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American ]c yurnal of PUBLIC AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEXES TO VOLUME 91 JANUARY THROUGH DECEMBER 2001 HEALT First Author Index A A Multiethn.» Community Aaron D. Behavioral Risk Factors fc $35, Research tive Health Practices Among | Environmental Health Assessment in oks D. Support for Smok Restaurants Amor Research \ainforest, October O1 p 1580 Massachusetts Adults, 199 February Acevedo-Garcia D. Zip Code—Level Risk I 300. Research culosis: Neighborhood Enviror snds in the Hospitalization of El Brown M. The Effect:veness Segregation in New Jerse Patients for Pneumonia, 1991-1998 Children’s Lead Exposure pr p 621 734, Research Kesearch Brown-Peterside P. Reta lard-to-Reach Women Adair L. Maturational Timing f Smoking Cessation Treatment by Prevention and Va ACHIE’ US Adolescent Girls, April 01, p 6 and Welfare Funds, September 01, p tember 01 Agha S. Intention to Use the Female Cor Brownson R. Environmental Determinants Mass-Marketing Campa Physical Activity in th nited States, Decemt 01, p 307, Research 1995, Research \khter M. Health, Pakistan indG reases in ( ronary Heart Disease Mortal Buffingtonj . Lac epatitis ( NISK Among 13, Editorial lacks and Whites in the| nited States rsons Who Received I ansfusions Betore Akhter M. Akhter and Pappas Respon 1985-1995. Se pte mber /1, p 1499, Research 1990, January 01 1545, Letter Barr R orhood Poverty and the Resurgenc Bull S. HIV and Sexua \laimo K. Food Insufficien um berculosis in New York City, 1984-1992, September iors Among Men Seeking Sex With len On US Preschool and School-Age Research 01, p 988 Research 781 Research ensus Data Reflect True Fen iale Mort Bunyavanich S. US Public Leaders Shift Alegria M. Changes in Acc 140 Letter New Paradigm of Global Health, October 01 the Poor and Nonpoor: Results From H ping the M in MTCT: \ 1, Mc thers, and Editorial form in Puerto Rico, September 01, ; ntion May 01, p 7 Mothers, ar 1 3ustos P. Growth in | \lemagno S. Women in Jail: Is Sut tance Schoolchildren Fr Enough? lay 01, p 798 Research Bauer G md Assumptions 0: ghigible Risk: Sexually 1645, Research Allegrante J. Continuing-Education Needs of the ¢ urently [Transmitted Diseases and Women Who Have Sex With Employed Public Health Education Workfor« \ugust Women, August 01 t 1 282, Rese O1, p 1230, Research Bauman K The Influen a Family Program on Adolescent AAlllleenn p arCJ.i. t iP2ers0o, 0m0oJt uilynP rge 0s1,i Bdreepna tsit1a1 l42 ,a nAddP drre eCesr sv ical ( BausOerarl man Te R. Iinn crIeanscinagr cerVaotleudn tAaprryi Plo puHl0Ia1,t\ i opn s 6 stAiungguR setbs ye a01rO,cf hfe pr ing CampbHeIelNml b erPC .r evOGe1r natsisorno ots SI eaxr tic WIop atic AAlndmeetSEr1tihrsu9eiddo 9eayn 1W, J o-a.r1nHGk d9.Ape 9plor6INagi,miclr a meagu:p01a nhS,r iieaczpR p aet stCeu5oiVml8uaob4tnrne,sti riae tsiRa,Foen rnsdose 01m, aW Srep cyitsnlhm t e1 pe Art\nso tmshN meIva } MarcChaa rntcn0‘1ee.urr ls thpuir Rpeiss3s, 6k 0 ,a nFdaO cRctiotsroksby:Ce a r3p9a .c iWt0CihL1oees en nctet pett s » Can Cre We CCCaaaustlnakeniprPiHna usaabi vlgeNin. Jc J ST“AehDHDgexeroa au ilgntWIs htitC to Pnhrt oRii7nwcu unMer!ieesa n nrgl anidnI d NEomwer gedpn ecm9yi0 c7 , DeARpemasorentagmr ecnh t ea#fs eA sitnh mCah iladnrde n AlRleersguiletss iFn roChmi ldt he Int Belli ttkh e tRieosnse arfcorh Cocaine and Heroin, September 011 AndeRHreesasolenta hr cJ.h I nActteirvviitey w LiSmurivteayt:i onsA n Anomaly BergnSReeersp et eL.m b( er i CChhaavbkoiionrn a llByW. . HAISceVxq ,u iIrnLefiedec st iH I AndrouRnse seEJas rtci\hm aNteews oPfa rNaadtiigomn alf or WeIlnlt-eBrneaitnig: Berkmlarnea tmeA.n t, CoSnefprotnetminbge r GloOl0 1 HostiTlhee InEtnevriprroentmaet trol Lessons Learned |r rom Pf lio Er Bhatia R Estimation of HHeea l AArrdb eseeC a.a ssSte. A EiASnnse ivaatit,h reo JantaU mnnetuihnatert eyad l Ta Sb0tl ae1Tt:, oe sbp,a M ce1c4Fmo6eb, b erSrumRsaeorhskyei eapr 01i n ederal hemAstdaevlai r cDhi s BBiinasloWaConanrgu edu si D Ss.Si tnaDOgTtior ebfd