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AN ADAPT ABLE MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR INTEGRATED NAVIGATION SYSTEl\1S by JOHN CHUDLEY A thesis submitted to the University ofPiymouth in partial fulfilment for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY School of Computing Faculty ofTechnology In collaboration with Kelvin Hughes Ltd February 1994 I I REFERENCE ONLY UNIVERSITY OF PLYMOUTH LIBRARY SERVICES Item C1CO 1833360 No. LIBRARY STORE Class J- No. Col~·~~~ CHU Contl )(\ O'L~G"6'1t0vl No. ~ 90 01'83336 0 111111 Abstract AN ABAPTABLE MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR INTEGRATED NAVIGATION SYSTEMS JOHN CHUDLEY ABSTRACT The project has been directed towards improving the accuracy and safety of marine navigation and ship handling, whilst contributing to reduced manning and improved fuel costs. Thus, the aim of the work was to investigate, design and develop an adaptable mathematical model that could be used in an integrated navigation system (INS) and an automatic collision avoidance system (ACAS) for use in marine vehicles. A general overview of automatic navigation is undertaken and consideration is given to the use of microprocessors on the bridge. Many of these systems now require the use of mathematical models to predict the vessels' manoeuvring characteristics: The different types and forms of models have been investigated and the derivation of their hydrodynamic coefficients is discussed in detail. The model required for an ACAS should be both accurate and adaptable, hence, extensive simulations were undertaken to evaluate the suitability of each model type. The modular model was found to have the most adaptable structure. All the modular components of this model were considered in detail to improve its adaptability, the number of non-linear terms in the hull module being reduced. A novel application, using the circulation theory to model the propeller forces and moments, allows the model to be more flexible compared to using traditional B-series four-quadrant propeller design cha11s. A new formula has been derived for predicting the sway and yaw components due to the propeller paddle wheel effect which gives a good degree of accuracy when comparing simulated and actual ship data, resulting in a mean positional error of less than 7%. As a consequence of this work, it is now possible for an ACAS to incorporate a ship mathematical model which produces realistic manoeuvring characteristics. Thus, the study will help to contribute to safety at sea. Contents CONTENTS Contents Page No CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES VI LIST OF TABLES IX LIST OF PLATES X ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS XI DECLARATION XII NOMENCLATURE XIII 1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Prelude. I 1.2 System development. 2 1.2.1 Collision avoidance. 4 1.3 Objectives. 6 1.4 Organisation of the thesis. 7 2. A UFO MA TIC NAVIGATION. 2.1 Introduction. 11 2.2 Marine electronic navigation systems. 12 2.3 Factors in the development ofautomatic navigation. 14 2.4 The use of microprocessors on the bridge. 17 2.4. I Integration of navigational data. 18 2.5 Integrated navigation systems. 21 Contents 2.6 Conclusion. 22 3. MA THE MA TICAL MODELS IN SHIP MANOEUVRING. 3. I Introduction. 24 3.2 Definition and general form of the mathematical model. 25 3.3 Types of mathematical model. 28 3.3. I The input-output relationship model. 29 3.3.2 The holistic model. 30 3.3.3 The force mathematical model. 3I 3.3.4 The modular manoeuvring model. 33 3.4 Hydrodynamic coefficients. 34 3.4. I Derivation of hydrodynamic coefficients. 