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AN ANAGRAM OF IDEAS ON ART, FORM AND FILM by MAYA DEREN ars osu 1 an any ou ens scsi Convioed slat thers woe psty dee aa ee ‘Gr sus Arriauodh dia) osn aie with Sie atand ‘saat: Mamaia. whos. sineTORGOFTEN VELAGE Gara “nvr OP FRE NATIONS (Teresa ood tne Seve asst devotion 2 the pay om whe forme GHOREOORAPHY FOR CAMERA (wit Tabey Besty( sat REVAL IN TPANGFIOUEED TIME, thu jceciag tal Fallowabiy, Morsovar. tho reputation of tho Shwe bo spread ex ‘Eat pecorwanee Ue Petar Playhoww wore cma {50 out sad stay Save ase bes sbowa a coer 2d snot swaps te econ In thie zamennt ayn Dees se Sanaet races Une, ote abe Bat bee atta nai ead tend Gor WA. tory New Wort Unters ead er Ba. rem Sich Cobers, both ope: in terse ‘This te Nuocber 9 of the “OUT: CAST" Sones of Chenoots ted toy Oscar Earadinsty 22 the Abia Book Sicp, 287 South Broads, enkers NY, The edn co AN ANAGRAM OF IDEAS ON ART, FORM AND FILM CONTENTS OF ANAGRAM ty MAYA DEREN - > los] fo) 23 28 #6 THE STATE OF NATURE wd THE CHARACTER OF MAN 2 THE MECHANICS OF NATURE and THE METHODS OF MAN Page th | Paget | Peye3 3 vmseo 3a 38) 3c biscovery od Page 4 | Page24 | Pages THE INSTRUMENT’ OF INVENTION 1946 THE ALICAT BOOK SHOP PRESS ‘Youkers; New York ————————— LS ee fay ectes! Aatiment by an stiet wth concerns the Mid of ha eave weirs trun ter to bb ausifne or susomem of he ‘learns wpen walt tho svat ark ia based Art thoceie nore ‘ued Gumocsrat seen and macs, ad hon srt ‘oa wiceylig, inser 49 Cane orks om whlch the prSSple eT em sxe Ines foun i necaery, ch tne, ta freee soy of a7 ime dates, Afar ae oa vis amples, en somone need “ovdeioe the seas wilh i sabe, taewored at tho funtion lia ine Cat of cher a forms, wan 9 snake erporance im Bis te Seatpgetsogal zesty. Dut te acta) rests oft sa la ened, ps, Tas tone tha realty um splat tae capacity 2 Abt ‘Gatpusis Te sal Sov, By ta ee fe Med fin, Tad agin stad ‘eset tis Kaw em 2 Aaya eg, teenie erate duals tow of le har chan be Capen G2 SPOR, tre Yeo. or tadoiping damasisdetelpaiat How. ut Lan of ‘he festa Kaan Wat al tke cian erente-mist bevels, het ‘peat atetisn mute gine te ita ene paving ot oe, HAE the fuom asa wtol somid Yo hase (en iat Teer ine ay) Thats, of ube tat mime Rd of dvelapiot tas ake Der nat cet that one epmpean of lv eeion tf auch devon (eid beats th aoa cena of eck Sha pos no 4 wis cate ‘vine echo 9 e'mol neceniste roe aot tm the Saat ‘oui guns dyeamlo eed eaten Tufte avs therefore tobe taken 362 marta. Team ergeioarion aay Se anagrams compl lated of ns asa oe te Wil hie sisettvty Ural 20 codejousnt of sho fem Wat tin amily tree Ia soeouatn. Bact ebwmot ofan austin a8 ites toe ‘hoe fe ng ene of them aay We changed witout flicy eerie a ‘revue wou An soveeiytce wn sola wrt Us: iter os ead noranealy,eertcalyageniy sr eb fh, We ino of the ye ia nee slap, at era intac 1 fs omy sh conan fe awe a eget, Wee Sea conor Fatans, “at tht forma of ot a eecese fe {inde mods of mas. In erry oe" repr the 7 ‘Shaman Rede rls, Ue osends (5 he geo ‘Thon wh grr Me adore mn sag red the lms reerse Site, Groat nay tae heal oe he eet ng mp ser Trwumuad this form to anyeae wh Bau focal th prebiaa of