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AIR POLLUTION 2001 ANNUAL INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Air pollution Elevated structures Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, pl6- A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem 33 El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Dec. 01, p169-180 Algorithms Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, Engineering education Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), 125 Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145. Allocations Environmental issues Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- Villages, Dae Sik Kim and Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept. ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities OL, p95-117. in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62. Arizona Comparing Traffic-Notse Model Accuracy Using Facilities State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93 ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Asia UP June 01, p51-62. How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M. Financing Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. Financing Infrastructure over Time, David M. Levin- son, UP Dec. 01, p146-157 Buildings, residential Measuring Affordability in Public Housing trom Eco- Geographic information systems nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Visualizing System—Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. O01, California p158-168. Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities Hazardous waste in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- UP June 01, p51-62 ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Civil engineering UP June O1, p51-62. In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145 Highways Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using Commute State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93. tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP Mar. O1, pl-15 Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem Consultants El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), Dec. 01, p169-180. Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145. Hong Kong Costs How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49 Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Decision making C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Use of Belief Function in Brownfield Infrastructure Re- development Decision-Making, Nii O. Attoh-Okine, Housing P.E. and Juel Gibbons, UP Sept. 01, p126-143. Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Economic analysis C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Images C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- Economic factors 125. Visualizing System-Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- Infrastructure mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. 01, Financing Infrastructure over Time, David M. Levin- p!58-168. son, UP Dec. 01, p146-157. AIR POLLUTION 2001 ANNUAL INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Air pollution Elevated structures Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, pl6- A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem 33 El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Dec. 01, p169-180 Algorithms Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, Engineering education Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), 125 Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145. Allocations Environmental issues Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- Villages, Dae Sik Kim and Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept. ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities OL, p95-117. in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62. Arizona Comparing Traffic-Notse Model Accuracy Using Facilities State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93 ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Asia UP June 01, p51-62. How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M. Financing Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. Financing Infrastructure over Time, David M. Levin- son, UP Dec. 01, p146-157 Buildings, residential Measuring Affordability in Public Housing trom Eco- Geographic information systems nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Visualizing System—Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. O01, California p158-168. Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities Hazardous waste in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- UP June 01, p51-62 ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Civil engineering UP June O1, p51-62. In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145 Highways Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using Commute State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93. tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP Mar. O1, pl-15 Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem Consultants El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), Dec. 01, p169-180. Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 01, p145. Hong Kong Costs How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49 Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Decision making C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Use of Belief Function in Brownfield Infrastructure Re- development Decision-Making, Nii O. Attoh-Okine, Housing P.E. and Juel Gibbons, UP Sept. 01, p126-143. Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Economic analysis C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Images C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- Economic factors 125. Visualizing System-Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- Infrastructure mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. 01, Financing Infrastructure over Time, David M. Levin- p!58-168. son, UP Dec. 01, p146-157. SUBJECT INDEX VEHICLES Kingham, Rowland Ian Redevelopment In Memoriam. Rowland Ian ae (1933-2001), Use of Belief Function in Brownfield Infrastructure Re- Gang-Len Chang, UP Dec. 011, ,p l45 development Decision-Making, Nii O. Attoh-Okine, P.E. and Juel Gibbons, UP Sept. 01, p126-143. Location Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Rental Villages, Dae Sik Kim and Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- O!, p95-117, nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. Model accuracy Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using Rural areas State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93. Villages, Dae Sik Kim and Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept. Models O1, p95-117. Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: Spatial distribution A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- Dec. 01, p169-180. ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, Network analysis UP June 01, p51-62. Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Suburbs Villages, Dae Sik Kim and Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept. O1, p95-117. Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP Noise Mar. O1, p1-15. Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways ‘n Urban Areas: A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem Time factors El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Financing Infrastructure over Time, David M. Levin- Dec. 01, p169-180. son, UP Dec. 01, p146-157. Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- Transportation pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, p16- 33. Visualizing System—Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- Noise measurement mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. O1, Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using p158-168. State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93. Transportation networks How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Noise reduction Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M. Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. State-Specific Emission Data, Louis F. Cohn and Roswell A. Harris, UP June 01, p79-93. Transportation planning Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- Parking facilities tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Mar. 01, p1-15. Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M. Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. Travel demand Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- Visualizing System-Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, p16- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- 33. mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. 01, p158-168. Pedestrian traffic flow Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- Urban areas tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: Mar. 01, pI-15. A Practical Application, M. Hadi Baaj, Mutassem El-Fadel, Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Project management Dec. 01, p169-180. Visualizing System-Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. O01, pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, pl6- p15S8-168. 33. Public policy Urban planning Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, Eddie Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- C. M. Hui, UP Mar. 01, p34-49. 125. Public transportation Vehicles How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- Eastern Asia, William H. K. Lam, Nicholas M. pacts, M. El-Fadel and H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, pl6- Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June 01, p63-78. 33. VISUAL AIDS 2001 ANNUAL INDEX Visual aids Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, Jie Shen, Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- 125. Visualizing System—Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- portation Projects, Jerry K. Shadewald, Shauna Hall- mark and Reginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. O01, pt58-168 Walkways Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- tainability, Todd A. Randall and Brian W. Baetz, UP Mar. 01, pl-15. Waste disposal Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62. Waste sites Use of Belief Function in Brownfield Infrastructure Re development Decision-Making, Nii O. Attoh-Okine, P.E. and Juel Gibbons, UP Sept. 01, p126-143. Waste storage Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62 Waste treatment Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, Raul P. Lejano and Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62 AUTHOR INDEX AUTHOR INDEX Attoh-Okine, Nii O., P.E. Lo, H. P. Use of Belief Function in Brownfield Infrastructure Re- see Lam, William H. K., UP June 01, p63-78 development Decision-Making, with Juel Gibbons, UP Sept. 01, p126-143 Randall, Todd A. Evaluating Pedestrian Connectivity for Suburban Sus- Baaj, M. Hadi tainability, with Brian W. Baetz, UP Mar. 01, p1-15 Modeling Noise at Elevated Highways in Urban Areas: A Practical Application, with Mutassem El-Fadel, Saliby, Elie Shady M. Shazbak and Elie Saliby, UP Dec. 01, see Baaj, M. Hadi, UP Dec. 01, p169-180 p169-180 Sbayti, H. Baetz, Brian W. see El-Fadel, M., UP Mar. 01, p16-33 see Randall, Todd A., UP Mar. 01, p1-15 Shadewald, Jerry K. Visualizing System-Wide Economic Impacts of Trans- Chang, Gang-Len portation Projects, with Shauna Hallmark and Re- In Memoriam. Rowland lan Kingham (1933-2001), ginald R. Souleyrette, UP Dec. 01, p158-168 UP Dec. 01, p145 Shazbak, Shady M. Chung, Ha Woo see Baaj. M. Hadi, UP Dec. 01, p169-180 see Kim, Dae Sik, UP Sept. 01, p95-117 Shen, Jie Cohn, Louis F. Urban Planning Using Augmented Reality, with Comparing Traffic-Noise Model Accuracy Using Yonghong Wu and Haowu Liu, UP Sept. 01, p118- State-Specific Emission Data, with Roswell A. Har- 125 ris, UP June O01, p79-93 Souleyrette, Reginald R. El-Fadel, M. see Shadewald, Jerry K., UP Dec. 01, p158-168 Parking Facilities in Urban Areas: Air and Noise Im- pacts, with H. Sbayti, UP Mar. 01, p16-33 Wu, Yonghong see Shen, Jie, UP Sept. O1, pl 18-125 El-Fadel, Mutassem see Baaj, M. Hadi, UP Dec. 01, p169-180 Gibbons, Juel see Attoh-Okine, Nii O., P.E., UP Sept. 01, p126-143 Hallmark, Shauna see Shadewald, Jerry K.. UP Dec. 01, p158-168 Harris, Roswell A. see Cohn, Louis F., UP June 01, p79-93 Holyoak, Nicholas M. see Lam, William H. K., UP June 01, p63-78 Hui, Eddie C. M. Measuring Affordability in Public Housing from Eco- nomic Principles: Case Study of Hong Kong, UP Mar. 01, p34-49 Iseki, Hiroyuki see Lejano, Raul P., UP June 01, p51-62 Kim, Dae Sik Spatial Location-Allocation Model for Multiple Center Villages, with Ha Woo Chung, UP Sept. 01, p95-117 Lam, William H. K. How Park-and-Ride Schemes Can Be Successful in Eastern Asia, with Nicholas M. Holyoak and H. P. Lo, UP June O01, p63-78 Lejano, Raul P. Environmental Justice: Spatial Distribution of Hazard- ous Waste Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities in Los Angeles, with Hiroyuki Iseki, UP June 01, p51-62 Levinson, David M. Financing Infrastructure over Time, UP Dee. O1, pl46-157 Liu, Haowu see Shen, Jie, UP Sept. O1, pL 18-125

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