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AN ARCHER FROM THE hesperia yy (2008) Pages3 63-397 PALACE OF NESTOR A New Wall-Painting Fragment in the Chora Museum Dedicatedt oM abel L. Lang ABSTRACT The authorsin terprettw oj oiningp ieceso fa brightlcyo loredw allp ainting founda tt heP alaceo fN estori n 1939.T he fragmenrte, movedf romt hew alls oft hep alacep riort o itsf inadl estructionr,e presentpsa rto fa n archerp,r ob- ablyf emaleA. lternativree constructionarse offeredA. rtisticm ethodsa nd constituenotfst hep lasteran dp ainta res tudiedb yX RD, PIXE-alphaa nalysis, XRF, SEM-EDS, PY/GC-MS, and GC-MS. Egyptianb lue pigmentw as extensiveleym ployedE.g gw asu seda s a binderf ort hep igmentisn a tempera, ratherth ana frescot,e chniqueT. he identificatioonfi ndividualizepda inting stylesm aym akei t possiblet o assigng roupso fw all paintingtso particular artistos rw orkshops. Restudyo f them anyp ublisheda nd unpublishedw all-paintinfgr agments fromt he Palace of Nestori n Pylost hata re storedi n the Chora Museum began in 2000.1B y 2002 it was possiblet o make a fulla ssessmento f the corpusa nd to defined irectionfs orf uturew ork.I n the courseo f earlier examinationasn d the systematiacr rangemenotf wall paintingsi n new storagec abinets,a n unpublishedp iece of speciali ntereswt as discovered. 1. A reexaminatioonft hec orpuso f Muhlyf, ormedri rectoorf t heA meri- describedh ereh asb eenp rovidedb yt he wallp aintingfsr omt heP alaceo f can Schoolo fC lassicalS tudiesa t Institutfeo rA egeanP rehistortyh,e Nestori s parto ft hep rogramof t he Athensa, nd to Maria Pilalif orf acilita- SempleF undo ft heD epartmenotf Hora ApothekeR eorganizatioPnr oject tingo urw orki n everyw ayT. he con- Classicso ft heU niversitoyf C incinnati, (HARP), a serieso fi nterrelaterde- stants upportth atw e haver eceived and,m ostr ecentltyh, eA mericanS chool searchm issiontsh ath avet akenp lacea t fromX eniA rapoyiannfi,o rmedri rector ofC lassicalS tudiesw, hereB recoulaki Pyloss incet hec ompletioonf t heP ylos oft heO lympiaE phoreiaa nd now was MalcolmH . WienerV isitingR e- RegionaAl rchaeologicaPlr ojectin directoorf t heK alamataE phoreiaa, nd searchP rofesso(r2 005-2006).O ther 1996.T he projecta s a wholeh as been fromY ioryiaH atzi,c urrendti rectoorf publicationosf H ARP includeI saaki- directebdy S haronR . Stockers ince theO lympiaE phoreiah, as beenc ritical dou et al. 2002 and Stockera nd Davis 1998.H aricliaB recoulakais sumed to thes uccesso ft hise nterprisWe. e 2004. responsibiliftoyr t hes tudyo ft hew all also takep leasurein recognizintgh e Additionaclo lori mageso ft he paintingisn 2000.T his paperr epre- helpw e haver eceivedea chy earf rom fragmenotf w allp aintingp resented sentsa genuinelyco llaborativeef forotn EvangeliaM alapani,C uratoro fA ntiq- herea ref reelyav ailablef orv iewinga t thep arto fi tsa uthorsb,u ti ndividual uitiesi n theK alamataE phoreiaa, nd http://dx.doi.Org/10.2972/hesp.77.3.394. contributioanrse c reditedb elowa s theg uardso ft heC horaM useum. Captionsf ort heses upplementary appropriatWe. e areg ratefutlo J ames Fundingin supporot ft her esearch imagesa rel istedb elowi n Appendix3 . © The AmericanS chool of Classical Studiesa t Athens 364 HARICLIA BRECOULAKI ET AL. This pieceo fp lasterp,a rto fw hatw e call theA rcherF ragmentl,a yo n shelf 14 III oft hef irsatp othek(est oreroomo)f t hem useuma nd had beend epos- itedi n a cardboardb ox labeled" ANAKTOPON1 939."T he piece preserves thed