35 4. MODEL FORMULATION AND SIMULATION. 4. I Introduction. 37 4.2 Manoeuvring simulations. 38 4.2. I The holistic model. 38 4.2. I. I Three degree of freedom linear model. 38 4.2. I .2 Four degree of freedom linear model. 39 4.2. I .3 Three degree of freedom non-linear model. 39 4.2. I .4 Four degree of freedom non-linear model. 39 4.2.2 Three degree offreedom non-linear modular model. 40 4.2.2. I Hull forces and moments. 40 Propeller forces and moments. 4I Rudder forces and moments. 43 4.2.3 Simulations 44 4.3 Discussion. 59 4.3.1 Three degree of freedom linear holistic. 59 4.3.2 Four degree of freedom linear holistic. 59 4.3.3 Three degree of freedom non-linear holistic. 59 4.3.4 Four degree of freedom non-linear holistic. 60 4.3.5 Three degree offreedom non-linear modular. 60 5. THE ADAPTABLE MODULAR MODEL. 5. I Introduction. 61 5.1. 1 Derivation of modules and their coefficients. 6I 5.2 Hull forces and moments. 62 ' ' 5.2. I Sway and yaw terms. 62 5.2.2 Surge terms. 65 5.3 Total resistance. 65 11 Contents 5.3.1 Frictional resistance. 66 Form factor of the hull. 66 5.3.2 Appendage resistance. 67 5.3.3 Wavemaking. resistance. 68 5.3.4 Additional resistance due to.bulbous bow. 70 5.3.5 Additional resistance due to immersed transom. 70 5.3.6 Model-ship correlation resistance. 71 5.3.7 Resistance calculations. 7·1 5.4 Circulation theory applied to propeller modelling. 73 5.4.1 Basic circulation theory. 74 5.4.2 A mathematical approach to circulation. 76 5.4.3 Application to screw propellers. 78 5. 4. 3. I Correction factors. 81 Screw performance calculations. 84 Application of calculations to a screw. 89 5.4.4 Wake distribution. 93 5.45 Validation of circulation theory. 96 Presentation of open water tests. 96 Validation of a 8-series screw. 97 Validation of a non 8-series screw. 100 5.5 Propeller Forces and Moments. 105 5.5.1 Surge terms. 105 5.5.2 Sway and Yaw terms, 105 5.6 Rudder forces and moments. 106 5.7 Additional model information. 106 5.8 Discussion. 107 6. THE PC BASED SIMULATOR. 6.1 Introduction. 108 6.2 Vessel trials. 113 6.2.1 Sand Skua trials. 113 6.2.2 Picket Boat 9 trials. 119 6.3 Comparison of actual and simulator results. 122 6.3.1 Sand Skua results. 122 6.3.2 Picket Boat 9 results. 130 6.3.3 Esso Osaka results. 133 6.4 Discussion. 140 6.4.1 Sand Skua. 140 .~ 6.4.2 Picket Boat 9. 141 6.4.3 Esso Osaka. 142 6.4.4 Conclusion. 142 Ill Contents 7. AUTOMAHC COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYSTEM (ACAS). 7.1 Introduction. 145 7.2 An intelligent computer system for collision avoidance, 145 7.3 Previous work. 147 7.3.1 Criteria for decision making, ISO 7.3.2 Inference engine and rule structure. !52 7.4 Ship Modelling in Collision Avoidance. 154 7.4.1 Modelling of hazard vessel. !55 7.4.2 Modelling of own vessel. !58 7.5 System validation. !58 7.6 Discussion. 161 8. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER WORK. 8.1 Introduction. 162 8.2 Conclusions. 163 8.2.1 The adaptable mathematical model. 163 8.2.2 The PC simulator. 164 8.2.3 External effects. 165 8.4 Concluding summary and future work. 166 REFERENCES. 168 APPENDIX A. A. I General vessel principal dimensions. A. I APPENDIX B. B. I General vessel hydrodynamic coefficients. B. I APPENDIX C. C. I Afterbody forms. C. I APPENDIX D. D. I Adaptable model vessel dimensions and program input data. D. I APPENDIX E. E. I Details of non B-series screw. E. I E.2 Details ofB-series screw. E.2 APPENDIX F. F. I Tank tests. F.! IV Contents APPENDIX G. G. I Turning circle. G.l G.2 Zig zag manoeuvre. G.2 G.3 Direct spiral. G.3 G.5 Pt!lli out manoeuvre. G.4 APPENDIX H. H. I Sand Skua trials data. H. I APPENDIX I. 1.1 List of publications. 