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An Archaeological Survey of Petroglyph and Pictograph Sites in the State of Washington PDF

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Preview An Archaeological Survey of Petroglyph and Pictograph Sites in the State of Washington

Te Pate Reo — Hanks fee your help 1 conpevabion AN ARCHAEDLOGICAL SURVEY OF PETROGLYPH AND PECTOGRAPH SITES IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON LIBRARY Copy DO NOT REMOVE TORICAL co HAgaLOeICAl & HISTORIC AHA OES ee RICHARD F, NECLURE JR, THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE ARORAEQLGGICAL REPORTS GF INVESTIGATION, NO. I oumerta, Waser , SUPTENBER 1978 sceeunr er acN> Novy people played a pact in providing me wich help ducing the seurse of this survey. Ctmast thanka ta extended co Jesnne Welea, ost Stete Bstoric Presarvation Officer, who thought the profect was worthy snoagh to varraat tie TaadJng uf the State of Mashington. dtaout hee inteveat 2a soanees > tha oreject would no: os dete", raspossible for site recorda at the lavaLagton Acchae= ologiosl Yenenech Genter, deserves appreciactan. Los proviled accuse to arshagalsgical site intoumation and preceased che av «lee forms from Chis varvny, assigning the site aumbera. She sas a” equslaal suysort tlw sajer inforsants pvaviding infarmaztan an we niles oud making chetr phovageapha available weve: Davdd Chaser, Dick Clifton, David Cole, istived Saugherty, GLarcaze Day, Ren § Loin pan sence, (ilauilt Fite, Reimers nsengo, Janes Hengex, Jamas Haael line, Jis Klar, Maleom and owiue Voring, ke Lynca, Mck Paglierd, Jay Perey, Hacver S, Rice, and Hinory Serong. My thanks is also extendul iy all he Laudomera wha were co nice as 0 piovice asiesa aul infuenation regarding reck art 4 thelr area. Aaron tahoyilt, Bivid ings, hagele UeGavarn, Mike Lynch, Ken ben Beste, and my with Kwey were of vacLisular selp in che fleld, Mike Lynch, Ap peetdoular, deserver sectal Chuniky for informacion vegarding many oF the ates in Lhe wocth-omtea) pact af the state. I am elan grateful to f formation on che Lortage for japart ing sich (uete vas quantities atten Io KeligleiLal Gov fy Lg all of the people who provided a warn lice lo sloop er ¢ meal, you are all invited 20 recfeve the same hnea!t— aTiuy at ay Home. Most of the typing of the ffnsl draft was dime by marcia Fanson, sul most of the phote and slite processing Jone hy Trary Handy at The Rveegzeon State College. Faculey sponsor Mary F. Kelean was so very nd le peavide o! "ice and file apace, ase of the =ypesricar and telephone at Ue voLlege. thank you all ao very mic: Rick Yecluce Sept. 26, 1978 otyepia coureyns The Survey boeervaetona Wiecory of Hock Art Investigation {2 Washington ..ssereseseses 5 Tabie 1, Stree from Fetroglyphe of Central tashtagton sssss+s 8 Table 2. Sites trom "Petrographa of North Gentyal Kashington” 10 Table 3. Hydroelectric dana affecting rock art sites cscs aa Bibliogsaphy oe cise sie 1" ste Desertptions sss. = a Figure 1. Sample page from the Cundy mannacript: Figure 2. Sample fleld sketeh, Figure 4. Sample archaeological site form weed during sorvey, MMgure 4. Sample scace Inventory form uaed during aurvey. A nota on the plates: AIL plates are from photographs by &. NeGluce Jr, efeh the exception of the folloving: Flate 6 = Jay Perry, Plate 10-2, Robert Butler, Plate 9 = Jones Haseltine, and Plate 12 - Davia Cole. Le tha Sontag no 1977 oralimiuany work waa done to assess tke cur veoh sralse ay coue get sites in the @ of Vasltagon. Tits work wa dome 38 9 pert of an Indiv lal Coatrac: Sinéy in Anthzopelogy at The Fvocgrasa State College. Tae ceaesemen: revaled that theve extated a Lacge aamber of aftes thst aod act srevians!y heen wisized 3y an arch- peologist oy vestevad trantuant as arghawelopical ices. The 1077 work sonseaced with a Iilurature yunreh, Information regarding ef Location vas wctabel agains Ineasion x18 of archace— Lopies? eice Enrse ac the “esiLagton Archauotagival Rosoares Center GARE). & LEet af veportad sites not ragiatured with tho Master Site Tile fat WARS wae produced, OF partievlar aote wis shew Fast that many of the eites deserdbed dn the oxo wafoe S>Linaracl b remeuise, Petroglyphs of Cental Vashdagtin, Uy tl Tharas Gals, and “‘atronraphy of Yorth Central Washington, Inv thirgtd 1. candy, sed oe boen listed wich WRC, Wadle an the Feld attowsllng tu rolucata cites from these sourees, other rezorted sites ware brougkt ip alsomtton and