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Preview American Journal on Mental Retardation: AJMR 1993 - 1994: Vol 98 Index

INDEXES, VOLUME 98 Developmental Disabilities, 463 Bruininks, Robert H. See Chen, Tsuey-Hwa Author Index Cain, Nancy N. See Davidson, Philip W. Canby, Joan. See Tirosh, Emanuel Abbeduto, Leonard. See Benson, Glenis Carlin, Michael T., and Soraci, Sal A., Jr. Simi- Altman, Barbara M., and Cunningham, Peter J. larities in the Detection of Stimulus Symme- Dynamic Process of Movement in Residential try by Individuals With and Without Mental Settings, 304 Retardation, 336 Amsell, Loren. See Mattes, Jeffrey Cha, Kyeong-Ho and Merrill, Edward C. Facili- Andres, M. See Rogers, B. tation and Inhibition Effects in Visual Selec- tive Attention Processes of Individuals With Baker, Bruce L., and Blacher, Jan B. Out-of- and Without Mental Retardation, 594 Home Placement for Children With Mental Champlain, M. K. See Rogers, B. Retardation: Dimensions of Family Involve- Chapman, M. K. See Rogers, B. ment, 368 Charlot, Lauren R., Doucette, Anne C., and Baldwin, Cheryl A. See Stoffregen, Thomas A. Mezzacappa, Enrico. Affective Symptoms of Basili, Laura A. See Short, Elizabeth J. Institutionalized Adults With Mental Retarda- Belser, Richard. See Miezejeski, Charles M. tion, 408 Benson, Glenis, Abbeduto, Leonard, Short, Chen, Tsuey-Hwa, Bruininks, Robert H., Lakin, Katherine, Nuccio, Jill Bibler, and Maas, Fay. K. Charlie, and Hayden, Mary. Personal Com- Development of a Theory of Mind in Indi- petencies and Community Participation in viduals With Mental Retardation, 427 Small Community Residential Programs: A Bergen, Anne-Marie E. and Mosley, James L. Multiple Discriminant Analysis, 390 Attention and Attentional Shift Efficiency in Contreras, Josefina. See Vaughn, Brian E. Individuals With and Without Mental Retar- Crews, W. David Jr., Bonaventura, Sharon, and dation, 732 Rowe, Frederick. Dual Diagnosis: Prevalence Bernheimer, Lucinda P. See Gallimore, Ronald; of Psychiatric Disorders in a Large State Nihira, Kazuo Residential Facility for Individuals With Men- Biersdorff, Kathleen K. Incidence of Signifi- tal Retardation, 724 cantly Altered Pain Experience Among Indi- Cunningham, Peter J. See Altman, Barbara M. viduals With Developmental Disabilities, 619 Bihm, Elson M. See Poindexter, Ann R. Davidson, Philip W., Cain, Nancy N., Sloane- Blacher, Jan B. See Baker, Bruce L. Reeves, Jean E., Van Speybroech, Alec, Segel, Beckman, Paula, Lieber, Joan, and Strong, Jill, Gutkin, Jeffery, Quijano, Linda E., Kramer, Beverly. Influence of Social Partner on Inter- Bonnie M., Porter, Basil, Shoham, Ilana, and actions of Toddler With Disabilities: Com- Goldstein, Esther. Characteristics of Commu- parisons of Interactions With Mothers and nity-Based Clients With Mental Retardation Familiar Playmates, 378 and Aggressive Behavioral Disorders, 704 Bodfish, James W., and Madison, James T. Davies, Peter S. W., and Joughin, C. Using Diagnosis and Fluoxetine Treatment of Com- Stable Isotopes to Assess Reduced Physical pulsive Behavior Disorder of Adults With Activity of Individuals With Prader-Willi Syn- Mental Retardation, 360 drome, 349 Bonaventura, Sharon. See Crews, W. David Jr. Davis, Paula K. See Foxx, R. M. Borthwick-Duffy, Sharon A. See Widaman, Dawson, Brenda L. See Kerby, Dave S. Keith F. Deb, Shoumitro. Effect of Folate Metabolism on Bottge, Brian A. See Rousseau, Marilyn K. the Psychopathology of Adults With Mental Boyd, Richard D. Neuroleptic Malignant Syn- Retardation and