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OS —— AUGUST 27, 1954 The greatest achievement in style, engineering, valve! v= OUMONt = LOOK! AT THESE DU MONT (QUALITY FEATURES @ Full "IO.Shade Renge” Pieturs, Manufactured By | CANADIAN AVIATION ELECTRONICS LIDs | 387 Sutherlond Ave. WINNIPEG ® e CONTENTS Vou. 3 No. 12 EDITORIAL THE MEANING OF PUBLIC RELATIONS What is Public Reletions? What docs it do? Why do we have it in the RCAF? ‘These questions ote by no means rar doubtedly ons of the most misunderstood activities of the why this i the cose, Public Relotions ‘praduct of the Iventiath contary? ect ‘There is ne greet mystery a: ot 0 protestion is new. it for Public Roletions is am Fort iy 12 port First World War phenontenon. Public Relators is NOT pres agentyy is, NOT Mallsvood honpedo, itis NOT propo fund and fs NOT stitty press Fes, “Pulse Relaons Ofeers tre net “fog men “bulla xp bows or RAD “mews hounds The purpose of the Puble Rela tiers plan in the ir Force is U in and support for the Dated on honesty. Broad’, the REAP cannot oparate thot ‘the volurtesy support! Ure pube Iie, and it canna enjoy Uae Sap port without good publie revation. The Cancdian people now tat ‘a hobs and eiticl interest in the ICAP. They wan: am airforce of which they cane eat Pably prove But, they will never fully wealiee ii one Pubke lelations pre framme is not gearce to she pre {gress and accomplishments of! the Service ital ‘The mistter of tlling the RCAF story as done oy she Publie Rea ons stats haaitea ‘n many ways Ie involves producing. and stk ting ews fleas which mee5 e2. from major poley to “little Jee Moving hia ae seat 0 a name Tour newspaper. or radio sation, acvising then. that Corporal oe Snocks, of Gopher Cualets has ben Posted from Gili to. Winnipeg Ene reviewing tis RCA carer ‘The PR stall proluecs phocographs Showing RCAF setieties oF Per Smulites waich it distabuct fil appropeste news mecia. adio tapel ie, prodassd. and sent ta radio stators. Motion picture or gerizations, eluding tke Netioual Film Docrd and conmerclal ager= iss ate ingied 19 cover for tio Silver varicus phases of RCAP ae fivity conido-ed of interest to the public “Liaison with the mews media is 1a most impoctant part of the Serx= 2 ices Public Reltions programme, for apon it depends the marrer on wich the HEAPS story will be TOME tothe public. Coreperation with the peels im. passing song Normetion nich Shey "request ‘thin the bounes of secur’, it Ssontial for the. cordial elation Ship that exits belween the Serv. fcevand the news modi, Honesty i copesaion et ew more! quickly than the members he press ¢ bumbling. eishones, ind evasive reply to request for ‘icemation There mus, of cours be lim'ta Jones upon what may be zace pabe le and dy whom, Tis tae duty 31 ail membsry of the RCAF <9 be as Familiar with Serv ee security ros lations as possible, and itn the THE JED AGE. Four-seorcia Hope med te lie oe ‘ar only lokiat ater tne caceplt Aeroepter gh the Jet Air Show (ots by ACT J.P. Herren) regulation explaining “who save What’ ty the Press.'The refusal of IMormation by Service perscnnel the appropriate leval, must be ale with extreme enition. The Ri PAY must haves stron sace ant aust net refuse requests for nfo ination merely pocnuse we estnca Guits see how thet inforration 4 Be tant to reest to the bench the Servic uit gererally the pe fen, he eounted on. te co-opera Pine ale Fore i 9 tt gy ‘The Public Kelations Officer maes ia part of fae duty” (0 be ome acqualnted with She leaders {nthe ‘community, “He. thereby Places sielf im the positon af Einav liaison ian Between mistery and vison, aad a0 ie Telations with ach ate suconssul the result will becorve evident ie