epictiono f a whiteh umana rm,c lothedi n partb y a garmentw itha shortb lue sleeve( Fig. 1, below).T he subjects eemst o weara bracelet( or braceletsa) nd holdsa n object,o nlyp artiallyp reservedt,h ata ppearst o be a bow.T he styleo f the paintingi s similart o thato f miniaturef rescoes, althoughi ts scale is somewhatl argerT. he representatioins particularly detaileda nd refinedin itse xecution. The purposeo ft hisp aperi s to presenta nd examinet heA rcherF rag- menti n detail.T he iconographyof the wall paintings eems to us to be of greati mportancien itso wn rightA. lengthyp ublicationa lso offerasn opportunittyo showw hatc an be learneda boutt het echniquea nd styleo f prehistoripca interst hrought he use of severals cientifimc ethodsa, s well as arth istoricaal nalysisW. e beginw itha considerationof the excavated contexto ft hef ragmenWt. e thend escribea nd illustratteh ep iecei tselfa nd discussi tss ubjectm atterw ithr eferencteo parallelsi n prehistoriAc egean art,p resentingse veralt entativer econstructionosf the scene portrayed. Finallyw, e examinet he methodse mployedb y thep aintert,h e individual characteristiocsf his or hert echniquea nd style,a nd, in two appendixes, documentt he compositiono f thep igmentsa nd binders. CONTEXT OF THE ARCHER FRAGMENT In 1939, a firsts easono f excavationa t the Palace of Nestorw as directed byK onstantinoKs ourouniotiasn d Carl Blegen.2B legen,a s juniorp artner in the enterpriset,o ok responsibilitfyo ro verseeingt he fieldworkw, hile WilliamM cDonald, thena youngs cholari n thep rocesso fc ompletingh is doctoradl issertatioantJ ohnsH opkinsU niversitsyu,p ervisetdh ee xcavation oft renchews ithint hep alace properE. videnceo ff rescoedd ecorationw as foundi n manyp laces,a nd thel ocationso ff ragmentasr en otedi n McDon- ald s notebook.3A lthoughi t was not describeda ccuratelyat the timeo f excavationt,h eA rcherF ragmentis clearlyr eferretdo byM cDonald in a summaryc omposeda t the end of the excavations eason.W ith regardt o sectionA of trenchII I, he wrote: Courseso fg ood roomw ithf inew alls.J uste ast of thisr oomw as foundt heb estf ragmenotf plasterw ithb raceletedh and.O ther fragmentosf paintedp lasterw eren umerousT. his mustb e dug veryc arefullyS.o me wallsi n resto f trenchb ut nothingo fg reat importancfe oundh ere.4 The contextin whicht hef ragmenwt as discoveredis thusi ndisputable. 2. Kourouniotaisn d Blegen1 939. sectionD ); p. 37 and plano n p. 53 Onlyt heb riefesrte ferencise made This sectiono fo urp aperr epresents (trenchII , sectionA ); pp. 66, 69-70, to thesef indsin Kourouniotaisn d thew orko fD avis,S tackera,n d Bre- 80, 120 (trenchII , sectionB and Blegen'sp reliminarryep ort(1 939, coulaki. trenchV ); pp. 66, 121 (trenchV I, p. 561). 3. WAM 1939,p . 20 (trenchI, sectionA ); pp. 77, 79 (trenchV II). 4. WAM 1939,p . 119. AN ARCHER FROM THE PALACE OF NESTOR 365 More detailsc an be gleanedf romM cDonald s dailya ccountso fe xca- vationi n trenchII I, sectionA .5 He writest hat,a fterr emovinga "masso f tumbleds tones"a t a deptho f 40 cm below the surfaceh, e found" a good cornero f a roomw itha good deal of paintedp laster."H e furthenr oted that" juste ast of its n.s. wall was discovereda largep iece of plasterw ith humanf oot."I t is obvioust hath e had uncoveredt he northeascto rnero f whatw as laterd efineda s room3 2 oft hep alace.T he "humanf oot,"w hich he musth aves ubsequentluyn derstoodto be a "braceletehd and,"w as found outsidet heo utera shlarw all of thep