Epilepsy, 717 drome and Mental Retardation: Review and Dodd, Barbara, McCormack, Paul, and Woodyatt, Analysis of 29 Cases, 143 Gail. Evaluation of an Intervention Program: Braddock, David. See Rimmer, James H. Relation Between Children’s Phonology and Bricker, Diane. See Losardo, Angela Parents’ Communicative Behavior, 632 Brinker, Richard P., Seifer, Ronald, and Sameroff, Dofny, Elizabeth Mitchell. See Turner, Lisa A. Arnold J. Relations Among Maternal Stress, Dojka, Denise M. See Lucins, Daniel J. Cognitive Development, and Early Interven- Doucette, Anne C. See Charlot, Lauren R. tion in Middle and Low-SES Infants With Dutka, Suzanne. See Turner, Lisa A. 790 AJMR, Volume 98, No. 6 INDEXES, VOLUME 98 Developmental Disabilities, 463 Bruininks, Robert H. See Chen, Tsuey-Hwa Author Index Cain, Nancy N. See Davidson, Philip W. Canby, Joan. See Tirosh, Emanuel Abbeduto, Leonard. See Benson, Glenis Carlin, Michael T., and Soraci, Sal A., Jr. Simi- Altman, Barbara M., and Cunningham, Peter J. larities in the Detection of Stimulus Symme- Dynamic Process of Movement in Residential try by Individuals With and Without Mental Settings, 304 Retardation, 336 Amsell, Loren. See Mattes, Jeffrey Cha, Kyeong-Ho and Merrill, Edward C. Facili- Andres, M. See Rogers, B. tation and Inhibition Effects in Visual Selec- tive Attention Processes of Individuals With Baker, Bruce L., and Blacher, Jan B. Out-of- and Without Mental Retardation, 594 Home Placement for Children With Mental Champlain, M. K. See Rogers, B. Retardation: Dimensions of Family Involve- Chapman, M. K. See Rogers, B. ment, 368 Charlot, Lauren R., Doucette, Anne C., and Baldwin, Cheryl A. See Stoffregen, Thomas A. Mezzacappa, Enrico. Affective Symptoms of Basili, Laura A. See Short, Elizabeth J. Institutionalized Adults With Mental Retarda- Belser, Richard. See Miezejeski, Charles M. tion, 408 Benson, Glenis, Abbeduto, Leonard, Short, Chen, Tsuey-Hwa, Bruininks, Robert H., Lakin, Katherine, Nuccio, Jill Bibler, and Maas, Fay. K. Charlie, and Hayden, Mary. Personal Com- Development of a Theory of Mind in Indi- petencies and Community Participation in viduals With Mental Retardation, 427 Small Community Residential Programs: A Bergen, Anne-Marie E. and Mosley, James L. Multiple Discriminant Analysis, 390 Attention and Attentional Shift Efficiency in Contreras, Josefina. See Vaughn, Brian E. Individuals With and Without Mental Retar- Crews, W. David Jr., Bonaventura, Sharon, and dation, 732 Rowe, Frederick. Dual Diagnosis: Prevalence Bernheimer, Lucinda P. See Gallimore, Ronald; of Psychiatric Disorders in a Large State Nihira, Kazuo Residential Facility for Individuals With Men- Biersdorff, Kathleen K. Incidence of Signifi- tal Retardation, 724 cantly Altered Pain Experience Among Indi- Cunningham, Peter J. See Altman, Barbara M. viduals With Developmental Disabilities, 619 Bihm, Elson M. See Poindexter, Ann R. Davidson, Philip W., Cain, Nancy N., Sloane- Blacher, Jan B. See Baker, Bruce L. Reeves, Jean E., Van Speybroech, Alec, Segel, Beckman, Paula, Lieber, Joan, and Strong, Jill, Gutkin, Jeffery, Quijano, Linda E., Kramer, Beverly. Influence of Social Partner on Inter- Bonnie M., Porter, Basil, Shoham, Ilana, and actions of Toddler With Disabilities: Com- Goldstein, Esther. Characteristics of Commu- parisons of Interactions With Mothers and nity-Based Clients With Mental Retardation Familiar Playmates, 378 and Aggressive Behavioral Disorders, 704 Bodfish, James W., and Madison, James T. Davies, Peter S. W., and Joughin, C. Using Diagnosis