ARBORETA (see BOTANICAL GARDENS/ARBORETA) ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES ALCA Publishes Member- ship Directory. News brief. May 1, page 20 ANLA Expands Govern- ment Relations Staff. Dec. 1, page 18 ANLA to Celebrate 125th Anniversary. News brief. Nov. 15, page 16 ANLA Meets With Con- gress. Dec. 1, page 12 ASLA Assists With Reservation Renovation. Sept. 15, page 16 ASLA Celebrates Cen- tennial with Community Projects. July 15, page 14 ASLA Publishes Prepara- tion Guide for Landscape Exam. News brief. June 15, page 16 ASLA Selects 1999 Honorary Members. News brief. Aug. 1, page 14 his index of volumes 189 and 190 of AMERICAN NURSERYMAN ASLA to Unveil Olmsted Stamp. The American covers all feature articles, as well as the Field Notes, First Person, Labor Society of Landscape Architects will unveil the Watch, News Watch, Pest Control and Research departments. Articles US Postal Service’s stamp honoring Frederick Law are indexed by subject starting here, and by author starting on page 77. Olmsted. Aug. 1, page 14 FNGA Presents Garden We hope you find the index useful for reviewing past articles Grants, Debuts New Marketing Logo. Oct. 15, of AMERICAN NURSERYMAN. page 14 Grant Proposal Deadline For copies of any article or a back issue, call the subscription Approaching. The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation has department at (800) 621-5727; in Illinois, dial (312) 782-5505. announced the deadline for grant proposals for The cost is $5 per issue mailed in the US, $6 per issue to Canada and research and educational projects. News brief. Dec. 1, page 12 $7 per issue for all others. Articles in AMERICAN NURSERYMAN are also Hort Therapy Heals available on microfiche through University Microfilms International People, Benefits Industry. The American Horticul- (UMI) and can be found in many university libraries. UMI can be tural Therapy Association has been concerned with the development and contacted at (800) 521-3044. promotion of gardening in order to achieve or maintain mental and physical well-being. Dec. 15, page 14 IPPS Eastern Region Names Four Fellows. News brief. Dec. 1, page 12 64 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000 ARBORETA (see BOTANICAL GARDENS/ARBORETA) ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES ALCA Publishes Member- ship Directory. News brief. May 1, page 20 ANLA Expands Govern- ment Relations Staff. Dec. 1, page 18 ANLA to Celebrate 125th Anniversary. News brief. Nov. 15, page 16 ANLA Meets With Con- gress. Dec. 1, page 12 ASLA Assists With Reservation Renovation. Sept. 15, page 16 ASLA Celebrates Cen- tennial with Community Projects. July 15, page 14 ASLA Publishes Prepara- tion Guide for Landscape Exam. News brief. June 15, page 16 ASLA Selects 1999 Honorary Members. News brief. Aug. 1, page 14 his index of volumes 189 and 190 of AMERICAN NURSERYMAN ASLA to Unveil Olmsted Stamp. The American covers all feature articles, as well as the Field Notes, First Person, Labor Society of Landscape Architects will unveil the Watch, News Watch, Pest Control and Research departments. Articles US Postal Service’s stamp honoring Frederick Law are indexed by subject starting here, and by author starting on page 77. Olmsted. Aug. 1, page 14 FNGA Presents Garden We hope you find the index useful for reviewing past articles Grants, Debuts New Marketing Logo. Oct. 15, of AMERICAN NURSERYMAN. page 14 Grant Proposal Deadline For copies of any article or a back issue, call the subscription Approaching. The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation has department at (800) 621-5727; in Illinois, dial (312) 782-5505. announced the deadline for grant proposals for The cost is $5 per issue mailed in the US, $6 per issue to Canada and research and educational projects. News brief. Dec. 1, page 12 $7 per issue for all others. Articles in AMERICAN NURSERYMAN are also Hort Therapy Heals available on microfiche through University Microfilms International People, Benefits Industry. The American Horticul- (UMI) and can be found in many university libraries. UMI can be tural Therapy Association has been concerned with the development and contacted at (800) 521-3044. promotion of gardening in order to achieve or maintain mental and physical well-being. Dec. 15, page 14 IPPS Eastern Region Names Four Fellows. News brief. Dec. 1, page 12 64 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000 ISA Celebrates 75th tall, 3,375-square foot native flora of Pennsyl- plants based on site landscapes across the US. Award to André Viette Anniversary With greenhouse, which will vania through a frozen- conditions. News brief. Nov. 1, page 12 Farm and Nursery. News Fundraiser. Nov. 15, be home to hundreds seed bank. April 15, July 15, page 10 brief. Oct. 15, page 10 page 16 of plants indigenous to page 22 ASLA Recognizes 29 Florida’s swamp habitat. Working Harder With Landscape Architects. OSU Plant Pathologist MLNA Officers Chosen. July 1, page 19 Tropical Display Opens Software. Increase your News brief. Dec. 1, Receives $508,000 Grant Nov. 15, page 22 Near Duke Gardens. client base and bottom page 12 From NASA. Sept. 1, Frederik Meijer Gardens The Museum of Life and line by delivering your page 16 New Association to Display Leonardo Science has opened the services more efficiently Briggs Inducted Into Executive Directors da Vinci's Horse. The Magic Wings Butterfly with routing software. ANLA Hall of Fame. Pennington Seed Wins Named. The Arizona Frederik Meijer Gardens House. May 1, page 24 Sarah McCollum. May 1, The American Nursery International Advertising Landscape Contractors’ has acquired a 24-foot- page 40 & Landscape Association Award. News brief. Association, Colorado tall, bronze horse UNCW Creates Campus- has inducted Bruce Briggs Sept. 1, page 14 Nursery Association and sculpture inspired by wide Arboretum. Aug. 1, CONTAINER into its Hall of Fame. Illinois Nurserymen’s an unfinished Leonardo page 16 GARDENING Oct. 1, page 14 Pindale Wins SNA Award. Association have named da Vinci design. Jan. 1, Martha Pindale received new executive directors. page 16 CHRISTMAS Container Compositions. Del Tredici Receives 1999 the David E. Laird Sr. News brief. Nov. 1, (see RETAILING) Using containers adds Scott Medal and Award. Memorial Award. Dec. 1, page 12 JC Raulston Arboretum increased interest and The Scott Arboretum of page 18 Continues