alace.6 Once we determinedth att heA rcherF ragmenth ad been foundo ut- side room3 2, a searcha mongo therf ragmentdsi scoveredin thev icinity eventuallyy ieldeda smallj oiningp ieces howingm oreo ft heh umanf igure thath oldst heb ow and oft heb ow itselfT. his piecew as storedi n a drawer thatc ontainedf indsf romr ooms2 5-28. Individualf ragmentws ere not clearlyl abeled,b ut the drawerh ad been dividedi ntot hrees ectionsT. he designation"r oom2 7" was faintlyle gibleo n a slip of paperi n the section wheret he relevantp iece was found.M abel Langs publicationo f accom- panyingf ragmentass being fromr oom 27 confirmtsh att hisc ontexti s correct: . . . manys mallb rightp iecesw hichc ould noth aveb een exposedt o thef irea nd so werep erhapsi n wall-fillO. therv erys imilarp ieces fromju st outsideR oom 27 s southweswt all and outsidet he north- eastw all of thep alace haveb een added to theset o makeu p a very fragmentarhyu ntings ceneo n blue ground.7 The pieces thatL ang describesb, oth publisheda nd unpublishedw, ere storedt ogetherb yB legens team. It is impossiblet o determinwe hichf ragmentws eref oundi nsidet he rooma ndw hicho utside.S tylistiacn d iconographicaclo nsiderationasl low us,h owevert,o draws omeg eneralc onclusionsa boutw hichp aintingws ere attachedt o the walls of roomsi n the northeastar ea of the Main Build- ing in the periodi mmediatelyp recedingi ts destructionIt. is clear that the ArcherF ragmentb elongst o the groupo f paintingst hatL ang called "brightp ieces,"a nd thati t had, like them,b een removedf romt hew alls priort o thef inald estructioonf t hep alace.T hese fragmentasr eo fa "small scale withd etailedp aintingo n a blue background.T"h ere is a significant concentratioonf f ragmentosf t hisk indi n then ortheasste ctiono ft hes ite. Piecest hata res tylisticalalyn d thematicallsyim ilart o theA rcherF ragment includet hosei n theg roupo fa ssociatedf ragmenttsh atL ang presumedt o come fromt he huntings cene (originallyin room2 7?). It is possiblet hat furthefrr agmentosf the archerw illb e discovereda s we wideno ur search radiusa roundr oom2 7. 5. The excavatioonf t renchII I, discussedin thep ublishedp reliminary room3 2, see Palaceo fN estorI, pp. 156- sectionA , is describedin WAM 1939, reporot f 1939,b utt het renchan d the 160.N o fragmenotsf p lasterw ith pp.3 6, 38,4 4 (April1 1); p. 80 (April exteriowr allo fr oom3 2 arei llustrated figuradle corationar em entioned 18); p. 88 (April2 0); and p. 119. For in Kourouniotaisn d Blegen1 939, there. thee levationosf w alls,s ee p. 129. Exca- p. 560,f ig2. . 7. Palace ofN estorI I, p. 201. vationo ft het renchis note xplicitly 6. Ford iscussionof t hef indsf rom 366 HARICLIA BRECOULAKI ET AL. Figure1 . Two joiningp ieceso ft he ArcherF ragmentP. hotoJ .S tephens DESCRIPTION AND CONDITION The ArcherF ragmenti s preservedin two joining pieces (Fig. I).8 The dimensionso f the firstp iece (063.70) are p.L. 0.17, p.W. 0.135, p.H. 0.05-0.06 m, and thoseo f the second (063.71) are p.L. 0.05, p.W. 0.02, p.H. 0.01-0.02 m. A white-skinneodu tstretcheadr m,i n profilet o left,i s preservedt o the shouldera gainsta brightb lue groundT. races of a whiteb and serve as a bordero n one shorts ide of the fragmento;u r assumptioni s that this band markedt he upper straighte dge of the compositiona, nd the fragmenatn d figureh ave been so orientedA. red sketchl ine seems to definet hef ormo f the arm.T he same redp aintw as employedt o indicate 8. This sectionr ecordos bservations