and Fluoxetine Treatment of Com- Stable Isotopes to Assess Reduced Physical pulsive Behavior Disorder of Adults With Activity of Individuals With Prader-Willi Syn- Mental Retardation, 360 drome, 349 Bonaventura, Sharon. See Crews, W. David Jr. Davis, Paula K. See Foxx, R. M. Borthwick-Duffy, Sharon A. See Widaman, Dawson, Brenda L. See Kerby, Dave S. Keith F. Deb, Shoumitro. Effect of Folate Metabolism on Bottge, Brian A. See Rousseau, Marilyn K. the Psychopathology of Adults With Mental Boyd, Richard D. Neuroleptic Malignant Syn- Retardation and Epilepsy, 717 drome and Mental Retardation: Review and Dodd, Barbara, McCormack, Paul, and Woodyatt, Analysis of 29 Cases, 143 Gail. Evaluation of an Intervention Program: Braddock, David. See Rimmer, James H. Relation Between Children’s Phonology and Bricker, Diane. See Losardo, Angela Parents’ Communicative Behavior, 632 Brinker, Richard P., Seifer, Ronald, and Sameroff, Dofny, Elizabeth Mitchell. See Turner, Lisa A. Arnold J. Relations Among Maternal Stress, Dojka, Denise M. See Lucins, Daniel J. Cognitive Development, and Early Interven- Doucette, Anne C. See Charlot, Lauren R. tion in Middle and Low-SES Infants With Dutka, Suzanne. See Turner, Lisa A. 790 AJMR, Volume 98, No. 6 Dy, Eng Bee. See Rousseau, Marilyn K. Mental Retardation’s Two Cultures of Behav- Dykens, Elisabeth M., Hodapp, Robert M., and ioral Research, 675. See also Dykens, Elisa- Evans, David W., Profiles and Development beth M. of Adaptive Behavior in Children With Down Hull, Harry G. See Gross, Edward J. Syndrome, March Allocation of Attention and Task Difficulty, 580; see also Hodapp, Robert Joughin, C. See Davies, Peter S. W. M. Jurek, George H. and Reid, William H. Oral Dyson, Lily L. Response to the Presence of a Health of Institutionalized Individuals With Child With Disabilities: Parental Stress and Mental Retardation, 656 Family Functioning Over Time, 207 Kamon, Tetsuji. Visual Scanning Patterns of Evans, David W. See Dykens, Elisabeth M. Adolescents With Mental Retardation, 766 Kasari, Connie. See Ruskin, Ellen M. Factor, Alan. See Heller, Tamar Kastner, Theodore, Nathanson, Ruth, and Fried- Faw, Gerald D. See Foxx, R. M. man, Debra L. Mortality Among Individuals Taylor, Steve. See Foxx, R. M. With Mental Retardation Living in the Com- Flynn, Steven B. See Stoffregen, Thomas A. munity, 285 Foxx, R. M., Faw, Gerald D., Taylor, Steve, Katoda, Hiroshi. See Lindgren, Gunilla W. Davis, Paula K., and Fulia, Rosalia. “Would I Kerby, Dave S., and Dawson, Brenda L. Autistic be Able to . . .”? Teaching Clients to Assess Features, Personality, and Adaptive Behavior the Availability of Their Community Living in Males With the Fragile X Syndrome and No Life Style Preferences, 235 Autism, 455 Friedman, Debra L. See Kastner, Theodore King, Bryan H. Self-Injury by People With Fujita, Tsugumichi Peter. See Kamon, Tetsuji Mental Retardation: A Compulsive Behavior Fujiura, Glenn. See Rimmer, James H. Hypothesis, 93 Fulia, Rosalia. See Foxx, R. M. Koerner, P. See Rogers, B. Kramer, Bonnie M. See Davidson, Philip W. Gallimore, Ronald, Weisner, Thomas S., Bern- heimer, Lucinda P., Guthrie, Donald, and Lachiewicz, Ave M., Spiridigloiozzi, Gail A., Nihira, Kazuo. Family Responses to Young Gullion, Christina M. Ransford, Sally N., and Children With Developmental Delays: Ac- Rao, Kathleen, Aberrant Behavior of Young commodation Activity in Ecological and Cul- Boys With Fragile X Syndrome, 567 tural Context, 185 Lakin, K. Charlie. See Chen, Tsuey-Hwa Genung, Tom L. See Schalock, Robert