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Accepted by ApJ:Dec.23,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 AMIBA OBSERVATIONS, DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS FOR SUNYAEV-ZEL’DOVICH EFFECTS Jiun-Huei Proty Wu1,2, Paul T. P. Ho3,4, Chih-Wei Locutus Huang1,2, Patrick M. Koch3, Yu-Wei Liao1,2, Kai-Yang Lin3,1, Guo-Chin Liu3,5, Sandor M. Molnar3, Hiroaki Nishioka3, Keiichi Umetsu2,3, Fu-Cheng Wang1,2, Pablo Altamirano3, Mark Birkinshaw6, Chia-Hao Chang3, Shu-Hao Chang3, Su-Wei Chang3, Ming-Tang Chen3, Tzihong Chiueh1,2, Chih-Chiang Han3, Yau-De Huang3, Yuh-Jing Hwang3, Homin Jiang3, Michael Kesteven7, Derek Y. Kubo3, Katy Lancaster6, Chao-Te Li3, Pierre Martin-Cocher3, Peter Oshiro3, Philippe Raffin3, Tashun Wei3, Warwick Wilson7 Accepted by ApJ: Dec.23, 2008 9 ABSTRACT 0 Wepresentobservations,analysisandresultsforthefirst-yearoperationofAMiBA,aninterferomet- 0 ric experiment designed to study cosmology via the measurement of Cosmic Microwave Background 2 (CMB). AMiBA is the first CMB interferometer operating at 3 mm to have reported successful re- n sults,currentlywithsevenclose-packedantennasof60-cmdiametergivingasynthesizedresolutionof a around 6′. During 2007 AMiBA detected the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effects (SZE) of six galaxy clusters J atredshift 0.091 z 0.322. An observingstrategywith on-off-sourceswitching is used to minimize 6 the effects from e≤lectr≤onic offset and ground pickup. Planets were used to test the observational ca- 2 pability of AMiBA and to calibrate the conversion from correlator time-lag data to visibilities. The detailed formalism for data analysis is given. We summarize our early tests including observations of ] h planets and quasars, and present images, visibility profiles, the estimated central coordinates, sizes, p and SZE amplitudes of the galaxy clusters. Scientific implications are summarized. We also discuss - possible systematic effects in the results. o Subject headings: cosmic microwave background — cosmology: observations — methods: data anal- r t ysis — galaxies: clusters s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION ticular emphasis on detecting SZE clusters, the CMB 2 anisotropy, and possibly cosmic defects (Lin et al. 2004; The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has been v Umetsu et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2004; Ho et al. 2008b; used as a window through which to study not only 5 Wu et al. 2008a). The instrument is described in the early Universe but also its evolutionary history. 1 Ho et al. (2008a), Chen et al. (2008), and Koch et al. The challenge of such observations arises from the fact 0 (2008a). In our initial configuration with seven close- 1 that the CMB carries information spanning a period packed antennas of 60-cm diameter, we concentrated on . of about 14 billion years, so that specially-designed in- 0 pointedobservationsoftheSZEandthemeasurementof struments and analysis methods are required to sepa- 1 theCMB temperaturepowerspectrum(Ho et al. 2008b; rate the effects originated from different physical pro- 8 Wu et al. 2008a). cesses. One recent focus is the measurement of the 0 AttheAMiBAoperatingfrequency(86-102GHz; 3- v: Sgausnyianevg-aZlealx’dyovcilcuhsteeffrsect(sSu(nSyZaEe)vraensudltZinelg’dforvoimchth1e9h7o2t; mm wavelength) the SZE is expected to induce a de∼cre- i Birkinshaw & Lancaster 2007). Several CMB exper- mentinCMBintensityascomparedwiththeundistorted X Planckian spectrum (see Sec. 2). This provides a pow- iments are dedicated to this purpose, such as ACT r (Kosowsky 2003), AMI (Kneissl et al. 2001), APEX-SZ erfultool for discriminating betweengalaxyclusters and a other astronomical sources, because the latter normally (Halverson et al. 2008), OVRO/BIMA-SZE (LaRoque emit photons characteristicof much harder spectra than 2006), SPT (Ruhl 2004), SZA (Muchovej et al. 2007), the CMB, and therefore always induce an increment in and OCRA-p (Lancaster et al. 2007). Here we report intensity rather than a decrement. By measuring the the first results of SZE observations with the Y. T. Lee SZE intensity deficit and its profile, we hope to probe Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMiBA; not only the cluster physics but also the related cosmic Ho et al. 2008a). origins. AMiBA is devoted to CMB observation with par- This paper is organizedas follows. InSection2 we de- 1DepartmentofPhysics,InstituteofAstrophysics,&Centerfor scribe the AMiBA telescope and its relationto the SZE. Theoretical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, In Section 3, we summarize our initial observations in Taiwan 2007withemphasisontheobservingstrategyandtarget 2LeCosPA Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, selection. In Section 4, we describe our analysis formal- Taiwan 3Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, ism and procedures for obtaining the calibrated visibil- P.O.Box23-141,Taipei10617,Taiwan ities from the raw time-lag data, and the SZE images 4Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden and profiles from the calibrated visibilities. The main Street,Cambridge,MA02138,USA 5Department of Physics, Tamkang University, 251-37 Tamsui, results are also presented here. In Section 5 we discuss TaipeiCounty, Taiwan possible systematic errors. In Section 6, we summarize 6UniversityofBristol,TyndallAvenue,BristolBS81TL,UK the scientific implications of these results, including the 7Australia Telescope National Facility, P.O.Box 76, Epping estimation of Hubble constant (Koch