deavorI.n thec ourseo fr eexamination withint hatd rawerT.h ese shouldb e byB recoulakiS.h e acknowledgetsh e oft hew allp aintingfsr omt heP alaceo f distinguishefdr omL ang'si nventory indispensablceo llaboratiotnh ats heh as Nestore, achp iecei n thes toreroomosf numbersw, hichp resenat sequence enjoyedw ithR osemaryR obertson them useumw as assigneda unique numberf,o llowedb yc lassd esignation sincet heb eginninogf t hep rojecta,n d identificationnu mbert:h ef irstth ree (sucha s "H" for" Human")a, nd a room shea lso thankJs ennifearn d Arthur numberisn dicatet hed rawerin which or arean umber(e .g.,1 H 64 fort he Stephensw, hosep hotographhsa ve thep iecei s storeda,n d,a ftera perioda, firsftr agmenwti tha representatioofna addedm ucht o thes uccesso ft hise n- randomlyas signeds equencen umber humanf igurfer omH all 64). AN ARCHER FROM THE PALACE OF NESTOR 367 Figure2 . Detail oft hea rcher'sh and and wrista nd theb ow.P hotoin r aking lightJ. .S tephens fours tripeso n thew rist,p robablya bracelet( or bracelets)o, r,l ess likely, leathers trapss imilart o thel aces oft hel eatherg reaveso ft hew arriorasn d huntersd epictedi n Hall 64 and room4 8, respectivelyIt.9 i s also possible thatt hes tripesr epresentth ec ollaro f a glove.I n fronto ft hew risto, n the hand,t wor edb rushs trokesa rec learlyp reservedon thel argerp iece,w hile on the small piece traceso f curvedl ines seem to definep artso f fingers or knuckles( Fig. 2). The figurew earsa short-sleevebdl ue tunico r tight bodice,o fa slightlyli ghterh ue thant heb ackgroundan d outlinedi n black. The sleevei s ornamentedw itht hreeb lacks tripest hatf ollowt hec urveo f the armpita t thel owere dge of theg arment. The figurem ay have stood in a formalh, ieraticp osition,m ayh ave been standingo r walkingo, r mayh ave moveds tillf asterw, ithk neesb ent and bodys tretchefdo rward(s ee below,F igs. 9-11). These reconstructions ared iscussedl ateri n thisa rticleT. he lastp ossibilityco ulde xplaint heu n- usuald irectionof t heo utlineo ft heb ottomo ft heg armenatn dt hec loseness to the bodyo f what is likelyt o be the righta rm.T wo whites trokest hat jut outv erticallyab ovet heb ow arma ppeart o be fingerbs elongingt o the righth and. The otherf ingerso f that hand would have held back the 9. Misidentificatioofnt hea rmo f thef iguraes a foota t thet imeo fe xca- arrowa nd bowstringI.t is mostl ikelyt hatt he indexa nd middlef ingers vationi s thuse ntireluyn derstandable, are depicteda nd thatt he othersg raspedt he string. eveni ft hef igureisn Hall 64 and room The formo f theo bjecth eld in theh and in relationt o thep ositiono f 48 had noty etb eenf ound. the outstretcheadr ms uggestst hati t is meantt o be a bow.O n thisb asis, 368 HARICLIA BRECOULAKI ET AL. Figure3 . Detail ofb ow above the archers hand,s howingt hicki slets of white paint. Photomicrograp6.h3 x. H. Brecoulaki Figure4 . Detail showingr eds tring or strapa t uppere nd ofb ow. Photomicrograp1h2. 