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Amiga Computing Magazine Issue 107 PDF

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Preview Amiga Computing Magazine Issue 107

Christmas ■ 1996 ■ £4.50 Overseasprice£4.50 Hfl2O "' . ;o dieskies ■■' i: ".:- incredible (lightsimfrom Vulcan From the creators of imageStudio an awesome structureddrawingprogram Including: Worms, Director's Cut t Draco Update t Golden CD * Apple One day we may see the rebirth ofthe Amiga with a PowerPC Only Apple can otferyou both desktop and portable computers processorand other new features to enable it to compete again that truly match the ease ofuse the Amiga brought to yourdesktop. with today's systems. Sadly though, more than two years since Affordable Apple Macintosh systems have PowerPC RISC processors Commodore's demise, very little ofsubstance has happened. with thousands ofoff-the-shelfprograms available in areas where We've seen prototypes and promises, but that's about it... the Amiga was previously so strong. Perhaps some can wait forthe final outcome, but ifyou need And. ifyou need to have the most compatible ofall computers. more performance, without paying the earth - and you need it Macintosh is currently the only system that can run MacOS. DOS today - there's one real alternative to consider now... and Windows applications via optional DOS Cards or SoftWindows. Why Macintosh? TheInternet&Communication: AllMacsarePowerPCbased(exceptPowerBook | AllMacsareInternetready; manyinclude «fc$ AppleistheWorld'sNo. 1 Multimedia j 190s).Evenentrylevelsystemsrun;ii 1OO.M1I/. a 28,800bpsmodemwithfullsend/receive PCvendor. ■.'■ or 120MHz,with2QGMH2powerhousesand 180MHz faxandanswerphonemanagementfacilities. AlldesktopMacshaveafastCD-ROMdrive multi-processorsystemsatthetopoftherange. Industrystandardwebbrowsers, Netscape a.sstandard(portablesgetinternalCD.soontoo). i Appleistheonlymainstreamcomputercompany W XavigatorandMicrosoftInternetExplorer. In 1995,42ofthetop50sellingCD-ROMtitles H. whohasbeenabletomakethetransition weredevelopedfortheMac. Bothgivelullaccess worldwideweredevelopedontheMacintosh. )_, fromtheolderCISC(complexinstruction.set j toallWebsiteswithnewInternet pagelayout ManyMacintosheshavebuilt-inTVwitliteletext MiiC ■ computing)processorsu>thenewerandfaster ■ Featureslikeauto-tablesandon-screenmovies. .soTVclipscanlierecordeddirectlytodiskas RISC[reduced instructionsetcomputing)processor TheInternet'sstandardformalforvideofiles,called QuickTimemovies. technology-whilslstillretaininglullbackward QuickTime(orQuickTimeforWindows),wasan ManyMacintosheshavebuilt-invideo compatibilitywithprevioussoftware. Appledevelopment.Ofcour.seitcomesasstandard inandout,fordirectrecordingtoVCRs. Remember486, Pentium;Pro&680X0aremerelyCISC! witheveryMac. SomeMacintosheshaveinternaldigital videoeditingfacilitiesasstandard, Connectivity&Expandability: otherscan\\-upgradedtoinclude Over l,H00nativesoftwarepackages(written AllMacintosheshavenetworkingbuiltinasstandard, thisfacilitywithc-ase. • speciallyforPowerPCMacs)havebeen soconnecting.systemstogetherandaddingshared Nmt>540Q-BlackMat shippedsincePowerMacintosheswere printersetc.couldn'tIx-easier. Idealforyourhome. launchedin 1994-plustherearethousands All MacintosheshaveanexternalSCSIconnectoras Recreation&Games: ofexistingprogramswhichcanalsobeu.sed. standard(exceptDuosi-addingexternaldrives. ■ TopgameslikeTheUltimateDoom. Industrystandardprograms.suchasWord, cartridgedrives,scannersetc.reallyisPlug-and-Plaj