et al. 2008b), the NSW1710,Australia 2 Wu et al. scaling relationship between the SZE and X-ary derived For the thermal effects, the ∆I has a maximum tSZE properties (Huang et al. 2008), and the baryonic frac- decrementwithrespecttothe CMBPlanckianspectrum tion when our SZE data are jointly analyzed with the I (f) = I x3/(ex 1) at f 100 GHz. This opti- CMB 0 − ≈ Subaru lensing data (Umetsu et al. 2008). Brief conclu- mal frequency for SZE observations is well covered by sions are given in Section 7. We have other companion the AMiBA operating frequency of f = [86,102] GHz. papers investigating the system performance (Lin et al. For AMiBA g(f) 3.4 at the center frequency f = ≈ − 2008), the foreground (Liu et al. 2008), and data in- 94GHz,withavariationoflessthan 10%fortherange ± tegrity (Nishioka et al. 2008). of [86,102] GHz. Therefore for a typical massive cluster with y 10−4, T 10 keV, τ ym c2/(kT ) 5 e e e 2. AMIBA TELESCOPE AND SZE 10−3, v∼=1000 km∼/s, and an ang∼ular size of θ =≈6′, w×e p AMiBA is an interferometric experiment initiated in expecttheSZEsignalstobe∆ItSZEπ(θ/2)2 200mJy Taiwan in 2000 and dedicated on Mauna-Loa (3400 m and ∆IkSZE π(θ/2)2 20 mJy for AMiBA∼, −indicating | | ∼ in elevation), Big Island, Hawaii on October 3, 2006. It ∆IkSZE/∆ItSZE 10 %. The fractional contribution | | ≈ has dual-channelreceiversoperating at 86–102GHz, de- from the relativistic correction δrel in such case is about signed to have full polarization capabilities (Chen et al. 7 %. Thus we expect the AMiBA SZE signals to be 2008). Currently it has seven close-packed Cassegrain dominatedbythethermaleffects,withafeatureofdecre- antennas of 60-cm diameter (Koch et al. 2006) giving a mentinfluxdensity. Wealsonotethat ICMB(94GHz) synthesized resolution of 6 arcminutes (see Sec. 3.2), ex- 2.9 108 Jy Sr−1, so that ∆ItSZE/ICM|B 3 10−4|.≈ × | |≈ × pandable to a total of 19 elements with a synthesized The operating frequency of [86,102] GHz also has the resolution of about 2 arcminutes. The project has been advantage that the SZE signals are less affected by the fundedforanexpansionto13elementswithdishesof1.2- point sources when comparedwith the observationsat a m diameter. The 13-element system is expected to start lower frequency, which is more typical for interferomet- operating in the early 2009. Its capability in studying ric experiments such as AMI (15 GHz; Kneissl et al. the SZE science is investigated by Molnar et al. (2008). 2001), SZA (27–35 GHz; Muchovej et al. 2007), and The receiver-antenna elements are reconfigurable and OVRO/BIMA (30 GHz; Reese et al. 2002). This is be- co-mounted on a six-meter platform, which is driven by causetypically the point sourceshavepower-lawspectra ahexapodmount(Koch et al.2008a). Eachelementhas of flux density with negative spectral indices, so that a cooled heterodyne receiver, consisting of HEMT am- theycontributelesstowardshigherfrequencies. Wenote plifiers of 46 dB in amplification, subharmonic mixers, that although SZA also has instruments at 90–98 GHz, and 2–18 GHz IF amplifiers. For each baseline, the sig- their baselinesareabout tentimes longerthanourspro- nalsfromtwodual-channelreceiversarecross-correlated viding information at much smaller angular scales that in an analogue 4-lag correlator, whose time-lag outputs is complementary to what AMiBA can supply. Another are convertible to two complex visibilities correspond- advantage of the AMiBA frequency range is that it also ing to the upper and lower frequency bands (see Sec. 4). suppresses the Galactic synchrotron radiation and dust The cross correlation between the L and R polarization emission. Detailed investigation about the AMiBA fore- modes (the dual channels) of a pair of receivers enables ground is presented in Liu et al. (2008). These features the measurement of the four Stokes parameters, T, Q, infrequencyandresolutionmakeAMiBAauniqueCMB U, and V. Currently AMiBA operates with only two telescope, complementing the capability of other CMB cross-polarizationmodes of LL and RR, focusing on the projects. measurement of T. The typical receiver noise tempera- tures are between 80 and 110 K (Lin et al. 2008). 3. OBSERVATIONS In2007,theseven-elementAMiBAfocusesontargeted 3.1. Primary Beams SZE observations. The theoretically expected SZE in Before the 60-cm antennas were mounted onto the flux density is platform, their beam patterns were individually mea- ∆I (f)=∆I (f,y)+∆I (f,τ,v ), (1) sured in the far field ( 100 m) by scanning a wide- SZE tSZE kSZE p ∼ band white source with a system retrofitted from a where∆I and∆I arethethermalandkinematic tSZE kSZE commercial equatorial mount (Koch et al. 2006). Fig- SZE respectively, defined as ure 1(a) shows an example. An azimuthal average of ∆I (f,y)=I y[g(x)+δ (f,T )], (2) the beam pattern (Figure 1(b)) reveals a Full-Width-at- tSZE 0 rel e Half-Maximum (FWHM) of about 23 arcminutes. The ∆I (f,τ,v )= I βτh(x). (3) kSZE p − 0 first side lobe is about 20 db below the primary peak Here f is the observing frequency, I = and the beam profile is as per designed. The index of 0 2(kT )3/(hc)2 2.7 108 Jy Sr−1 for a CMB tem- asymmetry (Wu et al. 2001) is calculated showing that CMB peratureofT =≈2.72×5K,y =kσ /(m c2) T n dl is the discrepancy of the beam pattern from its azimuthal CMB T e e e the Compton parameter, g(x) = h(x)[x/tanh(x/2) 4] average is below 10% within the FWHM. All beam pat- with x = hf/(kT ), δ is a relativistic Rcorrect−ion, ternsof the antennas arewellfitted by a Gaussianbeam CMB rel β = v /c is the peculiar radial velocity in units of of 23 arcminutes within the 2-σ region for <10% error. p speed of light, τ = σ n dl is the optical depth, T e h(x) = x4ex/(ex 1)2, c is the speed of light, m is 3.2. u-v Coverage and Resolution e − R the electron mass, n is the electron number density In 2007, AMiBA was used with the seven 57.6-cm e in the cluster, T is the electron temperature, k is the diameter antennas close-packed on the platform, pro- e Boltzmann constant, h is the Planck constant, and σ viding 21 baselines of three different lengths Lb = T is the Thomson cross section. 