JournalofResearchontheLepidoptera 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) An Annotated List ofLepidopterological Journals Gerardo Lamas MuseodeHistoriaNatural,UniversidadNacionalMayordeSanMarcos,Apartado14-0434, Lima-14,Peru. Abstract. One hundred and seventy-five periodical publications, dealingexclusivelyoralmostexclusivelywithlepidopterologicalmat- ters, are listed herein. Each entryincludes data on the title(s) ofthe serial, place(s) and date(s)ofpublication, andissues examinedbythe author. During preparation ofa Bibliography on the Neotropical Butterflies (Lamas, Robbins & Field, in press), a large number ofperiodicals were searched. Naturally, special efforts were made to consult runs as complete as possible ofthosejournals dealingmostlywith Lepidoptera. As a consequence ofthatbibliographic research, I became interested in learninghow many lepidopterologicaljournals were in existence in the world. The results were quite unexpected, as 175 different periodicals havebeenlocated, overhalfofwhich(94) stillarebeingpublished. Only periodicalpublicationstreatingLepidopteraexclusivelyoralmostexclu- sively have been considered. Each entryin this list is arranged alphabeticallybyjournal title, and includes data on any title changes, place(s) and date(s) ofpublication, and a list ofthe issues actually examined by the author (indicated by “Rev:”). Inseveralcases,ithasprovenimpossibletolocatecompleteruns ofaperiodical,inspiteofhavinghadaccesstothe superbholdingsofthe British Museum (Natural History), Smithsonian Institution, National Agricultural Library(Maryland) and LibraryofCongress (Washington, DC),besidesmanyothersmallerlibraries. Particularlyfrustratinghave been some ofthe ephemeral serials ofrestricted circulation, including many Japanese journals and, especially, periodicals treating matters related to silk moths and sericulture. Unfortunately, natural history libraries commonlydo nothave large holdings ofthelatter, andforthat reason I have been unable to consult most of such titles listed herein which have been extracted from secondary sources. Aswithotherbibliographicpublications,thepresentonecertainlywill prove incomplete; I trust readers will be kind enoughto point outto me anyinaccuraciesandomissionsthatIhaveincurred. Informationforthe present list was gathered prior to May 31, 1991. Acknowledgments. Myheartiestthanks goto all librarians whohave helped me throughouttheyearsingatheringbibliographicinformationand,especially,tomy friends Mayumi Takahashi and Scott E. Miller, who commented on an earlier manuscript list and provided several additions to it. Ulf Eitschberger sent importantdataonseveralEuropeanjournals,andJohnT.Polhemusamostuseful listofJapanese periodicals. 29(1-2):92-104, 1990(91) 93 ACTARHOPALOCEROLOGICA. Gengen-Sha Company. Fukuoka. 1. [1977=1982] Rev: 1977(1,2), 1979( ,3). 2. ACTA SERICOLOGXCA. Sericultural Experim,ent Station. Norinsho. [1952— Rev: None. » ] 3. ALEXANOR. Revue des Lepidopteristes Frangais. Paris. [1959—> ] Rev: 1-16. 4. LAMATEURDE PAPILLONS. Journal de Lepidopterologie. Paris. [1922-1938] Rev: 1-8, 9(1-4) (all published). Continued as:Revuefrancaise deLepidopterologie (1938-1958). ANNALES DU LABORATOIRE D’ETUDES DE LASOIE. Lyon. SeeRapportdu Laboratoire d’Etudes de la Soie. 5. 5. ANTHOCARIS. Matsumoto KonchuDanwakai. Nagano. [1954-1959] Rev: None. 6. APATURA. Revista de Lepidopterologla de la SociedadAsturica de Lepidopterologia. Oviedo. [1979—> ] Rev: 1. 7. APOLLO. Bulletin ofthe Lepidoptera Specialist Group. International Union forthe Conservation ofNature and Natural Resources. Gray’s River, Washington. [1979] Rev: 1 (all published). 8. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SERIE A. Escola deAgronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1958-1963] Rev: 1A, IB, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 9. ARQUIVOS DE ENTOMOLOGIA. SERIE B. Escola deAgronomia “Eliseu Maciel”. Pelotas. [1959-1962] Rev: 1A, IB, 3-4, 8A, 13-14 (all published). 10. ATALA. The Journal ofInvertebrate Conservation. TheXerces Society. New Haven, Connecticut. [1973— Rev: 1-16. > ] Note: Subtitle varies Atala. Communication oftheXerces \ Society (vols. 1-2);Atala. Journal oftheXerces Society (vols. 3- 12 ). 11. ATALANTA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1967-1968] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as:AtalantaNorvegica (1969—> ). 12. ATALANTA. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Forschungszentrale fur Schmetterlingswanderungen. Wurzburg. [1964^ Rev: 1-21. ] 13. ATALANTANORVEGICA. Norsk Lepidopterologisk Selskaps Tidsskrift. Oslo. [1969^ ] Rev: 1(3-5), 2-3, 4(1-2). Formerly:Atalanta (Oslo) (1967-1968). 14. THE AURELIAN. AJournal ofLepidoptera. Beckley, Sussex. [1978-1980] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). 15. BAPTRIA. Suomen Perhostutkijain Seura r. y. Lepidopterologiska Sallskapet i Finland r. f. Helsinki. 16. BERICHT[1D9E7S6—S> CH]LREeSvI:S3(C1H-2E,N,4T),A,U5(SC, ,H3--4V),E6R-E11I,N1S2(F1)U.R SCHMETTERLINGE. Brieg. [1840-1846] Rev: 1-6. 94 J. Res. Lepid. 17. BIBLIOGRAPHIAEUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1982-1988] Rev: 1979/80, 1981-1986. Continued as: Bibliographica PalaearcticaLepidopterologica (1989— > ). 18. BIBLIOGRAPHICAPALAEARCTICA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. Karlsruhe. [1989—> ] Rev: 10. Formerly: BibliographiaEuropaeaLepidopterologica (1982- 1988). 19. BOLETIM TECNICO DE SERICICULTURA. Campinas. [1955-> Rev: None. ] Formerly: Sericicultura. Servigo de Sericicultura (Campinas) (1936-1952). 20. BOLETfN INFORMATIVO. SOCIEDAD MEXICANADE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA, A.C. Mexico. [1975-1982] Rev: 1-8, 8(1) (all published). 21. BULLETIN OF THE ALLYN MUSEUM. Sarasota, Florida. [1971— Rev: 1-131. > ] THE BULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 22. ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly:NewsletteroftheAssociation ofMinnesota Entomologists (1966-1967). 23. BULLETIN. CERCLE DES LEPIDOPTERISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1972^ Rev: 3-15, 16(1-2). ] 24. BULLETIN OFTHE CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN MUSEUM. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1938-1939] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 25. BULLETIN. THE ENTOMOLOGISTS’ EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. Denver, Colorado. [1936] Rev: 1(1-3) (all published). 26. THE BULLETIN OF THE HILL MUSEUM. AMagazine of Lepidopterology. Witley, Surrey. [1921-1932] Rev: 1-4 (all published). THE BULLETIN OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF 27. JAPAN. Kyoto. [1946] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published. 28. BULLETIN OF THE SERICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. Tokyo. [1918— Rev: None. > ] 29. BULLETIN OF SERICULTURE AND SILKINDUSTRY. Uyeda. [19 ?-1941?] Rev: None. 30. BULLETIN DE LA SOCI)T) DES L)PIDOPT)RISTES FRAN’AIS. Paris. [1976-1978] Rev: 1(1-3), 2(1-4) (all published). 31. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE LEPIDOPTEROLOGIQUE DE GENEVE. Geneve. [1905-1945] Rev: 1-7, 8(1-5). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 95 32. BUTLLETf DE LASOCIETAT CATALANADE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA. Mataro. [1979-> Rev: 21-46, ,51-52. ] , , , Formerly: Comunicacions de la Comissio deLepidopterologia (1977-1978). 