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Preview American Society of Civil Engineers 1992: Vol 118 Index

SUBJECT INDEX SUBJECT INDEX Aging Constitutive Behavior of Stress-Induced Aniso- The Mechanical Aging of Soils, John H. Schmert- tropic Cohesive Soil, Jeff S. Budiman, Stein mann, GT Sept. 91, p1288-1330. a and Hon-Yim Ko, GT Sept. 92, p1348- 1359. Time-Dependent Cone Penetration Resistance Due to Blasting, Wayne A. Charlie, Muta- Response of Cross-Anisotropic Seabed to Ocean bihirwa F. J. Rwebyogo and DonaldO . Doehr- Waves, Behrouz Gatmiri, GT Sept. 92, p1295- inGgT ,Aug . 92, p1200-1215. 1314. Analysis Stability Evaluation During Staged Construction, Charles C. Ladd, GT Apr. 91, p540-615. Analysis of Compressibility of Sensitive Soils, T. S. Nagaraj, B. R. S. Murthy, A. Vatsala and R. ASCE Awards & Prizes C. Joshi, GT Jan. 90, p105-118. The Mechanical Aging of Soils, John H. Schmert- Dynamic Compaction Analysis, Y. K. Chow, D. mann, GT Sept. 91, p1288-1330. M. Yong, K. Y. Yong and S. L. Lee, GT Aug. 92, p1141-1157. Atterberg limits Generalized Slope Stability Analysis: Interpreta- Critical Reappraisal of Colloidal Activity of tion, Modification, and Comparison, Dov Clays, N. S. Pandian and T. S. Nagaraj, GT Leshchinsky and Ching-Chuan Huang, GT Feb. 90, p285-296. Oct. 92, p1559-1576. Axisymmetry Anchorages Exact Formulation of Axisymmetric-Interface- Uplift Behavior of Screw Anchors in Sand. I: Dry Element Stiffness Matrix, — Yuan and Sand, Ashraf Ghaly, Adel Hanna and Mikhail Koon Meng Chua, GT Aug. 92, p1264-1271. Hanna, GT May 91, p773-793. Backfills Anchors Backfill-Stiffened Foundation Wall Design, Balanced Seismic Design of Anchored Retaining Robert Nicholls, GT Nov. 92, p1822-1836. Walls, G. Neelakantan, M. Budhu and R. Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. I: Static Richards, Jr., GT June 92, p873-888. Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Janar- Effects of Kg and Overconsolidation on Uplift oo and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, p449- Capacity, Adel Hanna and Ashraf Ghaly, GT 463. Sept. 92, p1449-1469. Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. II: Dy- Passive Inclined Anchorages in Sand, James D. namic Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram — and E. J. Murray, GT May 91, p810- Janardhanam and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, p464-474. Pullout Stiffness of Elastic Anchors in Slope Sta- Pullout Tests Using Steel Grid Reinforcements bilization Systems, Roman D. Hryciw and with Low-Quality Backfill, Dennes T. Bergado, Masyhur Irsyam, GT June 92, p902-919. Kam-Hung Lo, Jin-Chun Chai, Ramaiah Seismic Response of Multianchored Retaining Shivashankar, Marolo C. Alfaro and Loren R. Walls, Thomas J. Siller and Dorothy D. Fraw- Anderson, GT July 92, p1047-1063. ley, GT Nov. 92, p1787-1803. Retaining Wall With Reinforced Cohesionless Uplift Behavior of Screw Anchors in Sand. I: Dry Backfill, Swami Saran, K. G. Garg and R. K. Sand, Ashraf Ghaly, Adel Hanna and Mikhail Bhandar, GT Dec. 92, p1869-1888. Hanna, GT May 91, p773-793. Technique for Using Fine-Grained Soil in Rein- Anisotropic soils forced Earth, A. Sridharan, B. R. Srinivasa Murthy, Bindumadhava and K. Revanasiddap- Anisotropic Hardening Plasticity Model for pa, GT Aug. 91, p1174-1190. Sands, Robert Y. Liang and Hann-Ling Shaw, GT June 91, p913-933. Barriers Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Footings on Anisotrop- Design of Wave Barriers for Reduction of Hori- ic Soils, A. Nanda and T. Kuppusamy, GT zontal Ground Vibration, Tahmeed M. Al- Mar. 92, p428-448. Hussaini and Shahid Ahmad, GT Apr. 91, Ultimate Bearing-Capacity Tests on Sand with p6 16-636. Clay Layer, Masanobu Oda and Soe Win, GT Dec. 90, p1902-1906. Base isolation Dynamic Interface Shear Strength Properties of Anisotropy Geomembranes and Geotextiles, M. K. Yegian Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- and A. M. Lahlaf, GT May 92, p760-779. clic Behavior of Clays. I: Theory, Robert Y. = and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p229- Beams 45. Backfill-Stiffened Foundation Wail Design, Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- Robert Nicholls, GT Nov. 92, p1822-1836. clic Behavior of Clays. II: Verification, Robert Modified Vlasov Model for Beams on Elastic bz Liang and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p246- Foundations, C. V. Girija Vallabhan and Y. C. 65. Das, GT June 91, p956-966. 2015 BEARING CAPACITY 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Bearing capacity Time-Dependent Cone Penetration Resistance Analysis for Soil Reinforcement with Bending Due to Blasting, Wayne A. Charlie, Muta- Stiffness, R. A. Jewell and M. J. Pedley, GT bihirwa F. J. Rwebyogo and Donald O. Doehr- Oct. 92, p1505-1528. ing, GT Aug. 92, p1200-1215. Bearing Capacity of Auger-cast Piles in Sand, Boring WilliamJ . Neely, GT Feb. 91, p331-345. Bearing Capacity of Auger-cast Piles in Sand, Bearing Capacity of Expanded-Base Piles in WilliamJ . Neely, GT Feb. 91, p331-345. Sand, William J. Neely, GT Jan. 90, p73-87. Bearing Capacity of Expanded-Base Piles with Boundary conditions Compacted Concrete Shafts, William J. Neely, SOA: Large Strain Consolidation Predictions, F. GT Sept. 90, p1309-1324. C. Townsend and M. C. McVay, GT Feb. 90, Bearing Capacity on Nonhomogeneous Cohesive p222-243. Soils under Embankments, Radoslaw L. Michalowski, GT July 92, p1098-1118. Boundary element method Efficiency Formula for Pile Groups, Sayed M. Design of Wave Barriers for Reduction of Hori- iy and Reda M. Bakeer, GT Feb. 92, p278- zontal Ground Vibration, Tahmeed M. Al- Hussaini and Shahid Ahmad, GT Apr. 91, p616-636. Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Footings on Anisotrop- ic Soils, A. Nanda and T. Kuppusamy, GT Rocking Impedance of Embedded Strip Founda- Mar. 92, p428-448. tions in Layered Soil, A. Bharadwaj and S. Ah- Failure Criteria Interpretation Based on Mohr- mad, GT May 92, p796-813. Coulomb Friction, D. V. Griffiths, GT June Torsional Radiation Damping of Arbitrarily 90, p986-999. Shaped Embedded Foundations, Shahid Ah- Large-Scale Loading Tests of Shallow Footings in — and George Gazetas, GT Aug. 92, p1186- Pneumatic Caisson, Osamu Kusakabe, Yoshito 1199. Maeda and Masatoshi Ohuchi, GT Nov. 92, Torsional Stiffness of Arbitrarily Shaped Embed- p1681-1695. ded Foundations, Shahid Ahmad and George Performance of Axially Loaded Pipe Piles in Gazetas, GT Aug. 92, p1168-1185. —. Leland M. Kraft, Jr., GT Feb. 91, p272- 96. Bounding surface Reinforced Sand Behavior Overlying Compressi- Anisotropic Hardening Plasticity Model for ble Subgrades, Gerald P. Raymond, GT Nov. Sands, Robert Y. Liang and Hann-Ling Shaw, 92, p1663-1680. GT June 91, p913-933. Soil Plug Response in Open-Ended Pipe Piles, M. F. ee M. May, E. C. Leong, A. M. Hy- Braced excavation den and J. D. Murff, GT May 92, p743-759. Building Response to Excavation-Induced Settle- ment, Marco D. Boscardin and Edward J. StaPbriloigtry amAmnianlgy.s is IIi:n GAepopmlieccahtainoni,c s Pboyo n-LHinweeair Cording, GT Jan. 89, p1-21. Chuang, GT Nov. 92, p1716-1726. Brick masonry Stability Analysis in Geomechanics by Linear Building Response to Excavation-Induced Settle- Programming. I: Formulation, Poon-Hwei ment, Marco D. Boscardin and Edward J. Chuang, GT Nov. 92, p1696-1715. Cording, GT Jan. 89, p1-21. Ultimate Bearing-Capacity Tests on Sand with Clay Layer, Masanobu Oda and Soe Win, GT Buildings Dec. 90, p1902-1906. Building Response to Excavation-Induced Settle- Bentonite ment, Marco D. Boscardin and Edward J. Cording, GT Jan. 89, p1-21. Hydraulic Conductivity of Three Geosynthetic Clay Liners, Paula Estornell and David E. Dan- Bulk density iel, GT Oct. 92, p1592-1606. Void Ratio of Noncohesive Soils and Similar Ma- Interaction of Inorganic Leachate with Compact- terials, B. Aberg, GT Sept. 92, p1315-1334. ed Pozzolanic Fly Ash, Tuncer B. Edil, Linda K. Sandstrom and P. M. Berthouex, GT Sept. Buried pipes 92, p1410-1430. Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. I: Static Stabilizing Compacted Clay Against Chemical Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Janar- Attack, Gregory P. Broderick and David E. dhanam and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, p449- Daniel, GT Oct. 90, p1549-1567. 463. Blast loads Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. II: Dy- Dynamic Response Analysis of Reinforced-Soil namic Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Retaining Wall, Muthucumarasamy Yogen- Janardhanam and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, drakumar, Richard J. Bathurst and W. D. p464-474. Liam Finn, GT Aug. 92, p1158-1167. Caissons Blasting Large-Scale Loading Tests of Shallow Footings in Postdensification Penetration Resistance of Pneumatic Caisson, Osamu Kusakabe, Yoshito Clean Sands, G. Mesri, T. W. Feng and J. M. Maeda and Masatoshi Ohuchi, GT Nov. 92, Benak, GT July 90, p1095-1115. p1681-1695. SUBJECT INDEX CLAYS Cantilevers Drainage Efficiency of Sand Layer in Layered Effect of Footing Shape on Behavior of Cantile- Clay-Sand Reclamation, Siew-Ann Tan, Kee- ver Retaining Wall, John S. Horvath, GT June Ming Liang, Kwet-Yew Yong and Seng-Lip 91, p973-978. Lee, GT Feb. 92, p209-228. Effect of Lateral Stress on CPT Penetration Pore Case reports Pressures, J. P. Sully and R. G. Campanella, Kettleman Hills Waste Landfill Slope Failure. I: GT July 91, p1082-1088. Liner-System Properties, James K. Mitchell, Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response, Raymond B. Seed and H. Bolton Seed, GT Mladen Vucetic and Ricardo Dobry, GT Jan. Apr. 90, p647-668. 91, p89-107. Necessary Redundancy in Geotechnical Engi- Effective Cohesion for Compacted Clay, Robert neering, Jorj O. Osterberg, GT Nov. 89, W. Day, GT Apr. 92, p611-619. pl5i1-1531. Effects of Freezing on Hydraulic Conductivity of Review of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Com- Compacted Clay, Woon-Hyung Kim and pacted Soil, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- David E. Daniel, GT July 92, p1083-1097. gaszy and Mark D. Hetherington, GT Sept. 92, p1376-1394. Empirical Estimation of Double-Layer Repulsive Force between Two Inclined Clay Particles of Slope Stability Analysis: Generalized Approach, Finite Length, Ning Lu and A. Anandarajah, Dov Leshchinsky, GT May 90, p851-867. GT Apr. 92, p628-634. Cast-in-place piles Equations for Compression Index Approxima- tion, A. W. N. Al-Khafaji and O. B. Anders- Bearing Capacity of Auger-cast Piles in Sand, land, GT Jan. 92, p148-153. WilliamJ . Neely, GT Feb. 91, p331-345. Generalized Creep and Stress Relaxation Model Cements for Clays, Ronaldo I. Borja, GT Nov. 92, Effect of Particle Contact Bond on Shear Modu- p1765-1786. lus, Tzyy-Shiou Chang and Richard D. Woods, Hydrocompression Settlement of Deep Fills, GT Aug. 92, p1216-1233. Thomas L. Brandon, J. Michael Duncan and Stabilizing Compacted Clay Against Chemical WilliamS . Gardner, GT Oct. 90, p1536-1548. Attack, oa P. Broderick and David E. Interaction of Inorganic Leachate with Compact- Daniel, GT Oct. 90, p1549-1567. ed Pozzolanic Fly Ash, Tuncer B. Edil, Linda K. Sandstrom and P. M. Berthouex, GT Sept. Centrifuge model 92, p1410-1430. Centrifugal Modeling of Drains for Slope Stabili- Inverse Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters on zation, Gregory S. Resnick and Dobroslav Zni- Improved Soft Bangkok Clay, Dennes T. Ber- darci¢, GT Nov. 90, p1607-1624. gado, Apollo S. Enriquez, Casan L. Sampaco, Chlorides Marolo C. Alfaro and A. S. Balasubramaniam, GT July 92, p1012-1030. Estimation of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient and Tortuosity Factor for Mudstone, F. S. Barone, Mechanisms of Strength Loss in Stiff Clays, Tim- R. K. Rowe and R. M. Quigley, GT July 92, othy D. Stark and J. Michael Duncan, GT Jan. p1031-1046. 