worthwhile "eommunty coopers: | {ibn Te sitisena must 90 mee te feel dt “Our Air Porce not “he Air Force | In this respset then, your tora PRO should be 9 consanation mile tary uncit, legal authority, po Chologist newswriter, reco e>pert ‘lovton “authority, potos-ap Df note ard advertuing man. I veh es nose atteibutes ave 4 WPL MV. WADE (better inown dom: found wne huncved percent SUsingle. ind vidual, each mast fechda nis Joo as best Fe can by tmploying “persenal contact tas Unt honesty eaupled with she Seadying Semeat of eeramen Every member of the Air Force in'a gence ta a pubis relatos oft fer, His astions on and of” duty fave a tremencces bearing on the attiude ef the public toward the Service, Fublie telation"procer's apolicl by every member of the Service, and especially the PRO, will eneare thet the pub le ass proper aperae'ation cf the RCAF’: Sine mtnal et gy asibly the best way every of cer, siomsan, and woman af the Sevvice can’ bist help the RCAE Public Helations orograrame i recognizing Public. Relalion Cis its importaree t NCAR, now it operates. and. tne pphnciales upon stich it i based Finally, every member can help by abiding ‘by these. pencioies and fenzaring thas those unter ham do Tikewse es “Bonnie in. Ais Povee ir les) came to 14 Training Greup iQ’ ust a year azo after spend ing twa yeors. al TCH. in he ftede ae Clk. Steno, Darrg her Slay ct Group MQ. she hasbeen wring as snogtapher "take Sr50 Since hos home neer Frodorie ton, New Brunswick, Bonnie prow yvtears the tlle of "Herring Choker” and is always involved in the olf argument of East vs. West ‘Mer graduating from Commer iat Higa School im Fredecicton, G5, Wade too af for O:tawa 16 poly hee stenographie ski's amit tle Thousands of Covil Servants in the souniry's capital Late= she re fumed so her native Iota and was member of the tram _ssulng baby onus cheques, will dosing he ‘Air Fotee Blue wniform in Augist ite Chi. Wade, although wot an ac tive! participant, likes most sparis bur i mainiy intorested in xeim= Ting: (which seems quite nstura Snes she is a Maritirer), Skat ng and tennis, Shie clsims she is the resent sribbage champ in toe Alte Women's Quarters, Quite a lit cf Ver spare tane is utiized in ding, petit point workcand leitting, Du fig last winter's sub zero Wenthe She fequently vised the Seaciog Hooby Shop ‘nkere she learned %0 leetherereft ‘work. She ke traveling, and whenever possible talees advantage of woekend fps fo various points throughout the courtry At present she is eauerly wating an ‘overseas trans!er ‘She has recently een selected as an HEAP rapresenta ne al tor Cor hadian, National Exhibition in To- nto this yeas Cpl. Wade is very interested in the 'aTairs and welfare of sir twomen, and is always reat "0 Tend aelping end in any func. fons sponsored by the gil /REIDRuGS From sot deel COCA-COLA LTD. Around The Corner | Anywhere Cu NEW WAYS ewe Godel) thar snferval Sf the Department of istory a the Reyal Miltary Celiege, ‘King in ping 2 Nee arte Tf makes ‘Sime striking observe: Hons nis arvcle "New Ways of Wer Th Professor Stanley's opinion tie te “infernall ene ergines fat ll ceterring the Snape of Yhe wlomie bomb, “The pater or froup of powers waict exploits ‘rom to the folly will a¢ the very Toast, commence’ Booties “nth & {fr the sone have lawn ted, sianed to treck sutomatically and estroy. festalvirg bombers. “Sir John Stessor, Mershal of the Royal Air Fovee, Ip more fastralned. Tp Merch, 1854 he said, "T advise yout nov ta be unduly tinprensed by the lores about the worderfal asd misile that is going io shoot down, all these sapessone bombers Professor Stanley says taat wai ever success the defersive rock thay have in rnseting the threat