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All Rights Reserved By HDM For This Digital Publication Copyright 1997 Holiness Data Ministry Duplication of this CD by any means is forbidden, and copies of individual files must be made in accordance with the restrictions stated in the B4Ucopy.txt file on this CD. * * * * * * * ECHOES OF THE GENERAL HOLINESS ASSEMBLY Held in Chicago, May 3-13, 1901 Edited By Solomon Benjamin Shaw "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place." -- Acts 2:1 "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one." -- John, 17:22 Chicago, Ill. S. B. Shaw, Publishers 275 Madison Street Printed Book: No Date -- No Copyright * * * * * * * Digital Edition 04/08/97 By Holiness Data Ministry * * * * * * * CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 01 -- The Official Call 02 -- The Union Revival Services Preparatory To The General Holiness Assembly 03 -- A Day Of Fasting And Prayer For The General Holiness Assembly 04 -- First All Day And All Night Meeting 05 -- Officers And Committees Of The Assembly 06 -- Assembly Roll 07 -- Holiness Assembly General Address 08 -- Report Of Committee On Permanent Methods 09 -- Friday, May 3 10 -- Saturday, May 4 11 -- Sunday, May 5 12 -- Monday, May 6 13 -- Tuesday, May 7 14 -- Wednesday, May 8 15 -- Thursday, May 9 16 -- Friday, May 10 17 -- Saturday, May 11 18 -- Sunday, May 12 19 -- The Second All Night Of Prayer 20 -- Article By Evangelist Hattie E. Livingston 21 -- The Open Air Work Of The Assembly 22 -- The Best Thing In The Assembly For Me 23 -- How Chicago Pastors And Churches Were Helped By The Assembly 24 -- The Assembly Closed In A Flame Of Revival 26 -- Weeping And Crying To God -- S. B. Shaw * * * * * * * INTRODUCTION The recent General Holiness Assembly was the result of many prayers, and as can be seen by reading the Official Call the chain of providences that led to this great general conference of holiness workers can be traced back to the first General Holiness Assembly held fifteen years ago in Park Ave. M. E. Church, Chicago, May 20-26, 1885. For several years there has been a conviction on the part of many of the leaders of the holiness movement of the great need of deeper union of heart and effort. No one can doubt that thousands upon thousands of souls will praise God to all eternity as a result of what is known as the modern holiness movement; but none can doubt but that much more might have been done and would have been done if the holiness people had at all times been of one mind and of one heart in the work of God and in utter abandonment of self to His will and His glory. Yet, in spite of the teaching that the sanctification of believers will bring about the answer to our Saviours prayer that His disciples might be one as He and the Father were one, the last few years have witnessed a sad scattering of the holiness people. Because of this many hearts have been greatly burdened and have been crying to God for union among all of Gods children, especially among all those that believe in holiness of heart as possible through faith in the cleansing blood of Christ and by the baptism of the Holy Ghost; yet divisions seemed to increase. The holiness work has been suffering all over the land because of it. Seeing this, the burden of our heart became an unearthly cry that God would in some way undertake. We felt that something must be done; yet waited for others who were older and more prominent to take the lead. Reference has already been made to the first General holiness Assembly of holiness workers held in Chicago in 1885. At that time, as will be seen by reading the Official Call for the recent Assembly, given in another place, a committee was appointed for the calling of another Assembly at such time and place as they might deem necessary; yet the years had slipped away and the prospect of such an Assembly, from the human standpoint, seemed less and less. Our name was the last on the list and we the youngest of the committee, but the time came when we could no longer forbear. On our way home from evangelistic work in Texas in August, 1900, with our heart full of burning love for our brethren of different movements, and breaking with sorrow over the desolation of Zion, we promised God to wait no longer. On the train we blocked out a Call in harmony with our convictions and soon after reaching home revised it and sent it on to Brother George Hughes, chairman of the committee, urging him to take hold