An algorithm to describe the solution set of any A x = B x tropical linear system ⊙ ⊙ E. Lorenzo∗ M.J.delaPuente† 1 Dpto. deMatema´ticaAplicada2 Dpto. deAlgebra 1 Facultad deMatema´ticasy Estad´ıstica FacultaddeMatema´ticas 0 2 UniversidadPolite´cnicadeCatalun˜a UniversidadComplutense n [email protected] [email protected] a J January 24,2011 1 2 ] A Abstract R . AMSclass.: 15–04;15A06;15A39. h Keywordsandphrases:tropicallinearsystem,algorithm. t a Analgorithmtogiveanexplicitdescriptionofallthesolutionstoanytrop- m icallinearsystemA⊙x=B⊙xispresented.Thegivensystemisconverted [ intoafinite(rathersmall)numberpofpairs(S,T)ofclassicallinearsystems: 3 a system S of equations and a system T of inequalities. The notion, intro- v ducedhere,thatmakespsmall,iscalledcompatibility.Theparticularfeature 3 ofbothS andT isthateachitem(equationorinequality)isbivariate,i.e.,it 9 involvesexactlytwo variables;onevariablewith coefficient1, andthe other 1 onewith−1. S issolvedbyGaussianelimination. Weexplainhowtosolve 5 . T byamethodsimilartoGaussianelimination.Toachievethis,weintroduce 7 the notion of sub–special matrix. The procedure applied to T is, therefore, 0 calledsub–specialization. 0 1 : v 1 Introduction i X r Consider the set R∪{−∞}, denoted T for short, endowed with tropical addition a ⊕andtropical multiplication ⊙,wheretheseoperations aredefinedasfollows: a⊕b = max{a,b}, a⊙b = a+b, for a,b ∈ T. Here, −∞ is the neutral element for tropical addition and 0 is the neutral element for tropical multiplication. Notice that a ⊕ a = a, for all a, i.e., ∗PartiallysupportedbyaLaCaixagrantandaFPUgrant. †PartiallysupportedbyUCMresearchgroup910444. Correspondingauthor. 1 tropical addition is idempotent. Notice also that a has no inverse with respect to ⊕. We will write ⊕ or max, (resp. ⊙ or +) at our convenience. In this paper we will use the adjective classical as opposed to tropical. Most definitions in tropical mathematicsjustmimictheclassicalones. Veryoften,workingwith(T,⊕,⊙)leads toworkingwithmin,whichwillbedenoted ⊕′. Given matrices A,B ∈ M (T), we want to describe all x ∈ Tn such that m×n A⊙x = B ⊙x. Thismeans max{a +x : 1 ≤ j ≤n} = max{b +x : 1 ≤ j ≤ n}, i= 1,2,...,m. ij j ij j Ofcourse, x = −∞, all j = 1,2,...,n is a solution (the trivial solution). Using j the notions of winning pairs, compatibility and win sequence (introduced in this paper; see. definitions 2, 7 and 11), the given problem is reduced to solving a finite, rather small, number of pairs (S,T) of classical linear systems: a system S ofequationsandasystemT ofinequalities,eachitem(equationorinequality)being bivariate, i.e., itinvolves exactly twovariables, one withcoefficient 1, and another with coefficient −1. Of course, S can be easily solved by Gaussian elimination. On the other hand, the fact that T consists of bivariate inequalities allows us to suggest a Gaussian–like procedure to solve system T. More precisely, by certain row operations (see p. 14), we do not triangulate a coefficient matrix for T, but nearlyso. Whatwedoistotransformsuchamatrixintotwomatrices,oneofwhich is a sub–special matrix (see definition 15). From these two matrices the solution settotheT isdirectly read. Wecallthisprocedure sub–specialization, (seeremark 18). Notice that we need not use the simplex algorithm or other well–known ones tosolveT. Compatibility of winning pairs (see definition 7) turns out a very handy nec- essary condition to work with. Indeed, two given winning pairs yield some bi- variate linear inequalities. Imagine that two of these are x − x + a ≤ 0 and 1 2 −x +x −b ≤ 0, forsomea,b ∈ T. Nowthecompatibility ofthe winning pairs 1 2 guaranteesthattheseinequalitiesholdsimultaneously,i.e.,theycanbeconcatenated into x +a ≤ x ≤ x +b, so that a ≤ b. Therefore, by requiring compatibility 1 2 1 of winning pairs, all we are doing is ruling out, at the very beginning, wasting out time with systems of inequalities which, for sure, the only solution is trivial. The problemA⊙x = B⊙xhasbeenaddressed before. Indeed,in[4],itisprovedthat thesolution setcanbefinitelygenerated. In[5],astrongly polynomial algorithm is foundwhicheitherfindsasolutionortellsusthatnosolutionexists. In[1]sec. 3.5, allthesolutions arecomputed byatechnique calledsymmetrization andresolution ofbalances. In[4],generatorsforthesolutionsetarecomputed. Theideaoffinding (aminimal family of)generators ispursued in[12,14,15]forthe equivalent prob- lemA⊙x ≤ B⊙x. Aniterativemethodinpresented in[7]foranotherequivalent problem, namely A⊙ x = B ⊙ y, where x and y are unknown. Also, there is a techniquein[16]tosolvetheproblemA⊙x⊕a= B⊙x⊕b,relyingonarecursive 2 formulation of the closure operator (also called Kleene star operator) on matrices. In [9] ch. 4, the closely related problem A⊙ x ⊕ b = x (similar to the classical Jacobiiterativemethod)issolvedusingKleenestars. WepresentthesolutionsettoA⊙x = B⊙xasafiniteunionofsets,whichare (attending to their presentation) obviously convex. This, ofcourse, agrees withthe cellular decomposition in[8]. Convexity issues arealsostudied in[13]. Therecent paper [14]addresses theproblem A⊙x ≤ B ⊙x. Thedrawback ofthealgorithm presented in [14] is, in our opinion, that this algorithm calls for the calculation of certainKleenestars,andthisisnotaneasytask. Wedo not describe the solution set by generators. Wedo not use Kleene stars. Instead, our method provides adescription ofeach convex piece ofthesolution set by parameters and bivariate linear inequality relations among them, in a reduced form. Letm,n,s ∈ Nbegiven. Thefollowingarekindredproblemsintropicallinear algebra: • P1: A⊙x = 0, • P2: A⊙x = b, • P3: A⊙x ≤ b, • P4: A⊙x = B⊙x, • P5: A⊙x ≤ B⊙x, • P6: C ⊙x = D⊙y, • P7: A⊙x⊕a = B⊙x⊕b. HerethedataarematricesA,B ∈ M (T),C ∈ M (T),D ∈ M (T)and m×n s×n s×m vectorsa,boverT,andthejthproblemiscomputingallvectorsx ∈ Tn,y ∈ Tm, such that Pj holds. By deciding the jth problem we mean either finding one solutionordeclaringthattheproblemhasno(non–trivial)solution. Somereferences since1984are[1,4,6,7,12,15,16]. Earlierbooksandpaperscanbefoundthere. Ofcourse, x = −∞, y = −∞are solutions to P3,P4,P5 and P6. These are thetrivialsolutions. Only if the vector b is real, problem P2 reduces to P1. More generally, one must realize that, contrary to classical linear algebra, problems P7 and P4 do not reduce to problem P2 or P1, because there are no inverses for tropical addition, so there is no tropical analogue for the matrix −B. Nevertheless, there are well– knownconnections amongtheseproblems,i.e.,beingabletosolvesomeofthemis equivalent tobeingabletosolvesomeother. Weneedsomenotations: 3 • Forc,d ∈ T,c⊕′dmeansmin{c,d}andc⊙′dmeansc+d. • Forc,d ∈ Tn,c⊙′dT meansmin{c +d ,c +d ,...,c +d }. 1 1 2 2 n n • IfA = (a )∈ M (R)thenA∗ = (−a )istheconjugate matrix. ij m×n ji Therelationship amongtheseproblemsisasfollows: • DecidingP3ispossible, ifAisreal. Indeed, x# = A∗ ⊙′ b is a solution (called principal solution) and x ≤ x# if and only if x is a solution; see [6], p. 31; in [1] this process is called residuation. • DecidingP3helpswithdeciding P2,ifAisreal. Indeed, P2 might be incompatible but, if it has a solution, then x# is the greatest one;see[6],p.31. • DecidingP6impliesdeciding P2. GivenAandb, wedecide A⊙x = I ⊙y. Foreach pair ofsolutions x,y, if any,wesety = b,ifpossible. • DecidingP4isequivalent todecidingP6. Supposexisasolution toP4andwriteA⊙x = y. Concatenating matrices, write C = A ∈ M (T), D = I ∈ M (T), where I is the B 2m×n I 2m×n tropical idenhtityimatrix, sothatC ⊙x =hDi⊙y. Therefore, ifwecandecide P6,thenwecandecideP4. Suppose now x,y are solutions to P6 and write z = x , A = [C,−∞], y B = [−∞,D]sothatA⊙z = B ⊙z. Therefore, ifwehcaindecide P4,then wecandecideP6. • P4andP5areequivalent. A⊙x = B⊙xisequivalent toA⊙x ≤ B⊙xandA⊙x ≥ B⊙x. Onthe otherhand,A⊙x ≤ B ⊙xisequivalent to(A⊕B)⊙x = B ⊙x. • DecidingP4impliesdeciding P7. WeintroduceanewscalarvariablezandwriteA⊙x⊕a⊙z = B⊙x⊕b⊙z. Concatenating matrices, write t = x , C = [A,a], D = [B,b] so that z C ⊙t = D⊙t. AftersolvingP4,sett = z = 0. n+1 (cid:2) (cid:3) 4 2 The problem GivenmatricesA,B ∈ M (T),wewanttodescribeallnon–trivialx ∈ Tnsuch m×n that A⊙x = B ⊙x. (1) Notations: • A = (a ),B = (b ),with ij ij a ifa ≥ b , b ifa ≤ b , ij ij ij ij ij ij a = b = ij ij (−∞ otherwise, (−∞ otherwise. • M =A⊕B = A⊕B = (m )isthemaximummatrix. ij Let A⊙x = B⊙x = M ⊙x. (2) Notice that (1) is equivalent to (2) and (2) is simpler than (1) because it involves fewerrealcoefficients. Thus, wewillassume thatA = AandB = B,(assumption 1)inthefollowing. Morenotations: • [n]= {1,...,n},forn∈ N. • Foranyc ∈ T,x = c ∈ Tn meansx = c,forallj ∈[n]. j • For convenience, we extend T to T, by adding +∞. Eventually we will remove+∞. • Ifk ∈ [m]andj,l ∈ [n],then m −m , ifm 6= −∞, kj kl kl dif(M;j,l) = +∞ ifm 6= −∞andm = −∞, k kj kl undetermined, otherwise. Theundetermined casewillneverappearinthefollowing. • Ω = {j ∈ [n] :x = −∞}. j We will deal with bivariate equalities and inequalities, linear on the x ’s with j coefficients in T. Tautological linear equalities or inequalities will be always re- moved (assumption 2). A non–tautological linear equality not involving ±∞ will be reduced to an equivalent equation of the form a = 0, for some a, by the usual algebraic rules. Of course, −a = 0 is also possible. A non–tautological linear in- equality not involving ±∞ will be reduced to an equivalent inequality of the form 5 a ≤ 0, for some a. These will be called normal forms. Notice that normal forms haverealcoefficients. What will we do with certain normal forms φ, if we know that j ∈ Ω, i.e., x = −∞? Wewillremoveandenlargeasfollows: j • Ifφisx −x +a ≤ 0,forsomek 6= j anda ∈R,thenremoveφ. j k • If φ is x −x +a ≤ 0, for some k 6= j and a ∈ R, then remove φ and set k j x = −∞,i.e.,enlargeΩwithk. k Remark1. 1. x = −∞satisfies (1). Thisisthetrivialsolution. 2. If row(A,i) > row(B,i) or row(A,i) < row(B,i) for some i ∈ [m], then x = −∞istheonlysolution to(1). 3. If row(A,i) = row(B,i) for some i ∈ [m], then these two rows can be removed,sothatmcanbedecreased tom−1. 4. If col(A,j) = col(B,j) = −∞ for some j ∈ [n], then no restriction is imposed on x . Then these two columns and x can be removed, so that n j j decreases ton−1. Wewillassumethatrow(A,i) 6= row(B,i)(assumption3),row(A,i) ≮ row(B,i) (assumption 4) and row(A,i) ≯ row(B,i) (assumption 5), for all i ∈ [m], and col(A,j) = col(B,j) = −∞(assumption 6),fornoj ∈[n],inthefollowing. Thesetsinthenextdefinition aredenoted I,J,K,L in[4]. Definition2. Foreachi∈ [m],let 1. WA(i) = {j : a > b },WB(i)= {j :a < b }. ij ij ij ij 2. E(i) = {j : a = b 6= −∞},F(i) = {j : a = b =−∞}. ij ij ij ij 3. win(i) = (WA(i)×WB(i))∪(E(i)×E(i)) ⊂ [n]×[n]. Eachelementof win(i)iscalledawinningpair. Foreachi ∈ [m],WA(i)∪WB(i)∪E(i)∪F(i) = [n]isadisjoint union. By assumption3,E(i)∪F(i) 6= [n]. Byassumptions4and5,WA(i) 6=[n] 6= WB(i). Moreover,∩m F(h) = ∅,byassumption 6. h=1 Example3. Given 3 7 −1 −∞ −∞ −∞ −∞ 8 A= 6 7 −∞ −∞ , B = −∞ −∞ 5 1 , 1 0 1 −∞ 1 0 1 2 6 weget 3 7 −1 8 M = 6 7 5 1 . 1 0 1 2 Then WA(1) = {1,2,3}, WB(1) = {4}, WA(2) = {1,2}, WB(2) = {3,4}, WB(3) = {4} and E(3) = {1,2,3}. Therefore, win(1) = {(1,4),(2,4),(3,4)}, win(2) = {(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)}, win(3) = {(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)}. Remark4. Supposethatwin(i) = ∅. Thisisequivalenttoeitherrow(A,i) = −∞ or row(B,i) = −∞, but not both, by assumption 3. Say row(A,i) = −∞ and b 6= −∞forsomej ∈ [n]. IfA⊙x = B⊙x = y,theny = −∞andx = −∞. ij i j Withthisinformation inmind,wecanremovethei–throws,sothatmdecreases to m−1. Therefore,wewillassumethatrow(A,i) 6= −∞androw(B,i) 6= −∞,for alli∈ [m](assumption 7). Thenwin(i) 6= ∅,foralli∈ [m]. Non–trivial solutions to (1) arise from winning pairs. Let us see how. Recall thatM = A⊕B = (m ) ∈ M (T). M mightnotbereal(seeexample9). ij m×n Definition 5. Consider i ∈ [m] and I ∈ win(i). Let x ∈ Tn, y ∈ Tm be any vectorssatisfying A⊙x = B ⊙x = y (inparticular, row(A,i)⊙x = row(B,i)⊙x = row(M,i)⊙x = y ). i Wesaythat thesolution xto(1)arisesfromI if m +x ≤ y , (3) ij j i forallj ∈ [n]\F(i),withequalityforallj ∈ |I|. Noticethatj ∈ F(i)ifandonlyifm = −∞and,insuchacase,theinequality ij (3)istautological. Otherwise,m isreal. ij Suppose that x arises from I and write |I| = {i ,i }. Then, equality for all 1 2 j ∈ |I|means m +x = y = m +x , ii1 i1 i ii2 i2 whenceweobtainonebivariate linearequation x = dif(M;i ,i ) +x . (4) i2 1 2 i i1 Notice that dif(M;i ,i ) is real. In addition, (3) amounts to, at most, 2n − 2 1 2 i bivariatelinearinequalitiesinthex ’s. Noticethat(4)istautological,wheni = i . j 1 2 Example 3. (Continued) Take i = 1, I = (1,4) ∈ win(1) and suppose that a solution xto(1)arisesfromI. Thismeans 3+x = 8+x 1 4 7 (onebivariate equation) and 7+x ≤ y , −1+x ≤ y , 2 1 3 1 where 3+x = y . Replacing y by its value, we obtain two additional bivariate 1 1 1 inequalities. Altogether, (3)becomes, innormalform, x −x −5 = 0, (5) 1 4 −x +x +4 ≤ 0, (6) 1 2 −x +x −4 ≤ 0. (7) 1 3 Remark 6. Suppose i,k ∈ [m], i < k, I ∈ win(i),K ∈ win(k). Assume that the solution xarisesfromI andfromK. Thenforalli∈ |I|andk ∈ |K|,wehave m +x = y , (8) ii i i m +x ≤ y , (9) ik k i m +x = y , (10) kk k k m +x ≤ y . (11) ki i k Addingup, m +m +x +x ≤ m +m +x +x = y +y , ik ki i k ii kk i k i k whence m +m ≤ m +m . (12) ik ki ii kk Inotherwords,thevalueofthe2×2tropicalminorofM,denoted M(i,k;i,k), m m ii ik = max{m +m , m +m }, (13) ii kk ik ki m m (cid:12) ki kk (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) isattained atth(cid:12)emaindiagon(cid:12)al. OnemorewaytowritethisoverTis dif(M;i,k) ≤ dif(M;i,k) . (14) k i Thisremarkleadstothefollowingkeydefinition. Definition 7. Consider i,k ∈ [m], i < k, I ∈ win(i),K ∈ win(k). We say that K is compatible with I if the value of (13) is attained at the main diagonal, for all i ∈ |I| and all k ∈ |K|. Equivalently, if (14) holds in T, for all i ∈ |I| and all k ∈ |K|. 8 Example3. (Continued)Inourrunningexample,takei= 1,k = 2,I = (1,4)and K = (1,3). ThenK iscompatible withI,sinceeachtropical minor 3 3 3 −1 8 3 8 −1 = 9, = 8, = 14, = 13 6 6 6 5 1 6 1 5 (cid:12) (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) at(cid:12)tains its(cid:12)value at t(cid:12)he main d(cid:12)iagonal. T(cid:12)he ineq(cid:12)ualities (14(cid:12)) are 0 ≤(cid:12) 0, 1 ≤ 4, −5 ≤ 5 and −4 ≤ 9 in this case. However, K = (1,4) is not compatible with I, sincethetropical minor 3 8 = 14 6 1 (cid:12) (cid:12)trop (cid:12) (cid:12) doesnotattainitsvalueatthem(cid:12)aindiag(cid:12)onal. (cid:12) (cid:12) Remark 8. Suppose i,k ∈ [m], i < k, I ∈ win(i),K ∈ win(k), K compatible with I. If i ∈ |I| and k ∈ |K| are fixed, then dif(M,i,k) is decreasing on the subscripts, bycompatibility. Therefore [dif(M;i,k) ,dif(M;i,k) ] (15) k i is a non–empty closed interval, denoted int(M;i,k;i,k). It may degenerate to [−∞,a],[a,+∞],[−∞,+∞]or[a,a]forsomereala. Example9. Given 1 −∞ −∞ −∞ 1 −∞ A = , B = , a a 0 b b 0 21 22 21 22 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) weget 1 1 −∞ M = , m m 0 21 22 (cid:20) (cid:21) somea ,a ,b ,b ,m andm ∈ T. Takei = 1, I = (1,2) ∈ win(1), k = 2 21 22 21 22 21 22 and K = (3,3) ∈ win(2). Then K is compatible with I, for any m ,m since 21 22 m = −∞. Thentheinterval(15)equals[m ,+∞],fori= 1andk = 3. 13 21 Definition 10. An interval relation is an expression x ∈ [a,b]+x , where a ≤ b i k in T and i,k ∈ [n]. Equivalently, an interval relation is a pair of concatenated bivariate linearinequalities x +a ≤ x ≤ x +b. k i k Expressions (8)–(11) imply that the following, at most, four interval relations mustbetrue: x ∈ int(M;i,k;i,k)+x , i∈ |I|, k ∈|K|. (16) k i Noticethat(16)istautological wheni = k. 9 Example3. (Continued)Inourrunningexample,takei = 1,k = 2andI = (1,4). The winning pair K = (1,3) is compatible with I and this gives rise to the non– emptyclosedintervals int(M;1,2;1,1) = [0,0], int(M;1,2;1,3) = [1,4], int(M;1,2;4,1) = [−5,5], int(M;1,2;4,3) = [−4,9] andtheintervalrelations x ∈ [1,4]+x , x ∈[−5,5]+x , x ∈ [−4,9]+x . 3 1 1 4 3 4 Equivalently, wecanwrite x +1≤ x ≤x +4, 1 3 1 x −5≤ x ≤x +5, 4 1 4 x −4≤ x ≤x +9. 4 3 4 Where does, say, the interval relation x ∈ [−4,9]+x come from? Weknow 3 4 thatI = (1,4) ∈ win(1)translate into(5)-(7)and,similarly, K = (1,3) ∈ win(2) translate into x −x +1 = 0, (17) 1 3 −x +x +1 ≤ 0, (18) 1 2 −x +x −5 ≤ 0. (19) 1 4 Thesesixexpressions implytheconcatenated inequalities −4+x ≤ x ≤ 9+x . 4 3 4 8 −1 ThisispossiblebycompatibilityofKwithI,sincethetropicalminor = 1 5 (cid:12) (cid:12)trop 13attainsitsvalueatthemaindiagonal. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Four tropical minors of the maximum matrix M must be checked out, in order to decide compatibility of K with I. We can forget repeated minors, keeping just oneofthem. Anyminorwithrepeatedcolumnswillbecalledtrivial. Trivialminors will be disregarded; they will play no role. A minor is tropically singular if it attains its value at both diagonals; otherwise the minor is tropically regular. Of course, M(i,k;i,i) is tropically singular. Now, if i 6= k, the minor M(i,k;i,k) is tropically singular if and only if the interval relation (16) reduces to the non– tautological bivariateequation x = dif(M;i,k) +x (= dif(M;i,k) +x ). (20) k k i i i Summingup,if1 ≤ i< k ≤ m,thentheconditions |I| = {i ,i },I ∈ win(i), 1 2 |K| = {k ,k }, K ∈ win(k) and K compatible with I provide, at most, two 1 2 10