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Preview An alternative model for the origin of gaps in circumstellar disks

Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. Vorobyov c ESO 2016 (cid:13) February 1, 2016 An alternative model for the origin of gaps in circumstellar disks Eduard I. Vorobyov1,2, Zsolt Regaly3, Manuel Guedel1 and D. N. C. Lin4 1 University of Vienna, Department of Astrophysics, Vienna, 1180, Austria; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Research Instituteof Physics, SouthernFederal University,StachkiAve.194, Rostov-on-Don,344090 Russia; 3 Konkoly Observatory,Research Centrefor Astronomy and Earth Sciences, P.O. Box 67, H-1525 Budapest 4 UCO/Lick Observatory,University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA Preprint online version: February 1, 2016 6 1 ABSTRACT 0 2 Aims. Motivated by recent observational and numerical studies suggesting that collapsing protostellar cores may be replenishedfromthelocalenvironment,weexploretheevolutionofprotostellarcoressubmergedintheexternalcounter- n rotating environment.Thesemodels predict theformation ofcounter-rotatingdiskswith a deepgap in thegas surface a density separating the inner disk (co-rotating with the star) and the outer counter-rotating disk. The properties of J these gaps are compared to those of planet-bearing gaps that form in disks hosting giant planets. 9 Methods. We employ numerical hydrodynamics simulations of collapsing cores that are replenished from the local 2 counter-rotating environment, as well as numerical hydrodynamics simulations of isolated disks hosting giant planets, to derivetheproperties of thegaps that form in both cases. ] Results. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that counter-rotating disks can form for a wide range of mass and R angularmomentumavailableinthelocalenvironment.Thegapthatseparatesbothdiskshasadepletionfactorsmaller S than 1%, can be located at a distance from ten to over a hundred AU from the star, and can propagate inward with . velocity ranging from 1 AU Myr−1 to > 100 AU Myr−1. Unlike our previous conclusion, the gap can therefore be a h long-livedphenomenon,comparableinsomecasestothelifetimeofthediskitself. Foraproperchoiceoftheplanetary p mass, theviscous α-parameter and thedisk mass, theplanet-bearing gaps and thegaps in counter-rotating disks may - o show a remarkable similarity in thegas density profile and depletion factor, which may complicate their observational r differentiation. t s Key words.protoplanetary disks– stars: formation – stars: protostars – hydrodynamics a [ 1 1. Introduction There is also a wide spread in the disk lifetimes: some v objects lose their disks very early ( 1.0 Myr), whereas 9 In the classic scenario for star formation, stars form from ≤ other objects retain their disks for up to 10 Myr and 8 thegravitationalcollapseofdensemolecularcloudcoresde- 0 even longer (Beccari et al., 2010; Williams & Crida, 2011; scribedbyisolatedBonnor-Ebert-typespheresortruncated 8 De Marchi et al.,2013).Animplicationforthesefindingsis singular isothermal spheres (Larson, 1969; Shu, 1977). If 0 thatthediskdispersalmechanisms,suchasUV/X-raypho- . the core has non-zero angular momentum, then a fraction toevaporation,mayactlongerthanwaspreviouslythought 1 ofits masslands onto a circumstellardisk formedowing to or circumstellar disks may be replenished from the exter- 0 conservation of the net angular momentum of the core. In 6 nal environment. Numerical hydrodynamics simulations of thisscenario,starsanddisksaccretematerialfromisolated 1 clustered star formation support the notion of prolonged parentalcoresuntil the latter aredepleted or dispersedvia : accretion, showing that protostellar cores can be repeat- v feedback from stellar irradiation and outflows. edly replenished in response to the fluctuating conditions i X However, there is growing evidence that forming young in the surrounding environment (Maschberger et al., 2014; stellar objects may be constantly or periodically replen- Padoan et al., 2014). r a ishedfromthe externalenvironment.Asizeable fractionof coresappearto formnotinisolation,butwithin dense and richlarge-scalestructures.Forinstance,recentHerscheland Motivated by these findings, we presented recently a IRAM images show that dense cores often lie along sinu- numericalhydrodynamicsstudy ofcollapsingcoresembed- ous filaments, like beads in a string (Andr´e et al., 2014; ded in an external environment with different magnitude Tafalla & Hacar, 2015), implying an interesting possibility and direction of rotation (Vorobyov et al., 2015). Our ma- for prolonged accretion from these filamentary structures. jor conclusion was that the