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Amine Borane Dehydrocoupling with d Complexes - Opus PDF

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Amine Borane Dehydrocoupling with 0 d Complexes Peter Bellham A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Bath Department of Chemistry June 2014 COPYRIGHT Attention is drawn to the fact that copyright of this thesis rests with its author. A copy of this thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and they must not copy it or use material from it except as permitted by law or with the consent of the author. Publications Resulting from this Thesis Alkylstrontium diamidoboranes: beta-hydride elimination and Sr-C insertion. Bellham, P., Hill, M. S., Liptrot, D. J., MacDougall, D. J. and Mahon, M. F., Chem. Commun., 2011, 47 (32), 9060-9062. Alkaline earth alkyl insertion chemistry of in situ generated aminoboranes. Bellham, P., Hill, M.S., Kociok-Köhn, G. and Liptrot, D.J., Dalton Trans., 2013, 42 (3), 737-745. Bespoke synthesis of unsymmetrical diaminoboranes by alkaline earth catalysis. Bellham, P., Hill, M.S., Kociok-Köhn, G. and Liptrot, D.J., Chem. Commun., 2013, 49 (19), 1960-1962. I Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Alkaline Earth Chemistry 1 1.1.1 Group 2-Centred Hydroamination 6 1.1.2 Group 2-Centred Hydrosilylation 8 1.1.3 Group 2-Centred Dehydrogenative Silicon-Nitrogen Coupling 9 1.1.4 Hydrocarbon-Soluble Alkaline Earth Metal Hydrides 12 1.2.1 Hydrogen Storage and Amine Boranes 15 1.2.2 Hydrogen Evolution Via Thermolysis 17 1.2.3 Metal-Assisted Hydrogen Release 18 1.2.4 Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes with Frustrated Lewis Pairs 22 1.3 Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes by d0 Complexes 23 1.4 Amine Boranes Beyond Hydrogen Storage 34 1.5 Aims of The Research Described In This Thesis 37 1.6 Chapter 1 References 41 2 Stoichiometric Reactions of Alkaline Earth Dialkyls with Amine 64 Boranes 2.1 Stoichiometric Reactions Between Alkaline Earth Dialkyls VII and 64 Secondary Amine Boranes 2.2 Kinetic NMR Experiments on the Reaction of Strontium Dialkyl VIISr with DMAB 2.3 Kinetic NMR Experiments on the Reaction of Magnesium- and Calcium- 77 Dialkyls (VIIMg, VIICa) with DMAB 2.4 Stoichiometric Reaction of a Strontium Dialkyl VIISr with a Primary 82 Amine Borane 2.5 Conclusion for Chapter 2 88 2.6 General Experimental Procedures for Chapter 2 90 2.6.1 Typical Procedure for Stoichiometric NMR-Scale Reactions 90 2.6.2 Experimental Procedures for Stoichiometric Reaction of Secondary 92 Amine Boranes with VIISr 2.6.3 Experimental Procedures for Thermolysis Reactions of Secondary 92 Amine Boranes with VIIMg, VIICa and VIISr II 2.6.4 Reaction of VIISr with Primary Amine Borane, TBAB 94 2.6.5 Typical Procedure for Kinetic Experiments 96 2.7 References for Chapter 2 97 3 Mechanistic Investigation of d0 Complex Dehydrocoupling of 98 Amine Boranes 3.1.1 Consideration of Alkaline Earth Pre-catalyst for Amine Borane 99 Dehydrocoupling: Limitations of Previously Studied Pre-catalysts 3.1.2 Stoichiometric Reactions Between Calcium and Magnesium Anilido- 100 Imine Reagents, IX-Ca and IX-Mg, and Secondary Amine Boranes 3.1.3 Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of Secondary Amine Boranes by Calcium and 104 Magnesium Anilido-Imine Precatalysts IX-Ca and IX-Mg 3.1.4 Stoichiometric Reactivity of Strontium Anilido-Imine IX-Sr with 106 Secondary Amine Boranes and Anilido-Imine Ligand Stability 3.1.5 Selection of Alkaline Earth Precatalyst for Amine Borane 114 Dehydrocoupling 3.2.1 Stoichiometric Reactivity of Group 1 bis(trimethylsilyl)amides 115 MN(SiMe ) LIX with DMAB 3 2 3.2.2 Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of DMAB By Group 1 121 Bis(trimethylsilyl)amides LIX 3.2.3 Stoichiometric Reactivity of β-diketiminato-Magnesium Amidoborane 122 3.2.4 Heavier Alkaline Earth M[NMe BH NMe BH ] Complexes 125 2 2 2 3 2 3.2.5 