91, p139-154. Preliminary Design for NATM Tunnel Support Classification in Soil, Eric Leca and G. Wayne Clough, GT Evaluation and Control of Collapsible Soils, Ad- Apr. 92, p558-575. nan A. Basma and Erdil R. Tuncer, GT Oct. Single-Hardening Model with Application to NC 92, p1491-1504. Clay, Poul V. Lade, GT Mar. 90, p394-414. Clay liners SOA: Large Strain Consolidation Predictions, F. Hydraulic Conductivity of Three Geosynthetic C. Townsend and M. C. McVay, GT Feb. 90, Clay Liners, Paula Estornell and David E. Dan- p222-243. iel, GT Oct. 92, p1592-1606. Stability Analysis of Reinforced Embankments Hydraulic Conductivity of Three Landfill Clay on Soft Soils, Shenbaga R. Kaniraj and Hasan Liners, Mark E. Gordon, Paul M. Huebner and Abdullah, GT Dec. 92, p1994-1999. Thomas J. Miazga, GT Aug. 89, p1148-1160. Stability Evaluation During Staged Construction, Charles C. Ladd, GT Apr. 91, p540-615. Lessons Learned from Compacted Clay Liner, Bill R. Elsbury, David E. Daniel, Gregory A. Stabilizing Compacted Clay Against Chemical Sraders and David C. Anderson, GT Nov. 90, Attack, Gregory P. Broderick and David E. p1641-1660. Daniel, GT Oct. 90, p1549-1567. Stress Ratio Effects on Collapse of Compacted Clays Clayey Sand, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- Critical Reappraisal of Colloidal Activity of gaszy and James H. Hardcastle, GT May 91, Clays, N. S. Pandian and T. S. Nagaraj, GT p714-730. Feb. 90, p285-296. Stress-Strain-Strength Responses of Compressi- Development of Strain During Monotonic Shear ble Chicago Glacial Clays, Richard J. Finno of Soft Clay, Sam Frydman and Mark and Choong-Ki Chung, GT Oct. 92, p1607- Talesnick, GT May 92, p704-725. 1625. Diffuse Double-Layer Equations in SI Units, Al- Swell versus Saturation for Compacted Clay, bert T. Yeung, GT Dec. 92, p2000-2005. Robert W. Day, GT Aug. 92, p1272-1278. 2017 CLAYS 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Total Stress Analysis of Cantilever Sheetpiling in Stress Ratio Effects on Collapse of Compacted Layered Clay, Jay S. DeNatale and German A. Clayey Sand, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- Ibarra-Encinas, GT July 92, p1064-1082. gaszy and James H. Hardcastle, GT May 91, Unified Approach to Ground Improvement by p714-730. Heavy Tamping, Kwang Wei Lo, Peng Lee Ooi Colluvium and Seng-Lip Lee, GT Mar. 90, p514-527. Strength Correlation Factor for Residual Soils, N. Yielding of Mexico City Clay and Other Natural Loganathan, Suraj de Silva and A. Thurairajah, Clays, J. A. Diaz-Rodriguez, S. Leroueil and J. GT Apr. 92, p593-610. D. Aleman, GT July 92, 5981-995. Compacted soils Closed form solutions Effective Cohesion for Compacted Clay, Robert Stability Analysis of Reinforced Embankments W. Day, GT Apr. 92, p611-619. on Soft Soils, Shenbaga R. Kaniraj and Hasan Abdullah, GT Dec. 92, p1994-1999. Estimating Earth Pressures Due to Compaction, J. M. Duncan, G. W. Williams, A. L. Sehn and Cohesion R. B. Seed, GT Dec. 91, p1833-1847. Effective Cohesion for Compacted Clay, Robert Softening of Fill Slopes Due to Moisture Infiltra- W. Day, GT Apr. 92, p611-619. tion, Robert W. Day and Gregory W. Axten, GT Sept. 90, p1424-1427. Cohesionless soils Water Content-Density Criteria for Compacted Hydraulic Conductivity of Noncohesive Soils, B. Soil Liners, David E. Daniel and Craig H. Ben- Aberg, GT Sept. 92, p1335-1347. son, GT Dec. 90, p1811-1830. Improved Design Procedures for Vertically Load- ed H-Piles in Sand, Harry M. Coyle and Compaction Ronald Ungaro, GT Mar. 91, p507-528. Compaction Quality Control in Granular Shell of Passive Inclined Anchorages in Sand, James D. Earth Dam, Panaghiotis C. Kotzias and Aris C. 7 and E. J. Murray, GT May 91, p810- Stamatopoulos, GT Aug. 92, p1247-1255. 14. Construction and Performance of Two Large Retaining Wall With Reinforced Cohesionless Rockfill Embankments, Gordon M. Matheson Backfill, Swami Saran, K. G. Garg and R. K. = William F. Parent, GT Dec. 89, p1699- Bhandar, GT Dec. 92, p1869-1888. 716. Settlements of Shallow Foundations on Cohe- Peni Compaction Analysis, Y. K. Chow, D. geet Soils, Basi! P. Papadopoulos, GT Mar. M. Yong, K. Y. Yong and S. L. Lee, GT Aug. 92, p377-393. 92, p1141-1157. Void Ratio of Noncohesive Soils and Similar Ma- Estimating Earth Pressures Due to Compaction, terials, B. Aberg, GT Sept. 92, p1315-1334. J. M. Duncan, G. W. Williams, A. L. Sehn and R. B. Seed, GT Dec. 91, p1833-1847. Cohesive soils Evaluation and Control of Collapsible Soils, Ad- Bearing Capacity on Nonhomogeneous Cohesive nan A. Basma and Erdil R. Tuncer, GT Oct. Soils under Embankments, Radoslaw L. 92, p1491-1504. Michalowski, GT July 92, p1098-1118. Lessons Learned from Compacted Clay Liner, Constitutive Behavior of Stress-Induced Aniso- Bill R. Elsbury, David E. Daniel, Gregory A. tropic Cohesive Soil, Jeff S. Budiman, Stein Sraders and David C. Anderson, GT Nov. 90, — and Hon-Yim Ko, GT Sept. 92, p1348- p1641-1660. 