com rong nt 8 HOA signals am tee rk wae amici bevels 1 tae oom copoly mete to ms im this any. tn the oars eo anv the surety coniplad was tears tf ot ew a? form [Shenee Te found i emmy ta seczanise and peel praelot ‘Sri ta hocme to “mero” + yaly uf oes ae a9 Dae ‘aie, for te past eemny, ahs Snyoeioned premises of ears ‘ian Ana ta I here fours pnt oer stein tad oacertons ‘Nias fe ram sr eral concer vith la. Bor ees teat Woe ‘Netot ae iaieent arty ay, ofa om ‘eres spettoaton bn Gcsurged Cr es of the wine aus Ome nana oe ter crore Uc vay ely aking (t's ava I= the tatty do an nevertala~fie bo sie ab peeps ‘gles seusnatveanciyae tis pooh Ou 1 aye ben acca {isons desl And esha fr he arabes of varie emp of xt ‘oye, Thave mama ot ase Iles shoe hauls B22 teste ‘etc, hee thas ner ighte ws Wing amt Cees wie ‘hee bat. "Tle may gis tte the ieptesies fm welts mare ‘etstion of motors Sr ee for is smpremon, wale feos at Fash 15 fal wealnalie Taras apolplon, Whatever op ror of gestae ie the wenzose uf elle saan, ey one commie’ fa he mere ef ‘Bowing (net's Ylenely aka pun) et aa oak ape {ah ber tan at tor, tarrg wit oer tl ance t yefeaod elon: Shp to ma, ts Metery of Manion tsa, sod es te eo lee of aan agra he sents otf 9 imaoncas relent, done eqrnty itn tia be at aod easng Ue let Doth 2 oR See tig Wrage ba eee, 7 AN ANAGRAM OF IDEAS ON ART, FORM AND FIEAT la AL cant Lat Daou fuonabla smog ate we aposcted sonnet Pie core ta brmsan te ier? Whe posal tras ‘guence subensin, ot ospeak aged, eset snlle Ierela in proce, aot 2 sasan"oons of ihrs—is the soot er eeu fan ste ately Soul Saitek Th ataoet seal acerptiee Sti ase of abou sang it anyihag, testy to man's eomaite Signer to sence; tr nad aly oes oe vce tag abet fr etlenet, ae of WME, LHD eeSicy a toe Tl, Bars a fat ovata uaiy of nel ‘une, er have mony ante tte easy to empreend e S (ny the al soma ehoh they have sgn to aoupt at tht ra ‘Te gue nid hres trery Micha impli to ef ve, betel ‘in tie a ican Cnty ere can ile; pla eam ray ake ot {he ie of i ano! to ils or at to bien fal, Toot ‘pis jst ln slate 29 bee vevowly Ione teat the faces aith can be erwin n'ont of maui. man ete Bed ‘owls Jum tx ay atoalshemb ‘ermal fe ape of 28 an "The datoe of i tots x om Ue wae aaah sie aie, The lent eukacy of thn 1th cotugy ne they ben ir opelnd Scr ta'be mean “Aan ea wit mn {nthe metapivaes) comes fo a sea im an'e oem Was, the ort ft camming sonia oad crane msaiplation vo if sah sets UE Sccee Bas oped a eect ds was us os well, of a on ties eh a 2th 8 ‘Ain assent act mbecely evden thn extecoe of act Serna ‘Phe cami testes teas er realty a shee ace of ine “len. seit oman o serie eeataton of mature, ard cre al ‘apy Ge peel t's eerie hans mpes o ‘Prouushy, can had steed an aga of vaso In fe AE cee. ‘ye tata ahs coment 9 carn” as eablrvour ae ad boca de (Ge re entry whan ambirty secre to Unsiwaate esearch thick pis tbing pace, Arneing to srsora concepts of aosite Som Seteaeacn the asesn Wi 4 soc fll wan boas Ged Wiles that st. Beare oes a farcton of At wil ef am Merwin, hexcals ty. Movers fowsse boran wth toe nie and eae te-Sefalon When ‘tional server eee Oy sossbtacy af comms move Te ems trae 2s sero th pat 3 fhe