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Preview An ALMA Survey of Submillimeter Galaxies in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South: The AGN ...

PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 AN ALMA SURVEY OF SUBMILLIMETER GALAXIES IN THE EXTENDED CHANDRA DEEP FIELD-SOUTH: THE AGN FRACTION AND X-RAY PROPERTIESOF SUBMILLIMETER GALAXIES S. X. Wang (王雪凇)1, W. N. Brandt1,2, B. Luo1,2, I. Smail3, D. M. Alexander3, A. L. R. Danielson3, J. A. Hodge4, A. Karim3,5, B. D. Lehmer6,7, J. M. Simpson3, A. M. Swinbank3, F. Walter4, J. L. Wardlow8, Y. Q. Xue9, S. C. Chapman10,11, K. E. K. Coppin12, H. Dannerbauer13, C. De Breuck14, K. M. Menten15, and P. van der Werf16 3 ABSTRACT 1 The large gas and dust reservoirs of submm galaxies (SMGs) could potentially provide ample fuel 0 totriggeranActiveGalacticNucleus(AGN),butpreviousstudiesoftheAGNfractioninSMGshave 2 been controversial largely due to the inhomogeneity and limited angular resolution of the available t submillimeter surveys. Here we set improved constraints on the AGN fraction and X-ray properties c O of the SMGs with ALMA and Chandra observations in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S). This study is the first among similar works to have unambiguously identified the X-ray 3 counterparts of SMGs; this is accomplished using the fully submm-identified, statistically reliable 2 SMG catalog with 99 SMGs from the ALMA LABOCA E-CDF-S Submillimeter Survey (ALESS). Wefound10X-raysourcesassociatedwithSMGs(medianredshiftz =2.3),ofwhich8wereidentified ] as AGNs using severaltechniques that enable cross-checking. The other2 X-raydetectedSMGs have O levels of X-ray emission that can be plausibly explained by their star-formation activity. 6 of the 8 C SMG-AGNsaremoderately/highlyabsorbed,withN >1023cm−2. AnanalysisoftheAGNfraction, H . taking into account the spatial variation of X-ray sensitivity, yields an AGN fraction of 17+16% for h −6 p AGNs with rest-frame 0.5–8 keV absorption-corrected luminosity > 7.8 1042 erg s−1; we provide × - estimatedAGN fractionsas a function ofX-rayflux andluminosity. ALMA’s highangularresolution o also enables direct X-ray stacking at the precise positions of SMGs for the first time, and we found 4 r potential SMG-AGNs in our stacking sample. t s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION Over the past 15 yr, submillimeter (submm) and millimeter surveys have discovered a population of 1 far-infrared (FIR) luminous, dust-enshrouded galax- v 4 ies at z > 1 (e.g., Smail et al. 1997; Ivison et al. 6 1Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 525 Davey 1998, 2000; Coppin et al. 2006; Weiß et al. 2009; 3 Lab, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Austermann et al.2010). Multiwavelengthfollow-upob- 16802, USA; Send correspondence to [email protected] and 6 servations of these submm galaxies (e.g., Valiante et al. [email protected] . 2InstituteforGravitationandtheCosmos,ThePennsylvania 2007; Pope et al. 2008; Men´endez-Delmestre et al. 2007, 0 State University,UniversityPark,PA16802, USA 2009) have revealed that they are among the most lu- 1 3InstituteforComputationalCosmology,DurhamUniversity, minous objects in the Universe (e.g., Ivison et al. 2002; 3 SouthRoad,Durham,DH13LE,UK 1 4Max-Planck Institute for Astronomy, K¨onigstuhl 17, D- Chapman et al.2002;Kov´acs et al.2006),andthatthey : 69117Heidelberg,Germany contribute significantly to the total cosmic star forma- v 5Argelander-Institute of Astronomy, Bonn University, Auf tionaroundz 2(e.g.,Hughes et al.1998;Barger et al. i demHu¨gel71,D-53121Bonn,Germany 1998; P´erez-G∼onza´lezet al. 2005; Aretxaga et al. 2007; X 6The Johns Hopkins University, Homewood Campus, Balti- Hopkins et al. 2010). These submm galaxies (SMGs) more,MD21218,USA ar 7NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 662, Greenbelt, typically have infrared (IR) luminosities of 1012 L⊙ MD20771, USA orevengreater,andtheirstarformationrates∼(SFR)are nia8,DIrevpianret,mCeAnt9o2f69P7h,yUsiScsA& Astronomy, Universityof Califor- estimatedto be 100–1000M⊙yr−1 (e.g., Kov´acs et al. ∼ 9Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology, 2006; Coppin et al. 2008; Magnelli et al. 2012). They Center for Astrophysics, Department of Astronomy, University are massive galaxies with stellar mass M∗ 1011 M⊙ of Science and Technology of China, Chinese Academy of ∼ or greater (e.g., Borys et al. 2005; Xue et al. 2010; Sciences, Hefei,Anhui230026, China 10Institute of Astronomy, Universityof Cambridge, Mading- Hainline et al.2011)andwithlargereservoirsofcoldgas ley11RDoaedp,arCtmamenbtriodfgPehCyBsi3cs0aHnAd,AUtKmosphericScience,Dalhousie (&1010 M⊙; e.g., Bothwell et al. 2013). Most commonly found around z 2–3, the University,CoburgRoadHalifax,B3H4R2,Canada ∼ 12Centre for Astrophysics, Science & Technology Research volume density of SMGs is 1000 times larger ∼ Institute, UniversityofHertfordshire,HatfieldAL109AB,UK (e.g., Chapman et al. 2003, 2005; Wardlow et al. 2011) 13Universit¨at Wien, Institute fu¨r Astrophysik, than that of the local ultraluminous infrared galax- Tu¨rkenschanzstraße 17,1180Wien,Austria 14European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild ies (ULIRGs), which are relatively rare in the local Straße2,D-85748Garching,Germany universe (e.g., Sanders & Mirabel 1996; Lonsdale et al. 15Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hu¨gel 2006). Also qualified as ULIRGs (LIR > 1012 L⊙; 69,D-53121Bonn,Germany Sanders & Mirabel 1996), SMGs are often considered as 16LeidenObservatory,LeidenUniversity,POBox9513,NL- 2300RALeiden,TheNetherlands the “distantcousins”oflocalULIRGs,typically exhibit- 2 ingsimilarlyhighSFRandIRluminosity. However,they All focusing on X-ray AGNs, Alexander et al. also differ in some important ways. The more strongly (2005a,b), Laird et al. (2010), Georgantopouloset al. star-forming SMGs are not simply the “scaled up” ver- (2011), and Johnson et al. (2013) reported AGN frac- sions of local ULIRGs — for example, it appears that tions among SMGs that are consistent with each other the star formation in SMGs occurs on a larger scale within their 1σ error bars. The pioneering work by within the galaxy instead of being concentrated at the Alexander et al. (2005a,b) studied the submm sources corelikeforthelocalULIRGs(e.g.,Chapman et al.2004; discoveredbySCUBA(Holland et al.1999)intheChan- Coppin et al. 2012). dra Deep Field North (CDF-N), which were matched Believed to be the progenitors of large local ellip- to radio counterparts and spectroscopically identified tical galaxies (e.g., Lilly et al. 1999; Smail et al. 2004; (Chapman et al. 2005). They estimated the X-ray AGN Chapman et al.2005)andofteninvolvedinmergers(e.g., fraction among SMGs to be > 38+12%. Laird et al. −10 Tacconi et al. 2008; Engel et al. 2010; Magnelli et al. (2010), also using submm sources in the CDF-N but 2012), SMGs present a unique opportunity for study- with Spitzer IR counterparts identified by Pope et al. ing the co-evolution of galaxies and their central su- (2006), reported an X-ray AGN fraction of 29% 7% permassive black holes (SMBHs; M > 106M⊙). The (or 20% if being conservative about AGN cla±ssifi- cosmic star formation rate and active galactic nucleus cation). Georgantopoulos et al. (2011) studied the (AGN) activity both peak aroundz 2 (Connolly et al. submm sources in the Extended Chandra Deep Field ∼ 1997; Merloni 2004; Hopkins et al. 2007; Cucciati et al. South (E-CDF-S) detected by the LABOCA E-CDF-S 2012),andtheyappeartoberelatedassuggestedbythe Submm Survey (LESS; Weiß et al. 2009), which were observed correlations between the properties of central matched to 2 Ms CDF-S (Luo et al. 2008) and 250 ks SMBHs and their host galaxies (e.g., the M-σ and the