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m Mm PBOQUSU By dean II* Boyer Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the U niversity of Maryland in p a rtia l fulfillm ent of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 19 SI UMI Number: DP70277 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publish»ng UMI DP70277 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 4CIK€MiaD0ilK!?T The w riter wishes to express her sincere appreciation to Professor Dick wick Hall for suggesting th is problem and for his patient and generous expenditure of time arid effo rt during the preparation of th is thesis* m me PROBLEM A topological apace A is said to be embedded topologically in a topological space B if there exists a subset A* of the space B and a transform ation T(A) * A* which is one-to-one and continuous in both directions# Under these conditions the set A* is said to be hcmeomor~ phie to A, and the transf orsa&t i on is called a home ©morphism* The question as to whether a given topological space A can be embedded topologically in a topological space B is an unsolved and apparently extremely d iffic u lt problem* I t may be approached fro® at least two points of view* I' irs t, one may require that there ex ist a subset A1 of B and a single valued continuous mapping T(A) * A*, and then seek conditions on th is mapping T to insure that i t is a homao- Morphism. Such an approach has been used by J. f # l&rdwell*^ I t can be considered an analytic approach to the problem* The other approach {the one which w ill Interest us here) attem pts to solve the problem from a structure-theoretic standpoint. In other words, one attem pts to solve the problem by placing additional hypotheses on the structure of the space A rather than on a mapping fro® th is space into the space B* The problem can be wade more meaningful, perhaps, if we re stric t F* Aardwell, ^Continuous transform ations preserving a ll topological properties", im & .cm .Jm m A . «&Jfctfeeasagft. rol.S8 (1236), pp. 709-726. z the spaces A and B in our discussion to spaces having w ell known properties. Consider, for example, the case where A is an arbitrary compact locally connected continuum (a Peano space) and where B is the two dimensional sphere * 1. The set A is said to b@ skew if it cannot be embedded, topologically in the set B* Kuraiowski has introduced the following two sets, which have bee os© quite famous In topology*^ A primi t ive skew curve is said to be of type 1 If it consists' of six d istin ct points P^, Pg, Fg, q^, q^, qg, and. nine arcs • •• , with end points as indicated and with the common part of two of these arcs that in tersect each other being an end point of each* A prim itive skew curve is said to be of type 2 if it consists of five d istin ct points P^, P^, Pg, P^, Pg, and ten ©res P^Pg, V § , , P^Pg with and points as indicated and with the common part of two of these arcs th at in tersect each other being an end point of each* luratowski ha© proved that a skew Peano space containing only a fin ite number of simple closed curves most contain a prim itive skew curve of type 1 or type 2.^ Claytor showed, that a cyclic Peano space can be skew only if i t contains one of these two types S? Cm luratow ski, "Sur la problem® des courbes gauches en topologie*, i undamenta Mathematics® * vol* 15 (1950), pp* 271-285* 5 Euratowski, loc* c it* s 4 of curves# g R# H# Bing has recently stated the following two theorems# The proofs of these theorem® were not published because of th eir lengths# SaarauM Zmssss. .t-fcsfe px* pa. ps» -*x« *5 «sa j^s. <!£*- tiJBsS; gaM a sM is a l px%i* pi^2> *** * ps*s aia s&ai. *><>» »*•**> ^ jglntg as jy^LcjrbsS ang. jgug. k iu i &m °L tb*«* area intwaact SSSfe 2k£S£ SSiX i£ th#y. t e a fiQ m l aslnl la eqwon. Then tfc, jggg J°£ IMS® arffig Is ask bpisaomoruhlc £o J2lgQA 3*i« Theorejajit ffuppogg tltSfc i*x» PE* p8* p4> PS ^£2. £*■** distinct ao^nts and that PxP2, P-jPg, ... , P4Pg aEg t^n arcs g&kfe £2*. M ints as indlcatad and sucfo that two of thasa arcs intargact *M i akfeg£ ,snjx 1£ they iifiZE £& S2& P.°<wt la oseESB* Tiw>n tiifi auj£ of thfiSg argg Is ask ftBMBMEBte. £a £££ 2l«Z2a £S&‘ The reader is cautioned to note carefully the difference between the set described in Theorem A and a prim itive skew curve of type 1| also the difference between the set described in Theorem B and a prim itive skew curve of type Z* It is evident th at either of these theorems could be proved by constructing in the set described a prim itive skew curve of either type 1 or type 2# The discussion of the previous paragraph indicates, and i t can be proved rather easily , that both Theorem A and Theorem B 4 £»• Claytor, ^Topological immersion of Peanian continue in a spherical surface11, Annals of Mathematics, vol# 55 (1954), pp# 809-055# 5 E# E* Bing, **Sk@w Sots1*, American Journal of laathematice* vol* 69 (1947), pp. 495—498# 4 would follow a t one© if i t knmm that the following sore 6 general Huesiion of Bing could bo anm®r®& in the affincatlvttt •twesMoni I . tba following utatesont fcrua? I f n^. ag, ... , a