astwe wth wach tnivrs: haa been wlescly seed, wun esti Qenefora smcken ioeadesty, aber of coats, te dioe tera hi). Te ‘ay the divin il Bue 8 exetor of na staat of fone 32 (orig fam oi comieteaey neal Eve ale. The ran WAY = ‘nef ow, wes Sete asc ssn war of se din tare ‘Toe ‘ellsing Sewiopssat was ely se, Bessey ras aso a leet fancies tacts of te atte cuba, 2a Shor cove of sircatcg te the eis cezcouinex atonal ‘ate Bien rate tat yes owe" tearable {She Rearem ta far the ines Boer Traceable" tome 12120 es UU ies Uehara of sn lala ole realty, escape of lal Saran, men acre related get eran of te wer adie He sou diate Lal! Sram te ‘orth stich hel new rm bo sing at vowed ate i Wet pecsmny ane exetey ts at By ths derlopens a ea Sen of sbucrtios and Alnovery eu: the sls a adored ‘Besuie of tmalperncon Theor masa spline as le eat he Iacwiedge even nye! the roa 2s satrantsFrut © Seda, dod finaly nos come 00 wevlynaaiae tn erent rely, $e undecoc tae Me Brule ‘Ln he 2a med to ely alse reli, cs te trae trate: inte a rstonshipe fhe eoeants whe Tn vas lle le eat, He naw ails to cant Zoom ceri te hs ra, Ssiigenoe ‘pe he agen fn neorane ren Whe man atibes of ‘fatty tera "and aon he a Creal sat te eae i, fou Reseme Aimant Gh all tas Sed cuba ty wre of the vik dtr th onoeas ‘tut ration ore moral am 3p 02 Ue 7 cers sate ‘Aube aee to pale ant exthetiehaareccmnased of era (Ge ela) tata arate fn conecoly event ays onal foe. Daly when he elngel hi oust of vise eonsionnew Gd ha exatond the ir oF ache aslo it wn al sega a Ge rel ‘pou proiendy “penstod by any, oe oe marge wi ‘coraeee tart af exlying thu tauren” neaensbty of lag oat ‘St te mort compliz plagues. Io reuhed ta peolem Oy she tople ‘oecleney chosing eth he Tema of ur ane altars pean acres ‘iscestain 2° tae ami-valevor “an hime bs aaterd sheeoueney {Su He sete ay be er a ermnson sid expan eae ‘St metal planozants gto en dine tae tothe reste alee ‘Non and anyraton ofa este, easing il, Tacouey Se saat ot hin eons rlcal pons “Wharver he {eters at sporcanen mara phenmaseea, he give sive fom pial of haates Chetar futon area esac teh Secs fellgwin Le sieve ferme #2 an ens difice aac, Tinie Eng usr, erin ecg Uo ition te subgame a thty "tert faetin and tae an A oa freind ty the cooling of he ecb’ erst, seiigwaa fhe fa tne, bine le lcdeece me 0 Sr Coch are ely a woes “eee ys fener ot iat ctnton a hao elnatens are taal te otal abodes wick ae en sy ayepaate Th forme ot ea se mart ad ‘ren lr st dosti, ie deve, xeon tide ‘Sipe ‘hn tar of sna ay, toe eal sees (9 mal te ‘eda iu ora of thr cononemhaiese ch sey sewer al {ko tots ilr vamerates Seon "sen fatem=ns fy Pow mere eee ek ‘es poste survlea “AM hs be tues apiod va the Zorms rere scene cxtang terval is sad chute The saaermete e€ tance 28 leary are soemiena evr fotm so tinis cf aan. Sha wanes EEA of aoe a wish hie | am ase lalyceserol) sree ‘yaad arg, 3 fer to ae. the arms 2 aoe ‘Ma's dad, hp ousesntnen ie “he copes CEG of asa, the coal af aa o evalbasy pence agate maelens of mune Eianstian” Now the ta tte Cave ace nay ate Who Eo {ha bag ay bode tn an ees es be ttonlip Demers a Pad the {etlct, Ghuslos ult Ree evel 2a emmary 9 rts proina 10 i ying 8 rng