E-CDF-S (Lehmer et al. 2005) sources and also Spitzer M-Lrelation; Ferrarese & Merritt2000;Gebhardt et al. MIPS sources (Magnelli et al. 2009), and they found 2000; Ha¨ring & Rix 2004; Gu¨ltekin et al. 2009). More- an X-ray AGN fraction of 18 7% among the SMGs. over,simulations of galaxy evolution and SMBH growth ± Johnson et al. (2013) performed a direct matching be- showthat mergerevents cantriggerboth star-formation tween submm sources (detected at 1.1 mm by AzTEC; activity and the onset of powerful AGN, with the peak Wilson et al. 2008) and X-ray sources instead of first of the AGN activity (possibly a quasar phase) coming matching SMGs to IR or radio counterparts, and they shortly after the peak epoch of star formation (e.g., found that, for SMGs in the CDF-S and CDF-N, the Hopkins et al. 2008; Narayananet al. 2010). Observa- AGN fraction is about 28%. tionally, recent studies suggest that luminous AGNs are Though previous studies were thorough with their moreprevalentinmassivegalaxies(e.g.,Xue et al.2010; statistical analyses on the reliability of counterpart Mullaney et al. 2012) and star-forming galaxies (e.g., matching and used supplementary IR or radio cata- Rafferty et al. 2011; Santini et al. 2012; Rosario et al. logs, they were largely limited by the uncertainties 2013; Chen et al. 2013),andaveryhighfractionoflocal in finding the true X-ray counterparts of the SMGs. ULIRGs exhibit AGN activity as indicated by line-ratio The submm source catalogs used in Alexander et al. diagnostics (see the review by Alonso-Herrero 2013 and (2005a,b), Laird et al. (2010), Georgantopouloset al. references therein). (2011), and Johnson et al. (2013) are all from single- AGN activity in SMGs has been identified in dishsubmmsurveys,whichhaveatypicalangularresolu- previous studies through mid-IR spectroscopy tionof 10′′–20′′(e.g.,Chapman et al.2005;Weiß et al. (e.g., Valiante et al. 2007; Pope et al. 2008; ∼ 2009). This poses great challenges for matching submm Men´endez-Delmestre et al. 2007, 2009; Coppin et al. sources to the IR/radio/X-ray sources, especially when 2010) or X-ray (e.g., Alexander et al. 2005a,b; multiple multiwavelength counterparts are found within Pope et al. 2006; Laird et al. 2010; Lutz et al. the largesearchapertures. Furthermore,alargefraction 2010; Georgantopoulos et al. 2011; Gilli et al. 2011; of the single-dish detected submm sources are actually Hill & Shanks 2011; Bielby et al. 2012; Johnson et al. found to resolve into multiple sources, either physically 2013) observations. For moderate-to-high X-ray lu- unrelated or due to the clustering of SMGs, when ob- minosity AGNs, the X-ray emission is arguably the served with higher angular resolution instruments such best AGN indicator as the hard X-rays (rest-frame astheSubmmArray(SMA)andtheAtacamaLargeMil- energies of 2–30 keV) can penetrate through obscu- limeter/submm Array (ALMA; e.g., Wang et al. 2011; ration (NH .1024 cm−2) and also suffer less from Barger et al. 2012; Hodge et al. 2013). host-galaxy contamination. However, for less X-ray In this paper, we presentthe X-rayproperties and the luminous sources, the contribution from high mass AGN fraction of the SMGs in the E-CDF-S detected by X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the host galaxies cannot theALMALABOCAE-CDF-SSubmmSurvey(ALESS; be neglected, especially for extreme starburst galaxies Hodge et al. 2013; Karim et al. 2013). The ALESS is an like SMGs (e.g., Alexander et al. 2005b). The stud- ALMA Cycle 0 surveyat870µm to followup 122of the ies of Alexander et al. (2005a,b), Pope et al. (2006), original 126 submm sources detected by LESS, which is Laird et al. (2010), Georgantopouloset al. (2011), and the largest and the most homogeneous 870 µm survey Johnson et al. (2013) have all found that SMGs have a to date (Weiß et al. 2009). With the exquisite angular high X-ray detection rate, and a significant fraction of resolution and great sensitivity of ALMA ( 1.5′′ and the X-ray detected SMGs are AGN-dominated in the 3 deeper than LESS; Hodge et al. 2013), A∼LESS pro- X-ray band (though the exact fraction is under debate) v×ides the first fully submm-identified sample of SMGs while some are consistent with the X-ray emission being based on a large, contiguous, and well-defined survey powered purely by the starburst. (LESS), and this enables robust counterpart matching 3 at other wavelengths. Pairing with the powerful ALESS ing (likelihood-ratio matching) and summarizes the re- catalog, we use the deep Chandra data in the E-CDF-S sults. region(Lehmer et al.2005;L05),includingthemostsen- sitive X-ray survey to date, the 4 Ms CDF-S survey 2.1. The Submm Catalog (Xue et al.2011;X11). CombiningthepowerofChandra We use the ALESS SMG catalog presented in andALMA,wehaveunambiguouslyidentifiedthe X-ray Hodge et al. (2013) (see also Karim et al. 2013) based counterpartsbymatchingtheX-raysourcesdirectlyonto on ALMA follow-up observations on the submm sources the submm positions, which is the first among similar detected by LESS (Weiß et al. 2009). The main-source studies. cataloginHodge et al.(2013)contains99SMGsthatare TheAGNfractionsinSMGspresentedinthisworkare within the primary beam of ALMA, with low axialratio intheformofcumulativefractionsasafunctionofX-ray (<2),lowRMS(<0.6mJy)andhighS/N(>3.5). This flux/luminosity (i.e., the fraction of SMGs hosting AGN catalogisthefirstfullysubmm-identified,statisticallyre- withX-rayflux/luminositylargerthanorequaltoagiven liable catalog of SMGs (Hodge et al. 2013; Karim et al. value). Here we define an AGN as an accreting SMBH 2013). with any level of X-ray luminosity. Identification of an Figure 1 shows the positions of the 99 ALESS main- AGNinsideanSMGdoesnotmeantheAGNisthemain catalog SMGs and the combined X-ray exposure maps power source of the SMG or contributes significantly to for both the Chandra 4 Ms CDF-S and 250 ks E-CDF-S the galaxy’s energy budget. Though some SMGs are ingrayscale. 91ofthese99SMGsliewithintheChandra quasar powered, much evidence has shown that in the 250ksE-CDF-Sregionand44inthe4MsCDF-Sregion. majority of SMGs, star formation is the dominant en- We identified 10 SMGs with X-ray counterparts (large ergy source (e.g., Chapman et al. 2004; Alexander et al. red dots), and below we detail the X-ray catalog used 2005b; Pope et al. 2006). SMGs with AGN signatures and our matching method. (e.g., in the X-ray or IR bands) are ULIRG-AGN com- posites in terms of their spectral energy distributions 2.2. The X-ray Catalog (SEDs). Since our cumulative AGN fraction is calcu- The X-ray catalog used for matching to the ALESS lated as a function of X-ray flux/luminosity, we focus SMGsconsistsoftwocatalogs: onederivedfromthe4Ms on the AGNs that dominate in the X-ray band because CDF-S data, and the other from the 250 ks E-CDF-S we can measure their X-ray luminosity reliably without data. The CDF-S catalog includes (1) 776 CDF-S 4 Ms disentanglingthe contributionfromhost-galaxystarfor- main and supplementary catalog sources (X11); and (2) mation. 