of the matter and see what could be done. His reply was encouraging and immediately both of us began correspondence with other members of the committee and leaders of the holiness work. Some of the answers we received were rather discouraging and showed but little faith, but all acknowledged the great need. Members of the committee and many others readily promised their hearty sympathy and co-operation, and in spite of difficulties that appeared insurmountable, the work went on in answer to prayer. From the first, Brother Hughes took it upon his heart and labored with us constantly and faithfully. As a result of consultation with Brother Hughes and other members of the committee, some changes were made in the Call and some things added and names agreed upon to fill vacancies in the original committee; and the consent and co-operation of the brothers secured. Thus several months passed before the Call was ready for publication and at times our faith was greatly tested; but from that time preparations went forward rapidly and the work took strong hold upon many hearts and in spite of great opposition on the part of some from whom we expected sympathy, difficulties were overcome, barriers gave way, and interest and sympathy and co-operation increased. Of our own part in this work, Brother Hughes says in an editorial in the June number of The Guide to Holiness "Brother Shaw was really the father of this enterprise, and at his earnest solicitation we consented to unite with him in making the preparations. Brother and Sister Shaw worked heroically in the matter, going from church to church, and holdings meetings in the First Church, daily, in the afternoon, for a month, in order to interest pastors and people in the work contemplated by the Assembly." The Official Call was published in nearly all of the holiness papers of this country and Canada and many of them opened their columns freely for communications regarding the Assembly and published strong editorials in its favor. Several numbers of the "Guide to Holiness" were devoted largely to the interest of the Assembly and large extra editions sent out. Many church papers of different denominations published the Call and encouraged the work. The names of hundreds of leaders representing a score or more of different evangelical denominations were added to the Call, and thousands of Gods children took the work to heart and carried it to the throne in earnest and prevailing prayer asking that the Holiness Assembly might result in the greatest revival of perfect love known in the modern holiness movement. Succeeding pages will tell our readers some of the glorious results already seen, but no words can tell and time can not measure all the outcome. We were authorized by the Assembly to publish its proceedings in book form and an advisory committee was appointed. So far as possible we have consulted not only this committee but others of the leading workers who were present at the Assembly. It has been thought best to condense sermons to eight or ten pages. This has been done by the speakers themselves so that as far as possible the truth brought out might be clearly presented. Depending upon the work of the stenographer who was to keep an accurate report of all services, we took no notes during the Assembly and when too late found that the reports, given of altar services utterly failed to do them justice. This we greatly regret. In all this work, God is our witness that we have labored with an eye single to His glory and we earnestly pray that mistakes may be overruled and that our work, by the mercy of God, may be greatly used in the uniting of Gods people and the salvation of many souls. Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord, S. B. Shaw * * * * * * * 01 -- THE OFFICIAL CALL To all the saints and faithful brethren scattered abroad, greeting. "Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ." Many will remember that in the spring of 1885, there was held in the city of Chicago, a Holiness General Assembly, May 20-26. That assembly represented a score or more of the evangelical denominations; yet regarding holiness doctrine, experience and testimony, it was, practically, a unit. Is sessions (as stated by the committee on deliverances, in the published report) were characterized by Christian fellowship, unity and gracious outpourings of the Holy Spirit; so that at almost every service, persons were converted or sanctified. "At times," as they state, "the