evolution of stars and circum- This assumption seems to be supported by recent ana- stellar disks in isolated and non-isolated systems may be lytical, numerical, and observational studies. For instance, drastically different. The most curious case was found for the usually referred mean age of 2-3 Myr for circumstel- the modelwith opposite spindirections ofthe coreandex- lar disks (Mamajek, 2009) might in fact be considerably ternalenvironment.Thispeculiarsystemdemonstratedthe underestimated due to selection criteria that focus onto formationofcounter-rotatingdisksseparatedbyadeepgap the densest parts of stellar clusters (most prone to disk in the gas surface density, resembling somewhat in mor- erosion) and leave out field stars (Pfalzner et al., 2014). phology the AB Aurigae system also seemingly showing 2 Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks 0.2 0.8 Vorobyov et al. (2015) and is briefly reviewed here for -2Gas surface density (g cm)0.0000...00000.52511 mmooddeell 12 and 3 cbooruen doaurteyr mmmooodddeeelll 123 ---0000000.......6420246 -1-1Angular velocity (km s pc) tuisednhinlyttaevynotiairraoomoenfnnaistdmcehsxeseetrtina’esstcrr,iontncrtaofiehlrtnieolaviomslefwlrnyme-aideeud-encfconaochmselllli.aihtntypNiiagmseuthinenemedvgroierbfprtoihyrtcnehaamc-nelsoetcnhtenothyltrlrad.aaetrBrcoitseocdicoofsyarnhtneuhoaosreeemftmtteiahhcbxnseeetdeddscrditoenmhenradee--l and formation of the star plus disk system from the core -0.8 10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000 material. Radial distance (AU) Radial distance (AU) Once the mass reservoir in the core has depleted, the Fig.1. Initial distribution of the gas surface density (left) material from the external environment starts falling onto and angular velocity (right) in three considered models. the star plus disk system and the subsequent evolution is determined by the mass andangularmomentum in the ex- ternal environment. In this paper, we consider a special the signs of prolonged accretion and counter-rotating disk case of externalenvironment counter-rotatingwith respect structures (Tang et al., 2012). to the spin of the pre-stellar core. The formation scenario for counter-rotating disks re- The main physical processes taken into account when quires a source of material, which i) has a spin direc- modeling the formation and evolution of counter-rotating tion that is opposite (in general) to that of the disk and disks include viscous and shock heating, irradiationby the ii) can accrete onto disk sometime after its formation. formingstar,backgroundirradiation(10K),radiativecool- The star-forming turbulent and chaotic environment may ingfromthedisksurfaceanddiskself-gravity.Inparticular, naturally provide such an environment. Indeed, numeri- the stellar irradiation is taken into account by calculating cal simulations of clustered star formation demonstrate theamountofstellarfluxinterceptedbythedisk/envelope. that protostellar cores can be regularly replenished in re- To do this, the incidence angle of stellar radiationis calcu- sponse to the fluctuating conditions in the local environ- latedfromtheshapeofthedisksurfaceusingthelocalverti- ment (Maschberger et al., 2014) and the angular momen- cal scale height and the assumption of vertical hydrostatic tum vector of the accreted material can undergo signifi- balance. The possible self-shading of the disk/envelope is cantchangesbothinmagnitudeanddirectionwith respect not taken into account. The viscosity is calculated using to the star (Bate et al., 2010; Fielding et al., 2015), often theα-parameterizationofShakura & Sunyaev(1973),with leadingtotheformationofmisalignedstar-disksystemsex- theα-valuevaryingbetween10−3 and10−2.Withtheseas- ceedinginsomecases90◦.Therecentobservationsofwide- sumptions,the viscousandirradiationheatingscaleasr−3 separation (> 1000 AU) binary/multiple systems in the and r−1.75, respectively, so that the former usually domi- Perseus star-forming region revealed that the distribution nates in the inner several tens of AU (if α is not too low), of the outflow directions is consistent with preferentially but the latter always dominates in the outer disk1. random or even anti-aligned distributions, implying that The pertinent equations of mass, momentum, and en- these systems possibly formed in environments where the ergy transport, and the solution procedure, are described distribution of angular momentum is complex and disor- in Vorobyov et al.