Plant Distribu- COMPOSTING flexibility in landscape Swarthmore College has NJDA Manager Elected tion Tradition. The JC designs. Karen Stoelzle presented its 1999 Arthur Pursell Names Winner President of National Raulston Arboretum at Composting Council Midden. April 1, page 90 Hoyt Scott Garden and in Logo Contest. April 1, Plant Board. Nov. 15, Horticultural Medal and page 12 NC State University Holds National Aware- page 22 continues the work of its ness Week. April 1, Containing Beauty. Award to Dr. Peter De/ COSOMlFpaAaAerNs’ac sskhe iC sSno h1gnfo, tor ipWrtn ao uSrgCepkeosae un h f -e ty nnpttdrouaehiscarmwstloe ,ii k s oueeuc Jnrtoacvbn ma.oymt tme ihd1rmoei5cn os,i s tnatrp aaliatnb gpedu lept ar ifnono1t-gr4s pCapBaenoangdgmee epf oiFtsa11srt64 m i enGrrgse .e PnA dau1ms5t ,r y ccapCfrruonoeersdma st btheoieeinm nxgteahappr-ttrsaoqii’nfuoo dinant esl, x.i t pthceyeeoxT c ncatptmekalaaeetiar dinnk oetenr tss AF2ATrplu0eopg0drl.i0aic Sic.t1Ta a5rtir,Aia ploprsAn.iacs lgc Neefe1 po5wtr,1si 0 nSp gpab rrgiieen fg. 2 0 SsACMsEccuouxDanccbbepetmemlDeripila stCsecsesAentidiwcVoo.oaernA n rss s dT i hsnAif e ssfoL osraaBroL cn ecaicdLitinesasnadp ngtcts1di ai9c-opn9a ne9gp e advantage of what this Draws Record Numbers. FNGA Chooses Plants of Awards Competition. new craze has to offer. Sept. 15, page 16 Morton Arboretum to COMPUTERIZATION the Year for 2000. Oct. 1, News brief. July 15, Thomas Smith. Feb. 15, Build New Library. The (see also ON-LINE page 16 page 10 page 28 ONLA Publishes Morton Arboretum, Lisle, INFORMATION) Children’s Book. News IL, is building a new ‘Gardening in America’ University of Minnesota CONTESTS/AWARDS brief. July 1, page 14 library to house its rare Beyond Y2K. Software Receives National Award. Seeks Nominations. The botanical books and should help you become Nov. 15, page 21 College of Agricultural, ALCA Accepting Entries Oregon Association of prints collection. March 1, more competitive, not Food and Environmental for Environmental Nurserymen Inc. Names page 14 just carry you into the Goldsmith Staffer Sciences at the University Awards. News brief. New President. News next century. Look for Recognized for Lifetime of Minnesota accepts June 1, page 12 brief. Dec. 15, page 10 Morton Arboretum software systems that put Achievements. Nov. 1, nominations for the Sieh! Publishes Pest Control information at your page 16 Prize for Excellence in ALCA Accepting Entries SNA Commemorates 100 Reports. The Morton fingertips, and help you Agriculture. News brief. for Landscape Award. Years of Service. July 15, Arboretum, Lisle, IL, is grow and sell nursery John Deere Wins Award Jan. 15, page 10 News brief. June 15, page 10 publishing weekly Plant stock more efficiently. for Skid-Steer Design. page 16 Health Care Reports for Kurt Harter. May 1, Oct. 1, page 16 Viette Receives Garden BOTANICAL GARDENS/ Zone 5. Pest Control brief. page 34 Club of America’s AAtRlBanOtRaE TBoAt anical Garden JNuantei on1a5l, pGaagred en1 4 Set CGeotutnitndg oYwonu r toC o2m0p0a0n y— AA2l0nl0n-0o.Au mneJcruiencsea W1S5ie,nl nepecartgsieo nfs1o 6r AMLwiofaoerrtdei.m e HRoAanclohprhie edvM eomoWeirtneht pMaegdea l 12o f Honor. Aug. 15, SOeppetn.s 1,C hpialgder en1’9s Exhibit. tNoa tOiopneanl iGna r2d00e1n. iTs he JRaenasdeyn. FCihrsatz aPneorfs.on . May 1, AOfmfeerrisc aGnr anCtosn.i fNeer wsS ocbireitefy. ArLeiwcfaeertidivme edf rAtochmeh itfeihvrees tmA-leelnv-et r COrReIgMoEn/ FSReeAdU DC o. Faces Botanist with Chicago scheduled to open in page 15 Jan. 15, page 10 America Rose Selections Civil Penalty. News brief. 2001 as part of the Ties to Head Kew Inc. Nov. 15, page 18 April 15, page 16 Gardens. Dr. Peter Crane, United States Botanic Florists’ Mutual Offers Angelica Nurseries director of the Field Garden. July 1, page 16 Liability Insurance, Plant Receives Outstanding NJNLA Honors Landscape EDUCATION/TRAINING Museum in Chicago, has Production Management Employer Award. July 15, Professionals. The New (see also been named director of Paradise City. The Denver Software. Oct. 15, page 12 Jersey Nursery & Land- PROFESSIONAL Botanic Gardens offers page 12 the Royal Botanic Gar- scape Association has CERTIFICATION) dens at Kew in London. serene plant displays and ANLA Accepting Entries honored Franz Fuertges March 15, page 16 a tropical jungle in the Landscape Architect for 1999 Herald Award. and Roy DeBoer for Mid-Am to Offer heart of a booming Creates Design Software. News brief. June 1, their contributions to Educational Seminars. Brooklyn Botanic Garden metropolis. Harriett David Petrosky, a page 12 the industry. March 1, Sept. 1, page 20 Receives $419,000 Grant. McMillan. Feb. 1, page 62 landscape architect for page 15 May 15, page 18 L. Robert Kimball & ArthurA . “Buck” Jones National Gardening Phipps Conservatory Associates has created Scholarship Established. Nominations Being Association Promotes Chicago Botanic Garden and Partners Start Frozen EZ-Plant software. May 1, News brief. Dec. 15, Accepted for Scott Children’s Gardening. Opens Enabling Garden. Seed Bank. The Phipps page 24 page 10 Award. News brief. April 1, page 16 Aug. 1, page 18 Conservatory and Aug. 15, page 10 Botanical Gardens has PlantAmerica Introduces ASLA Honors Historic EMPLOYEE !SSUES/ Florida Swamps Take teamed with the CD-ROM. PlantAmerica Sites. The American Nursery Professional MANAGEMENT (see Root at Cincinnati Zoo. University of Pittsburgh has introduced an Society of Landscape Presented with Award. also IMMIGRATION) The Cincinnati Zoo and and the Carnegie interactive CD-ROM by Architects has awarded its The Perennial Plant Botanical Garden has Museum of Natural Allan Armitage that Centennial Medallion to Association presented its Company Cease-Fire. constructed a 38-foot- History to conserve the reportedly recommends 326 significant historic Garden Media Promotion Identifying and solving JANUARY 1, 2000 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN 65 employee conflicts can an EPA settlement. Pest nursery industry for use Pityopsis graminifolia. transformation tech- 1999 Pesticide Guide help managers cool Control brief. June 15, as a plant fertilizer. Jennifer Kujawski. Jan. 1, nology of the gene gun Available. Pest Control things down before they page 14 March 1, page 10 page 114 in its production of brief. April 1, page 10 heat up. Phillip M. Perry. ornamental seed. Nov. 15, page 57 Red Maple Threatens Pennington