of fast piloted jet aircraft, she pr Jem of be ebeee! wilh an a rrent Affairs ‘warhead remeins uneo.ved. While Himey be pesstle someday to de- op @ guided miselle which will Ycket in OF WAR troy the oflensive Mighty thers sno raft, there is always the fet at Jesst one cf not sbeuplly Joled, in favour of Threuph, and up mill go great the offensive ‘as against the de eity'in'w @OOD fo. Inghvushe fensive foci ‘loud of sche and ra- Profesor Stanlay presents an Sete dust ominous plete of the power 0 "tye guthor ofthe article believes Stomie fist sd the rocket. W1 the details of atcrnie weapons ae Teaaly guareed scerets tis KNOWN that the lydrozea bomb exp cece bythe United States. in Hare, 1b, ada feroe of ten megatons, 500 times the fore af. the: Hiro Shima Kom. Atemic. bor ks car row be carried in fost jet Dyhitars find fave been sp reduced in size that thoy can be fied from ivy ein be used tact ratogeally., Rockets. ha’ anced. far” beyond the’ origina German ‘Vos of the Tast war Tf Feparts aze to be believer! Ure Ru Mins Rave cevelopel -s Uwestage Tocket with @ raag of over 1,700 niles, “General Bradley “of the Untied States speaks i glowing terms a! the new Nike” = 10 is dee nat ie war came it woukl begin with an ununrcuncad nuclear Bombardmen: of Francs ant Erg land by: rocket anc by plane. Tn this initia phase the Russians Hage. guiced missile Un Strongly entverched in East 9 “WHO LAUGHS LOUDEST?” [WASa fighter pilot, serving with the Chinese Republican Parcer Korea, with exbah melas on ‘heat to make me think Twat "ot "The side of my Blati= fed RILG was emilazcred with cw of tey hie stare, each che ey f a victorin doth fo Neve | wes, wasting 9) ure Yerryingauxcrafi to our frontline squadrons—a task that any two-5t pit eculd have done successfully My posting, He came as a com. picts surprise to me dust erm titer tating that Towa dia Toe eet and would bs trarsfarree. to eferry Souadrar until fucther Thad ted to be hoppy in my now job but Somehow Tyis: didnt Fit fa because Thess all the Une hat ae far as the wor forse ens concered, 1 Was a hes oean. a left= over pilot no longer good eroagh tor coribek, Wows mare. than tponths Teter, Twas On my way t0 Seoul to dtlvee one ef the latot- fe WIG, with the prosacet of ing shifted tae netr futare to moe dusty office in heedquarters, ) irew a gloved end ccross my forehead, “wiping the sweat. from ing eye woking I 1 Was ‘a for combat. Teun, T fer 2 Tong trip, But my celles were sill 004 and the {iredness could be due to karen jee tote "The MIG Te sponded inctan‘ly, its powecful HD engine thundering a2 T swept ‘hrewgh the sky toward ray dese ‘nation, Suddenly, just bolow me left and heading ie my direction 1 saw an siveraft, With a star: Tre: ined it waa a Sabre, an enemy rourd-suppor: ‘plans’ He hadnt Sten ime yet for 1 was alicve him, nd im the sum. Should t obey ot erm and refuse to engage ‘he ene= fnyon ferry runs, or shuld tase this cpportanity fo be, echape for the leat ime 4 Mite pila “With suidon ectstn Threw caution to the winds end pesitioncd faysef carefully fr a high quarter attack He pasted below mi still Gh trace T walted for a momen fidging the stance = he wat about tight now. T threw over the sist and prelel Ye, watching Iny deletion Hteadily 1 sighted on Tis wingetipe A few seconds more are he woul be spinning in Azmes the grourel below. Sake Ts cought sght of me are throw is Pla viciously tothe right but Eo Tate Twas on tm are may’ t9 22 mmm cannons sent see Tipping throu his wings. T sew hi face int and staring up at mets he hu fumed, tring to escape, tightly and started te lt Iwec, palling hard on the stick the ‘blood asked to my head for a rnoment andT greyed out, bat iy opponent had race fatal mis {ke ying to outsimb © MIC Tknew Thad him new" atch: ing him. au he levelled’ sighted TNE fuselage om the erase. eange perfect 20) yards... 