(2015). The formingstar is described by dered,ratherthanco-rotatingoraligned(Lee et al.,2016). the Lyonstellarevolutioncode (Baraffe et al.,2012),while Moreover,therecentnumericalmagnetohydrodynamics the formation and long-term evolution of the circumstellar simulations of the core collapse and disk formation, taking disk are described using numerical hydrodynamics simula- intoaccounttheHalleffect,suggestthattheouterenvelope tions in the thin-disk limit. To avoid too small time steps, can change its rotation direction to the opposite with re- we introduce a “sink cell” at r = 6.0 AU and impose a sc spect to the disk if the rotation vector of the parental core free outflow boundary condition so that that the matter and the magnetic field are antiparallel (Tsukamoto et al., is allowed to flow out of the computational domain but is 2015). If the outer envelope remains gravitationally bound prevented from flowing in. to the system, its subsequent infall onto the disk can serve For the initial setup, we take a pre-stellar core sub- as a source of external counter-rotating material. merged into a constant-density external environment. For In this paper, we perform an indepth analysis of theinitialsurfacedensityprofileofthecore,weadoptasim- counter-rotating disks formed as a result of gravitational plified form of a vertically integrated Bonnor-Ebertsphere collapseofrotatingcoresembeddedinanexternalenviron- (Dapp & Basu, 2009). The resulting initial distribution of ment with the opposite direction of rotation. We compare the gas surface density takes the following form the properties of gaps in counter-rotating disks with those typically found in planet-bearing disks. The paper is orga- r0Σ0 for r R , nized as follows. In Section 2, the model description and Σ= √r2+r02 ≤ core (1) initial conditions are provided. The formation of counter- (Σext otherwise, rotating disks is described in Section 3 and the properties ofthe gapsareprovidedinSection4.Thecomparisonwith where Σ0 is the gas surface density at the center of the the planet-bearing gaps is performed in Section 5 and the core, r =√Ac2/πGΣ is the radius of the central plateau 0 s 0 main conclusions are summarized in Section 6. 1 The irradiation flux is determined as Firr = cosγirrL∗/(4πr2), where L∗ is the stellar luminosity and 2. Model description and initial conditions the cosine of the incidence angle is proportional to H/r, where H is the vertical scale height. We assumed here that Our numerical model for the formation and evolu- H/r ∝ r0.25, but the slope in our models may vary somewhat tion of counter-rotating disks is described in detail in around this value. Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks 3 Table 1. Model parameters Model Mcore βcore Mext βext Ωcore r0 Σ0 Rcore M⊙ % M⊙ % km s−1 pc−1 AU g cm−2 pc 1 1.0 0.7 0.65 1.36 0.56 3430 3.6×10−2 0.07 2 1.0 0.7 0.33 1.36 0.61 2915 4.3×10−2 0.068 3 1.0 0.7 0.65 0.7 0.56 3430 3.6×10−2 0.07 Mcore and Mext are theinitial masses of thepre-stellar core and theexternal environment,βcore and βext theratios of rotational to gravitational energy in thecore and externalenvironment,Ωcore the angular velocity of the core, r0 and Σ0 thesize of the central plateau and the central surface density of thecore, and Rcore theradius of thecore. Fig.2. Gas surface density in the inner 2000 2000 AU2 box in model 1. The time elapsed since the formation of the protostar (located in the coordinate center) is×shown in each panel. The scale bar is in g cm−2 (log units). 10 of the core, R is the radius of the core, c is the initial To study the formation of counter-rotating disks, we core s sound speed. We assume a fixed shape of our cores with adopt the following form for the initial radial profile of an- R /r = 6. The radius of the core R is a free pa- gular velocity Ω core 0 core rameter. Once it is fixed, the size of the central plateau r0 is also fixed and Σ0 can be found using the above ex- Ω= 2Ω tan−1 CRcore−r , (2) core pression for r , thus completing the procedure for generat- π R +r 0 (cid:18) core (cid:19) ing the gas surface density distribution of individual cores. Further,thedensityoftheexternalenvironmentΣext isset where Ωcore is the angular velocity of the core and C =25 equal to the gas surface density at the outer edge of the the dimensionlessfactordefining the sharpnessofthe tran- core (Σ = r Σ / R2 +r2). In all models, the value sition zone between the core and counter-rotating external ext 0 0 core 0 environment. When r is much smaller than R , Ω ap- ofAissetto 1.2andthe initialtemperature issetto 10K. core p proaches Ω . core We have considered three models, the initial configura- tions for which are shown in Figure 1. In particular, the 4 Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks Radial distance (AU) (E >2E +E )andbothundergogravitationalcon- grav th rot 10 100 1000 10000 | | traction after the start of the numerical simulations. 