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An Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts in The Dhaka University Library Part VI PDF

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Preview An Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts in The Dhaka University Library Part VI

AN ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN THE DHAKA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PART-VT Compiled by Mrs. Syeda Farida Parvin Sr. Keeper of manuscripts Syed Ali Akbor Sr. Research Officer And Mrs. Shaheen Sultana Sr. Research Officer Introduction by Professor Mohammad Moniruzzaman Member, Manuscript Committee Foreword by Dr. Md. Serajul Islam Acting Librarian Dhaka University Library DHAKA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY DHAKA, BANGLADESH 2000 Published by: Librarian, Dhaka University Library Dhaka-1000 Published: Deccmber-2000 Copyright by Dhaka University' Library Printed and composed by: Dhaka University Library Dhaka University. Price- TK.300.00 US $15.00 FOREWORD Amongst the various complexes and changcs that Bangladesh has had to face since its independance, educational regeneration and Library development were the most important. Dhaka University Library is the largest amongst the University Libraries in Bangladesh which comprises nearly (600,000) six hundred thousand volumes of books and Journals excluding 30,000 rare and valuable manuscripts. These Manuscripts were written in different languages such as Sanskrit, Bengali, Arabic, Pali, Urdu, Persian, Maithily and Hindi. The process of identifying the Manuscript is being carried on by our teachers of Sanskrit Department, and the Research officers of this section resulting and publication of these Alphabetical index of Sanskrit Manuscripts. The manuscript section of this university Library is one of the resourceful unit and the following catalogues and indexes have so far been published : (i) A Descriptive catalogue of Arabic, Persian and Urdu Manuscripts (2) A Descriptive catalogue of Bengali Manuscripts, (collection of late Abdul Karim Shahittya Visarad) (3) An Alphabetical Index of Bengali manuscripts in the Dhaka University Library part I and Part II. (4) An Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Dhaka University Library Part 1,11,111, IV&V 1 feel great pleasure that the 6th part of the Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts is being published in which about 2000 Manuscripts in different fields such as Kavya, Vvakarana, Citipatta, Mantra, Tantra, Jyotisa, Purana, Upanisat, Nvava, Darsan, Kulapanji, IVataka, Citrakavya, Itihasa, Ayurveda have been accommodated. Prof. A.K. Azad Chowdhurv, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka University deserves the sincere thanks for his valuable suggestion. Thanks are also due to the member of the Manuscripts committee for its present shape and its nice printing. It would not be exaggerated if sincere thanks are given to Mrs. Syeda Farida Parvin, Sr. Keeper of manuscripts, senior research officers Syed Ali Akbor and, Mrs. Shaheen Sultana and staffs of the Manuscripts section of this University library for their sincere effort to make this publication possible. I am sure that this volume will be a valuable research guide to our teachers, research scholars and readers of home and abroad. Dr JVIr.SerajuI Islam M.A.Ph.D. Librarian(Actg.) Dhaka University Library. INTRODUCTION AN ALPIJABETICAL INDEX OF SANSKRIT MANUSCRIPTS IN rrHE DHAKA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY PART VI is now being published. Like the previous volumes, this volume also provides information partaining to each manuscript in the following manner ; (a) Title (b) Author (c) Folios (d) Date (e) Copywriter (f) Date of copying: (g) Complete-Incomplete (h) Subject (i) Size and (t) ('ail number . In this volume VI of the Index of Sanskrit Manuscripts a total of about two thousands numbers of manuscripts have been included from serial numbers 17001-19000. Most of these Manuscripts arc incomplete. This is because these were mixed up in various bundles of Bengali and Sanskrit manuscripts. These are collected from different persons and various organizations though donation or purchase. Later teachers of the Sanskrit department and officers of the Manuscripts