An Annotated Checklist of the Chagos Archipelago Terrestrial Faun (Omitting Birds) Recorded During the 1996 ‘Friends of the ‘Chagos’ Expedition LL. Barnet and, Era Feosyaens Aalst and Manerent Group, Deputnent uf Biolog Seles, Uivesty uf Warwik ‘Gite Road, Coventry V4 PAL, Usted Kingcom. AAbtrets oneal oak of he ne a rig se Ha 9 ets, on cst ou tle an oper a a Keywords: cng es Do i a, em ep Ramin Introduction The Chagst Archipelago, Lrish Indian Osean Testoy, cened st 6 deo bout, 2 degrens east. onthe mele ofthe nian Ueesr (Es 1683), is he lrwest ane fio led coal al compl in te world (Peace 1991) The ears ae 10 the {higes it Adu Aol nthe Ml ves woh ie Sem othe noth. Mabe, eased the Sejcalles, is 1 77a go he west wl Marin 1 950k) che we” Thote ae ftp landed aos wih the Chagos. Diego Gate, Egnioae he Great Chagos Baa, es Barts and Salomon. The wtal land area is esimatad %0 be lest then Ant [Symns 1999) The largest an isthe mailer of the Diego Garcia Aol which is Appronintely Thm (Symons 1990). Theisen have a opis marine ciate Drag Fdsuary and March 1996, [K. Narmett and C. Exim srvenel 24 of tie 5 nad 0 he Chagos Archipelago for insets a ms he 196 “Pers at ‘te Chg’ ineraioral sents expedition (Barnett & tens 1995), thi paper ‘sites ap anneal checist uf the tenes fans tac they epotéed uring the fegedion There was no att wae road lacs atacold species dung te 1896 expeion Previous record ofthese groups are det ir, Staan (1871). The i species recorded are documerta sparsely in Syrens (1958) an Suen in reo) Aas gatas (urreiser. 1838} Previously unknown fom Chios. This ree xg as oy rede on les Diaarte, Yoje andthe Maroy Ian the Peo Py ers acaded he Gram Ble baer Evchryogps eng (Barnet & Prtonc93. 405, 4 THE CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO Soc es Ear DigcO GARCIA, Fig. 1. Isandsof the Cages group Le _npiseses rv (Ramu. 1842) This sal dragons wns eval alg Salomon we Egret Islnd ani alse cr re man sland of Dun Gan populations wete pene a lf these oetions tage ‘oka saegiets (Ren, 1812) This danselly was recorded on Dege Geri an! Te Lake inthe Egon, Al info rumbers 2 itr cora Brave, 146}. resins ethno fram Chagos. Two speciners of {jp modur-seed nocturnal dragonfly were recorded om Diego Garcia when they were (Grated ore nsx catch fight trap. rn overight, awit lavecens(Felacin, 1798. Ths ily nigasory dagooty wes ony recorded a ieg® Circa where there va x substan population rest ‘raps inte Desiatcins, 1832, This dragon was recorded on Diego Gaia where ‘huge Org populton presen oer ms ofthe and, ad lo ole Lube othe ‘rent atl Orthopters eta somescw Linnaeus Previously unknow fiom Chagos “Tis house sicker was ford ony on Diego Guzen here it was azote cose with human dwelings Aloe somsatny Wither This grasshopper was recrdad on eleven islands Gieigout te Chagos and found on every soll Lge populations were present server there was Shon vegetation Aracramorpha aenpenis (sin) Previous unknown from Chagos. This species fs ons record onthe ui island of Devo Gaia, rom a single eaten CConocepiins mocitane (Clow) Prevavslyunbnown from Chagos. Thi cricket was ‘ely ecorte o lles Rods a Takaka ine Sloman Atl ~The appeared 0 be this poraltons present on bath sins “Breonoeepaschypnenss (Beet: 193) This species was ony recorded om South ‘gd Mile Brobe in The Great Chagos Bask All Phanerepre mina Fisher, 1853 parca Seat Peexioulyuakaman fom Chagos “This ‘gees was unrecorded fom the main sand of Diego Gari, ee thre append 1 Beazhivigpopultion aa leas one re Dietyoptera lala german (Lines) Ths cockroach ws recorded from eno widely spersed Factions in the srhielag’ lle Takamaka in tbe Salomor Atl! ane Midile Breer in The Great Chagos Bae Atl Cn both stds was Found to Bo noctma Bhstelidac spn wuienied species ony carded om ile "Tamska in he Sslorton Al Margate omgicercata