1) 1e+0 -U A 1e-1 1 3. Formation of counter-rotating disks -s m 1e-2 The formationofcounter-rotatingdisksis demonstratedin k Ωy, || ( 11ee--43 Fsbioitgyxuirnwehm2eosrdheeolwth1ie.nWgmtehozesottoimminetienerveosontltiuontgitohneeffoinefcnttehsre2tga0ak0se0s×upr2lfa0ac0ce0e,AdbeUun2t- ocit 1e-5 note that the total computational domain has a size of el 20000 20000 AU2. The time elapsed since the formation ar v 1e-6 tt==00..1124 MMyyrr of the×central protostar is shown in each panel. gul 1e-7 t=0.19 Myr Theinitialconfigurationisgravitationallyunstable and n t=0.2 Myr A collapsesto formacentralprotostar.However,becausethe 1e-8 gas density is higher in the core than in the external envi- ronment, the former collapses faster than the latter. After -2m) 100 saenvdergarlotwhsouinsasnizdesaynedarms,aasscetnhtarnifkusgatollythbealcaonncteindudinisgkifnoflrmows c g of matter from the collapsing core. In this early phase, the y ( 10 disk corotates with the core. However, at t 0.14 Myr nsit the disk growth halts when the mass reservoi≈r in the col- de 1 lapsing core exhausts and the material from the collapsing e c counter-rotating external environment starts falling onto a urf 0.1 the disk outer regions. This infalling material mixes with s s the disk, reducing its net angular momentum and causing a 0.01 the disk to shrink by a factor of several by t = 0.2 Myr. G Wenotethattheinfallofexternalmaterialisnotmodelled 0.001 by adding material at certain radii with a given mass and 10 100 1000 10000 angularmomentumrate,butratherthroughself-consistent Radial distance (AU) numericalhydrodynamicssimulationscoveringonthesame Fig.3. Top: Azimuthally-averaged angular velocity Ω numericalmeshboththediskandtheexternalenvironment (by absolute value). The positive/negative values are pl|ot-| contracting gravitationally towards the disk. ted by solid/dashed lines. A sharp drop in Ω indi- Tobetter illustrate the effect ofinfall fromthe external cates the radial position where the rotation cha|n|ges its environment, we show in Figure 3 the angular velocity by direction from counter-clockwise to clockwise. Bottom: absolute value Ω (upper panel) and the gas surface den- | | Azimuthally-averagedgas surface density. The solid circles sityΣ(lowerpanel)asafunctionofradialdistancefromthe mark the position of the outer disk edge. The arrow shows star. Both Ω and Σ are azimuthally averaged. Four time | | the direction in which the disk shrinks thanks to the infall instancesaredenotedbylinesofdifferentcolorasshownin of external counter-rotating material. thelegend.Intheupperpanel,thesolid/dashedlinesrepre- sentpositive/negativevaluesofΩ.Theinnerregionsrotate counter-clockwise (positive Ω), while the outer regions ro- tate clockwise (negative Ω). A sharp drop in Ω manifests left panels present the radial distribution of Σ, while the | | a radial position where the counter-rotating external envi- right panels show Ω as a function of radial distance. In all ronment mixes with the inner core/disk, resulting in a net models, the core rotates counter-clockwise, while the ex- decrease in Ω. ternal environment rotates clockwise. The parameters of | | The upper panel in Figure 3 demonstrates that the in- everymodelareprovidedinTable1.Allthreemodels have terface between the external environment (dashed lines) similar integrated properties of the core, albeit with some variations in the radial density profiles2, but differ signif- and the inner material constituting the core and the disk (solid lines) moves radially inward with time. At t icantly in the characteristics of the external environment. ≤ 0.14 Myr, the position of the interface is still far away In particular, they have different masses M and differ- ext from the disk outer edge, the latter is schematically in- ent ratios of rotational to gravitational energy β in the ext dicated in the lower panel by the filled circles. As a result, external environment, while the corresponding quantities the disk grows in size during the early evolution thanks in the core (M and β ) are the same. In our previ- core core to continuing accretion of corotating material from the ousstudy(Vorobyov et al.,2015),the massofthe corewas collapsing core. However, once the core has almost com- lower than that contained in the external environment. In pletely accreted onto the disk plus star system, the mate- this study, we considerthe opposite initial configurationin rial from the counter-rotating external environment starts whichthe masscontainedinthe coreishigherthanthatin landing onto and mixing with the disk. The latter shrinks the external environment. We note that both the core and insizeasindicatedbythearrowinthelowerpanel.During external environment are initially