AMP.6000.0019.8252 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Agenda AMP~ AMP LIMITED ABN 49 079 354 519 AGENDA MEETING OF THE ADVICE CULTURE & COMPLIANCE BOARD COMMITTEE TO BE HELD AT 10.30 AM ON TUESDAY 23 JANUARY 2018 BOARDROOM, LEVEL 25, 33 ALFRED STREET, SYDNEY 1. Committee Matters / Chair 10.30 am 1.1 Minutes from the 15 December 2017 meeting Attached 1.2 Actions arising Attached 1.3 GLT Sub-Committee decisions register Attached 1.3.1 Alan Cameron Attached 2. Work streams update 10.40 am 2.1 Customer remediation / Goedhart, Britt Attached 90 min 2.1.1 Confirmation of basis of compensation / Salter Verbal 2.2 Business process review / Regan, Campbell Attached 2.2.1 Regulatory reporting process review / Baker Cook, Salter Attached 2.3 Regulatory engagement / Regan, Salter, Goedhart 2.3.1 Advice Licence Management / Regan Attached 2.3.2 ASIC / Salter Verbal 2.3.3 APRA / Goedhart Verbal 2.4 People Issues and Remuneration and Cultural Review I Wardlaw Attached 2.4.1 Scope of cultural review Verbal 2.4.2 Capabilities review - ERM, Internal Audit Verbal 2.5 Reputation and stakeholder management / Livesey Verbal 2.6 Review of Control environment / Goedhart Verbal CLOSE 12.10 pm Glossary Board Committee members: Catherine Brenner (Chairman) Entire meeting Patty Akopiantz Entire meeting Holly Kramer Entire meeting Mike Wilkins Entire meeting Also attending: Items Items Saskia Goedhart All David Cullen All Jack Regan All Tanya Mangold All Brian Salter All Cassandra Hamlin All Fiona Wardlaw All Larissa Baker Cook All Helen Livesey All Elaine Campbell All Craig Meller All Alan Cameron All Jenny Fagg All Sarah Britt 2.1 - 2.3 Peta Bissell 2.4 Dial-in details Teleconference No. Conference code Moderator PIN (CQ25 Boardroom) Australia 1300303945 537597 8735 Page 1 of 1 AMP.6000.0019.8253 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair CONFIDENTIAL AMP LIMITED ABN 49 079 354 519 CHAIRMAN APPROVED MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ADVICE CULTURE AND COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE ("COMMITTEE") HELD AT 9.00AM ON FRIDAY, 15 DECEMBER 2017 BOARDROOM, LEVEL 25, 33 ALFRED STREET, SYDNEY A PRESENT: Catherine Brenner, Mike Wilkins, Patty Akopiantz, Holly Kramer APOLOGIES: N/A OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Michelle Favelle (Senior Company Secretary; Full meeting) Saskia Goedhart (Chief Risk Officer; Full meeting)A Jack Regan (Group Executive, Advice & New Zealand; Full meeting)A Brian Salter (Group General Counsel; Full meeting) Fiona Wardlaw (Group Executive, People & Culture; Full meeting) Larissa Baker Cook (General Counsel, Litigation Dispute Resolution; Full meeting) Elaine Campbell (General Counsel, AMP NZ; Full meeting) Pally Bargri (CRO, Advice; Items 2.1 - 2.3) Melanie Howard-McDonald (AMP Customer Advocate, Item 2.1.2) Lachlan Johnston (Director, Media & Communications; Item 2.5) A via video or tele conference 1. COMMITTEE MATTERS 1.1 Committee Terms of The Committee noted the Board Committee Terms of Reference, Reference which had been approved and adopted by the Board on 30 November 2017. 1.1.1 GLT Sub-Committee The Committee noted the GLT Sub-Committee Terms of Terms of Reference Reference. 1.2 Minutes from the 21 4/2017 November 2017 meeting The Committee RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2017. 1.3 Actions Arising The Committee noted the schedule of actions arising from previous Committee meetings and the status of each item. Redaction for Legal Privilege 1.4 GLT sub-committee The Committee noted the decisions register and schedule of decisions register actions arising from previous GLT sub-committee meetings and the status of each item. Page 1 of 4 2 AMP.6000.0019.8254 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair CONFIDENTIAL 2. WORK STREAMS UPDATE 2.1.1 Client Remediation The Committee noted and the memorandum from Pally Bargri titled Letter and Scripting 'Advice Licence Management' dated 10 December 2017. The Committee requested that, in cases where fees continued to be charged to clients under the "90 Day Exception", the language in future client remediation letters be amended to more accurately characterise the error. Pal/y Bargri joined the meeting. 2.1 Customer Remediation The Committee noted the memorandum from Pally Bargri titled 'Ongoing Service Fee (OSF) Remediation Update' dated 11 December 2017. Pally Bargri provided an update on the status of the client remediation program. He confirmed that all ongoing service fees being deducted from customer accounts whose advisers left the business or were terminated, and were not moved into the BOLR pool during the period of 2008-2017, have now ceased. The Committee noted: • that the AMP Advice licensee boards have been briefed in relation to the client remediation program • the low volume of calls and complaints received from customers in response to the remediation letters distributed. 