IDEI‐812 November 2013 “An allegory of the political influence of the top 1%” Philippe DE DONDER and John E ROEMER 7 DISCUSSION PAPER SERIES No. 9745 AN ALLEGORY OF THE POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF THE TOP 1% Philippe De Donder and John E Roemer PUBLIC POLICY ABCD Available online at: ISSN 0265-8003 AN ALLEGORY OF THE POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF THE TOP 1% Philippe De Donder, Toulouse School of Economics (GREMAQ, CNRS and IDEI) and CEPR John E Roemer, Yale University Discussion Paper No. 9745 November 2013 Centre for Economic Policy Research 77 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PZ, UK Tel: (44 20) 7183 8801, Fax: (44 20) 7183 8820 Email: [email protected], Website: This Discussion Paper is issued under the auspices of the Centre’s research programme in PUBLIC POLICY. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Research disseminated by CEPR may include views on policy, but the Centre itself takes no institutional policy positions. The Centre for Economic Policy Research was established in 1983 as an educational charity, to promote independent analysis and public discussion of open economies and the relations among them. It is pluralist and non- partisan, bringing economic research to bear on the analysis of medium- and long-run policy questions. These Discussion Papers often represent preliminary or incomplete work, circulated to encourage discussion and comment. Citation and use of such a paper should take account of its provisional character. Copyright: Philippe De Donder and John E Roemer CEPR Discussion Paper No. 9745 November 2013 ABSTRACT An allegory of the political influence of the top 1%* We study how rich shareholders can use their economic power to deregulate firms that they own, thus skewing the income distribution towards themselves. Agents differ in productivity and choose how much labor to supply. High productivity agents also own shares in the productive sector and thus earn capital income. All vote over a linear tax rate on (labor and capital) income whose proceeds are redistributed lump sum. Capital owners also lobby in order to ease the price cap imposed on the private firm. We solve analytically for the Kantian equilibrium of this lobbying game together with the majority voting equilibrium over the tax rate, and we perform simulations. We obtain numerically that, as the capital income distribution becomes more concentrated among the top productivity individuals, their increased lobbying effort generates efficiency as well as equity costs, with lower labor supply and lower average utility levels in society. JEL Classification: D72 and H31 Keywords: kantian equilibrium, lobbying, political economy and regulatory capture Philippe De Donder John E Roemer Toulouse School of Economics Yale University Allée de Brienne, 21 PO Box 208301 31015 Toulouse, Cedex 6 New Haven, CT 06520 FRANCE USA Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] For further Discussion Papers by this author see: For further Discussion Papers by this author see: Submitted 08 November 2013 1 Introduction In the period beginning in 1976 and ending in 2011, the share in national income of the richest 1% of households in the United States increased from 9% to 20%. This large increase was principally concentrated at the very top: for instance, the increase in share of the tranche comprising the 95th to 99th percentile increased only 3% in this period. (See Alvaredo, Atkinson, Piketty, and Saez (2013).) In this letter, we present an allegory of how the very rich may in(cid:135)uence government policy in order to increase their income share. We focus upon deregulation, which has been a characteristic of the US political economy during this period. Ownership of the (cid:133)rm is concentrated among the most highly skilled people in society, with shareholders contributing to a lobbying e⁄ort, which will, if successful, allow the (monopolistic) (cid:133)rm to raise its price above the competitive level. We are interested in examining how the income distribution in the economy changes as (cid:133)rm ownership becomes more concentrated. A distant cousin of this paper is Magill, Quinzii, and Rochet (2013), who show that, in an environment with uncertainty, shareholder value maximiza- tion by the managers of a (cid:133)rm can be ine¢ cient, and Pareto improvements are possible if the manager maximizes the total value created by the (cid:133)rm, including producer and consumer surpluses. The mechanisms in the two pa- pers are entirely di⁄erent, although both may have contributed to the large share of the top 1% described above. 