aficeAcnrrToeae oannbstc,aIie can cldSo ue spHtCtIro\eny mt rboeRlirA,sl kl e0Jgi1ana ntuiB po n s1 48o2f “Illegal | CChheen n PArKMme..vo anlTIgtoe’ bnsa cxe1 T 3i me sMoaryy C01o mmpi t7t8e7,e s ResEevaarlucaht ing Public Policy in Genetics rde0n1 , H.p R11e7a d rs Respond to “Cholera in Pai Chin, sioMn., CMhairn che t Armold | Promoting Culturally Competent Care for the Blake S Preventing Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Clark M. The GLBT bian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender |! opulation, No bian and Bisexual Adolescents: The Benefits of Gay Effort to Improve vember 01, p 1731, Letter Sensitive HIV Instruction in Schools, June 01, p 940 \ction Report Arons R. Using Technology to Advance the Public's Health Research Clements-Nolle K August 01, p 1178, Health Policy and Ethics Forum Blake S. Recency of Immigration, Substance Use, and Sexual Care Use, < *ntal Health Status of Transger Austin S. Dieting and Smoking Initiation in Early Adoles Behavior Among Massachusetts Adolescents, May 01, p sons: Implication lealth Intervention cent Girls and Boys: A Prospective Study, March 01 794, Research Ol, p 915. Research 446, Research Blakely T. Socioeconomic Inequality in Voting Participation Cochran S. Cancer-Related Risk Avery A. Satisfaction With Mental Health Services Among and Self-Rated Health, January 01 p 99, Research Screening Behaviors Among esbians ai Sexual Minorities With Major Mental [lh resss, s, JJuunne e 01O.1 ,| p Boutelle K. Using Signs, Artwork, and Music to Promote Women, April 01, p 591, Research 990, Research Stair Use in a Public 3uilding, December O1, p 2004, Cohen A. Public Health Is Aireac ly a Professior Research p 465, Letter Bradford J. Expanding the Research Infrastructure for ] Cohen A. Cohen Responds July 01, p 1141 Letter B bian Health, July 01, p 1029, Commentary Cohn G. Tobacco Supply Control Program, May 01 Baer J. Brief Intervention for Heavy-Drinking Colles Breeze E. Do Socioeconomic Disadvantages Persist Into Old Letter dents: 4-Year Follow-Up and Natural History \ge? Self-Reported Morbidity in a 29-Year Follow-Up Colditz G. Cancer Culture: Epidemics, Human Behavior O1, p 1310, Research of the Whitehali Study, February 01, p 277, Research and the Dubious Search for New Risk Factors, March Baeten J. Pregnancy Complications and Outcomes Among Bromberger J. Psychologic Distress and Natural Menopause 01, p 357 Risky ¢ oncept| s American Journal of Public Health | December 2001 , Vol 91, No. 12 Volume 91 First Author Index Coleman K. Promoting Stair Use in a U.S.—Mexico Border cF Alcohol and Tobacco to Marijuana and to Hard Drugs Community, December 01, p 2007, Research Fee E. Alice Hamilton: Settlement Physician, Occupational Across Generations, February 01, p 225, Research Costello E. Poverty, Race/Ethnicity, and Psychiatric Disor Health Pioneer, November 01, p 1767, Voices from Gori G. Individualized or Population Risks: What Is the Ar der: A Study of Rural Children, September 01, p 1494, the Past gument?, December 01, p 1919, Letter Research Fee E. Editor’s Note, June 01, p 901, Voices From the Past Gostin L. Informational Privacy and the Public’s Health Craft E. Addressing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgen- Fee E. Immigrant Mother and Child: Chicago, 1910, Novem- The Model State Public Health Privacy Act, September der issues From the Inside: One Federal Agency’s Ap- ber 01, p 1764, Images of Health 01, p 1388, Commentary proach, June 01, p 889, Commentary Fee E. Preemptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Any- Gostin L. Public Health Law Reform, September 01, p Crespo C. Acculturation and Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity thing From History?, May 01, p 721, Bioterrorism 1365, Public Health Law in Mexican American Adults: Results From NHANES Preparedness Granados G. Health Care for Latino Children: Impact of Child Ill, 1988-1994, August 01, p 1254, Research Fee E. The Health of Immigrants, November 01, p 1765, and Parental