60.6 cm, 105.0 cm, and 121.2 cm. Each base- AMiBA Observation, Data Analysis and Results for SZE 3 Fig. 3.— Modulation between the target (left) and the blank sky (center) successfully removes the strong contribu- Fig. 1.— (a) Left: the measured primary beam of one of tionsfromgroundpickupandelectronicoffset. Thedifference the 60-cm antennas. (b) Right: azimuthally averaged beam map (right) clearly reveals thesignal from cluster A2142. shape (solid) and a Gaussian fit (dashed); the dotted lines indicatetheFWHM.Inbothplotstheintensityisinunitsof db normalized to the peak value. greater than the RA of the target. Since it takes 10 sec- ondsforthetelescopetoslewbetweenthefields,the two patches are observed over identical azimuth and eleva- tion tracks. During both tracks the platform polariza- tionangleiscontrolledsothateachbaselinecorresponds to a fixed u-v mode. The recorded data during the two tracks should then contain the same contribution from groundpickup, which is removedby a subsequent differ- encingofthetwotracks. Thisstrategyrequiresthatboth Fig. 2.—Theu-vcoverageofatypicalobservationbyseven- the electronic offset and the ground emission are stable within 6 minutes, which is far shorter as compared with element AMiBA (left) and its corresponding noise-weighted synthesized beam (the dirty beam; right). In the left plot, the measured time dependence (Lin et al. 2008). The the color scale indicates the relative sensitivity in u-v space, penalty for adopting such a two-patch strategy is the while the dots mark the u-v modes sampled by the typical loss of efficiency by a factor of 4, where a factor of 2 AMiBA observation. comes from doubling the observing time and the other factor of 2 from doubling the noise variance when dif- line operates at two frequency channels centered at ferencing the two patches. We also note that there is a f = 90 and 98 GHz, each with a band width CMB component as well as possible combinations from of 8 GHz. Thus the three baseline lengths corre- Galactic foreground and extragalactic point sources in spond to six multipole bands ℓ = 2π√u2+v2 = the differencing map though at a level much lower than 2πLbf/c = [1092,1193], [1193,1295], [1891,2067], the expected SZE of massive clusters (Liu et al. 2008). [2067,2243], [2184,2387], [2387,2590]. These baselines Nevertheless before observations we did check our fields have a six-fold symmetry (Ho et al. 2008a). To achieve for such contaminations. better u-v coverage and thus a better imaging capabil- Figure3demonstratestheapplicationofthetwo-patch ity, we observe each target at eight different polariza- observing strategy for SZE mapping. The left panel is tion angles of the platform with an angular step of 7.5 an image constructed from the leading patch, contain- degrees, uniformly covering azimuthal angles in the u-v ing cluster Abell 2142 (see Sec. 4 for the formalism and planewith48discretesamplesforeachofthethreediffer- procedureofdataanalysis). Themiddlepanelshowsthe ent baseline lengths at each of the two frequency bands. correspondingimagefromthetrailingpatchofblanksky. This makes a totalof 288 discrete u-v samples. Figure 2 Itis clearthatboth patchesarecontaminatedby signals shows such typical u-v coverage, with the correspond- much stronger than the SZE (mainly from the ground ing noise-weighted point spread function from a typical pickup), and that the images are closely similar. The observation, the so-called ‘dirty beam’. The FWHM of difference of the two patches reveals the cluster signal the dirty beam is about 6 arcminutes, defining the syn- (right panel), whose signal strength is only about 1% of thesized resolution of the seven-element AMiBA. When the contamination signal in individual patches. using an equal-weighted (rather than the current noise- weighted) scheme to construct the dirty beam, we still 3.4. Calibration Events obtainasimilarresolutionofabout6arcminutesbecause Tocalibratethesedata,weobserveplanetsroughlyev- the noise level for each baseline is about the same. ery 3 hours using the same 2-patch observing strategy. Thistimethetwopatchesareeachobservedforfourmin- 3.3. Observing Strategy utesandseparatedby4m10s inRA.Suchaseparationin Tominimize,ifnotcompletelyremove,theeffectsfrom RA is equivalent to an angular separation of at least 57 groundpickupandfromaDCcomponentintheelectron- arcminutes,assuringthat leakageofthe planetarysignal ics that leaks into the data, we adopt a ‘two-patch’ ob- intothesecondpatchissmall,lessthan0.1%oftheplan- serving strategy that alternates between the target and etaryfluxdensityaccordingtotheprimarybeampattern a region of nominally blank sky. This strategy is sim- measuredinSec.3.1. Thedetailedformalismonhowthe ilar to that used by CBI for the measurement of CMB data are converted to calibrated visibilities is presented polarization (Readhead et al. 2004). in Sec. 4.3, and the determination of the planetary flux In this mode, a leading patch that contains our target densitiesisdiscussedbyLin et al.