1 premed fhe bution again. this time Tetting Trim. have beth 2 and. the 37 “The Sobre flew o9 fer « moment, then ‘began to beh blaee smoke. he pile. jetsaned hie hood and HE ae ems Sep. Moborngh Hot adaet Terme sible vo oll REAL. Silverwood’s DAIRY PR » Safe Milk =. DeLuxe Ice Cream DUCTS » First Grade Butter AUTOMOBILES: after the wars Nash thoaghi fe mght Sta ntceting idea to sound cn the Baz good, cosine ast Metopelin. “Ts farkege emcee he eterallayou. A dfeutt tasks buf St agin ete nal cereal wal "hye peda aad cheese ult fis ged clog saghend hewhoie Saar A . Becchg! Pie ie tae met Sie ope aoa wo fbinitesand the cee arals Ba by sry Fripaien! oworee hey mould with sive The tmmpors are serviceable ud ictnenseel swtide ano and cites Ses a | theear geet The Isrge round sant: the dre wall put of she Neck mont the wel spaced peta an the Pa hass abet te eae Grange; the poten an ute tue cer whieh i cbir tp give deena waping uf ie appreash and, ot Bites dinstve ap, tere Bato HENS que adequate. TEISStas ey eney for apna Ficceapnt lets the Une nea are excellent chesea_ and te car ae pone erga: Ble, se cts ‘Grive and sornething Your wife hae Cxener |ATO Select versus RAF Club JATO Select won by 6 wickets) Tie weatherman sniiled upon Winnipeg cricketers en August 2 nd the RAP sive opened hele n= ings in, kil conditions With commendable restraint their mer, with dye serpect for she Foc bowing of Field Cooper and Ged dard, ippliod themselves Uo thi Production of runs Ir this thoy were successful, the fifty being Teecheg for the’ loss of nl sW9 men, Sobart had beer brought on SMe tien etna Ne con Aingly-ighted leg-spunners wers Provkling a few cnzlous momeots Bimed as :sken with the scace st St'for 2 wickets, Peter Halls being ‘After the interval thet sed aid the empiri Pislidetion for half-an-hovr ‘antl decided to liven things up Rh a spate of hiting. He was well caught in the slips by Bey folds when one short of i halt century. The bowler was Field 9 baad borne the brant of the beveling threugheut the match Halls ise issal brought about a minar sok {ppse and with the score at 108 for Siwickets skipper Pet Burvege of the HAP Club declared the inings dosed ‘Alter tea the NATO Chub siseted iS innings with 108 tc. scora in thiee howrs—a ig: very formezble tusk Hoxever Weghton and Bure ike s00n Hae three batsmen out for 18, paling left hander Newton Shcrratt iagethwr ‘Pheee ae i a lightful cisregard Zor the ecuracy 2 the bowling. began. to ly about them, Newton, with the git Sinader's haracter'stie pene at Tor legesie sot seing te rapidly. ‘Skerest however, fed some forcing strokes includ is straight drive foe sn ‘This galaxy of runs laid bare the fact thet the RAP eh fly shert of bowlers, « situation ‘which was explatted fo the the navigators Newton i npo ee Nao Snixer YR waned ‘oral for 4 ie Ing to hit the ball out ofthe grouna BOWING Iwled ous fo Bil Weighton only BMEEGI-G 245, Wushios Ba anotaer 26 runs to win and Bel A Sherratt, a Canadian fram Vielori an te get them, Tis ‘desis fateh ‘cordions and, in’ pertae Ship with Smalley, he quiekly hit fff the remaining’ ran ‘jo ret out2 fresh perhaps, the ‘sh one ofthe day’ but feorisialy the most effect CENCE ial sore ‘iste ingen fost RAY Cure ‘otal for 8 wks, 8 (des) Rownme Srariox Basrasts eatingr hn transfers bave tar eq'to take ined fll of cur team HO Bob Rowe wil be: keving Sery foe crorsaa) Wo will mise focing’Uck cut there at’ tno old ‘Genii shortstop postion 10 Wasze’ SicAipine, Cur manage Ie tet for He est where he will ihn to fy eth Stare We