Repackages Salvia uliginosa. Dr. May 15, page 12 Camelot Fungicide Forests in the East. Fertilizers. Nov. 1, Mike Schnelle. Aug. 15, Registered for California. Crime and Punishment. April 1, page 18 page 14 page 110 GROWING Pest Control brief. Oct. How should you react 15, page 8 when one ofy our EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES FIELD NOTES Sorbus decora. Terry The Big Screen. Thuja x employees is arrested and Schwartz. April 1, ‘Green Giant’ is becoming Conserve Pesticide charged with a crime? Flying Insect Trap Acer argutum. Michael E. page 126 popular among land- Approved for Greenhouse Phillip M. Perry. Sept. 15, Provides Clean Removal Ecker. June 15, page 90 scapers, growers and Use. Pest Control brief. page 54 of Lady Beetles. Pest Thelesperma filifolium. homeowners alike. This Jan. 15, page 8 Control brief. March 1, Alchemilla mollis. Nancy Jim Borland. Nov. 15, easy-to-propagate cultivar A Family Affair. Family- page 8 Rose. June 1, page 82 page 94 makes a beautiful, hardy Decree Receives EPA owned businesses can screen. Jason J. Griffin, Approval. Pest Control Fully Equipped. Facing Ulmus alata. Dr. Mike eliminate many struggles an ever-shrinking labor Amsonia hubrichtii. Schnelle. March 1, Dr. Frank A. Blazich, Dr. brief. Aug. 15, page 8 and potential problems market — not to mention Barbara Schlein. April 15, page 98 Thomas G. Ranney and with open communication a nagging lack of time — page 90 Dr. Stuart L. Warren. Floramite Approved by and solid planning. Phillip nursery professionals are Ulmus alata ‘Lace Nov. 1, page 68 EPA. Pest Control brief. M. Perry. Jan. 15, page 83 being resourceful and Aster patens. Jennifer Parasol’. Brian Upchurch. Dec. 15, page 8 designing their own tools. Kujawski. Sept. 15, Nov. 1, page 122 A Breath of Fresh Air. Help Wanted. A solid Marisa Delane. Dec. 1, page 86 Naturally ventilated Griffin, Nation's Ag Join evaluation of your page 26 Viburnum sieboldii. John greenhouses create ideal to Produce Fungicides. company’s objectives, Berlandiera lyrata. Jim Van de Water. Aug. 1, outdoor growing condi- Pest Control brief. Dec. creative advertising and GameTime Expands Borland. May 1, page 106 page 94 tions indoors — and can 15, page 8 good business culture go Manufacturing Facility. help growers conserve a long way when it comes News brief. Nov. 15, Buxus x ‘Green Gem’. FINANCIAL ISSUES/ resources. Gary Baze. Heritage Fungicide to recruiting and retain- page 16 Michael J. Schneider. MANAGEMENT Oct. 1, page 48 Receives EPA Registra- ing great employees ina Oct. 1, page 122 tion. Pest Control brief. tight labor market. On the Right Trac. A line 2000: A Business Finishing School. Growers May 15, page 10 Dr. Robert A. Milligan. of unique, multipurpose Crataegus crus-galli var. Odyssey. As a computer- can employ certain tech- Oct. 15, page 39 tractors has been helping inermis. Nancy Rose. driven America hurtles niques to force flowering Kaligreen Receives nursery and landscape Feb. 15, page 82 into a new age, emerging and schedule perennials Expanded Label. Pest A Hire Power. Recruiting professionals streamline trends will change the for specific sales windows. Control brief. Aug. 15, and retaining great their tasks. Beth L. Cryptomeria japonica way business law works. Allen R. Pyle. March 15, page 8 employees in a tight Gainer. July 1, page 26 ‘Globosa Nana’. Richard Fred S. Steingold. Dec. 1, page 46 labor market involves A. Larson. Feb. 1, page 63 Miticide Approved by the aggressive strategies that Smart Carts. Display carts page 192 Flower Power. Research EPA. Pest Control brief. are often underused or increase sales and de- ALCA’s Management has shown that plant Oct. 1, page 10 overlooked in the green crease labor. So why do Dianthus gratianopoli- Program Enters Fourth industry. Phillip M. Perry. many retailers insist on tanus ‘Firewitch’. Hubert Year. May 1, page 24 growth regulators can Oct. 1, page 75 using cinder blocks and P. Conlon. Dec. 1, successfully force Novartis Earns Expanded tabletops for their page 102 Financing Your Business: mountain laurel flower- Fungicide Label. Pest Maintaining Good displays? Jim Van Dellen. Determining the Profita- ing, which can improve Control brief. Nov. 1, Health. With the cost of Feb. 15, page 32 Elliottia racemosa. bility Cycle. First Person. spring sales of this plant. page 8 health insurance rising, Samuel W. Jones. Jansen Chazanof. Feb. 1, Richard E. Bir and Dr. employers need to look Sprayer Targets Weeds on March 15, page 90 page 8 Thomas Banko. June 1, Novartis Introduces New at other options. Phillip Sight. Pest Control brief. page 52 Insecticide and Fungicide. M. Perry. Aug. 15, Jan. 15, page 8 Eriolobus trilobatus. The Key to Claiming. Pest Control brief. Dec. page 79 Michael S. Dosmann. Business owners can help The Shoot-to-Root Bond. 15, page 8 Wholesale Shipments of July 1, page 98 themselves at tax time by Understanding the Stressed Out. Work- Snow Throwers Drop in becoming familiar with complex and interrelated Pesticide Warning Signs place stress can cost 1999. News brief. Aug. Hakonechloa macra which business expenses physiological and Available on Internet. your business money, 15, page 10 ‘Aureola’. Tom Micheletti. are deductible. Fred S. environmental processes Pest Control brief. Dec. customers and employees, Oct. 15, page 90 Steingold. March 1, involved in hardening 15, page 8 but there are several FERTILIZERS/PLANT page 67 woody plants can help techniques available to NUTRITION Helianthus divaricatus. growers improve these Seeking Approval. A reduce this increasing Jennifer Kujawski. Smooth Selling. When plants’ cold tolerance. government-supported Hormodin Granted Zero selling or buying a problem. Phillip M. Perry. Dec. 15, page 118 Dr. Hannah Mathers. program helps foster REI. The Geiger Cos. has business, a detailed sales July 15, page 90 May 15, page 66 pesticide-label registra- received approval from contract is needed along the EPA to reduce the Hystrix patula. Jennifer with other safeguards. tion and expansion for ENDANGERED PLANTS restricted entry interval Kujawski. May 15, Fred S. Steingold. July 1, Tree Fertilization the nursery industry. for the Hormodin line of page 98 page 57 Standard Published. J. Ray Frank. Aug. 1, Community Support root-growth compounds May 15, page 16 page 62 Saves Historic Eastern to zero. News brief. Lycium pallidum. Jim Bor- GARDEN