out of virial equilibrium t = 0.19 0.20 Myr, the size of the disk is determined by − 2 We note that the evolution of the core depends weakly on the current position of the interface between the disk and thegassurfacedensityandangularvelocityprofiles,butisquite the infalling external material. sensitivetotheintegratedquantitiessuchasitsmass(Vorobyov, The subsequent evolution of the system (t 0.21 Myr) ≥ 2012) reveals an interesting effect: the formation of two counter- Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks 5 Radial distance (AU) 1e+4 10 100 1000 10000 core outer boundary -1U) 1e+0 U) 1e+3 A 1e-1 A -1km s 1e-2 s, R (cf1e+2 Ω| ( 1e-3 adiu 1e+1 y, | 1e-4 al r 1e+0 cit ug ar velo 11ee--65 tt==00..1124 MMyyrr Centrif 1e-1 ul t=0.19 Myr 1e-2 g 1e-7 n t=0.2 Myr A 1e-8 1e-3 100 1000 10000 Radius of pre-stellar core (AU) -2m) 100 y (g c 10 tFaingc.e5i.nCmenotdreiflu1gaaltrtahdeiuosnRsectf oafsgarafvuintacttiioonnaolfcorandtriaalctdioisn- sit (t=0). The arrow indicates the position of the core outer n boundary. e 1 d e c a urf 0.1 s accelerationactingonacontractinglayerofrotatingmate- s a 0.01 rial becomes balanced by its centrifugal acceleration, pre- G venting the layer from further contraction. The radial dis- tribution of R in model 1 at the onset of gravitational 0.001 cf 10 100 1000 10000 contraction (t = 0) is shown in Figure 5. The centrifugal Radial distance (AU) radiusgraduallyincreaseswithdistanceandreachesalocal maximum at the location of the core outer edge (shown by Fig.4. Gas velocity field superimposed on the gas surface thearrow).Inthetransitionzonebetweenthecoreandthe density map in model 1 at t = 0.24 Myr. Two counter- counter-rotating external environment, the angular veloc- rotating disks are clearly visible. ity changes its sign and the centrifugal radius drops to a negligible value. In the counter-rotating external environ- rotating disks separated by a deep gap. This phenomenon, ment,theangularvelocityincreasesagain,thoughwiththe first noted in Vorobyovet al. (2015), is illustrated in opposite sign. As a consequence, the centrifugal radius of Figure 4 showing the gas velocity field (yellow arrows) su- the external environment increases and attains values that perimposedonthegassurfacedensitymapatt=0.24Myr. are even larger than those of the core. Theinnerdiskrotatescounter-clockwise,inthesamedirec- Thediskevolutionreflectsthebehaviourofthecentrifu- tion as the initial rotation of the parental core, while the gal radius shown in Figure 5. First, the disk grows in size outer disk rotates clockwise, in the same direction as the owing to accretion of material with a gradually increasing external environment. As time passes, the outer disk grad- Rcf (the value of which serves as a proxy for the disk ra- ually grows in size owing to infall of the external material, dius). The centrifugal radius of the material at the core while the inner disk shrinks owing to accretion onto the outer edge is 200 AU. We note that the disk at this ≈ star. stage is somewhatlargerowing to gravitationalinteraction Theformationoftheoutercounter-rotatingdiskcanbe betweenspiralarmsandfragments,whichleadsto gravita- understood if we consider the centrifugal radius of matter tional scattering of the fragments and effective increase of initially located at a distance r from the star3: thediskradius.Thegrowthofthediskisfollowedbytenta- tivecontractionwhenthelow-R materialfromthetransi- cf J2(r) tionzonelandsontothediskandstartsextractingdisk’san- R = , (3) cf GM(r) gular momentum. Finally, the outer counter-rotating disk begins to formwhen the infalling externalmaterialcharac- where J(r) = r2 Ω is the specific angular momentum at terizedbylargeR hits thecentrifugalbarrierjustoutside | | cf a radial distance r, G is the gravitational constant, and the heavily reduced inner disk. The transition region be- M(r) it the mass enclosed within distance r. The centrifu- tween the inner and outer disks, where rotation changes gal radius provides a distance at which the gravitational its direction and the matter lacks centrifugal support, is manifested by a density gap clearly visible in Figure 2 at 3 Wenotethatthisequationisstrictlyvalidforapoint-mass t 0.21 Myr. object.However,ourinitialsurfacedensitydistributionissimilar ≥ to that of Mestel’s disk,Σ∝r−1, the gravitational potential of Now, we briefly discuss the formation of counter- rotating disks separated by a gap in the other two models which issimilar tothatof thepoint-massobject with thepoint mass substituted by the mass located within a given radius r considered in our work. Figure 6 demonstrates the forma- (Binney & Tremaine, 1987). That is why Equation (3) is also