AN ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON POLICING IN ETHIOPIA By WORKNEH GEBEYEHU WOLDEKIDAN (cid:9)(cid:52)(cid:85)(cid:86)(cid:69)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:85)(cid:1)(cid:47)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:1)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:18)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:25)(cid:22)(cid:18)(cid:10) Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY In the subject of POLICE SCIENCE At the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA PROMOTER: PROF. DT MASILOANE March 2016 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and for most, I would like to express my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor Professor DT Masiloane, for guiding me in preparing this thesis right from the conception of the topic and subsequently providing precious guidelines and practical support in developing the thesis. His kind, continuous and valuable instruction, advice and reassurances throughout this thesis were irreplaceable. Without his support and encouragement it would not have been possible to complete my thesis. I am also highly indebted to him for taking much time from his busy schedule and for giving my thesis such a thorough read and great attention to every detail. Thank you Professor!! Your encouragement and support have seen this work done. I would like to give my special appreciation and thanks to the countless outstanding friends and colleagues for their immense contribution to this thesis. Without their encouragement and help, this thesis would have been much more challenging and harder to finalize. I wish to sincerely thank Dr. Venkataraman, formerly Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and currently at Madras University, Tsegaye, Tigest, Abnet and a host of others who space would not permit me to mention. However, I must thank Kidu and Girmish by their names for their encouragement throughout my thesis. Of course, this would have not been possible without the love and patience of my family. I am deeply mindful of and warmly thankful for the unparalleled love, courage, support and patience of my wife Meazi and our boys, Aman and Dagi during this thesis. ii This Thesis is dedicated to my late parents Gebeyehu & Mulunesh (authors of my life, my success) iii TITLE : AN ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF POLITICS ON POLICING IN ETHIOPIA By : Workneh Gebeyehu Woldekidan Promoter : Professor DT Masiloane Department : Police Practice Degree : Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in Police Science SUMMARY The study was designed to determine the influence of politics in policing in Ethiopia generally pre-1991 and post-1991 as this is the period that characterise the Ethiopian political system, which underwent tremendous changes taking along various initiatives in its move towards democratisation. It is important to note how policing was figured and reconfigured during this period in view of its critical role in the social and political system of the country. In fact, during turbulent and peaceful political changes in the country it was often used as an arm to safeguard or brutalise people. The study also indicates the extent to which the Ethiopian police as an institution has been mandated to maintain law and order while at the same time has undergone various structural and organisational changes in an attempt to move it away from undue political influence. Furthermore, the study indicates the extent to which policing is embedded into politics which by itself is a challenge because the police are expected to be professionally independent in order to uphold the rule of law while at the same time guaranteeing the safety and security of all the inhabitants of the country. This indicates the interconnectedness of policing and politics as the iv police are required to enforce the laws that are enacted by the government and influenced by the ruling party. Government policies are politically driven and formulated by the party in power, thus making politics to create and direct police institutions in the fulfilment of peace and security in the country. Despite the fact that the police should operate within certain degree of independence, they still have to take orders and direction from the politically established government. That is why the determination of the degree of influence is essential as it indicates whether there is undue influence or not. In view of the above inter-related issues, this thesis aims to analyse the influence of politics in policing in Ethiopia indicating how this has influenced policing in various eras. NB: The computer used by the promoter cannot read Amharic alphabets but makes blocks on them. To ensure that sentences that contain words in Amharic alphabets do not lose their meaning, the words “Amharic Alphabet” are inserted as place holders for those words that use Amharic alphabets. KEY TERMS Policing and politics; The influence of politics in policing; The independence of policing; Police influence by politics; Police independence; Policing and politics in Ethiopia. v Student Number: 47189851 I declare that “An analysis of the influence of politics on policing in Ethiopia” is my own work and that all sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of a complete list of reference. This study has not been submitted before for any degree or examination in any other University. Signature Date: 21 March 2016 (Workneh Gebeyehu Woldekidan) vi ACRONYMS AESM : All Ethiopian Socialist Movement CJC : Criminal Justice Council COPWE : Commission to Organize the Party of the Workers of Ethiopia CUD : Coalition for Unity and Democracy EIS : Early Intervention Systems EPRDF : Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front EPRP : Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party O.E.T.A : Occupied Enemy Territory Administration SNNP : Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples TDP : Transformation and Development Plan TGE : Transitional Government of Ethiopia TPLF : Tigrean Peoples’ Liberation Front vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii DEDICATION iii SUMMARY iv DECLARATION vi ACRONYMS vii TABLE OF CONTENTS viii CHAPTER ONE: GENERAL ORIENTATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 2 1.3 A BRIEF HISTORY OF POLICING AND POLITICS 4 1.3.1 The Role of Politics in Policing in Ethiopia from 1941 to 1973 6 1.3.2 The Role of Politics in Policing in Ethiopia from 1974 to 1991 8 1.3.3 The Role of Politics in Policing in Ethiopia from 1992 to date 11 1.4 PROBLEM STATEMENT 14 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 16 1.6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 17 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY 17 viii 1.8 THE DEFINITION OF CONCEPTS 18 1.8.1 Politics 18 1.8.2 Policing 19 1.8.3 Police and Police Officer 19 1.8.4 Police-Independence 19 1.9 ORGANISATION OF THE THESIS 20 1.10 CONCLUSION 20 CHAPTER TWO: POLICING AND POLITICS IN ETHIOPIA FROM 1916 TO 1973 2.1 INTRODUCTION 22 2.2 THE ORIGIN OF THE ETHIOPIAN POLICE FORCE 22 2.3 THE USE OF THE POLICE DURING THE IMPERIAL REGIME 24 2.3.1 Promotional Regulations of the Police Force 26 2.3.2 The Structure of Law and Order 28 2.3.3 The Role of the Police During the Imperial's Crises 29 2.4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE POLICE AND POLITICAL OFFICE BEARERS 32 2.5 THE NATURE AND EXTENTS OF POLITICAL INTERFERENCE IN THE POLICE 33 2.6 THE EFFECT OF POLITICAL INTERFERENCE IN POLICING 35 2.7 MEASURES TO DEAL WITH POLITICAL INTERFERENCE 37 2.8 POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY 42 ix 2.9 POLICE OVERSIGHT BODIES 47 2.10 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MEASURES THAT ARE DESIGNED TO DEAL WITH POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY 49 2.11 CONCLUSION 51 CHAPTER THREE: THE POLICE AND POLITICS IN ETHIOPIA FROM 1974 TO 1990 3.1 INTRODUCTION 55 3.2. THE POLICE FORCE DURING THE DERGUE REGIME 55 3.3 RECRUITMENT OF POLICE OFFICERS AND THE ORGANISATION OF THE POLICE STRUCTURE 59 3.4 THE ROLE OF THE POLICE DURING THE REGIMES’ CRISES 62 3.5 CONCLUSION 64 CHAPTER FOUR: POLICE AND POLITICS IN ETHIOPIA FROM 1991 TO DATE 4.1 INTRODUCTION 66 4.2 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE POLICE FORCE 67 4.3 THE ETHIOPIAN FEDERAL POLICE COMMISSION AND THE REGIONAL POLICE 71 4.4 THE POLICE FORCE DURING THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD 72 x