1359. Postdensification Penetration Resistance of Cold weather construction Clean Sands, G. Mesri, T. W. Feng and J. M. Benak, GT July 90, p1095-1115. Finite Element Simulation of Behavior of Later- ally Loaded Piles in Permafrost, A. Foriero and Rapid Water Content by Computer-Controlled B. Ladanyi, GT Feb. 90, p266-284. Microwave Drying, Paul A. Gilbert, GT Jan. 91, p118-138. Collapse Relative Compaction of Fill Having Oversize Evaluation and Control of Collapsible Soils, Ad- Particles, Robert W. Day, GT Oct. 89, p1487- nan A. Basma and Erdil R. Tuncer, GT Oct. 1491. 92, p1491-1504. Review of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Com- Review of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Com- pacted Soil, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- pacted Soil, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- gaszy and Mark D. Hetherington, GT Sept. 92, gaszy and Mark D. Hetherington, GT Sept. 92, p1376-1394. p1376-1394. Stabilizing Compacted Clay Against Chemical Collapsible soils Attack, Gregory P. Broderick and David E. Evaluation and Control of Collapsible Soils, Ad- Daniel, GT Oct. 90, p1549-1567. nan A. Basma and Erdil R. Tuncer, GT Oct. Stress Ratio Effects on Collapse of Compacted 92, p1491-1504. Clayey Sand, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- Sample Disturbance of Cemented Collapsible gaszy and James H. Hardcastle, GT May 91, Soils, Sandra L. Houston and Mostafa El- p714-730. Ehwany, GT May 91, p731-752. Swell versus Saturation for Compacted Clay, Settlement and Moisture Movement in Collapsi- Robert W. Day, GT Aug. 92, p1272-1278. ble Soils, Mostafa El-Ehwany and Sandra L. Variability in Compaction Control, Iraj Noorany, Houston, GT Oct. 90, p1521-1535. GT July 90, p1132-1136. 2018 SUBJECT INDEX CONSOLIDATION Comparative studies Computer software Generalized Slope Stability Analysis: Interpreta- Elastic Solutions for Arbitrarily Shaped Founda- tion, Modification, and Comparison, Dov tions, K. S. Li, GT June 92, p938-942. Leshchinsky and Ching-Chuan Huang, GT Total Stress Analysis of Cantilever Sheetpiling in Oct. 92, p1559-1576. Layered Clay, Jay S. DeNatale and German A. Compliance Ibarra-Encinas, GT July 92, p1064-1082. Density Changes During Undrained Loading— Computerization Membrane Compliance, Mark D. Evans, GT Dec. 92, p1924-1936. RapMiidc roWwaatveer DCroynitnegn,t Pabuyl CAo.m pGuitlebrer-tC,o ntGrTo llJeand. Compressibility 91, p1 18-138. Analysis of Compressibility of Sensitive Soils, T. Computerized simulation S. Nagaraj, B. R. S. Murthy, A. Vatsala and R. C. Joshi, GT Jan. 90, p105-118. Finite Element Simulation of Behavior of Later- ally Loaded Piles in Permafrost, A. Foriero and Settlements of Shallow Foundations on Cohe- B. Ladanyi, GT Feb. 90, p266-284. sionless Soils, Basil P. Papadopoulos, GT Mar. 92, p377-393. Concrete Stress-Strain-Strength Responses of Compressi- Backfill-Stiffened Foundation Wall Design, ble Chicago Glacial Clays, Richard J. Finno Robert Nicholls, GT Nov. 92, p1822-1836. — Choong-Ki Chung, GT Oct. 92, p1607- Concrete, precast 1625. Performance of Precast Driven Piles in Marine Psy yrs Clay, Chun F. Leung, R. Radhakrishnan and /C. Concept Applied to Compression of Peat, Siew-Ann Tan, GT Apr. 91, p637-657. PaGtTi cAukg .J .9 2F,o xp, 12T5u6n-c1e2r6 3B.. Edil and Li-Tus Lan, Cone penetration Time-Dependent Cone Penetration Resistance Hydrocompression Settlement of Deep Fills, Due to Blasting, Wayne A. Charlie, Muta- Thomas L. Brandon, J. Michael Duncan and bihirwa F. J. Rwebyogo and Donald O. Doehr- William S. Gardner, GT Oct. 90, p1536-1548. ing, GT Aug. 92, p1200-1215. Postdensification Penetration Resistance of Clean Sands, G. Mesri, T. W. Feng and J. M. Cone penetration tests Benak, GT July 90, p1095- 1115. Effect of Lateral Stress on CPT Penetration Pore Pressures, J. P. Sully and R. G. Campanella, ee index GT July 91, p1082-1088. C,/C;- Concept Applied to Compression of Peat, Patrick J. Fox, Tuncer B. Edil and Li-Tus Lan, Consolidation GT Aug. 92, p1256-1263. Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- Equations for Compression Index — clic Behavior of Clays. I: Theory, Robert Y. tion, A. W. N. Al-Khafaji and O. . Anders- Liang and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p229- land, GT Jan. 92, p148-153. 245. Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- Computation clic Behavior of Clays. II: Verification, Robert Diffuse Double-Layer Equations in SI Units, Al- Y. Liang and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p246- bert T. Yeung, GT Dec. 92, p2000-2005. 265. Computer applications Cq/C- Concept Applied to Compression of Peat, Simple Procedure for Determining Cap- Patrick J. Fox, Tuncer B. Edil and Li-Tus Lan, Plasticity-Model_ Parameters, Tien-Kuen GT Aug. 92, p1256-1263. rr i and Wai-Fah Chen, GT Mar. 90, p492- Drainage Efficiency of Sand Layer in Layered 513. Clay-Sand Reclamation, Siew-Ann Tan, Kee- Total Stress Analysis of Cantilever Sheetpiling in Ming Liang, Kwet-Yew Yong and Seng-Lip Layered Clay, Jay S. DeNatale and German A. Lee, GT Feb. 92, p209-228. Ibarra-Encinas, GT July 92, p1064-1082. Equations for Compression Index Approxima- tion, A. W. N. Al-Khafaji and O. B. Anders- Computer models land, GT Jan. 92, p148-153. Lateral Analysis of Piers Constructed on Slopes, Flow-Deformation Response of Dual-Porosity Mohammed A. Gabr and Roy H. Borden, GT Media, Derek Elsworth and Mao Bai, GT Jan. Dec. 90, p1831-1850. 92, p107-124. Computer programs Simple Procedure for Determining Cap- Estimating Earth Pressures Due to Compaction, Plasticity-Model Parameters, Tien-Kuen J. M. Duncan, G. W. Williams, A. L. Sehn and Huang and Wai-Fah Chen, GT Mar. 90, p492- R. B. Seed, GT Dec. 91, p1833-1847. 