Myst, RebelAssaultII,Dark Forces, Palestream,WordPerfect,PageFileMakerPro, I.ow-costdigitalcamerascanbepluggedinto Descent, Afterlife, LostEden, Legend Excel,QuarkXpress, Photoshopandmany theMacforinstantrealimageinput, ofKyrandia, FullThrottleandTheDig othershaveallbeendevelopedfortheMac. InexpensiveindustrystandardPCIcardscan ■• haveallbeendevelopedforMacintosh. beusedinallMacsystemsfromthe5400upwards Macintosh.stilldominatesthecreative Education&Edutainment: worldwithanBOHmarketsharein ManyqualityMacintoshtitlesarewidelyavailable. Output&Presentation: colourpublishing. DorlingKindersleyoffersuperbtitleslikeTheUltimate Connectingandusingcolourprinters(from (n%ofpost-productionvideoeditingisonMaes, HumanllodyandHistoryoftheWorldwhilstMicrosoft Epson, 1IP,Appleandothers)toMacsisso Macintosh isthemostwidelyusedsystemforthe publishEncarta.CinemaniaandDinosaurs. easyandtheresultsaretrulyoutstanding. creationo! Internetwebpages. BecauseMacintoshisthepreferredsystem Manysoftwarepackagesareavailable Mustmagazines(probablytheoneyou'rereading withinmanyeducationalestablishments, offeringimagemanipulationand rightnow)arecreatedonMacintosh, highqualitysoftwareisassured. superbphotoqualityoutput. Interested? All you need is 10% deposit then there's NOTHING TO PAY until 1997!* 10 5260Perfunmt (yiooCreativeStudio PowcrfblfullyexpandableMacwitha liu-idealMai pxfctgcfw.illiTeUfvetypes niilvsoftwarewiu-lpfvmlaients... 5260 UMMIbwih-iaibRAH,Quad SpeedCD,800MbHardririiivBuilt-in -jvol(11 .'n,hIJ.irtllime.TVTuner,jtfft 00 14'ColourMonitorandKeyboard FdctcM Video-lnVideoCompn-w .;■ \nrnull/iulil:[ficc £1292 'r!"!:.'.1);!.1.!'!!!1'."^s*("Jt'ni i2699 aodyouhidealmonitorakeyboard Speda!SudaniPnce* £1174 (RGEEHTUVMTuisenrDandS£T5U0DIErtNwTtwrOFtoF»EvRd.i 5260/100-12/800-CD ■fo.vugoo ■»vncw[M* 6400/200-24/2400-CD > tafANYSte FROM jpCrt !Higher £1174* •f»ttfIelrfacm«J(»OJ!■>kHt"tB«wtKwwwH•.Aapipi^KVIide■oOPslraayWHail!p4jl0e £2699 ■MxlmfcMui-IMlrom ■PwfomgOdArt■TfiWin' ranclahisworksaofficesuite.. Thingi}■GreH*rMulimwdU[nubpaKfij•PtsmPti* FullWWdFtKiiw.DriHiog,Paining. Snf■Oni*(■«l*M«iAoivrtyCtnire Spiwdihwt.OaubawandCOMMsPsksgt JUST£7.92PERWEEK* KMili-TghStimyWlUomca*tt'HOuHm™a*n-itooJ.yStiafyjPlrleTviVemwO OfKKII 'IfcfEntolfu'tpsinSsKir 5400FamilyMacintoshI ■■Hi . U U)l BSpct '!■ i; U - BUCKMAI ■■ ■ I vi. ■ HSpredO).ITHonrtoc,l.hWi!I.in!Dm . sY/Z,^ TVTunttTeleiCT!.ViJsfolnI1p.!.-.-'. : - ■ . INCLUDES!5'BUILT (jrdandbuiltin2H-SModem U$% 'IN^LOURMOHto •Epsonw,:.«Ir■■..■' <r- JiidwWK_Mac,here'sjusiafcn *Epy1::Stylush.M. \.*(itlour' "- -MatOS7.5.]'HyperOrd 5400-16/1600-CD fltyir'«!ralal(lMil«•«![»•ApplehrMeonjytr' iVAl I Tlnthim I •MjdntHuj•UOldifri ■Pfrl«miClsWrt■TJimim' £1F6ROM79 ImtIiivi m ■ ■ Thii^j ■Gro:frl,!.illir>L-djH<,<!rplEif'.i•fowttPtft *Slrwn(lStihXfBoow<Dnoey■AJaddinActivityCwlrt ■Pawl■LionKingStoryiotk•Bivwy■ToySt«yPm*ti -D«'iTr«UtliiMMHuronBody•FullThrortt» ■DfUEnt *ThfEdofEurnM«n^fH Mliheho>pfognasareavaaahlci.hfourM,i, ■ •li-asfidjJdjx-nphoaUinjnuiMm IumIncAIvlimandvn- tluiiyiHimiid*expert Averjsmallsdenwnisshownbefon whafsavaibblc-it'sallplugandplay! CHPtisomlRnaWncleOhptfwcimha MYST. ..JB7 ENOUtTA-T iCAIi KEYBOARDS komSAl MAQm GAMEPAD 126 ■\>Lfixikuitirfciiu*in-nittiiu [UK DIG _ ..^6 GROIJKRS&tC(C Ml ZIPDRIVE-l«l\(l) IW MACAU1 JOVSnCK «8 ■Example. I'ji 10iDcpadona UBOlUTEZStO -W> CORELDR.WSIin!.,rrom£tl< 1.2GKLXT.HARDDRIVK JS28 jETSTKKJOYSnCK 145 tttbocel^lril2O0andihmpay OONEWTHEDA8K3,! jmo aaius^^Nli^^^ i mm WACOMARTPADII ilM APPIEDESIGNSPEAKEfiS.