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An Analysis of the Mechanical Friction Losses in Reciprocating Refrigeration Machinery PDF

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Preview An Analysis of the Mechanical Friction Losses in Reciprocating Refrigeration Machinery

à» m m m Of wm rn m m m imotsoi m $m I I wipioaàfiio wsm m m m m m m n m w m m Maà%%»à lit f##l#I of the for th# à#### of lAaUR o f ;%%%aawuK%(%Ai, #% III# fo & m m a o inm m M m m oom m w Bdworé % oW # I # 19SD iOmd of mpmrimml ProQuest Number: 27591557 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 27591557 Published by ProQuest LLO (2019). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLO. ProQuest LLO. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.Q. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 mm ih# rn m l^ ### Wrm m %hê Iflà #f 19# lu #e* Wk «ad Mi iihiil «ad hl# idboil la the #m# elty* Se yeeeleed the degyee of laoheloa of Seohmmloel Saglaeerlmg fyom the Polyteohalo laiti tmte of Irooîdya la .#w# 1944# pmeeeatl# hie %oh#W*# th##l# oa **®bto Çfil«a# %a#tMWtloa# ead te«t of » Socket XaMae^« 4fl«p dl#(hayge froa the ïhdted States Saey ta lhae 1048# he «ai e%loyed hy the Mr (kiadltloala» Bepwtmmt of the Oeaerel Sleetrlo &#aay# #ere he first heoame latereet#, #d la the problem# asiooleted elth refrtgeratloa mchlaery. la iopteWber of 194? he aoo^ted a poeltloa as laetmotor la Se#aMoal Sa#|a##ria# at the Solyteehalo laetltate of %ooMya$ a posltioa he bold# today, «he larestieiatioa» sad aaalytoi ro^ptred for thi* thoM# hare beta oarriod oa for a period of three years# etar$iag la %)%«## 194? md ooatiaalnf aatll the pressât, «h# la» vistigatloa# eatalled th# u#« of many llhreriee# particular» ly the mgimseMog ioMettes Mhrary sad the «eWwology seo# tioa 'Of the #e# fork Pahllo Mhrnry# P E i5 T E ir ? l^ S S r ' # e a#Wr I© «aproie M# grmtltmd# %# Pr#e##r Satitl# fm M# #f th# #h«siitry #ad. of th# wlemW #tr#tw# of labrioatiag oils# md for Me laralmhle ##M#» t#m# ih th# pr#pm#tt#h of th# «wmwrlpt# fh# amthor #1«# Meh## t# nm^mm Me thmk# $# Srofmeeor »r»et I*# Ri%#tt# for imtroduolag hi# to I m& ÊMSkmim hie iatereet 1» th# ##i#a## of lohriootioa# the pwpose ùi tM s the#!# is to amlys# the mschaalosl friotioa ioisii In- tmiptnmt%ing rsfrigeratioa maiMaery* %» aaalysi» herela prsssated i# of eofflolmt soop# to #mbl# the cai» oolatioà of the tf in%inn lotsos that mi#it be esqpeoted in # re» olprooaliag refrlgeretloa oompressor from # kaowledge of the oom» pressor dimmsioa## ## gewrel ©oaditioa wd«»? #ioh the oom» pressor Mil operete# md the #mrooteri#tios of the h&hrioetiog oil that Mil he wed# A dieooseloh of homdsry layer lohrioetloh Is to he fooad la the thesis* th# gesersi oomolosloa helm# that hydrod#eml# Ih# hriostloa may he oonsidered e# eMstlag m* lorn# *s the film li groeter thm s fee moleoales thi#* sad s# long ## th# rlsooslty meed Im th# hydmdysmio eomtiome is th# «ffeotir# MsooMly rather thm the WLk rlsooslty of ## I#rie##t. S oalm ii Imlrodnolloa I. M brloslloa B ieelproeatl'oi aifrigefalio». 0o#re##»r 19 W sM oa &>###$ Ifila a#aMag# M #r##5»pla B#«riafs 0 W #t»pim Besriaga 99 M ##» B ifift m trtm k P lilott # 1 # m Cbaelailoàii % MMIography 40 1# the die ©every of the Wheel ha# eft beta celled oae of the meet ha el# factor» la the advaacemmt dT clvlllmtlea# Ciirilleatioa a# ve Jw« it today, howeverp woaM he l%o#$lhle wlthoat the variety of lahrlemt# that » emng other thiage » allow the wheel to keep taralag. «he fir at a»# of Ithrloaate to reduce the frlotlom hetweea two mvlag eorfaoee 1# ankaowat It ie eve» imkaowa me to whether or aot It pr#-4at«e the die» covery of the wheel. Recorded history has #aay meatloas of th# as# of varioae fate sad oil# to ease the task of pashlag etoae hiooke to make a pyrwld# or to make It easls# for the horses to i^eed a chariot om Its way, hWhricatioa is one of the many arts headed dowm from amtl#lty. As a soieaoei Ichrloatlo» dates from