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America’s Splendid Little Wars: A Short History of U.S. Military Engagements, 1975–2000 PDF

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—TOM "A must for all Americans." CLANCY AMERICA'S SPLENDID LITTLE AVARS A Short History of U.S. Military Engagements: 1975-2000 PETER HUCHTHAUSEN Author of K-19: The Widowmaker and OctoberFu — $25.95 DA$39.00 s Ince the evacuation of Saigon in 1975, America has committed its forces to more than a dozen military operations. America's Splendid Little Wars shows how the United — States nowtheworld'ssole remaining superpower has enforced the global "PaxAmericana" by honing the military's capability to strike desired targets, and also by making sophisticated use of the media and public sentiment. From the 1975 operation to recover the hijacked merchant ship SS Mayaguez in the Gulf of Siam to the 1999 "relief intervention" in Kosovo, distin- guished author and former U.S. naval captain Peter Huchthausen presents an intimate history of each mili- tary engagement through eyewitness accounts, thor- ough research, and his unique insider perspective as an intelligence expert. Huchthausen's fresh analysis of the Iran hostage res- cue attempt, the invasions of Grenada and Panama, the Gulf War, and the missions in Somalia and Bosnia lucidly demonstrates the evolution of battlefield hard- ware, communications, and command and control technologies. He explores as well the impact on U.S. policy and popular perceptions, and the underlying motivations for these interventions, which were often peripheral to vital U.S. national interests. This unique and expertly told history reveals the struggles and suc- cesses that created America's new 0803 ALLENCOUNTYPUBLICLIBRAR GRB 3 1833 04410 8071 VVfTHeRAWN I I AMERICA'S SPLENDID WARS LITTLE AMERICA'S SPLENDID WARS LITTLE A SHORT HISTORY OF U.S. MILITARY ENGAGEMENTS: 1975-2000 Peter Huchthausen VIKING VIKING Publishedbythe Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, NewYork, NewYork 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, LondonWC2RORL, England Penguin BooksAustralia Ltd,250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell,Victoria3124,Australia PenguinBooks Canada Ltd, 10AlcornAvenue,Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM4V3B2 PenguinBooksIndia(P)Ltd, 11 CommunityCentre,PanchsheelPark,NewDelhi-110017, India Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, Cnr Rosedale and Airborne Roads, Albany, Auckland, NewZealand Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, SouthAfrica PenguinBooks Ltd, RegisteredOffices: 80Strand, LondonWC2RORL, England Firstpublished in2003 byVikingPenguin, amemberofPenguin Group(USA) Inc. 987654321 10 Copyright © The Nautical &Aviation PublishingCompanyofAmerica,2003 Allrights reserved LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Huchthausen,PeterA., 1939- America's splendidlittlewars : ashorthistoryofU.S. militaryengagements: 1975-2000/PeterA. Huchthausen. p. cm. Includesbibliographical references and index. ISBN0-670-03232-8 1. United States-History, Military-20thcentury. 2. Intervention(Internationallaw)- History-20th century. 3. Presidents-UnitedStates-History-20th century. 4. United States-MilitaryPolicy. I. Title. E840.4 .H83 2003 973.92-dc21 2002038025 ^ Thisbookisprinted on acid-freepaper. Printed in the United States ofAmerica All mapsbyMarkSteinStudios Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the priorwrittenpermission ofboth the copyrightownerand the above publisher ofthisbook. The scanning, uploading, and distribution ofthis book via the Internet or via any other meanswithoutthe permission ofthe publisheris illegal and punishable bylaw. Please pur- chaseonlyauthorized electroniceditionsand donotparticipate in orencourageelectronic piracyofcopyrighted materials. Yoursupportofthe author's rights isappreciated. To my grandchildren, Ewan, Bailey Anne, Blake, and Nicholas; ifever called on to fight for your country, do so well, but always with compassion for the beleaguered.

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