CENTERS Cottonwood. Sept. 15, March 1, page 10 land. Sept. 1, page 102 (see RETAILING) HERBICIDES/FUNGICIDES Snapshot Registered for page 12 /PESTICIDES (see also Use in California. Pest Michigan Student Magnolia virginiana. GENETICS PEST/DISEASE CONTROL Control brief. April 15, ENVIRONMENT “Discovers” Alternative Hubert P. Conlon. July 15, and IPM) page 14 Fertilizer. Jared Milarch page 126 Ball Helix Takes Aim at New Trees Sprout From has introduced a little- Ornamentals With Gene 1999 New England Talstar CA Registered EPA Settlement. Sunoco known, naturally Picea glauca var. densata. Gun. Ball Horticultural Co. Pesticide Guide Available. With Expanded Label. Inc. will plant more than occurring substance Michael J. Schneider. Jan. has acquired rights from Pest Control brief. May News brief. Dec. 1, 200 trees as the result of called Azomite to the 15, page 122 The Scotts Co. to use the 15, page 10 page 12 66 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000 Usage Instructions Added efforts of two plant to Scotts Co. Fungicide. distributors: Pride of Place Pest Control brief. Nov. 1, Plants Inc. and Novitas page 8 Plantae. Feb. 1, page 14 IMMIGRATION Oregon Nursery Industry (see also EMPLOYEE Looks to Japan. Oregon's ISSUES/MANAGEMENT) nursery industry is look- ing to Japan as a poten- ANLA Members Voice tial import and export Need for Immigration market for plants. Nov. 1, and Labor Reform. page 15 Growing Oct. 15, page 10 Pacific Northwest INSURANCE ISSUES Growers Seek Market in unique and Japan. May 1, page 20 Florists’ Mutual Offers specimen grade Liability Insurance, INVASIVE PLANTS Plant Production plant material for Management Software. Florida Growers Urged to Oct. 15, page 12 Stop Selling 11 Invasive Plants. July 15, page 12 more than 50 years. Protecting Your Invest- ments. Many nursery Green Industry Urged to professionals are insuring Stomp out Giant Salvinia. Call for fast, friendly service. their plants to protect Pest Control brief. Aug. 1, themselves when major page 12 losses occur. Nelson Maurice. Oct. 1, page 83 Invasives Roundtable. Herman Losely and Son, Inc. In a no-holds-barred INTEGRATED PEST discussion, plant profes- 3410 Shepard Road ¢ Perry, Ohio 44081 MANAGEMENT (IPM) sionals tackle the topic of see also HERBICIDES/ invasive plants — and the 440-259-2725 * Fax 440-259-3690 FUNGICIDES/PESTICIDES commercial horticulture and PEST/DISEASE industry's responsibilities. CONTROL) July 15, page 54 For free information circle 86 on the Postage Paid Card Gempler's 1999 IPM Minnesota to Revise Almanac Updated. Pest Rules Governing Invasive Control brief. Aug. 1, Plants. Jan. 1, page 12 page 12 USDA Adds Two Plants Methyl Bromide Alterna- to its Noxious-Weed List. tive Proposed in Califor- May 15, page 10 ¢ 32-bit nia. Researchers at the Windows-based University of Kearney USDA to Amend Noxious- complete Agricultural Center have Weed Regulations. Pest business management developed a solarization Control brief. Feb. 1, software process that is being page 10 considered as a methyl bromide alternative. IRRIGATION/WATER « Designed April 15, page 16 CONSERVATION for wholesale nurseries and Natural Deterrents. Gelled Water Offers greenhouses According to recent Growers an Irrigation evaluations, several Alternative. DRIWATER « Easy-to-use woody landscape plants Inc. now offers several and packed have shown some level of application methods for with new pest resistance and may use with its gelled water features prove viable alternatives product in nursery to chemical pesticides. operations and land- Monte P. Johnson. scapes. July 1, page 18 « Year 2000 Nov. 15, page 44 compliant Water-Saving Strategies. University to Coordinate Several cultural practices Pest-Management Pro- can conserve water in the gram. Nov. 15, page 18 landscape and assist in Inventory & the growing of water- INTERNATIONAL resistant plants. Dr. BUSINESS Hannah Mathers. April Accounting > DOANE. 15, page 52 Distributors Conduct Software for the 800-367-7082 Overseas Plant Exchange. LANDSCAPE BUSINESS Several new plant va- wholesale grower rieties will be released in ALCA’s Student Career North America this year Days Program Grows. The due to the cooperative 1999 Student Career Days, For free information circle 87 on the Postage Paid Card JANUARY 1, 2000 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN 67 hosted by ALCA, attracted to doorways and incor- textured Idaho Superior LEGISLATION/ the most students and porating a variety of Site. Jennifer Hooks. REGULATION, STATE landscape companies in evergreens about the April 1, page 38 the program's 23-year lawn. Douglas Mac- California Moves to history. June 15, page 18 donald. Oct. 15, page 52 Reunion With Nature. Exempt Reduced-Risk Pesticides From Registra- Stone animals, bronze Clarence Davids & Co. In the Spirit. When reno- figures and terra-cotta tion. Pest Control brief. Has a Cow. A landscape vating a garden, land- urns are being used to May 1, page 18 ccoowm pastnayt uea ddtos aa pFliabnetregrl asin scacraep e tod epsriegsneerrvse mtuhset sptiarkiet eunlietmee nhtus maann d abnrdi ngna tural OPersetgiocind e IsVsiuoelsa tiFoinnse.s Afporri l Chicago. Oct. 1, page 14 of the original landscape unique personality to 1, page 18 design. lain M. Robert- landscapes across the Consolidation of Land- son. Oct. 15, page 43 country. Kathleen Luca- Oregon to Develop a scape Companies Increas- damo. April 1, page 44 Pesticide-Use Reporting es ALCA Membership. In Style. Landscape System. Sept. 15, page 12 May 15, page 16 designers who under- Setting Your Sites. Expo 99 Draws Largest scatna ndc reaartceh itaepcptruorparl iastteyl es— Determining the char- AMDAVREKRETTIISNIGN/G Crowd in its History. and better — landscapes. acteristics of a difficult Oct. 1, page 17 Frederick R. Spicer Jr. site and understanding Chamber of Opportunity. April 1, page 26 how to adjust to those The chamber of com- Landscape Architecture conditions can help merce is an often over- DA NGL AW Te a Hot Track Profession. Lands Across America. landscape designers turn looked and underutilized Landscape architecture From recognizing vacant a problem area into a resource for networking was named a runner-up lots to seaside gardens, thriving garden. Lois Berg and helping your business Quality Container & hot track profession the 1998 American Stack. Dec. 1, page 48 grow. Phillip M. Perry. by U.S. News & World Garden Awards program April 15, page 60 Field Grown Stock Report. News brief. proves it’s not the size of Sudden Impact. With a Feb. 1, page 12 a garden that counts — plethora of radiant colors, Courting the Consumer. it’s what landscape sizes and textures, per- To increase their business, LRMeaopnroders tcsta hpaRene c2Io1nr ddum sitlRrleyivo enn ues. Jdpeeansgnieig fnee5rr1 s Hopoukts .i ntMoa yt he1m5., eulnisvneeidna lsiun p amrtaeh ney n olawwn adysbsce aiptneog. gcmterehneoet wteoe rrf tstho eewn an-dneoderv mseag ranlnrodedoseek dne o df to households spent $16.8 Landscape Professionals Dan Simmons. Nov. 15, consumer — the home billion on professional page 30 gardener. Carol J. Sutton. » Summersweet landscape services in Beautify Arlington Feb. 15, page 40 Cemetery. News brief. -Compact Inkberry 1998. News brief. July 1, Oct. 1, page 12 Toasting a Landscape. page 14 An Ohio winery is trans- John Deere to Provide - Winterberry formed into a public On-Site Mower Lava Rock Offers Land- -Eastern Red Cedar LANDSCAPE scapers a Design Alter- entertainment center Maintenance. Deere & Co. DESIGN/INSTALLATION in this Superior Site. offers on-site mainten- *‘SNowretehtebrany BMaaygbneorlriya AAcnc eesnsaibbllie ngG agradredneinn g. danaintsdic nreGifanirgt dse tnhoeefr sbu esiaanruget y KJualtyh l1e,e np agLeu c5a2d amo. a3en0qc uesi tpastmeeersvn itct hei isn f osmrpo rlriaenwg n -thcaanr e -Pitch Pine illustrates a wide range of dteheciorr altainvdes calapveas . roAcpkrsi li n1 , LEGISLATION/ tMhorwo ugphr ogitrsa Rm.e adMya yto 15, -Highbush Blueberry poofs sailbli laigteise s anfodr agbailridteiense.r s page 12 RNEAGTUILOANTAILO N, page 14 - Arrowwood Sally D. Benson. Sept. 1, A Natural Attraction. Jumping on the Brand page 44 By focusing on simplicity Clinton Issues Executive Wagon. By branding its Viburnum and building on the Order on Invasive plants and developing Chicago Museum Creates area's intrinsic beauty, Species. April 15, page 22 new marketing schemes, a Native Midwestern a landscape architect Monrovia, as well as Ecosystem. The new transforms a flood-prone Driving Laws Amended other growers, are Peggy Notebaert Museum coastal property in Maine for Teen Workers. Jan. 1, attempting to generate in Chicago has restored a into a naturalistic haven page 14 higher profits and portion of the city’s in this Superior Site. stronger customer loyalty. RY[ 1/11( aa AAS original shoreline to Sarah McCollum H-2A Guest Worker Brandon Stahl. Sept. 15, Flowering Trees create a native Midwest- Landicho. Sept. 15, page Reform Bill Dies in House. page 43 ern ecosystem. Feb. 15, 48 Evergreens page 10 Jan. 1, page 14 The Main Attraction. By building on European Nothing but the Best. Drama in Design. A As homeowners have H-2A Reforms Bill examples, North Ameri- steeply sloping hillside more money to spend, Introduced to Congress. can garden centers can is transformed into a they are requesting top- Dec. 15, page 10 become popular — and profitable — tourist backyard playground at quality amenities to P.O. Box 576 tLheiash ViBrogcianinae gSruap.e rJiaonr. S1i,te . eKnathhalneceen tLheuicra dlaamndos.c apes. PQuaanldiotrya 'sP roBtoexc.t ioTnh e AcFto od dMeisnttienra. tiJoanns.. 15B,r ipana ge 64 page 26 Aug. 1, page 28 promises to more closely Monrovia Adds to Garden Tuckahoe, NJ 08250 regulate agricultural Design Series. Aug. 15, 609/861-0533 FAX 861-0383 Frontyard Facelifts. A Personal Playground. pesticides, and this new page 18 Update frontyard land- Clever planning and an law will have wide- [email protected] scapes by softening walk- understanding of his reaching effects on the New Marketing Services ways with borders of client's wishes helped a nursery industry. Paul Company Established. perennials and grasses, landscape architect turn Guillebeau. March 1, GreenAdvice is a new For free information circle 88 on the Postage Paid Card adding colorful containers a flat back yard into a page 36 marketing services com- 68 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000 pany specializing in the NURSERY INDUSTRY ornamental, turfgrass, consumer and specialty 1998 Wage & Benefit agriculture industries. Survey. Increased wages pNaegwes 1br0i ef. Nov. 1, and benefits can help WHY WAYNESBORO? employers keep workers satisfied, but with the Ohio Grower Launches continuing labor short- Brand-Marketing Cam- age, is it enough? June 1, Extensive Selection paign. Corso’s Perennials page 22 has launched a marketing Field Grown campaign designed to Albin Resigns From efsotra biltsi shhe rabns itdhernotuitgyh ANLA, Joins New Container Grown branding. Feb. 1, page 12 Management Company. Big Trees Aug. 1, page 14 Worth Every Penny. Dealing with price American Forests Spreads competition involves Johnny's Apple Seed. Exceptional Service more than just lowering American Forests has oe oefs a AN your prices. Enhancing produced direct offspring issi vNaaN ce S Reliable Sales Reps customers’ perceived of the last known tree value of your product or planted by Johnny Apple- Dependable Shipping service is the most seed. June 1, page 16 effective way to stay ees Strict Quality Control ahead of the game. Ames-True Temper Opens Wayne Outlaw. Jan. 1, Center. Nov. 15, page 21 NURSERIES page 46 Bailey Pedals Across Six MASS States to Raise Funds for MERCHANDISING HRI. Sept. 1, page 14 800-868-8676 * Fax 540-946-3814 Frank's Donates Money Bailey to Ride Bike in P.O. Box 987 * Waynesboro, VA 22980 for Cancer Research. WWW.WAYNESBORONURSERIES.COM Support of HRI. Gordon April 1, page 12 Bailey is planning a multistate bicycle ride to MERGERS/ raise money for the ACQUISITIONS Horticultural Research For free information circle 89 on the Postage Paid Card Institute. News brief. Bayer-Pursell Enters April 1, page 12 Garden Market. News s brief. Nov. 15, page 16 Bonsai Bonanza. The US Burlington Acquires bonsai industry is grow- pir Dragon Corp. News brief ing dramatically because May 1, page 20 nursery professionals and consumers have a huge won't wipe out your Century Rain Aid Buys fondness for these little Rain Control. March 1, plants. Thomas S. Elias. this year, but... page 16 April 1, page 60 Entrepreneur Acquires Breaks Reduce Fatigue at Blooms of Bressingham. Trade Shows. Trade show May 1, page 20 exhibitors should take frequent breaks during Gardening Site the day in order to don’t bet he greenhouse on it! Announces Joint