tionofthecounter-rotatingdisksinmodel2,whichischar- applicable toour models. acterizedbyasomewhatsmalleravailablemassreservoirin 6 Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks Fig.6. Similar to Figure 2 only for model 2. The yellow circle outlines the fragment ejected from the inner disk. the external environment than model 1 (see Table 1). The 400 AU2 box. The snapshot is taken at t = 0.53Myr. time elapsedsince the formationofthe star (locatedin the Evidently, the eccentricity is excited in the vicinity of the coordinatecenter)isshownineachpanel.Theevolutionin gap edges with a peak value of e 0.6 at the gap in- peak ≈ model2followsapathsimilartothatofmodel1:theinitial ner wall. We emphasise that the disk eccentricity profile growthofthe diskisfollowedbyits contractionandforma- is similar to that of a giant-planet-bearing disk (i.e., the tion of a counter-rotating outer disk. However, the outer eccentricity has a peak inside the gap), although the lat- disk and the gap are initially much more eccentric than in ter have a somewhat lower amplitude at the peak value, model 1. e 0.3 (Regaly et al., 2010). Due to the high disk ec- peak ≈ To illustrate this peculiar feature of model 2, we calcu- centricity, we expect strong kinematical signatures similar lated the eccentricity as tothoseofyoungbinariespredictedbyRegaly et al.(2011). We proposethe followingexplanationfor the formation e(r,φ)= 1+2h(r,φ)c(r,φ)2. (4) of such an eccentric outer disk. The initial distribution of gas in the external environment is homogeneous and ax- p In Equation (4), c(r,φ) and h(r,φ) stand for isymmetric, so the initial conditions cannot be responsible for the resulting eccentricity.We think that high eccentric- c(r,φ)=x(r,φ)v (r,φ) y(r,φ)v (r,φ), (5) y − x ity of the gap and its edges is caused by the gravitational perturbationfromthestronglyasymmetricstructureofthe and inner disk. Indeed, the early evolution of the inner disk is vx(r,φ)2+vy(r,φ)2 1 characterized by the presence of extended asymmetric spi- h(r,φ)= , (6) 2 − x(r,φ)2+y(r,φ)2 ralarcs.Thereisalsoamassivefragment( 25 30MJup) ≈ − outlined by the yellow circle in the bottom-right corner of wherev (r,φ),v (r,φ)andx(r,φ)p,y(r,φ)aretheCartesian Figure 6 at t = 0.23 Myr, which is likely ejected from the x y velocitycomponentsandcoordinatesatthepolargridwith diskviamulti-bodyinteractionwithotherfragments.These coordinates (r,φ). strong azimuthal distortions may cause strong perturba- Figure 7 presents the map and azimuthally averaged tionstothe infallingexternalmaterial,whichresultsinthe profile of the eccentricity in model 2 for the inner 400 development of the eccentric gap and outer disk. We note × Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks 7 Table 2. Properties of the gaps Model Rgap (AU) △Σgap(%) ugap (AUMyr−1) 1 72 0.14 83 2 115 0.39 <1.0 3 50 0.18 150 Rgap is the mean position of the gap, △Σgap thegap depletion in per cent,and ugap themean propagating velocity. thus reducing the source of gravitational perturbation. As a result, the disk eccentricity is gradually damped by the viscous evolution. Finally, in Figure 8 we show the formation of counter- rotating disks in model 3.This modelis characterizedby a factor of 2 smaller value of β in the external environment thaninmodel1.Nevertheless,theoverallevolutionissimi- lartomodel1,exceptthatthegapappearstobesomewhat narrower. We conclude that the gap can form for a wide rangeofphysicalparameters(masses,angularmomenta)in theexternalenvironment.Anotherinterestingphenomenon 11..00 1000.00 that can be seen in Figure 8 is gravitationalfragmentation in the outer counter-rotating disk at t = 0.3 0.4 Myr. A ntricity 00..88 100.00 sAimlthiloaurgehffetchtewfraasgamlseontredpooerstendoitnsVurovriovbeyofovr−etloanlg. ((2w0h1i5c)h. ed Ecce 00..66 10.00 R) mphigenhotmbeencoanusperdesbeyntinasnuiffintceierensttinnugmgeartiecwalayrefsoorlutthioenf)o,rmthais- ag Σ( tion of giant planets counter-rotating with respect to the Aver Log host star. y 00..44 1.00 all h mut 4. Properties of the gaps zi 00..22 0.10 A Inthissectionweconsiderthepropertiesofthegapsformed in our models. Figure 9 presents the azimuthally averaged 00..00 0.01 profiles of the gas surface density in three models. Only 1100 110000 radius (AU) the late evolution times are considered. A deep gap in the gas surface density is evident between the inner and outer Fig.7. Eccentricity distribution in the disk (upper panel) disks. In order to estimate the depth of the gap, we plot andthe azimuthallyaveragedeccentricity(lowerpanel)for a tangent line connecting the radial density profiles in the model2calculatedusingEqs.