rm im he mea Pd ‘antecotce sho 27th cetay, ba to not enly coreech, tat, Wf anything, 160 eles ‘Toole "eet i dist to the wanlferstios ef an erection Much tates sll couccnscom Tt ie not sven me orincives ie rains frie, nacons move coeztert shan the aadeensctist Tash ‘Fuh the sr real inos ane oat ear, an end eal mnie Gan'by cevomplhed i fll elt, by to atm Bes. ln 2a Total mmeann,aNous oes eesaraae than may ther forme of sacl darian Bos alvapy sted tos Ue aot ying Ae a Yevieed ti anete petit a, he Tas eng exper, bg ts arelne, uo wicetand, Scan and to erncr—te era ‘Phcs mel: hime ian Morcoer, se the prcasof oeving eames SBncoy ace, Bae Rad see Shy tomplet fags pater Hh ‘tino: salle astany money fe aeiede Tor ohel Klee ot 2 ie ty a grace of eres tetera Thea he cm Teas Yeyoct acta, oad ater a appeain fo Bho, Saceraon, apersaative, Zlscon ia sam by the toaples "hore 1" preceues of samy 2 "hovnatal’ Coca that $e nerory of ant nat come to ‘he tur etzeaclogy ef ba GeEsrueorhcaor of ax eeu. per Sitawe evant or a tocrnbee svar, Ow sh contrary, Eo bas ante SEAM’ ipetaee"smltaecneay Ho cen campace the bunlss of = aan sn of wna teeing ke 3 hamgencous is he fan Sus mn i af ene wy dg oe 9 py i en soctat er acr: apd be uhe co poacee tet assur etre stat wile aoe smote be th ow fam TeAtnthy of ace to s'nuute, ‘The copespe of subjecuery. to whieh eile asa ‘vy mua cement etrens san, astute ot In aearne: fo at Dat "Whea m= unle:toce to analyse (he causes and effects of ater, ct {he tat fi servation. he Eee ave of he SF a sonjectety AL Sete Sertnd Maelo “teresx denial eer” is Yan ond conpetnte fr the ae ow #2 hie abject eremtens et murda, the wale eM ‘gin. tn moon ise tla rne aot enegh. Me eceseeveteallywwice of it sh Joie nen, wars nat n,n arf Sauna, otk 12 ‘ei wind he nomad fale lang aftr 83 age of a action Sin cepa war ant due tan lnsrarioy of siperrsl bees of 6 ‘ere af hs aiae bu; tea eat = oan of sateen, (he yaleh wold erat tamidlem of te gotmace of minder etme "9 Ie & "The “Scoy of itty Se she Tae tak fa to aewlemint of bjectie gookon. And i ease Sar found fe oetmaty ici ab Oeoa mrearae od aitch is ec emp ‘atta, new exe she ate ee Sigges oe cea 1 SRE aay i ae a tS SLSR ete se al te cereal a Saree eal! aeons cee Sunes mae ‘Sg Arn emu mene ina at aly i iy ie Ms wal" wd ek ol Ty oh tly eek aa Saute pane ayo deco a fe yt el ein te mn ec silr tnta ya e is ‘rt at ov ar in eed Bk a Scan ce; aa aoe sa ey ‘hele, Spey iced gue mr or mat ass eee oe suns "ee We cial cmter 31 sussquinl fatgeatone are 30 Ie fscrel oy inert, The faa eecting Zerms a cyaumls ns he 7a ‘enchi in neural sensmen, ete ctrl probe £2 oth ha ca Tis mor: simple ond steve of erties aces i as atten teach eau? x pare Te het tp fe ho canecacn 28 ‘Tose es cones of therm of Se pars 4 sera anagem le cern au A sine Gem a wie, sm tan tine ined by sas Yon 0: se ate eran. ioe "sca sti iy a il sr 9 Ihe mane each ‘totrnesew ths parte rennin theatres aa au ny say ‘tate Cantina erin anton thay Ace nt Wansonged fe tw 13 at tunioning, Couruinly eats Knog hele ars {ator action of tho parts produce more than heir ames total i amy ovtas. ‘Ti salami mi bw sgle” ae wlan war smorges Fes i int stn of