Divine communications were overwhelming; the altar and surrounding seats were filled with seekers and the saving work progressed with great power." So great was the good accomplished, that it was the conviction of those present that some provision should be made to arrange for another similar gathering of the holiness forces, and we, the undersigned, were appointed members of a general committee of correspondence for the holding of another holiness assembly at such time and place as we deemed expedient. *[1 Some vacancies in the original committee have been filled by other names.] Fifteen years have swept rapidly by since that glorious time and many of those then present with us have gone to join the general assembly of the first born, around the throne in the heavenly city. Great responsibility rests upon us who remain, and upon all who have ever proved that there is power in the blood of Christ to cleanse from all sin, and have ever known in their own hearts the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. And while we praise God for the revival and spread of scriptural holiness which has been witnessed in the last few decades, we are firmly convinced that the holiness people (so known) are not measuring up to their glorious opportunity. As a committee, we believe that another general holiness rally, similar in object and methods to the one we have mentioned, will greatly redound to the glory of God in the stirring up and uniting of Gods people and in the salvation of a multitude of souls. Under these convictions the Committee has been led, we trust by the Spirit of God, to arrange for a GENERAL HOLINESS ASSEMBLY to be held in the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Chicago, Ill., of which Rev. J. P. Brushingham, D. D., is pastor, corner of Clark and Washington Streets, May 3-13, 1901. To this Assembly we cordially invite members of the Evangelical Church of Christ. And if there be any Christians, who, for any just cause, may be temporarily without a Church home, they will be welcome to meet with us, and the more if we may aid them in selecting a congenial Church home, where the means of grace will contribute to their spiritual life and progress. In the services of the Assembly, largeness of gospel liberty will be enjoyed, and there will be abundant opportunities for holy exercise in testifying freely of the great salvation in its varied phases -- to lead fellow Christians to the fountain of cleansing, and penitent sinners to the feet of Jesus, that they may know the joy of pardoned sin. The gates of entrance to the Assembly will be open day and night, to admit the unsaved of all classes, in expectancy that very many will be happily converted and introduced to the fellowship of the saints, during the progress of the services. The Assembly will be representative in character. Persons will be enrolled as members who bring certificates from some branch of the evangelical Church, or from organizations which maintain a fraternal spirit and attitude toward the Church -- such as Holiness Associations, ecclesiastical bodies, Conferences, Camp Meeting Associations, definitely on the line of holiness, Missions and Stated Meetings, and any other organization of like character, said certificates being subject to approval of the Committee on Enrollment or Credentials as the Assembly may appoint. Members will be entitled to participate in the discussions and to vote on questions submitted to the Assembly for its action. While leaving the Assembly in the main to plan for its own work, we deem it proper to specify the following general objects: 1. Such a Pentecostal waiting upon God in humble, united, prevailing prayer, as will bring about truly Pentecostal results in the outpouring of Gods Spirit and the saving of souls. 2. Such prayerful and harmonious consideration of the needs and hindrances of the holiness movement, as shall lead to more hearty co-operation, more thorough and aggressive work, and more victorious results than in the past. 3. To provide opportunity to again publish to the world, the true mission and object of the holiness movement (rightly recognized as such) and so, as far as possible, remove prejudice that comes from misunderstanding or has resulted from extreme, erroneous and fanatical positions assumed by some so-called holiness workers. 