5 x. H. Brecoulaki we have identifiedth e figurer epresenteads an archerT. he upperp arto f theb ow seemst o be straightT.h e bow was depictedi n two superimposed paintl ayerst: hef irstt o be appliedw as a layeri n blackt hatf olloweda red sketchl inev isiblea t theo uterl efte dge of theb ow; a secondl ayero ft hick whitep aintf ollowedb, uti t has extensivelfyl akeda way( Fig. 3). Rounded brushs trokeso f whitep ainti n reliefv, isiblea long the insideo f the bow, were presumablym eantt o suggests ome decorativem otifa pplied to it (Figs. 2, 3). Traces of a thinr ed line are detectablea long the outere dge of the bow preservedon thes mallerp iece.E ithert hea rtisth ad repositionedan d repaintedt heb ow,o r thesea re the remainso f a paintede lementt hath as otherwised isappearedI.s letso ft hickw hitep ainta re also preservedal ong theo uterp arto ft heb ow; thesem ayh aveb een transferrefdr omt heu pper thickw hitep aintl ayero f the bow and reftxetdh ereb y accident( Fig. 3). The uppere nd of the bow is bentt owardt he archera, nd a red stringo r strapi s wound aroundi t (Fig. 4). A few traceso f red and whitep aint, AN ARCHER FROM THE PALACE OF NESTOR 369 Figure5 . Detail showingt wop arallel curvedi ncisedl ineso r scratches. Photomicrograp6.h3 x. H. Brecoulaki preservedo n both pieces,a long witht he ghostl eftf romp aintt hatw as originallyap pliedo n top of the blue ground,p ermitt he bowstringto be reconstructed. Betweent he uppere xtremitoyf the bow and the righte dge of the fragmentw, heret herei s a red spot,t wo parallelc urvedi ncisedl ines are visible( Fig. 5). It is uncleari f thesei ncisionsw erei ntentionalp,a rto f a preliminarsyk etcho f theb ow,o r accidentalc, ausedb y mechanicala bra- sion of thep ictorials urfaceS. everals cratchecs an,i n fact,b e observedo n thisp arto f thef ragment. A whitee lementb elow the armpiti s paintedw ith the same thick whitep aint as the bow arm and is adornedw itht hreeu nidentifierde d sphericaml otifst hatw eres ketchedin dilutedb lack( Fig. 6). On theo uter edge of two of the sphericalm otifsa rev eryf ine,t hreadlikbe rushs trokes thatw ave to thel eft.10 The precedingd escriptionpr esumest hatt heo utsideo ft hel efta rmi s depicteda s graspingt he bow.I t is also possible,a lthoughi n our opinion less plausible,t hatt he inside of the righta rm is shown( Fig. 9, below). In thatc ase,w hatw e prefert o interpreats the hand thatd rewt he arrow wouldh avet o be identifieads a quivero fs omes orto r a bag.T he twow hite strokest hatc urves lightlyto the lefta bove the outstretcheadr m( Fig. 6) mightt henb e interpreteads belongingt o the fingeros f the lefth and or to the quiver.E videncef ora n added layero f blue painta long the upper edge oft heo utstretcheadr m,b etweeni tsw rista nd thet wow hites trokes, suggestst hep resenceo fa paintedm otift hath as nowv anished( unlesst he artistr evisedh is originald rawingl,e avingt raceso f it remainingin white and redp aintw heret heb lue painth as flakeda way).F romt heh orizontal positiona nd linears hape of thism otifo, ne can imaginet he presenceo f an arrow( Fig. 7). The ArcherF ragmentis in fairc onditiono verall( Fig. 8). Its plasteris 10.T hese motifbs ringt o mindt he notablyc ompactc, omposedo fa thicka nd homogeneouws hitel ayerM. e- claspo ft hec ollarw ornb yo ne oft he redd ogsd epictedo n thel owerp arto f chanicald amagec an be observedo n the uppere dges of the fragmentin, then ortheaswt allo fH all 64: Palaceo f the area immediatelyab ove and to ther ighto f theb lue sleeve,a nd below AtetfrII,p1. 