with {heat boys the bet of luck ia ther tow envirrtrent and Wve hope to te. have tu tp prize hte when they Biota +" W Fred Moadows is moving 0 "1 from playing coach to manager. A few couch Bs nol been nominated yet but two" very aident players We Been mentions Wer Woe St cla one ll mae a food font aatboun eve! areal et “Za vation has been recived from the Lakebead for an exist flow’ doubleheader on. 21" August JThe ANAP team from Fort Wiliam ented. the lig ina AUTOMOBILES LARGEST IN WESTERN CANAD sis rote nue ER Nie oo altmnctive Hines, geval gusty, and Bree Gan ae I aout tae engine cr 3 Favourites . . © BUTTERNUT BREAD © 100. WHOLEWHEAT As the Sto CANADA BREAD Ct fe) STARLET EREAD [At the Door” 0. LTD. pes oa ote 4.5. ronnssr 35 Queen Street Storonson Fi Inmerntional Apert @Can You Be Honest ASK millions of exe AA dat they think of Fe iain answer ill mun son Hike his ‘Why! Religion is all right, 1 suppose. Tk dors a Tot of people a Jot of goad. For myself, ta dam not wraat you would call se ligious person T Leleve. in God, of coarse, but Chas dower’ mean Tnsed to go to church all ike tne Tay beter than # 1st cf people Who ing But is that Honest? ligion? A medio ind of ons pully ragare pectable person, Especially when no grestsact ice Snvoived, and Wheat secves etlig Gr ee pen { Premacy Hi very existence Without Religion? cent and to Whom ho owes all he fB'or bas is he truly honest Howover correct ais conduct and bis relations with d:hers may ‘he petson who isreqnrds his obh (gators to Cod. denies God He iy ane sere fe Phat ie nol i frithhoids honor Ise where they teeing honest with When he insists that be fuls his ties to himself, so (nove rear find dear Bim and to his neighe Eee, but net to God, is that religion? Ie Loses Live Selig.cn— vita veligion Iett out, Your Rule, brotherly lev Fumanitertanie. 0 but actually it is eligi’ wath God Tel out, There eanno: be prac fical Brother ond of Men when the nore impertan! Fathechood af Goa i must give Mi the ceccition, the ener, the loyelly and the respect Which ace rightfully His ard which Er our cuty privately az indivicu cand aubbely ‘with ow fellow [Mfe without being ireligious heart and with thy whol nd wick thy abo tind ‘There @ no ach thing as full ficial Chvatian aonasty er 903 ‘Concerned only about the 7ule you shalt love why neighbor 1 ayowe rather builé Jesus Christ in the heart of « boy than ould she greatest cathe ddral on earth, Caurehes ce be. be destroyed, but 9! @ boy pon whisie tarp ul seal of Chest sen placed will Sine for- Carmmest, MeCoran FOR TAILORING, PRESSING, LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING. . STATION PRESS SHOP A Complete Reliable Service | MACDONALD BROS. AIRCRAFT LIMITED Western Canada’s Leading Overncul Plant TODAY IN SPORT. thus jusl won the league ttle and would” aes Tew games (2 keep In shape while the somi-inals re being un’ off ‘The “Manticka RCAF league schedule els 99 19 August The Second and thie teams ply best ‘wooutol three sezien, the winner taking on the league winners tor 4 best Usxee-ou'-offive series. The Teague standings at prewsnl are ‘Winnipeg Atebonad Sink Poriage Winnlpes and Gimli ‘are tied for the Bist pesttion “A monster windup at Winriseg 4s being bianned or sometims lets in September Tor sll members of the lenge. We will Heve rxoce ite formation about fais later Ibvrexcectton Fasraat ‘The last league gate of this league will be playes! 