(2008). Long-duration is trackedfor three minutes, andthen a trailing patchof observations of the planets show that the system is sta- the presumably blank sky is trackedfor the same period ble at night (between about 8pm and 8am) so that a of time. The trailing patch is located at an RA 3m10s planetary calibration every three hours controls the cal- 4 Wu et al. TABLE 1 Observing log forAMiBASZE clusters. cluster pointingdir.(J2000) tobs tint syn. RA DEC (hr) (hr) res. A1689 13h11.49m −1◦20.47′ 8.75 7.11 6.3′ A1995 14h52.84m 58◦02.80′ 15.90 5.56 6.6′ A2142 15h58.34m 27◦13.61′ 7.05 5.18 6.5′ A2163 16h15.57m −6◦07.43′ 7.80 6.49 6.6′ A2261 17h22.46m 32◦07.62′ 19.15 8.87 6.4′ A2390 21h53.61m 17◦41.71′ 16.05 11.02 6.4′ Fig. 4.— Dirty images of Saturn (left) and the quasar Note. — Observing log for the AMiBA observations of six clustersofgalaxies,includingthepointingdirections,theobserving J0325+2224(right),bothcalibratedbyJupiterusingthefor- (tobs)andintegration(tint)timesperbaseline,andthesynthesized malism presented in Sec.4. resolution(syn.res.;theFWHMoftheazimuthallyaverageddirty beam). ibration error to be within 5% in gain and 0.1 radian in phase (Lin et al. 2008). To test the overall performance of our observing, cal- servations at other frequencies, and the existence of ex- ibration, and analysis strategy, we first used the Sun tensive published X-ray data. The observational con- to successfullyphase-calibrateanobservationofJupiter, venience requires that the targets can be seen at the and then Jupiter to phase and amplitude calibrate an Mauna-Loalatitude of 19.54◦ N, at the night time when observation of Saturn. The left plot of Figure 4 shows the system is stable (between about 8pm and 8am), and a dirty image of Saturn calibrated by an observation of during the main observing period between April and Jupiter made four hours later. The FWHM of this im- August in 2007. Several cluster catalogs are compiled age is identical to that of the dirty beam shown in Fig- and studied for the expected SZE flux at AMiBA fre- ure 2, and the index of asymmetry (Wu et al. 2001) of quency, including OVRO (30 GHz; Mason et al. 2001), the cleaned image is well below 5%. OVRO/BIMA (30 GHz; Grego et al. 2001; Reese et al. 3.5. 2007 observations and SZE Targets 2002), VSA (34 GHz; Lancaster et al. 2005), and SuZIE II (145, 221, and 355 GHz; Benson et al. 2004). After first light of the seven-element AMiBA in The redshift range of z <0.3 is so chosen that massive September 2006, which was a drift scan on Jupiter and clustersofatypicalvirial∼radiusoffew Mpcisresolvable whose image was quickly constructed, several months byAMiBA,whoseresolution(6′)correspondstoaphysi- of start-up tests were used to study the instrumental calscaleof1.6Mpcatz =0.3inaflatΛCDMcosmology properties, to fine tune our system, to study the ground with matter density parameter Ω = 0.3, cosmological pickup, and to find an optimal observing strategy. Dur- m constant density parameter Ω = 0.7, and Hubble con- ingthis period,Saturn,Mars,Venus,andtheCrabNeb- Λ stant H =70 kms−1Mpc−1. Among these six clusters, ula were also observed for system tests. In February 0 only A1689 and A2390 are known to have relaxed with 2007,when testing the two-patch observing strategy, we a nearly isothermal profile. A1689 has a regular mor- detected a first extragalacticobject, quasar J0325+2224 phology in X-ray while A2390 is elongated. A2163, by with a total (unresolved) flux density of 550 mJy (right contrast, is a merger with shocks and high-temperature plot of Figure 4). regions, and A2142 is a merger with a strong frontal After further fine tuning of the system, in April 2007 structure. we detected our first SZE cluster, Abell 2142 with a Due to the missing-flux problem, most studies for the central SZE decrement of around -320 mJy per beam. scientific implications of our results require the assis- During 2007 we observed a total of six S-Z clusters with tance of X-ray derived properties of the clusters. In 0.091 z 0.322: A1689,A1995,A2142,A2163,A2261, ≤ ≤ Table 2, we summarize the critical X-ray derived pa- and A2390. rameters for the AMiBA clusters, which will be used The observations were always at night time, when the by our companion science papers (Huang et al. 2008; systemisstable. Duetotheweather,systemengineering, Koch et al. 2008b; Liu et al. 2008; Umetsu et al. 2008). and observability of the targets, a total of roughly 150 The X-ray temperatures are from Reese et al. (2002) observing hours was spent in observing the clusters or for A2163, A2261, A1689, and A1995, Markevitch et al. their trailing fields over a span of 5 months, from April (1998) for A2142, and Allen (2000) for A2390. The to August in 2007. During this period a lot of efforts power-law index β in the isothermal β-model and the werededicatedtothesystemtestsandtuning(Lin et al. core radius θ are from Reese et al. (2002) for A2163, 2008;Koch et al. 2008a). Table 1 summarizesthe point- c A2261,A1689,and A1995,Sanderson & Ponman(2003) ing directions, the observing and integration times, and for A2142, and Bohringer et al. (1998) for A2390. The the synthesized beam sizes, for each of the six clusters. X-ray core radii are mostly below one arcminute except Due to the two-patch observing strategy, which modu- for A2142 and A2163. These parameters are mostly X- latesbetweenon-andoff-sourcepositions,thetotaltime emissionweightedbutnotcorrectedforanycoolingflows, spentduringclusterobservationsisdoubletheon-cluster which we further discuss in some science analyses such time listed in the table. The integration time on source astheestimationoftheHubbleconstantH (Koch et al. (t )islessthantheactualobservingtime(t )because 0 int obs 2008b). of the data trimming that will be discussed in Sec. 4.1. The six clusters were chosen based on observational 4. ANALYSIS METHOD AND RESULTS convenience,the expectedflux densitybasedonSZEob- AMiBA Observation, Data Analysis and Results for SZE 5 TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Parameters of AMiBAclusters derived fromX-ray Percentagesof dataflaggedby eachflaggingstep. observations. Cluster baseline non-Gau. mount 4σ good Cluster z kTX β θc prob. noise prob. outliers data (keV) (arcsec) A1689 2 11 4 2 81 A1689 0.183 9.66±0.22 0.609±0.005 26.6±0.7 A1995 35 4 5 21 35 0.20 0.005 0.7 A1995 0.322 8.59±0.86 0.770±0.117 38.9±6.9 A2142 8 15 1 2 74 0.67 0.063 4.3 A2142 0.091 9.7±1.5 0.74±0.01 188.4±13.2 A2163 7 8 1 1 83 A2163 0.202 12.2±11..11 0.674±00..00111 87.5±21.35.2 A2261 25 1 1 27 46 A2261 0.224 8.82±00..377 0.516±00..000184 15.7±21..02 A2390 5 16 3 7 69 0.32 0.013 1.1 A2390 0.232 10.13±1.22 0.6 28.0 0.99 2008). In the K-S test, a 5 % significance level is used throughout and shown to be efficient in identifying data We describe the formalism that we use to analyze sets with known hardware problems. Finally, we remove AMiBA data from their raw format to the calibrated periodsofdatawhereoccasionalmountcontrolproblems visibilities, images, and cluster profiles. AMiBA oper- appear. ates with a bandwidth of 16 GHz centered at 94 GHz. After this flagging, we difference the tracking data Its four-lag correlatorsprovide two pass-bands of 8 GHz cb(τ ;t)inthetwo-patchobservationinordertoremove m processing dual linear polarizations. The challenge for ground pickup and the electronic DC offset. 4σ outliers the analysis of such data arises because the measured inthetemporaldomainareclippedbeforethedifferenced output of the instrument is not visibilities and because trackingdataareintegratedoverthe3-minute(4-minute there are only two channels of wide bands causing con- for the calibration) tracking period to yield the lag data siderable band-smearing effect in frequency. With the cb(τ ) cb(τ ;t) . Thus each two-patch observation formalism presented here we successfully used the Sun m ≡ h m it yields a set of four lags cb(τ ) (m = 1–4). We carefully to calibrate the image of Jupiter, and then used several m verifiedthatthe noise ofthe lagdata iswhite within the planets(Jupiter,Saturn,Mars,Venus)tocross-calibrate. timescaleof10minutes,assuringthescalingofthenoise Jupiter was chosen as the primary calibratorfor our sci- levelwiththetwo-patchintegrationtime(Nishioka et al. ence results. When we observe a general source field S(x) with a 2008). synthesized primary beam B(x), the visibility along a Further flagging of4σ outliers is applied in the visibil- ityspace(seeSec.4.3). Table3showsthepercentagesof baseline b of length Lb is data that are flagged out by each step. On average the vb(f)=S(k) B(k), (4) fraction of good data is about 60%. ⊗ where kis the correspondingu-v mode, f = kc/(2πLb) 4.2. Lag-to-Visibility Transform e e | | is the observing frequency, a tilde denotes the Fourier We must invert Equation (5) to convert the four lags transform of a quantity, and denotes a convolution. cb(τ ) to two visibilities vb(f). Ideally, if τ τ is con- The four lag-outputs of a corr⊗elator for the source field m m ≡ tinuous, then we need only perform an inverse Fourier can thus be modeled as transform from the τ domain to the f domain. How- f2 everτ hereissampleddiscretely,andconservationofthe cb(τ )= vb(f)Rb(f) degrees of freedom provided by four lag measurements m ℜ(Zf1 × impliesthatwecanobtainatbesttwouncorrelatedcom- exp 2π(f f )τ i+φb(f)i df , (5) plex visibilities, with no redundancy. − 0 m We performthe inversionfirst by dividing the 16-GHz whereτm (m=1–4)(cid:2)isthetimedelayforeac(cid:3)hof(cid:9)thefour frequency band into two, [f1,fd] and [fd,f2], each asso- lags, Rb(f) and φb(f) are the instrumental frequency- ciated with one ‘band-visibility’, and define a ‘visibility dependent gain- and phase-responses respectively, f is vector’ as tahnedffr2eqinudeniccayteotfhteheupLpoecraalnOdslcoiwllaetroern(d8s6oGftHhze)r,easpnod0nfs1e vb =ℜℑ{{vvbb(([[ff11,,ffdd]]))}} . (6) Ofreuqruaennaclyysriasnmgeusit.ei.n[vfe1r,tf2E]q=ua[t8i6o,n10(52)] tGoHozbtfoarinAtMheiBcaAl-. ℜ{vvbb(([[ffdd,,ff22]]))}  ℑ{ }  ibrated visibilities vb(f).   Ifwealsowrite the four lagsincolumn-vectorformcb Figure5 showsourfirst-lightlagdata cb(τm)ofa drift cb(τ ) (m = 1–4), then the visibility-to-lag transform≡ scan on Jupiter. The fringing rate is determined by the m resulted from Equation (5) is simply cb = Ubvb, where angle between a baseline and the drift direction. Ub is a 4 4 matrix. The four columns in Ub can be × 4.1. Time-Domain Pre-Processing easily obtained from Equation (5) as the four vectors cb when setting each component in vb to unity in turn Initially the cluster data must be processed to remove while zeroing the other three components. Subsequently baselines for which the system is malfunctioning. In ad- the inversionis dition to checking the instrumental logs of receivers and correlators,nightly drift-scan data for Jupiter or Saturn vb = Ub −1cb =Vbcb. (7) are used to identify obvious problems. We then apply Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S)testto filteroutdatasetsfor Once given any lag da(cid:2)ta c(cid:3)b, we can use Equation (7) to which the noise appears non-Gaussian (Nishioka et al. constructtheband-visibilitiesvb([f ,f ])andvb([f ,f ]). 