513. Finite Element Simulation of Behavior of Later- SOA: Large Strain Consolidation Predictions, F. ally Loaded Piles in Permafrost, A. Foriero and C. Townsend and M. C. McVay, GT Feb. 90, B. Ladanyi, GT Feb. 90, p266- 284. p222-243. SOA: Large Strain Consolidation Predictions, F. Soil Plug Response in Open-Ended Pipe Piles, M. C. Townsend and M. C. McVay, GT Feb. 90 F. Randolph, M. May, E. C. Leong, A. M. Hy- p222-243. den and J. D. Murff, GT May 92, p743-759. CONSOLIDATION 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Unified Approach to Ground Improvement by Contamination Heavy Tamping, Kwang Wei Lo, Peng Lee Ooi Phenol Removal from Kaolinite by Electrokinet- and Seng-Lip Lee, GT Mar. 90, p514-527. ics, Yalcin B. Acar, Heyi Li and Robert J. Gale, Consolidation, soils GT Nov. 92, p1837-1852. Effects of Kg and Overconsolidation on Uplift Correlation analysis Capacity, Adel Hanna and Ashraf Ghaly, GT Strength Correlation Factor for Residual Soils, N. Sept. 92, p1449-1469. Loganathan, Suraj de Silva and A. Thurairajah, Stress-Strain-Strength Responses of Compressi- GT Apr. 92, p593-610. ble Chicago Glacial Clays, Richard J. Finno _ Choong-Ki Chung, GT Oct. 92, p1607- Coverings 1625. Water Content-Density Criteria for Compacted Soil Liners, David E. Daniel and Craig H. Ben- Constitutive equations son, GT Dec. 90, p1811-1830. Anisotropic Hardening Plasticity Model for Sands, Robert Y. Liang and Hann-Ling Shaw, Creep GT June 91, p913-933. Finite Element Simulation of Behavior of Later- Generalized Creep and Stress Relaxation Model ally Loaded Piles in Permafrost, A. Foriero and for Clays, Ronaldo I. Borja, GT Nov. 92, B. Ladanyi, GT Feb. 90, p266-284. p1765-1786. Generalized Creep and Stress Relaxation Model for Clays, Ronaldo I. Borja, GT Nov. 92, Constitutive models p1765-1786. Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- clic Behavior of Clays. I: Theory, Robert Y. Curing ee and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p229- Effective Cohesion for Compacted Clay, Robert 45 W. Day, GT Apr. 92, p611-619. Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- clic Behavior of Clays. II: Verification, Robert Cyclic loads aes and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p246- Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- clic Behavior of Clays. I: Theory, Robert Y — and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p229- Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Footings on Anisotrop- 45. ic Soils, A. Nanda and T. Kuppusamy, GT Mar. 92, p428-448. Anisotropic Plasticity Model for Undrained Cy- Micromechanics Modeling for Stress-Strain Be- clic Behavior of Clays. II: Verification, Robert havior of Granular Soils. I: Theory, Ching S. } a and Fenggang Ma, GT Feb. 92, p246- Chang, Yang Chang and Mohammed G. Kabir, GT Dec. 92, p1959-1974. Density Changes During Undrained Loading— Micromechanics Modeling for Stress-Strain Be- Membrane Compliance, Mark D. Evans, GT havior of Granular Soils. II: Evaluation, Ching Dec. 92, p1924-1936. S. Chang, Mohammed G. Kabir and Yang Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response, Chang, GT Dec. 92, p1975-1992. Mladen Vucetic and Ricardo Dobry, GT Jan. Single-Hardening Model with Application to NC 91, p89-107. Clay, Poul V. Lade, GT Mar. 90, p394-414. Mechanisms of Strength Loss in Stiff Clays, Tim- othy D. Stark and J. Michael Duncan, GT Jan. Constitutive relations 91, p139-154. Revised Cam-Clay Model, B. R. Srinivasa Murthy, A. Vatsala and T. S. Nagaraj, GT June Moduli and Damping Factors of Soft Marine 91, p851-871. _— Takaaki Kagawa, GT Sept. 92, p1360- 1 I. Simple Double-Hardening Model for Geomateri- als, Sunirmal Banerjee, Robert O. Davis and Pile Capacity for Axial Cyclic Loadings, Robert Kandiah Sribalaskandarjah, GT June 92, G. Bea, GT Jan. 92, p34-50. p889-901. Dam stability Construction Mechanisms of Strength Loss in Stiff Clays, Tim- Construction Induced Movements of Insitu othy D. Stark and J. Michael Duncan, GT Jan. Walls, G. Wayne Clough and Thomas D. 91, p139-154. ORe’tRaoiunrikneg, S(tDreuscitgurne s,a ndP hiPleirpf orLmaamnbcee, oefd .E aartnhd Damping Lawrence A. Hansen, ed., 1990), p439-470. Dynamic Response of Sand Reinforced with Randomly Distributed Fibers, “mohamad H. Stability Evaluation During Staged eee. Maher and Richard D. Woods, GT July 90, CharlesC . Ladd, GT Apr. 91, p540-61 p1116-1131. Water Content-Density Criteria for ies Free Vibration of Embedded Foundations: Theo- Soil Liners, David E. Daniel and Craig H. Ben- ry Versus Experiment, George Gazetas and son, GT Dec. 90, p1811-1830. — H. Stokoe, II., GT Sept. 91, p1382- Construction methods 1401. Construction and Performance of Two Large Torsional Radiation Damping of Arbitrarily Rockfill Embankments, Gordon M. Matheson Shaped Embedded Foundations, Shahid Ah- — F. Parent, GT Dec. 89, p1699- “~ and George Gazetas, GT Aug. 92, p1186- SUBJECT INDEX DESIGN Damping ratio Stresses Induced by Surficial and Deep Loading Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response, in Elastic Medium, Olivier Rossa and Gabriei Mladen Vucetic and Ricardo Dobry, GT Jan. Auvinet, GT Aug. 92, p1241-1246. 