33. BUTTERFLIESAND MOTHS. The Transactions ofthe Lepidopterological SocietyofJapan. Kyoto. [1949-1955] Rev: 1(2), 2-5 (all published). Formerly: The Transactions oftheNipponLepidopterological Society (1945). Continued as: Tyo to Ga. Transactions oftheLepidopterological Society ofJapan (1955^ ). 34. THE BUTTERFLYCLUB. Howell Mountain Butterfly Club. Sanitarium, California. 35. BUTTERF[1L9K46Y-1&94D7I]STRReIv:BU1(TI,O,3N-.11,So)c,i2e(t1y).forthe Study ofButterflies. Aomori. [1980-> Rev: None. ] 36. THE BUTTERFLYFARMER. Amonthly magazine for amateur entomologists. Truckee, California. [1913-1914] Rev: 1(1-12) (all published). 37. BUTTERFLYNEWS. The popularbutterfly & conservation newspaper. Global Butterfly Services. Dorset. [1985— Rev: 1-13. > ] 38. BUTTERFLY PARKNATURE CLUB NEWS. Roscoe, California. [1929-1932] Rev: 1(1-12), 2(1-5), 3(1-8), 4(1). 39. CELASTRINA. Tsugaru Entomological Society. Aomori. [1978-^ Rev: None. ] 40. CHO CHO. The Rhopalocerists’ Magazine. Fukuoka. 41. CHOHOa.[B1ut9t7e8r—f>lies] TRaelkv.: C1-l4u,b,6M,u7s(a1s-h10i)n.o. Tokyo. [1966-1969] Rev: None. 42. CLUB NOTES, MOTHAND BUTTERFLYCLUB. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [71947-1953] Rev: [7](l-5). Continued as: Notes on Moths andButterflies (1953-1955). 43. COENONYMPHA. Hokkaido Lepidopterological Society. Hokkaido. [1955— Rev: None. > ] COMPTE RENDU DES TRAVAUXDU LABORATOIRE D’ETUDES DE LA SOIE. Lyon. SeeRapport du Lahoratoire d’Etudes de la Soie. 44. COMUNICACIONS DE LA COMISSIO DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA. Institucio Catalana d’Historia Natural. Mataro. [1977-1978] Rev: 11-20. Continued as: Butlletide la Societal Catalana de Lepidopterologia (1979— > ). 45. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE LEPIDOPTERA OF NORTHAMERICA. Decatur, Illinois. [1911-1924] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-3) (all published). { 96 J. Res. Lepid. 46. CORIDON. AMagazine forthe Lepidopterist. Bourne End, Bucks. [1960] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). Continued as: Coridon. AReviewfor theLepidopterist. SeriesB (1961-1963). 47. CORIDON. AReview forthe Lepidopterist. SeriesA. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1964] Rev: 1-6 (all published) 48. CORIDON. AReview forthe Lepidopterist. Series B. Bourne End, Bucks. [1961-1963] Rev: 1-5 (all published). Formerly: Coridon. AMagazinefor theLepidopterist (1960). 49. CORRESPONDENZ-BLATTDES ENTOMOLOGISCHENVEREINS “IRIS” ZU DRESDEN. Dresden. [1884-1888] Rev: 1(1-5) (all published). Continued as:DeutscheEntomologischeZeitschrift herausgegeben von derEntomologischen Verein “Iris”zu Dresden. LepidopterologischeHefte. 1889-1902). 50. COSMIA. Gunma Heterocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1965-1971] Rev: None. 51. DANAUS. The Newsletter about the MigratoryMonarch Butterfly. Santa Monica, California. [1988^ Rev: 1-5. ] 52. DATA ON THE SURVEY OF SILKWORM RAISING. Ministryof Agriculture and Forestry. Tokyo. [1952— Rev: None. > ] 53. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT HERAUSGEGEBEN VON DER GESELLSCHAFT IRIS ZU DRESDEN IN VERBINDUNGMITDER DEUTSCHEN ENTOMOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFTZU BERLIN. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE HEFTE. Dresden. [1889-1902] Rev: 2-14 (all published). Formerly: Correspondenz-BlattdesEntomologischen Vereins “Iris”zuDresden (1884-1888). Continued as:DeutscheEntomologische ZeitschriftIris (1902- 1944). 54. DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT IRIS [or“IRIS”]. Deutsche EntomologischeVerein Iris. Dresden. [1902-1944] Rev: 15-57 (all published). Formerly: DeutscheEntomologische Zeitschrift herausgegeben von der GesellschaftIriszuDresden in Verbindungmitder DeutschenEntomologischen Gesellschaftzu Berlin. LepidopterologischeHefte (1889-1902). 