BoivasPrevicusyunkwwn rom Chagos. ‘his eekroach wus "oredr ony on locaton Hed Comin he Paros Barhoe Aol 43 ope emer (Linas) Tie lange coskecal was vested on He Taka inthe Semon Atl ard the in shnd of Digo Garcia On both ind a fhserved at might fr lrge muses among che vegetation ofthe nis. On Digg, Casi wae aha ror requ n mar aorormdtion ek Pyenoscus antics (Fabicis| Ths ecokroach was only recorded fm tle Boda the Sloman Atl Hewipters Cntecomede fret (ele) Previously weknown fom Chagos. This species wa ‘ny cesnded Gu He Pailin the Peres Bates ta Ponisate spp Pres unknown om Chagos smal parton of this spi vas recur Ip eshonatr ih athe nil ite om Die Gare Oly ws ‘rere eave ard these cond note eid down apeies eve apidoptere Aiksopivespraciana Walker Preiovsy enka fom Chagos ‘This moth was on reeutded on Mile Brother ho Great Cages Bark Al dara veo Linus, 788 Tie langs nae was reared rom te Hei Cine inthe Peto Hs Atl at Fos) Miele Graver tM Grea Chass Bes Anal anya nals Walker Previously unknown rom Chagas This moth was only sores fn Middle Uther n ke Great Chagos Bank Aol mete swine Gene This mot aly rca For he minal ef Pies Gus Aniearsa imoraa Fabius Preiously known Hom) Chagos This mah so ‘eared on le du Cosa the Peas Banos Atl ead ads Wilkes. This meth species vas omy recorded on ed Coin in he Pros Baas At Calepiones mailad Guenge Ths moth wat roondes fam wen widely separated Inds le ova he Semon At a! the rain an of Dgge Carcin ‘scan Walker, 1803. This age whe meth sas Rel we eomann oF te pormeters oF may isan isthe Ssomoe and Pecos aos tll and 9 onthe sh ‘lad of Diego Gavia It appeared to be eloscy asceimes ht aval fen he Takamaka re Capito nop 44 ands vosom Doubleday, (843, Uhis moth sas recorded on es Wedd and Minot inte Saleen Atel nd Mile Brat th Grest Chas Bank Ato nt iano Ronson. Fresiculy vaksown tom Chagos. This moth was Gp recoded on le cd e Pre in he Saloni Atal vost 9. gproganss Walker. This ch as only resosded the wai ind of eg Gxrea eyplphlcbi encara Meyrick This moth was els recorded the main sand of Deg Cxrc8 phone ince Saunders, {RSL Tais nat ws only sued or the nian Beg Geica ‘Blana cca Welker, Tais moa reotded in good numbers on ls Boden and ‘eaves in te Sarin Aol le du Coin nthe Peas anos tll ed on he rain dd of Doge Garcia Enrcha m, mesorcalis Waller, This small nth was recorded on two widely spite lands le Takamaka in the Salon Al erd te main and of Diego Garcia ckosops encus Fabricius Prewously unknown fom Chagos This small ive bale ws found 10 nave Inge populations on many of the ialrds vied exchding Hein the Egmont Aol (ere way not rsordcd. Iwas alo recorded atte lah fullininerater se av Diego Garcie This tare appers tb eee addhon tothe (lage tuna adm cl ve boon ade in its poral the apt cofoation oF ts fd lara foodolan Vigan morinn on the nonhon sole during the lat dscde, Inet al Foeplant oe Diego Garcia was acrypatu tates, eptogranna castes Walt, 1889. This mh was oaly recorded on tho rin ‘and of Doge Garee perio weoe Fabsicivs, 799 Ths medu-sned Ickmeth was only resorded on ‘ile iotr i the Great Chagos Bank Atal ‘ile pure Cramer. Peesousy unknown ron Chagos. This math was oly recoded ‘lle ddan te Sloman atl, “yin errs Dupenchal Previous unknown from Chagos This wth was only fooled on He du Coin in the Peros Bans Atoll nd on the main i8hnd of Diego Saran FF Hypehmons Boia euphoncades Vines, 1764 This bg erty was rood Iles Arglise aaraka aed del Passe nthe Samo Atl un South Brother, Nery Bro‘ser and Darye sand inthe Gren Chagos Bark. The males of ths pecs apes te highly terri and ony yall shee ware sot on enc el" The pecs pho is endenis to the Chagos (Barat & Ems 1988, Poston 1923) Jimena vi Sgt Fabrics, 1787. This hanes as reorced oa eight ing inthe Ssonon, ere Banhos and Grest Chagos Bank tls In corr 0 fod vas found im