L. Lieber, Joan. See Beckman, Paul Goldstein, Esther. See Davidson, Philip W. Lindgren, Gunilla W., and Katoda, Hiroshi. Gresham, Frank. See MacMillan, Donald L. Maturational Rate of Tokyo Children With Gross, Edward J., Hull, Harry G., Lytton, George and Without Mental Retardation, 128 J., Hill, John A., and Piersel, Wayne C. Case Losardo, Angela, and Bricker, Diane, Activity- Study of Neuroleptic-Induced Akathisia: Im- Based Intervention and Direct Instruction: A portant Implications for Individuals With Comparison Study, 744 Mental Retardation, 156 Lozano, Beverly. Independent Living: Relation Gullion, Christina M. See Lachiewicz, Ave M. Among Training, Skills, and Success, 249 Guthrie, Donald. See Gallimore, Ronald Luchins, Daniel J., Dojka, Denise M., and Gutkin, Jeffery. See Davidson, Philip W. Hanrahan, Patricia. Factors Associated With Reduction in Antipsychotic Medication Dos- Hanrahan, Patricia. See Lucins, Daniel J. age in Adults With Mental Retardation, 165 Hayes, Brett K., and Taplin, John E. Develop- Luiselli, James K. Oral Feeding Treatment of ment of Conceptual Knowledge in Children Children With Chronic Food Refusal and With Mental Retardation, 293 Multiple Disabilities, 646 Hayden, Mary. See Chen, Tsuey-Hwa Lytton, George J. See Gross, Edward J. Heaney, Glenn. See Miezejeski, Charles M. Heller, Tamar, and Factor, Alan. Aging Family Maas, Fay. See Benson, Glenis Caregivers: Support Resources and Changes MacMillan, Donald L., Gresham, Frank M., and in Burden and Placement Desire, 417 Siperstein, Gary N. Conceptual and Psycho- Hill, John A. See Gross, Edward J. metric Concerns About the 1992 AAMR Defi- Hodapp, Robert M. and Dykens, Elisabeth’ M. nition of Mental Retardation, 325 Index 791 Madison, James T. See Bodfish, James W. Reed, David. See Siperstein, Gary N. Mahr, Jeffrey M. See Morris, C. Donald Reid, William H. See Jurek, George H. Mattes, Jeffrey, and Amsell, Loren. The Rimmer, James H., Braddock, David, and Fujiura, Dexamethasone Suppression Test as an Indi- Glenn. Cardiovascular Risk Factor Levels in cation of Depression in Patients With Mental Adults with Mental Retardation, 510 Retardation, 354 Rogers, B., Stratton, P., Msall, M., Andres, M., McCormack, Paul. See Dodd, Barbara. Champlain, M. K., Koerner, P., and Piazza, J. Merrill, Edward C., and Peacock, Michael. Allo- Long-Term Morbidity and Management Strat- cation of Attention and Task Difficulty, 588; egies of Tracheal Aspiration in Adults With see also Cha, Kyeong-Ho Severe Developmental Disabilities, 490 Mezzacappa, Enrico. See Charlot, Lauren R. Romski, Mary Ann, Sevcik, Rose A., and Miezejeski, Charles M., Heaney, Glenn, Belser, Wilkinson, Krista M. Peer-Directed Commu- Richard, and Sersen, Eugene A. Aberrant nicative Interactions of Augmented Language Lateralization of Brainstem Auditory Evoked Learners With Mental Retardation, 527 Responses by Individuals With Down Syn- Rousseau, Marilyn K., Bottge, Brian A., and Dy, drome, 481 Eng Bee. Syntactic Complexity in the Writing Morris, C. Donald, Niederbuhl, John M., and of Students With and Without Mental Retar- Mahr, Jeffrey M. Determining the Capability dation, 113 of Individuals With Mental Retardation to Rowe, Frederick. See Crews, W. David Jr. Give Informed Consent, 263 Ruskin, Ellen M., Mundy, Peter, Kasari, Connie, Mosley, James L. See Bergen, Anne-Marie E. and Sigman, Marian. Object Mastery Motiva- Msall, M. See Rogers, B. tion of Children With Down Syndrome, 499 Mundy, Peter. See Ruskin, Ellen M. Sameroff, Arnold J. See Brinker, Richard