116 additional sources from a WAVDETECT catalog with The paper is structured as follows: we first describe a false-positive probability threshold of < 10−5 (higher our X-ray counterpart matching for the SMGs in Sec- thanusedforselectingthemainandsupplementarycata- tion2,andthenpresentouranalysesoftheirX-rayprop- logs). The E-CDF-S catalog includes: (1) 795 E-CDF-S ertiesandalsosomerelevantmultiwavelengthproperties 250 ks main and supplementary catalog sources (L05); in Section 3. We have used several approaches to dis- and(2)290additionalsourcesfromaWAVDETECTcatalog tinguish the X-ray AGNs from the SMGs that are star with a false-positive probability threshold of 10−5. The formation dominated in the X-ray (Section 4). Then we WAVDETECT catalogs were used by X11 and L05 as mas- calculate the AGN fractionamong the SMGs for various tercatalogs,fromwhichtheyfurtherselectedsourcesand X-ray flux/luminosity limits (Section 5). Stacking anal- derivedthe published 4 Ms CDF-S and 250 ks E-CDF-S yses with the X-ray undetected SMGs are described in catalogs, respectively. Despite their relatively lower sig- Section 6. In Section 7 we compare with previous stud- nificance,theadditionalsourcesfromtheWAVDETECTcat- ies, discuss our results and outlines the possible future alogsarelikely to be realX-raysourcesif identifiedwith work. submm counterparts, given the low density of SMGs on Throughout the paper, we assume a ΛCDM cosmol- ogy with H = 70.4 km s−1 Mpc−1, Ω = 0.27, and the sky and the excellent available positions. This has 0 m enabled us to recover genuine X-ray counterparts to the Ω =0.73(Komatsu et al.2011). Whenevergalaxystel- Λ SMGs down to a lower X-ray flux limit. lar mass and SFR are involved, we assume a Salpeter Duplicate sources that are in both the CDF-S and initial mass function (IMF), and we have converted the E-CDF-S X-ray catalogs were removed. For sources in quantitiesquotedfromotherworkstobeconsistentwith themainandsupplementarycatalogsofbothfields, X11 the Salpeter IMF whenever necessary. We use the con- has noted all duplicate sources in their published 4 Ms versionfactorofM (SalpeterIMF)=1.8 M (Kroupa ⋆ ⋆ × catalog; for the additional WAVDETECTsources, duplicate or Chabrier IMF). We adopt a Galactic column density of N = 8.8 1019 cm−2 for the line of sight to the sourceswereidentifiedbyperformingclosest-counterpart H × matching between the two catalogs with a search radius E-CDF-Sregion(e.g.,Stark et al.1992),andallreported of 1.5′′. In total, our X-ray catalog contains 892 sources X-ray quantities are corrected for Galactic extinction. inthe4MsCDF-Sregion(with116fromtheWAVDETECT 2. MATCHINGX-RAYSOURCESANDSUBMMSOURCES lower-significancecatalog),and762sourcesinthe250ks E-CDF-S region but not in the CDF-S (with 255 from We first aim to find secure X-ray counterparts for the the WAVDETECTlower-significancecatalog). ALESS SMGs. Section 2.1 describes briefly the ALESS submm catalog from Hodge et al. (2013). Section 2.2 2.3. Source Matching describes the X-ray catalogs used for finding the X-ray counterparts for the ALESS SMGs, which include ad- Weadoptedalikelihood-ratiomatchingmethodtofind ditional sources beyond the L05 and X11 catalogs. Sec- secure X-ray counterparts for the ALESS SMGs (e.g., tion2.3containsourmethodologyforcounterpartmatch- Ciliegi et al. 2003; Luo et al. 2010). This method takes 4 into account the positional uncertainties for both cat- sificationprocess(Section4)andotherfollowingsections. alogs, as well as the expected flux distribution of the We first detail the origin of the redshifts for the SMGs counterparts. Briefly, we computed the likelihood ra- in Section 3.1. We then describe our analyses on the tios,definedas the ratiobetweenthe probabilitiesofthe X-ray properties and present the results in Section 3.2: SMG being the true counterpart and being just a back- firstforthemoredirectlyobservedquantities,Γ (effec- eff groundsource,forallSMGswithin5′′ofanX-raysource. tive photon index) and L0.5−8 keV (rest-frame apparent Then we iterate to find a likelihood-ratio cut that max- luminosity),andthenforthederivedrest-frameintrinsic imizes the sum of the matching completeness and relia- properties,Γ (intrinsicphotonindex), N (absorption int H bility (see Luo et al. 2010 for details). We found secure columndensity)andL0.5−8 keV,corr(absorptioncorrected X-ray counterparts for 10 ALESS SMGs with a false- luminosity). In Section 3.3, we describe the origins of matchprobabilityof3%(i.e.,anexpectednumberoffalse some selected multiwavelength properties that are rele- matches of 0.3). The same 10 X-ray SMGs were recov- vant for this work. eredwhenasimpleclosest-counterpartmatchingmethod with a matching radius of 1.5′′ was adopted. 3.1. Redshifts Figure 2 shows the histogramfor the positionaloffsets ExceptforALESS45.1,allX-raydetectedSMGshave betweenthe10SMGsandtheirX-raycounterparts. The spectroscopic redshifts either from the redshift follow- reddashedline is the estimatednumber offalse matches up survey zLESS (Danielson et al. in prep.) or from the as a function of the adopted matching radius for the literature. The origins of the spectroscopic reshifts are closest-counterpart matching method. The number of listedin a footnote ofTable 2. ALESS45.1 has a photo- false matches for a certain matching radius r was esti- s metric redshift (photo-z) from Simpson et al. (in prep.), matedbymanuallyshiftingtheX-raycatalogsinRAand which is based on optical-NIR (with photometric data Decby 10–60′′in10′′ incrementsandre-matchingwith ± fromMUSYC U, B, V, R, I, z, J, H, K, and VIMOS the SMGs within r . Then the number of false matches s U, HAWK-I J, TENIS J, K , and IRAC 3.6–8.0 µm) for r is just the average number of matches for these s s SED fitting using the code Hyperz (Bolzonella et al. shifted catalogs. As shown in Figure 2, the number of 2000). The photo-z estimate for ALESS 45.1, z = false matches is much smaller than the actual number of X-ray matched SMGs at all distances 6 1.5′′ and is 2.34+−00..2667, is consistent with that from Xue et al. (2012) only 0.3 at 1.5′′. The inset plot of Figure 2 shows the derived from optical-NIR SED fitting using ZEBRA (Feldmann et al. 2006). The median redshift for the histogram of offset/σ , where σ is the quadrature pos pos X-ray detected SMGs is z =2.3. sum of the positional error of each SMG and that of its WheneverreshiftsareneededfortheX-rayundetected matched X-ray source (i.e., qσs2ubmm+σX2−ray). There SMGs in the E-CDF-S, we adopt the photo-z values is no SMG andX-ray sourcepair whose positionaloffset from Simpson et al. (in prep.). For the 91 SMGs in the exceeds2σ . X-rayandsubmmthumbnailimageswith E-CDF-S, 77 have detections in > 3 wavebands and pos illustrated positional error bars are in Figure 3. thus have SED fits and photo-z estimates, with a me- AsdiscussedinSection1,whenidentifyingX-raycoun- dian redshift of z = 2.3. For the remaining 14 SMGs terparts for SMGs, previous studies had to invoke large with detections only in 0–3 wavebands, their redshifts search radii and/or cross-identification with radio/IR aredrawnfromthelikelyredshiftdistributionsestimated counterparts, which suffer from larger uncertainties and from simulations by Simpson et al. (in prep.). The me- incompleteness (e.g., see Section 5.5 of Hodge et al. dianredshiftforsourceswithdetectionsin0/1waveband 2013). The X-ray counterparts of SMGs in our study (2/3 wavebands) is z 3.5 (z 4.5). Simpson et al. ∼ ∼ are of high robustness, and our estimated false-match (in prep.) estimated a median redshift of z = 2.5 0.2 ± probability is more reliable and realistic. Our matching fortheircompletesampleof96SMGs(3ofthe99ALESS procedure does not require the assumption that sources SMGs only have IRAC coverageand are not included in detectedinotherbandssuchasradioorIRareverylikely their sample). tobephysicallyassociatedwithSMGs,whichisoftenas- sumed by previousstudies as their searchradiifor coun- 3.2. X-ray Properties terpart matching are large. Moreover, our matching re- We present the X-ray properties of the 10 X-ray de- sultsarerobustagainsttheclustering/blendingofSMGs tected SMGs in this section. Our goal is to derive ba- thanks to the fully-identified ALESS SMG catalog. sicquantitiesthatdescribetheir spectralcharacteristics, The basic properties of the 10 X-ray detected SMGs suchastheintrinsicpower-lawphotonindexΓ andthe int are listed in Table 1. 