28 August with Advances G18 taking onthe Headquarters team, “The. playott arrangomerts are stil in “he plan Bing nage. The way tiie. tears fare batting it oat wll be ames Impessible. to ‘zace-tsin. who wil bein the frais anid the Tas: ball Gow A trophy has deen offered by G/C Mitchell ef 11 Group Head qiseters to tho best leary inthe Group It has been slesided to hold Sn’ ‘Siminstion tournament in which RCAP ‘Stason Penkold plays aganct Cisesaoim, ‘gaint ‘agast ‘Siml, notified of the result before the 6 September ‘The winners of the elimination Winnipe ‘Grou Fyn = tournament wil play off for the Group championship in Winnipeg sppesimatsly the micdle of Se femter. Plans are being mad= to use che Pine Ridge ard. Elmburs! oll courses, Meming and. aftr hoon vounds sre 0 bean alternate PL Laing is headicg the Win nipeg team and these last few dav Trae been busy pollahiag up. bis numes four on and completing [it minute details. The exact date for the Winnipes-Cimlt game has not heen decided but iis expectee fo take place in imal the last week-end’ in August ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE STATION - WINNIPEG. Pictured (to) axe F/OR. W. conditions affecting the scores, ‘Kerr, Cpl D.& Randal, LAC 1. T. al Ker, Cpl D.R Randal LACT. 7." Wedneaday At the MacDonald len, and Li tall mM: range we aimed shots at stilt hh tavalod ty Olea thu | OM Mam OM pees Hane nO Gust 7th to compete ia the Do. Aer scored 28 inion of Canada Meet ‘The diary of the team’s activ jes con‘sins the following ‘Sunday—AMer being entertained gu the sstion, commenced the Swespslakes” ana‘eh on the 200, 600, xn $00 ye= to break" Mordey—Entered a: concestanis in the, tre waten ard. the frst ape ot the Connaat Match, The So0'ye. stage wee oun olf on Tues kneeling postion at 300; recat day alicendon, {ile atthe 200 and 900 yess hist “Tne sky eicuced over on Tues. st the 1)) standing shuts uniy were dey, clanging shadows and Lah slowed gh conditions Tn the afternoon fer the Qusea's Matoh st 610 yds the fires were ina prone positon witha slings ‘Ten Shots ih 4) seoinde va reeves sing forward 100 yas T"ihots a the 500 yd. Farge prone; 4 seconds to advsrce Wye end fte 2 san trom the You ll like everything about | REACH WRIGHT & DITSON wt SPORTING GOODS fot the 39) thy changing te anether fle, sket pose at NO seks ander po By LAW ANN ZAWADIUK JERE WE ARE AGAIN snd in te of several changes since the Tast sue, this colurin will sti remain the seme’ (Jour opinian is Sheveet) {Tis sure is the yoar for erie ment. Finge—another of ur far IRasies “has chased. until she has tee caught, Som we wil! be lasing mar only Fepresentaeve froin PEL CAW" Shier MacDuralt when Ene aye "Id? te Gary Manon Ieit October, Shivlay? Cpl Jackie Resubien, Service Poll, has. left us cn posting to St Joans. Que—How [ucky sean ‘yeu gat? dsckde was post (o Sin Portes last winter, bus just prior rhe effective date her" posting QD: csscctten Tis tive we waited il she was packed. cn The train, fr gone, before we mask mention ‘of it A ferewell party was eld fe hes a the Airwerneas lounge before she. left and danny. (3 ‘course of the evening & gif! was presented fram the Airwonrer Hisps you like St Johns, Jase ane don forget. to vist us when ext in Winndges LAW “Benny” Benneton has left us for Fronce and a posteard trem her tel us “Sn fan on good A yiarty was given in her honor and she was the fortunste secipient of a valle, Something stash these ‘And to con:inue with postings 2ANS Orcenty Room wil Be mints a vsmiing face soon LAW Jerry Henderson i leaving for Calgary. erry is a good okt Allis, an Ing Pentel 3s her fieetawn. Cu Joss i Calgary's gain, dotaitely (Cp. Bonay Wede and LAW Shi Jey MacDinuld are leaving for the Glnatian: National Exhitision at Yoronto on August 23 a4 RCAF representatives, Cove luck te bot ‘Ke know you're eepeble af doing 2 good te We ac with us est week oe9 Aiwomen irom St Hubert ‘They ware LAW's Rody “Sechn and Sue Souey, who are wita Oper fon Prairio