1.1 1.2 Copies of published papers, I.2 V List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Page No 1.1 Prototype System Schematic 2 1.2 Flow Diagram for Computer 1 3 1.3 Flow Diagram for Computer 2 4 1.4 The Anti Collision Loop 5 2.1 Costs ofNavaids Against Benefits 15 2.2 Main Causes ofMajor Shipping Accidents 1987-1991 16 2.3 Automatic Navigation and Guidance 19 2.4 Integrated Information System 20 2.5 Kalman-Bucy Filter for GPS/INS Integration 20 3.1 Ship Axes Co-ordinate System _26 3.2 Schematic of a Typical Ship Manoeuvring System 27 3.3 Forces and Moments Acting on a Ship 32 4.1 Four Quadrant Propeller Operation 41 4.2 Open Water Results for the B4.70 Propeller Operating in Four Quadrants 42 4.3 Ratio oflnduced Force on Ship Hull by Rudder Action to the Normal Rudder Force Against Hull Form Factor 44 4.4 Linear 3 Degree Holistic. Model (Container Vessel) 45 4.5 Linear 3 Degree Holistic Model (Container Vessel) 47 4.6 Linear 4 Degree Holistic Model (Container Vessel) 49 4.7 Linear 4 Degree Holistic Model (Container Vessel) 51 4.8 Non-Linear 3 Degree Holistic Model (150m Ro/Ro Ferry) 53 4.9 Non-Linear 3 Degree Holistic Model (150m Ro/Ro Ferry) 55 4.10 Non-Linear 3 Degree Modular Model (Esso Osaka) 57 5.1 Structure of the Modular Model 62 5.2 Total Resistance Curve for the "Esso Osaka" 72 5.3 Total Resistance Curve for the "Sand Skua" 72 VI List ofF igures 5.4 Total Resistance Curve for "Picket Boat 9" 73 5.5 Streamline Flow Around a Cylinder 75 5.6 Adjustment of Stagnation Points to Avoid Infinite Velocity at Trailing Edge 76 5.7 Circulation Flow in a Vortex 77 5.8 Tip and Axial Vortices 79 5.9 Vortex System 79 5.IO Vortex System Over a Finite Foil Span 80 5.II Blade Velocity Diagram 8I 5. IZ Curvature Correction Chart 8Z 5.13 Goldstein Reduction Factors 83 5.I4 Lift and Drag Characteristics of a Foil 88 5.I5 Variation ofDrag of Airfoil Sections with Thickness Ratio and Angle of Attack 88 5.I6 Determination ofthe Angle of Attack of the Blade Section 90 5.17 Wake Distribution 94 5.I8 Open Water Test Results ofB4.70 Screw Series 98 5.I9 Operating Characteristics for a B4.70 Screw 99 5.ZO Theoretical Operating Characteristics for a B4. 70 Screw 99 5.ZI l!heoretical and Actual Comparison for the B4.70 Screw IOO 5.ZZ Operating Characteristics from Tank Tests 103 5.Z3 Theoretical Operating Characteristics I04 5.Z4 Theoretical and Tank Test Comparison for the Non B-Series Screw I04 6.I Intel Microprocessor Development 108 6.Z Flow Diagram of mode/.c II 0-IIZ zoo 6.3 Speed Reduction in a Starboard Turning Circle for the Sand Skua IIS zoo 6.4 Speed Reduction in a Port Turning Circle for the Sand Skua liS 6.5 Speed Reduction in a 10° Starboard Turning Circle for the Sand Skua II6 6.6 Speed Reduction in a I 0° Port Turning Circle for the Sand Skua 116 zoo 6. 7 Port Turning Circle for the Sand Skua II7 zoo 6.8 Starboard Turning Circle forthe Sand Skua Il7 6.9 10° Port Turning Circle for the Sand Skua II8 6.10 10° Starboard Turning Circle for the Sand Skua 118 6.II 5° Port Turning Circle for PB9 IZI 6.IZ Z.5° Starboard Turning Circle for P89 IZI 6.I3 I 0° Port Turning Circle (Simulated Sand Skua) IZZ-IZ3 6.I4 10° Starboard Turning Circle (Simulated Sand Skua) IZ4-IZ5 zoo 6.I5 Port Turning Circle (Simulated Sand Skua) IZ6-IZ7 zoo 6.I6 Starboard Turning Circle (Simulated Sand Skua) IZ8-IZ9 6.I7 0° Rudder Angle Showing "Paddle Wheel" Effect (Simulated Sand Skua) IZ9 VII

JOHN CHUDLEY. A thesis submitted to the new formula has been derived for predicting the sway and yaw components due to the propeller paddle
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