-.ije nothingA* imnnihs(wbjcclk> DARKmm:i;s SA] SOFTWINDOWS l<^. ,£29J APPLEIXB>CARDS lnmi«75 lwONaTEMAINTENANCE.418 -i.iin..ni.l.hiiIBimngemenlke) ■VHuendetailsavallibhonrequest ■Why Inexpensive? Why Harwoods? CORDON HARWOOD Price/Performance: GordonHaiwoodComputerswasroundedasa specialistCommodoredealerin 1982 COMPUTERS Today'sI.i>icmMacintoshesoutperformihcfaaea andwe'restillsupportingAmigauserstoday.WebegansupplyingMacintoshsysiemsin I'l'niiuini'rcisyaems-byaconsiderablemargin! 1'Wl wheniibecamedeariliatCommodore\\a.sfoilingtocapitaliseonihetechnological Macintoshsystemshave:iiarlowercosl"I advantageiihad.Weneededtohareproductsavailablethatfulfilledtheneedsofour ownershipiItlittWindowssysiems. customerswhoweredemanding... MacsaremuchcheaperthancomparableAmigas! • s\stemswithafuture ■ System-;withoutstandingperformance "MTl MMI"" • Systemswithunsurpassedeaseofuse MacintoshSyssem: • Systemswithouitheproblemsanddisadvantagesassociatedwith U200trK 2MbRAM S50 MacintoshPerforma5400 ■DOS'Windows,which.sliil persistandtrouhleuserseven now. 51O6MMfbtlrfaima36Ouppade a£5w80 16MbR.«l 6k TodaywehavegrowntobecomeoneolthelargestAppleAuthorised Resellersin COWEM'EflTEOEOAUSRYTSOHFOIWNDR,OSOOMWAHNYDNSOEET.. 1(k;I-ILiTdDrivf i^Ofl f.6GbHaulDrive ftre Europe.Ourextensiveproductknowledgeandsolidsupportfacilitiesemphasise Why Macintosh! 8xSpeedCDROMdrive 259 &SpeedCDROMdrive be ourstatusasoneol;iselectgroupolAppleAuthorised ServiceCentresand ■J:U«HI.'[«U>]=l'm-lHEB1 ICMiTinot £286 ]^HMonitor&Keybaud ta1 accreditedAppleHigheranil FurtherEducationAllianceResellers. .'■■■■.Modou iliS 2>HModemF.i\\ihui-rplvinr lm TVOpdonj VWAnJh* T\''Lin'in^'imiim onMian hK 'Pleasesendtbecouponorphoneus-we'llrushyouyourFREE Win Macintosh'brochurepack Vido inQukkiinc ArtAofti* VideoInQuKklinn- /« PQQrd¥ia\M kc Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: Initial®: Surname; ToialforAmigaSystem £2029 TotalforMacSystem £1996 l.and ifllv Address: 4 Applei>theSo.I computercompanyworldwidewlihs?" ofuserspurchasingotherMacintoshsysiems.Thereare over60,000,000.\iacintoshust-rsworldwide-.,. CountyorCountry: Postcode: Isn't it time you became one? DaytimePhone: Evening Phone: Main use(s)ofcomputer: HOME BUSINESS EDUCATION faetiyfinancepricestin-axVATandarebasedon3\mrfixedcost AppleCommercialCreditfarbusinessusers.Askforfulldtfaili ^ Pleaseailon!tbecouponiludreturnitFREEto... IbisadtaitsemenlwascreatedentirelymAffieMacintosh GORDON HARWOOD COMPUTERS* FREEPOST MID04091 tiltiiimuvrutilisingavarietyofsiaitdardsqfitraKprograms Dept.ACO i NEW STREET • ALFRETON • DERBYSHIRE • DE55 9BR n m ■■■...■' "■■ ■■■■'■ '..'..■..'■..■■.■■ taalkitktoiWeTHjnaxb MTtattematbartackttoakdgfdBEOJ Tel:01773 836781 • Fax:01773831040 • email:[email protected] lmntilHe*IIit oni EVIEWS ■ ^K.. Lightwave ED Golden Cd Action news 66 Anewbookwhich guidesyouthrough Allthelatestdevelopmentsonthe Neil Mohrtakes gamesfront.ScoopMaddocktakesa look a lookatthe everythingyouwanttoknow AlphaQuatro Worms - director's cut 68 Kara Collection__E3 from Golden We reviewTeam 17'sfollow-uptothestunning Image ThisnewfontsCDgetsthefull AC review strategywar-'em-up {orratherworm-'em-up) Laser Guidance ThelatestCD'sreviewed.ThismonthwelookatEpic Interactive Encyclopaedia and anAmiga RepairKit «IChromeSerif Draw Studio AsneakpreviewofLH Publishing'sstructured drawing program Draco's Heart Paul Austin examines the all new hardware