Pcihe, Thes'te RoR hreugh to. Vancouver and. cer inky mist be wonderful "Tae Cperation was in. Winaipeg Sunde, August 15, and taree’ of bur Winnigeg girls hal the 9ppor funity of making (noir conti Hon, While the ets were. g9ing through various aerobetie, Cpl. Soider ond LAW's B, Daibhowashy and J.C Mitchell were busy. in the concession booth Thales gale Se Gres mice of yeu t9 volunteer, August 41h will be a memorable tone for Cpl Tear ‘Snider, for on that ‘daze she recelved Her Car's Fook Jean Faw been with us for Several months an cmployed the guard Louse Govt news for gisls from other siations ‘making’ @ slop evermignt at Winnipeg. We new have s Trae Bent Roo in BBO. Very good dca—should dong ago. There's no. businesslike show business’ —taat's the ieeling ws Reda couple of weecends 23> iting on a variety show Be the USAP boys at Armcrong Ontario, 4 eas: of nineteen, includ ing fos Airxemen LAW Sally ane Jeyee Maxwell, Rese Lo iowesky ard yours traly, wil Tang fetemaiver the enthusiast re cepticn nectivee. we been in effect A small enlightenment for ang ene sterping eff the alrcrafi an this praise station, This is Staion Winniper OR? When « woman paints hor face she's sopaistiested When an Ine Gian pants his face he sevege Bal eally is the woman who's ft to il = ° =! a ™ 593 Pate Ave DAILY HOME DELIVERY uma LEROY" "LEROY" DIAVOND RINGS WINNIPEG. Imported and Distributed By AMERICAN JEWELERY CO. LTD. WATCHES MANITOBA OTTAWA the savy plane b form ebiediteevi wth the magne fast approaehing te time whon atomic a Lea ree Bie wiemskd in Rasy ie foc hited svete age RPE DS Sulerne nu ieee a a ta ee ees en Penne ten Seas oe eR ee ee cag dean terete eee cents thet See af Fics, NSz Commaniing Otkcer of oil Mie Decunes Command, wile marca fiaht. “ee tur sloyieto fore out year has teen tansartd Somemons, pen meta "af Colored eoiplcts ga rcund crews who ate fe" Meg duis "at ECAP" Staton pot maby" Dubok Oper” | QUEBEC Comads, ns developed 9 Wie ae cepts se eee tas i co aa ee pase milter twtelligenor and Lee. 4 Fury ee gi mae et QTE ta RAP aan Seen Ra ee ry Geccheatovatia. GAC Michacd "O. ees Pian and malian, a ie building 4 Shan iia. "tava hie poet. Est feadquartss in eer ea tr ansuny a her stsaton ine ‘nation eats the Tron ect again whanenar te Chinese Com: Soe eee mont Re fila marking Pate und the iraard felage inc FOR Garpocaton, Norton,” Pee yeas and operation ecard otal of Equatcon Vit BG BENE Statin, Rocko, Cerise i OVTAWACAis Fusce Hesdgunrer apnonniee the aero af the Gases Gave lat Decotias Dat award ly Peovag’ dainea Wa hs Seeks R/U Soitsher is made tor hiceelch in apotued ty a asaan her nerd ey WINNIMDG eve ANS, pits fice Hrgland &/L Landeau re: lig'wher the Urived Sates titel a> Caroling, Mam Steve ening a ive cquopy lection ig March I = few Yaoi Bore pated Yn Trentan ‘Ont ot 4 tlolors tram Sir dimes command “whirk he bende cam wee het rival mgata ae Feels te explede, #78 ‘lege fe: the Gincovery ofan brat ever < MrDiten Command "PL Nett, Toten gc torent Sooe) Tencs ance caeele mma Stee a ee eae wiNnson—Sacr, Lén, Hard 3.9 Landaa EAR raed a ctpbrns eer > 6222 Ci, Fr ae aE aN ENE Gurl methods fo prove and “Simpy cf Vora cn whem we all 2 “Man flew of te Tnaitule of" Pazoeum. Ge’ wil! be Squipped te deliver such 2634 and even hae “oe eke ee when awE ES iniacractoeales core taa/ eens bonita cee! samemnaner eae: ” RESERVE TRADESMEN TRAINING PLAN (Basic)

Hanarar'p' Edi'rar-in-Chiel'.. W I: F GAFFNEY. Editor . With sudden decision I threw caution to the . ship with Smalley. he quickly hit off the remaining . Rule, brotherly love. respectabililyl . she says “'1 do" to Gary Hanson—. Is it October.
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.