2.3.1 Advice Licence The Committee noted the memorandum from Pally Bargri titled Management 'Advice Licence Management' dated 12 December 2017. Pally Bargri provided an update on management's approach to managing risks associated with license management including key person risks relating to responsible managers and directors of Advice licensees. The Committee discussed a number of related matters, including: • the background and rationale for the number of AFSLs held across the Group • ASIC's requirements relating to the skills, experience and oversight responsibilities for responsible managers of AFSLs and ACLs. The Committee noted that a broad update on risks in the Advice business will be provided to the Risk Committee in 2018. Melanie Howard-McDonald joined the meeting. 2.1.2 Role of Customer The Committee noted the memorandum from Melanie Howard Advocate McDonald titled 'Customer Remediation - Role of AMP Customer Advocate' dated 11 December 2017. Melanie Howard McDonald provided an overview of the purpose and responsibilities of her role as AMP Customer Advocate. Page 2 of 4 3 AMP.6000.0019.8255 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair CONFIDENTIAL The Committee discussed the importance of the Customer Advocate role, particularly in relation to the Advice remediation program. Melanie Howard-McDonald left the meeting 2.2 Business Process iir -·_·_·R_·_·_·_e·_·_·d_·_·_·a_·_·_·c_·_·_t·_·_i·_o·_·_·_n·_·_·- ._._f._.o_._._.r_._. _._L._._._e._._.g_._._.a_._._.l_. _._.P_._.-.r-.-.i-.-v.-.-.-i.-l.-.e-.-.-.g-.-.-.e-.-.- .-.-.~!! Review ! i !,L ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._!!! In relation to action item 2.3, Elaine Campbell provided an overview of the approach being taken by KPMG to the 2017/2018 culture review (KPMG Review) as part of the business improvement program. The Committee endorsed the utilisation of: • the KPMG Review, and • the broader AMP business cultural review being performed by Deloitte and overseen by Fiona Wardlaw and Saskia Goedhart, as input into the scope of the Business Process Review Program, instead of the culture report prepared by Deloitte in 2015 (2015 Report). 2.2.1 Report on 2015 Advice In response to action item 3.3, Larissa Baker Cook provided an Culture Review update on the circulation and escalation of the 2015 Report within i.A.ME~.L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}§~~~~~~i~~~i?!.~~~~~~I~~~!.!~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Redaction for Legal Privilege i i i._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.i 2.3 Regulatory Engagement 2.3.2 ASIC Redaction for Legal Privilege 2.3.3 APRA Saskia Goedhart provided a verbal report on recent engagement with APRA, including in relation to the culture report prepared by Deloitte in 2015 and the control environment review being undertaken internally. Pally Bargri left the meeting ~-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·1 2.4 People Issues and !! ii ! i Remuneration and Cultural Redaction for Legal Privilege i i Review ! i ~ ! l_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ . .i The Board noted the importance of maintaining the independence of the employee conduct investigation, and that visibility of the status and progress of the investigation by the Board and management may be reduced as a result. Page 3 of 4 4 AMP.6000.0019.8256 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair CONFIDENTIAL With reference to the discussion at the Board meeting on 13 December 2017, the Committee noted that: • Justin Morgan had resigned from his position and is on leave for the duration of his notice period • work is continuing to expedite the appointment of Jack Regan as responsible manager for the AFS licensed entities in the Advice business as a replacement for Michael Guggenheimer. In response to a request from the Committee, Jack Regan confirmed that by close of business that day, Michael Guggenheimer will cease to be appointed as a a director of any AMP Advice entities, either by way of resignation or removal by AMP in accordance with the constitutions of each entity. Fiona Wardlaw provided an update on, and the Committee discussed, the proposed approach to the conduct of the cultural review. 1.3 Actions Arising (continued) Redaction for Legal Privilege Lachlan Johnston joined the meeting. 2.5 Reputation and Lachlan Johnston provided a verbal report on the communications stakeholder management strategy, and a draft media release from ASIC titled "MR Major financial advice institutions offer additional $155 million in fees for no service refund programs" that was tabled at the meeting. The Committee discussed with Lachlan Johnston the scope of the Banking Royal Commission. Lachlan Johnston joined the meeting. 