Birthplace on Insurance Status and Access Cruz M An Assessment of the Ability of Routine Restaurant Voices From the Past to Health Services, November 01, p 1806, Research Inspections to Predict Food-Borne Outbreaks in Miami- Fee E. The Influenza Pandemic of 1918, December 01, p Green LW. Can Public Health Researchers and Agencies Rec- Dade County, Florida, May 01, p 821, Research 1953, Images of Health oncile the Push From Funding Bodies and the Pull From Curriero F. The Association Between Extreme Precipita- Fee E. Walter J. Lear, June 01, p 902, Voices From the Past Communities, December 01, p 1926, Commentary tion and Waterborne Disease Outbreaks in the United Feinberg L. Trans Health Crisis: For Us It’s Life or Death, Green Y. CDC Promotes the Female Condom for HIV/STD States, 1948-1994, August 01, p 1194, Research June 01, p 897, Going Public Prevention, November 01, p 1732, Letter Feit M. Exposure of Adolescent Girls to Cigar Images in Greenberg M. Earth Day Plus 30 Years: Public Concern and Women’s Magazines, 1992—1998, February 01, p 286, Support for Environmental Health, April 01, p 559 Research Special Focus Dandoy S. Educating the Public Health Workforce, March Foege W. Managing Newborn Health in the Global Commu- Grossman R. Emergency Contraceptive Pills Can Prevent 01, p 467, Letter nity, October 01, p 1563, Commentary Abortion, July 01, p 1137, Research Daynard RA. Implications for Tobacco Control of the Mul- Fonck K. Syphilis Contro) During Pregnancy: Effectiveness Gruskin E. Patterns of Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use tistate Tobacco Settlement, December 01, p 1967, and Sustainability of a Decentralized Program, May 01, Among Lesbians and Bisexual Women Enrolled in a Commentary p 705, Women, Mothers, and Health Large Health Maintenance Organization, June 01, p de Gruchy J. Ethics That Exclude: The Role of Ethics Com- Fox D. Making Health a Priority of US Foreign Policy, Octo- 976, Research mittees in Lesbian and Gay Health Research in South ber 01, p 1554, Editorial Gruskin S. Understanding and Responding to You*h Sub- Africa, June 01, p 865, Commentary Fox D. The Professions of Public Health, September 01, p stance Use: The Contribution of a Health and Human De Serres G. Importance of Attributable Risk in Monitoring 1362, Public Health Law Rights Framework, December0 1, p 1954, Public Adverse Events After Immunization: Hepatitis B Vacci- Fox K. Gonorrhea in the HIV Era: A Reversal in Trends Health Matters nation in Children, February 01, p 313, Research Among Men Who Have Sex With Men, June 01, p 959 Guthrie J. A Bold New Direction for Environmental Health DeLia D. Medicaid Managed Care in New York City: Recent Research Research, December 01, p 1964, Commentary Performance and Coming Challenges, March 01, p 458, Fox S. Targeted Mailed Materials and the Medicare Benefi- Guyer R. Backpack=Back Pain, January 01, p 16, Faces of Research ciary: Increasing Mammogram Screening Among the Public Health Des Jarlais D. Hepatitis C Among Drug Users: Deja Vu All Elderly, January 01, p 55, Research Guyer R. Radioactivity and Rights: Clashes at Bikini Atoll, Over Again?, January 01, p 21, Special Focus Freedman D. Household Solvent Exposures and Childhood September 01, p 1371, Going Public Des Jarlais D. Providing Hepatitis B Vaccination to Injection Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, April 01, p 564, Spe- Drug Users: Referral to Health Clinics vs Onsite Vacci- cial Focus H nation at a Syringe Exchange Program, November 01, p French S. Pricing and Promotion Effects on Low-Fat Vend- Hagan H. Public Health and Changes in Illicit Drug Prices 1791, Research ing Snack Purchases: The CHIPS Study, January 01, p September 01, p 1350, Editorial Des Jarlais D. Small World, Big Challenges: A Report From 112, Research Hagan H. Sharing of Drug Preparation Equipment as a Risk the 9th International Congress of the World Federation Freudenberg N. Political Competencies and Public Health Factor for Hepatitis C, January 01, p 