8 of them are in the 4 Ms CDF-S intrinsic absorption column density (neutral Hydrogen region, and 9 have spectroscopic redshifts. As shown in equivalent) N for each source, with the hope that they H Figure 4, their submm flux distribution (shaded blue) will help us understand the origin of the X-ray emission does not appear to differ from the distribution for all (see the classification of the sources in Section 4). Their SMGs (black solid line). We performed a Kolmogorov- X-ray spectral properties are summarized in Table 2. Smirnov (K-S) test with these two distributions and the The X-ray spectral analyses were done using spectra resultsuggeststhatthey sharethe sameparentdistribu- within the energy range 0.5 to 8 keV, following L05 and tion, with p=0.39. X11. The spectraforsourceswithinthe 4 MsCDF-S re- gion were extracted by X11 using ACIS Extract (AE; 3. PROPERTIESOFX-RAYDETECTEDSMGS Broos et al. 2010). The details of the AE run can Inthissection,wedetailouranalysesandresultsonthe be found in X11. The spectra for the two sources X-rayproperties of the X-ray detected SMGs, and other that are only in the E-CDF-S region, i.e. counter- multiwavelengthpropertiesthatweuseintheAGNclas- parts for ALESS 66.1 and ALESS 67.1, were extracted 5 and combined for different epochs using the CIAO (ver- Galactic absorption, zwabs represents the rest-frame in- sion 4.4.1; Fruscione et al. 2006) tools specextractand trinsic absorption(N being one ofits parameters),and H combine spectra. Their raw data were downloaded zpowisapower-lawmodel(withindexΓ )inthesource int fromtheChandraDataArchiveandwerereprocessedus- rest-frame. ingtheCIAOtoolchandra repro. Thesourceextraction Among the 10 X-ray detected SMGs, 5 have full- radii for them are twice the 90% encircled-energy aper- band net counts over 100 and therefore are qualified ture radii at their off-axis angles, and the background for spectral fitting. We fitted the spectra of these 5 counts are estimated using 48 round regions around the sourceswithoutbinning,andweadoptedtheCashstatis- source with similar or larger sizes to ensure good statis- tic (Cash 1979; cstat in XSPEC) for finding the best- tical measurements of the background counts. fit parameters, which is well suited for fitting low-count X-ray sources and does not require any spectral bin- 3.2.1. Hardness Ratio, Effective Photon Index Γeff, and ning (Nousek & Shue 1989). Figure 5 shows the spec- Rest-Frame 0.5–8.0 keV Apparent Luminosity tra of the 5 sources with full-band net counts >100, L 0.5−8 keV ALESS11.1,57.1,66.1,84.1,and114.2,with their best- We first derive two simple and direct spectral char- fit wabs*zwabs*zpowmodels, and the inset figures show acteristics: the hardness ratio, defined as the ratio of the 68.3%, 90% and 99% confidence contours for Γ int the photon count rates in the hard band (2–8 keV) vs. N . For ALESS 66.1, the plotted best-fit model is H and the soft band (0.5–2 keV), and the effective pho- wabs*zpow,since its spectral fitting indicates no signifi- ton index, Γ , for a power-law model with Galactic ab- cantevidenceforabsorption,asillustratedbyitsΓ -N eff int H sorption. The hardness ratios were derived using the contours. ALESS114.2doesnothavehighphotoncounts Bayesian Estimation of Hardness Ratios (BEHR) pack- (126netcounts inthe fullband)andexhibitshighback- age by Park et al. (2006). This package computes the groundduetoitslargeoff-axisangleintheCDF-S(>9′). Bayesian posterior distribution for the hardness ratios Fixing its intrinsic photon index Γ at 1.8 (following int without requiring detections in both energy bands, and X11;for typicalAGNs) givesN 2.4+5.9 1023 cm−2. itisespeciallyusefulforcaseswithlowphotoncounts(5 H ≈ −1.2× The best-fit Γ and N values (and 90%CI errorbars) of the X-ray counterparts have less than 100 net photon int H for these 5 sources are listed in Table 2 (90% CI upper counts in the 0.5–8.0 keV full band). The median of the limit for the N of ALESS 66.1). H posteriordistributionis takenas the best-estimate value We have also fitted the 4 obscured sources with forthehardnessratio,andtheerrorbarsreportedinTa- >100 full-band net counts (ALESS 11.1, 57.1, 84.1 ble 2 are the 68.3% (“1σ”) posterior confidence interval and 114.2) with a model including an Fe Kα line, (CI). When the hardness ratio(or its inverse)has a pos- (zpow*zwabs+zgau)*wabs. We fixedthe rest-frameline terior median of essentially zero (< 0.01), we adopt the energy at 6.4 keV and width at 0.1 keV and only fitted upper(orlower)limitvaluedefinedbythe90%posterior for the normalization (line strength). We then calcu- CI. lated the equivalent width (XSPEC command eqw) and The effective photon index Γ is then derived from eff its 90% CI (using Markov chain Monte Carlo with the the hardness ratio following the methods described in chain command). We evaluated if the model including L05 and X11. The error bars on Γ are estimated by eff the Fe Kαline is statisticallya better modelbycomput- converting all hardness ratios in the Bayesian posterior ing the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and com- distribution into corresponding Γ values then taking eff pareditwiththeBICofthemodelwithouttheFeKαline the68.3%CI,aslistedinTable2. AsΓ valueswerede- eff (wabs*zwabs*zpow). Briefly,BIC=C+p lnn,whereC rivedfromhardnessratiosandarelessdirectlyrelatedto · istheCashstatistic,pisthenumberoffreeparametersin theobservedquantities,theyarehardertoconstrainand the model, andn is the number of data points in the fit. therefore, following L05 and X11, for sources having low The model with a smaller BIC value is the statistically counts (see L05 and X11 for definitions) in the soft (or preferred model (see Section 3.7.3 of Feigelson & Babu hard)band,weadoptedthe90%CIupper(orlower)lim- 2012). ForALESS11.1,57.1,and114.2,themodelwith- itsforΓ . Forsourceswithlowcountsinbothbands,we eff out the Fe Kα line is favored, and they have rest-frame fixedΓ to1.4(followingX11). UsingΓ ,redshift,and eff eff equivalent widths consistent with 0 keV within 90% CI. theobservedfull-bandfluxf0.5−8 keV aslistedinTable1, The 90% CI upper limits on the equivalent widths for wederivedthe rest-frame0.5–8.0 keVapparentluminos- ALESS11.1,57.1,and114.2are0.15keV,0.67keV,and ity (with no intrinsic absorption correction; denoted as 0.52 keV, respectively. For ALESS 84.1, however, the L0.5−8 keVthroughoutthispaper),foreachsourcefollow- model with the Fe Kα line is slightly favored (BIC val- ingtheequationL0.5−8 keV =4πd2Lf0.5−8 keV(1+z)Γeff−2 ues being 494 vs. 496 for the model without the line), (e.g., X11). and the best-fit rest-frame equivalent width is 1.17 keV, witha90%CIof0.23–2.15keV.Sincethemodelwiththe 3.2.2. Intrinsic Photon Index Γ , Intrinsic Absorption Column Density N , andinRtest-Frame 0.5–8.0 keV FeKαlineisonlyslightlyfavoredforonesource,ALESS Absorption-CorrecHted Luminosity L 84.1, for simplicity and comparison purposes, we report 0.5−8 keV,corr thespectralanalysisresultsusingthemodelwithoutthe Wethenestimatedtheintrinsicphotonindex,Γ ,the int Fe Kα line component for all sources. intrinsic absorption column density, N , and the rest- H For the 5 sources with full-band net counts fewer than frame 0.5–8.0 keV absorption-corrected luminosity (de- 100, we estimated their N values by running simula- H noted as L0.5−8 keV,corr throughout this paper), for each tions in XSPEC using the wabs*zwabs*zpow model with source. We used XSPEC (Arnaud 1996) for spectral fit- fixed Γ = 1.8 and varying N until it reproduced the int H ting and modeling. The basic model we adopted was observedhardnessratio(X11). Forthese5sources,spec- wabs*zwabs*zpow in XSPEC, where wabs represents the 6 tral fittings does not provide more constraints on the The SEDs were fitted using Spitzer, Herschel, ALMA, X-ray properties than the simple method adopted here. and VLA photometry at 3.6 µm, 4.5 µm, 5.8 µm, An illustration of this