classification for 31 Unionaceae species was Verlag,Jena, 1-602. completed using the area-analytical method. The species belong Dévai Gy. (1976): Magyarorszàgi szitakòtò (Odonata) fauna chorolo- to the Boreal and Aboreal zonobiomes. In the two major fauna giai vizsgàlata. - The chorological study of the dragonfly groups within the Aboreal zonobiome - i.e. in the West and (Odonata) fauna ofHungary. Acta Biol. Debrecina, Debrecen, East Palearctic groups - fauna elements originating from East-, 13(1), 119-157. Middle- and West Siberian refugia are the most abundant, alto- Dhora, D. H. - Welter-Schultes, F. W. (1996): List ofspecies and gether 20 species. Further research is necessary to determine the atlas of the non-marine molluscs of Albania. Schriften zur origin ol Manchurian Sinopacific elements in the East Siberian Malakozoologie,Cismar,Ostholstem9, 1-6, 90-197. group(15 species). Falco, G. - Castagnolo, L. (1983): I molluschi viventi, terrestri The West Palearctic group includes Central Asian, Ponto- d’aquadolce, nello studio biogeographico dell’ isoladi Sardeg- Kaspian and Holomediterranean elements, and Adriato- and na. Livori dellaSocieta Habana di Biogeographia Vili, 227- Atlanto-Mediterranen species from the secondary refugia. Most 249. ofthese species posses eitherstationary or regressive area. Flasar, I. (1991-92): Die Flussperlmuschel Margaritifera margaritifera (L) in dem Ascher Gebiet (A sky vybéek) Eulamellibranchiata: Margaritiferidae,Sbornik 13-14, 7-25. LITERATURE Flasar, I. 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