2 The model The economy consists of a continuum of individuals who di⁄er in their labor productivity s. The distribution of labor productivity is represented by the c.d.f. F(s) over [0; [ and the corresponding p.d.f. f(s). All agents exhibit 1 the same quasi-linear quadratic utility function ‘2 u(x;‘) = x (cid:12) ; (cid:0) 2 where x measures consumption, ‘ labor supply (expressed as a fraction of total time available) and where (cid:12) > 0 is a scaling parameter a⁄ecting the disutility from supplying labor. 1 The productive side of the economy is summarized by a single (cid:133)rm. The only input used by the (cid:133)rm is labor. We denote by L the aggregate labor supply in e¢ ciency units, L = s‘(s)dF(s); Z and assume that the production function is linear, so that the amount of output produced by the (cid:133)rm, y, is such that y = L. We normalize the wage pere¢ cientunitoflabortooneandwedenotethemarketpriceoftheoutput by p, so that the pro(cid:133)t of the (cid:133)rm (in numeraire) is (cid:25) = pL L = L(p 1): (cid:0) (cid:0) The ownership of the (cid:133)rmis described by the p.d.f. (cid:18)(s). We assume that this ownership is concentrated among the more productive agents: agents up to an exogenous productivity level s(cid:22) do not own any share in the (cid:133)rm ((cid:18)(s) = 0 for s < s(cid:22)), while agents above this threshold are such that (cid:18)(s) > 0 and that (cid:18) (s) > 0, so that 0 1 (cid:18)(s)dF(s) = 1: Z s(cid:22) The pro(cid:133)t from the (cid:133)rm is distributed to shareholders in proportion to their share holding. In other words, agents with s < s(cid:22) do no have any capital income, while agents with s s(cid:22) have both labor and capital income, with (cid:21) higher productivity agents endowed with a larger share of the (cid:133)rm(cid:146)s pro(cid:133)t, and hence a larger capital income. We assume that s(cid:22)> s where s is the m m median productivity, so that a minority of (highly productive) agents earn capital income. The government taxes both labor and capital income at the same pro- portional rate t, and redistributes the tax proceeds as a lump sum amount (demogrant) to all individuals. The utility of an agent with productivity s who is faced with a tax rate of t and a price p is (1 t)s‘ (1 t)(cid:18)(s)(cid:25) ‘2 (cid:0) + (cid:0) +B (cid:12) : (1) p p (cid:0) 2 The (cid:133)rst termin (1) (resp., the second) is the real value of the after-tax labor (resp., capital)incomeoftheindividual. WedenotebyB therealvalueofthe 2 demogrant, while the last term in (1) re(cid:135)ects the disutility from supplying labor. Since preferences are quasi-linear, the labor-supply behavior of agents is not a⁄ected either by the lump sum transfer nor by the capital income he receives (since, with a continuum of agents, his individual labor supply decision does not a⁄ect L and thus (cid:25)). Agents maximize (1) with respect to ‘, so that Qs ‘(s) = ; (2) p where Q = (1 t)=(cid:12): We then have that aggregate labor supply in e¢ ciency (cid:0) units is Q L = s~; p with 1 s~= s2dF(s): Z 0 The real pro(cid:133)t of the (cid:133)rm is then (cid:25) p 1 = (cid:0) Qs~: (3) p p It is is easy to see that the real pro(cid:133)t is nil when p = 1 (competitive equilib- rium), increases with p and reaches a maximum when p equals 2, whatever the value of t. That is, although taxation decreases real pro(cid:133)ts (since it discourages labor supply, with Q decreasing in t), it a⁄ects neither the com- petitive nor the pro(cid:133)t-maximizing price level of p. The amount of tax proceeds (in numeraire) raised by the government is t(L+(cid:25)) = tLp; so that the real value of the demogrant is tQs~ B = : (4) p We now turn to the determination of the price p and of the tax rate t. 3 3 The determination of p and t Inoursetting,boththepriceoftheoutputpandthetaxratetaredetermined simultaneously before the agents take their labor supply decisions. We (cid:133)rst study the determination of the output price, before moving to the tax rate and to the interactions between the two. 3.1 Kantian lobbying over the output price The output price is set according to a price cap formula. Shareholders lobby theregulatorinordertoincreasethepricecaplevelandthusthe(cid:133)rm(cid:146)spro(cid:133)t. Firm shareholders of ability s voluntarily contribute the amount (cid:27)(s) to (cid:133)nance the lobbying e⁄ort so that the average contribution (cid:27)(cid:22) in the economy is 1 (cid:27)(cid:22) = (cid:27)(s)dF(s); Z s(cid:22) while the price cap level is given by the CES formula (cid:27)(cid:22)a p((cid:27)(cid:22)) = 1+k ; (5) a with k > 0 and a > 0 two parameters re(cid:135)ecting the functioning of the lobbying process (which we leave undescribed). In the absence of lobbying ((cid:27)(cid:22) = 0), the output price is set at thecompetitivelevel (p = 1) sothat (cid:25) = 0, while the output price