ylroger an eapgens But Web hod dawnt be asd, Wh "ea acne tpbabe: Weta te fearve fhe ‘nhs eam of ‘vaaies ich she erst fools f fea grat et ou vale, Tir the fateracca of the pate at unsforen Gea ste Tustion Cad sceioa molyas,s2d in ra mblimaing te Sep Rito of it eve oD ‘neat, teome eo acamanecae al. ‘AL ot vtag assure fe eomated of exe forme snd he catre is wan saay teccnaly Fane le vous to hora of rach nce PR ok we a tally Ilicgeveltons foci 12 proce 2 sasctese alton ‘Moncey mame pois Eautuatn, wih Ce Uy to food eal untual rows faa chep coms mrt sel wtrae® Tt tl ote nts aan’ eupht Yo Sete {nse accu abegether Wea trance dne“ablecenaiine whieh, ‘roe a moter au rae colceene vi Fala of axel, an Resins and eeu De dances SEs tlal canines penereae ia, care fete 23 2 ‘Grairetioms in works of Setany mast ase the Seem it ecu: (tera ant often toting weary ef sie at moc ‘speince stn fice ita 4 Menogaacon ole WAL tasnene ‘a tmcatccee the Tot the ines of aatral eoaclar>? “OF ‘Shoal ue seats the slats esc Si (aaginSe? Inline {Revcimonad at eno rca te conan tt oly, ‘oF the otommant By meh te Fon ul fe reais, 1 sw ney cw wre cine 1 ortho poke craing sipne ie Spon ory tae oF Ie ‘ere ef recite, Yat the sass tli yetay Uso apa ig te save occa, toad “e ovary td to de ‘ss ante Nonogtty br tk mete een, oe man ee ‘Sou condone Ths papserined naam af deg nt Oe Tide fo supvetaed tar try emmist whisk abe ht cunt este! tat ‘he Zoe ota an aad hs Tet ee ou sod fo me ‘ation att tho midniaht how > ‘tras Mech beoume: distinguished Seat” Seay eta rine msn rem ‘te an seertone of conden, (he acus: taraation: 6: Oat aia wpe bume pesca crave wen Th ‘Wort of et b tour gmced ‘itn the actovey grned the sea: Ba The prscined srometare of the femmer taper lovsttioe ee he ‘eimai i noe straps Sat tae ae gala no She sen te femal Ss topuar plete The ouefeis> CEpintation af t2e em ‘steal for ome ake hs err to sane: the tetas ten ot dassione, retesbis peratcy ans hay ‘amet the Dotnet Shvsae can be an sabe: putea saree Set ch eo (Bost Seen ging av shyocal fgnaanet of Bot pest aed 3 ‘ue of the me: revealing Youngs fem eles the tra "pri bly faust, wil eek vadeapon ix ano agua aciopaagy ‘Soul fe ap ic os sport auch» apo, ft la psc cera ce Jaze atthe eral eorocer of prantre eae were a 6 IS ptema: Ce Um mer to ieanin tat hey also oe mons] oceece of ts "madre pair” painter, ye ascholegien) ae ‘Emer, wal prey. f ha pi tne Seve Sty area Gwar ‘oy icin ental “ex mcm actu aa to akcevcc ad aren ‘lage: eur bao interecodte ee, een it fare Pea 15 1 is corn tant Well rice do ass eae the tem pair” Sruatst Bee tna an noioniess et ste ener eae. ta te be ‘ce cer at, revue eéparatie eo hat x the seeden ‘Saray Mewosa 2h sled sty af areca Wa led ‘2 informations ed rade soaps; an) ho era wane of Siar taken Esa eerie ons sind poe "Dh ari of ties saity ws far fem tx mat raat 20 bares the Soecomiy, the acraneod™ cites ot the Mest mer Sle ane recto votertebots buna tad divico ae Ea cnet ibe es ado a ‘Mie Mad sh crate muse, gareas, pater of dance mormest et! oom: vtich would hae oper azul tunemy. a mt dilca ‘Hime Tae Tey” afael oe fhe War POE mua rnoeend suk fovm sis wavlaliy af th sosual ceuey fro slick wae