55. DISCUSSION ON MULBERRYAND SILKWORM TECHNOLOGY. Japan Sericulture InformationAssociation. Tokyo. [1947— Rev: None. > ] 56. ENCYCLOPEDIE ENTOMOLOGIQUE. SERIE B. III. LEPIDOPTERA. Recueil d’Etudes Biologiques et Systematiques surles Lepidopteres du Globe. Paris. [1925-1930] Rev: 1-3 (all published). . 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 97 57. THE ENTOMOLOGIST’S EXCHANGE NEWS. Colorado Springs, Colorado. [1937-1942] Rev: 2( ,3-12), 3(1-7), 4(1-10), 5(1-11), 6(1-10), , 7(1-2). Formerly: Bulletin. TheEntomologists'ExchangeAssociation (1936). 58. FRASS. An OcassionalJournal ofFaralepidopterology [1973-1976] Rev: 1-4 (all published). 59. FUTAO. Futao-Kai. Osaka. [1989-> Rev: 1-3. ] 60. GALATHEA. Berichte des Kreises Niirnberger Entomologen e.V. Niirnberg. [1985—» ] Rev: 1(1-4), 2(1-3). 61. GARUI TSUSHIN. The Japan Heterocerists’Journal. Japan Heterocerists’ Society. Tokyo. [1954 > ] Rev: 1-142, suppls. 1-2. 62. HAMPSHIRE BUTTERFLYREPORT. British Butterfly Conservation Society. Hampshire Branch. [1985— Rev: 1986. > ] 63. HERBIPOLIANA. Buchreihe zur Lepidopterologie. Marktleuthen. [1983-> Rev: 1(1-2). ] 64. INDIANJOURNAL OF SERICULTURE. Central SilkBoard. Bombay. [1962-> Rev: None. ] 65. INDIAN SILKJOURNAL. Aquarterly devotedto Indian Sericulture and Silk. Central Silk Board. Bombay. [ ? - ? ] Rev: None. 66. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Annual Newsletterto Research Associates. West Hill, Ontario. [1973— Rev: 10-12. > ] Formerly: InsectMigration Studies. Newsletter toResearch Associates (19 7-1972). 67. INSECT MIGRATION STUDIES. Newsletterto ResearchAssociates. Cobourg, Ontario. [19 7-1972] Rev: 8-9. Continued as: InsectMigration Studies. AnnualNewsletterto ResearchAssociates 1973— { » ). 68. IWASE. Osaka. [1983—> ] Rev: 1-4. THE JAPAN HETEROCERISTS’JOURNAL. See Garui Tsushin. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTEROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. See Yadoriga. 69. JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959-> ] Rev: 13-43, 44(1-3). Formerly: TheLepidopterists’News (1947-1959). 70. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. BeverlyHills, California. [1962— Rev: 1-28. > ] 98 J. Res. Lepid. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA 71. NEWSLETTER. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. BeverlyHills, California. [1980—> ] Rev: 1-9. 72. THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON THE LEPIDOPTERA. SUPPLEMENT. Lepidoptera Research Foundation, Inc. Beverly Hills, California. [1985^ ] Rev: 1. 73. JOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. Japanese Society of Sericultural Science. Tokyo. [1930— Rev: None. > ] 74. KAKOCHO. Nagoya Entomological Society. Aichi. [1949-> Rev: None. ] 75. KENTUCKY LEPIDOPTERIST. Nesletterofthe Society ofKentucky Lepidopterists. Louisville, Kentucky. [1975—> ] Rev: 1-16, 17(1). 76. KONAMUSHI. Numata Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1978^ Rev: None. ] 77. KOREANJOURNAL OF SERICULTURAL SCIENCE. [19 ?— Rev: None. » ] KORRESPONDENZBLATT. BEILAGE ZUR DEUTSCHEN 78. ENTOMOLOGISCHEN ZEITSCHRIFT “IRIS”. Dresden. [1910] Rev: 1-12 (all published). 79. KUROSESERI. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1966-1974] Rev: None. 80. KYUSHU NO CHO. Kyushu Rhopalocerists’ Society. Kumamoto. [1956-1957] Rev: None. 81. LEPIDOPTERA. Medlemsblad for LepidopterologiskForening. Kpbenhavn. [1946-1951] Rev: 1946-1948/9, 1950(1). Continued as:Lepidoptera. Ny Serie (1965-^ ). 