91, p89-107. Deformation Dams Construction Induced Movements of Insitu Mathematical Model for Piping, M. A. Koenders Walls, G. Wayne Clough and Thomas D. and J. B. Sellmeijer, GT June 92, p943-946. O’Rourke, (Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Philip Lambe, ed. and Mechanisms of Strena Loss in Stiff Clays, Tim- Lawrence A. Hansen, ed., 1990), p439-470. othy D. Stark and J. Michael Duncan, GT Jan. 91, p139-154. Earthquake-Induced Permanent Deformations: Probabilistic Approach, M. K. Yegian, E. A. Steady-State Strength Analysis of Lower San Fer- Marciano and V. G. Ghahraman, GT Jan. 91, nando Dam Slide, Gonzalo Castro, Raymond p35-50. B. Seed, Thomas O. Keller and H. Bolton Seed, Estimation of Subgrade Resilient Modulus from GT Mar. 92, p406-427. Standard Tests, E. C. Drumm, Y. Boateng- Undrained Shear Strength of Liquefied Sands for Poku and T. Johnson Pierce, GT May 90, Stability Analysis, Timothy D. Stark and Gho- p774-789. lamreza Mesri, GT Nov. 92, p1727-1747. Free Boundary, Fluid Flow, and Seepage Forces Dams, concrete in Excavations, Ronaldo I. Borja, GT Jan. 92, p125-146. Ambient Temperature Effect in Concrete Dam non Seepage, E. C. Kalkani, GT Jan. La Villita Dam Response During Five Earth- pl-11 quakes Including Permanent Deformation, Ah- med-Waeil M. Elgamal, Ronald F. Scott, Dams, earth Mohamed F. Succarieh and Liping Yan, GT Analysis of Behavior of Earth Dam Using Oct. 90, pi443-1462. Strong-Motion Earthquake Records, Mourad Strain Compatibility Design Method for Rein- Zeghal and Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghaffar, GT Feb. forced Earth Walls with Metallic Reinforce- 92, p266-277. ments, Ilan Juran and Chao L. Chen, GT Apr. 89, p435-456. Compaction Quality Control in Granular Shell of Earth Dam, Panaghiotis C. Kotzias and Aris C. Densification Stamatopoulos, GT Aug. 92, p1247-1255. Dynamic Compaction Analysis, Y. K. Chow, D. Earthquake-Induced Permanent Deformations: M. Yong, K. Y. Yong and S. L. Lee, GT Aug. Probabilistic Approach, M. K. Yegian, E. A. 92, pl 141-1157. — and V. G. Ghahraman, GT Jan. 91, Postdensification Penetration Resistance of p35-50. Clean Sands, G. Mesri, T. W. Feng and J. M. La Villita Dam Response During Five Earth- Benak, GT July 90, p1095-1115. quakes Including Permanent Deformation, Ah- Time-Dependent Cone Penetration Resistance med-Waeil M. Elgamal, Ronald F. Scott, Due to Blasting, Wayne A. Charlie, Muta- Mohamed F. Succarieh and Liping Yan, GT bihirwa F. J. Rwebyogo and DonaldO . Doehr- Oct. 90, p1443-1462. ing, GT Aug. 92, p1200-1215. Three-Dimensional Seismic Analysis of La Villita Density ree A.-W. Elgamal, GT Dec. 92, p1937- 1958. Density Changes During Undrained Loading— Membrane Compliance, Mark D. Evans, GT Dams, embankment Dec. 92, p1924-1936. Field Performance and Analysis of Steep Riprap, Water Content-Density Criteria for Compacted Guy Lefebvre, Karol Rohan, Mahrez Ben Bel- Soil Liners, David E. Daniel and Craig H. Ben- fadhel and Oscar Dascal, GT Sept. 92, p1431- son, GT Dec. 90, p1811-1830. 1448. Density measurement Dams, rockfill Variability in Compaction Control, Iraj Noorany, Three-Dimensional Seismic Analysis of La Villita GT July 90, p1132-1136. Dam, A.-W. Elgamal, GT Dec. 92, p1937- Desiccation 1958. Modeling Desiccating Behavior of Mine Tailings, Data collection Gareth E. Swarbrick and Robin Fell, GT Apr. 92, p540-557. Bearing Capacity of Expanded-Base Piles with Compacted Concrete Shafts, William J. Neely, Design GT Sept. 90, p1309-1324. Kinematical Limit Analysis for Design of Soil- Databases Nailed Structures, Ilan Juran, George Bau- drand, _— Farrag and Victor Elias, GT Jan. Bearing Capacity of Expanded-Base Piles with 90, p54- Compacted Concrete Shafts, William J. Neely, GT Sept. 90, p1309-1324. Modeling ati Behavior of Mine Tailings, Gareth E. Swarbrick and Robin Fell, GT Apr. Deep foundations 92, p540-557. Efficiency Formula for Pile Groups, Sayed M. Preliminary Design for NATM Tunnel Support es and Reda M. Bakeer, GT Feb. 92, p278- in Soil, Eric Leca and G. Wayne Clough, GT Apr. 92, p558-575. DESIGN 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Stability Analysis of Reinforced Embankments Load Transfer for Pipe Piles in Highly Pressured on Soft Soils, Shenbaga R. Kaniraj and Hasan Dense Sand, Michael W. O’Neill and Richard Abdullah, GT Dec. 92, p1994-1999. D. Raines, GT Aug. 91, p1208-1226. Strain Compatibility Analysis for Geosynthetics Performance of Axially Loaded Pipe Piles in Reinforced Soil Walls, Ilan Juran, Halis M. -_ Leland M. Kraft, Jr., GT Feb. 91, p272- Ider and K. Farrag, GT Feb. 90, p312-329. Design criteria Performance of Precast Driven Piles in Marine Clay, Chun F. Leung, R. Radhakrishnan and Construction and Performance of Two Large Siew-Ann Tan, GT Apr. 91, p637-657. Rockfill Embankments, Gordon M. Matheson and William F. Parent, GT Dec. 89, p1699- Soil Plug Response in Open-Ended Pipe Piles, M. 1716. F. Randolph, M. May, E. C. Leong, A. M. Hy- den and J. D. Murff, GT May 92, p743-759. Design of Socketed Drilled Shafts in Limestone, . C. McVay, F. C. Townsend and R. C. Dynamic analysis Williams, GT Oct. 92, p1626-1637. Free Vibration of Embedded Foundations: Theo- Design improvements ry Versus Experiment, a Gazetas and Improved Design Procedures for Vertically Load- ae H. Stokoe, II., GT Sept. 91, p1382- ed H-Piles in Sand, Harry M. Coyle and 1401. Ronald Ungaro, GT Mar. 91, p507-528. Dynamic loads Diffusion coefficient Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. II: Dy- Estimation of Chloride Diffusion Coefficient and namic Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Tortuosity Factor for Mudstone, F. S. Barone, Janardhanam and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, R. K. Rowe and R. M. Quigley, GT July 92, p464-474. p1031-1046. Nonlinear Soil-Pile Interaction Model for Dy- namic Lateral Motion, Toyoaki Nogami, Jun Discrete elements Otani, Kazuo Konagai and Hsiao-Lian Chen, Cone Models for Homogeneous Soil. I, Jethro W. GT Jan. 92, p89-106. Meek and John P. Wolf, GT May 92, p667- 685. SeiWsamlilcs , RTehsopmoanss e J. oSfi llMeru latnida ncDhoorroetdh y RDe.t aiFrnaiwn-g Discrete Element Method for Slope Stability ley, GT Nov. 92, p1787-1803. — Ching S. Chang, GT