Stoichiometric Reactivity of β-diketiminato-Calcium Amidoboranes 126 3.2.6 Reactivity of Alkaline Earth Reagents with a Primary Amine Borane 138 3.3 Kinetic Analysis of the Stoichiometric Reactivity of Alkaline Earth 150 Amidoboranes 3.4 Chapter 3 Conclusion 162 3.5 Experimental Procedures for Chapter 3 168 3.5.1 Reactions of Anilido-imine Species IX with Amine Boranes 168 3.5.2 Stoichiometric Reactions of Group 1 Reagents with Amine Boranes 182 3.5.3 Stoichiometric Reactions of β-diketiminato-Magnesium Species 185 with Amine Boranes III 3.5.4 Synthesis of Heavier Alkaline Earth [M(NMe BH NMe BH ) ] 186 2 2 2 3 2 Complexes 3.5.5 Stoichiometric Reactions of β-diketiminato-Calcium Amidoboranes 188 3.5.6 Catalytic NMR-Scale Reactions Between Group 1 192 Bis(trimethylsilyl)amides [MN(SiMe ) ] (M = Li, Na, K) LIX and 3 2 Me NH.BH 2 3 3.5.7 NMR-Scale Reactions Between Calcium Reagents and tBuH N.BH 193 2 3 3.5.8 Kinetic Characterisation of Dehydrocoupling of Me HN.BH with d0 197 2 Reagents 3.5.9 Kinetic Characterisation of Stoichiometric Reactions of d0 199 Amidoboranes 3.6 References for Chapter 3 202 4 Kinetic Analysis of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes 206 by d0 Precatalysts 4.1 Kinetic Analysis of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes by Group 207 3 Precatalysts [Sc{N(SiHMe ) } (THF) ] XL and [Y{N(SiMe ) } ] XLI 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 4.2 Kinetic Analysis of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes by 213 Calcium Precatalysts VI and V-Ca 4.2.1 Kinetic Analysis of the Dehydrocoupling of the Primary Amine 228 Borane Tert-Butylamine Borane 4.3 Kinetic Analysis of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of DMAB by Magnesium 230 Precatalysts XV and V-Mg 4.4 Comparison of Reactivity of Group 1 Precatalysts LIX for Catalytic 235 Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes 4.5 The Trend in Reactivity of Group 1, 2 and 3 Precatalysts for Catalytic 237 Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes 4.6 Chapter 4 Conclusion 240 4.7 Experimental Procedures for Chapter 4 241 4.7.1 Kinetic Characterisation of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of 245 [Me HN.BH ] by Group 3 Species 2 3 IV 4.7.2 Kinetic Characterisation of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of 250 [Me HN.BH ] by Calcium Precatalysts [β-diketiminato.Ca{N(SiMe ) }] 2 3 3 2 VI and [Ca{{N(SiMe ) }] V-Ca 3 2 4.7.3 Kinetic Characterisation of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of 258 [Me HN.BH ] by Magnesium Precatalysts [β-diketiminato.MgnBu] XV 2 3 and [Mg{N(SiMe ) }] V-Mg 3 2 4.7.4 Kinetic Characterisation of Catalytic Dehydrocoupling of 260 [Me HN.BH ] by 5 mol % (i) [Li{N(SiMe ) }] LIX-Li, (ii) 2 3 3 2 [Na{N(SiMe ) }] LIX-Na and (iii) [K{N(SiMe ) }] LIX-K at 323 K 3 2 3 2 Using the Method of Initial Rates 4.8 References for Chapter 4 261 5 Alkaline Earth Mediated Reactions of Amine Boranes With 263 Amines 5.1 Catalytic Insertion Reactions with Amines 264 5.2 Stoichiometric Reactions Between Calcium Amidoborane and Amine 274 5.3 Conclusion for Chapter 5 277 5.4 Experimental Procedures for Chapter 5 279 5.4.1 Experimental Procedures for Catalytic Amine Insertion Reactions 279 5.4.2 Preparative-Scale Synthesis of [{tBuHN}BH{NPh }] 60 286 2 5.4.3 Experimental Procedures for Uncatalysed Amine Insertion 287 Reactions 5.4.4 Kinetic Dehydrocoupling of Me HN.BH and Pyrrolidine by d0 290 2 Species 5.4.5 Stoichiometric Reactions Between β-diketiminato Calcium 291 dimethylamidoborane LXV and Amines 5.5 References for Chapter 5 292 6 Conclusions 293 6.1 References for Chapter 6 298 V Acknowledgements Undertaking a PhD is a very personal project and journey, testing your resolve in so many ways and, as those around me will testify, I have usually gone about overcoming those things in a typically unique way. This journey would not have been possible without Mike, whose faith in giving