increases with per capita contribution (cid:27)(cid:22).1 The indirect utility of a shareholder who contributes (cid:27)(s) to the lobby- ing process is obtained by substituting (2), (3), (4) and (5) in (1), while subtracting (cid:27)(s) from disposable income: (1 t)2s2 tQs~ (1 t)2p((cid:27)(cid:22)) 1 U(t;(cid:27)(s);(cid:27)(cid:22);s) = (cid:0) (cid:27)(s)+ +(cid:18)(s) (cid:0) (cid:0) Qs~: (6) (cid:12)p((cid:27)(cid:22))2 (cid:0) p((cid:27)(cid:22)) (cid:12) p((cid:27)(cid:22)) Under classical (Nash) behavior, there would be a free-rider problem among shareholders, who must make voluntary contributions to fund the lobbying to deregulate the price of the good. Some cooperative concept is necessary to solve the shareholders(cid:146)collective action problem. 1It is straightforward that agents with only labor income prefer the competitive price to any larger price and thus have no incentive to contribute to the lobbying e⁄ort. 4 De(cid:133)nition 1 A Kantian equilibrium is a contribution schedule (cid:27)(s) > 0 for all agents s s(cid:22), such that no contributor would prefer that all contributors (cid:21) modify their contributions by any (constant) factor.2 This concept was used in Roemer (2006), in a framework where members of a political party must contribute to the advertising budget of their party. The principal property which motivates its use is that, in many contexts, including the present one, a Kantian equilibrium is Pareto e¢ cient for the class of contributors: there exists no schedule of contributions that every contributor would prefer (see Roemer (2010) which veri(cid:133)es this claim, and for a general discussion of Kantian equilibrium). I our setting, a Kantian equilibrium is then such that @U(t;r(cid:27)(s);r(cid:27)(cid:22);s) = 0; s s(cid:22): (7) r=1 @r j 8 (cid:21) Solving (7), we obtain 2p((cid:27)(cid:22)) p((cid:27)(cid:22))2 (cid:27)(s) = k(cid:27)(cid:22)a (cid:18)(s)(1 t)Qs~ (cid:0) (cid:12)p((cid:27)(cid:22)) 3Q2s2 p((cid:27)(cid:22)) 2tQs~ : (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) p((cid:27)(cid:22))4 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:20) (cid:21) The condition that (cid:27)(s) > 0; s s(cid:22); then translates into the following 8 (cid:21) constraint on the distribution of ownership shares: (cid:12)Qs2 +p((cid:27)(cid:22))s~ (cid:18)(s) > ; s s(cid:22): (8) (2 p((cid:27)(cid:22)))(1 t)s~ 8 (cid:21) (cid:0) (cid:0) Integrating (cid:27)(s) over s [s(cid:22); [, we obtain that 2 1 kQs~ 2 p((cid:27)(cid:22)) (cid:12) s~ s^ (cid:27)(cid:22)1 a = (cid:0) (1 t) t(1 F(s(cid:22))) Q (cid:0) ; (9) (cid:0) p((cid:27)(cid:22))2 p((cid:27)(cid:22)) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:0) p((cid:27)(cid:22)) s~ (cid:20) (cid:21) where s(cid:22) s^= s2dF(s): Z 0 Observe that, at (cid:27)(cid:22) = 0 (so that p = 1), the right hand side of (9) tends toward 1 t > 0 when s(cid:22) tends toward , while the RHS is negative when (cid:0) 1 2There is always a trivial equilibrium where nobody contributes so that no one wants to vary the zero contribution by any percentage. 5 (cid:27)(cid:22) is large enough that p = 2 (since no one would push p above its pro(cid:133)t- maximizing level of 2). Hence, for su¢ ciently large values of s(cid:22) there exists a solution (cid:27)(cid:22) to eqn. (9), and an associated contribution schedule for all shareholders, if the inequalities in (8) hold. We now study the determination of the tax rate t. 3.2 Majority voting over the tax rate We assume that all agents vote simultaneously over t, with (cid:27)(s);(cid:27)(cid:22) and thus p = p((cid:27)(cid:22)) taken as exogenous. We prove the existence of a Condorcet winner (a value of t preferred by a majority of voters to all other feasible values) and characterize it in the next proposition.3 Proposition 2 The Condorcet winning value of t , denoted by tV, is the one most preferred by the agent with the median productivity s , so that m ps~ s2 tV = (cid:0) m : (10) 2ps~ s2 (cid:0) m We now turn to the simultaneous determination of t and p. 3.3 Nash equilibrium over t and p De(cid:133)nition 3 A pair composed of a tax rate t and a contribution schedule (cid:3) (cid:27)(s) is a political economy equilibrium if (1) t is a majority-voting equilib- (cid:3) rium over t when p is determined by the contribution schedule (cid:27)(s) according to(5)and(2)thecontributionschedule(cid:27)(s) issuchthatnoshareholderwould prefer that all shareholders multiply their contributions by any non-negative factor. We now turn to the numerical simulations. 4 Numerical simulations We have run simulations based on the assumptions of a lognormal distri- bution of productivities (with s = 50 and an average productivity of 60, m 3The proof is available from the authors. 6