1 d d 2 6 Wu et al. 40 2 1 ) / m 0 τ b( −2 c 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 40 2 1 ) / m 0 τ b( −2 c 24 25 26 27 34 35 36 40 2 1 ) / m 0 τ b( −2 c 37 45 46 47 56 57 67 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50 time (sec) time (sec) time (sec) time (sec) time (sec) time (sec) time (sec) Fig. 5.—First-light lagdatacb(τm)ofadrift scanon JupiterinSeptember2006. Eachpanelrepresentsonebaseline, withan ‘XY’ label at the bottom-right corner indicating the correlation between the antennaeX and Y. X =1 represents the central antenna, with the other six close-packed around it. In each panel, the four black curves and four red curves correspond to the lag outputsof theLL and RRcross-polarization modesrespectively (seeSec.2). Herealow-pass filteringat 0.05 Hzisused to removehigh-frequency noise. The horizontal time axis is the offset relative to thetransit time. In principle, if Rb(f) and φb(f) are accurately known, Sincetheinvolvedoperationsarelinear,theremustexist thenVb canbeaccuratelydeterminedsothatthereisno a calibration matrix Cb that corrects this discrepancy, need for further calibration. However, in reality Rb(f) i.e. and φb(f) are time-dependent so that Vb is also time- v∗b(thy) =Cbv∗b(obs). (10) dependent and thus needs to be calibrated for every ob- We may model Cb as servation. Because the transform (7) is linear, any rea- sonable choice of f , Rb(f) and φb(f) should yield the abcosφb absinφb 0 0 d 1 1 − 1 1 same vb after calibration. Hence we make the simplest Cb = ab1sinφb1 ab1cosφb1 0 0 , choice f = (f + f )/2 = 94 GHz, Rb(f) = 1, and 0 0 abcosφb absinφb φb(f) =d0, and1then2calibrate the data using the for-  0 0 a2bsinφb2 −ab2cosφb2   2 2 2 2  malism described in Section 4.3. This choice makes the  (11) inversion(7)exactlyadiscreteinverseFouriertransform where the parameters ab and φb account for the gain- i i that accounts for the band-smearing effect. An alterna- and phase-corrections relevant to the effects from Rb(f) tive, and equally natural, choice might be to have equal and φb(f) in Equation (5) respectively. By comparing powerinthetwofrequencybands,withf sochosenthat fdRb(f)df = f2Rb(f)df, but this is didfficult to imple- the moduli and phases of v∗b(thy) and v∗b(obs), we obtain mRfe1nt since Rb(Rff)dis time-dependent. ab1 =M1/M1b(obs), ab2 =M2/M2b(obs), (12) φb = φb(obs), φb = φb(obs). 4.3. Calibration 1 − 1 2 − 2 Finally,forasetofobservedlagdatacb,thecalibrated For calibration, we observe planets using the same band-visibility vector is 2-patch observing strategy (Sec. 3.4), the same time- domain pre-processing (Sec. 4.1), and the same lag-to- vb =CbVbcb. (13) visibility transform (Eq. (7), Sec. 4.2). The underlying Weemphasizethatthisisalineartransform,sodifferent band-visibilities of these calibrators have the form initial choices for Rb(f) and φb(f) that generate differ- M1 ent Vb should lead to different Cb but the same final vb(thy) = 0 , (8) calibrated band-visibilities vb. For each two-patch ob- ∗  M2  servation, we obtain one vb for each cross-polarization 0 modeandeachbaseline. Foreachbaselineandeachday,     4σ outliers in vb are flagged. where M1 and M2 are real constants, corresponding | | to the fluxes at different frequencies. However, the 4.4. Noise Estimation band-visibilities constructedfrom observationaldata us- ing Equation (7), where we have chosen Rb(f) = 1 and In further analyses such as image making and model φb(f)=0, will take the form fitting for the cluster profile, a reliable estimate for the errorintheband-visibilitiesderivedabovewillbeneeded. M1b(obs)cosφb1(obs) Farierstmtohdeel2ed-paatschthdeifflienreeanrcesdumlagofdtahtea scibg(nta)l≡ancdb(nτmoi;ste), v∗b(obs) =MMM21bbb(((ooobbbsss)))cssoiinnsφφφb1bb2(((ooobbbsss))) . (9) ndcboo(imts)ein=iastewsdbch(bitt)ye+e(lNencibcts(rhtoi)on.kicaSneionticsaeel.(siu2.e0c.h0n8d)bc,(attt)ah≫efonrsobcic(stleu))svtaaenrridsantahcreee  2 2    AMiBA Observation, Data Analysis and Results for SZE 7 cleaned images are summarized in the right part of Ta- TABLE 4 Propertiesof AMiBA SZEImages ble 4. The apparentangularsizes, as comparedwith the synthesizedresolutionof about6′, indicate that we have dirty images cleaned images partially resolved clusters A2142, A2163, and A2390, cluster size flux size flux S/N scale (mJy) (mJy) ratio (Mpc) while A1689, A1995, and A2261 appear unresolved in A1689 (6.1′) -217 (5.7′) -168 6.0 (1.05) these images. The SZE signals observed here are at the A1995 (6.8′) -167 (6.8′) -161 6.4 (1.91) leveloffewhundredmJy,indeedconsistentwiththethe- AA22116432 77..78′′ --332407 191..02′′ --331466 1131..77 02..9224 oretical expectation ∆ISZE ∼ −200 mJy as discussed in A2261 (6.2′) -115 (5.8′) -90 5.2 (1.25) Sec. 2. A2390 7.4′ -180 8.0′ -158 6.6 1.78 In Table 4, the S/N ratios are computed as the peak Note. — Basicpropertiesmeasuredfromthedirtyandcleaned flux of the cleaned model (uncorrected for the primary- SZE images, including the angular sizes (azimuthally averaged beamattenuation)dividedbytheRMSofthenoiseresid- FWHM), the peak flux, and the S/N ratios. For cleaned images, ual map. We note that the noise level in these results thepeakfluxiscorrectedfortheattenuationbytheprimarybeam are dominated by the instrumental noise, leading to the due to an offset to the pointing center. The last column ‘scale’ indicates the physical scale at z (see Table 2) corresponding to fact that the scaling among the peak flux, S/N ratios, the angular size shown in the fourth column. Here we have as- and integration time is consistent with the noise equiv- Hsu0m=ed7a0flkamt sΛ−C1DMMpc−co1s.mTolhoegybrwaictkhetΩsmind=ica0t.3e,tΩhaΛt=the0.c7l,usatnedr