added to the growing List sn wsumination of the HAR <iLsy on patvestygh ané pletograps ettea, ae well wy materiel coLlvered from vatious reservoir snd ocher showed Usat documentation of che rock ext tad been neglected. Many site Fores tor nou-isundated sites bore the sorde "should be photographed” unde: hetdings Sor recomendations. Paatogragis were at tizee Jouad, but for the most part vere mis-Labeted or not labeled at ali. The excet ature of che gives from assy aites ¥ be iio becavee of « general Lack of Intevase avong mast earlier archaeslogleal aurveye vegarding tho petroglyphs and pfccogrsphe themselves ce became apparent thet there was a a: to document the zock art around che state in a core complete for chao had 3eea dane by eavlier Imvustigatcre. In 1977 a norber of mevly eported oftas vere vlefted aad rovorded, with mumbera for these sites being asofgied Sy UARC. These vere Puotographed and sketched, snd at time traced ou aylar or etherwiae sopiad by rubbing techniques, With owh ¢ large aumber of potential new sillos at hand, end more informattea coaiug in from a vas= chen oF infor— wente, it vax Heit that full time should be davoted to this etudy in 1974, and funce vere cought. In Februsry funds vere made available to The Fvergceen State Colege Foc the perpose of this survey Seon # grant provided by the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historie Preservation, With this grant of $5,577 Ac became possible to make extended field excursions In search of reported efces, to azet wich various local informants around the state, ‘and to photograph che petroglyphs and pietographs occuring at each of the sitea. Photographa taken by Individuals and {aformante of sites prenently descroyed ox under water were duplicated, A file was kepe on each gute with all ratertal collected conceruing that site retained therein, fany erdpe were made to all are of the state, lp to ten days a¢ one ‘timu were sonestees apent on a single excursion into the field, Yost eins were of a four to ix dey duration and tnyolved camping on atte ot ueatby. LL was originally hoped chat each of che aites could be mapped and figures Laced (or rubbings made). After several of the sites vere treated 4n chis fachion 1t became obvious tha: ctoe Limtcations would not permit this precize documentation for each of che atces, At cines even sketehing (eee Fig. 2 For asuple) vas not possible and foz the most part photodocunenta~ ‘tion prevailed, good part of any field day was spca: walking Long stretches of cliff or sxous-sountry hiking in search of reported sites. 0: en nothing was found. when location information vas goad anf nape the areas in question fn hand, nove nites could be recorded in a avaller aount of Eine. A single day in Okanagan County yielded twelve nav edces. Ona few tripa additional help photagtaphing, sketching, and driving waa provided by friends ox fellow studence. Reconstructing information aboat {undated or destroyed vock art sites wae probably mare complicated than the Ffeld work, Mach af che vock art along the Colunbia River had been under water for twenty yeaza ar more. This time span acted as a barrier im che mnories of most informants and Location information, as a result, had to conatantly be crose-checked. Sometiaes tore was confusion as co what sites certain individual pecro- alyph or photograph figures should be assigned. Thde usually arove whea older photographs were found to have buen aislabeled. The survey should be considered as preliminary. “eay of the sites hised to be more thoroughdy documeated. & good deal spent at each site. The need for careful examinatfon te wall tLlustrated eine needs to be in thus case af stan 8 > Rédy on che Sante Hiver, Thie alte was eigiced om four separace cave in twa ar” rest, sousuns, The Large aun ber of boulcese and 0 rope covered ‘tcl 4 hoary olack patina posed « orehiem ag any pe: oplyphe occ:y beaeat's toe patina, Taese glysha hecone wiasbie onty vhen @ angle of chu wm stvikee the veck dn a mimer 59 as te produce shadove In che shallow purked marke of each igure, Ay the sur- Favus Hace several d¢vecctone, che “tqueos on different racks bess aateeze visible a stmen oF ts day, Now figures were foual an each of the four separa days ches evan visited, Time germdtzed auch “onger visits at only a very Fev atces. Pour daye fodeed a long period of time te apend at ove site when sheve are over cua bundeed co Lhe- invermation on, Pathepa £9 the near future