Section of the Library jointly identified and catalogued the manuscripts. Definite information about their places of collection are not known, neither the time of writing nor copying have been found. This index include manuscripts of different fields such as Alamkara, Ayurveda, History, Literature, Kulapanji, medichine, Jyotis, Tantro-montro, philosopy, kavya, and Ayurveda etc. This index was prepeared under my general supervision by the following officers. l.Syeda Farida Parvin Senior Keeper of Manuscripts 2.Syed Ali Akbor Senior Research officer 3.Mrs. Shaheen Sultana Senior Research officer I am happy to note that they have done an excellent job. I sincerely hope that this Index will be useful for the researchers and scholars. For a brief history of the Manuscript section of the Dhaka University Library* I would request the readers of this Index to please refer to my introduction to the Index of Bengali Manuscripts Part 1. pp.vi-x. I would also like to mention that the sources of these manuscripts could not be traced in the records. The Author and subject Indexes are given in Appendix A and B respectively. 1 believe that by compiling and publishing subsequent volumes the Manuscripts section of the Dhaka University Library will continue io provide meaningful assistance to the scholars. Date : 2nd. December, 2000. MOHAMMAD MONIRUZZAMAN Professor of Bengali. University of Dhaka, and Member. Manuscript Committee Dhaka University Library. SANS.MSS AKSARAKOSAH ACYUTAVAM^A ♦ m • airatm i Author : x Author : x Subject : Kosagrantha Subject j Kulapanji Folia : 1-5 Folia : 1 Date : x Date t x Complete Incomplete Size : 38x8* 5cm Size : 3^*'?x9.5cm Script j Bengali Script s Bengali Condition : Good Condition : Good Call no.17073 Call no.17405 AKHANDALAVAM^AH ADB HUT A^ ASTI-? HA YOG A • • * Author j x Author : x Subject : Kulapanji Subject » paurohitya Folia : 1 Folia : 1 Date j x Date t x Incomplete Complete Size s 31.2x18.5cm Size : 27x4.4cm Script * Bengali Script : Bengali Condition : Good Condition : Good Call no-17402 Call no.18451 AKHANDASASTHIPUJ A ADAS&AVDASYARUPA • • * • • Author i x Author j x Subject : paurohitya Subject : Vyakarana Folia : 1 Folia s 1 Date t x Date : x Complete Complete Size s 36.7x6*lcm Size t 17.5x7.5cm Script t Bengali Script : Bengali condition : Medium Condition t Good Call no. 18514 Call no. 18163 AGNIJIHVA ADHYATMARAMAYANA Author i x Author : x Subject : Homavidhl Subject s Ramliyana Folia : 1-2 Folia : 1-14 Date t x Date : x Incomplete Incomplete Size : 42* 5x7•5cm Size : 41x8.5cm Script i Bengali Script : Bengali Condition : Good Condition j Good Call no. 17874 Call no.17145 SANS.MSS ANANTARAMASUTA ANUSTUPACHANDA G OVINDARAMAKULAM Author s x Author : x Subject : Chanda Subject t Kulapanji Folia : 1 Folia x I Date : x Date t x Complete Incomplete Size : 22x7cm Size t 34.7x9*7cm Script i Bengali Script * Bengali Condition : Good Condition j Good Call no.17640 Call no.17468 ANANTAVAJ^A. APADANAKARAKA Author « x Author i x Subject : Kulapanji Subject. * Vyakarana Folia t 1 Folia t 1 Date t x Date : x Incomplete Incomplete Size : 25x5.4cm Size t 28x6cm Script * Bengali Script * Bengali Condition : Good Condition : Medium Call no.18759 Call no.18126 ANANTASUTA AB HI R AMAKUL AM <3t%<jpr$?nr Author i x Author ! x ^ Subject s Kulapanji Subject j Kulapanji Folia i 1 Folia : 1 Date : x Date t x Incomplete Incomplete Size j 35.2x11.5cra Size : 36x9.5cm Script * Bengali Script : Bengali Condition t Good Condition s Good Call no*17404 Call no.17427 ANWANDHAKA ABHUDITYASYAVYAKHYA aigfifamRiHrr Author : Durgasimha Author : x Subject s Vyakarana Subject t Tlka Folia t 1*2,7.9-124-1 Folia t 1 Date i x Date : x Incomplete Complete Size j 39.3x7.8cm Size t 40.6x9.5cm Script • Bengali Script t Bengali Condition t Good Condition t Good Call no.17712 Call no.18428 SANS.MSS AMARA^LGKAH ALA&KARA «nr?qjre: Author : x Author : x Subject i Kavya Subject i Alamk5ra Folia : 1 Folia : 1 Date : x Date : x Incomplete Incomplete Size t 24.4x9.5cm Size : 37x8*3cm Script * Bengali Script * Bengali Condition i Good Condition j Good Call no*17989 Call no*18486 AMAV AS Y AV RAT AM ALAMKARA Author s x Author t x Subject * Paurohitya Subject t AlamkSra Folia : 1 Folia * 1 Date : x Date j x Incomplete Incomplete Size : 38v5x8cm Size i 41x8.8cm Script * Bengali Script x Bengali Condition s Medium Condition : Medium Call no. 18716 Call no.17981 AMVASTHACAl RACANDRIKA ALAMKARA • « Author i x Author t x Subject : Smarti Subject : Alamkara Folia * 1-88* Folia t 1 Date t x Date j x Complete Incomplete Size t 28.8x10.3cm Size i 34x9.4cm Script I Bengali Script : Bengali Condition : Good Condition i Bad Call no* 18266 Call no.17990 ART HAD IP IK A ALAMKARA ^Wlfror OT WJT Author s x Author t x Subject : TlkS Subject s Alamkara Folia : 1*5+1 Folia t 1 Date : x Date : x Incomplete Incomplete Size : 46x10.5cm Size : 38.5x9.5cm Script * Benqall Script : Bengali Condition s Bad Condition j Good Call no.17335 Call no.17945 SANS.MSS ALAMKARA AV AT ARAPRAMANAM '5I':9$riJJJVrc'f]s? Author j x Author s x Subject : Alamkara Subject : Smrti Folia t 1-2 Folia * 1-3 Date : x Date : x Incomplete Complete Size j 55*3x9cm Size s 33.8x8cm Script * Bengali Script t Bengali Condition t Good Condition : Good Call no*17658 Call no.17727 ALAMKARA AV ADHUT ASTAKAM • • Author j x Author i x Subject t Alamkara Subject : Stotra Folia : 16-17 Folia : 1 Date t x Date t x Incomplete Complete Size s 36x8»8cm Size j 19x14•5cm Script * Bengali Script * Bengali Condition : Medium Condition : Good Call no.17878 Call no.18586 ALAMKARA AVASATIKULAM Author : x Author t x Subject i Alamkara Subject : Kulapanjl Folia : 1-2 Folia : 1 Date t x Date s x Complete Incomplete Size t 37x8cm Size * 36.5x13cm Script i Bengali Script * Bengali Condition i Good Condition t Good Call no* 17341 Call no.17454 ALAfcKARA-TATTVA AVYAPYAVRTTI Author : x Author : x Subject t Alamkara Subject : Darsana Folia t 1 Size : 44.2x9.5cm Date : x Script t Bengali Incomplete Folia i 1-2 Size : 26*9x1lcm Date t x » incomplete Script s Bengali Condition t Good Condition : Good Call no.17225 Call no* 18731 SANS*MSS 5 a£auca-nirnayah A^AUCAVIDHIH • • Author : x Author : x Subject i Smrti Subject : Smrti Folia % 1 Folia : 1 Date 3 x Date s x Incomplete Incomplete Size j 33*3x5*6cm Size t 32*5x5*2cm Script : Bengali Script * Bengali Condition s Good Condition i Medium Call no.18962 Call no.18963 AiAUCANIRNAYAH A^AUCA^RADDHADIVIDHI Author : Nyayapancanana Author : x Subject : Smrti Subject Smrti 3 Folia : 1-34; Folia t 1-13' Date t 1722 Sak^bda Date x j Complete Incomplete Size 138.4x8*3cm Size 1 39x7cm Script * Bengali Script t Bengali Condition s Good Condition t Medium Call no*18881 Call no.18040 AiAUCANIRNAYAH A^AUCASAMKBEPAR ■ • * Author : x Author : irl Madhusudana Subject s Smrti BhattacSryya Folia * 1 Subject : Smtti Date : x Folia : 1-15* Incomplete Date : 1749 SakSbda Size : 43x6cm Complete Script 1 Bengali Size : 16*5x8*2cm Condition x Medium Script * Bengali Call no*18927 Condition t Good Call no*17097 A^AUCAVIDHI ASTAKAM • ft Author : x Author : irl ValarSma Gosain Subject : SmSrti Subject : Kavya Folia : 1-2 * Folia t 1 Date s x Date j x Incomplete Complete Size 1 23x6cm Size : 3 5»5xl2cm Script t Bengali Script : Bengali Condition * Good Condition t Good Call no*18083 Call no. 18735 SANS.MSS 6 AST OFT ARARAT A^LOK AM ADIYAKULAM • • «9Tf®?T?«Tir Author : x Author * x Subject : Kavya Subject j Kulapanjl Folia t 3*4 Folia t 1-3+2 Date t x Date : x Incomplete Complete Size t 32x14.3cm Size * 36.5x10.5cm Script : Bengali Script * Bengali Condition i Medium Condition : Good Call no.17566 Call no.17401 AST GOT ARARATANAMAST OTRAM ADIYAKULAM • • Author s x Author : x Subject t Purana Subject : Kulapanjl Folia : 1,2 Folia } 303—312 Date j x Date j x Complete Incomplete Size 5 29.5x8cm Size : 43.5x9.5cm Script : Bengali Script j Bengali Condition : Good Condition : Medium Call no. 18809 Call no.17551 AST OTT ARARAT Al^LOKAH ATMATATTVA • • • sc#rs? »R)C5IT?P Author : x Author s x _ / Subject : Kavya Subject : Vedanta Darsana Folia t 1 Folia : 1-5 Date * x Date i x Incomplete Incomplete Size s 23x6cm Size t 45.5xllcm Script t Bengali Script t Bengali Condition i Good Condition : Medium Call no.18687 Call no.17040 AKHYATAVY AKHYA ATMASWARUPAKATHANA siNfmnw Author : Kavir'Sja Author s x Subject j VySkarafia Subject t Darsana Folia * 1 Folia t 1 Date s x Date 2 x Incomplete Incomplete Size t 37.5x8.2cm Size : 36xllcm Script * Bengali Script t Bengali Condition t Good Condition : Medium Call no.17720 Call no. 18110

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