20,pl.R the bow arm.P aint layersa dherew ell to the plastera nd to each other. yjO HARICLIA BRECOULAKI ET AL. Figure6 . Detail showingp robable righth and drawingb owstringan d threes phericalm otifsP. hotoin rakinlgig htJ.. S tephens Figure7 . Detail showinga dded layero fb lue paint,p erhapsa n arrow, above thee xtendeda rmo ft hea rcher. Photomicrograp6h.3 x. H. Brecoulaki AN ARCHER FROM THE PALACE OF NESTOR yjl Figure8 . Sketcho ft heA rcherF rag- ments howingt hev ariablec ondition oft hes urfaceH. . Brecoulaki Despite thei rregulatrh icknesos ft hep aintl ayerst,h es urfaceo ft hep aint- ing has notb een extensivelayb raded.I n certainp laces,h owevera, totalo r partiallo sso ft hep aintl ayert hroughf lakingin hibittsh ea ccurateid entifica- tiono f a numbero f details.A brasiono f theb lue backgroundis especially obviousn eart heu ppere dgeo ft hef ragmenwt,h ere,a s alreadym entioned, severals cratchesc an be seen. 11. PenelopeV ounissiouca rriedo ut superficicalle aningo ft hef ragment The originalb rightnesosf the colorsw as veiledb y a thinf ilmo f fine withc ottons wabs,d istilledw atera,c e- earth,v isibleu ndera stereomicroscopAe.s thisl ayerw as not especially tone,a nd ethyal lcohol.C leaningw as hardenedb y carbonationn, orw as it firmlyaf fixedt o the surfacei,t was aimedo nlya t ther ecoveroyf t heo rig- possiblet o removei t gentlyw ithouth avingt o resortt o strongc leaning inalp olychrombyy e liminatioonf d irt thath ad beend epositedo n thet op agentst hatc ould attackt heo riginals urface.1N1o otheri ncrustationhsa d surfacoef t hef ragmenTth. e surface formedo n thes urfacoe ft hef ragmenTt.h erea ren o obvioust raceso fb urn- was subsequentlcyo nsolidatewd itha ingo r ofd egradationp atterncsa usedb ym oisturteh atw ouldh aver esulted layero fP araloidB 72 in a 3% concen- in colora lterationT.h e good conditiono ft heA rcherF ragmentt,h erefore, trationin purea cetone. supportsL ang s argumentth ats uchb rightf ragmentws itha blue ground 12. Palaceo fN estorII , p. 7, n. 6; werer emovedf romt hew allso f thep alace beforei tsf inald estructioann d p. 77. 13.T he twop iecesh aveb eeng lued mayh ave been used as buildingm ateriali n the rubblef illo f itsw alls or togethewr ithH MG ParaloidB 72 floors.1T2h e conditiono ft hej oininge dgeso ft het wop iecest hatc onstitute adhesive. thef ragmentte stifietsh ati t had been brokeni n antiquity.13 372 HARICLIA BRECOULAKI ET AL. ICONOGRAPHY Position, Gesture, and Dress The ArcherF ragmenta ppearst o us mostl ikelyt o depicta figureh olding a bow witht hel efta rm,t heo utsideo fw hichi s representedan, d then ock ofa n arrowa nd theb owstringgr aspedw itht her ighth and.I n thed iscus- siont hatf ollowst,h er epresentatioonf t hea rcheris consideredw ithint he contexto f the arto f thep rehistoriAc egean.14 No archerw itha bow is clearlyid entifiablien thec orpuso fw allp aint- ingsf romt he prehistoriAc egean.15R epresentationosf archersin glyptic art,o n vases,a nd in otherm ediaa ref ewA. rchersa reo ccasionallyd epicted in chariotsb, uto nlyi n contextws heret herei s reasont o suspecti nfluence fromt he Near East.16F iguresa re typicallysh owni n profile.1K7n ees are benta nd the archers ometimess tretcheosn e leg forwardo r backwardo, r leansf orwardas ift o moveq uicklyo r to run.1T8h e bow is heldi n thel eft arma nd the bowstringis drawnw itht he tuckedr ighta rm.1T9 he right armf ormsa triangleu ndert heo utstretchelde fta rm,w itht her ighth and shownn eart hel efte lbow.2T0h e bow is held in a closedf istp, alm against itss haft.2T1h e bow is nott aut.A lthougha rchersa ren oto ftens hownw ith othert ypeso fc ombatantisn representationaarlt ,t hereis somea rchaeologi- cal and epigraphice videncef ort heirp articipatioinn warfare.22 14.T his sectiono ft hep aperr epre- G16, pls.1 0,2 0; cf.t hei voryb oxf rom licheM useenF G 2 (CMS XI, p. 39, sentsr esearchby Z aitoun. Enkomi,C yprusC: aubet1 999,p p. 15, no.2 6, illustratehde rea s Fig. 12; 15. Borgna( 1992,p p. 132-133, 25, fig.1 3. In Aegeani conographtyh, e see also Krzyszkowsk2a0 05,p . 