more da-iepsh aency can be done at some of more aZgntfZeuat rock ars cites ta uuuhingim. + groares eoneeun for tha aboriazna’ phenomca has Seen chown fm suwemi yuary not only Sy the fermatzon of werk yroups fan tie tmurivan Seek Ase Research Assockatina aad the Gauadian Rock Art fe fmevessing number of oascers and doctoral ona Lovoluing ~osk art research, The most atgitilsaal of this aort Jn cur avea ta "The Uentle 1 srrogiyehs” by Jeffery Ellison of Washington State Uatvern(sy. Completed in 192, this the! covers atten aes CA 2LG, 65 CA 216, amd 45 Gh 21? on the Washington erase. the sites were ast osly decumented ‘0 x complete a manner as possible hut ware Stallal Lt relobion Lo au atpriqied archaeological viliege afte, culture, gal salgiboring coeie art 1 the march. oe malevial vollvcted doeing thie survey of Waahingtoa rock art lus ews plenee 5 “Ely at “he Suchingzen Azcheeologica’ Regearch Center In Tall, ubington, aud Is mule avaiable co individuals engeged 4a aay anchsapolagical o= arsivuwologles] reneazeh involving this form of native exp fon. U fy aoped il tse ohotogzaphe, ta parttowlar, wLL be aesL2zed by résmarsiiers analyelag styles nati sand re'ation ¢0 other avchacils M1 Galas. Tse Che ef? he maintained by ARG with ae Anfovsattom hying adése lo 1k ay 4¢ de collected by various individuals. ntody gf eae'e art Sos alsays been loosed upon a rather sancaTie thee, C40 thy aost pare > ng Limited co éasceiotive treatienl. Tk Ls hopee Lut Lhe row Gata ces! tli Erkan this survey WIE he used by ethers €0 Delp elevate rack art research from the speculative level. ORSERVAIONS A total af 295 rack art sites are presently registered for ha stat of Kashtngton, Of chis total, Li4 are exclusively pletograph eftes vhiie 98 wese found te have only petroglyphs present, Sites having both petzo~ elaphs and plecographe totaled 21. As 2 mesult of Held work, intervieve, and I"ceratuce searches, 11 new sites vere Listed with WARC. A munber of factors, both natural and wanature], have hed a negative affecs nn many of the rock ert sites. Fovenet ave the unnatural factors reaul2{ng fen the sdvances of eivilization, of ali the sleerattons man has male on che landscape et Washington, the construction of mumerous hydro~ electein dame renke high anong those with « great affect on the general cology. These dane also rank highest in the loss of archacological sites. A total of 77 altes are know to have beea inundated (see Table 3). The activities of road, raflroad, and building comstrection have aleo played a uajor role tn the destmuctton of rock avt sites, as shown in the following section of atte deseripttons In Zastem Washington, pletographs, in particular, have euffered from a number of natural destructive forces. One of these, exfoltatton, Le the result of periodic freeing and chaving. Tie causes a chia layer of rock to flake off from the main aurfi "a, often taking pieces of pletogeaphy along in the process. Groundwater mineral deposite are sonmas on neny of tho rock art panels in the atare and over 2 period of tine, ten! to totally obscure the Figures they form upon. Studies have shovn that che depostts, For the moat act white dn color, ave aluminun aflicate clay (Taylor: 1974), ton the coast and fa areas affected by tides, wave and water action haw alug Sean lonteumental in the detertoration of rock art. Ta the FoLlomiag section on site descriptions in thie report, sone ‘hat of 3a attezpe a beon mele to indicate aseociated cecupation, burial ov other archacological eites found in close proximity to the rock art, Ut seena, La a ten tative view, thee nony of the petvoglyph and pletograph sltes Ft Lato what da6 een termed “size complexes" by other archaeslegicte, Tt 4s pravently not possible to temporally associate the rock art to the other vivae but futare work may provide other than agcoeiattenal apcumptione in this svea. Rf INvESTLseTIy We aes The Prac offlatel aystencte tery of clueeifying and reptetering archacoiopteal ufles fu Gil state cane with the Smtheendan Inettcut ton Raver Basin Sueyiss tu 127. U1 wae at th time that the nunhertng system prety in use iv this late wes adopted, Previoun te the River baocin Hurgiys there hud been sverel ievestiastors de the Feld thit had examined rock art vitme either exclusively or ae a part ef zegtonal arch= scolugleal sewers arlaw T, Saduh disevsue! voweeeL seek ext edtes dn the Yakina val ley StoeUly aller the suru af the eemure Gait: 1905, 1810). westigettans Sy