4. It is especially desired that this Assembly shall present a basis for the bringing of the holiness organizations throughout the world, if practicable, into an International Union, so that there shall be an augmented strength, and a mightier advance made upon the kingdom of darkness in the present century, than has yet been known in the history of the modern holiness movement. And in furtherance of this design, all side issues irrelevant to the objects herein specifically stated, will be necessarily excluded from the discussions of the Assembly. 5. Such an Assembly, representing all of the evangelical Churches, will give a blessed opportunity of manifesting to the Church and to the world, the love they have for each other and for the various movements and denominations they represent; thus proving the word of God, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:35. The most devoted and prominent Christian workers have not been able to see alike in all things, but, by the grace of God, they may be able to feel alike and work in perfect harmony regardless of their many differences. There is a wide-spread conviction among Gods people that we are on the eve of a great revival of Scriptural holiness. Thousands are on their knees every day praying for a deeper type of Christian experience and for more heavenly union among Gods people. If the Holy Ghost is fully honored by all saints in the coming Assembly, we believe it will be greatly used of God in bringing about the greatest revival of holiness witnessed since the days of the apostles; that the fire of Gods love will sweep away all barriers that have kept the holiness people apart, and that the saints will be so occupied with God that they will lose sight of human creeds and forms and self importance and whatever else has hindered the outpouring of Gods Spirit. We earnestly recommend the observance of a general fast among the holiness people everywhere. Let special and prevailing prayer be offered for the coming assembly and the cause of holiness. Let prayer be offered daily for Gods blessing to rest upon this expected gathering of his people. We have secured a large church in the heart of the city for the use of the Assembly, and an effort will be made to obtain reduced rates over the railroads. Through the kindness and co-operation of the holiness people of Chicago, we hope to provide free entertainment for those coming from a distance. Further and more definite information will be published in due time. Your brethren in the bonds of perfect love, George Hughes, New York W. T. Hogue, Illinois Isaiah Reid, Iowa John A. Wood, California A. M. Hills, Texas J. McD. Kerr, Canada Chas. N. Crittenton, Washington, D. C. Aura Smith, Missouri S. B. Shaw, Illinois Donations in aid of the expenses, which will necessarily be large. will be thankfully received. Address, S. B. Shaw, Treasurer, Central Union Block, corner Market and Madison Streets, Chicago, Ill. The following leading holiness workers gave their names in endorsement of the call: [I have placed the last names first in the list below, and I have also done a "sort" on the list, placing the names in alphabetical order. -- DVM] Alway, Miss Hester -- Vice Principal of Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn. N. Y. Arnold, Rev. T. B. -- Publisher, Chicago, Ill. Ballard, Rev. A. E. -- D. D., President Pitman Grove Camp Meeting Association. Bill, J. W. -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y., a student in the experience of perfect love Bover, Margaret L. -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y. student in the experience of perfect love Bowman, Bishop Thomas -- of M. E. Church, East Orange, N. J. Brooks, Rev. D. F. -- Pastor-Evangelist, Brandon, Vermont. Brooks, Rev. D. F. -- Pastor and Evangelist, Brandon, Vermont. Browning, Rev. W. G. -- Poughkeepsie, New York Brushingham, Rev. J. P. -- Pastor First M. E. Church, Chicago Burr, Mrs. Kate Summer -- Editor of Invalids Visitor, Williamson, New York Carmen, Rev. Dr. A. -- Superintendent of Methodist Church, Canada Carradine, Rev. B. -- Evangelist, St. Louis, Mo. Castle, Bishop N. -- of U. B. Church, Elkhart, Indiana Chrisliew, Rev. Chas. W. L. -- Wesleyan, England Clark, Rev. Grover C. -- P. E. Dixon District Rock River Conference M. E. Church. Cooke, Mrs. Sarah A. -- Evangelist, Chicago Cramer, Mrs. Mary Grant -- Evangelist, East Orange, N. J. Curnick, Rev. E. T. -- D. D., Lyon, Mass. Date, J. S. -- Sec. Des Plaines Camp Meeting Association, Chicago. Daval, Louis M. -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y. student in the experience of perfect