An Alphabetical Analysis Part 6 Terms and texts used in the study of ‘Doctrinal Truth' A to K By CHARLES H. WELCH Author of Dispensational Truth Just and the Justifier The Prize of the High Calling The Testimony of the Lord’s Prisoner Parable,Miracle and Sign The Form of Sound Words This Prophecy Life Through His Name THE BEREAN PUBLISHING TRUST 52a WILSON STREET,LONDON EC2A 2ER ENGLAND ©THE BEREAN PUBLISHING TRUST First printed 1962 Reset and reprinted 2003 ISBN for the complete set of 10 volumes: 0 85156 200 0 ISBN for this volume: 0 85156 206 X Note: The book Numbers will be right but the page numbers will only be right in the books CONTENTS Main articles are printed in full capitals thus: DEPART. Subsidiary articles are printed in small capitals thus: Absent. Please ignore the article 'the' when using the Index, i.e. 'The Days of His Flesh' appears simply as 'Days of His Flesh' and so throughout. A Subject Index to all 10 Parts of this Alphabetical Analysis has been included at the end of each Part. Page Subject Index i Preface v To the Reader vii SUBJECT INDEX A Absent 1 Accepted, see Accepted 1 Access, see Access 1 Account 2 Adversary 4 Age, see Age 1 Alienation 9 Assurance 10 ATONEMENT 29 B Begotten, see Deity of Christ 157 Believe, see Faith 200 Blood 48 Blot Out 50 Born Again 52 B continued Page Bought with a Price 54 Brimstone 55 Buried 56 C Calling 58 Chastening, see Judgment Seat 2 CLEAN 60 Clothing 71 Coming, see Second Coming 4 Common 74 CONDEMNATION 75 Conscience 84 Counted, see Reckoning 7 Creation 87 Creation, New 88 Cross 91 Crucify 97 D Damnation 101 Darkness 102 DAYS OF HIS FLESH 104 Death 150 Death, Second 153 DEITY OF CHRIST 157 DEPART 171 Destruction, see Wages of Sin 7 E Page Earnest and Seal 183 Election 188 Eternal, Everlasting, see Age 1 Evil, see Wages of Sin 7 F Face 194 Fail 198 FAITH 200 Family 206 Figures of Speech 207 Flesh 210 FORGIVENESS 213 Found 224 Foundation 227 Freedom 232 G Garrison 237 Genealogy 237 Gift 247 GOD 250 H Heavenly Places 272 Hell 277 Heresy 303 HOLINESS 306 I Page Image 311 Immortality 316 Imputation, see Account 2 INSPIRATION 318 Intercession 324 INTERPRETATION 332 J Jacob 374 Jehovah 374 Jig -Saw Puzzle 378 Jubilee 380 JUDE 385 Judgment Seat, see Judgment Seat 2 JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH 410 K Kinsman -Redeemer, see Redemption 7 A Subject Index (to all 10 Parts of this Analysis) will be found at the end of each Volume Preface The normal procedure in a work of this kind, and one which the apostle Paul himself followed, would be to lay the foundation before attempting to build. But 'circumstances alter cases', and we write primarily for those who believe the Scriptures and acknowledge the Saviour as Lord, but who need particular help in the Dispensational aspects of truth. This phase and emphasis has been the essential and peculiar character of The Berean Expositor and its publications since 1909. An Alphabetical Analysis of terms used in the study of Dispensational Truth is now a finished publication, but it was felt that an additional series was called for that would deal with essential fundamental doctrines. To attempt a Doctrinal Analysis as wide in scope as the one dealing with Dispensational Truth is not our intention. In the first place, many items overlap, and for the instructed reader, what has already been written concerning The Ages, Adoption, etc., under the Dispensational heading, will give all that an analysis of this nature can provide. We were, however, somewhat concerned to exclude such fundamentals as the Inspiration of Scripture, Justification by Faith, Sacrifice, Offering and the Deity of Christ from the analysis, consequently we have prepared two volumes, necessarily excluding many a subject that pressed for insertion, yet comprehensive enough to ensure that the outstanding items of the faith should not be altogether passed over. We trust the reader will keep these self - imposed limitations clearly in mind as he notices either subjects that are omitted or, if included, that are treated with great brevity. The first outline which we prepared for this new analysis, demanded a greater number of volumes than did the Dispensational series, but for obvious reasons, this has not been followed. We nevertheless hope that what has been included, and what has been said, may round off the witness and enhance the value of this attempt to present the teaching of the Word in such a form that it may continually become: 'Seed to the sower, and bread to the eater' (Isa. 55:10). TO THE READER A distinction has been made in the type used to indicate subsidiary headings from those which are of first importance. Titles of main articles are printed in Helvetica bold type capitals, and are placed in the centre of the page, thus: ATONEMENT Titles of subsidiary articles are printed in Helvetica bold type small capitals, and are placed at the left -hand margin of the paragraph, thus: Family Cross References Cross references to articles in Parts 1 to 5 and 7 to 10 of An Alphabetical Analysis, are indicated by superscript numbers. For example: Sons of God4 refers to the article with that heading in Part 4 of An Alphabetical Analysis. Resurrection4,7 refers to the articles with that heading in Parts 4 and 7, respectively, of An Alphabetical Analysis. If the reference is to another page in this book, the page number is printed in brackets after the title of the article. For example: Faith (p. 200) refers to the article with that heading on page 200 of this book. Structures Where the meaning of a term can be illuminated by the structure of the section in which the term occurs, that structure is given, and as the scope of a passage is of first importance