avohawwlogiale qomuclnced with the etyeeuity el GuliLemia st Zerkeley Avrdag 1925-27 jnchuiled patragiyites and plctogeusty mee their Ereatcent OF alter In STickiLar Gunes wu le Cylsaia River (Stmeue 6 Schenck: 1925 ned Steoag, Sehewk, © Stueneil: 4958). Me xt Krieger, representing the Switine:laz Txstitution, aise tuk noce of « sumber cf cites frox Vantage Lo The Dalles sea on the Columbia River (xrtezer 1527, 1928, 1934). These ran ware 11 pro‘esstonal archasolng‘aca repraseeting var luus educational Anecseutiang al ssseuns he gost exteaeLre document fou uf tock ert duricg this tice perio’ wow clone hy Iszotd J, Gundy, ul Vonatelwe, Condy wae a menbur of the now slrluwe Cetunbia River Arstueoleglea® Society, en enateer ergentzstion haved! 2a Kent chee, Frox Lie auCumi of 1927 to the epring of 28, Condy travelied extensive y ly the coreh comteus exeu of se ctate eketching and photuyeastany nec eag!ynt aed vlélugeunh sites. Tse xeeuies of hie oftucts were eompiied Sit 4 (val. manusertpt, " Peteogragtis of Korth fenrea. Sustingten ", which Gosdy presented co the Masiungten Sate Histories! Soetely a L998 (eee table 22, an aceition Lo thie manuscript, on file at the Isuersral sactecy ltheary in Tacoma, {odd sketches, notes, anil shatograplis sade by Gualy wece organized avd ehetu-eapied and placed on the shell at 1s enstchee fulilig Tibyaey, the Inforsation that Cundy co:lected lias graven to Se, for the mnse pert, quite aecurate én both location information and éeptetion af th rock ant (Rig. 1). the work of Haro“ Cundy vas Eollowed in 1945 ty the inveactgatdons S, Tuomas Gain, Gain wae ae 2 ff tine A graceste student Zn Anthro polegy at the Knlvees ty af Amtaeaa ang ns feawlod 10 hls (eld work hy the Washington State Museum. Cata’s Manter'a thesis, bagod on the 1945 Fleld work, wax published fn 1950 hy the University of Kashington Press. ho mil book, Zotrogiyphs of Contra’ dsshington, vemsine as the aole publication dealing exclusively with Weahingeon vock avt (see Table 1), More Cundy i1lustrated the rock axe at each efte with hant colozed paintings of entire panels of figures, Catu ‘eolated each Flguce in his Allustvations, not permitting the reader an ‘tes of the ancoclattons of the figures to one another, Soma of Cain's {llustvattons aa! Location tn: vrustion have proven to be mich lesa accurate than those of Canty, Field cree for the National Park Service doing River Beato uevey work began in 1947 to document petragiyph and pictopraph sites that they encountered in the various proposed reservoir areas. The actual sunbar of aices Listed by these ctevs was omall, in regard co rock art. The none noceworthy af the River Ragin Suxveys davestigatera sae Joba M. Camphell., ‘whe documenced a aymber ek art altes dn the Mrfest laplis and Kana pus reservoty areay. Yost of Campbell's work took place 4n 1949 and 1950. Compbetlta vork was greacly elaborated on from 1957-62 by field crews in this area under the direction of fie, Robert Greengo of the University of Washington. Greengo's crews nade hundreds tracings of rack art that ¥ bo be dmundazed. Mapping, sketching, and photography of the sites in these two reservoirs te to a the moac complete done in any reservoir dn the state prior to the lose of the eis Algo dn 1937, Laat minute documentation of rock art was being done 4a The Dallas reservoir area. This work wae not being done by archaea Loatats, but suprisingly, by axtiste. David Cole in 1953 and later, had photographed 2 minber of the petraglvph and piatograph sites scheduled for fuunlation after the construction of Tue Dalles Dan and had mapped stee 45 KL U7. Cole was at chet time a graduate student in archaeology at che University of Oregon vorsing under a Natfoual Park Service contract Cole's information (Sole: 1956 and Cole & Hegrenes: 1953) was taken in hand by Mark Hedden, Janes Hansen, James Haseltine, and others and used in pare €o Locate rock art before extansive documentation. One of these artists, Mark Redden, then a studant at the Tadverstey of avsington, made rubbings of all the petroglyphs at they 45 Kb 26, 45 HL 72, 45 KL 87, 45 1G. 95, 45 KL 99, and 45 HL 103. Thts collection af cubbings 1s currently stored at the Washlagton State Museua on the This asterial has yet to be published.

An examination of the WARC files on petroglyph and pictograph sites, as well as It became apparent that there was a need to document the rock art.
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