Dec. 92, p1889- Dynamic response Cone Models for Soil Layer on Rigid Rock. II, Displacement Jethro W. Meek and John P. Wolf, GT May 92, Pipeline Response to Pile Driving and Adjacent p686-703. Excavation, P. W. Linehan, A. Longinow and C. H. Dowding, GT Feb. 92, p300-316. Dynamic Response Analysis of Reinforced-Soil Retaining Wall, Muthucumarasamy Yogen- Seismic Passive Resistance of Tied-Back Walls, drakumar, Richard J. Bathurst and W. D. R. Richards, Jr. and D. G. Elms, GT July 92, Liam Finn, GT Aug. 92, p1158-1167. p996-1011. Dynamic Response of Sand Reinforced with Disturbances Randomly Distributed Fibers, “mohamad H. Analysis of Compressibility of Sensitive Soils, T. Maher and Richard D. Woods, GT July 90, S. Nagaraj, B. R. S. Murthy, A. Vatsala and R. pl116-1131. C. Joshi, GT Jan. 90, p105-118. Nonlinear Soil-Pile Interaction Model for Dy- namic Lateral Motion, Toyoaki Nogami, Jun Drainage Otani, Kazuo Konagai and Hsiao-Lian Chen, Drainage Efficiency of Sand Layer in Layered GT Jan. 92, p89-106. Clay-Sand Reclamation, Siew-Ann Tan, Kee- Ming Liang, Kwet-Yew Yong and Seng-Lip Pile Capacity for Axial Cyclic Loadings, Robert Lee, GT Feb. 92, p209-228. G. Bea, GT Jan. 92, p34-50. Pipeline Response to Pile Driving and Adjacent Dredging Excavation, P. W. Linehan, A. Longinow and Submarine Flow Slide in Puget Sound, Leland M. C. H. Dowding, GT Feb. 92, p300-316. Kraft, Jr., Thomas M. Gavin and Jon C. Bru- Rocking Impedance of Embedded Strip Founda- ton, GT Oct. 92, p1577-1591. tions in Layered Soil, A. Bharadwaj and S. Ah- Drilled shafts mad, GT May 92, p796-813. Design of Socketed Drilled Shafts in Limestone, Seismic Passive Resistance of Tied-Back Walls, M. C. McVay, F. C. Townsend and R. C. R. Richards, Jr. and D. G. Elms, GT July 92, Williams, GT Oct. 92, p1626-1637. p996-1011. Driven piles Stiffness Coefficients of Layered Soil Systems, A. Sridharan, N. S. V. V. S. J. Gandhi and S. Bearing Capacity of Expanded-Base Piles in Suresh, GT Apr. 90, p604-624. Sand, William J. Neely, GT Jan. 90, p73-87. Driving Characteristics of Open-Toe Piles in Dynamics Dense Sand, Richard D. Raines, Oscar G. Dynamic Experiments on Two Pile Groups, H. ~ Michael W. O’Neill, GT Jan. 92, El-Marsafawi, Y. C. Han and M. Novak, GT p72-88. Apr. 92, p576-592. SUBJECT INDEX ELASTIC ANALYSIS Dynamic Interface Shear Strength Properties of Technique for Using Fine-Grained Soil in Rein- Geomembranes and Geotextiles, M. K. Yegian forced Earth, A. Sridharan, B. R. Srinivasa and A. M. Lahlaf, GT May 92, p760-779. Murthy, Bindumadhava and K. Revanasiddap- pa, GT Aug. 91, p1174-1190. Earth fills Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. I: Static Earth structures Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Janar- Technique for Using Fine-Grained Soil in Rein- a and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, p449- forced Earth, A. Sridharan, B. R. Srinivasa 463. Murthy, Bindumadhava and K. Revanasiddap- Evaluation of Flowable Fly-Ash Backfill. Il: Dy- pa, GT Aug. 91, p1174-1190. namic Loading, Richard D. Peindl, Rajaram Earthfill Janardhanam and Frank Burns, GT Mar. 92, p464-474, Stress Ratio Effects on Collapse of Compacted Clayey Sand, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- Inverse Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters on gaszy and James H. Hardcastle, GT May 91, Improved Soft Bangkok Clay, Dennes T. Ber- p714-730. gado, Apollo S. Enriquez, Casan L. Sampaco, Marolo C. Alfaro and A. S. Balasubramaniam, Earthquake damage GT July 92, p1012-1030. Earthquake-Induced Permanent Deformations: Earth pressure Probabilistic Approach, M. K. Yegian, E. A. Active Earth Pressure on Walls With Base Projec- pM3a5r-c5i0a.n o and V. G. Ghahraman, GT Jan. 91, tion, Amjad F. Barghouthi, GT Oct. 90, p1570-1575. La Villita Dam Response During Five Earth- Effects of Kg and Overconsolidation on Uplift quakes Including Permanent Deformation, Ah- Capacity, Adel Hanna and Ashraf Ghaly, GT med-Waeil M. Elgamal, Ronald F. Scott, Sept. 92, p1449-1469. Mohamed F. Succarieh and Liping Yan, GT Oct. 90, p1443-1462. Estimating Earth Pressures Due to Compaction, J. M. Duncan, G. W. Williams, A. L. Sehn and Earthquake engineering R. B. Seed, GT Dec. 91, p1833-1847. Dynamic Interface Shear Strength Properties of Retaining Wall With Reinforced Cohesionless Geomembranes and Geotextiles, M. K. Yegian Backfill, Swami Saran, K. G. Garg and R. K. and A. M. Lahlaf, GT May 92, p760-779. Bhandar, GT Dec. 92, p1869-1888. Earthquake excitation Seismic Passive Resistance of Tied-Back Walls, R. Richards, Jr. and D. G. Elms, GT July 92, Effect of Soil Plasticity on Cyclic Response, p996-1011. Mladen Vucetic and Ricardo Dobry, GT Jan. 91, p89-107. Total Stress Analysis of Cantilever Sheetpiling in Layered Clay, Jay S. DeNatale and German A. La Villita Dam Response During Five Earth- Ibarra-Encinas, GT July 92, p1064-1082. quakes Including Permanent Deformation, Ah- med-Waeil M. Elgamal, Ronald F. Scott, Yielding of Mexico City Clay and Other Natural Mohamed F. Succarieh and Liping Yan, GT Clays, J. A. Diaz-Rodriguez, S. Leroueil and J. Oct. 90, p1443-1462. D. Aleman, GT July 92, p981-995. Earthquakes Earth reinforcement Analysis of Behavior of Earth Dam Using Biotechnical Stabilization of Highway Cut Slope, Strong-Motion Earthquake Records, Mourad Donald H. Gray and Robbin B. Sotir, GT Sept. Zeghal and Ahmed M. Abdel-Ghaffar, GT Feb. 92, p1395-1409. 