devo Ee 4p fave of cua gal, or tresciog aaah to exe te opie Me ‘ood bai nthe haan rs and bat iu the Pond of toe smerasal Ferrers ch wat Cando os by Whe su st nor the by ‘That tha mtbalgy x ‘day, an taints exec form chee at wee Ua realty had fer these ho Hod Oy i Ad see ae beater part of the Excvldgs of prialtive wees wae «cytes novicaa the at wan at af browiege Tat tae, dtm af a" ocen get” Ue at Bele cohaared hy te tae hw tog ltt the Ueaeiatlee 2c hi smlenporaig, and 23 (o Yet © Pare tie tere mainte ene th fom ot the are ‘Tp-tmearnezas, and snilr convents, om the Mele 9f wast ‘smotara estes ape ale door et Ue he 22 af pre ose sete am an esi opeend a te lin fnenia ‘Sead and immed fom i iitie at. uur rages ass ‘ea mas Sein coals wich a cram which by nds dareoonle enn Trllne, he attenpin fo vsder sod coats sh sicesicaly oy dong 10 I git wheine sien 30 "hn au tbl, conSceet Felsestiy to natn a lend to ropeat such eyuzathee form. Ht Se a satresiet sd erage elit shoes. ‘Sh eny cara ta sbolthan of actus eam Shiv aporomiat te st aes ne iy ey ot Soo vee aa abwicaem €: pelvic, oral and econo aubtenty ‘Sol Su abnasneoeeey of tae an sac. ‘Th fhe act works 2° paige calcte compre sed ray & una iin sen, Fo ie rane thy ave ales en 16 aed, Shey teem wshowe weet with domesons of dety ant ming. ewrner mysterane tor empleree ane seems may De, ig never ane nether tina (oxaet to ‘ht fone abd feat) Catwiny ia stmt t gover ares wena os Swerve The ltd \FiUh vee oiiey saneied frisary to prtet ty aateal ate mage Ianto of vane oy he bane fa ser easy lone Osh 2y- ‘Eine iene to the wel ch ‘ko gms act was ede Sonal este (noteleyst war nd wae ive 8 ene ere ‘Ett dace ta modeen primes" oven sepe, Mech ls ater rs 1 ‘ew of ean ‘Avila et win os with Rows, sonlesorary pial yale ‘a stile of peso eayrennw 1 crbady alee and Telia! i Covniily ons ix a Sage), neuatiee exterlos of 4 koe sy tare ne 14 tortion So nce ee he ey ‘Fiaer oft costo aim ie al-eemia rary vaya of the th end 18 eatsiesaaaiel the sagas of the (ltcpe Tho oo Uuuseacy “acintive” may acre star sinndoaey oes Wg ny ttestlig soe tated cigls Wamlatga’ he Ensen os Smarter sli inning Sef Yaw wm fo ‘sul lseculsus, Hie Ruswledye cs divallatal sd Svdheard fer stati aetioe Aird ts Hie sie, abe cess atic, er ean Se make the plilceophlcal and peyebstogieal acjartmen: ‘teas to edocale eal! tae ay slate a sae od ep ‘Shieh tne sete ned ae i ee » ofiad tart Sores Sivas te Sto oie bane ial hes Sie wee Sse ai rine Sua, ba tad whet ae Soil ile sea a PERE ctu shat tb cnet wipe wee Seysiaiek eis eal Sen 2 anim ta Se [Ena shat fa wing the nagsrsins af obo wow elon of the ‘sala iat" have 0 alias a etal pe Te so ‘ver tuples al Ue gondaty of convey Betas, [Set ¢ enwvenient getty 9 Gait at crmon tlie Saaure healt ts eadorvtel aeons ect es ie ot tal cae, aad at tt tae V4 ‘As 1 maces sueries, he tnteion Mtmien ‘he cern, the uit aut ‘ae area sre bos oo svat Cac of tem WU Uk 16 ‘ere Se ‘ama (ar they nl de) shy previo: ese ae aaa OF (he mse of esliymis the sina slemeals of Semon! erergon ‘sety no the seas lo Ino Ue dave ceed at by edad, evntte suathea Na het falnmy pe sect He tay of all ‘Spon the meet teases, Ae te eMberwe much