(4),(5),and(6)at0.24Myr. inner and outer disks shown with the dotted lines. The The red line in the lower panel provides the azimuthally depletionofthe gapis thencalculatedasthe ratiobetween averagedgas surface density profile. the gas surface density given by the model and that given bythe tangent,bothcalculatedatthe positionofthegap’s deepest point. The arrow illustrates the gap depletion for that the inner disks in model 1 and model 3 (see below) model1att=0.4Myr.Table2providesthetime-averaged alsoexhibitaspiralstructureandfragmentationbeforethe properties of the gaps. formationof the outer disk, but nevertheless we do not see Evidently, the gaps are characterized by a wide range strong eccentricity developing in the outer disk during the of radial positions, which may vary from a few tens of AU evolution. It might be due to the fact that models 1 and 3 tomorethanahundredAU.Inparticular,model2ischar- haveafactorof2greatermassreservoirinthe externalen- acterized by the gap position that is roughly a factor of vironmentand,asaconsequencemoremassiveouterdisks, two further out than in the other two models. This is re- whicharelesspronetotheeccentricityexcitationthanthat lated to the fact that model 2 has the smallest external of model 2. In any case, it appears that the outcome de- mass reservoir. The depletion factor Σ in all models gap pendssignificantlyontheavailablemassintheexternalen- is rather strong, indicating a drop in△the gas surface den- vironment,onparticularinner disk configurationincluding sity by at least two orders of magnitude at the position the presence or absence ofextended spiralarcsand ejected of the gap. The strongest contrast between the models is fragments, and therefore cannot be predicted a priori. found for the gap propagation velocity, which may vary Figure 6 indicates that the eccentricity of the disk and from rather fast propagation in model 3 (AU Myr−1) to the gap in model 2 seems to diminish with time. This is very slow inward motion in model 2 (< 1 AU Myr−1). likelyduetotheabsenceofcontinuinggravitationalpertur- Model 3 is characterized by the smallest angular momen- bation caused by smooth density distribution of the inner tum in the external environment (β=0.7). In our previous disk.Indeed,the distribution ofgasin the inner disk(after work (Vorobyov et al., 2015), we showed that infall of ex- theformationoftheouterdisk)becomesnearlyaxisymmet- ternalmaterialwithlowangularmomentumexertsastrong ric, likely due to disk contraction and associated heating, negative torque onto the inner disk, which can lead to sig- 8 Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks Fig.8. Similar to Figure 2 only for model 3. nificantcontractionorevencompletedissipationofthelat- 5. Comparison with planet-bearing gaps ter. A similar effect takes place in model 3, promoting the contraction of the inner disk and increasing the gap prop- Inthissection,wecomparethepropertiesofgapsformedin agation speed. Interestingly, model 2 with the slowest gap counter-rotatingdiskswiththosethatcanbefoundindisks propagation velocity is also characterized by the greatest with embedded planets. A massive planet clears the disk asymmetry in both the gapand the outer disk shape. This aroundittoformagapthroughgravitationalinteractionif implies a causal link between the shape of the gap and its itsHillradiusisgreaterthanthelocaldiskscaleheightand propagationvelocity. the time scale for the gap opening is shorter than the time scaleforviscousdiffusiontocloseit(Kley & Nelson,2012). In Vorobyov et al. (2015) it was claimed that the gaps To model the gap opening via planet-disk interaction, we formed in counter-rotating disks are short-lived (several employthetwo-dimensionalnumericalhydrodynamicssim- tens of kyr), transient phenomena. This conclusion was ulations using the FARGO-ADSG code and also its GPU based on the behaviour of the gap in one model only. Our based version (Masset 2000). The FARGO code solves the numerical simulations with a wider parameter space show vertically integrated continuity and Navier–Stokes equa- that the gaps may be a long-lived phenomenon, lasting for tions numerically in the cylindrical coordinate system, us- at least severalhundred of kyr and perhaps even longer. ing the locally isothermal approximation. In the local isothermal approximation, the radial tem- Finally, we note that the slopes of the tangents in perature profile is T(r) r−1, and the equation of state Figure 9 lie in the α = [1.6 : 1.8] range, which is only of the gas is (r,φ) = c∼(r)2Σ(r,φ) depends only on the d s − P slightly steeper than expected for young self-gravitating densityandthe localsoundspeedc (r)=Ω(r)H(r), where s disks, α = 1.5 (Vorobyov, 2010; Rice et al., 2010), H(r)isthelocalpressurescaleheight.Notethatbothc (r) d s − and significantly steeper than expected for more evolved, andH(r) areconstantintime due tothe assumptionoflo- viscosity-dominated protoplanetary disks with the kine- cal isothermality. The disk scale height is proportional to matic viscosity proportional to the disk radius, α = 1.0 radius, H(r)=Ar, where A is the disk aspect ratio, which d − (Lynden-Bell & Pringle, 1974; Williams & Crida, 2011). is set to A=0.05 for all models. Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks 9 Fig.10. Comparisonof gap formationin counter-rotatingdisks and a giant plant bearing protoplanetarydisk assuming 5M (upperrow)and2.5M (lowerrow)planetarymass,respectively.Leftpanel: densitydistributioninthecounter- Jup Jup rotating disk models at 0.6Myr. Middle panel: density distribution in giant planet bearing disk model after 1000 orbits of the giant planet. Right panel: comparison of azimuthally averaged density profiles for both models. The density is scaled up by 50 in planet-bearing disk model to mach the density profiles in the inner disk. Fig.11. Same as Fig.10, but the viscosity is changed to α= 10−2 (upper row) and α=10−3 (lower row). The applied density scalings are 130 (upper row) and 20 (lower row). 10 Vorobyovet al.: Gaps in circumstellar disks Fig.12. Same as the lower panel of Fig.11 (α = 10−3), but the planetary mass is decreased further to 1M . The Jup applied density scaling is 20. Fig.13.SameasinFig.12,butinmodelswherethediskmassisassumedtobe10timeshigher,thereforetheself-gravity is taken into account. No density scaling is applied. The 2D computational domain extends from 6 AU to bit with constant mass. The planet-to-star mass ratio are 1000 AU, consisting of N = 256 logarithmically dis- q =0.9 10−3,2.35 10−3,and4.7 10−3correspondingto R × × × tributed radial, and N = 512 equidistant azimuthal grid 1, 2.5, and5Jupitermassplanetsfora1.0Solarmasscen- φ cells. For the smoothing length of the planet gravitational tral star. The planetary mass and the disk viscosity were potential we choose ǫH(R ), where R is the position of varied in a wide range to produce different configuration p p the planet and ǫ=0.6,the latter being appropriate for 2D of the planet-bearing gaps. Our purpose is to determine simulations (Kley et al., 2012). The gas is allowed to flow thecharacteristicsignaturesofthegapsincounter-rotating outfromthe computationaldomain,i.e.anopenboundary disks which can help to distinguish them from the planet- condition is applied at both the inner and outer domain bearing gaps. boundaries. The disk viscosity is approximated by the α- For a planet-bearing disk model, the density snapshots prescriptionof Shakura & Sunyaev (1973). The magnitude weretakenattheendofthesimulation(after1000orbitsof of viscosity is varied in the range of 10−3 α 10−2. For thegiantplanetcorrespondingto0.07Myraftertheplanet ≤ ≤ comparison, in the counter-rotating disk simulations, the was inserted to the disk), when a quasi steady disk state viscous α was set to a constant value of 5 10−3. We use had been achieved. In each row of Figures 10-13, the first × a coordinate frame that co-rotates with the planet. andsecondpanelsshowthegassurfacedensitydistribution The initial density profile of the gas disk is Σ(R,φ) = in the counter-rotating disk and planet-bearing disk mod- Σ R−1.5, where Σ is chosen so as to set the disk mass to els. The third panel shows the azimuthally averagedradial 0 0 0.03 M⊙ inside the computational domain. For this disk densityprofiles(blackforcounter-rotating,blueforplanet- ∼ mass, the Toomre Q-parameter (Toomre, 1964) is greater bearing disk models). For the counter-rotating disk model, than three throughout the disk (Q 8.5 at the planetary weusethedataformodel1att=0.6Myr.Thedensitiesin ≃ distance).These high values ofQ-parametermakeit possi- non-self-gravitating planet-bearing models are scaled such ble toneglectthe disk’sself-gravity.We alsoconsidermod- that the density profile at the inner disk (R < 80AU) fits els for which the disk mass is increased to 0.3 M⊙. For to that of the counter-rotating disk model. We note that ∼ thosehigh-disk-massmodels,thedisk’sself-gravityistaken aslongasthe diskself-gravityandthe planetarymigration into account. arenot takeninto account,the density canbe scaledasΣ 0 The planet is set on an orbit at 80AU from the cen- canbecancelledoutfromthecontinuityandNavier–Stokes tral star (to match the position of the gap in the counter- equations. rotating disk model) and the planet is not allowed to Figure10 shows the comparison of gaps in counter- migrate or accrete gas, i.e., it remains on a circular or- rotating and planet-bearing disk models for the viscous

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