82. LEPIDOPTERA. NY SERIE. Lepidopterologisk Forening. Kpbenhavn. [1965^ ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1-2), suppls. 1-5. Formerly:Lepidoptera (Kpbenhavn) (1946-1951). 83. LEPIDOPTERA. Official Bulletin ofthe Boston Entomological Club. Forest Hills, Massachusetts. [1918-1921] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-2) (all published). Formerly: The Lepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917). 84. THE LEPIDOPTERAGROUP OF 1968 NEWSLETTER. Vejle. [197?—> ] Rev: 1(6), 2(5-7, 11-15). 85. THE LEPIDOPTERAGROUP OF 1968 SUPPLEMENT. Vejle 86. THE LEP[I1D9O7P7T—E>RI]STR.evO:ff1i-c2i,al, ,B,ul,l,8e.tin ofthe Boston Entomological Club. Roslindale, Massachusetts. [1916-1917] Rev: 1(1-13) (all published). Continued as: Lepidoptera (Forest Hills) (1918-1921); and The Lepidopterist (Salem) (1918-1931). 87. THE LEPIDOPTERIST. Salem, Massachusetts. [1918-1931] Rev: 2-4, 5(1-3) (all published). Formerly: TheLepidopterist (Roslindale) (1916-1917). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 99 88. LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. Florida Society ofLepidopterists ofthe Florida Society ofNatural History. Miami, Florida. [1932-1933] Rev: 1(1-2) (all published). 89. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ NEWS. The MonthlyNewsletter ofthe Lepidopterists’ Society. Cambridge, Massachusetts. [1947-1959] Rev: 1-12 (all published). Continued as: Journal oftheLepidopterists’Society (1959^ ). 90. LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Wien. [1927-1928] Rev: 1-2 (all published). 91. LILAC. Minoo Rhopalocerists’ Society. Osaka [1952-1962] Rev: None. 92. LINNEANABELGICA. Revue Beige d’Entomologie. Bruxelles. [1958^ ] Rev: 1-11, 12 (1-4). 93. LUEHDORFIANEWS. Luehdorfia Lovers Association. Nagano. [1965-1970] Rev: None. 94. MELANARGIA. Nachrichten derArbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch- westfalischer Lepidopterologen. Leverkusen. [1989-^ Rev: 1(1-3). ] Formerly: Mitteilungen derArbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch- westfalischerLepidopterologen (1977-1988). 95. MEMOIR. THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. New Haven, Connecticut. [1964—> ] Rev: 1-3. 96. MEMOIRS OF THE TSUKADACOLLECTION. Plapac Co., Ltd. Tokyo. [19 ?-> ] Rev: 3. 97. MEMORIES DE LA SOCIETAT CATALANA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA. Mataro. [1986^ Rev: None. ] 98. MICROLEPIDOPTERA OF THAILAND. Scientific Results ofthe Lepidopterological Expeditions ofthe University ofOsaka Prefecture to Thailand. Entomological Laboratory, University of Osaka Prefecture. Sakai, Osaka. [1987-* Rev: 1-2. ] 99. THE MID-CONTINENT LEPIDOPTERA SERIES. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1967-1972] Rev: 1-3, 4(50-61), 5( ,63). 100. MIKABO. Tano Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1955] Rev: None. 101. MITTEILUNGEN DERARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT OSTWESTFALISCH-LIPPISCHER ENTOMOLOGEN. Bielefeld. [1965^ Rev: None. ] 102. MITTEILUNGEN DERARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT RHEINISCH- WESTFALISCHER LEPIDOPTEROLOGEN. Diisseldorf. [1977-1989] Rev: 1-5, Beiheft 1 (all published). Continued as: Melanargia. Mitteilungen derArbeitsgemeinschaft rheinisch-westfalischerLepidopterologen (1989— > ). 103. MITTEILUNGEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHENVEREINES POLYXENA. Wien. [1906-1913] Rev: 1-6 (all published). 100 J. Res. Lepid. 104. MIYAZAKI NO CHO. Miyazaki Rhopalocerists’ Society. Miyazaki. [1968- Rev: None. > ] MONTHLYBULLETIN OF THE REPORT ONMOTHSAND 105. BUTTERFLIES. Middle Thames Natural History Society. 106. NACHR[I?C-H19T6E5]N DREevS:E12NaT,O13M-O17L,O,GI,2S0-C35H,EN, ,V3E8-R43E.INS APOLLO. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1976-1979] Rev: 1-4 (all published). Continued as:Nachrichten desEntomologischen VereinsApollo. NeueFolge (1980— » ). 107. NACHRICHTEN DES ENTOMOLOGISCHENVEREINSAPOLLO. NEUE FOLGE. Frankfurt-am-Main. [1980-^ Rev: 1-10, suppls. 1-7. ] 108. NAGANO GAHO. Nagano Heterocerists’ Society. Nagano. [1976-> Rev: None. ] 109. NEOTROPICAL LEPIDOPTERANEWS. Gainesville, Florida. [1987] Rev: 1 (all published). Continued as: TropicalLepidopteraNews (1989—> ). NEUE ENTOMOLOGISCHE NACHRICHTENAUS DEM 110. ENTOMOLOGISCHEN MUSEUM DR. ULF EITSCHBERGER. Beitrage zur Okologie, Faunistikund Systematikvon Lepidopteren. Marktleuthen. [1988^ Rev: 24-27. ] 111. NEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLYCONSERVATION SOCIETY. Quorn, Leicestershire. [1973— Rev: 12-37. > ] Formerly: QuarterlyNews. TheBritish Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). 112. NEWS OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY. [1959—> ] Rev: 1959-1990, 1991(1-3). 113. NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA ENTOMOLOGISTS. Saint Paul, Minnesota. [1966-1967] Rev: 1(1-4) (all published). Continued as: The Bulletin oftheAssociation ofMinnesota Entomologists (1967-1972). 114. NEWS. NOUVELLES. NACHRICHTEN. SOCIETAS EUROPAEA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Karlsruhe. [1976— Rev: 1-17. > ] 115. NEWS SHEET. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1968-1971] Rev: 1, ,3, ,5-8. Continued as: QuarterlyNews. TheBritish Butterfly Conservation Society (1972-1973). 116. NOTALEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1977-* Rev: 1-11, 12(1-3). ] 117. NOTALEPIDOPTEROLOGICA. SUPPLEMENT. Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. [1989— Rev: 1-2. > ] 118. NOTES ON MOTHSAND BUTTERFLIES. Gravel Switch, Kentucky. [1953-1955] Rev: 7(9). Formerly: ClubNotes, Moth andButterfly Club (71947-1953). 29(l-2):92-104, 1990(91) 101 119. NOVITATES MACROLEPIDOPTEROLOGICAE. Dresden. [1926-1930] Rev: 1-5 (all published). 120. THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERIST. Newsletterofthe Ohio Lepidopterists. Columbus, Ohio. [1979-> Rev: 1-12. ] 121. THE OHIO LEPIDOPTERISTS RESEARCH REPORTS. Columbus, Ohio. [1980-^ Rev: None. ] ORIENTERING FRA LEPIDOPTEROLOGISKE MEDDELELSER. 122. Aarhus. [1975— Rev: 2-12. > ] 123. PAPILIO. Gunma Rhopalocerists’ Society. Gunma. [1950-1953]. Rev: None. 124. PAPILIO. Organ ofthe NewYork Entomological Club. NewYork, New York. [1881-1885] Rev: 1-3, 4(1-10) (all published). NEW 125. PAPILIO. SERIES. Lakewood, Colorado. [1981— Rev: 1-5. > ] 126. PAPILIO INTERNATIONAL. The Lepidoptera Group of1968. Vejle. [1983— Rev: 1-6. > ] 127. PARNASSIANA. Neubrandenburg. [1930-1939] Rev: 1-5 (all published). 128. PARNASSIUS. Awaji Entomological Society. Hyogo. [1967^ Rev: None. ] 129. PHEGEA. VerenigingvoorEntomologie van de Koninklijke Maatschappij voorDierkunde vanAntwerpen. Antwerpen. [1973—> ] Rev: 1-14, 15(1-2). 130. PRIAMUS. Results ofthe Scientific Research on Entomology. Ankara. [1981—> ] Rev: 1-4, 5(1/2). 131. PROCESVERBAUX/VERSLAGEN. CERCLE DES LEPIDOPTERISTES DE BELGIQUE. BELGISCHE LEPIDOPTEROLOGISCHE KRING. Bruxelles. [1973] Rev: 1968-1971. 132. PUBLICACIONES ESPECIALES. SOCIEDAD MEXICANADE LEPIDOPTEROLOGfA, A. C. Mexico. [1976—> ] Rev: 1-4. 133. THE PUPAPER. ButterflyWorld. Aclassified Newsletter. Pendleton, Indiana. [1978?—> ] Rev: 5(1-3). 134. QUARTERLYNEWS. THE BRITISH BUTTERFLY CONSERVATION SOCIETY. Over Compton, Sherborn, Dorset. [1972-1973] Rev: 9-11 (all published). Formerly:News Sheet. TheBritish Butterfly Conservation Society (1968-1971). Continued as:News. The British Butterfly Conservation Society (1973^ ).