method is in Figure 6 (similar to 8.0 µm, 24 µm, 250 µm, 350 µm, 500 µm, 870 µm and Figure3inAlexander et al.2005b). TheN valuesesti- 1.4 GHz. The SED templates include the star-forming H matedthiswayarelistedinTable2andaredistinguished galaxytemplatesfromChary & Elbaz(2001)andthatof from the ones derived from spectral fitting by having no SMMJ2135 0102 (the Eyelash galaxy; Swinbank et al. − error bars. For ALESS 45.1 and 67.1, as their hardness 2010). ratiosweregivenas90%upperlimitsdue tolackofpho- The stellar masses for the SMGs are from tonsinthehardband,theirN valuesaretherefore90% Simpson et al. (in prep.). Briefly, their stellar mass H upper limits as well. estimates are derived from the absolute H-band pho- With the best-fit or estimated Γ and N tometry based on the optical-NIR SED fitting and int H values for each source, we then estimated the a mass-to-light ratio based on the best-fit star for- rest-frame 0.5–8.0 keV absorption-corrected luminosity, mation history (either burst or constant) and stellar L0.5−8 keV,corr, following Section 4.4 of X11, by first de- population synthesis models from Bruzual & Charlot rivingtheintrinsicfull-bandfluxf0.5−8 keV,corr usingthe (2003). Typical error bars for M⋆ are about a factor of wabs*zwabs*zpow model with Γ , N , and redshift, 2 (around a factor of 3–5 if taking into account model int H ∼ and then calculating L0.5−8 keV,corr using the equation uncertainties). L0.5−8 keV,corr = 4πd2Lf0.5−8 keV,corr(1 +z)Γint−2. This Although Simpson et al. (in prep.) only used galaxy is corrected for both Galactic and intrinsic absorption. templates in their SED fitting, AGN contamination Again, L0.5−8 keV,corr estimates are90%upper limits for is probably not a concern here when estimating stel- ALESS 45.1 and 67.1 just as for their hardness ratios lar mass. Our X-ray detected SMGs have a median and NH values. As noted by X11, L0.5−8 keV,corr val- logL0.5−8 keV = 43.0 and all but ALESS 66.1 have ues estimated for the lowercountsourcestypically agree logL0.5−8 keV 643.7 (Table 2), which is the upper-limit within 30% compared with those from direct spec- cut chosen by Xue et al. (2010) to minimize potential tral fitt∼ing, but could potentially be subject to larger AGNcontaminationintheoptical-NIRbands. InSection uncertainties since spectral components such as reflec- 4.6.3 of Xue et al. (2010), they studied 188 AGNs with tion and scattering can play an important role for heav- 41.96logL0.5−8 keV 643.7andexaminedtheAGNcon- ily obscured sources. This could also be true for the 5 tributiontotheirbest-fitSEDtemplates,thecorrelation sources with spectral fits, but the precision should be oftheirrest-frameabsolutemagnitudes/colorsandX-ray sufficient for the purposes of our study. For example, luminosities, and their fractions of optical-NIR emission ALESS 73.1 is the known heavily obscured source re- coming from the core regions versus from the extended ported by Coppin et al. (2010) and Gilli et al. (2011), regions. They concluded that the AGN contamination who estimated L2−10keV 2.5 1044 erg s−1 — a bit is minimal and does not affect the optical-NIR colors or largerthan but in agreem≈entwit×h our estimate within a themassestimatesinasignificantway. Wenotethat,as factor of two. showninFigure9,wedonotseeanycorrelationbetween f0.5−8 keV and the IRAC 3.6 µm magnitude/flux of the 3.3. Multiwavelength Properties 9 SMGs with logL0.5−8 keV 6 43.7, consistent with the findings of Xue et al. (2010). For the classificationof AGNs amongSMGs described Also, Simpson et al. (in prep.) noted that only 3 in the next section and also for the purpose of discus- (ALESS57.1,66.1,75.1)outof77SMGs haveχ2 >10 sion,weneed the rest-frame1.4 GHz monochromaticlu- red due to 8 µm excesses indicative of AGN activity. For minosity (L ), the rest-frame 8–1000 µm IR lumi- 1.4GHz ALESS 57.1, the 8 µm excess feature is consistent with nosity (L ) and the 40–120µm FIR luminosity (L ), IR FIR the fact that it is an obscured AGN. Because of its low the stellar masses (M ), as well as the SFR. As we used differentmethodstod⋆eriveSFRsindifferentAGNclassi- L0.5−8 keV value and non-power-law spectral shape, we do not consider that ALESS 57.1 is dominated by AGN ficationschemes, the SFR estimates are described in the in the optical-NIR, and we take the stellar mass esti- relevantparagraphsinSection4.2. Themultiwavelength mate as reliable but caution the reader with this caveat. properties are listed in Table 3. Since ALESS 66.1 is a known optical quasar with high The rest-frame 1.4 GHz monochromatic luminosity, L , is calculated following Alexander et al. (2003): L0.5−8 keV andithastheworstSEDfitamongallsources 1.4GHz inSimpson et al.(in prep.),we takeits estimatedstellar L =4πd2f 10−36(1+z)α−1, (1) massaslessreliableandlabelitdifferentlyintherelevant 1.4GHz L 1.4GHz plots involving M . ⋆ whereL isinWHz−1,the observed1.4GHzradio fluxf 1.4GHiszinµJy,andtheradiospectralindexisα= 4. CLASSIFICATIONSFORTHEX-RAYDETECTEDSMGS 1.4GHz 0.8 (following A05). The radio counterparts and radio Inthissection,weclassifythe10X-raydetectedSMGs fluxes of the X-ray detected SMGs are from the catalog to assess if their X-ray emission reveals the existence of of Biggs et al. (2011) (based on Miller et al. 2008 VLA AGNs or if they are dominated by star formation in the maps), identified using a closest-counterpart matching X-rayregime. Todoso,weexploittheirX-rayproperties method with r =1′′ (chosen to have a false match rate calculated in Section 3.2 as well as other characteristics s <1% and also verified by visual examination; 39 SMGs derived from their multiwavelength data (Section 3.3). are matched with radio sources). We employedseveralindependent classificationmethods Therest-frameIR(8–1000µm)luminosityL andFIR and cross-checked between them. These methods and IR (40–120 µm) luminosity were derived based on NIR- the derivation of the relevant multiwavelength proper- through-radioSED fitting by Swinbank et al. (in prep.). ties used for each method are described in each of the 7 subsections. Table 4 is a summary of the classification not the case for ALESS 73.1). We note here that the 6 methods we adopted, and Table 3 lists multiwavelength sources classified as AGNs under this criterion all have properties of the X-ray detected SMGs and the classifi- L0.5−8 keV valueslargerthan3 1042ergs−1. Therefore, cationresults. Someofthesemethods arecloselyrelated if we are conservative and requ×ire L0.5−8 keV >3 1042 (Method IIIa, IIIb, and IV), but we have employed all ergs−1 (ratherthanL0.5−8 keV,corr >3 1042ergs×−1)as × to enable cross-checkbetween the results. we are dealing with high-redshift star-forming galaxies, the conclusion would still be the same. 4.1. Method I & II. Γ and X-ray Luminosity eff Classification Method I. Γeff: Following 4.2. Method III. L0.5−8 keV vs. SFR Alexander et al. (2005b) (A05 hereafter) and X11, Thegeneralideaofthismethodistocomparetherest- we classify sources with Γ < 1.0 as AGNs (see eff frame 0.5–8.0 keV apparent luminosity, L0.5−8 keV, with Figure 7). This hard signature of the X-ray spectrum the predicted amount as expected from the level of star is a feature of absorbed AGNs, as spectra having formation, LX,SF. If L0.5−8 keV of an SMG is 5 or Γ < 1.0 are empirically hard to explain with just the × eff more than that expected from its star formation (i.e., star forming component in a galaxy, which typically L0.5−8 keV > 5 LX,SF), it is classified as an AGN host has Γ 1.5 or even softer (e.g., Teng et al. 2005; × eff (similar to the criterion adopted by A05 and X11). As ∼ Lehmer et al. 2008). ALESS 17.1, 57.1, 84.1, and 114.2 detailedbelow,weestimatedL withtwoapproaches, X,SF are classified as (obscured) AGNs under this criterion. and they give consistent classification results. As we adopted conservative Γeff estimates for sources ClassificationMethodIIIaistocompareL0.5−8 keV with relatively low counts, some of the sources appear againstthe rest-frame1.4 GHz monochromaticluminos- softer than indicated by Figure 6 because their Γ eff ity,L ,fromwhichwederivedastarformationrate 1.4GHz values are upper limits or are fixed to 1.4 (e.g., ALESS (SFR) and L . Figure 8a illustrates this classifica- X,SF 73.1). For the calculation of Γ and the error bars and eff tion scheme. SMGs above the solid line (L0.5−8 keV > upper limits, see Section 3.2. 