in the interpretation of any of its parts, these structures, which are not 'inventions' but 'discoveries' of what is actually present, should be used in every attempt to arrive at a true understanding of a term, phrase or word that is under review. Under the heading Interpretation2, the uninitiated believer will receive an explanation and an illustration of this unique feature of Holy Scripture. In like manner, other exegetical apparatus such as Figures of Speech, and all such helps, are indicated under the same main heading. Received Text (Textus Receptus) This is the Greek New Testament from which the Authorized Version of the Bible was prepared. Comments in this Analysis are made with this version in mind. Where there are textual variances between the Received Text and the Nestle Greek Text (or other critical texts) such variances are noted. The phrase 'in the Received Text' is printed in brackets next to the word or words in question. References to the Septuagint Versions (LXX) When verifying Charles H. Welch's references to Greek words in the LXX and to the English translation given, we have sometimes been unable to find the Greek or the translation provided. Examples: (1) Page 151, line 6; Mr. Welch quotes ekleipo. We can find enapethanen in the Greek that accompanies Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Benton's English translation, and apathanen in the Concordance to the LXX by Abrahami Trommi, published in 1718. (2) Page 323, lines 13 and 14; Mr. Welch states that a verbal form of epilusis occurs in the LXX of Genesis 41:12. We can only find the verbal form of epilusis, namely epiluein, in Genesis 41:12, in Aquila's version of the LXX. Epiluein also occurs in Aquila's version of Genesis 40:8 and 41:8, and Theodotion's version of Hosea 3:4. If any reader knows of other English translations that Mr. Welch may have used, the publishers will be pleased to be informed of them. It should be remembered that there are several versions of the Greek Old Testament, for instance: Codex Sinaiticus Codex Alexandrinus Codex Vaticanus Codex Ephraemi For further study, see Volume of the Book7, and the book entitled The Volume of the Book written by Charles H. Welch. Absent 'Absent from the body' (2 Cor. 5:8) In Matthew 15:9 the Lord is recorded to have said to some of His hearers, 'In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men'. In Mark 7:9,13 He said, 'Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition ... making the word of God of none effect through your tradition'. Whenever we hear a portion of Scripture persistently misquoted, we can be sure that traditional belief is obscuring the vision, and distorting the Scriptures. The passage before us is a case in point. Over and over again it is quoted as though it read: 'Absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'; whereas, instead of making an assertion, the apostle expressed a choice between two alternatives, saying: 'We are confident, I say, and willing Rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord' (2 Cor. 5:8). His ground of confidence was in God Who hath wrought us for the self - same thing, Who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. Nowhere in Scripture do we learn that we have been thus 'wrought' in order to attain unto an intermediate or unclothed state; nowhere in Scripture do we learn that we have received the earnest of the Spirit for an intermediate state, but always for resurrection glory. This is the background of all that the apostle has said in 2 Corinthians 5. The tent or earthly house in which we now pass our pilgrimage will one day be dissolved or taken down, but the blessed alternative is not some 'unclothed' condition, but a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. The goal of the apostle's desire was 'that mortality might be swallowed up of life'. This figure is a repeat of 1 Corinthians 15:54 where we read: 'So When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption (which refers to those who have died), and this mortal shall have put on immortality (which refers to those still living at the time), Then (and not till then) shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory'. Whether there be an intermediate state or not is not discussed in 2 Corinthians 5. All we know from that chapter is that an 'unclothed' condition was something which the apostle did not desire, and it satisfies our intentions in this Analysis, if the positive teaching of any word or doctrine examined shall be demonstrated and accepted. A parallel passage is found in Philippians 1:23 and is discussed under the heading Depart . Further light can be received by pondering the meaning of the Saviour's words, 'This day shalt thou be with Me in paradise' (see Paradise7), which quotation we purposely leave here, unpunctuated. Three other articles should be considered where a greater range of teaching is possible, namely Immortality (p. 316); Resurrection4,7; and Soul7. Sidelights will also be found in pondering Sleep7 and the articles entitled Immortality of the soul in The Berean Expositor Vol. 1. May 'the blessed hope' in all its Scriptural splendour be ever before our renewed minds. Let us set our affection on things above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Accepted. See Accepted1. Access. See Access1. Account. Logizomai which is translated 'account' is also rendered 'reckon' and 'impute'. This aspect of the term is considered under the heading, Reckoning7, which see. There are eight occurrences of the word, 'account' in which the Greek word so rendered is logos where it is used of 'giving account' as of a stewardship, which must here be given a place. The passages are as follows: