Au Alchenieal Manuscript by Arnaldus de Drusella Wed. Wilsou Osiris, Vol, 21936), 220-405, Stable Ua: Ips sea agen, 249-782 2281038201 9A2SIC2NISAAAMIADSELENCORIELD ‘Your se ofitie JSTOR ache eulicaee purr accepuacew!ISTOR's fers aud Combine of Ure, asa hupstwesejsteragibutienms tent, ISTOR's lens amd Comins of Le wovides. i at al ude tue obtaned poe ferns, you ry wt evalu vetoes of your ct rulupl copies Wales, ad youteay ase conte tke SOK arly cy fur your peed cent se sat copy wary pat o 1S 10 cans must cn the same copynigh muice tba appeuscet thesereet or reed page such eatsunes, 18102 3 an mune cottensule agucaien dedce io coetng a ueserang ach al achive of setolarly jour, Lo mare mforeabon repudg IS'10K. plete cmb about ace pater joer! ‘Wo Apr 7 MESZT 2001 An Alchemical Manuscript by Arnaldus de Bruxella PREFACE “The vohume here daeussed fer came ery atencion in 993, ring che preparation of the Censes of Medicuel end Ransistance Dtanuscepts im the United Stetes and Canada, ie amiporaice ‘nor evident, asd theaugls the Kasiness of the Tabearzn OF Ligh University. Mp. Hawaro Savoy Eras, it we Teuned to the Liary af Congres in upder thet a setaled hehieal description might he diawn up for tke fortheuming, Cataiogue of Latin and Vernasatar Atchiial Manaccribs inthe United States end Canada. ‘Vis tuly scafinred rhe siti! impression petn ine wiles, and { sshed ptemninion, which the Universice uturicies gracimly areneded, €0 write & eposis, ate on the seabuscripe with a view e9 mating ie Sitovioa nga Senos kaowen "That study, originally mach mars liniced in desiyn, hae nave s70en to Gie presat sia partly Ieasun. che cumenes al the lume soars invited comgatisen ih ther af the mit seauding ionvmorats fn the history af alchemy, and petly hecawse icaecmed desire, in work on euch a subject t zie an ing translation of all passages aecusring in foreign languages. This rarice of tanslation wi, i: i hoped, mafe it easich far eae ‘esconal chemists and hiwewiaus of chemistry te caity on the valuation of the muatscal ats ies fine stage, far which my ova ‘ciiipmest is inadequate. namely, the intergretacian of ee ancient recipes i terms of madera chemistry. Ali nce viel of the recent resesich in 1his End hax not ore Fouad ity way into the historia, and since the aus in the grea snoaos ein, precisely an iqteded 4 the start, baer some to fot & soet of anuotated Iiblingrphy of tie auch, it ha secmal sabisable to wake of the adex a guide ce this ltoatuet ab well ds a slostary of techaieal teraa, ta Append L wilt be found BiWlogeaplieal deals separdigg che works most eomunouly referred ta, incudinyg 4 few alchemical munuicrpts that have fave yee been edited or Fully described in pa An 4 Sei Ue ile the ceanseript it ne, no revoke nary principle, wi nce! inwight inns the hisary of alchemy bh shoud prave usin have the prvcilng istic cheaies ennfirmed sa ampecesively and wich ach a weateh of dea. Fat example, eke Renassancs af ths 73th ecnturs has Ioug len held superior to that ofthe sth so chat it a aunpriae co ind Avant or Drcssits aking hs mse solid ard eubstanal crcaties ‘rom sich gph and early 4th century authorities ae ALawazee Macs Jus op Rhinnsctees, und thers thongh nat, a6 it Saypene, Jom Recer Bacon. The sh century in genevlly cccoguined 12 4 pesiod of aesive experimentation he nf arial) theoncal progiess, wid we find dhe later a mame nearly eonmemapacary wentises ward theend of his volume runaing en visiensallegotce, anil parablee, with onl a alight vencer of science though Agim. ta take @ point of deal. the doetcne atthe teansmuration cereale has Tong bees fle ta have come telation tothe ileal ocrrine af the Irenmubanation af the eucharistic bee! and wine; and this mvanvscipt ia une passage uses “ teansulstine fiacan "a an ontand-cut syvenym for © alehenny.” As far texts, there appear 1 he seme fren eretsee im the prevent compilacon that have rever heen printil; while the impoctane Samite sorta in olhiia, hy Auaentes Mast stands 9a sscceaiom seer dilferane fan all of the pelted edison ard probably muuch supers. critical edition af this work ou the vais af te varia fost sud seem to he one of de det wail roles TRAE could be pained Comm 4 finer study of the manner ‘The classic xpology for che his ores study ofthe ose iene seas nffered by Doccue-Lectiwey st th. evel of the pectace ta is LAtvolepe Gresque "Do noe ake i xx 9 mere gla 1 words SELany un conetusion that one daes not taste urs mein inveatic gating that on which ocher men have waste thine" Againse the backeecund of today’s sconce alchemy apyears a8 an unit fated superstian, but vse in io histtieal perspctive ie can Ee sccn as a sie, even a natntal amc inevitable stage, in the wa my wasn evelopinent of the humin understanding of ceria. natoral Phuamens. "The vicious and often serprinng tancfor ation, isappentazces, and reappearancen hich che ahjecse af the urmimcing world walerg rant have sexed 1 euutlene generations of men an be. merely eapeicious, urpredicette, incomnucheas ble. Though It is rot always 20. recognized. the tse geet stp tawaid aetence was undouatedlr mapc, which at lave embodied che ies of causalty. although it wae asully willing to oredicae: causal cannection un the busie of a single observed irstanoe or even on a vivid imayination ox hope at 10 ‘what migh: oc ought cy be. Another important ster forward was the early Greek des, commonly acoredieeé to EMPEDOnLES, MF fue indamenal element, sath water, airy and. Bee, from vehicle alliage wuse eaade. ov he Got ena af ess there is 4 AitiaceSoeeshadowing of th idea oft slid, guid, and gussous aren of water, AnErUTLE, ia rationalizing the theory of the fine elements, not only eecopuczee the dstinioa becveen ce rmecluanicalrisvire a substance ane what 96 eb n call their chemical enmbieation, nil srenie to eevelop a doctrine of the pracdealy limited paasbilty of chemres! chat any combmauan heing capzble — if ame car but Gud the sight prasesee — of heing hioken deayn inte its constituent elements tnd recombined to firm sorncthing diferent. It was inevitable, ‘ie experimentation went on, chat shins shal dike uf nea Govon the bauer metal by Reis o¢ nthe process aad cerca toting chor as steer oe gold. Tha seas botn, in the est ov 20M cencuty A. 11, the sleherical tendtinn Against Ache gold smiths droped thor sana ters Far the party of the precious metals, od for ccatusce, down inta Arahic times ane bryand the eamtace herwmrt the tx ihcuris camcinncd, wth nat enugh caparimental evidence to ext sitser doin conclusively Ive asele wentry Ie dicaneries of ehe aroiie cherie seer foe a time co have made the afchemdeta mhully eidiewls, hat the rooene development of muclear chemletry “woul suggest tha ey may hove heen justified ia thes aime, though ese ata i heir hed a the present eGort to eatinate the sigrficance of the manu secipt of Anran a Barus, 1 have aad invcvale aid ftom Me Caen7s Mareti, of the Cilory uf Congres, Profesor Laws “rwursoine. of Columbia Universny, Tir, Tasonows ©, Berea, cE the Cattlle University af Ameri, and. Mian Ans Mi Bru, Cf che Fabcary of Congres, al af whom Rave read che wonogesah fn monunerih Farm. Dro PRvraaes, far gurpance of Iie a4, hat spent aime ne on the origiaal docnvent, ate! is largely responsible for the aligames! of fasts sot Fath in she ft part af Apperdie UL Bas Ntci, hy her estanaive knowlege mf che ihdogeaphy of cael prindig, hae saved we feb seers! vnfuc- funate encore. Dr, Davin Miro, Consultant in Bispacie Literarare at the Library of Cong-em, Bas aided rae in the interpretation of the Catslan rerminalogg. | am alen ohged te Dr. C. A DRawse. of the United States Depatement nf Agri= ceutwice, Me Jom W Mons, of the Thited States War Depa: rasct, De. Hancey A. NTUrLLr, Amooiste Proesear of Chestietey a1 Lekigh University, Me, Monee €. Eros, of he Divison of Laburatries and Research af the Sew York Stcee Uaasd of Mestiy and Dune Avanioe Starrragsrtess O, 8. db, and Bir unnsia M. Pasicss, of St. Antli's Prnry, for sacious helpful sugeestions. ‘Yo che Amedar. Counel af Tearned Societies, which tow sponsored the genetal pence! at a extsiogue of the alchenveal matuscrines in this county, mp since-et thanks ae uc fie porn lug me oo catry out sn extensive a separate ead of this particular vilume; also to the Libraey of Congres, ‘hich fas geceealy plied ies many reaourese at aur digponal for che funtheranes of the underting. (8a fot Ietannre, ereryane wha worl inthis falda iedehoed tthe poner in such studies, Mavens tas Marner, sid tis <coutinuator and somes: cei, the German historia of ulchemy. EO. saw Tameunstty Gur instrmarinn rrgztding Grech a eripts to the tease ol the Catalogue de Menacrite lceimigies Gras, or manuscripts ip England, “0 Mts. Tr, W. Shwwit, Jar suinvéer'pte en the eomiinent, ea Laws THORNTIKE, whe in Bit hen Itest selumes as chine the parteutar service of bringing rier onto the wilderness of pseudansovae alchnreical writings ascribed to Revo Liner aul ARSALU oF uta Neva: lkewioe, fo the preat collections ot carly aehemiel Htrzinre. cated by Grevranono, hy Zetoxey, anc hy Mawaer: to bey FHRGHEOS for abotste iblingaphical dewih rezanting various ediians oF clerical works: and 0 the dictonaren of alchemical ems, ag Wr watson vwll-agh indlspeneable vor ccecacch in these folds, by Henao, by Jeuttcon, aad atoatcomapashensively by Sexeincces. inal. Tog referepoer 1m enrrent hooks ard perindies® Wecsstare oi AU phases nf the suljact Tan rofnaiy. indited ta the Santos sitliograpbice in suatessive numbers of fick and in the Inevoduction ta the Uta of Seance © acme almest ieamoral 0 fave the pathway of the student of history made so casy 2 eee aide ender Bibvong of Congres, Wadham D.C. Tenanher gry e435 ‘5: ATSHYMIEAL OUENLSERIDT BY ABNALDGS OF RRURILLA 205 PONTRETS ofr, Wserpiaa ad History of the Naonerige 26 Fi, ge, Anmius ap Dveaieue ae Finer and Soho 20 UL G28, Hoeges on Brokering, Meenoworking, lat ors 338 U6. § 2g46, Origioand Development the Alcamica Tadic = 352 ¥. yrgn Recipeesn eke Cone Might ana Malley of Vitae 6g Bi, f jpn. Th Canize of Won Aleatesty and Galdemnshe os ake Fit, § heyy Vie Phhoaphe Pane and 36 Hine of Ue os ay IIL § ep. Pangaion, Hlesin, Ditladon, Scbfnation, ad ‘lena wes Lk. § Atgg Cenentusion a7 ia Aleka Pavoee MM X. § grat Ore Tein, inluding Peaectin and Muldplcaion 32 SE, §reqtsg, Genta Beare of Cee Cereury Alcbemny = 346 MEL GasS-cge, Other Tesnaren + Allegri, Medio, Magica 48 Appendix J. Lief Abbrev References 0 Sppentix'€ ‘ence ane ote] Selecions nhs Maange soe 362 Sinema 1. ra ae Ge Adina de emer 33 Sptenlin 1W. Breuer the far Pole Bed Ajnutian ¥. Engine te Feels vere By ska of Sauer aid Tecbasal Tessa an ska Of Title od Tipe : oe ILLUSTHATIONS Tigwre 1 Distilling Spperatu, the ts Separate ve Figure + Thaling Apporss, Avsembled for Uae oa Fis ta Vit of Alber! Signe Sede Hla cq Diagram of Cie Fanlimertale et Alchemy sso. fang $4 a6 watson 1 TDasunuenioy Aww wletued ce THE seastacauy 2. The Library of Leigh Universi, at Bechfehem. Penn spleania, conties 2 oompetuium of alchemy, im Lacn Catab, and Heian (oth soe later alitions ia Frenel), compel and ceapied a: Naples hetuern 14 and 14g by ARSaLGHS DF B SEEZa, ho sas one of te earliest of Neapolitan printers, ‘The ‘lame crmuprine sone hundzeds of individual ceipes, 4 nuroher af diagrams, score Tite nf alchemical eyrcole anol uf slehersical wrters, and avel ching aspera alchemical realises, al which howt fern seem co by a2 Pet ungsine, hugh fee af useet ‘een are teonrdled ae etiins on other mumacripts, Theis ae lea saver enlectiona of slcheruiea verve, inludhey asteen ftoanets in Tekan, a group of 108 lies ia Lata, aad ancther oF 29 Fes ia Cats. (1) ‘The crameripe fe on paper, 244 lew Gaumbered éxlii in a modern haul, aul s-220 in the original hand, bue omiteing ¥86, 195, 199, wal 200) 24.3. 209 or, Jn Uouble cahimne; hoend in 13h cestury brown half Russia learher, rebuckee, with 4 fy-lexves a Feat und ac buck, These sini a watermark wit the initials LV. Co aed the fewecdetis fon 4 crowed shield, sumewhat in the stele af AssgeTs. 1. nae acy, 7aro-72v2 {piuthly im Asian type of the réth venir) 2. Except for f. 7ge13e, which are ima enacser ind rassiby earlier band ateargly anygestie of Gevrmen acgia, the <7tie compilation, satting Inte aéuiions, ix inthe. Se and. cegular Weil of a single tbe, Aaneacace fia Catelarson fri Smo") 1pm Liaour cr Taesenuta, The ack was dane in thre periods ‘oF shout a year cach, sence eight yetty prt, a & evitn "or deeer. scriba’ suluetipions sentered dnugh the hook. The Uhre matieat (5 kal. Jan. 1493, & aqg@t pridie wal. bam e473, f nyga; 2a Nav. 347g, qth all at Naples) are in a semeatat Gal red ink tha: appease un much uf the eubrisation nf 49-96 0) While © ete deepan of dhe nonneit wil nyt ent aud 13g 153. These vestians, eagecher with f+ rl ennsaining flat are nov the Fes to taste, were pparendy left me973, Sich the vubivation sandy pally completed $y im about :4St che work wae ronmed, some Leaves were eareanged, additonal rabies were inseted in 2 hrightct-colared indy, cernin nen ceete weee copied and vere rubvicated shally in the brighter ted, and che work af anatter and prohably cali serine (( tas, with a date on f. gpa: Rneum atin daeinien sf, 13 Mai) wae incurperaeed and supplied oth acdiconal rubies in the same rent ink, The watermark in chese additonal leaves fe che sesanes, i: 4 design identical wich Baguer, Tl, 20. 9664, vehcch fe dated ar Venice, 143%; ber how thin ix he lated ith the date {af compositor ar copying} an f gpa nut else. The wescermar ia fg also tan acer eles elf ly drawn (probably Baagees, Tl ne. 3613, Venice, 1489}. The x sulseriprions Ine 1g8e fy Bal. May rye x Hepes, aha Dew, C rpsii4 Fee f 280; €7 Desf igh; tg Bee, aya — ‘wich no socntion of place except Naples, fryeh ane. fry) se all in che Brighter ce ank except om 8 £958, whee thr ase, in apparent hate used the asdirary black. Lutiag this year the ark yew under the compiler’ hand. Tn Match he inteided tn stop wita £370 (which, by an enzar ir. muhering aRer tog ke 2a marked a5 17H, a6 appeses fram hac fz row rae aetna Cable if contents, ilaslle. To thi the original hand has added Finis ae for {73 ater oe Wat af ohaaterstilen fap che aber Phen) 4 trac which athe wont clases sith the Macch ft talephon. But hy Trceanbes aches wevke had heen copied acd incorparced, aul a heifer cable al ermtents (fo ji-by, giving ‘only title an inept wb nn hat a wlragter jth was slaw up in ehe compier's sou hand and peeited 1 the entice murs, his lic, owing for re errors in sumherng, corespinds perfecly 10 the cent a8 far 2¢ fig, but then aad ile acd ‘neigit for to works chat were never copied, a at lest were nah inecepoeated ne» the manuseipy 4 Aprarendy the compilation was now interrupted én another feughe gears, ‘The ast Iwo rubrics ate in Mack, on Lesvos noe covered by sither thle of contents +N bal, Sept. glo (f arsth and ¢-nones Sepe, 1490 (€ 20e9), both eget a1 Neples(zalled bby Wald came, Parthenope, co Farge) “Le aalectians, o5 ut orf weeson clarwhere in the volar. axe cridenly aot entesed ia the order ie which chey were copice. Uecwee. Ubi me Stnemburs te esopiler mi Ive mel + eertain dector af arts and medicine, one Guivana BAEse OF Skea, whe eae thatthe presetiption for warm medicine an f. rgka wae eticiciouy alee io cues ot quart lever. ‘The note ta his effet, dace 20 Out, r48q and ier dicectls after the cofaphos. al fi Sept, 48h, # unm Valle in che aciginat hand bot in a diferent ped ink, From ‘study of ehe nacermacka ons puis a Title conGiriaign ato the georril onlee in whic the varias ssetiane were transcebed, or 1 + 48, rages, and ¢29-16a the mark it an mvs hen, one 12 Baigur T¥. ni 14334 Fram Provenoe, 4, or wr prude Palerma 162). For L- viscrg® and sill fia che second, ut chronolgieally site, table of wontents) ir + ooeeet. foued fa Baraver, 1, rns. yhig (Padua, Genes, r43g 149) Wh (Naples 1486, sprOUETTI FOE Maley aly tyeyrqgg). ete, For Eo cxg-228 and 1y7 216 the marke ave chiefly crowns, verging cousiderably and nt easly wdentifaate in RRIQUNT ‘After 2490 there is net mach indcaian ato whet happened lo thes book unal abou 158, when ie exe to the hans af @ french ave, P. Roca m, who aseme to have in impresce! with the Faerie) aspect of he aequiiting. Ow fia, beside his signatre, sande." Kmpens ex," and on 12° Ce pees Tivse ma cous siz egcu." 1 he wha appeare ca Fave goven fhe boul its tle, in Prator des Ascimicer (Fin), baer rade ‘he egimnines a? an alpbahetec fades an cersin Hank Pages ( anvhangh, 2160), and en have fled eut the fen tahlon af contents, pring atthe eloce ofthe esooad one = Finis, +384." wits WAL his chareotert managran A fome other Trenehapeshing sehiolar must hare owned cor wsed the buvk aba! his time. Oh fi ima fine hend oF the ewan Ialf of the NYT c, fe the news "Ce ure ext nae? [or inser] en mon gare! vse salehivvic imprizad 2 bale” ‘This may refer uo ehe large vilumme by Cian rer t0. GestaKDto, Bera aichindat Raskn,1963), wich prints tn ent. Ty p. 78-100, the fi crace in this manuscrct, the Semite recta, thrugl i © widely varying text. Rut Gaara would have heen nore likely en write an anoatacion in Halin thaw in French. Henn wan grand Tiyce " probably indicates awnership rachee than