Ruffian 70 and softwareatthe heartofthe Dragon Furry animals abound, Andy Maddock finds his wayaroundthisnewpuzzlingplatformer Dreamweb 7 Thesecondexcitinginstalmentonhowtogetto gripswith Empire'sexcellentadventure Designed For Life 76 Want to know what the best games of '96 were? Look no further, we give you the low- down andwhereyoucan getyour handsonthem EATURES Win! Win! Win! 79 Lotsofgoodiesare upforgrabsin this compo Heroes & Villains_EEI 'C' Compilers fromthe makersofCapital Punishment Gareth Lofthouse recallsa halloffameand PaulOveraa beginsa newseries Tiny Troops 80 infamyfrom theAmiga'sshadowypast on'C Programming NewboyHugh Poyntontakesaglimpseof Vulcan'sforthcomingstrategygamewith Web Design 10 Out Of 10 pint-sizedcritters PaulOveraa roundsoffhisseries 10 Outof 10have aspecialofferfor on Arexxforbeginners you totake advantageof Amiga Computing CHRISTMAS 1996 OVER HE COVERDISKS STORY Jej Pilot Vu'can's fnght sim - a All I Want E3 must for thrill-seekers everywhere For Christmas... The AC team recommend the greatest goodies to buy DrawStudio for Christmas, Try your hand at this demo of LH from modems to Publishing's structured drawing program the best software EGULARS News Public sector Netcom announce a new service specifically for Amiga Dave Cusick shuns student life at Sheffield ownersplusalltheshowdiarydatesyou needtoknow Uni inorderto bringyouthelatestin PD Letters The place to be - put pen to paper and let us know whatyouthink Acas Tearing your hair out overa technical difficulty? Neil Mohris readyaseverto lend a hand MICA GUIDE m A, Neil Mohr talks about Handyhintson howtc assignscripts create rainbows far I Paul Overaa explains DOS Get the most out of your library routines Amigawhenmakingmusic Stuck on your variables? PaulOveraa lendsa helpinghand Getthe bestout Dave Cusick sings the | oflastmonth's praisesofYAM 1.3 coverdiskwith ourtutorial Amiga Computing CHRISTMAS 1996 "World of A12OO" & "Top 1OO CDs FH£S with every €iD ROM DATAFL HARD DRIVES Now includes CD ROM driversand instructions. Tlie Dataftyerisa 16bit SCSI II controllercardthatconvertsthe - signalsontheinternalIDEinterfacetoalsorunSCSIdevicesat Top quality drives in a top quality the same time as the IDE hard drive. The metalenclosure with cool Dataflyer SCSI* will operate up to 5 SCSI ing (an, in built power devices such as CD-ROMS, hard drives, supply and SCSI ID | Syquestremovabledrives,tapeback updrivesetc.UnlikeotherSCSI 540MB SCSI Interfaces, the Dataflyer SCSI+ is HARD DRIVE compatible with all known acceleratorsetcanditdoesnot stop you from utilising any of the impor. 1GIG SCSI HARD DRIVE expansionportsonyourA1200/A600. TheDataflyerSCSI+easilyinstallsintotheA1200/A600(simply pushesin.noneedtoremovethemetalshield)andprovidesa25way 2GIG SCSI HARD DRIVE or through the blanking plate at the back of the A1200. :tionsandsoftwaresupplied. (deduct foruncaseddive) DATAFLYER ONLY or 99 when purchsed with a SCSI device SQUIRREL ONLY or when purchsed with a SCSI device SURF SQUIRREL or when vitrapdoorfittingmemoryexpansionsfeaturea purchsed with a SCSI device AclockandasocketforanacceleratorFPU. EARLY DOUBLES THE SPEED OF THE A1200 4MB MEMORY EXPANSION f Our highly rated, top quality feature 8MB MEMORYEXPANSION packed modemsareideal forAmiga users. All modems include our 33MHZ 68882 FPU (PLCC) FREE MODEM ACCESSORIES only when purchased with above 'worth aI'J/J'J) which eludes a cable to connect le modem to the / JCOMM comms s