AMMUNITION EN RIFLES & SHOTGUNS WINCHESTER delivers shotshells for hunting and sports shooting and metal cartridges for rifles the world over. With its state-of-the-art technology, its Research & Development department constantly improves component performance to adapt them to their final destination (accuracy, shot pattern, range, efficiency), without neglecting contemporary ecological principles as far as noise pollution (subsonic cartridges) and environmental pollution (biodegradable components), etc. are concerned. WINCHESTER has retained the "pioneer" spirit and constantly cultivates a vocation for innovation. Its WSM (WINCHESTER SHORT MAGNUM) ammunition is more compact, more powerful and causes less re- coil than their traditional counterparts whilst being chambered in more compact, lighter guns. These new calibres are already widely established, to the point that today, the entire gunsmith industry offers guns for this new WINCHESTER ammunition. WWW.WINCHESTERINT.COM Editor: Philippe Chamoret, Marketing Manager Europe (Browning International) Design-conception : Agence POM’G ( Translation : Ariane Traduction [email protected] Pictures : Olin-Winchester-Browning, Davister, Philippe Allard, Agence POM’G © Copyright Browning international, january 2007. The Winchester® trademark is licensed to Browning International by Olin Corporation (USA) WINCHESTER ® is distributed by BROWNING INTERNATIONAL S.A. Parc Industriel des Hauts-Sarts, 3e Avenue 25 - 4040 Herstal - BELGIUM AMMUNITION TARGET SHOTSHELLS 2 HUNTING SHOTSHELLS 6 SHOTSHELLS SLUGS STEEL SHOTSHELL USER GUIDE 2 HUNTING SHOTSHELL GUIDE 3 RIFLE AMMUNITION 4 PISTOL AMMUNITION 24 RIMFIRE AMMUNITION 26 COMPONENTS 28 TA RGET SHOTSHELLS Shotshell performance is closely linked to the quality of its components. Winchester manufactures its shotshells with the best gunpowder, wads, primers and tubes in a combination that only a wealth of experience can successfully achieve. Every Winchester shotshell has been designed and produced to hit a single target: your complete satisfaction. The double Base Ball Powder® Propellant Winchester double-base powders contain a blend of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine. The grains may be spherical or crushed depending on the type of powder. These grains are coated with a deterrent agent which acts as a burn rate moderator. Unique advantages of double-base powder: 1. PERFECT ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY The double chemical basis of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine guarantees identical powder performance under different temperatures and humidity, even in extreme conditions. 2. OPTIMAL COMBUSTION With the double base, the nitroglycerine increases the combustion energy whilst also ensuring ignition throughout the mass of the nitrocellulose which controls combustion progressivity. This results in total powder combustion eliminating powder residues in the barrel. 3. ACCRUED PERFORMANCE Double base powder results in a better spread pressure curve than other powders. This longer and slightly lower curve generates more progressive shot acceleration and distribution even with high speed powders, controlling and decreasing more effectively felt recoil. The plastic wads PLASTIC WAD TYPE “Z” Plastic container wad with 4 compression legs Generally used in 20 or 16 gauges shot shells or in 12ga for heavy load (X3 Plus 20ga). PLASTIC WAD T2 Wad with 2 progressive compression sections for a Regular pattern and a soft recoil, despite the high velocity (X3 Plus). PLASTIC WINNER WAD ( WW ) The Classic and legendary 12ga Winchester plastic container wad with 3 compression legs. A very reliable and efficient wad invented by Winchester. “STEEL” PLASTIC WAD "WINNER" Reinforced plastic cup wad for optimum steel shot and barrel protection. "T2" (WW) "Z" "ACIER" "STEEL" 2 Primer Vent hole The primers Varnish preventing the introduction of powder to prevent