42, Special Focus of Public Health Associations, January 01, p 14, Editorial Leadership, March 01, p 468, Letter Halpern C. Partner Violence Among Adolescents in Oppo- Desvarieux M. A Novel Approach to Directly Observed Friedman S. Laws Prohibiting Over-the-Counter Syringe site-Sex Romantic Relationships: Findings From the Na- Therapy for Tuberculosis in an HIV-Endemic Area, Jan- Sales to Injection Drug Users: Relations to Population tional Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Octo- uary 01, p 138, Research Density, HIV Prevalence, and HIV Incidence, May 01, ber 01, p 1679, Research Desvarieux M. Desvarieux et al. Respond, October 01, p p 791, Research Handler A. A Conceptual Framework to Measure Perfor- 1547, Letter mance of the Public Health System, August 01, p 1235 Diala C. Racial/Ethnic Differences in Attitudes Toward Research Seeking Professional Mental Health Services, May 01, p G Harrington C. Does Investor Ownership of Nursing Homes 805, Research Galavotti C.M odeling and Reinforcement to Combat HI\ Compromise the Quality of Care?, September 01, p Diaz R. The Impact of Homophobia, Poverty, and Racism The MARCH Approach to Behavior Change, October 1452, Research on the Mental Health of Gay and Bisexual Latino Men: O1, p 1602, Public Health Matters Haslanger K. Accessibility of Primary Care Services in Findings From 3 US Cities, June 01, p 927, Research Garg R. Care Seeking During Fatal Childhood Illnesses: Siaya Safety Net Clinics in New York City, August 01, p Diaz T. Factors Associated With Prevalent Hepatitis C: Dif- District, Kenya, 1998, October 01, p 1611, Research 1240, Research ferences Among Young Adult Injection Drug Users in Gaston M. Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers: A Hatcher B. Buckling Up America—Making a Difference at Lower and Upper Manhattan, New York City, January Reasonable Standard of Comparison?, February 01, p the Local Level, November 01, p 1795, Research 01, p 23, Special Focus 319, Letter Healton C. Who's Afraid of the Truth?, April 01, p 554 Diez-Roux A. Investigating Neighborhood and Area Effects Geiger H. Terrorism, Biological Weapons, and Bonanzas Commentary on Health, November 01, p 1783, Commentary Assessing the Real Threat to Public Health, May 01, p Healton C. In: Who's Afraid of the Truth?, May 01, p 828, DiFranza J. Measuring Statewide Merchant Compliance 708, Bioterrorism Preparedness Erratum With Tobacco Minimum Age Laws: The Massachusetts Geltman P. Growth Status and Related Medical Conditions Hedeen A. Breast Cancer Size and Stage in Hispanic Ameri- Experience, July 01, p 1124, Research Among Refugee Children in Massachusetts, can Women, by Birthplace: 1992-1995, January 01, p dosReis S. Mental Health Services for Youths in Foster Care 1995-1998, November 01, p 1800, Research 122, Research and Disabled Youths, July 01, p 1094, Research Gill J. The Impact of Referral to a Primary Physician on Helfand W. Donora, Pennsylvania: An Environmental Disas Dunston C. Collaboration, Cholera, and Cyclones: A Project Cervical Cancer Screening, March 01, p 451, Research ter of the 20th Century, April 01, p 553, Images of to Improve Point-of-Use Water Quality in Madagascar, Gilman S. Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Among Individuals Health October 01, p 1574, Field Action Report Reporting Sarme-Sex Sexual Partners in the National Co- Helfand W. Dr. Button and the Airplane, March 01, p 354, morbidity Survey, June 01, p 933, Research Images of Health Girois S. A Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes About Helfand W. Night Shift in a Glass Factory, September 01, p Diet and Health Among 35- to 75-Year-Old Adults in 1370, Images of Health Ebi K. Association of Normal Weather Periods and El Nino the United States and Geneva, Switzerland, March 01, p Helfand W. “Salus Populi Suprema Lex”: The Health of the Events With Hospitalization for Viral Pneumonia in 418, Research People is the Supreme Law, May 01, p 689, Images of Females: California, 1983-1998, August 