AmigaGuidetoCommsanu. list of Bulletin Boards from which you will be able to download vast amounts of free software as well as h. accesstoE-MAILfacilities. •MNP2-4ErrorCorrection • MNP5 DataCompression • FaxClassIandII compatible,Group3 * HayesCompatible •Full80 pagemanual • 12 Monthsguarantee istheultimateindiskco,, 14400 MODEM £ ackagecomprises the DiscologyDisk, manual and 28800 MODEI programswithan externaldiskdrive. Discologywillalso formatdisks,checkdisksforerrorsetc. NET AND WEB SOFTWARE AntiVirus Professionalisthemostpowerful tool fordetectingand removingvirus es-AntiVirusprowillcheckanddeviceharddrives,floppydisksandevenCDROM CLOCK CARTRIDGE £19.99 drivesforviruses.Verystraight forwardtouse,includesafull50pagemanual. ASIM CDFS £49.99 DER NOW BEFORE A VIRUS CACHE CDFS £44.99 DESTROYS YOUR SYSTEM !!! EPIC ENCYCLOPEDIA CD £19.99 EPHONEFORAFULLINFORMATIONSHEET WORLD OF A1200 CD and TOP 100 EACH OR BUY GAMES CD £7.49 EACH or BOTH for ^ - with every CD OM drive!!! to place your ©/dir COMPj i #1 DOUBLE SPEED APOLLO 1230 LITE £99.99 CD-ROM DRIVE WITH SQUIRREL 68030 with MMU Fullyfeatured SCSI CD-ROM drivefor use withthe- and FPU. Will ; A600,SimplyconnectsviathePCMCIAport ■w I No.l take a 4mb or 8mbSIMM. Fully PCMCIA compati & DOUBLE ^ FOR MAIL ORDER bleevenwith: SPEED CD-ROM with Squirrel ONLY £139.99 No.l 6 SPEED + SQUIRREL £209.9$ APOLLO 1230/50 PRO 8 SPEED + SQUIRREL £259.99 FOR AMIGA £159.99 -- IN MANCHESTER Asaboverunningat50mhz |! with two SIMM ! ' Superb IDE CD-ROM drive system Order NOW for CantakeuptoupI for the A1200. Fully featured, ofRAM immediate despatch top quality drives in a top qualityenclosurewithbuilt inpowersupply.Allcables, APOLLO 12 instructions, software including CD32 emulator 68040/68060+MMU based A1200 accelerator, Features andaudioCDplayeretc.,Included batterybackedcbckand a72pin socketforastandard 72 forImmediateuse.TheCD-ROMinterfacesupplyplugsinside the pinSIMM(upto 128mb). Fullyfeatured,fancooledtrapdoor A1200 (exceptionallyeasytofitbyanybody)andprovidesacon (credit/switch card sales only) fittingaccelerator. nectorintheblankingplateattherearoftheA1200,nexttothe for enquiries mousesocket. PLEASEPHONEFOR FURTHER tel: 0161 796 5279 INFORMATION SHEET fax:0161 796 3208 £229.99 ULTRA 4 SPEE 69.99 APOLLO 1240, APOLLO 1240/40 £299.99 ULTRA 8 SPEED 99.99 Sendchequesor postalorders APOLLO 1260/50 £489.99 N RENO CD-ROM (made payableto 4MB SIMM £34.99 Siren Software) DoublespeedCDROM DRIVEcompletewithpowersupply, SCSI 8MB SIMM £59.99 OR cables, docking station anri orcreditcard detailsto:- full instructions. Al< 16MB SIMM £99.99 WHEN includes stereo head SIREN PURCHASED WITH AN phones and carrying SOFTWARE, foruseaspersons APOLLO ACCELERATOR 178 BURY NEW RD, RENO CD WITH WHITEFIELD, SQUIRREL DRIV MANCHESTER r HARD DRIVES M45 6QF, ENGLAND Our high speed 2.5' IDE hard . drivesfortheAmigaA1200& . A600 computers come com- ighlyratedSCSIdri Access, Visa, Switch, Delta, ifittingcable,screws, :ore100mbpercar- nonnectetc accepted software,full instruc- idge. ComesComplete withpower OPEN: andl2 supply, SCSIcable, iytoFriday9amto6pm instructionsandcartridge. Saturday9amto 12pm ZIP DRIVES £159.99 OR Personal callers welcome. J by us are for- £199.99 with Squirrel .. partitioned and have Please phone first to Workbench(WB2fortheA600andWB3fortheA1200] check availability installedforimmediateuse. Fittingisincrediblysimple; EZ FLYER ofany item. ifyou can plugthemouseintothemouse socket,you canplugtheharddriveintotheharddrivesoc DIRECTIONS: Incrediblyfast(upto 4xfasterthan aZIPdrive) SCSI FREEWHIL&YOU-WAITFTTT1NG. ill store a massive 230mb per cartridge, FromtheM62 Junction 17 PERSONALCAUERS.PLEASEPHONEFOR icompletewithpowersupply,SCSIcable, head towards Bury. 