primer detonation. primer type "CX2000" Anvil for perfect high power primer valid for all kinds of lead loads. percussion primer type "616" Chamber Allows us to increase the powder content and reach a high velocity with lower pressure, Anticorrosive explosive composition maximizing the pattern quality Cap made from a copper Only on premium shot shells : Silver & X3 plus blend to avoid firing pin damage. Tubes Special polymer composite tube protecting it from the risk of Reinforced brass-plated steel base. Expanding base wad lips to guarantee perfect gas seal TRAP MAX X2 X3 PLUS SILVER Minimum 0.30 mm thick base, guaranteeing perfect extraction in all conditions. The components SHOTSHELL SHELL CASE TYPE GA. HEAD MM TUBE MM TUBE COLOUR PRIMER TRAP MAX 12 8 70 ORANGE CX2000 X2 12 12 70 ORANGE CX2000 X3 PLUS CAL.20 20 16 70 YELLOW CX2000 PARCOURS ZZ STEEL X3 PLUS 12 16 70 RED 616 ELECTROCIBLES SILVER 12 22NIK 70 GREY 616 3 TA RGET SHOTSHELLS SHOOTER LINE The most essential shotshells for the shooter or for practising at the lowest possible price. TRAP MAX TRAP 100 CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g REF g m/s m/s X1 TRAP MAX TRAP 100 CTPM24P 12 24 7,5 70 8 ww-27 415 25/250 CTRAP28P 12 28 7,5 8 70 12 ww-27 400 25/500 CTPM28P 12 28 8 7,5 70 8 ww-27 400 25/250 • Optimum combination of 3 quality components : Powder type 410 + primer CX2000 + 12mm head •guaranteeing constant pattern • Most commonly used target shotshell for regular target breaking • Value for money components • Double base Ball powder X2 TRAP 100 FIBER CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s REF g m/s X2 TRAP 100 FIBER CX224P 12 24 7,5 8 9 70 12 ww-27 415 25/250 CTPF28P75 12 28 7,5 70 8 Fiber 400 25/500 CX228P 12 28 7,5 8 70 12 ww-27 400 25/250 • Excellent short & medium range target shotshell / environmen- tally friendly CX232P 12 32 7,5 70 12 ww-24 400 25/250 • Multi-discipline 28 g 7.5 load X2 FIBRE • Reifenhauser hull and 8 mm head for excellent price/quality ratio • Paper disc & all fibre wad for an immediate quality pattern and CX228fip75 12 28 7,5 70 12 Fiber 395 25/250 no pollution due to plastic ejects • Basic lead shotshells for all disciplines • Double base Ball powder for perfect atmospheric stability, opti- mal combustion and accrued performance • Low pressure and medium speed for regular shot distribution at medium ranges 4 COMPETITION LINE Complete line of competition shotshells for every discipline and in any popular gauge or MASTER LINE load. X3 PLUS CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD SILVER REF g m/s CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD X3 PLUS CX3PL24P 12 24 7,5 8 9 70 16 T2 27 415 25-500 REF g m/s CX3PL28P 12 28 7,5 8 70 16 T2 27 400 25-500 SILVER SPORTING CX3PL32P 12 32 7,5 70 16 Z-24 400 25-500 CSIS128P 12 28 7,5 8 70 22 395 25/500 CAAP224P 20 24 7,5 70 16 Z-22 399 25-500 SILVER TRAP CAAP228P 20 28 7,5 70 16 Z-22 393 25-500 CSI124P 12 24 7,5 8 9 70 22 415 25/500 X3 PLUS FIBER CSI128P 12 28 7,5 8 70 22 400 25/500 CX3PF28P 12 28 7,5 8 70 16 Fiber 395 25-500 • The most prestigious Winchester® shotshell • The combination of primer type 616 and Ball Powder® Propellant • 22 mm head to reduce deformation and therefore limit nears less barrel time and a progressive wad compression, guaran- wear and tear on the chamber teeing a more regular pattern. • Nickel-plated head to avoid oxidation • The new plastic wad, type T2, with 2 compression sections, optimizes • The quantity of powder can be increased and higher pellet distribution and offers a soft recoil despite the high velocity. velocity and limited pressure achieved due to the control- led burning rate of the type 616 primer. The result is a perfectly controlled pattern • Double-base powder for perfect, even combustion, impro- MASTER LINE Highly specialised shotshells for extreme performance ved performance and good atmospheric stability in their specific application. PARCOURS CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s SPECIALITY LINE PARCOURS CWISN34P75 12 34NI 7,5 70 20 ww-24 415 25/500 • ZZ and pigeon shooting STEEL CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s ZZ ELECTROCIBLES TRAP STEEL CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CSTEEL28S 12 28 6 7 70 16 Steel 28 420 25/250 REF g CSTEEL32S 12 32 6 70 16 Steel 32 410 25/250 m/s ZZ ELECTROCIBLES • for shooting in protected areas (where lead is prohibited) CPI136P75 12 36 7,5 70 20 ww-21 415 25/500 • ZZ and pigeon shooting HUN TING SHOTSH ELLS TRADITION LINE Essential shotshells for specialist hunters. SPECIAL FIBRE SPECIAL CANARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g REF g m/s m/s SPECIAL FIBRE SPECIAL CANARD CHSPF32P 12 32 7 6 70 16 Fiber 415 25/150/450 CHSPD12P4 12 36Ni 4 70 16 ww-21 415 25/150/450 SPECIAL FAISAN CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s SPECIAL STEEL CANARD SPECIAL FAISAN CHSPFA32P 12 32 7 6 5 4 70 16 ww-24 400 25/250 CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s SPECIAL STEEL CANARD CHSPDS12S4 12 34 4 70 16 Steel 32 415 25/15/450 SPECIAL PETIT CALIBRE CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s SPECIAL PETIT CALIBRE CHPC228P 20 28Ni 6 7 8 10 70 16 Z 22 390 25/500 CHPC232 20 32Ni 6 7 8 10 70 16 Z 19 380 25/500 Consult our “Steel shotshell user guide” on p.12 6 SPECIAL PIGEON RANGER® CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITYCARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s REF g m/s SPECIAL PIGEON RANGER CHSPPI12P 12 36 7 6 70 16 ww-21 400 25/150/450 CHRA122P 12 32 6 7 8 10 11 12 67 12 ww-21 400 25/250 • different loads and pellet sizes for small migrators hunting in 67mm and disperser SPECIAL MIGRATEUR RANGER® DISPERSER CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s REF g m/s SPECIAL MIGRATEUR RANGER DISPERSER CHSMI12P9 12 32 7,5 9 67 8 ww-24 395 25/250 CHRAD34P 12 34 6 7 8 70 12 Disper. 395 10/250 CHRD227P 20 27 6 7,5 8,5 70 16 Disper. 20ga 390 10/250 • Various shot charges, calibres and pellet sizes for close range shoo- ting in a 70 mm shell with spreader wad system HUN TING SHOTSH ELLS TRADITION LINE Essential cartridges for the game shooter. EXPERT® LINE Complete line of high quality and extreme performance for every type of quarry and in any gauge or load. GB SUPER SPEED® CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD CALIBRE LOAD SHOTS T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD REF g m/s REF g m/s GB SUPER SPEED CHGB128P 12 28 6,5 67 12 WW-24 400 25-500 CHSS136P 12 36 0 2 4 5 6 7 70 20 WW-21 415 10/250 CHGB130P 12 30 6,5 67 12 WW-24 395 25-500 CHSS16VP 16 32 0 2 4 5 6 7 70 16 Z-21 380 10/250 CHGB132P 12 32 6 67 12 WW-24 390 25-250 CHSS20P 20 28 4 6 7 70 16 Z-19 390 10/250 CHGB226P 20 26 6,5 67 8 Z-22 390 25-500 CHSS232P 20 32 0 2 4 5 6 7 70 16 Z-19 380 10/250 • 67mm Hull and semi light load ideal for older shotguns CHSSEX40P 12 40 Ni 0 2 4 5 6 70 20 Z-15 395 10/250 CHSS150MP 12 5 0 2 4 6 76 20 Z-15 390 10/250 • Super Speed, the legendary Winchester hunting shotshell, has been giving exceptional performance to the GB FIBER most demanding hunters for over 40 years, thanks to a perfectly balanced combination of hunting shotshell criteria: shot load, velocity, pressure and patterning. CALIBRE LOAD SHOT T(MUMBE) H(MEAMD) WAD VELOCITY CARDBBOOXARD • The result is a higher efficiency rating (energy actually transmitted on contact) than rival shotshells, even where the competition posts higher values on criteria such as velocity or pressure. REF g m/s • The Winchester Super Speed is your guarantee of efficiency and regularity for exceptional results. GB FIBER CHGBF30P 12 30 6,5 67 8 Fiber 390 25/500 weight of shot • 67mm Hull and semi light load ideal for older shotguns efficiency rating 105% Shot quantity at 35 m 100% 95% 90% 85% energy at 35 m 80% velocity at 2,5 m velocity at 35 m pressure RIVAL 36gr N°4 patterning at 35 m SUPER SPEED 36gr N°4 8