AMULETS AND MACIC Everywheret hat excavationso f ancientc ities, templesa nd tombs have beenc arriedo ut, the objectsm ost frequently brought to light are amulets and talismans.T he use of theseo bjectsi s not confined to anyonep lace,p eoplea nd period - they are universal, reflecting a belief in mat,ric which is as old as humankind and continues today. Amulets and talismans have always been used for protectiona gainste nemiesa nd the evil eye, to attractl ove and to casts pellso f all kinds. This remarkablew ork - both scholarly and highly readable- containst he original texts with translations and descriptions of key Egyptian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Hebrew, Christian, Gnostic and Muslim amuletsa nd magical devicesa nd figures. Among the subjectsd ealtw ith are ring amulets;t he protectivea nd therapeuticq ualities of gemstones;t he importance of colour, shapea nd form in amulets;t he Kabbalistic names and signs, stones of the planets and their influences, mystical numbers,l ucky and unlucky days and contracts with the devil. This is a rich resource for all those interestedin ancientw isdom and timelessp ractices. KA. W ALLIS BUDGE was Keepero f Egyptiana nd A'lsyrian Antiquities in the British Museum. This page intentionally left blank AMULETS AND MAGIC THE ORIGINAL TEXTS WITH TRANSLATIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF A LONG SERIES OF EGYPTIAN, SUMERIAN, ASSYRIAN, HEBREW, CHRISTIAN, GNOSTIC AND MUSLIM AMULETS AND TALISMANS AND MAGICAL FIGURES, WITH CHAPTERS ON THE EVIL EYE, THE ORIGIN OF THE AMULET, THE PENTAGON, THE SWASTIKA, THE CROSS (PAGAN AND CHRISTIAN), THE PROPERTIES OF STONES, RINGS, DIVINATION, NUMBERS, THE KABBALAH, ANCIENT ASTROLOGY, ETC. SIR E. A. WALLIS BUDGE With Twenty-two plates and three hundred illustrations in the text 1 ~ Routledge ~ ~ Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK First publishedi n 200I by KeganP aul International This edition first publishedi n 20I I by Routledge 2 Park Square,M ilton Park,A bingdon, Oxon, OX 14 4R N Simultaneouslyp ublishedi n the USA and Canada by Routledge 711 Third Avenue,N ew York, NY 10017 Routledgei s an imprint oft he Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © Kegan Paul, 2001 All rights reserved.N o part ofthis book may be reprintedo r reproducedo r utilised in any form or by any electronic,m echanical,o r otherm eans,n ow known or hereafteri nvented,i ncluding photocopyinga nd recording,o r in any information storageo r retrieval system,w ithout permissioni n writing from the publishers. British Library Cataloguingi n PublicationD ata A cataloguer ecordf or this book is availablef rom the British Library ISBN 10: 0-7103-0713-6( hbk) ISBN 13: 978-0-7103-0713-2(h bk) Publisher's Note The publisherh as gonet o greatl engthst o ensuret he quality ofthis reprint but points out that somei mperfectionsi n the original copiesm ay be apparent.T he publisherh as madee very effort to contacto riginal copyright holdersa nd would welcomec orrespondencfer om thoset hey haveb een unablet o trace. 111 CONTENTS PAGE 1. THE UNIVERSAL USE OF AMULETS DUE TO MAN'S BELIEF IN THE EXISTENCE OF DEMONS AND EVIL SPIRITS ... 1 II. ARAB AND PERSIAN AMULETS AND TALISMANS 33 Ill. BABYLONIAN AND ASSYRIAN AMULETS 82 IV. COPTIC AMULETS 127 V. EGYPTIAN AMULETS 133 VI. ETHIOPIAN (ABYSSINIAN) AMULETS 177 VII. GNOSTIC AMULETS 200 VIII. HEBREW AMULETS 212 IX. MANDAEAN (MANDAITIC) AMULETS 239 x. PHOENICIAN AMULETS 250 XI. SAMARITAN AMULETS 258 XII. SYRIAC AMULETS 272 XIII. BABYLONIAN TERRA-COTTA DEVIL-TRAPS 283 XIV. THE RING AMULET 291 XV. STONES AND THEIR PROPHYLACTIC AND THERA- PEUTIC QUALITIES 306 XVI. THE IMPORTANCE OF COLOUR, SHAPE, AND FORM IN AMULETS 326 XVII. THE SWASTIKA OR SVASTIKA 331 XVIII. THE CROSS 336 XIX. THE CRUCIFIX 350 a2 iv CONTENTS PAGE xx. THE EVIL EYE 354 XXI. K~AABBBALBAHA. LAH 366 XXII. ASTROLOGY 380 XXIII. THE 1.'ABBALlSTIC NAMES AND SIGNS, AND MAGICAL FIGURES, AND SQUARES OF THE SEVEN ASTROLOGICAL STARS OR PLANETS... 