P. Nathanson, Ruth. See Kastner, Theodore Schalock, Robert L., and Genung, L. Tom. Newell, K. M. See van Emerik, R. E. A. Placement From a Community-Based Mental Niederbuhl, John M. See Morris, C. Donald Retardation Program: A 15-Year Follow-Up, Nihira, Kazuo, Weisner, Thomas S., and 400 Bernheimer, Lucinda P., Ecocultural Assess- Schatschneider, Chris W. See Short, Elizabeth J. ment in Families of Children With Develop- Segel, Jill. See Davidson, Philip W. mental Delays: Construct and Concurrent Seifer, Ronald. See Brinker, Richard; Vaughn, Validities, 351; see also Gallimore, Ronald Brian E. Nuccio, Jill Bibler. See Benson, Glenis Sersen, Eugene A. See Miezejeski, Charles M. Sevcik, Rose A. See Romski, Mary Ann Ottenbacher, Kenneth J. Interrater Agreement Shoham, Ilana. See Davidson, Philip W. of Visual Analysis in Single-Subject Deci- Short, Elizabeth J., Basili, Laura A., and sions: Quantitative Review and Analysis, 135 Schatschneider, Chris W. Analysis of Humor Skills Among Elementary School Students: Pary, Robert J. Psychoactive Drugs Used With Comparisons of Children With and Without Adults and Elderly Adults Who Have Mental Intellectual Handicaps, 63 Retardation, 121; Acute Psychiatric Hospital Short, Katherine. See Benson, Glenis Admissions of Adults and Elderly Adults With Sigman, Marian. See Ruskin, Ellen M. Mental Retardation, 434 Siperstein, Gary N., Wolraich, Mark L., and Peacock, Michael. See Merrill, Edward, C. Reed, David. Professionals’ Prognoses for Piazza, J. See Rogers, B. Individuals With Mental Retardation: Search Piersel, Wayne C. See Gross, Edward J. for Consensus Within Interdisciplinary Set- Poindexter, Ann R. and Bihm, Elson M. Inci- tings, 519; see also MacMillan, Donald L. dence of Short-Sleep Patterns in Institution- Sloane-Reeves, Jean E. See Davidson, Philip W. alized Individuals With Profound Mental Small, M. See Rogers, B. Retardation, 776 Soraci, Sal A., Jr. See Carlin, Michael T. Porter, Basil. See Davidson, Philip W. Spiridigloiozzi, Gail A. See Lachiewicz, Ave M. Spitz, Herman H. Lewis Carroll's Formula for Quijano, Linda E. See Davidson, Philip W. Calendar Calculating, 601 Sprague, R. L. See van Emerik, R. E. A. Ransford, Sally N. See Lachiewicz, Ave M. Stacy, Alan W. See Widaman, Keith F. Rao, Kathleen. See Lachiewicz, Ave M. Stoffregen, Thomas A., Baldwin, Cheryl A., and 792 AJMR, Volume 98, No. 6 Fiynn, Steven B. Noticing of Unexpected Thompson, 670 Events by Adults With and Without Mental Bricker, Diane, and Cripe, Juliann J. Woods, Retardation, 273 “An Activity-Based Approach to Early Inter- Stratton, P. See Rogers, B. vention,” reviewed by Jack J. Hourcade, 178 Strong, Beverly. See Beckman, Paula Brody, Nathan, “Intelligence,” 2nd ed., reviewed by Arthur R. Jensen, 663 Taplin, John E. See Hayes, Brett K. Taylor, Steve. See Foxx, R. M. Coulter, D. L. See Luckasson, R. Tinsley, Veronica. See Tomporowski, Phillip D. Cripe, Juliann J. Woods. See Bricker, Diane Tirosh, Emanuel, and Canby, Joan. Autism With Hyperlexia: A Distinct Syndrome? 