5 L ) are classified as hosting AGNs. The calcu- X,SF Classification Method II. X-ray Luminosity: × lation of L is described in Section 3.3. L is 1.4GHz X,SF Following the criterion adopted in, e.g., Bauer et al. derived using a correlation between L and SFR 1.4GHz (2004), Lehmer et al. (2008), and X11, we classify a forpure starburstsorhigh-redshiftstar-forminggalaxies source with rest-frame 0.5–8.0 keV absorption-corrected (Equation 11 of Persic & Rephaeli 2007, PR7 for short, luminosity L0.5−8 keV,corr larger than 3 1042 erg s−1 and references therein), and then converting SFR into × as an AGN host. This is based on studies of local L following Lehmer et al. (2010) (L10 hereafter). X,SF galaxies which found that all local star-forming galax- The equations used are ies have lower X-ray luminosities than 3 1042 erg s−1 (e.g., Zezas et al. 2001; Ranalli et al. 200×3; L10). The SFR=L /8.93 1020; (2) 1.4GHz × caveat is that the SMGs are high-redshift star-forming log(L /1.21)=39.49+0.74log(SFR/1.8), (3) X,SF galaxies, and it is uncertain whether the criterion of L0.5−8 keV,corr >3 1042 establishedusinglocalgalaxies where SFR is in M⊙ yr−1 and L1.4GHz is in W Hz−1. × and AGNs would apply to these high-redshift sources. The factor 1.8 division of the SFR is for converting This is why we have additional classification methods the Salpeter IMF adopted in this paper to the Kroupa (see the following sections) to ensure a reliable identifi- IMF used by L10. The factor 1.21 is for converting the cation of AGNs. rest-frame2–10keVluminosityL2−10keV adoptedinL10 Figure 7 illustrates this method, with the y-axis be- intothe 0.5–8.0 keVluminosity L0.5−8 keV inthis paper, ingL0.5−8 keV,corr. Filledcirclesmarkthe L0.5−8 keV,corr and it was derived with XSPEC using a simple power-law values, while open circles are L0.5−8 keV values. Crosses modelwithΓ=1.5(e.g.,Teng et al.2005;Lehmer et al. mark the L0.5−8 keV (or L0.5−8 keV,corr) values with 2008). Though there might be large scatter in con- larger uncertainties due to fixed Γeff (or Γint) as a re- versions from L1.4GHz to SFR and SFR to L0.5−8 keV, sult of having low counts. For ALESS 45.1, 67.1 and Figure 8a clearly shows that our adopted threshold of 70.1 (with crossesin open circles), Γeff values are poorly L0.5−8 keV >5 LX,SF appears to be sufficient for iden- × constrained due to low counts in both X-ray bands, tifying outliers in the correlation between L and 1.4GHz and thus Γeff = 1.4 is assumed (following X11), which L0.5−8 keV. Method IIIa classifies all but ALESS 17.1, means their L0.5−8 keV values have larger uncertainties. 45.1 and 67.1 as AGN hosts. The results are discussed For sources with crosses in the filled circles, their Γ at the end of this subsection. int values were fixed at 1.8 since they did not qualify for It is notable that all of our X-ray detected SMGs are spectral fitting due to low counts, and therefore their also radio detected, whereas among all of the 99 SMGs L0.5−8 keV,corr values have larger uncertainties. Arrows in the ALESS main catalog, only 39 SMGs are matched on the L0.5−8 keV,corr of ALESS 45.1 and 67.1 indicate with a radio source within 1′′ using the Biggs et al. that these are upper limits, because their hardness ra- (2011) radio catalog. This is perhaps not surprising, tios and N values were given as 90% CI upper limits since X-ray luminosity correlates with radio luminos- H (see Fig. 6 and Table 2). ity for starburst galaxies like SMGs (e.g., Schmitt et al. AllsourcesotherthanALESS17.1,70.1,67.1,and45.1 2006; PR07) and also the K correction is similar in the areclassifiedasAGNs undermethodII;thefoursources X-ray and radio bands compared to submm. Further- were not classified as AGNs because their L0.5−8 keV more, since AGNs can also contribute significantly in and/or L0.5−8 keV,corr were relatively poorly constrained the radio regime (e.g., Roy & Norris 1997; Donley et al. (crossesin Figure7) andthe well-constrainedL0.5−8 keV 2005;Del Moro et al.2013),itisplausiblethattheX-ray value was not above our threshold (for ALESS 17.1, but detectedSMGsaregenerallybrighterinradiobecauseof 8 the extra radio flux contribution from AGNs. If this is µm band (rest-frame J band for a z = 2 source) to re- true, then the SFR derived based on radio fluxes are place the R band, and utilized the classifications of the over-estimated,whichmeans that L values areover- X11 4 Ms CDF-S sources to calibrate the classification X,SF estimated. Since classification method IIIa would only thresholdforlog(f0.5−8 keV/f3.6µm). Thef3.6µm datafor become more conservative due to this effect, we do not the X11 X-ray sources were compiled by X11 based on attempttocorrectfortheAGNcontributionintheradio the Spitzer SIMPLE catalog (Damen et al. 2011), and band. the f data for our X-ray detected SMGs are from 3.6µm Classification Method IIIb uses less direct but Simpson et al. (in prep.). tighter correlations to derive SFR and L (see Fig- Figure 9 illustrates this approach: all the X11 sources X,SF ure 8b. The SFRs were derived following Equation 3 in having IRAC 3.6 µm detections (643 sources; see de- Kennicutt (1998), tails in Section 4.4 of X11) are plotted here with sym- bols representing their classifications — AGNs as red SFR=1.8 10−10 LIR/L⊙, (4) dots and galaxies as green open squares. The classifi- × × cations are the same as in X11 with only one exception: where SFR is in M⊙ yr−1 and the solar luminosity the 52 sources that have z > 1 and were classified as L⊙ = 3.9×1033 erg s−1. We use the LIR derived by ‘AGN’ only under the log(f0.5−8 keV/fR)> 1 criterion Swinbank et al. (in prep.) as described in Section 3.3. − in X11 are conservatively taken as galaxies here (hence We then derived L from SFRs following L10: X,SF the‘AGN ’and‘Galaxy+’labelsinthelegend). Thisis − for the purpose of calibrating our X-ray-to–optical/NIR L =0.67 (9.05 1028 M +1.62 1039 SFR), (5) X,SF × × · ⋆ × · flux ratio threshold in a reliable and conservative way. where SFR is in M⊙ yr−1 and the galaxy stellar mass, Abalsnod,iafnadstohuurcseoinsloynhlyasdaetnecutpepdeirnltimheitsofoftrotrhheafrudll-Xb-arnady M ,isinsolarmasses(seeSection3.3). ForSMGswhich ha⋆ve very large SFRs, the contribution from the term flux f0.5−8 keV in X11, we used its soft- or hard-band 9.05 1028 M is negligible (<1%) except for a couple flux for our calibration (i.e. a lower limit of f0.5−8 keV). of so×urces. ·Th⋆e factor 0.67 is for converting L2−10 keV Wabeovtehewnhliocohkeadmfoarjotrhietyloogf(fth0.e5−X81k1eVs/ofu3r.c6µesm)artehrAesGhNolsd. into L0.5−8 keV (×1.21), and for converting M⋆ as L10 For this purpose and to avoid fine-tuning, we chose adopted the Kroupa IMF (/1.8). This correlation has a smaller scatter than the correlation adopted in Method log(f0.5−8 keV/f3.6µm)> −1 as our classification thresh- old (i.e., below the solid line in Figure 9), as 95% of IIIa (see Table 4 in L10). Method IIIb gives consistent ∼ the X11 sources that satisfy this criterion are AGNs. classification results as IIIa, i.e., all but ALESS 17.1, Under this criterion, all but ALESS 17.1, 45.1 and 45.1 and 67.1 are classified as AGN hosts. 