'ionsandcartridge. We are 50 yards on FREEWOWTOFITYOURHARDDRIVE* THE ULTIMATE the right hand side after videoandStakkerdisktoincreasethedrive's REMOVABLE the third set of lights. ryharddriveordered DRIVE The doorto our premises 85mb 89.99 is next to the 420mb ^ u%**wEn florists opposite 1080mb £199.99 the Masons Pub. EZ FLYER A50(}4420mbHard Drive AllpricesincludeVAT.Postagezr,tipsdiing willbertwgptf31£3.50psrorderOj.((.;, £7.50Europe,-jntl£3.2.50rcsioftireworid, Cybercafes: Old H@t? Ohe phenomenon oftheCybercafe i discusses whether Cybercafes is unique and unprecedented. Why is it that cafes built around are a unique new culinary communications the premise of computers have arisen?You'd scoff at any other communica tions based eatery - a telephone cafe, or a concept or the haunt of those who'd prefer to fax'n'foodjointforexample,would be about as marketable as a good marriage guide by hammer away at a keyboard in tragic solitude O.J.Simpson. When it comes down to it, the computer and the Internet possess one basic feature thatallowthemtobeavalidandusefuladdi tentiousquestion,thebarwould belinkedto line.Youcan'tseethem laugh,frown, grin or tiontoa socialestablishment.Viacomputers other cafes and bars and a real-time debate shrug.Thewholeexperienceisneitherfulfill andthenet,communicationisn'tlimitedtoa involving hundreds of people could be ing norsatisfying. one-on-one debate and discussion can be staged. Perhapsitsjustme, butI don'twanttogo heldvia theWeb.This istheonlywaycyber Questions e-mailed days before could be toabaroracafewhereyouspendyourtime cafescanmakethemselvesworkonanything read outand answered.This istheCybercafe typing away exactly like you did at work or otherthan mere noveltyvalue - by recognis ideal.Aplace much likethe old coffeeshops banging away on computer games like you ingthisuniquefacetofthe Net. of centuries ago where topical issues were areinsomearcade.TheonlywayaCybercafe Look for example at the best Cybercafes; discussed. Obsolete, also in London, lives up canworkisiftheyusethetechnologytoadd TheVibe Barin London hasdesigned itscafe tothisidealtoo;artistscandisplaytheirwork to the sociability of the place, not detract sothatthe computers are used forsociable, on the netand getfeedback from acrossthe from it.Acomputeratacafetableorinabar not solitary purposes. The computer termi UK. could be brilliant, if there's a group of you The main problem is there are too many debatingasubject,you havethemeansright nalsare arrangedsothere is a computerter lazyCybercafeowners.Tome,theprospectof in frontofyou to investigate the matter fur minal to every sofa rather than chair - even goingintoacafeand hammeringawayatthe ther and make your discussion more thisbasicchangemeansmaybethreepeople keyboard is about as interesting and appeal informed. canhaveanIRCconversationwithsomebody ing aswatching a 2000 metre slug race. The Cybercafes have to re-organise them ratherthanjusttheone. very reason for cafes and bars is so thatyou selves, in the way they are laid out and the On this level, a normallyfairlydull activity canenjoyreallife,genuine,facetofacesocial events that go on, or face the fact that they isturnedintosomethingmuchmoresociable interaction