84 Goodman, Joan F. “When Slow is Fast Enough,” Tomporowski, Phillip D. and Tinsley, Veronica. reviewed by Rebecca Fewell, 781 Effects of Target Probability and Memory Demands on the Vigilance of Adults With Hanson, Marci J. See Lynch, Eleanor W. and Without Mental Retardation, 688 Howe, K. R. and Miramontes, O. B. “The Ethics Turner, Lisa A., Dofny, Elizabeth Mitchell, and of Special Education,” reviewed by Irwin S. Dutka, Suzanne. Effect of Strategy and Attri- Levy, 784 bution Training on Strategy Maintenance and Transfer, 445 Kazdin, A. E. “Methodological Issues and Strat- egies in Clinical Research,” reviewed by van Emerik, R. E. A., Sprague, R. L., and Newell, Keith Storey, 437 K. M. Arm Tremor, Tardive Dyskinesia, and Mental Retardation, 74 Luckasson, R., Coulter, D. L., Polloway, E. A., Van Speybroech, Alec. See Davidson, Philip W. Reiss, S., Schalock, R. L., Snell, M. E., Spitalnik, Vaughn, Brian E., Contreras, Josefina Contreras, D. M., and Stark, J. A. “Mental Retardation: and Seifer, Ronald. Short-Term Longitudinal Definition, Classification, and Systems of Study of Maternal Ratings of Temperament in Supports,” 9th edition, independent reviews Samples of Children With Down Syndrome by John W. Jacobson, Sharon Borthwick- and Normally Developing Children, 619 Duffy, and Stephen Greenspan, 539 Lynch, Eleanor W. and Hanson, Marci J. (Edi- Weisner, Thomas, S. See Nihira, Kazuo tors). “Developing Cross-Cultural Compe- Weisner, Thomas S. See Gallimore, Ronald tence: A Guide for Working With Young Widaman, Keith F., Stacy, Alan W., and Children and Their Families,” independent Borthwick-Duffy, Sharon A. Construct Valid- reviews by Barbara A. Allgood-Hill, Carmen ity of Dimensions of Adaptive Behavior: A Arreaga-Mayer, Linda Jones, and Iris Tan Multitrait-—Multimethod Evaluation, 219 Mink, 317 Wilkinson, Krista M. See Romski, Mary Ann Wolraich, Mark L. See Siperstein, Gary N. Marsh, Diane T., “Families and Mental Retarda- Woodyatt, Gail. See Dodd, Barbara tion: New Directions in Professional Prac- tice,” reviewed by Frank J. Floyd, 785 Miramontes, O. B. See Howe, K. R. Book Reviews Monat-Haller, Rosalyn Kramer, “Understanding Affleck, Glenn, Tennen, Howard, and Rowe, and Expressing Sexuality: Responsible Jonelle, “Infants in Crisis, How Parents Cope Choices for Individuals With Developmental With Newborn Intensive Care and its After- Disabilities,” reviewed by J. Roy Hopkins, math,” reviewed by Keith A. Crnic, 667 438 Berkson, Gershon, “Children With Handicaps: Polloway, E. A. See Luckasson, R. A Review of Behavioral Research,” reviewed Pueschel, Siegfried, M. and Pueschel, Jeanette by Herman H. Spitz, 788 K. (Editors), “Biomedical Concerns in Per- Biklen, D. “Schooling Without Labels: Parents, sons With Down Syndrome,” reviewed by J. Educators, and Inclusive Education,” reviewed M. Berg, 669 by Richard P. Brinker, 661; “Communication Pueschel, Jeannette K. See Pueschel, Siegfried Unbound: How Facilitated Communication is Challenging Traditional Views of Autism Reichle, Joe. See Warren, Steven F. and Ability/Disability,” reviewed by Travis Reiss, S. See Luckasson, R. Remington, Bob (Editor), “The Challenge of also Language) Severe Mental Handicap: A Behavior Ana- Competence, interpersonal 427-433 lytic Approach,” reviewed by Carolyn Hughes, Compulsive behavior disorder, 360-367 173 Consent, informed, 263-272 Rowe, Jonelle. See Affleck, Glenn Coronary heart disease, 510-518 Curriculum (See Instruction) Schalock. R. L. See Luckasson, R. Snell, M. E. See Luckasson, R. Definition, of mental retardation, 325-335, Spitalnik, D. M. See Luckasson, R. 539-549(BRs) Stainback, William. See Stainback, Susan Dentistry, 656-660 Stainback, Susan, and Stainback, William, “Cur- Depression, 354-359 riculum Considerations in Inclusive Class- Dexamethasone Suppression Test, 354-359 rooms: Facilitating Learning for All Students,” Down syndrome, 481-489, 499-509, 580-587, reviewed by Douglas Fuchs, 440 607-618, 669-670(BR) Stark, J. A. See Luckasson, R. Drugs, antipsychotic, 143-155, 165-172; psycho- Lynch, Eleanor