me the opportunity to undertake this PhD, combined with enthusiasm about chemistry and style of supervision have all been greatly appreciated. I am grateful for the support of my parents, family and friends who continually ask me how everything is going. Whilst they may not understand what it is that I’m doing I know that I have all of their support. The non-chemist who knows most about my thesis is my wife Michelle, whose support, belief in me and listening ear for me to grumble about kinetics and general amine borane based woes has been constant and unwavering. It has been reassuring to have someone by my side who knows what it’s like to undertake a PhD and know without me saying. Within the chemistry department I wish to thank Gabriele Kociok-Köhn for all of the crystallography, John Lowe for all of his NMR help and allowing me to run so many NMRs on the 300 MHz spectrometer, Carlo Di Iulio and Rhodri Owen for their help with GC MS and Stephen Boyer at London Metropolitan University for CHN microanalysis. I also extend my gratitude to my colleagues in the Hill, Johnson and Molloy groups and the University of Bath for funding. My PhD moved me away from friends and family, but brought me to the lovely city of Bath, a place which has changed my life in so many ways and somewhere I will greatly miss. VI Abstract As the developed world seeks to reduce the dependence upon fossil fuels, amine boranes have received increased interest as a clean, stable hydrogen source. This thesis sought to scrutinise the mechanism of amine borane dehydrocoupling proposed by Hill and provide quantitative evidence for the dependence of dehydrocoupling activity upon identity of the metal centre. This work led to a refined mechanism, shown in Figure A1, incorporating proton-assisted β-hydride elimination steps, occurring via potentially concerted processes. A pathway to account for the previously unreported reactivity of [R N-BH ] to ultimately afford 2 2 2 [HB(NR ) ] is also included. 2 2 Figure A1: Proposed mechanism of amine borane dehydrocoupling by alkaline earth elements (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba). A dependence upon the identity of the metal centre on the dehydrocoupling activity was found, identifying a decrease in reactivity with increasing ionic radius and decreasing cation charge density as each group is descended. This thesis showed that the mechanism of secondary amine borane dehydrocoupling by d0 reagents is complex, suggesting that a generic mechanism which fully describes dehydrocoupling of all amine boranes would be too much of an oversimplification. VII Abbreviations Used in This Thesis β-diketiminate Dipp-nacnac ligand AB Ammonia borane br. Broad NMR resonance Dipp 2,6-di-iso-propylphenyl DMAB Dimethylamine borane DMAP 4-Dimethylaminopyridine FLP Frustrated Lewis Pair GC MS Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry HMBC Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Correlation HMQC Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Correlation HSQC Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation iPr Iso-propyl L Supporting ligand KIE Kinetic Isotope Effect Me Methyl nBu Normal butyl NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance OTf Triflate PB Pyrrolidine borane Ph Phenyl TBAB Tert-butylamine borane THF Tetrahydrofuran tBu Tert-butyl TOCSY Total Correlation Spectroscopy VIII Table 1: Literature Compounds Referred to in This Thesis I [M{P(SiMe ) } (THF) ] 3 2 2 4 II [M{N(SiMe ) } (THF) ] 3 2 2 2 III [Ba{C(Ph) (CH CH Ph)} (THF) ] 2 2 2 2 2 IV [M(DMAT) (THF) ] 2 2 [M[N(SiMe ) ] ] 3 2 2 2 V-Mg, M = Mg V V-Ca, M = Ca V-Sr, M = Sr VI [M{CH(SiMe ) } (THF) ] 3 2 2 2 VIIMg, M = Mg VII VIICa, M = Ca VIISr, M = Sr VIII IX

1.3 Dehydrocoupling of Amine Boranes by d0 Complexes. 1.4 Amine 2.2 Kinetic NMR Experiments on the Reaction of Strontium Dialkyl VIISr with. DMAB.
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