sbsaral nue op mos ofthe lane whe it a ede, the mdi ery bu alo Ie nthe oodpant Scare sericea The bape eens is eden o Ure Coages Barts & Fins 9S, Warkins 1825) Leomprcacnssisate Walser Ths moth was recorded on We Boda in he Stans ‘ll nd Mile rather in tre Gren Chagos an Al Mocrogesoumn corytus oovaicun Welke, 1886 This matics honing Invi s Fesond oes Bods atl Takaraks inthe Salomon Atl and Non Broth, Neson and Dargcr Inge the Great Chagos Bask Atal wns econ very high sumbers and the population appears to be strong an these Wands he “ubspcies ccc semen 0 the hagas (arte in pese Mocs es Favs. L775 This spies was unly record the msi lan regs asia mide ontcate (bros). Previously ak frm Chagos This mth wat or recorded oiled anti ihe Pers Banos Atl, Cametespocoals Waker Previous anhnowa fa Chagos This secs wae oth recorded on the min slat of Diego Gaia Paros sas Lederer, Tha mt wes onl ror om he Takers i the Sono Atal Perokae dona de Nise, 1883. This sell le turers was ony Fecoded ren ature reserve area the rain island of Diego Garcia. Two individuals wete obseve and appeas 1a be surviving i oe aumbers Samco eareclats Zeke Previous wrknowa mt Chagos This species won revonded onthe mm a of Diego Cars Speier tn Fobrens. 1778. This mo was only score on Middle Behe ‘he Gay Chas Baas A 46 eset marin ern sas pi sol eed ne and of Days Gai sa recrvali abrci Prva wn fom Chages This woth was ely aeeed on South rahe nthe Great Chgor Bans to copter hiss ‘Thi spaces was revarded on le Taka in the Salomon Atl {ow Micxi-ran on the min snd of Dio Cavs The Feral spciner were (Bios Hight aed groved co be a rw species to since” previously undentiied male nen fom an alt expe het Was apured and presened by Mr Mem ions Mh found upen retum tothe Ucted Kino ant is now the Flotpe ofthis species Iolged a the Bris Museu of Natural tstory in London (Barat, Ene & Helou pres). It is key that hs secs is eden tothe Chaps. dra misncals (Walker) Previously unknow: om Chases, This moth way only Fepotdat om le du Ccinin ike Peres Buns Atl ria niches Harmison. This rihty-coloared day-thing muh was recoded fn Hof te iad surveyee fed ws ound to oesopy inden every atl of the (Chagos. 1 sas presen in wey ge rarer and ase wee rte or several pe of Torreon argues. Ver env Linas, 1758 Previously uninown fom Chagos Ths wsl-known Fegrtery bstorDy war recorded om le Lubine i the Faron Atl. Oriya sine fpicmen was observed and no lval eons of ts Speci ave boeh recorded on the lends the Cages ay 1988. Diptere (nopogen mcabaronae (Soins) This eter Oy wes rsondcd om all tolls apa om Diego Garca tc eppared 1 four te sand ite on te ds pernater beeches Yiaca comesiea Linowess Pesiously unknown om Chagas This fly as only {Seordd Nov the wir and uf Diego Crcin hrosome moat (Fabric) This My was resrded or les Diane snd Yeye Inthe Poros Banfos Atl she oi str f Digga Garcic am! Noli [sind in he Gest Chagos Bort tol Grrrvoma ievewpogor (Wiedemann This My was ec on le Vase ar Money etude he Pera Banbos Atl, the main sa of Diego Gai a Neh sled and South Bro nthe Great Chagos Bank Ao! a ritalin lacs (lebemaan) Presouny unknown rem Chagos, Tai hover ‘aly meno on tesla of Digo Casi omoneuira 3. bseviosbrunkronen fom Chagos "This poses was recat on veer ‘Sandsin the Pes Bushes id Great Chagos Bank atolls es el asc the ain sd Diego Garcia Pryepions responions (Walkes| Preiouly wakrowe fom Chages This By vas only receded onthe main sland of Diego Garcia Sarcephg d Trmon “Ts ys only voted on le Pen th Slo tek Sarcphaga peregrina (Robinew-Desveiy) "This Ny as ony sensded on Te amas inthe Poros Bani A Sehutatesencus Goern. “his ty was eid onal Chg le (14 sn tt an appeared be Aburant reser ee Hymenoptera Ainpues sp seobatly A. concessa (Fabricius) This spies was oly corded fom th ‘ain isan of Depo Garcia Apis meter Viner This Ronee was