love Davis, Mrs. Grace Weiser -- Evangelist, Jersey City Dennett, A. W. -- Westville, Placer Co., California. Ernsberger, Rev. D. O. -- P. E. Raichur, District, South India Conference. M. E. Church Fee, Rev. John G. -- President Berea College. Berea, Ky. Fielding, Brigadier General -- of American Volunteers, Chicago Finch, Ruth -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y. student in the experience of perfect love Fitzgerald, Mrs. O. M. -- Newark, N. J., over forty years Leader of Holiness meetings Foote, Rev. J. B. -- Evangelist, Syracuse. New York Foote, Mrs. Julia A. -- Evangelist, Jersey City, N. J. Foss, Bishop Cyrus D. -- of M. E. Church, Philadelphia, Penn. Fowler, Rev. Dr. C. J. -- Pres. of National Holiness Association. Haverhill, Mass. Garnett, Rev. Chas. -- Congregationalist, London, England Glascock, Rev. J. L. -- Evangelist, Cincinnati, Ohio Godbey, Rev. W. B. -- Evangelist, Perryville, Ky. Goodsell, Bishop B. W. -- of M. E. Church, Chattanooga, Tenn. Grant, Bishop A. -- A. M. E. Church, Indianapolis, Indiana Grant, Richard -- East Orange, N. J. Grentzenberg, Rev. H. -- Editor of German Guide to Holiness, Cincinnati, Ohio Gurthappel, Minerva L. -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y. student in the experience of perfect love Hadley, W. J. -- Gen. Supt. Pastoral & Evang. Dept., Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Hall, Rev. A. W. -- Publisher Wesleyan Methodist, Syracuse, N. Y. Hanley, Rev. C. S. -- Pres. Worlds Faith Missionary Association. Shenandoah, Iowa Hard, Dr. Manley S. -- Secretary Church Extension Society of M. E. Church Harris, Rev. and Mrs. Jas. -- of Methodist Church, Guelph, Canada Hawkins, Rev. Lucius -- Evangelist, Birmingham, Alabama Heisler, Rev. J. S. -- Camden, N. J. Howland, Rev. Seneca -- Evangelist, New York Hurland, Rev. Seneca -- Evangelist, New York Jennings, Rev. A. T. -- Editor Wesleyan Methodist, Syracuse, N. Y. Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. J. T. -- Evangelists, Perkinsville, Vermont Joyce, Bishop I. W. -- of M. E. Church, Minneapolis, Minn. Kelsey, Rev. J. D. -- Chicago District Free Methodist Church, Chicago Kirn, Rev. John -- P. C., Primitive Holiness Mission, Owosso, Mich. Lee, Harry -- Miss. Training Inst., N. Y. student in the experience of perfect love Leonard, Miss Isabella S. -- Evangelist, Phoenix, Arizona. Levy, Rev. F. M. -- D. D., Philadelphia, Penn. Ligon, Rev. T. C. -- Editor of Way of Faith Lively, Rev. J. W. -- Presiding Elder M. E. Church, Marshall, Texas Mallalien, Bishop W. F. -- of the M. E. Church, Auburndale, Mass. Malone, J. Walter -- Pres. Friends Bible Training Home, Cleveland, O. McLaughlin, Rev. G. A. -- Editor Christian Witness, Chicago McLean, Rev. Alexander -- Treas. National Holiness Association. Brooklyn, N. Y. Moore, Ohio Bishop D. H. -- of M. E. Church, Shanghai, China Morehouse, Rev. A. C. -- Leader of Tuesday meeting, New York Morrow, Mrs. Abbie C. -- Evangelist and Editor of S. S. Illustrator, New York Morse, Deacon Geo. M. -- Putnam, Conn. Nast, Rev. Dr. A. J. Nelson, Rev. Thos. H. -- Leader in Charge of Pentecost Bands, Indianapolis, Ind. Ogborn, Rev. W. N. -- Chairman, Pitman Grove, N. J. Oliver, Miss Emily E. -- Matron Missionary Training Institute, New York Oliver, Mrs. R. C. -- Missionary, Columbia, S. C. Oliver, Rev. D. G. F. -- P. E. of M. E. Church, New Philadelphia Orwig, Rev. A. W. -- Evangelist, Cleveland, O. Osborn, Rev. W. B. -- Hackettstown, N. J., Founder Natl. Hol. Movement, N. J. Conf. Evang. Osborn, Mrs. Lucy D. -- Pres. of Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. Osborn, Rev. T. H. -- the "Drummer Evangelist," Union Springs. New York Page, Rev. I. E. -- Wesleyan, England Palmer, Dr. M. W. -- New York, at whose home the "Tuesday Meeting" is held Parker, Rev. John -- Ashbury Park, N. J. Parks, Rev. Dr. H. B. -- Secretary of Missionary Society of A. M. E. Church Peck, Col. F. E. -- of Christian Crusaders, Dutton, Mich. Phillips, Rev. W. I. -- Gen. Sec. American Christian Association, Chicago Potts, Rev. Dr. John -- Secretary of Educational Society of Methodist Church, Canada. Prindle, Mother -- late Matron of Florence Crittenton Mission, New York

By Holiness Data Ministry. * * * * * * . committee on deliverances, in the published report) were characterized by Christian fellowship, . Oliver, Mrs. R. C. -- Missionary, Columbia, S. C. Watson, Mrs. M. R., 1208 Lexington Ave., Chicago, Ill.
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