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An Application of the Laplace Transformation to the Study of Certain Problems in the Dynamics of Thin Elastic Plates PDF

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Preview An Application of the Laplace Transformation to the Study of Certain Problems in the Dynamics of Thin Elastic Plates

m application op mm laplace tBANSPOEMTicm TO TBS STUB! OP C33IIAIH PBOELEMS IB ®S DYNAMICS OP THIN ELASTIC PLATES A Thesis Presented to the Paealty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy % CherLet !$yrroll Vest ^uae, 1951 ProQuest Number: 10834696 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10834696 Published by ProQuest LLC(2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 AlOTOB»S BXOGiUm The author was horn in Greatline, Ohio on 1 July 1915, the only son of hafey Allen and M&belle g ill son West, I© was educated in the Orestlino Public Schools, the United States Naval Academy, the Ohio State University and the University of Michigan. go is employed as Assistant Professor of Mechanics in the Ohio State University, m leave for the current year, Previous academic appointments were as Hobinoon bellow (1939~19*&) and Instructor (19^6-1947) in the same institution. His ea^erienoe consists of field mxk for the Ohio Department of Highways, structural engineering research for the Association of American Hail roads and service In the United States havy (19^1-19^6). He is an associate member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and a member of the American Mathematical Society, the American Association of University Professors, Sigma XI, Tau Beta PI, Pi Mu Epsilon and Sigma Pi Sigma. the author1 a Special Committee was composed of Professor 0* p* Jtaher; Structural Engineering, Professor Harry Pollard* Mathematics, and Professor H. D. Cosway; Mechanics of Engineering, dhuirstea*... 2he proof of the mean convergence of the inverse trans­ form glveu in Chapter I is due to p*e$es«b;e Pollard. The assistance of all members of the committee is gratefully acknowledged. TABLI OP CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 m m o p m OP THE TE101I Chapter XX PHQBLXMS ON THS RESPONSE OP SIMPLY SUPPORTED MSTANSULAl PLATES TQ DYNAMIC LOADS (hap ter IIX AN APPLICATION TO THE CASE OP KINEMATIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS. Chapter X? A GENERAL PROBLEM ON TEN DYNAMICS OF SIMPLY SUPPORTED RECTANGULAR PLATES CONCLUSIONS Appendix A. GLOSSARY OP SBSQLS Appendix B. BIBLIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION The full owing paper presents a method of set ring certain problems In the dynamics of plates by use of the Laplace tr&nsforas&tlon. Because erf the lim itations of thlstransform , the method is restricted In its application to linear problems, vis. those dealing with the small deflections of thin elastic plates with linear boundary conditions. ' It lb shewn that the Laplace transform With respect to time of the deflection of such a plate satisfies the equation of the middle surface of a statically loaded plate of the same shape, resting on an elastic foundation, and having essentially the same boundary conditions. If the solution of this transformed problem is known, the solution of the original problem may be obtained at once by an inverse Laplace trans­ formation. A number of solutions of plates on elastic foundations are available in the literature, and each corresponds by analogy to some dynamic problem. In any ease, approximate methods are available (at least In theory) for the solution of such static problems. The theoretical basis of the problem is discussed, and a proof is offered of the convergence of the inversion process in case only & suitable approximate solution of the static analogue is available. In this proof, the middle surface of the dynamic plat© is subjected to conditions of continuity and differentiability which may appear rather stringent from a mathematical viewpoint, but which are physically quite reasonable. The derivations of the plate equations and of the fundamental proper ties of the Laplace transformation are not given, inasmuch as thee# matters are treated in the standard texts and such knowledge is now a part of the equipment of all scientific engineers. In order to illustrate the use of the method, several problems of engineering interest are solved. These deal with rectangular plates subjected to dynamic loads of various distributions and time characteri sties. Suggestions are made for the extension of the method to more difficult types of problems. Chapter X Of THE THEORY tor the development of the method presented in this paper, ire shall confine our discussion to rectangular coordinates. Special oberdlnate systems may be preferable in the solution ef problems, but the technique set fo rth fo r the rectangular case is applicable without modification, and the use of rectangular coordinates in this chapter will simplify the discussion. Consider the plate shown In Figure 1. Its thickness is h and we take the y ^ - plnhe as the middle surface ef the plate In itp undeflected position. The plate is supported in some unspecified manner, and carries a distributed load per unit area. The lead may be a function of position, and will be regarded at positive when it acts downward. i z Figure 1 If we consider the element hdxcfy , shown enlarged in Figure 2, this element is noted upon toy moments and shears per unit of length as shown. ‘/ nV 1 - / - Y - i Figure 2 3 la add! tie a to the so shear* and moments we haw the load ^ which must include surface and body forces. fhe shears Q and the moments M aw given per unit of length along the edge upon which they act. forces are shown by single-headed arrows, while moments are shown by double-headed arrows, the moment being in the sense of a doctewis© rotation about the axis of the representative arrow. It is shown in the treat!ses^ on plate theory that the deflection vv of the middle surface of the plate from its unloaded position satisfies the equation VV|V = t|- (1.x) whar.® v * = v *(v .) s (Jg. + + | i ) = j. 7 -fa!— 4- a;)1. b and . 3 T ) s E — v ia(i-v * ) • 1, See any of the reference® in Appendix 1 on the theory of plates. In particular, ef* Reference S, Chapters II and IP. 2. The symbols used are defined in Appendix A* 9

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