W., and Hanson, Marci J. “"De- active, 121-127; neuroleptic, 143-155, veloping Cross-Cultural Competence: A Guide 156-164. for Working With Young Children and Their Dual diagnosis, 724-731 Families,” independent reviews by Allgood, Hill, Barbara, Arreago-Mayer, Carmen, Jones, Education, inclusive, 661-663(BR) Linda T., and Mink, Iris Tan, 317 Etiology vs. level of impairment, 675-687 Tennen, Howard. See Affleck, Glenn Families, 185-206, 207-218, 417-426, 551-566, 785-788(BR) (See also Mothers) Warren, Steven F., and Reichle, Joe (Editors), Family, involvement in out-of-home placements, “Causes and Effects in Communication and 368-377; stress in, 551-566; communication Language Intervention,” reviewed by Lowry skills in, 632-645 Hemphill, 175 Feeding, problems in, 646-655 Feeding, 490-498 Fluoxetine, 360-367 Subject Index Fragile X syndrome, 455-462, 567-579 Adaptations, in families, 185-206 Generalization of learned behavior, 292-303 Aggression, 704-716 Growth, 128-134 Agreement, interrater, 135-142 Akathisia, 156-164 Health, 490-498, 510-518 Aspiration, 490-498 Humor, 63-73 Attention, 273-284, 588-593, 594-600, 732-743 Hygiene, oral, 656-660 Autism, 84-92, features of, 455-462 Hyperlexia, 84-92 Behavior, aberrant, 567-579; adaptive, 219-234, Idiots savants, 601-606 580-587; aggressive, 704-717; analysis of, Illness, psychiatric, 717-723, 724-731 173-175(BR)'; social 378-389 Independence, 249-262 Brainstem auditory evoked responses, 481-489 Information-processing, 688-703 Instruction, activity-based vs. direct, 744-765 Calendar calculation, 601-606 Integration, 661-663(BR) Caregivers, aging, 417-426 Intelligence, 663-667(BR) Cholesterol, 510-518 Intensive care, newborn, 667-669(BR) Classification, 675-687 Interactions, influence of social partner, 378-389; Classrooms, inclusive, 440-444 with peers, 527-538 Cognitive processing, 336-348 Intervention, early, 178-181, 463-480, 632-645, 781-784(BR); language, 175-178(BR) Communication, 113-120, 175-178, 632-645; facilitated, 661-663(BR), 676-673(BR) (See Ethics, 784-785(BR) Labeling (See Classification) "BR = book review. 794 AJMR, Volume 98, No. 6 Language, 481-489, 527-538 Rehabilitation, 619-631 Research, behavioral, 788-789(BR), method- Maturation rates, 128-134 ological issues in, 437—438(BR); single-sub- Medication, nueroleptic, 143-155, 156-164. See ject designs, 135-142; classification of groups, also Drugs 675-687 Memory, 293-303, 445-454, 688-703 Residences, community living, 235-248, 249-262, Mental disorders (See Psychiatric disorders) 390-399, independent living, 400-407, move- Mental retardation, severe, 173-175(BR) ment within, 304-316, out-of-home, 368-377 Metabolism, folate, 717-723 Mortality, 285-292 Mothers, 378-389 Scanning, visual, 766-775 Motivation, 499-509 Self-determination, 263-272 Self-Injury, 93-112 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 143-155 Sexuality, 438-440(BR) Neuroleptic-induced akathisia, 156-164 Sleep 776-780 Nutrition, 646-655 Social skills, 63-73 Pain, 619-631 Speech, 632-645 Performance, 588-593, 594-600 Stimulus structure, 336-348 Physical activity, 349-353 Stress, 207-218, 463-480, 551-566 Prader-Willi syndrome, 349-353 Prematurity, 667-669(BR) Tardive dyskinesia, 74-83 Prognoses, consensus among professionals, Temperament, 607-618 519-526 Tremors, 74-83 Psychiatric disorders, 408-416, 434-436. See also specific disorders Vigilance, 688-703 Psychopathology, 717-723 Writing skills, 113-120 Quality of life, 235-248 795

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