nly rece sn thers of Deg Gore Tappan be cane tughout the ind sad # nea ws sre in fl treet Point Mactan Camponons sp probably macrlase Forel This species wns recoded om see! ims ive Semon apd Paros ahos Atl a well 8 he rin lad of i Garo ‘Chetcadoma sp. Pressly unkown From Chagos. This species was reorde on o> ‘widely sepa ins he Goda te Salorton Ao an the wn sand of Diy Giri Cision Bergatonse Dados} This species was only rece on les Bon sn Arghisoin te Salamon Aol amends 9p 1 Thi paces vas rsd in every all f he Chagos (U6 ands it roi Eumesidaesp 2 This species was only reorded ons Sepltute inte Salomon Aol 48 due sp 1 To. specie us recoded ons vist of Diego Gai an Suh fae ie Crea Chagos Bak awed op This species was cry toot om the masa 3 Dieg Caria emesis sp $ Tis species was coy erred from he min ism af ag Gala panteolina Soarhonica (Fora, {886} his species as seconded of evo, widely ‘arted ards lle Boda nthe Salmon Aol and te nin land of Dogo Garin. Poanechina hoioes Fore Previous unknown foam Chas Us species was aly fate om Me Bvt in the Sloman Atal ‘Pies, Tho spces as only recorded stom the mac ane of Dsus Gurl {lise sp yrohiby often (Degen, 77) Tas spec of yelow wap was te inj wdepiead ofl he Chas est species econded was observed oF 21 is [ued fv crip hol on ahe Chagos It apgead to be ety nrwions and #0 ‘reese, Ths asthe only wasp thar regulary ung members of Ue expedition Tans sp. Prevousy waknoan form Caagos This sects was ony vecuded on Me Bago in he Salman Ato. hapa p. Pressly unknown ‘hema sand Deo Garcia ayos, Tis ane sat ory seconded fom ies ws only {hex sercoue Pabricns) Previa unknown Fem Chazes this Fesidd ion the isn ist of Dae Cela Tedrmiemer cibyos (Seth. 851). This was weeordad an two widey sepaated ids" else the Stomen Atl andthe man a of Diego Gack, eoza sp Ths exper ce wooly evn then nan of eps Garin ee was mainly astern athe platen se Crieapsern Aria afirana Champion, 1917 Tix species was roared Me Takami the Sonn Aol, Pate le Mapou ithe Peoe achns Atoll and on the main end of Ghemenes seemacuare (Fabrics; This sp Tehamais ithe Salomon Ato es ws rors on les Pte ard a9 Cosco mavens Fabicun.Presiously unknown fom Chagos Ths lads, ‘aly eserdedon the min ad of Dg Gola CCokaposoma umerpe Lat Previously kaw fom Chagos TES apeles was recorded en the iin lad of Diego Camas entire Wascbouse This species was revonded 1! an nal ata | the Chagos _Swochomue nite Prosously nko fam Chagos. THs fbi was only recor fon he mi sar of Des rin amet ested bcs. Ih urisied bee was cay recorded a he Paras ia the Pores Bashos Avoll_ It appeared wo associate Sith Townefevtea argent Severs als ware ohserved fed on Fe pin this stub Melanson M. porn Candas Tis species was only evorde on he ‘pain and of Diego Garcia CGnerecinocers Linnaeus). ‘This lage tet wes only recorded onthe mln sad Diggo Garcia an South Bote in the Grout Chagos Bark, eis nes of Cveas mits ss story an the Chagos Yas bee el docomented olson (961), Phupraapacaqncole Catch This spcis was only recone othe main and ie Garcia Clases Ani ‘Bufo ors Linsseas 1788. Several spies f an unidentedtoad were bog back fem the expedition and ae lodged with the ish Museum Natural Hite {Garnett & Enns (997s) serie of ce than one handed specimens elles o> 9 Carca Inigeé a the SmaeonanInsiaion in Washington, have sen en ag mrs pers cnn Ronald Crombie). is ely therefore that bo seis ofthe same species Ths tose as ony resin OM onthe ai lind of Des Garcia where as gery commen.” Mary eGpoles ware ako seeded exh al? fabio the Hand Repalia Hemidocrsesfromstas Darvel & Bibren. “This eek was recorded or les Body a! Paul the Saloon Atl, lesbians, Yeve ans Moresby land Pars Bas? Atal onthe rain sland of Dego Garcia and on Dango Ilr on the Great Cha Bark Ato I appears tebe a widespread but uacomynoa aimalthreaghout mos fF se