alent flux (point-source sensitivity) of 63 mJy√hr. for appearsunresolvedintheSZEimage. the on-source integration time in a 2-patch observation (Lin et al. 2008), i.e. for a 2-hour observation, one hour per patch, the noise RMS is 63 mJy. Simulations also associatedwitheachtime-integratedcb cb(t) canbe showthatouranalysismethod(describedinSec.4.2–4.4) t ≡h i directly estimated as does not bias the SZE amplitude but induces a statisti- calerroratthefew-percentlevel. Thecalibrationerroris (σb)2 nb 2 nb(t) 2 h[cb(t)]2it, (14) controlled within 5 % (Lin et al. 2008). The systematic c ≡h c i≡hh c iti≈ #t effect from CMB anisotropy is estimated to be at a sim- (cid:2) (cid:3) ilar levelas the instrumental noise, and the point-source where # is the number of temporaldata in the time in- t contamination causes an underestimate of the SZE am- tegration. Then (σb)2 constitute the diagonal elements c plitude by about 10 % (Liu et al. 2008). of the lag-lag noise correlation matrix Nb nbnbT . The off-diagonalelements are found to be lces≡s thhacn 1c0%i 4.6. Estimation of Cluster Profiles ofthe diagonalelements (Nishioka et al. 2008) sowe ap- It is useful for science purposes to estimate parame- proximate them as zeros. ters describing the structures of the SZE clusters from In a similar fashion, the band-visibility obtained from the visibilities. We employ a maximum-likelihood anal- Equation (13) can be modeled as a linear sum of the ysis to estimate the band-visibilities taking the priors signal and noise, vb(t)=sbv(t)+nbv(t). Finally the noise that all the visibilities represent the same circularly- correlationmatrix for the calibrated band-visibilities is symmetric source and that the visibility moduli within Nb nbnbT CbVbNbVbTCbT. (15) a frequency band are constant. Thus there are only six v ≡h v v i≈ c non-redundantband-visibilities vp; p=1–6 ofsixmul- { } tipole bands corresponding to the two frequency bands 4.5. Image Making and Cleaning [fn,fn](n=1,2)of threebaselines lengths (see Sec.3.2 1 2 We construct the ‘dirty’ image of a cluster by making andTable 5), i.e.the observedband-visibilities aremod- a continuous inverse Fourier transform of all the band- eled as visibilities from all days and all baselines, with noise vb([fn,fn] v ,x )=B(x x )v weighting based on the noise variance. The instanta- 1 2 |{ p} 0 0− 1 p(∈b,n)× rnoetoautsinug-vthceopvelartafgoermistiomepirgohvtedpoilnarAizMatiiBonAaonpgeleras,tigoinvibnyg 1 kn2 eik(x0−x1)dk,(16) a uniform angular interval of 7◦.5 between sampled u-v k2n−k1n Zkn1 modes k (see Sec. 3.2). Figure 6 shows the dirty images where x is the SZE cluster center, x is the pointing 0 1 of these clusters. The flux decrement at the center of direction,B(x)istheprimarybeam,andtheintegration each target is evident, as expected for the SZE signal accounts for the frequency band-smearing effect. These at the AMiBA center frequency of 94 GHz (see Sec. 2). v are equivalent to the band-visibilities at x = x p 1 0 { } TheleftpartofTable4summarizestheangularsizes(az- andthereforearerealnumbers. Theyindicatethecluster imuthallyaveragedFWHM)andthepeakfluxesdirectly profile in the visibility space. measured from these images. Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) approach with A dirty beam for each cluster data set is constructed Metropolis-Hastings sampling is used for this eight- using the same method, and the dirty image and dimensional likelihood analysis. For each cluster three dirty beam are then processed by a CLEAN procedure MCMC chains of 200,000 samples are used. The results (Hogbom 1974) in MIRIAD (MIRIAD-ATNF 2008) to aregiveninTable5andFigure8. Forallclusterstheex- yield a cleaned image. Figure 7 shows the cleaned SZE pectedSZEdecrementinfluxdensityisevident. Wenote images of the six AMiBA clusters, where the cleaned re- that although the primary CMB makes a non-negligible gions are indicated by the white circles, which are the contributiontoourobservedvisibilities(Liu et al.2008), FWHM contour of the primary beam. This process sig- it appears with randomphase in u-v space and thus will nificantly reduces the convolution effects from the finite not bias our analysis here but rather contribute as part u-v coverage. The basic properties measured from the of the error bars. 8 Wu et al. Fig. 6.— Dirty images of the six SZE clusters observed by AMiBA. The white circles indicate the half-maximum contour of theprimarybeam(thefieldofview;23′),whiletheblueregionsatthebottom-rightcornersindicatethehalf-maximumregions of the noise-weighted synthesized beams (∼6′). The central decrements in flux density within the field of view provide strong evidencefor thedetections of SZEclusters. TABLE 5 SZECenters andVisibility Profiles forAMiBAClusters cluster SZEcenterx0 (J2000) v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 RA DEC (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) (mJy) A1689 13h11.41±0.03m −1◦20.7±0.4′ −123±92 −94±89 −566±109 −130±108 −414±185 85±212 A1995 14h53.12±0.06m 58◦02.6±1.0′ −234±86 −106±80 −241±138 −207±126 −53±216 −32±200 A2142 15h58.30±0.03m 27◦13.8±0.5′ −508±78 −366±76 −140±113 −205±117 −9±139 −206±162 A2163 16h15.73±0.04m −6◦09.5±0.5′ −652±110 −332±113 93±167 −236±158 −457±298 −31±260 A2261 17h22.46±0.06m 32◦08.9±0.5′ −34±68 −108±67 −160±94 −78±99 −412±138 −37±163 A2390 21h53.72±0.05m 17◦38.8±0.7′ −148±87 −185±75 −260±107 −273±112 −96±141 −44±166 Note. — The maximum-likelihoodresults for the coordinates of SZE cluster centers x0 and band-visibility profiles {vp}. The values v1–v6 correspond to the multipolebands of ℓ = [1092,1193], [1193,1295], [1891,2067], [2067,2243], [2184,2387], [2387,2590] respectively(see Sec. 3.2, Sec.4.6). v1,v3,v5 correspondtothefrequencybandof[86,94]GHz,andv2,v4,v6 correspondto[94,102]GHz. ThethreebaselinelengthsLb are0.606m(forv1,v2),1.05m(forv3,v4),and1.212m(forv5,v6). AMiBA Observation, Data Analysis and Results for SZE 9 Fig. 7.