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America’s Nonprofit Sector_A Primer PDF

228 Pages·1999·33.505 MB·English
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\ AMERICA'S NONPROFIT SECTOR PRIMER A SECOND EDITION Digitized by the Internet Archive 2015 in https://archive.org/details/americasnonprofiOOIest AMERICA'S NONPROFIT SECTOR PRIMER A SECOND EDITION Lester M Salamon . The Foundation Center The Foundation Center is grateful to the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation for its generous gift in support of this publication. Copyright© 1999 by LesterM. Salamon. All rights reserved. Printed and bound in the United StatesofAmerica. Coverand bookdesign byApicella Design. Library ofCataloging-in-Publication Data Salamon, LesterM. — America's nonprofit sector: a primer/ Lester M. Salamon. 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-87954-801-0 1. Charities—United States. 2. Nonprofit organizations—United States. — 3. Human services United States. 4. Publicwelfare—United States. L Title. HV91.S23 1999 361.7'097.3—dc21 99-12559 CIP For Noah and Matt Table of Contents ListofTablesandFigures ix Foreword, byJohnW. Gardner xiii Acknowledgments xv ChapterOne: Introduction 1 PART I: OVERVIEW 5 ChapterTwo: WhatistheNonprofitSectorandWhyDoWe Have It? 7 ChapterThree: Scope andStructure: TheAnatomyofAmerica'sNonprofitSector 21 ChapterFour: TheNonprofit Sectorin Context: TheGovernmentand Business Presence 49 ChapterFive: HowDidWeGetHere? Historical Developmentsand RecentTrends 57 PART II: KEYSUBSECTORS 75 ChapterSix: Healthcare 77 ChapterSeven: Education 95 ChapterEight: Social Services 109 ChapterNine: Arts, Culture, and Recreation 123 ChapterTen: Advocacy, LegalServices, and InternationalAid 135 ChapterEleven: Religion 149 PART III: LOOKINGTOTHE FUTURE 159 ChapterTwelve: Trendsand Challenges 161 ChapterThirteen: Conclusions 185 References 187 Index 197 vii V

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