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An analysis of the psychological characteristics of a selected group of imprisoned sexual offenders PDF

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Preview An analysis of the psychological characteristics of a selected group of imprisoned sexual offenders

if ASAJ.Ysis m m psychological m M 8 W M W if USMXS^MD SB6HS $391MfflttUl * r Harold Lindner fhesis ehbsitted to the faculty of the firodtaate School of the Unirerri ty of Maryland la jwsrttaX falftllfto&t of the rogatrtBeatft for the . decree of Doctor of FMloeophy 195X UMI Number: DP70463 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Pubiish»ng UMI DP70463 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code uest ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 1 The writer wishes to express M s gratitude to the many interested persons who have sided his is his research, Foremost was Professor Charles M. Oofer, chairman of the thesis c©«»itte# and academic advisor, who provided personal guidaue® and supervision. It would he unfair to Br, flbfer*® stature m a scientist to state that this work is, in any way, a reflection of his ability; bat any merit this report nay contain is due to his energy and counsel. To Professor Willi® C, Schaefer I wish to extend ®y appreciation for {guidance and interest. Professor Peter lejins gave liberally of M s time and effort. Without the assistance of these mentors this work could not have matured. To Mr, Harold S. Donnell, Superintendent of Prisons; Mr. Jteuhem Opuemheimer, Ohainaan of the Board of Correction; Dr. 1. Mioy bright, Warden of the Maryland Bouse of C@r recti-on; and Mr. Beazy B. Beymond, Superintendent of the Maryland State Heformatory for Males, I wish to express isy Indebtedness for the sponsorship of this research and for the cooperation which they, and their staff®, provided. Professor f. 0. Jfc3&r#ifS, suggested the use of m test of perceptual function. Professor Say Saeka&a suggested the technique for obtaining a matched control group. Mr, *T. B. Mam® did the reliability studies. Mrs. Mildred Heller and Mr, Bayne nd Friedman provided the illustration® for the tests of oereeptual function®. Mrs. Boro thy Bear ion typed the Manuscript. finally, to ^Turky*, "Moneybags*. wB6osieyff, -say sincere gratitude ....without each of you we might never have seen through the bar®. «r4 ri $ CH4 \MD sW© rv/\% fops Ia jfj*}*4 2 2 s\r&\ 2 s s «rt u ► 3*f^ •©0 •rt a © %©* © g d © c ti s © © N © i © h «S <N t 1p 1 « g fCtS H<s£9 «©©©£cWt s «©©ed0j f©i t©©d* «deN©©C©H dy sunh as 46.«*»©?s *©2©£><»K ifference# £O *%oH HcS5C> *u0H-. fI©©£c I©fc *©©©dH of & stu I4©I* if -©©©P C4©©©©** ©©d©P© <©©►» 1•I©p ©r-alX d %M 4»<»t> •©r<t6 II#n© •*©»p I© *s©<r■§i *O5 tV© f©gSN I ieanee S HISi £r%*fNt* p4*©©**»*i rffit I«4©dpXK*i ••©H H£ fH sH©© of ©T IN 2SS© j ©02 <£ 14# AN© © iP.:f IS dgaif??3 IrJ-EiSv I© I$ Mt*©3t S I‘ imrI~» 4N©Od©» •t«©/a> M©©d Swmsry iii **ssK ow oowmr® Differences between sub-groups of sexual offenders .... 69 Serial Drawing ?est......................... ...... 70 Isoosrolet© Pictures Test, ....... ?2 SujsBt&ry of differences between sub-groups,, .......... 72 Summary, .......... ? . ............. ?& cmpfm xt siagex ?tctww fisf 75 Direr ml! -differences between sexual offender group sad control group, ................. .......... 76 Differences between sub-groups of ssxnsuL offenders, *...... 81 Summary *............. 83 o m m m r x m m v m w as Over-all differences between, sexual offender group and control group ........................... *. • 85 Interview questionnaire * categories, significance, direction of sexual offender resoe&s&s, ..... 87 Concents regarding eaality. ..... 87 Parental family and dews 1 opmental factors. ..... 8f Environmental stimulations (outside parental family)............ 91 Marital M stojy ...... 92 Sublimation capacities. ............. 93 derail expert enees* *................ 9^ Sexual preferences, ..... 98 Sexual ideations. ..... 101 Sexual stimulations, ....... 103 Concept of fexinini fcy or mascv.13n.it3r* ..... 103 S'oaasnry of the over—all differences ......... 112 Differences between sub—groups of sexual offenders. ..... 118 f abx.1 of ecmraes Paco Interview ouesiionaairej categories, direction of »e:m&l offender suh-^ppotrp*# respc&ec* ..... Ilf %mmnTy of onl^gToup differences......... ........... 122 tossaxy* ....... 122 O H O T i t ?t smmmr amb 12b theoretical implications. ....... * 129 s m a e m mw.icm.wrn 132 A P W » K A 135 legal classification, distributions of v:rial)les in seacttcl offender gronr*......... 136 .frequency of variable* in lummX offender &rowp and in control grow*. ......... 1^6 Frequency of matching deviation*. .................. 159 A ^ m m u 1 165 Serial Braving test. .................. 166 Incomplete Pictures test. ...... 1?6 Interview. ....... 186 AFPKSBIX B : 193 XHLstriVations sad significance test values in interview question* • 19& APVmniX B 209 OXossary. ............ 218 Sexual Offender theories......... 213 T LIS* Of TASLS3 1 Sexual offender group. ..... 29 2 Sjaam&vf of control eharact oris tie# of sexual offender group If legal ©lasstf ication©. ...... 3$ 3 Summary ©f control character is t ies of non-sexually- deviant control group............. 33 4 Distribution® and significance test ©&lues for scores on Initial sexual identification in Serial drawing lest........ 49 5 Distributions and significance test value© for score© on correct identification in Serial Drawing test........................... 51 6 Distributions and significance test values for score© on identification changed from sexual to bon-sexual in Serial ©rawing feet........ 54 7 Distribution* and significance test Value# for score# on identification changed back again from son-sexual to sexual in Serial Brawtiig feet......... 55 8 Distributions and significance test values for the scoring dimensions, sexual to non-sexual, on Incomplete Pictures fast. ...... 57 9 Distributions and significance test values for the ©coring dimension, homosexual to heterosexual, on Incomplete Pictures fest...... 59 1© Distribution® and significance test values for the scoring dimension, aggressive to passive, on Incomplete Pictures fest ....... 6© 11 Distribution# and significance test values for the ©coring dimension, anti-social to social, on Incomplete Pictures fest, .... 62 12 Distribution# and significance test value® for the scoring dimension, depressed to euphoria, on Incomplete ^ieiitr#atfe#i........ &■ vi BIST Of fXBLlS M l 13 Distributions and iignlfic&ace test values for the scoring dimension, authoritarian to democratic, on Incomplete Pictures Test*........... 66 lb Distributions end confidence lords for sexual responses to Incoiadfete Pictures fest..... . 67 15 Distributions and significance test values for for scoring dimensions for the homosexual and heterosexual sub-groups on Serial Drawing Test vhen ? *01 to .05 fsr the difference between the sexual offender and control groups............ 71 16 Distributions and significance test values of scoring dimensions for the homosexual and heterosexual sub—groups on Incomplete Pictures Test when P..01 to .05 between the sexual offender and the control groups.......................... 73 17 Distributions and significance test values for scoring the thirteen peycfeosexustl dimensions in the Sleeky Pictures Test. ............. 78 18 Significance test values for psycho sexual dimensions on Blacky Pictures Test which, yielded a P .001. ...... 80 19 Distributions and significance test values for scoring the thirteen psycho-sexual dimensions la the Blacky Pictures Test for homosexual and heterosexual sub-groups^ ...... 82 20 Distributions of Interview questions, by significance test values, for each clinical category in Interview scoring analysis......... 105 21 Frequency of responses to Interview question 29...* 107 22 .Frequency of responses, to Interview question 58.... 108 23 Preameacy of responses to Interview question 59.... 109 2b Frequency of iresooaaes to Interview question 130... 110 25 Frequency of responses to Interview question 188... Ill 26 ^rpothetie&l distributions of two groups on a test, illustrating meanings of homogeneity 126 LXSf OF TABLES Legal classification distribution of age Variable in sexual offender group................... 136 Legal classification distribution of age ■variable in sexual offender group .... 137 Legal classification distribution of race variable in sexual offender group. ....... 138 Legal classification distribution of X.Q* variable in sexual offender group. ........... .......... 139 Legal classification of education variable in seaaaal offender group. ........ 1^1 Legal classification distribution of earltel status in sexual offender group........ .................... %bz Legal classification distribution of aeeio—eeoaoate status in sexual offender group. ...... 1*3 Legal classification distribution of length of sentence variable in sexual offender group.......... Legal classification distribution of length of 'present a entenee already served variable in sexual offender group. ........... 1^5 Legal classification distribution of length of present sentence already served variable in sexual offender grouo, ................................... 1^6 Legal classification distribution of lumber of pr*~ vious eoznailtments in sexual offender group........... X%7 Frequency of age variable in sexual offender group and in non-sexually-deviamt control group. ........ i^a Frequency of race variable in sexual offender group and in non—sexoally-deviaat control group...... 1^9 Frecmemey of I. C|. variable in sexual offender gronu and in noa-se^xually-deviamt control group* ...... 150 Frequency of 1*0,. variable in sexual offender group and in aon-sexually-deviant control group........... 151 Frequency of education variable in sexual offender group and in non-sexual ly-devi ant control group..... 152 viii m m car tm m tablet Mom Fage Iff Frequency of marital status vsriatle la sexual offender group and in non-semally- deviant control group*.......................... 153 IT Frequency of $ o c io~@ conoml e status variable In sexual offender group and in non-$ex&al ly-&evi-ant control group.................----- 15^ H » Summary of socio-*eeoaoade control factor® of fathers and inmates status for all groups........ 155 XFI Treoueaey of length of sentarea variable in sexual offender group and in non-s exuslly— deviant control group............. 156 XVII Frequency of length of sentence already served variable in sexual offender group and in non— sexual ly-&evlant group. .......... 157 XTIXX Frequency of .w»bar 0£ previous commitments verit­ able in sexual offender group and In non-sexually- deviant, control group ...... 158 XIX Frequency of age deviations. ............. 159 XX Frequency of 1.0,. deviations.. ..... 160 XXI Frequency of education deviations................ l6l XXII frequency of sentence length deviations. ....... 162 XXIII deviation of number of previous coast! tiieat#. lf>3 XXtf Sfomber of months deviation in length of sentence already served, ........ 164 XltT ‘Distributions and significance test values on Interview questions for scoring dimensions of ^Tes", * Sometimes *9 *mn......... 19^ XXTX Distributions and si,gnificance test values on Interview questions which required two- scoring dimension® ..... 198 jCXTOI Distributions and significance test value® #n Interview questions which repaired three scoring dimensions................ 199

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