Topic 6: Amphibian Diversity What are Amphibians? (cid:1) What are amphibians? (cid:1) What are the three major amphibian clades? (cid:1) The Amphibia (cid:1) What are some trends in amphibian is a diverse clade, with evolution? many __________ groups (cid:1) * Introduction to the biology of each clade: (cid:1) Extant (crown) (cid:2) Gymnophiona amphibians make up the (cid:2) Urodela ____________ (cid:2) Anura Benton 1997, Fig 4.21 What are Amphibians? What are Amphibians? (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:2) Pedicellate, bicuspid teeth (cid:2) Skin with _________ and ________ (cid:2) Ear with stapes and operculum glands (cid:2) Green rod receptor cells in eyes (cid:1) Lost in Gymnophiona (cid:2) Short, straight ________ that do not encircle the body (cid:2) Reduction of skull bones via __________________ (cid:2) Metamorphosis is unique among tetrapods but plesiomorphic Pough et al 2004, Fig 2-5 Pough et al 2004, Fig 2-6 Paedomorphosis Paedomorphosis (cid:1) Paedo ~ child (Gr), morph ~ form (Gr) (cid:1) A type of heterochrony, which is a _______________ (cid:1) Paedomorphosis is _______________________ prevalent in the _______ (cid:1) The retention of juvenile (child-like) characteristics into adulthood/sexual maturity (cid:2) Retention of gills in adult (cid:1) Non-herp example: axolotl (cid:2) Relative hairlessness and upright face of humans (cid:2) Missing late-developing bones (cid:2) Large orbits –form early during development 1 What are the three major amphibian clades? What are the three major amphibian clades? (cid:1) Lissamphibia (cid:2) Many synapomorphies (cid:2) ~5,300 extant species (cid:1)More than Mammalia (cid:2) Three Major clades (cid:1)______________: 167 spp (cid:1)______________: 516 spp (cid:1)___________: ~4,800 spp Photos: KP Bergmann, Pough et al. Fig 3-8 Photos: KP Bergmann, Pough et al. Fig 3-8 Major Trends in Lissamphibian Evolution Gymnophiona (cid:1) Gymnophiona are caecilians (cid:1) Body ____________ (cid:2) Highly derived and limb reduction (cid:2) Strange morphology (cid:2) Elongate and limbless Gymnophiona Urodela Microsaur Body ____________ and stiffening Anura Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-8 Gymnophiona – General Features Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies (cid:1) Elongate bodies (cid:1) Annulated bodies (cid:1) ____________, terrestrial, or aquatic (cid:2) Annulus–Ring L. (cid:2) Aquatic habits are derived (cid:2) Homologous with ______________ in Urodela (cid:1) Many structures are reduced Male Typhlonectes (cloaca) (cid:2) ___________ (cid:2) Limbs (cid:2) __________ reduced or absent Typhlonectes Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-8 2 Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies (cid:1) _______________ reduced or absent (cid:2) Associated with body elongation (cid:1) _________________ (cid:2) This is the same side lung as is reduced in snakes (cid:2) Involved in chemoreception (cid:2) Gymnophiona includes the largest lungless tetrapod (Typhlonectes) (cid:2) Contains glands, ducts, and muscles (cid:2) Located between eyes and nostrils (cid:1) Why would caecilians be less reliant on their lungs than snakes? (cid:1)Its position is phylogenetically informative (cid:2) Protrusible from the skull Tentacle nostril foramen orbit Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-9 Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies Gymnophiona - Reproduction (cid:1) _________________ (cid:1) Internal fertilization (cid:2) A projection of skin from the cloaca in males (cid:2) What is the intromittent organ called? (cid:2) Used as an intromittent organ (cid:2) (cid:3)_______________ fertilization (cid:1) ~70% oviparous, rest are viviparous Male T(cylpohalcoan)ectes (cid:1) ______________ species (cid:2) Eggs can be aquatic or terrestrial (cid:2) When terrestrial, there is parental care (cid:1) ______________ species (cid:2) Young are nourished by secretions from oviduct (cid:2) After birth, mother’s skin produces edible secretions Typhlonectes (mating) Gymnophiona – Scales? (cid:1) Deep scales in dermis (cid:2) Only in some species –not a synapomorphy (cid:2) Only amphibians with scales (cid:2) surrounded by poison and mucous glands Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-10 3 Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies (cid:1) Fusion of bones in skull (cid:2) Skulls are highly ossified and bones are closely associated (cid:2) Very solid, akinetic structure (cid:2) Fusion into os basaleand maxilopalatine Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-9 Gymnophiona - Synapomorphies Three types of amphibian skulls ______________ ______________ ______________ • Temporal region • Skull is • Skull is open intermediate completely roofed • Anura & Urodela • Gymniophiona • Gymnophiona Pough et al 2004, Fig 2-6, 3-9 1 Gymnophiona - Fossoriality (cid:1) Caecilians have many adaptations to a fossorial existence (cid:1) Non-fossorial forms are derived (cid:1) What are some of these adaptations? Adaptations for fossoriality (cid:1) ______________________ (cid:1) ______________________ (cid:1) ______________________ (cid:1) ______________________ (cid:1) ______________________ (cid:1) ______________________ is a result of a fossorial existence 2 Gymnophiona –Diversity & Phylogeny Gymnophiona - Distribution (cid:1) Northern S. America (cid:1) 6 major clades (cid:1) Central Africa (cid:2) Don’t worry about their names (cid:1) SE Asia (cid:2) 33 genera, 167 spp. (cid:2) 109 spp. Are “Caeciliidae”, a paraphyletic group (cid:1) Not a lot known about most of these animals Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-12 Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-13 Three Major Clades Urodela (cid:1) Salamanders and newts Photos: KP Bergmann, Pough et al. Fig 3-8 Pough et al 2004, Fig 3-2, 3-5 Urodela Urodela - Synapomorphies (cid:1) Urodela –refers to crown group salamanders (cid:1) Many obscure (cid:1) _________________ –refers to stem group osteological synapomorphies (cid:2) Fusion of some bones in digits I and II (cid:1) What species would be included in the (cid:2) Operculum is fused to Caudata that are excluded from the Urodela? the ear capsule (cid:2) Quadratojugals are absent (cid:2) 2ndCeratobranchial bone is lost at metamorphosis Duellman & Trueb 1994, Fig. 13.1 1 Urodela – General features (cid:1) Most species have a generalized morphology: (cid:2) Four limbs (cid:2) ______________ (cid:2) Long tail (cid:2) ______________ (cid:1) Some trends towards limb reduction and body elongation (Sirenidae, Amphiumidae) 2 Urodela – Defense Urodela – Other Information (cid:1) Many behavioral anti- predator adaptations (cid:1) Large _____________ (cid:2) Largest among vertebrates (cid:2) _________________ (cid:2) Cells are large to contain all the DNA (cid:1) Paedomorphosis is common (cid:2) In some species, all adults retain larval characters (cid:2) In others, only some adults retain larval characters Echinotriton chinhaiensis © Max Sparreboom Duellman and Trueb, 1986 Urodela – Phylogeny & Diversity Urodela – Sirenidae (cid:1) 10 major clades (cid:1) 4 species in SE USA (cid:1) Paedomorphic features (cid:1) 516 species (cid:2) No ______________ (cid:1) ______________ lineage (cid:2) External gills (cid:1) Phylogeny (cid:1) ___________ & limb reduced (cid:2) Roned tuhcee fdr onnutm libmebrs of toes controversial (cid:1) Fully ______________ (cid:2) Reanalysis of rRNA (cid:1) Prey on insects, crayfish, worms and morphological (cid:1) Oviparous –lay eggs data (cid:2) Uncertainty of (cid:1) Synapomorphies position of Sirenidae (cid:2) No pelvic girdle or hind limbs (cid:1)Basal vs. near (cid:2) Kpreermatainxiizlleadr yb eteaekt hreplaces Proteidae (cid:2) Non-pedicellate teeth Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-1 Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-2a Urodela – Cryptobranchoidea Urodela – Cryptobranchidae (cid:1) Includes (cid:1) 3 species in Japan, China, and (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:2) Cryptobranchidae Eastern USA (cid:2) Lack eye lids (cid:2) Hynobiidae (cid:2) Hellbender (cid:2) One set of _________ (cid:2) These are (cid:1) SSiasltaemr aton droidea (cid:1) Hanadv eh e_a_d_s________ bodies (cid:2) p*a*eLdaotemraolr spkhiinc ftoralditss (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:1) _____________ (cid:2) _____________ ribs (cid:1) Largest –up to 1.8 m! (cid:2) _________ that secrete (cid:1) Males make nests and guard into cloaca nests (cid:2) Fusion of some hyoid (cid:1) Live in cold mountain streams bones (cid:1) Rely on _______________ respiration (skin folds) Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-1 © Dr. Eric J. Routman 1 Urodela – Salamandroidea Urodela – Amphiumidae (cid:1) 3 species in SE USA (cid:1) Includes all other (cid:1) Elongate and limb-reduced Urodela (cid:2) Have remnants of all 4 limbs (cid:1) Paedomorphic (cid:1) Synapomorphy (cid:2) Lack eyelids (cid:2) Females have a (cid:2) Have gill slits (but lack external ________________, gills –distinguish from Sirenids © John White which stores sperm after insemination (cid:1) Aquatic ________________ (cid:2) Vertebrates and inverts (cid:2) Powerful, muscular jaws (cid:1) Oviparous (cid:1) Large –up to over a meter Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-1 Duellman & Trueb 1994, Fig. 13-6 Urodela – Plethodontidae Urodela – Plethodontidae (cid:1) Only salamanders to radiate in ___________ (cid:1) Diverse: 360 species (cid:1) Highly variable (cid:1) Coastal western USA (cid:2) Subterranean, aquatic, (cid:1) Eastern USA terrestrial and arboreal (cid:1) Mexico to Brazil (cid:2) Life history varied (cid:1) Italy (cid:1) Some forms with webbed feet, prehensile tails (cid:1) Often small Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-7 Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-5 Urodela – Plethodontidae Urodela – Proteidae (cid:1) 6 species in E USA & Balkans (cid:1) 5 species in Massachusetts (cid:1) Aquatic –large permanent (cid:2) Including Plethodon cinereus bodies of water Proteus anguinus (cid:1) Large –up to 45 cm (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:1) Synapomorphies (cid:2) No _________________ (cid:2) ________________ (cutaneous (cid:2) External gills and gill slits respiration) (paedomorphic) (cid:2) __________________________ (cid:2) 2n=38 (other Urodela have (cid:2) Lacrimals & pterygoids absent 30 chromosomes) (cid:2) No operculum Photos: PJB, Stebbins and Cohen 1995, Fig 7-2 Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-2d 2 Urodela – Salamandridae Urodela – Salamandridae (cid:1) 62 species (cid:1) Many species _____________ (cid:1) Coastal USA and Canada (cid:1) Includes “____________” (cid:1) Europe & Northern Africa (cid:1) Some have rugose skin (cid:1) China & Japan (cid:1) Unken reflex for defense (cid:1) Tetrodotoxins (cid:1) Massachusets species: Nothophthalmus viridescens (cid:1) Complex life cycle (cid:2) Metamorphosis 1: Larva to Eft (cid:2) Metamorphosis 2: Eft to Adult (cid:2) Aquatic (cid:3)terrestrial (cid:3)aquatic Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-3 Photos © PJB, H Greene Urodela – Ambystomatidae (cid:1) 30 species in N. America (cid:1) Robust body (cid:1) Some terrestrial, some aquatic (cid:1) ___________ is paedomorphic (cid:1) Some hybridize and are unisexual and parthenogenetic (cid:2) Variable ploidy level (cid:1) Four species in Massachusetts Pough et al. 2004, Fig 3-2e 3