the experimeats of Beamchnap fowers (1)0 1» &%la»d la 18$5, #shom$ heamolds (s), la the followlag year, ihowsd that the laws of hydrodyaamlcs coald he #plled to the la» hrlcatloa of hearlags. Worklag ladepeadeatly la Bossia, at about the same time, I. y#troff (3) cam# to atout the same concluMoas as iower# md leyaolds* la the ymrs followiag mea have made coatrlhutloas to the sol erne# of l#rloatioa* aotahly %e%mll (4) la iaglaad* domerfeld (5) la ieraaay, aad Magehury (#) # heresy (?) «ad Bomr# (8) la #e î&lted States* Ihllowlag the work of these mea many lavemtlgatioa# # both actual tests aad %y mthematlcel aaalysee » have hem coaducted to solve prohlmss la luhricatloa of latorest to the ladlvldml iavestigstore, •Ifamher# Im par#th«sl# refer to the hlhliography. 9*- %# # # # # of thesis Is to malyeo th# mobmMoal ftloMoa lost## ta raclproeatlag Wrtgemttoa ms^remsor## 3* have shorn that the frlctloa hetwe#» two dry «ateriiâi 1# mot depWmt as mm# oa eWao# fimleh ae *l#t ordloartly he empwW# raté of heating me found mot to he solely # fumotlom of eorfaeo flmlih# Woo# {#) me the firet to preeeat m reaeomhl# e%l#mtlom of #1# of foot. He found » a# me well hnown » that no matter how smooth the fini eh, the ewrfeo# ooneieted e»»eat|ally of Mile and mlleye# He #à#o found* however# that every Mil on the enrfaee eat up an eleotrloal field eimllar in natnr# to faraday*• line# of foroo# and that It was the inter# f erenot hot ween these fields » as one surf ace moved over the other # that oansed the degradation of energy into heat* «h# purposes of a luhrioant then are two#foldi first to prevent me# ohanloal oontaot%ver the others and seoondly# to separate the mrfaoes suffiohntly to prevent interferenoe hetwem their eleotrioal fields. It is m il known that many fluids » oil and water are two » will ad» here to a metal plate# # ile other fluid» » msronry for em#l# » will not. the meohamim of adhesion ms investigated hy Hardy (10) and he fotmd that adhesion is due to eleotrioal forces on the fluid and an the metal. He al» so fomd that these foroes prodnoe am orientation in the moleoMes of the fluid# and to eome entent in those of the metal, this orientation is #e asymmetrical fields of ■ fores snrrounding the wle'emle# of the fluid, the fields of these mleoMes are attmoted hy opposite fields# and if the oÇ "VVie/ surfaces QS one/ moves 4* metal plate he# m field of opposite poWlty, the wlemlee of the fW d will adhere to It# lideal (U) etated that reeemt i»ve#tl#tloné hear out iHar#'*# theory# (IB) hae Msown that mey moleouie# are themeelvee ##mmetrl.Wl# and Alexander (13) pointed out that the orientatim in organio ooepounAe, and wet luhrtoantc are or#nio oospotxDdi, depend# on the aeyimotfy of the moleoule# In general, the field of a pleoe of metal i# dependent on the material and on it# eurfaoe fini ah# fhia in a aenae explain# why wme materlala make hotter hearing# » are more eaally Inhrloated » than othmre# If the polarity of the field of foree of the oil mleonle it oppoaite in elgn to that of the hearing material a, the molecnles of the oil will move to hath the journal and the hearing, orient their field# to that o f\ limited am# teat » reel et my tendency to pull them apart# Since the bonding of the material# I# loose, the orientation I# les# the further the luhrioant I# from the journWl and bearing. Mnally the orientation disappear# and the wlecttlee adhere to each other by residual force## lanmmir found that the adsorbed film fomed a boundary layer between the metal and the lubricant# fhls layer i# about one molecule tMck, i* a static layer #mi»pla#tic in nature, and is formed by the chemieal Won of the metal and the oil# fhe layer# of lubricant that form above thi# long» mir layer af# formed due to the attraction between the fields of the metal and the component# of the oil poeeesing the aeymetrical moleculee k "Hie journal Qnd hcor%ng and 4ken — to

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