01, p 1200, Glantz S. Constructing “Sound Science” and “Good Epidemi- Health Research ology”: Tobacco, Lawyers, and Public Relations Firms, Helfand W. Saudi Nutrition Education for Pregnant Women, Eckel W. Discovering Unrecognized Lead-Smelting Sites by November 01, p 1749, Commentary 1988, October 01, p 1591, Images of Health Historical Methods, April 01, p 625, Research Goldenring J. Post-Rape Care in Hospital Emergency Helfand W. “. ..S o That Others May Walk”: The March of Eggleston E. Unintended Pregnancy and Low Birthweight in Rooms, August 01, p 1169, Letter Dimes, August 01, p 1190, Images of Health Ecuador, May 01, p 808, Research Goldstein B. The Precautionary Principle Also Applies to Helfand W. The “truth” Tobacco Memorial, February 01, p Evans L. Causal Influence of Car Mass and Size on Driver Public Health Actions, September 01, p 1358, ‘The Pre- 195, Images of Health Fatality Risk, July 01, p 1076, Research cautionary Principle and Public Health Helfand W. Vaincre le cancer (“Defeat Cancer”), January 01, Evans W. Cigarette Taxes and Smoking During Pregnancy, Golub A. Golub Responds, November 01, p 1732, Letter p 20, Images of Health November 01, p 1851, Research Golub A. Variation in Youthful Risks of Progression From Helfand W. “You Can Help Defeat Cancer”: A Multi-Cultural 2042 | Volume 91 First Author Index American Journal of Public Health December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 Society Confronts a Disease, July 01, p 1018, Images of K Lee R. The Relation Between Community Bans of Self-Ser Health Kahn J. Health and Federal Budgetary Effects of Increasing vice Tobacco Displays and Store Environment and Be Helmkamp J. A Comparison of State-Specific All-Terrain Ve Access to Antiretroviral Medications for HIV by Ex- tween Tobacco Accessibility and Merchant Incentives hicle-Related Death Rates, 1990-1999, November 01 panding Medicaid, September 01, p 1464, Research December 01, p 2023, Research p 1792, Research Kaplan G. Is Economic Policy Health Policy?, March 01, p Lemon S. Colorectal Cancer Screening Participation: Com Heloma A. The Short-Term Impact of National Smoke-Free 351, Editorial parisons With Mammography and Prostate-Specific Workplace Legislation on Passive Smoking and Tobacco Kaplan R. Simulated Effect of Tobacco Tax Variation on \ntigen Screening, August 01, p 1264, Research Use, September 01, p 1416, Research Population Health in California, February 01, p 239 LesserY . Elective Amniocentesis in Low-Risk Pregnancies Heloma A. In: The Short-Term Impact of National Smoke Research Decision Making in the Era of Information and Uncer Free Workplace Legislation on Passive Smoking and To Karon J. HIV in the United States at the Turn of the Century tainty, April 01, p 639, Research bacco Use, December 01, p 1920, Erratum An Epidemic in Transition, July 01, p 1060, Research Levi J. An HIV Agenda for the New Administration, July 01 Henderson D. Biopreparedness and the Public Health, De Kass N. An Ethics Framework for Public Health, November p 1015, Editorial cember 01, p 1917, Letter 01, p 1776, Public Health Matters Lillie-Blanton M. Untangling the Web: Race/Ethnicity, lm Henretig F. Biological and Chemical Terrorism Defense: A Keane C. Privatization and the Scope of Public Health: A migration, and the Nation's Health, November 01, p View From the “Front Lines” of Public Health, May 01 National Survey of Local Health Department Directors 1736, Editorial p 718, Bioterrorism Preparedness April 01, p 611, Research Linn W. Air Pollution, Weather Stress, and Blood Pressure Héon-Klin V. The Influence of Geopolitical Change on the Kelder S. Depression and Substance Use in Minority Mid September 01, p 1345, Letter Well-Being of a Population: The Berlin Wall, March 01 dle-School Students, May 01, p 761, Research Lochner K. State-Level Income Inequality and Individual p 369, Public Health Matters Kelly B. On Encompassing Sexuality, November 01, p 1731 Mortality Risk: A Prospective, Multilevel Study, March Hesketh T. Smoking