2.6 Review of control Saskia Goedhart provided a verbal report on the appointment of an environment external consultant to conduct the control environment review. There being no further business the meeting closed at 11.00 am. Signed as a correct record: Chairman Date Page 4 of 4 5 AMP.6000.0019.8258 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair Reputation and Stakeholder Management 7.4 Provide an updated copy of the holding statements to the Committee. 1S·Dec-17 2.S Lachlan Johnston / Helen Complete Livesey Circulated via email by U on 19·Dec·17 8 Review of Control Environment 8.1 Output of control environment review to be in the form of separate reports on each area of the business rather 03-Nov-17 3.8 Saskia Goedhart In progress than at a whole of organisation level. Item 2.6 (23-Jan-18) 8.2 Consider conducting a review of existing capabilities and gaps in IA and ERM teams (incl. subject matter 03-Nov-17 3.8 Fiona Wardlaw / CRO In progress capability). Scope of work to be considered by Mike Wilkins and Geoff Roberts as RC and AC Chairs. Item 2.4.2 (23·Jan·18) FW is working with GL and SG to define the scope of the capability analysis to report to a future meeting. Committee Governance Matters 7 AMP.6000.0019.8259 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair Actions and Decisions GL T Advice Compliance Review sub-committee meeting CONFIDENTIAL Actions and Decisions Meeting held 12 December 2017 Attendance: Craig Meller (Chair), Saskia Goedhart, Jack Regan, Brian Salter and Fiona Wardlaw Apologies: Helen Livesey Invitee: Elaine Campbell Item Topic Decision 1. Reputation and - No further updates at this point stakeholder ACTION: BS in regular contact with ASIC and will update when known management about likely timing of next steps and any statement to be issued by ASIC 2. Customer No further updates at this point, with remediation ongoing. Requests for data being managed within Advice Governance team (including fee _._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-. remediation) ; Redaction for Legal Privilege i L._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.~ 3. People Discussion of next steps in relation to relevant employees, and those being interviewed, with some requests received for access to documents. Possible that further interviews will be required (subject to confirmation), with a report likely provided in March 2018. Allegations have or will shortly be provided [privileged] ACTION: FW to follow-up provision of allegations to relevant employees ACTION: BS / Elaine Campbell to discuss cross-referencing what we have told ASIC about standing employees down and steps taken NOTED: Appointment of JR as RM not yet finalised, although has been appointed to some directorships, with expected "positive outcome" due this week, with directorships to follow [:::~~~~~~~:~~:::i~:~:::~:~:~:_~_i::::_~~~:~_i:~:~:~:~:::] ACTION: FW to make any changes necessary to the executive share plan rules prior to rollout of new executive remuneration arrangements in 2018. (qv. Board, [5.4]) ACTION: BS / Larissa Baker Cook (via Clayton Utz) to provide details of the people / forums that received the culture report prepared by Deloitte in 2015, and any relevant learnings (qv. Board, [3.3]) 4. Culture Redaction for Legal Privilege ----------i._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._ GLT Advice Compliance Review decisions and actions 2017-12-12 1933788_1 8 AMP.6000.0019.8260 Advice Culture & Compliance Board Committee -Committee Matters / Chair Item Topic Decision Redaction for Legal Privilege , , i._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.i ACTION: Thereza Cullen finalising scope of engagement with Deloitte and aQer with terms of reference to be reQared for Board sub-committee 5. Business Regular updates will be provided by PWC to GL T, and Elaine Campbell progressing internal appointments to ensure structure can be put in place and process priorities are met r--·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_·_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~ Redaction for Legal Privilege , ! L._._._._._._._.~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.~._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._" 6. Regulatory engagement Redaction for Legal Privilege SG had previously prepared paper for GL T re Centre for Excellence for Licensee Management, with some elements implemented ACTION: SG to revise and recirculate to GLT sub-committee for consideration 7. Broader control - Discussion re appointment of PWC for broader control review review ACTION: FW / Elaine Campbell to ensure there is no overlap between PWC's broader control review and culture review Next meeting: 19 December 2017, 2.00pm [CM, HL apologies] GLT Advice Compliance Review decisions and actions 2017-12-12 2 1933788_1 9