ara area two of ir^cU intorwotL or.ly if th«y aav-j an end aolwt 4n cordon, then ther, sxtrt M ££ ?x* P2> ••• * Pn &'<&& Saak i) km a£ ktesst s m . intoreoot $ . ax a m M m m 12 end point ia coiamo^i ii} 4M «■«*» jesEfe £L k*a M ast &aa JXak ia connaetadt ill) {L (i * ia an arc in U a 4 having m m / =i nn4 ittrijaaa m «t* In tiiia paper w» answer th is question In the affirm ative in each of the following' easee* a) At least i*-2 of the arcs neve a common and point* b) $© three ares hmm a coas&on arid pointy if n is even* c) the integer n is lee® than five. B® also establish the tru th of the statement In certain special cams when n * 5,6, I t is found in the proof th at, for small values of n a t le a st, the problem ©ay be subdivided into the consideration of certain simple geoEsetrie eonfl&uations« It ia hoped that the suet hod® devel­ oped here can be extended eventually to answer the general question in the affirmative* %±ng, ley* c it* p 5 By modifying the conclusion of the stateisent slig h tly w© obtain a the ore© valid for a ll values of n which is easily proved# This f.eneral resu lt is stated as the fir s t theorem of the paper# Throughout the paper the notation x » (rssK) w ill bo used to denote the f ir s t point of the closed set K on the simple arc r® in the order from r to s. The end points of the are w ill be denoted by b^# The following theorem differ® from the problem of Bing in th at two intersecting arcs p^, are not required to have an end point in common# UL «!» °j}» ••• > «„ 3ES SE£S is £ M. s&s& m ix. U they have an end point in cpBff.nn. then ttmra gxjgt area h » p£. • •• > Pn SSSM iiiSi a) t£g. cogr on sarfc s& iK2 fi£ thaw acga ia Sg?,tWPi<Kl SC emetyt A* b) Pi (i * 1 ,2 ,. ...n ) i£ . £££. ic U a hgftSg th& £§Bfc 32 /*« J S2& 22tete ££. Oil c) set b_ - j p c_c«it&in« m Mends. cisssA s m a i “ *•-( 1 Proof* The proof w ill be by Induction on the number of are®* The theorem is obviously true for n » 1. Se shall assume it is true fear n m k-1 and prove i t is true fo r n • k# Choose any k-1 of the given arcs as a ., a, can find ares p^> ?g* ••* i satisfying the required conditions# K'l ^ t B|c^ * p^. Every component of which in tersects contains at least one of the point© a^, b^« Thu® there exist a t most 6 two such components* If and ^ / ^k-X ®k and are disjoint* Thus w© can define p^ * o^* If ^ e Bk_^, and bk / B ^ , le t p - ( b ^ s B ^ ) . Then ftj, and p must lie in the sac* opponent 8* of There is an arc y in B1 from to p since B* is ercwis© connected* Define *" ( f) U (pbk of ak). If a^ and b^ are in the mam component B» of there is an arc y in B1 fro® to bfe* Define p^ • y* If and b^ are in d istin ct components A* and B * respectively of 1st <4 «* (b^a^fA*) ami le t r «• (qb^fB1)* Then there is aa arc Tj in A* fro* ^ tc % and an arc r2 in B* from r to bfe. Befin. pk ■ (ri> U (qr of sk) U (r2). The reader may note that if p^ f\ p^ is not connected for soma i * l #2#***jte»l then there is a subarc a of p^ spasming p^ and 7 lying- in 8^ ^* Hence the union of p^ and a contains a simple closed curve* This contradicts the inductive hypothesis* K If we define B * \J p^ i t is easy to see th at contains ^ - / no simple closed curve, and the arc® p^ (i * l,2 f«*«9k) satisfy the required conditions* Bens© Theores 1 1© established* An example w ill show that th is thefcro® is not true if th© additional restrictio n is imposed that two intersecting arcs p , Pj k nozkdegenerete arc c span® an arc 5 if a has exactly its end points on 6* An arc cr with d istin ct end points r,s is ©aid to span f ran a set A to a set B provided r e A, © s Bf and (o-r-s) C\ (A U B) » 0* 7 have a common end point* Lot <»i f) \ - 8^*!* ( i * 1»2»3), “ b4 - * r To satisfy the additional restrictio n we mustc haos® p ® a^9 (1 • 1,2,3,4}* This choice gives us & staple closed curve in •4 {J fi. which contradicts condition c)• • •/ * * In discussing' the problem in it® original form wo shell ca ll /n /•** n the order of the set U «.* He can assume U <%. is connected, X-' 1 ;r/ 3. since If not, the problem can be reduced to several cases of lower order* Also, if * a^ and » bj for any k ,j we can- choose pfc * pj since 11) and ill) are obviously satisfied and may in tersect anything that p^ is permitted, to intersect* Thus we can assume m and. reduce th© order of the set by one* We shall henceforth consider the order of our cot® ha,® been reduced as much a© possible in th is manner* For n » 1 the solution to the problem is triv ia lly in th® affirm ative* Hence we can sesum n ^ 1, and need not establish a p articu lar ease In each inductive argument* thPWMi .gt The lias sea kt aanesssi 4a wa&Am s£ itm. atflaM a sate mis mm. 2f. %M £ails4E£ ss a) All the arcs have a common end point* In th is case we oan number th© arcs in any order and so choose p^, Cl * l,£,***,n) th at U 0 contains no simple closed curve* Moreover, 04 c: \J a4 1 - / 1 J 4 r / £or j * l,2,.**,n * b) Exactly n-1 of the arcs have a common end point* In rtv th is case \J contain® at most one simple closed curve* i-zl

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