Venture reduce fatigue. March 1, ANogvr.e e1m5e,n tp.a geN ew16s brief. page 12 Income Stability & A Secure Yield g Pack. You'll get all the details on Bridge Over Trading With Nursery Crop Insurance from Great everything from Catastrophic (CAT) Monsanto and DuPont Waters. The SUSTA/SNA American, you can protect your business ¢ “Buy-up levels” in Merger Talks. April 15, Mission to the IPM (and yourself) against the perils of wind, special endorsements like the page 21 Horticulture Trade Show hail, fire, frost, disease* and infestation. As “Peak Season Endorsement.” NATIVE PLANTS ttoa ketsh e twhoer lUdS’ s infdauisr toryf a result your revenue stream is no longer at — Pies the mercy of forces you cannot control. GREATAMERICAN horticulture. Matt EPA Creating Native Plant and Seed Supplier Schlossberg. Dec. 15, Directory. News brief. page 88 Order Your FREE Nursery Sept. 1, page 14 Crop Insurance Pack 1 Gall 1-877-4AGLINK City Park Plants Sod Sans Find out more about our flexible coverage options i e-mail:gaicrop SGiadred. enOiuntgs taonnd itnhge Wnialtdiv e Sforiol.m AA ussotirlallesisa siosd g estytsitnegm by ordering your Free Nursery Crop Insurance g Crotpo oIrndesru raynocuer FPraecek Nruirghste rnyo w. I * Plant disease and insect damage are not covered wildflowers bring year- a shakedown in Chicago unless no effective control measure exists round color and texture to see if it can prevent a to the landscape. Carole puddle problem. Oct. 15, Ottesen. Nov. 1, page 24 page 10 For free information circle 90 on the Postage Paid Card JANUARY 1, 2000 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN 69 Concentrating on What and the Robotics Institute destroyed by a flood. Asian Ambrosia Beetle WORLD'S #7 TOP Your Business Does Best. at Carnegie Mellon News brief. Jan. 1, Enters Virginia Territory. Labor Watch. Jansen University to develop a page 12 Aug. 1, page 12 PLANT SUPPLY Chazanof. Jan. 1, page 8 mechanized container- handling system. Jan. 15, On With the Show. This Asian Longhorned Beetle DuPont's Benlate Saga page 10 summer offers a plethora Resurfaces in Chicago. AccEXTRA LIFE Continues with Federal of trade shows with Pest Control brief. Sept. “pony Guarantee-Offer PROOF Ever Settlement. DuPont Co. INS Receives Funding unique displays and timely 1, page 12 now 1/2 century— $5,000. GUARANTEED to be has agreed to a for Special Teams. The sessions. Kathleen Luca- World CHAMPION settlement in a federal Immigration and Natural- damo. May 1, page 56 The Big ‘B's of Bulb #1 Activator, Extra case that charged the ization Service will begin Disease. Mild tempera- #1 REVIVER, “PLANTE R, GROWER, company hid evidence using quick-response Oregon Nursery Industry tures and plenty of rain during a 1993 Georgia teams this year after Targeted for Economic make the Pacific North- civil case involving the receiving a $22 million Study. News brief. Oct. 1, west the perfect place to SUPERthrivel fungicide Benlate DF. appropriation from page 12 grow bulbs; however, Feb. 15, page 12 Congress. News brief. these same conditions Record Number of Exhib- zVIeTA MNONI=TENEE TSoE": HBioOUSRABLMESO NES Espy Acquitted of Feb. 1, page 12 itors to Attend Mid-Am. mBoatrkyeti s tbhlei gahrte aa nrdi pbea sfaolr TO FERTILIZING for growing JCahna.r g1e5s,. pNaegew s 10br ief. cIto'ns fSehreonwc eTsi mae.n d Witnratdeer Npaegwes 1br0i ef. Sept. 15, rOoctt.. D1r,. pGaagrey 3C6h astagner. cFLraiecbasrtiaemrisyl ioEefsn tCroLantndgc.r ee Rsest-.o slethona donlndweessstc saw opofoerfp kepr po rrwnotiufutrenhssi setpirieoyeen rsaas l,ns d TN15aA,mN e-p.Ma IgeSN eSwL1s0A RKbr ieCf.h aOncgt.e s BSJalpnar.ce ka 1d5Ss, w apilan glMeoi wdw8wo erstt . Facsimiles Ltd. has created aiLTi m uaaalrMnpy sat eyuonJ rftee 1rf C5afo,cnen ocrgpsemrao megnset esom ’Bou t1rih8lae d t-- loantenhneae dwrii rnn fp ibatrnuhbodseod i uunagctenrst sesawee rhsnrat. aot y 'i Nbsnou o dti r1ny,g OPdoUorluSsamc ttsePaitdolnse gtdSa a e lFrs rSvtetiSadceameermrp vpi ih.kca c eso TL mhaUiemnnw tve reUmoiS--l s TBBphirarrogcenehaz teT1e r8neB seis r.c OhrM naBayomr een1r,t al page 42 Olmsted. News brief. Jan. 1, page 12 The Buck Stops Here. Florida Horticulture Several control strategies Industry Generates A Look at the Green Billions. News brief. Industry's Future. First ON-LINE INFORMATION are available to help Aug. 1, page 14 Person. Jansen Chaza- (see also COMPUTER- nursery professionals IZATION) keep unwanted deer nof. Aug. 1, page 10 away from valuable Greenhouse and Lab On-Line Retailing ornamentals. Jim Van Facility Breaks Ground Maine Bucket Rebounds Becomes E-tailing. Dellen. March 1, page 24 in Florida. Construction After Fire. The Maine Churchill Enterprises Inc. RECOMMENDED BY NEARLY 1000 BOOKS, CONFERENCES, of a new laboratory and Bucket Co. has rebuilt its has launched what it California Enacts MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, TVs, RADIOS office for the University office and manufacturing TUFUSHI.VO,SE U SSEUAT.ANDSTD.E S SD EaPnBOAdFAR .YB RCGOTI ORTMEVITEEEUSRN MNTSMI,SEN N BMTOTSUTO,LA TNHIISCETPAALLLTPE E -GADUWRNRIDIUENVMNE RSSWS, I OTLPRIOAELTRSSK,D S LSWEYASADTRIE NMGSI I 2op2fa. g FeNl oer1wi0sd a bbrieegf.a nD eocn. O1c5t,. saipng aec1d9e 9 7ta.hf et Neroe rwiasg ifnibarrlei mmJ-pu lneex sgNttereorowrmwsese rfbstur hlielea yfn. fs ditr Osocrtct aenid-1ll 5ei,rfns oe.r ar1nt5te,id npeaF gireoe n A8n Rte.d FHELAOLWTEHRYI. NGT OXPILCASN-TFSR EES HFOOWO DSW INGNREORSW,E RSW ORLDWIDE Green Industry Groups 1, page 12 page 10 Connecticut Battles @ INDOOR PLANTS Cedar Longhorned Beetle. = TO BRING ONUETW MLOERAEF- BUDS? || tMoa iDnetveenlaonpc eS taGfufiidnegs .a nd MFoirdm-aAt.m NCehwasn gbersie f.S hAopwri l UDneivveelrospisty Woefb CaSliitfeosr nfioar June 1, page 10 @ouPrLoAoNToSr @ y epaerse 7A°C TITOT.N S,H BSyH OROTOIO! T AND FOLIAGE ||| Oct. 15, page 14 15, page 16 Weed Control. Pest Cornell Releases Guide @5p©) _Te&SREEEEaDS L IlNAG1nS 0d _ _“G _TET4A_WG ON_R S_O!_Y '; ET AHDRAMTESnAOOEOR’d RWML EIPN @ ELT!WR OA ,GF AN FRCLTRRGOO LEUDWWATIT EIR NTHRGNIE SANGMG N h ~DLaS .OASTLN guRFLGHFEpO L EoEANOwrRRAS WGaLVA?EILIFr EREEYoRLIR?L,?Y,SN( X , yG |||_| | sGCpbmeaerrnraiynosokg tfuwheuetrti rshe,nyse s.i gop bo frmnuuIoeaittnsnl udptsrnueoc eurs h ritdtatsrolhnyeyo o n yekleN sseOee acxddttt .eo r ts1o , MMDhutioipaisor nxtntuefr iofdicfrba uo uclrSt1tt, r fssSRaiu aernpslsdptaeu lsnlqi ptduerso ase fr d ftiwoecerr-r e CpP(aFoasnEUnegdSNtee TGr /oIIa1lDPCl 0IMsI obS)Dr EEiAHeSfSE./RE PB AEpISrCCiTOIlID NCE1TI,SR D/OE LS oPpCTDenaohos gnrgtteoC wi ouConngo1tuohn0red t osr lU olSAliS. nn ptgbJrhr ueirlaGeyafde .ce 1ns5Aoe,ps. r ei l 1, TO SITNA ROTN ET’H?E M | VEGETATING, BEARING? | page 31 b1r9i9ef9. arMea yo pt1i,m ipsatgiec. 