92, p266-277. Dynamic Response Analysis of Reinforced-Soil Steady-State Strength Analysis of Lower San Fer- Retaining Wall, Muthucumarasamy Yogen- nando Dam Slide, Gonzalo Castro, Raymond drakumar, Richard J. Bathurst and W. D. B. Seed, Thomas O. Keller and H. Bolton Seed, Liam Finn, GT Aug. 92, p1158-1167. GT Mar. 92, p406-427. Dynamic Response of Sand Reinforced with Three-Dimensional Seismic Analysis of La Villita RMaahnedro mlayn d DRisitcrhiabrudt edD . FiWboeords,s , “mGoTh amJualdy 9H0., Dam, A.-W. Elgamal, GT Dec. 92, p1937- pl116-1131. 1958. Kinematical Limit Analysis for Design of Soil- Undrained Shear Strength of Liquefied Sands for Nailed Structures, Ilan Juran, George Bau- Stability Analysis, Timothy D. Stark and Gho- drand, Khalid Farrag and Victor Elias, GT Jan. lamreza Mesri, GT Nov. 92, p1727-1747. 90, p54-72. Efficiency wore Model Study on Geosynthetic Rein- Efficiency Formula for Pile Groups, Sayed M. forced 0 Soil Retaining Walls, I. Juran and B. Sayed and Reda M. Bakeer, GT Feb. 92, p278- Christopher, GT July 89, p905- 926. 299. Strain Compatibility Analysis for Geosynthetics Reinforced Soil Walls, Ilan Juran, Halis M. Elastic analysis Ider and K. Farrag, GT Feb. 90, p312- 329. Analysis for Soil Reinforcement with eng Strain Compatibility Design Method for Rein- Stiffness, R. A. Jewell and M. J. Pedley, G forced Earth Walls with Metallic Reinforce- Oct. 92, p1505-1528. ments, Ilan Juran and Chao L. Chen, GT Apr. Elastic Solutions for Arbitrarily Shaped Founda- 89, p435-456. tions, K. S. Li, GT June 92, p938-942. 2023 ELASTIC FOUNDATIONS 1992 ANNUAL INDEX Elastic foundations Earthquake-Induced Permanent Deformations: Modified Vlasov Model for Beams on Elastic Probabilistic Approach, M. K. Yegian, E. A. Foundations, C. V. Girija Vallabhan and Y. C. — and V. G. Ghahraman, GT Jan. 91, Das, GT June 91, p956-966. p35-50. Elastic media Performance of Test Embankment Constructed to Failure on Soft Marine Clay, B. Indraratna, Response of Cross-Anisotropic Seabed to Ocean A. §. Balasubramaniam and S. Balachandran, Waves, Behrouz Gatmiri, GT Sept. 92, p1295- GT Jan. 92, p12-33. 1314. Review of Wetting-Induced Collapse in Com- Elastic properties pacted Soil, Evert C. Lawton, Richard J. Fra- Estimation of Subgrade Resilient Modulus from gaszy and Mark D. Hetherington, GT Sept. 92, Standard Tests, E. C. Drumm, Y. Boateng- p1376-1394. Poku and T. Johnson Pierce, GT May 90, p774-789. Simple Procedure for Determining Cap- Plasticity-Model Parameters, Tien-Kuen Inverse Analysis of Geotechnical Parameters on ry and Wai-Fah Chen, GT Mar. 90, p492- Improved Soft Bangkok Clay, Dennes T. Ber- 13. gado, Apollo S. Enriquez, Casan L. Sampaco, Marolo C. Alfaro and A. S. Balasubramaniam, Stability Analysis of Reinforced Embankments GT July 92, p1012-1030. on Soft Soils, Shenbaga R. Kaniraj and Hasan Abdullah, GT Dec. 92, p1994-1999. Elasticity Flow-Deformation Response of Dual-Porosity Embedded foundations Media, Derek Elsworth and Mao Bai, GT Jan. Free Vibration of Embedded Foundations: Theo- 92, p107-124. ry Versus Experiment, George Gazetas and Pullout Stiffness of Elastic Anchors in Slope Sta- — H. Stokoe, II., GT Sept. 91, p1382- bilization Systems, Roman D. Hryciw and 1401. Masyhur Irsyam, GT June 92, p902-919. Rocking Impedance of Embedded Strip Founda- Stresses Induced by Surficial and Deep Loading tions in Layered Soil, A. Bharadway and S. Ah- in Elastic Medium, Olivier Rossa and Gabriel mad, GT May 92, p796-813. Auvinet, GT Aug. 92, p1241-1246. Torsional Radiation Damping of Arbitrarily Elastoplasticity Shaped Embedded Foundations, Shahid Ah- Revised Cam-Clay Model, B. R. Srinivasa — George Gazetas, GT Aug. 92, p1186- Murthy, A. Vatsala and T. S. Nagaraj, GT June 91, p851-871. Torsional Stiffness of Arbitrarily Shaped Embed- Simple Double-Hardening Model for Geomateri- ded Foundations, Shahid Ahmad and George als, Sunirmal Banerjee, Robert O. Davis and Gazetas, GT Aug. 92, p1168-1185. Kandiah Sribalaskandarjah, GT June 92, p889-901. Empirical equations Single-Hardening Model with Application to NC Empirical Estimation of Double-Layer Repulsive Clay, Poul V. Lade, GT Mar. 90, p394-414. Force between Two Inclined Clay Particles of Finite Length, Ning Lu and A. Anandarajah, Electrical conductivity GT Apr. 92, p628-634. Phenol Removal from Kaolinite by Electrokinet- Postdensification Penetration Resistance of ics, Yalcin B. Acar, Heyi Li and Robert J. Gale, Clean Sands, G. Mesri, T. W. Feng and J. M. GT Nov. 92, p1837-1852. Benak, GT July 90, p1095-1115. Electrification Equilibrium state Phenol Removal from Kaolinite by Electrokinet- Mathematical Model for Piping, M. A. Koenders ics, Yalcin B. Acar, Heyi Li and Robert J. Gale, and J. B. Sellmeijer, GT June 92, p943-946. GT Nov. 92, p1837-1852. Embankment stability Equipment Performance of Test Embankment Constructed Rapid Water Content by Computer-Controlled to Failure on Soft Marine Clay, B. Indraratna, Microwave Drying, Paul A. Gilbert, GT Jan. A. S. Balasubramaniam and S. Balachandran, 91, p118-138. GT Jan. 92, p12-33. Evaporation Simple Procedure for Determining Cap- Plasticity-Model Parameters, Tien-Kuen Modeling Desiccating Behavior of Mine Tailings, _ and Wai-Fah Chen, GT Mar. 90, p492- Gareth E. Swarbrick and Robin Fell, GT Apr. 513. 92, p540-557. Embankments Excavation Bearing Capacity on Nonhomogeneous Cohesive Analysis of Performance of Pile Groups Adjacent Soils under Embankments, Radoslaw L. to Deep Excavation, Richard J. Finno, Samir Michalowski, GT July 92, p1098-1118. A. Lawrence, Nabil F. Allawh and Indra S. Harahap, GT June 91, p934-955. Construction and Performance of Two Large Rockfill Embankments, Gordon M. Matheson Building Response to Excavation-Induced Settle- ee F. Parent, GT Dec. 89, p1699- ment, Marco D. Boscardin and Edward J. Cording, GT Jan. 89, p1-21. 2024

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