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AMOS 3 on the Zenit 3SLB Launch AMOS-3 on the Zenit 3SLB Launch PDF

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Preview AMOS 3 on the Zenit 3SLB Launch AMOS-3 on the Zenit 3SLB Launch

37510-1 AAAAbbbboooouuuutttt IIIIssssrrrraaaaeeeellll AAAAeeeerrrroooossssppppaaaacccceeee IIIInnnndddduuuussssttttrrrriiiieeeessss Israel Aerospace Industries is one of Israel’s leading technological- iinndduussttrriiaall ccoommppaanniieess. TThhee CCoommppaannyy hhaass ggaaiinneedd wwoorrllddwwiiddee rreeccooggnniittiioonn aass the leader in the development of aviation and aerospace technology in the military and civilian markets alike. IIAAII pprroovviiddeess IIssrraaeell DDeeffeennssee FFoorrcceess ((IIDDFF)) aanndd iittss ffoorreeiiggnn ccuussttoommeerrss wwiitthh unique, high-quality technological solutions that meet a wide range of needs on the ground, in the sea, in the air, in space and in the field of hhoommeellaanndd sseeccuurriittyy. TThhee CCoommppaannyy iiss aa wwoorrlldd lleeaaddeerr iinn aa wwiiddee rraannggee ooff advanced technologies, including development, production, renovation, upgrading, repair and maintenance of aircraft, missiles, launchers, ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ssaatteelllliitteess,, oobbsseerrvvaattiioonn ssaatteelllliitteess aanndd ggrroouunndd sseerrvviicceess,, electronic systems, avionics systems, advanced radar, precision-guided munitions and unmanned aerial vehicles. TThhee CCoommppaannyy hhaass aa ssttaaffff ooff aarroouunndd 1166,000000 eemmppllooyyeeeess, ooff wwhhoomm aarroouunndd 40% are university graduates, mainly engineers and scientists. The Company also provides employment to tens of thousands of households in IIssrraaeell,, oonn aa ddiirreecctt aanndd iinnddiirreecctt ccoonnttrraaccttiinngg bbaassiiss.. 37510-2 IIssrraaeell AAeerroossppaaccee IInndduussttrriieess'' SSppaaccee aanndd SSaatteelllliitteess IInndduussttrryy IAI’s MBT Sppace Division is a “Sppace House” ((One Stopp Shopp)) for GEO and LEO satellites, operating since the beginning of the 80's with an enviable 100% in-orbit success. MBT space unique cost-effective pprroodduuccttss ccoonnssiisstt ooff ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn aanndd oobbsseerrvvaattiioonn ssaatteelllliitteess aanndd ground control stations for both GEO and LEO satellites. MBT Space's turnkeyy pproggrams offer all levels of activities, from subsyystems to complete, efficient, cost-effective space systems. In recent years, MBT space has undergone a breakthrough - Now successffulllly operattiing eiighhtt sattelllliittes. TThhiis ttrendd wiillll bbe conttiinuedd over the next few years fueled by new satellites, currently in the manufacturingg facilities. IAI has successfully launched the OFEQ 7 advanced imaging satellite, which supplies high-resolution imagery to the full satisfaction of the custtomer – tthhe GGovernmentt off IIsraell. 37510-3 IIssrraaeell AAeerroossppaaccee IInndduussttrriieess'' SSppaaccee aanndd SSaatteelllliitteess IInndduussttrryy IIAAII hhaass rreecceennttllyy rreevveeaalleedd tthhaatt aann aaddvvaanncceedd aanndd iinnnnoovvaattiivvee ooppttiiccaall iimmaaggiinngg ssaatteelllliittee – vveerryy high-resolution OPTSAT 3000, is currently being developed. IAI also develops and manufactures the EROS family of commercial high-resolution imaging satellites, for ImageSat International (ISI) company. The TecSAR, a demonstration SAR satellite, is also in orbit providing exceptional images. TecSAR is the first of its kind developped in Israel,, and ranks amongg the world's most advanced space systems. The satellite is considered a technological breakthrough and will complement information needs that cannot be provided by electro-optical satellite, i.e. pprroovviiddeess iimmaaggeess dduurriinngg ddaayy,, nniigghhtt aanndd aallll wweeaatthheerr ccoonnddiittiioonnss,, iinncclluuddiinngg uunnddeerr cclloouudd cover. Last year, Northrop Grumman signed an exclusive agreement with IAI to market the TECSAR satellite to the U.S. Government. AAMMOOSS-33 wwiillll jjooiinn AAMMOOSS-11 aanndd AAMMOOSS-22 iinn tthhee oorrbbiittaall llooccaattiioonnss ooff 44 ddeeggrreeeess wweesstt oonn tthhee equator. This position enables SpaceCom Company to provide communication services to the Middle East, Central Europe and the east coast of the U.S. 37510-4 Main Ku Antenna Steerable Steerable KKuu AAnntteennnnaa Ka Antenna Fixed Ka AAnntteennnnaa 37510-5 AAAAMMMMOOOOSSSS--3333 DDDDuuuurrrriiiinnnngggg PPPPaaaayyyyllllooooaaaadddd TTTTeeeessssttttssss 37510-6 AAAAMMMMOOOOSSSS--3333 MMMMaaaaiiiinnnn PPPPaaaarrrraaaammmmeeeetttteeeerrrrssss Scheduled to replace AMOS-1 in early 2008 EExxppeecctteedd SSeerrvviiccee LLiiffee ooff oovveerr 1188 yyeeaarrss. Launch Weight - 1270 Kg (Launch direct to GEO) Payyload Weigght - 250 kgg Satellite Power - ~2400 watts Payload Required Power – ~2000 watts 1122 KKuu ttrraannssppoonnddeerrss, 7722 MMhhzz eeaacchh. 2 Ka transponders, 500 Mhz each. 2 Ku antennas – one 1.7 M fixed DGA and one Steerable. 2 Ka antennas – one fixed and one Steerable 37510-7 AAAAMMMMOOOOSSSS--3333 FFFFiiiixxxxeeeedddd KKKKuuuu aaaannnndddd KKKKuuuu CCCCoooovvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee AAAArrrreeeeaaaassss European Fixed Ku Beam Middle-East Fixed Ku Beam North-America Fixed Ku Beam Middle-East Fixed Ka Beam 37510-8 AAAAMMMMOOOOSSSS--3333 GGGGlllloooobbbbaaaallll KKKKuuuu aaaannnndddd KKKKuuuu SSSStttteeeeeeeerrrraaaabbbblllleeee BBBBeeeeaaaammmmssss 37510-9 AAAAMMMMOOOOSSSS--3333 oooonnnn tttthhhheeee ZZZZeeeennnniiiitttt 3333SSSSLLLLBBBB LLLLaaaauuuunnnncccchhhh Fairing AMOS-3 Third Stage 37510-10

TecSAR is the first of its kind developp, ged in Israel, and ranks among the world's most advanced space systems. The satellite is considered a technological
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