redazdaa, Epler toey savy fur tbat of selina am att ray est fu eri ta 90d {ote satel a ids o's tlle guy wet mum har aco “aeeiy snd heh oa seashen CF SD ater ean te erable of he wom oraciatr aut Imre he ft astra by wick i reais uous ef cere em Sono tis imagtatve manipulations, Ze hal dlbrtaly tas al, ST "Fee reat fen. w2ich sty Sree Fs knwwinig othe leet of ‘ie asealtn hae Sen apie 3 ely eye eocapsot 9 a fat atraweta, i haterenael, nme fe sal fantacy of atresia me wl SE ae eee Ena SHEEN SESE camntens, jet ey he pale ait com pieedse gud ertende) he owe seleie ae reat wh Ue a ane the ral Sd the cow pve esas ray at or es “je tam site Us estmmiy bp acy, £5 4 ela 2 depertor, the Fring aed ete of sind af ame preneat spel ef Ber, BOS erste inten poe tze aistiniey Cuaron of frst i a ‘ices feat ie dbtnacn of ape Gat i Ser slap coe Sees enact Tran, tart ries tae reoder tart Ler okowhere erator fhe ‘riaaliate™ for ta alia Ye sated dhe) 5s ee cates, howe alls” comcoetnt Tie nally wish nee sn Seiseee woud edky eimpeehant ent tat of rig Wie vee Eo Uitte iaveasea eae eet tramente Heh te psn ein Sip ot tar ait of br ce, 18 Ip Acrrtl a: we 0x6 fo che ca af a war area 25 “gress! ote hr i pray Ect fecay 9hst te pease mean i nd yevtorm. Ba ene Ub qearien ie pod, te dem fea of far eutaral merry atass &peocenien of “eda! gunn wearce. Ue ‘maa cf tin ot the Ora, its tons af Fhe chara or hs cance of feelin. tho fen almays cenceala, aves by tytn, Shoring‘ Zona ylcn of wath and acting. Ande tevagine th {a ain ‘mgr, eontriy, teats erm aed one aN 0 Bema ‘rapulcns ef indie aso ‘Sho evden seems, nd posse the orien tort the sty. Aad bromes inporsn te deer sow aad ey mee site ast and sured to move twa the Foret nee ‘Wh sey are te toes ie alee aad Ow age ‘She chasae was subs, The rato ef tboaghe ant art an the ‘on a sud docovery sa Sepeson on Skooba, iat apa marine {Rowa say ih ageetmess an adjstsu St sure no praona fiersten, fa OF tame, searanc, ausean wl alee” 2 oe ‘hot ti wetamet e2 orweably Ehskorgeare amity tal an, ‘treteniem an ralon hiss raed tr peak =the TA entwy sel Shor tot yer spats ‘oren. Bus chr foraal mle [a ils sh eveyeest Uae et ewes, Forage te sect of bh Hen Brete Inoset ef s4e intcciy Heute pesealoy upon 4 olveree sit ees tie TTA cecery mes, dear wit safer, etal to bee man forse) te ite amolate dviae will and auepted. fa Me fet! Pole hn nentone iia cmacoeaeny, che Mars aopaee Wa ‘i a tna san ltt et apron he Sat, Al Cla war coon 4 dial of te easy 8th exmury, a aeons ca mo Su a fs pul of cles woud osor fae fl fama f te eh eae ‘eet th an van ta tetas purpooe, the doesnt Ere 6 che {hint ten fe ene be foun pannad hele Me ies ef cemclowes, Whiter Bie csrsecaen ee matte a 1 th uncon! de pores ate pat a= st ar found woatne Tt woe acy feck» fale which toe flue enfaieg, Had seria we ‘Pe anf lest 28 sca sti, Gt wot nace So devean ‘warunonts and meshed nual to hoes Wiis tis elt is rotLien inbred be pete Ror iid bt atop so renee hat inveroy

AN ANAGRAM OF IDEAS. ON ART, FORM AND FILM by MAYA DE REN. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. Page 5. Page 6. Page 7. Page 8. Page 9. Page 10
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