Amino Acid + Amino Acid + Amino Acid Peptide linkage Proteins (many peptide linkages) Proteins Amino Acids CCaasseeiinn CCyysstteeiinnee Gelatin Arginine Albumin Tryptophan Peptone Tyrosine Tyrosine Cysteine Arginine Tryptophan Tests to be done: (cid:1) Ninhydrin’s test (specific to all Proteins & Amino acids) (cid:1) Biuret’s test (specific to Proteins) (cid:1)(cid:1) SSaakkaagguucchhii’’ss tteesstt ((ssppeecciiffiicc ttoo AArrggiinniinnee)) (cid:1) Nitropruside’s test (specific to Cysteine) (cid:1) Millon’s test (specific to Tyrosine) (cid:1) Hopkins-Cole’s test (specific to Tryptophan) Ninhydrin’s test Ninhydrin reaction Principle: Ninhydrin is Specific for Amino Acids & Proteins – to differentiate between Carbohydrates (-ve) and Amino Acids & Proteins (+ve). Ninhydrin Reacts with α-amino acids (–NH ) in proteins giving a purple colored 2 complex, except Proline and hydroxy proline gives yellow color(no –NH ). 2 Ninhydrin is most commonly used as a forensic chemical to detect “fingerprints”, as amines left over from proteins sloughed off in fingerprints react with ninhydrin giving a characteristic purple color. Procedure & observation: − To 1 mL amino acid solution in a test tube, add 2 drops of ninhydrin reagent. − On cold and observe the formation of a purple color, OR - Put in a boiling water bath and observe the formation of a purple color. NNiinnhhyyddrriinn’’ss tteesstt Few drops of B Mix Mix Heat 22--33 mmiinn 1ml of protein C Mix solution D Result Unknown A Proteins or Amino Acids & Carbohydrates Reagent B Drops of Ninhydrin reagent Observation C Dark purple colour on heat Proteins (free –NH ) 2 D Purple-Violet colour or ppt on cold Amino Acids(free –NH ) 2 D No reaction Carbohydrates Biuret’s test Principle: Biuret test is Specific for Proteins – To differentiate between Proteins (+ve) and Amino Acids (-ve). The biuret reagent (copper sulfate in a strong base) reacts with peptide bonds in proteins to form a blue to violet complex known as the “Biuret complex”. Two peptide bonds at least are required for the formation of this complex. Procedure & observation: − To 1 mL of protein solution in a test tube, add 2 mL of 10% sodium hydroxide solution and 2 drops of 1% copper sulfate solution. − Mix well; a violet color is obtained with albumin, casein & gelatin and a pinkish violet color with peptone. Biuret’s test 2 drops of B 1ml of NaOH Mix Mix 1ml of protein C solution Result Unknown A Proteins or Amino Acids Reagent B 2 ml NaOH, then 2 drops of CuSO4 (1%) Observation C Violet colour Proteins (reacts with Di-peptide bonds) C No change in colour (Blue) Amino Acids (No di-peptide linkage)