2N0e ws Achilles’ Heel. Despite page 8 Beating Soil-rot, Hastening Blooming? || their strength and To Help During GERMINATION, and Historical Trees Cloned hardiness, pines do have Don't Get Rusty. By +»: TSeOo GneeRtrO OEQTAuR iLtI DEER“E BPaVEbeRyg,ie ntgTa”Ob lUeGN HeECwrR o,p L aaTwUnnRdsF ?; F lowers?: | aCnhda mSpoilodn foTrr ePer ePsreorjveactti on. NPreowm oTteecsh nHoelaolgtyh ier ad isweeaaske.n esDrs. S—t efpuhnegna l pcreodpaerr-layp plied enrtuisft,y icnegd ar- (12) FLOWERS FIELD WEATHER| International has planted Plants. A new system Nameth, Jim Chatfield hawthorn rust and cedar- OoH YDROPONICS © CROPS © DAMAGES two genetic clones of unveiled at Southern Sun and Nancy J. Taylor. quince rust, nursery AT CONSCIENTIOUS PLANT DEALERS WORLDWIDE. trees more than 300 years Propagation Systems Inc. Sept. 1, page 40 professionals can limit Used, tipped to, and supplied by thousands old. June 15, page 20 reportedly creates heal- damage from these of concientious piant-selling firms. thy, fast-growing plants Another Exotic Wood- fungal diseases. James E. REFUSE "just as good,” false, cheaply- Horticultural Research that are disease-resistant Boring Beetle Found in Schuster. May 1, page 70 made, unbalancing substitutes, often Institute Funds and environmentally US. Pest Control brief. 99 1/2% water! Development of friendly. Dec. 1, page 16 Feb. 1, page 10 Dutch Elm Disease NOTHING IS AT ALL "LIKE" Mechanized Container- Maintains Presence in US. SUPER#thrive™. 50 viTAMINS-HORMONES Handling System. The ODA Back in Original APHIS to Regulate Sept. 15, page 8 Horticultural Research Building. The Oregon Canadian Gypsy Moth Made in U.S.A. by VITAMININSTITUTE @ Box 230, 5411 Satsuma Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91603 Institute nas teamed with Department of Agricul- Host Materials. Pest Elm Yellows Outbreak the USDA Agricultural ture has returned to its Control brief. Oct. 15, Occurs in Illinois. June 15, For free information circle 91 on the Postage Paid Card Research Service, NASA office after it was nearly page 8 page 14 70 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000 Exotic Beetle Found in New Asian Beetle Found US. Pest Control brief. in Minnesota Imports. Sept. 15, page 8 Nov. 1, page 8 Growing Great Exotic Pest Found in New Gypsy Moth Sight- Roses Doesn't California. Dec. 1, ings in Oregon. Nov. 15, page 16 page 20 Take Years. Fungus vs. Fungus in North Dakota Releases Battle Against DED. Flea Reetles to Fight Contact us for our price list and Jan. 1, page 10 Leafy Spurge. Pest It Takes full color bareroot rose catalog. Control brief. Oct. 1, 430 E. 19th Street Upland, CA 91784 Hormodin Labeled for page 10 ph. 800-992-4409 fax 909-920-0308 California Growers. Pest Visit our web site at Control brief. July 15, ODA Compiles List of Weeks page 8 Acceptable Insects. Pest Control brief. Feb. 15, Hosta Takeover. Proper page 8 For free information circle 92 on the Postage Paid Card cultural practices, fungi- cides and other methods ODA to Spray Residential can control or prevent Site for Gypsy Moth. Pest crown rot on hostas. Control brief. May 15, Brooke Edmunds, Mark page 10 Gleason and Ursula Schuch. Oct. 1, page 66 OFA Offers Pest Identifi- cation Guide. Pest Control Illegal Weed Sold on brief. Feb. 1, page 10 the Web. The American Nursery & Landscape Of Mites and Men. The Association is receiving Connecticut Agricultural reports from the USDA Experiment Station rates that giant salvinia is the best controls to avoid being sold in the nursery the costly damage caused trade. Pest Control brief. by two-spotted spider Sept. 1, page 12 mites. Dr. Richard S. Cowles and Timothy M. Imported Fire Ant Heads Abbey. Aug. 15, page 68 West. Pest Control brief. Feb. 15, page 8 Oregon Gypsy Moth Population Continues to See IR-4 Faces Strategic Decline. Dec. 15, page 8 and leam Challenges. /R-4 serves as about a broker for the scientific Oregon Sets Traps for emerging trends * — dialogue between minor Gypsy Moth. Pest Control that will dictate how ' | crop producers and the brief. July 15, page 8 agrochemical industry. you will be doing business in the next few Nov. 1, page 12 Peach Extract a Possible years. In addition, you will leam what you Methyl Bromide Alterna- need to know and do to keep your Juniper Root Weevils tive. Pest Control brief. company successful and profitable. Found in Kansas. Pest April 15, page 14 Control brief. June 15, 2000 New Jersey page 14 Pest Control Product Guide Available. Pest Trade Show Lily Leaf Beetle Spreads Control brief. Jan. 15, through New England. page 8 Wednesday, February 9 Pest Control. Richard A. & Thursday, February 10, 2000 Casagrande. March 15, Pine Shoot Beetle Found Garden State Exhibit Center/Doubletree Hotel Somerset page 12 in Vermont. Pest Control! Exit 10 (formerly Exit 6) off 1-287, Somerset, NJ brief. Sept. 1, page 12 Nationally recognized industry leaders will discuss: Longhorned Beetle Found in Manhattan; Spreads in Pine Wilt Disease * Outstanding Plants for the Next Millennium by Fred Spicer, RLA Chicago. Oct. 15, page 12 Increases in Missouri. * Nationally acclaimed talk show host and horticulturist Ralph Nov. 15, page 20 Snodsmith will discuss emerging trends that you will need to Minnesota Sets Gypsy be aware of to stay competitive Moth Traps. Pest Control! Proper Plant Diagnosis. * Maintenance for Professional Excellence by Tracy DiSabato-Aust brief. Aug. 15, page 8 A systematic approach is needed to properly Trade Show bigger than ever! See over 275 exhibits of the Mite Causes Distortions identify the cause of newest and best equipment, supplies and plant material. on Minnesota Spruces. plant stresses and Pest Control brief. Nov. 1, diseases. Dr. Fredric Miller. Sponsored by: New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association (NJNLA) page 8 July 15, page 78 WALA 1.800.314.4836 Multicolored Asian Lady Readers Sound Off on FOTFuhnote cu urse Beetles Swarm the States. Deer Control. July 1, Feb. 1, page 10 page 12 For free information circle 93 on the Postage Paid Card JANUARY 1, 2000 