with somebody else - you can may just be some trendy, Gibsonesque fad and fun. On a more fundamental level, the haveachatanda laugh.Thisisnotthesame thatwill be ridiculed bythose discussingthe baruses its computersto stage live debates. as typing garbage to somebody on an IRC subjectinthe barsand cafesofthe future. An author for instance, might pose a con- The AC team EDITOR TinaHackett WeregretAmigaCompilingcannotoffer ARTEDITORS GrahamParry technicalhelponapersonalbasiseitherby CIRCULATIONDIRECTOR DavidWren JimEagers.TymLeckey phoneorinwriting.AJireaderenquriesshould DEPUTYEDITOR NeilMohr MANAGINGDIRECTOR IanBloomlield besubmittedtotheaddressinthispanel. MEDIA PRODUCTIONEDITORS Justine-Bowden, DISTRIBUTION COMAG(01895)44405S AmigaComputingaanindependentpub/icction AlanMeLacMan andVIScorpisnoiresponsiblefaanyofrfieorticles USReaders-AmigaComputing(ISSN0959- SUBSCRIPTION 0151-3572961 P4SGUY AndrewMsddock intfesissueorforon/oftneopinionsexpressed. 9630)ispublishedmonthlybyIDGMedia, STAFFWRITER HughPoynton England,asubsidiaryoftheIDGCorp.Periods! REGULARCONTRIBUTORS DaveCusick MemberoftheAuditBureauofCirculations ©1996IDGMedia.Nomaterialmaybe postagepaidpendingatBoston.MAandaddi KatherineNelson reproducedinwholeorinpartwithoutwritten tionalmailingoffices.Sendenquiriesto: PaulOveraa 22,051 permission.Whileeverycareistaken,thepublishers IDGHacclMficld. PhilSouth cannotbeheldlegallyreponsibleforan/errorsin CONTRIBUTINGEDITOR GarettiLofthouse Jan-Jun1996 articles,listingsoradvertisements. Allpriceslistedintheeditorialcontentofthis USyearlysubscriptionrate:USAGold$70.USA ADVERTISINGMANAGER LisaBracewell PublishedbyIDGMedia,MediaHouse.AdlingtonPark, magazineareinclusiveofVATunlessstated Standard$44 ADSALES SueHorseiield MacclesfetdSKIO4NP ADPRODUCTION BarbaraNewall Tel01615876888.Fax:016258S06S2 IItoutiubjcription«9.»fl/K).£69.99(EEC) ForeightyearsAmigaComputinghas MARKETINGMANAGER SteveTagger H4.99(Wortd) beentheleadingmagazineforAmiga PRODUCTIONMANAGER AlanCapper EMiilcontacts: Ongoingquarterlydirectdebit:i1t'.i?(UKonly) enthusiasts.AmigaComputingpromisesto DATABASEMANAGER VictoriaQuirinHarkin [email protected] inform,educateandentertainitsreaders ListRentalEnquiries [email protected] PrintedandboundbyDuncanWebbOffset eachmonthwiththemostdedicated 017)83192SZ (Maidsiofie)Lid coverageoftheAmigaavailable Amiga Computing CHRISTMAS 1996 s i r n No.l FOR MAIL ORDER iur i No.l FOR AMIGA IN MANCHESTER Ord imme (credit/ : 0161 796 5279 fax: 0161 796 3208 Sendchequesor postalorders [madepayable to Siren Software) orcreditcard detailsto:- SIREN SOFTWARE, 178 BURY NEW RD, WHITEFIELD, MANCHESTER M45 6QF, ENGLAND • Audiooutputconnectorsenableyoutouse Access, Visa, Switch, Deda, edriveasanaudioCDplayer. Connectetc accepted isyfitinternallyfittinginterfacesimply OPEN: plugsintoensurefullcompatibilitywithall accelerators,memoryexpansionsetc. Theinterface simplyplugsonto MondaytoFriday9amto6pm the44 pin IDEconnectorinsidethe Saturday9amto 12pm 1 DoesnotuseorinterferewiththePCMCIA slotoranyotherport. computer(stillallows a 2.5" or3.5" Personal callers internal harddrivetobeused aswell!) welcome. _' IncludesCD-ROMinstallationsoftware. and providesaconnectorintheblanking Please phone first to plateattherearofthe A1200nextto check availability CD32Emulationenablesthemajorityof themousesocket.Thiscanbeinstalled CD32titlestobeusedontheA1200. byanyonein5minutes! ofany item. _ AudioCDplayersoftwareallowsyouto AH cables, instructions, interface, DIRECTIONS: playyouraudioCDs. etc., included aswellasa 12 month FromtheM62 Junction 17 warrantyand fulltechnical support. UnlikemostotherCDROMdrivesystems head towards Bury. theUltraCDROMdriverJoesnotcause i We are 50 yards on longdelayswhenbootingup. the right hand side after the third set of lights. ULTRA 4 SPEED £169.99 The doorto our premises is ne>ct to the ULTRA 8 SPEED £199.99 florists opposite the Masons Pub. AllpricesincTudeVAT.Pcst-3^arrtWsin?, cull fur luriiwr v.i'l!tacfi3ns£r}g?:£2.50p<;rorderf'J.K.j. £7.50Bvrapaand£15.50resfofill?woiW. Hoys For The Boys Sadeness havetwonewCD'savailableand youcangrabyourself£5offifyoupre-order. One iscalledWomenOfTheWeb and,you guessedit,featureslotsofwomenfrompic turestomovieclipsanderr,soundsamples. Included are supermodels, TV presenters Kriiir»eltiti2ArnicaScreenstoPCgru[>lil andfilmstars. TheotherisCD'X'whichcoverssubjects [)nlviheSIamt'scSystemmukis as diverse as Aliens to famous murderers. So for those who are into the weird and wonderful this CD will give you the low down on everything from crop circles to conspiracies. 5adeness reckon that they have used over 600Mb and virtually filled the CD. It will retail at around £29.95. Phone01263 722169formore details. WomenOnTheWebhas allthewomenyouknow andloveonCD! AN ON VIOLENT GAME Iew Netcom A Public Domain title has caused outrage recentlywhen it was discovered by a mem ber of the public in a UK PD library. Called Charges SchoolyardSlaughter,theaimofitistoshoot lip Art children inthe head whilsttheyarewalking Netcom UK, one of the leading Internet across a playground. In the light of Collection Service Providers announced a change in its Dunblane, the game caused disgust and billing structure. Customers registering after immediately Michael Howard, the Home the October 1 will be charged £14.95 per Secretary,joined proteststo banthegame. Softwood has released an EPS Clip Art The Public Domain companywhich origi Sample Collection. This samplervolume monthincludingVAT.ExistingNetcomUKcus tomers will be charged the new price from nally held the game (that came in from contains 91 quality EPS images for desk America) has destroyed the original disk. top publishing. The images range from November 1. Netcom believes that the new VAT inclu However it is thought copies could still be business and education to pictures of sive price structure will be easier for both circulating. The title had found its way into birds, fish and insects. Britain before Dunblane-evenso,theques The ClipArtSample Collection isavail them and their customers. David Furniss, tion of morality over such a concept for a able on 4 low density disks for £29.95. Netcom UK's sales and marketing director game raises extreme concerns about what Purchasing the Sampler Collection auto said Netcom was, "One of the very first peopleconsideracceptableentertainment. matically reduces the cost of the addi Internet Service Providers to recognise cus Distributing such a game is a criminal tional volumes from the £64.95 recom tomer's needs for VAT inclusive pricing" and offence as it has not been classified by the mended retail price to £34.95. For fur thenewpricingstructurewouldsetanexam B8FC and carries a prison sentence of two ther details contact Cordon Harwood plethatcompetitorswill soonerorlaterhave yearsand/oran unlimitedfine. Computers Ltd, on 01773 836781. tofollow. Amiga Computing CHRISTMAS 1996

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