143, nos.2 2, 23), howeverli,s tst hreef resco chariotis foundm ainlyin hunting fig2. 50) and theg oldr ingf romS haft fragmentths atm ays howa rcherisn scenes. GraveI V at Mycenaen oteda bove sceneso fw aro r theh untO. ne frag- 17. A sealf romt heT hisbet reasure (see n. 16). mentf romt hem egarono fM ycenae in Boiotiar epresentas w omans hooting 20. E.g., a bronzed aggerf rom depictst hel egso fa mani n a position witha bowa t a stag( Borgna1 992, MycenaeS haftG raveI V (Karo 1930, thats uggesttsh eym ayh aveb elonged pp.4 5-46, n. 3, fig7. :a). The three- p. 95, no. 394,p ls.X CIII, XCIV); the to an archers;e e Crouwel1 981,p . 122, quarterr ear-viewpo sitiono ft hef igure silverS iegeR hytonan d silverB attle pl. 85 ( W8). Two otherf ragmenftsr om and theq uiverc arriedo n herb acka re Kraterf romM ycenaeS haftG raveI V thep alacea tT irynsm ayr epresent strikingslyim ilart o whatw e imaginet o (Karo 1930,p . 106,n o.2 81,p l. CXXII; quiverss;e e TirynIsI , p. 122,n o. 163, be one plausibler econstructioofnt he pp.1 19-120n, os.6 05-607,p ls.C XXVII- pl.X IV:2; p. 157,n o.2 26,p l.X VL4. ArcherF ragmenftr omP ylos( cf.F ig. 9, CXXXI; Sakellariou1 974); a goldr ing 16. A fews ceness howinga rcherisn below).T herei s,h owevera,n unusual in BerlinS, taatlichMe useen1 1886 chariotasr er epresenteodn artifacts clumsinesasn d incoherencien the (CMS XI, pp. 42-43,n o.2 9, illustrated producedin theA egean;s ee,e .g.,a drawingo ft hei mageo n thes ealt hat herea s Fig. 13; see also Borgna1 992, goldr ingf romS haftG raveI V of has suggestetdo mosts cholarts hati t is p. 127,n o. 9, pl. IV:9; Krzyszkowska GraveC ircleA at Mycenae:C MS I, a modernw ork( e.g.,B orgna1 992, 2005,p . 333,f ig6. 23:a,b ); and a pp.2 6-27, no. 15 (AthensN, ational p. 46, n. 5; Krzyszkowsk2a0 05,p p. 320, stonev asef ragmenwti tha n archer ArchaeologicMal useum2 40). The 332-334).I t is stilln oto uto ft heq ues- (HeraklionM useum2 57; see PM1, stylea nd iconographoyf C yproA- egean tiont hata uthentimc odelsi nspired p. 314; III, pp. 100,1 06,f ig5. 9; War- cylindesre als( Borgna1 992,p p. 128- thosew ho forgedit . ren1 969,p p. 85, 177,f igP. 473). In 129,n os.1 1-14,p ls.V ,V I), and of 18. Hiller( 1999,p p. 321-323, otherr epresentatiotnhs,e f igureasr e a sealingo n a pithosf romC yprus pl. LXX:8a,b ) describetsh et ypical showna t resto, r thes cenesa rem ore (Borgna1 992,p . 132,n o.2 1,p l.V III:21) positiono ft hea rcherw heni n combat. schematiocr moree astern. arec learlym ixedt; heyr esemblsec enes 19. Depictionso ff iguredsr awing 21. This featuries clearo n thes tone fromt heN earE ast,i ft hes ealsw ere an arroww itht hel efta rma rem uch seali llustratebde lowF, ig. 12. nota ctuallym adet hereS. ee thed is- lessc ommonS. ee a stones ealw itha 22. Therea ree xceptionisn Grave cussiono ft hes ames ealsa nd sealingsin femalea rchero fL M II date,s uppos- CircleA at Mycenaee; .g.,t hes ilver Crouwel1 981,p p. 158-159,n os.G 2f edlyf romC rete,n owi n BerlinS, taat- SiegeR hytonan d thes ilverB attle

from the Palace of Nestor in Pylos that are stored in the Chora Museum beganin 2000.1 By 2002 it was possible to make a full assessment of the corpus and to define directions for future work. In the course of earlier examinations and the systematic arrangement of wall paintings in new storage cabin
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