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN 71 Rottin’ Roots. Root rot Viburnum Leaf Beetle Bamboo: Beyond the other climbers popular STARK BRO’S can wreak havoc in a Infests New York. March Tropics. Despite the exotic choices for landscapes. a WHOLESALE CO. + nursery, but through 1, page 8 images bamboo may Rick Sorenson. April 15, accurate diagnosis and evoke, it’s much hardier page 40 proper cultural, biological Voles — Unsuspecting and adaptable than you wv and chemical controls, Varmints in Landscape may think and works well Colorful Trailblazers. nursery professionals Feeding. April 15, in a variety of landscapes. Nursery, landscape and () BUY MORE, can limit the damage page 14 Christopher DeRosa. retail industries will reap SAVE MORE Q and stop this disease May 15, page 60 great rewards by offering Dr. Olaf K. Ribeiro. Weather Permitting. A wonderful, unique plants Increase your order... Nov. 15, page 48 mild winter and preven- Becoming Well-Ground- to customers. Here is just increase your savings on tive measures limited the ed. Using unique combi- a taste of the. -w plants Roundheaded Apple Tree amount of diseases at nations of underused commercially available to APPLE TREES Borer Eats Away at most nurseries this year. groundcovers can take the US nursery industry. Growers’ Profits in However, excess rain and a landscape to different June 15, page 28 Maine. April 1, page 10 dry conditions in various levels. Kathy Freeland. regions threaten the April 15, page 34 A Conifer Collection. Finest selection of the Russian Honeybees may 2000 growing season. Unusual conifer varieties Prove Mite-Resistant. Kathleen Lucadamo. Beyond the Norm. New bring diversity to the best Stark Brand Pest Control brief. Oct. Sept. 1, page 26 and unusual shrub vari- landscape, and are worth dwarf fruit trees 15, page 8 eties bring color, texture adding to the plant Weed Patrol. Proper use and beauty to foundation palette. Gregory Tormey. The Scourge of Scots of herbicides and other plantings and borders. Jan. 15, page 58 Large, color PicrurRE TAGs Pine. Nursery profession- weed controls can greatly Debbie Lonnee. Sept. 1, als and landscapers need reduce the container page 56 Earthbound. Ground- FREE with your order to understand what weeds in your nursery. covers fill garden spaces, causes pine wilt so they Dr. Todd L. Mervosh. Beyond the Sea. Seaside spreading beauty and Superb customer service can work on preventing Sept. 1, page 32 pllaanndtssc atpheast raereq uitroel erhaanrtd y uWtailllityy Pirne stsheey .l aAnpdrsicla p1e5., and eradicating this of conditions not often page 28 devastating disease. Mark Western Gall Rust Re- found in traditional gar- Low MINIMUM ORDER Gleason, Narjess Zriba Emerges in Kansas. Aug. den settings. Ellen Tal- Fascinating Foamflowers. and Marc Linit. Juiy 15, 15, page 8 only 50 trees page 46 mage. March 15, page 58 With attractive foliage and surprising flowers, Wisconsin Sprays for Breck’s Brings a Touch of numerous types of Stressed Oaks Susceptible Gypsy Moth. Pest Control First time ordering? to Twolined Chestnut brief. Aug. 1, page 12 Dutch to US. Breck’s Tiarella offer interesting is introducing several alternatives for shady SAVE 10% with our Borer. Sept. 1, page 12 plants this fall that the sites. Dan Heims. Jan. 1, PLANTS New Customer discount Susteheatite: Besiiyi To company believes match page 30 current trends in prevent the proliferation Aloha Hawai'i. With Holland's bulb industry. A Garden Walk-Through. ofp lants and diseases, growing interest in Over 180 years experience Aug. 15, page 10 A Minnesota nursery the University of Rhode Hawaii's beautiful plants, professional shares the growing & shipping Island Cooperative nursery professionals and Cashing in on Color. Upper Midwest woody Extension is listing and landscapers would do Sell more bedding plants ornamentals and peren- promoting Northeastern well to offer these by expanding your nials that adorn his back sustainable plants. colorful beauties to their product lines and using yard. Terry Schwartz. July Marion Gold, Dr. Brian K. customers. Richard A. creative merchandising 1, page 32 Order Now for Maynard and Dr. Richard Criley. Aug. 1, page 50 techniques. Don Grey. A. Casagrande. June 15, Feb. 15, page 22 Globe Trotters. Coming Spring 2000! page 60 Another Look at from faraway lands, Arborvitae. When used Caveat Emptor. Nursery exotic viburnums are Take Control of Scale and maintained properly, professionals should use beautiful, useful and Infestations. Pest Control. arborvitaes offer land- only those poplar clones provide year-round Dr. Fredric Miller. Nov. 15, scapes unique grace and that have proved to be interest in American 800-435-8733 | = textures — and deserve a hardy and pest- and landscapes. Harrison L. second look. Michael E. disease-resistant. Don |. Flint. April 1, page 68 Thrips and Mites Increas- Ecker. Nov. 1, page 50 Dickmann and Jud G. ing in Maryland. Pest Isebrands. March 1, Great Plains Plants Control brief. Oct. 1, Architectural Alternatives. page 60 Selected. The Nebraska BAREROOT page 10 Landscapes with limited Statewide Arboretum and space can benefit from The Class of 1999. the Nebraska Nursery & FRUIT TREES USDA Amends Cut Flower hardy, beautiful conifers Growers and garden Landscape Association Regulations. Pest Control that provide structure. center owners can enliven have chosen the 1999 brief. Sept. 15, page 8 Charlene Harris. Jan. 15, their plant selections and GreatPlants for the Great page 22 increase sales by offering Plains. July 1, page 14 USDA Gives $5 Million this year’s plant award to Combat Asian Long- Australian Fuschia. winners. Leah Bocanegra. Heuchera Heyday. With horned Beetle. Pest Although often under- Jan. 1, page 38 wonderful flowers, Control brief. May 1, used, Correa species and amazing foliage, and SStark Trees Biear Fruit. Si nce 1816. page 18 cultivars make nice Climbing the Walls. good disease and insect P.O. Box 398 landscape additions in Decorative foliage, resistance, new breeds USDA Issues Quarantines Mediterraneanlike stunning blooms and of Heuchera are valuable ee Louisiana, MO 63353 weil to Control Pine Shoot climates. Nicole A. Reed. interesting growing landscape assets. Dan For free information circle 94 on the Postage Paid Card Beetle. Feb. 15, page 8 Dec. 1, page 42 patterns make vines and Heims. March 1, page 30 72 AMERICAN NURSERYMAN JANUARY 1, 2000