67.1 are classified as AGN hosts, consistent with To summarize the classification results under Method Method III. We note here that the somewhat conserva- III, all but ALESS 17.1, 45.1 and 67.1 are classified as AGN hosts consistently under two different ways of cal- tive log(f0.5−8 keV/f3.6µm) thresholdwe chosegiveshigh reliability(1 95%=5%mis-classificationrate)butrel- culating SFR and LX,SF. For the case of ALESS 17.1, atively low c−ompleteness, as 26% of the X11 AGNs in however,we argue that it probably hosts an AGN based onitsX-rayspectralhardness(seeSection4.1andFig.7) Figure 9 actually have log(f0.5−8 keV/f3.6µm)<−1. and the results of classification Method IIIb. The ap- 4.4. Method V. X-ray Variability parent X-ray ‘deficit’ shown in Figure 8a is likely due to radiocontributionfromits AGN, andpotentially also X-ray variability is one of the distinct characteristics combined with the effect of gas and dust obscuration, of AGNs, and it is an especially powerful tool for iden- which is consistent with its low Γ and its high hard- tifying highly obscured or low-luminosity AGNs where eff ness ratio and N value (see Fig. 6, 7, and Table 2). thegalaxylightmaydominateeveninthe X-rayregime. H The absorption-corrected luminosity L0.5−8 keV,corr for Young et al.(2012)studied92X-raygalaxiesinthe4Ms ALESS17.1wouldputitabovethe classificationthresh- CDF-S, and found 20 X-ray variable galaxies that are oldofMethodIIIa(thesameappliesforALESS67.1for likely to host low-luminosity AGNs. Here we follow the both Method IIIa, b, but its L0.5−8 keV,corr is an upper method in Section 3 of Young et al. (2012) and examine limit). For similar reasons, this classification criterion the variability of the 8 sources in the CDF-S.17 does not rule outthe possibility ofALESS 45.1and67.1 First,wedividedthe CDF-Sobservationsinto four 1 ∼ hosting AGNs, though their X-ray spectral hardnesses Msepochs,whichcangivetheamountofvariabilityeach and luminosities are consistent with them being domi- source exhibits on month–year time scales in the ob- ∼ nated by just star-formationactivity in the X-ray band. served frame. Then through Monte Carlo simulations, wecalculatedthe probabilityP thattheir variabilityex- 4.3. Method IV. f3.6µm vs. f0.5−8 keV ceeds that expected from Poisson statistics. If P is less than 5%, we conclude that the source is variable. We also use X-ray–to–optical/NIR flux ratio as We found that ALESS 84.1 is X-ray variable (P = an AGN activity indicator. In X11, sources with 0.025), and it has a maximum-to-minimum flux ratio of log(f0.5−8 keV/fR) > 1 are classified as AGNs 3.1overtheobserved10.8yrtimeframe. Wewereunable − (e.g., Maccacaro et al. 1988; Hornschemeier et al. 2001; toconcludesimilarlyforanyoftheother7sourcesinthe Bauer et al.2004). However,aswearedealingwithhigh- CDF-S. Thisdoesnotruleoutthepossibilityofthembe- redshift (z > 1) SMGs whose observed R band corre- sponds to the rest-frame UV band, it is more appro- 17 For ALESS 66.1 and 70.1, which are only in the E-CDF-S priate to use a redder band to trace the stellar com- region, the total exposure time and time span for the E-CDF-S ponent. We therefore chose the IRAC Channel 1 3.6 observationsarenotsufficientlylongforsuchstudies. 9 ing truly variable sources, since these sources have large X-ray flux listed in Table 1). Therefore, simply dividing off-axis angles (high backgroundcounts) and/or low net the numbers of SMG-AGNs and SMGs wouldbias f AGN source counts (see Table 2), which give us relatively low toward either larger or smaller values depending on the statistical power when testing their variability. spatialdistributionofSMGsonaninhomogeneousX-ray sensitivity map. 4.5. Summary of Classification Results The AGN fraction, f , we estimated here is the AGN flux–orluminosity–dependentcumulativefraction. That Combining the results of all the methods described is, the f value for a certain X-ray flux/luminosity above,8outofthe 10X-raydetectedSMGsshowstrong AGN represents the fraction of SMGs that host AGNs with evidence of containing AGNs under at least one clas- equal or greater X-ray flux/luminosity. We first de- sification method (see Table 4). In fact, 6 of these 8 scribe how f is calculated as a function of full-band sources are classified as AGN hosts consistently under AGN at least 3 methods. The only exception is ALESS 17.1, observed-frameX-rayflux(f0.5−8 keV;fX forshort). Fol- lowingSilverman et al.(2008),thecumulativeAGNfrac- whichisidentifiedasanAGNhostonlythroughitsspec- tionforSMGshostingAGNswithX-rayfluxlargerthan tral hardness (Method II) because its X-ray luminosity or equal to f is (L0.5−8 keV andL0.5−8 keV,corr)appearstobe lowdueto X,lim heavy intrinsic obscuration (N > 1023 cm−2; see dis- H N 1 cussion in Section 4.2). f (f >f )= , (6) WedidnotfindstrongAGNsignaturesintheX-rayfor AGN X X,lim XN SMG,i i=1 ALESS45.1or67.1usinganyofthemethods,thoughitis notable that their L0.5−8 keV values exceedthe expected whereN isthenumberofSMG-AGNswithfX,i >fX,lim LX,SFbyafactorof∼3(seeSection7.3formoredetails). (fX,i being the X-ray flux of the ith SMG-AGN); and Theyaretreatedasstarburstdominatedsystemsinstead N representsthenumberofSMGswhichlieinare- SMG,i of ‘X-ray AGNs’ in our AGN fraction (fAGN) analysis gion with a sufficient X-ray sensitivity limit such that in the next section. We note here that our classifica- they would have been detected if hosting AGNs with tion does not rule out the possibility of ALESS 45.1 or f > f . Since we have 8 SMG-AGNs in the sam- X X,i 67.1 hosting AGNs. Future panchromatic SED analysis ple, naturally, we chose the f values to be each of X,lim and/or spectroscopic study may reveal hidden or weak the 8 f values in turn. The error for f is calcu- X,i AGN AGNs, or even AGNs in the X-ray undetected SMGs. latedbyaddinginquadraturetheerrorforeach1/N SMG,i For example, ALESS 45.1 actually lies within the ‘Don- term (estimated following Gehrels 1986). The results of ley wedge’ (Donley et al. 2012), which is an AGN selec- f (f )areplottedintheupper-leftpanelofFigure10. AGN X tionschemeusingthefourIRACbandsandisrobustfor The f values as a function of rest-frame AGN screening out high-redshift starburst galaxies (as com- 0.5–8.0 keV apparent luminosity, L0.5−8 keV (LX for pared to the ‘Lacy wedge’ or ‘Stern wedge’; Lacy et al. short), or rest-frame 0.5–8.0 keV absorption-corrected 2004, 2007; Stern et al. 2005). However, such analyses luminosity, L0.5−8 keV,corr (LX,corr for short), canbe cal- are beyond the scope of our paper as we focus on the culated likewise. An additional step arises when deter- X-ray properties of the SMGs. See more discussion in mining whether or notthe jth X-ray undetected SMG at Section 7.3. redshift z would have been detected if hosting an AGN j with L or L . This additional step is to trans- 5. THEAGNFRACTIONINSUBMMGALAXIES lateL X,iorL X,corri,intothe(hypothetical)observedflux X,i X,corr,i As concluded in the previous section, we classified 8 (i.e., the same metric as the X-ray sensitivity map), as- of the 10 X-ray detected SMGs as AGN hosts (SMG- suming an AGN with L or L in the jth X-ray X,i X,corr,i AGNs). That is, among the 91 ALESS SMGs in the undetected SMG. E-CDF-S region, 8 show X-ray signatures of AGNs. As For translating L into flux, we used the equation X,i mentioned in Section 1, this does not mean the pri- for calculating L0.5−8 keV in Section 3.2 with the red- maryenergysourcesof8SMGsareAGNs,thoughAGNs shift z and the Γ value of the ith SMG-AGN, Γ . j eff eff,i do dominate in the X-ray band (see discussion in Sec- For translating L into flux, we first calculated X,corr,i tion 7.2.2). In this section, we calculate the fraction of its corresponding rest-frame apparent luminosity (ab- such‘X-rayAGNs’amongthispopulationofSMGsinthe sorbed), L′ , for the hypothetical AGN with L X,i,j X,corr,i E-CDF-S. We refer to