— Cleaned SZE images of clusters observed by seven-element AMiBA. The white circles indicate the half-maximum contourof theprimary beam (thefield of view; 23′),and thebluepatchesat thebottom-right cornersshow thehalf-maximum regions of thedirty beams (∼6′). 10 Wu et al. We carried out several other tests for systematics. 200 0 Long-duration (12-hour) observations of planets were vp−200 used to check the stability of the system; an indepen- −400 −600 A1689 A1995 dentanalysispathproducedresultsforA2142consistent to high accuracy with those presented here; and several 200 0 two-patchblank-skyobservationsshowednosignalabove vp−200 theexpectedCMBconfusion(Lin et al.2008). Thenoise −400 −600 A2142 A2163 propertiesofthelagdatawereinvestigatedindetailindi- catingnosystematicsandnosignificantnon-Gaussianity 200 (Nishioka et al. 2008). The asymmetry of the antenna 0 vp−200 beams (Wu et al. 2001) was shownto be negligible. The −400 pointing error is small enough that it has negligible ef- −600 A2261 A2390 fects on our results (Koch et al. 2008a), and the radio 0 1000 2000 0 1000 2000 alignmentwastunedto improveefficiencyandtestedfor Multipole l Multipole l stability (Wu et al. 2008b). Fig. 8.— Visibility profiles {vp} of AMiBA SZE clusters. The data for the crosses are summarized in Table 5, while 6. SCIENTIFIC IMPLICATIONS theboxesarethenoiseweightedaverageofthetwofrequency bandsat each baseline length. The scientific implications of the AMiBA SZE results presentedherearefurther studiedbycompanionpapers. We emphasize that these results for v and x are The Hubble constant is estimated by first deriving the p 0 { } angular diameter distances of the clusters, and found to independent of cluster model. They can be further com- beH =50+16+18 kms−1Mpc−1(Koch et al.2008b)ina paredorcombinedwithotherexperimentalresults,orfit- 0 −16−23 flatΛCDM cosmologywith Ω =0.3 and Ω =0.7. We ted with a specific cluster model, for further study. The m Λ approachhere is different from that in Liu et al. (2008), also estimate the integrated Compton parameter Y2500 (Huang et al. 2008), which is the Compton y parameter where an isothermal β-model is directly fitted with the integrated out to the angular radius at which the mean visibilitiestoestimatethecentralbrightnessI ,withthe 0 overdensityoftheclusterisequalto2500timesthecriti- core radius θ and the power index β taken from X-ray c caldensityofthe universeatthatredshift. Table6sum- analysis. marizes the results, as compared with the results from 5. TESTS FOR SYSTEMATIC ERROR observations at 30 GHz (OVRO/BIMA, deduced from Morandi et al. 2008, relativistic correction considered) To verify that our detections of SZE clusters are real and 145 GHz (SuZIE II, deduced from Benson et al. ratherthanfromthe instrumentorfromthe foreground, 2004, relativistic correction considered). Our results we implement several tests. are consistent with those from OVRO/BIMA except for A1995, but seem to be systematically lower than those 5.1. Differencing Maps from SuZIE II. We also investigate the scaling relations A commonly used powerful test is the so-called sum- between the Y from AMiBA data and various X-ray 2500 and-difference test, where the temporaldata are divided derived properties such as the gas temperature T , to- e into two subsets of equal size and then processed sep- tal mass M and luminosity L . The scaling powers 2500 x arately. Figure 9 shows an example for A2142, where of these relations are consistent with the predictions of the two half-data images (left and middle) show a clear the self-similar model (Huang et al. 2008). In the above signal while their difference (right) reveals no signal but studies, due to the missing flux problem the spherical noise. Their averageisverycloseto the overalldirtyim- isothermal β model is used with the spectral index β ageshowninFigure6. Wehaveverifiedthatsuchfeature andthecoreradiusestimatedbytheX-raydata(seeTa- for the existence of signal is independent of the scheme ble 2), and the normalization calibrated by the AMiBA for dividing the data into two halves. All data of the 6 SZE visibilities analyzed here (Liu et al. 2008). clusters have passed this test. We also perform a joint analysis of our SZE data with the weak gravitational lensing data from Subaru obser- vations (Umetsu et al. 2008). For the four clusters of A1689,A2142, A2261, and A2390,the two data sets are found to be in great agreement in morphology. Quanti- tativeanalysisevenyieldsanestimationforthebaryonic fraction of f (< r ) = 0.133 0.027 and concludes b 200 ± that when compared with the cosmic baryonic fraction Ω /Ω =0.171 0.009(Dunkley et al. 2008), 22 16% b m ± ± ofthe baryonsaremissingfromthe hotphaseofclusters Fig. 9.— Both dirty images (left and middle) of A2142 (Umetsu et al. 2008). The morphological agreement be- analyzed from two equally divided sub datasets show a clear tweenourdata andthe lensing data andthe consistency SZE signal of flux decrement, while their difference (right) of f , H , Y and scaling relations with literature are b 0 2500 indicates no recognizable signal but noise. encouraging, indicating that AMiBA is a reliable CMB telescope. 5.2. Other systematic tests 7. CONCLUSION

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