390 XXIV. THE STARS OR SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC AND THEIR INFLUENCES, THE HOUSES OF HEAVEN AND THE DEKANS 406 XXV. THE STONES OF THE PLANETS AND THEIR INFLUENCES 423 XXVI. THEORIES ABOUT NUMBERS AND THEIR MYSTIC AND SACRED CHARACTER 427 XXVII. DIVINATION 443 XXVIII. DIVINATION BY WATER ... 445 XXIX. DIVINATION BY MEANS OF THE LIVER OF AN ANIMAL 450 XXX. THE INSCRIBED BRONZE DIVINING DISK OF PERGAMON 458 XXXI. DIVINATION BY EARTH OR SAND (GEOMANCY) 460 XXXII. LUCKY AND UNLUCKY DAYS 464 XXXIII. TlIE HAND OF FA"PMAH... 467 XXXIV. CONTRACTS WITH THE DEVIL. 472 XXXV. ENVOUTEMENT 481 XXXVI. MISCELLANEOUS 487 INDEX 497 v LIST OF PLATES PLATE PAGE 1.-1. Arabic amulet made of the skin of the unborn kid 35 2. Arabic amulet madeo f paper 35 H. Silver amulet casei nscribedo n both sidesw ith a serieso f short texts from the J;:.ur'an 37 HI. Silver necklacew ith plaquesa nd tubest o hold ... small amuletic rolls 41 IV. Mirza Khan's J}.ur'an amulet 57 V. Persiana gatea muleti nscribedw ith texts from the K~uru'anr an 63 VI. Persiana gatea muleti nscribedw ith texts from the J}.ur'an 65 VII.-1. Mother-of-pearla mulet, Christ baptizedb y John 71 2. Mother-of-pearl amulet for a girl. From the Falls of the Jordan 71 VIII.-I& 2. Two silver Indian pregnancya mulets... 75 3. Brassa mulet of a soldier 75 4. Silver Hebrew amulet with the hexagono f Solomon 75 5 & 6. Two silver pregnancya muletsi nscribed in Arabic 75 IX.-l. Amulet armlet of a Turkish soldier... 77 2. Slate amulet inscribed with Arabic letters as numerals 77 X. Ten archaic Babylonian and Assyrian amulets 83 XI. Seven Babylonian cylinder-seala mulets 89 vi LIST OF PLATES PLATE PAGE XII. Eight Babylonian and Assyrian amulets 93 XIII. Three Babylonian amulets 95 XIV. Bronze Pazuzu-Nergapl laque ... 105 XV. Lamashtup laque-obverse 107 XVI. Lamashtup laque-reverse 111 XVII. The amuleto f 'AbsaraD engel ... 181 XVIII. Extractf rom a Mandaeana muleti n the British Museum 243 XIX. Extractf rom a Mandaeana muletw ith magical drawings 245 XX. Extract from a Samaritanp hylactery in the British Museum 263 XXI. The metal casew hich held the same 265 XXII. A group of five crossesin gold, Limoges enamel and steel 345 vii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Faceo f the Babyloniand emon Humbaba.. . 2 The god Kheperai n his phantomb oat 7 Ra, the Sun-god 9 Thoth, the Word-god. .. 9 Specimenso f Arabic magical writings 39 The SevenS ealsa nd the Hexagram 40 Magical numbers quares 45 and 46 The J>.ur'ana mulet andi ts casew ith a magnifying lens 53 The Ayat al-Kursi 54 The Ayat al-'Arsh 56 The Fatil;lat al-Kitab 59 The Suraho f the Unity of God 61 The animal amuletsi nscribedo n their bases 86 Cylinder-seale ngravedw ith a figure of the nakedg oddess 92 A Babylonianh ouse-amulet 97 Two prophylacticf igures 100 Two prophylacticf igures 101 TheS irrush 102 ~irrush Two men beatinga drum 103 Fish amulet .. . 103 Pazuzu,s on of I]anpu, king of the air devils 110 Two Achaemenians eals 125 Six Pehlevi seals 126 Saint Georgeo f Lydda 131 The amulet of the Sun-goda t sunrisea nds unset. .. 134 The Prayer-spello f the Heart-scarab 139 The Baboon,t he associateo f Thoth 141 The Cat slaughteringt he Serpento f Darkness 145 The Vulture-goddessM ut 150 The Divine Goose 151 Amuletic figures of Egyptian gods and goddesse.s.. 156-158 The Shabti Spell 159 The Metternich Stele-obverse 166