this fraction simply as the AGN hosted by the jth X-ray undetected SMG. Such a con- fraction, f , hereafter. Fora comparisonbetweenour AGN version requires an intrinsic column density (N ) as- f results and the previous ones, see Section 7.1.1. H,j AGN signed to each X-ray undetected SMG. To do so, we drew each N value randomly from the N distri- 5.1. Methodology H,j H bution described in Section 4 of Rafferty et al. (2011), We follow the method discussed in Section 3.1 of whichwasformulatedbasedontheresultsinTozzi et al. Lehmer et al. (2007) and Section 5 of Silverman et al. (2006).18 We then found L′ by calculating the ratio X,i,j (2008) to calculate fAGN, which takes into account L /L′ through a simulation in XSPEC using the the spatial inhomogeneity of the X-ray sensitivity limit X,corr,i X,i,j wabs*zwabs*zpow model with z , N , and the intrin- across the E-CDF-S. To illustrate why such a consider- j H,j ation is necessary, suppose that, by chance, all ALESS SMGs lay in the least sensitive region in the E-CDF-S bu1t8ionBrfioerfly2,0th<is NloHgNdHis/tr(cibmu−ti2o)n <incl2u3dewshaichlogc-ennotremrsaladroisutnrid- (the lightest gray in Figure 1, with X-ray sensitivity logNH/(cm−2) = 23.1 with σ 1.1. It flattens out beyond > 10−15 erg cm−2 s−1). Then only 5 SMGs would 1023cm−2 andtruncates at1024cm≃−2,anditincludes 10% ofob- havebeenX-raydetectedandclassifiedasAGNs(seethe jectswithlowcolumndensity(NH=1020cm−2). 10 sic photon index, Γ , of the ith SMG-AGN. Then we be viewed as the ‘fractions of SMGs that have X-ray int,i converted L′ into the observed flux in the same way flux/luminosity above certain values’ instead of cumula- X,i,j as for converting L into flux as described above. The tive AGN fractions. Future discoveries of SMG-AGNs X,i results of f (L ) and f (L ) are shown in the with lower X-rayluminosities (probably involvingdisen- AGN X AGN X,corr middle- and lower-left panels in Figure 10. tangling the contributions from the star formation and AGN)willbeabletopushthef functiontothelower AGN 5.2. The AGN Fractions f0.5−8 keV/L0.5−8 keV ends. The black dots in the three left-hand panels of Fig- 6. STACKINGOFTHEX-RAYUNDETECTEDSMGS ure 10 show the cumulative AGN fractions for the Thanks to the high-precision positions of the SMGs E-CDF-S ALESS SMGs. The left-most point in provided by ALESS, we are able to assess directly and each panel is essentially the fraction of SMGs hosting reliably the average X-ray properties of the X-ray unde- AGNs with flux/luminosity equal to or above the cur- tectedSMGsthroughstacking. PreviousworksonX-ray rent faintest SMG-AGN in X-ray ever detected in the stacking of SMGs were typically based on the positions E-CDF-S. These f values are marked in the plots AGN of the IR/radio counterparts of SMGs (e.g., Laird et al. and listed in Table 5. 2010; Georgantopouloset al. 2011; Lindner et al. 2012), The f analysis above is for all ALESS SMGs in AGN which, as mentioned in Section 1 and 2, suffer from the the E-CDF-S. This sample of SMGs, however, may not largeruncertaintiesincounterpartmatchingdue topoor constitute a flux-limited sample of SMGs. The reason angular resolution of single-dish submm surveys. is that ALESS differs from a regular flux-limited sur- ToavoidpoorX-rayPSFregionsandhighbackground, vey since it targeted the bright submm sources discov- weonlystackedsourceswithin7′ oftheaimpointsofthe ered by LESS. As mentioned earlier, the LESS survey 4 Ms CDF-S or 250 ks E-CDF-S. SMGs within 2 the is in fact a contiguous and flux-limited survey over the × 90%encircled-energyapertureradiiofanyX-raysources whole field of E-CDF-S. Thus, the LESS sources con- are also not included in our stacking analysis. There are stitute a flux-limited sample for S > 3.5–4.5 mJy 870µm 50 sources that have small enough off-axis angles and (LESS de-boosted flux limit; Weiß et al. 2009). Conse- are far enough from any X-ray sources, and only one quently, the ALESS SMGs with submm flux above the of them lies within the 4 Ms CDF-S region; it has an LESS flux limit are actually a flux-limited sample. We effective exposure time 15 times larger than the other hence removed the SMGs (including SMG-AGNs) with ∼ 49sourcesintheE-CDF-S. Topreventthissinglesource S <3.5mJyinoursampleandcalculatedtheAGN 870µm from biasing our stacking results, we did not include it fractionfor the flux-limited (>3.5mJy) SMG sample in inthestacking. Therefore,thereare49SMGs intotalin the E-CDF-S. The results are shown in the right-hand our stacking sample, all in the E-CDF-S region. panelsofFigure10,andthef valuesfortheleft-most AGN We follow the stacking procedures detailed in Section points are listed in Table 5. 3.1 of Luo et al. (2011). Briefly, we extracted the X-ray As expected, since brighter AGNs in general are rarer counts within an aperture of 1.5′′ in radius centered (e.g., Xue et al. 2010; Aird et al. 2012), f decreases AGN aroundthesubmmpositionofeachofthe49SMGs. The as X-ray flux or luminosity increases for both cases with background counts for each SMG were estimated by ex- orwithoutthesubmm fluxcut. Also,comparingtheleft tractingcountswithin1000randomlyplaced1.5′′-radius panels with the rightpanels of Figure 10, the AGN frac- apertureswithin1′ ofeachSMG,avoidingX-raysources tions for the S > 3.5 mJy SMG sample are larger 870µm and the central SMG, and then taking the average. The than those for all ALESS SMGs overall. This is not sur- total stacked counts (S) for these 49 SMGs are 33.5 in prising given that 5 out of 8 (63%) of the SMG-AGNs the soft band and 54.0 in the hard band. The stacked have flux larger than 3.5 mJy, while a smaller fraction background counts (B) are 13.6 (soft) and 40.2 (hard). of SMGs without AGN have S > 3.5 mJy (46 out 870µm Thus,the netcountsare20.0(soft)and13.8(hard),and of 91, 51%). However,the f values are actually con- AGN sistent between the two SMG samples within the error the signal to noise ratios S/N19 ((S B)/√B) are 5.4σ − bars. (soft) and 2.1σ (hard), which correspond to a probabil- A general trend of larger f for SMG groups with ity of p = 3.7 10−6 for being generated by Poisson AGN × larger submm flux S was also observed when we noiseforthe softband,andp=0.021forthe hardband. 870µm computed f as a function of S . It rises from ThesmoothedstackedimagesareshowninFigure11. A AGN 870µm about 15+15% for S > 1.3 mJy (faintest ALESS summaryofourstackingresultscanbefoundinTable6. −5 870µm We performed a robustness test by generating 1000 SMG) to about 34+37% for S > 6 mJy. However, −17 870µm fake submm catalogs at random RA and Dec with 49 theerrorbarsonf arelargeduetothelimitedsample AGN sourceseach(avoidingX-raysources),andstackingthem size,especiallyathighsubmmflux,andthef values AGN thesamewayasdescribedabove. Noneofthe1000cases are actually consistent with each other within 1σ error has a S/N of σ > 5.4 (< 0.1%) in the soft band, and 21 bars, including the two f values at the lowest and AGN cases(2.1%)haveS/Nofσ >2.1inthehardband,which highest S ends. 870µm are both consistent with our findings. The dashed lines in each panel of Figure 10 are We then explore the possibility of identifying a sub- f values if all 10 X-ray detected SMGs, including AGN ALESS 45.1 and 67.1, are taken as AGN hosts. Note 19 Wenoteherethatthebackgroundcountsarescaledtomatch that this would only affect the fAGN results at the the 1.5′′ source extraction aperture. Total background counts are low flux/luminosity end as ALESS 45.1 and 67.1 are 1000 larger since they are estimated using 1000 1.5′′ apertures. very faint in X-ray. As we do not have strong evi- Thus×the S/N can becalculated usingGaussianstatistics as(S − dence that ALESS 45.1 or 67.1 host AGN, this line can B)/(√B 1000/√1000)=(S B)/√B. × −

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