Among Youths in China, October 01, p Letter 01, p 385, Research 1653, Research Kelly J. Community Health Worker Performance in the Lombardi E. Enhancing Transgender Health Care, June 01 HimesJ . Prevalence of Individuals With Skinfolds Too Large Management of Multiple Childhood Ilinesses: Siaya Dis- p 869, Commentary to Measure, January 01, p 154, Research trict, Kenya, 1997-2001, October 01, p 1617, Research Long R. Treatment of Tuberculosis in Haiti, October 01 Holman R. Trends in infectious Disease Hospitalizations Kerr J. Encouraging Stair Use: Stair-Riser Banners Are Bet- 1546, Letter Among American Indians and Alaska Natives, March ter Than Posters, August 01, p 1192, Research Lorvick J. Prevalence and Duration of Hepatitis C Among O1, p 425, Research Kerr M. Biomechanical and Psychosocial Risk Factors for Injection Drug Users in San Francisco, Calif, January Holtzman D. HIV-Related Behaviors and Perceptions Among Low Back Pain at Work, July 01, p 1069, Research 01, p 46, Special Focus Adults in 25 States, 1997 Behavioral Risk Factor Sur Kiefe C Ten-Year Changes in Smoking Among Young Lown E. Prevalence and Predictors of Physical Partner veillance System, November 01, p 1882, Research Adults: Are Racial Differences Explained by Socioeco- Abuse Among Mexican American Women, March 01, p Holzman C. Factors Linked to Bacterial Vaginosis in Nonpreg- nomic Factors in the CARDIA Study?, February 01, p 441, Research nant Women, October 01, p 1664, Research 213, Research Ludicke F. Reproductive Health in Eastern Europe: A Col Hope V. Prevalence of Hepatitis C Among Injection Drug Kilonzo A. Improving Surveillance for Maternal and Perina laborative Training Project in Romania, November 01 Users in England and Wales: Is Harm Reduction Work tal Health in 2 Districts of Rural Tanzania, October 01 p 1761, Field Action Report ing?, January 01, p 38, Special Focus p 1636, Research Lundgren B. “Regularizing” Public Health Practitioners Horta B. Maternal Smoking and the Risk of Early Weaning Klerman L. A Randomized Trial of Augmented Prenatal March 01, p 466, Letter A Meta-Analysis, February 01, p 304, Research Care for Multiple-Risk, Medicaid-Eligible African Amer- Huong N. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Urine Pregancy Tests ican Women, January 01, p 105, Research Prior to Menstrual Regulation in Vietnam, May 01, p Klesges L. Financial Difficulty in Acquiring Food Among El- M 825, Research derly Disabled Women: Results From the Women’s Maantay J. Zoning, Equity, and Public Health, July ( Hyder A. Hyder and Morrow Respond, April 01, p 652 Health and Aging Study, January 01, p 68, Research 1033, Public Health Matters Letter Klonoff E. Adults Buy Cigarettes for Underaged Youths, Julv Macera C. Limitations on the Use of One Question t O1, p 1138, Research Measure Sedentary Behavior, December ( Kluger M. Retrospective Validation of a Surveillance System Research I for the Unexplained Illness and Death: New Haven MacKellar D. Two Decades After Vaccine License: Hepatitis lacopino V. A Population-Based Assessment of Human County, Connecticut, August 01, p 1214, Research B Immunization and Infection Among Young Men Who Rights Violations Committed Against Ethnic Albanian Knowlton K. Urban History, Urban Health, December 01, p Have Sex With Men, June0 1, p 965, Research Refugees From Kosovo, December 01, p 2013, Research 1944, Commentary MacQueen K. What Is Community? An Evidence-Based De Ibald-Mulli A. Effects of Air Pollution on Blood Pressure: A Koop D. Results of the Expanded Program on Immunization finition for Participatory Public Health, December 01, y Population-Based Approach, April 01, p 571, Research in the Macedonian Refugee Camps, October 01, p 1929, Commentary Ichikawa M. Mortality From Unintentional Injuries in Japan 1656, Research Magzamen S he New Battleground: California's Experience 1899-1998, October O01 p 1615, Research Kriebel D. Reenergizing Public Health Through Precaution With Smoke-Free Bars, February 01, p 245, Research lon-Nedelcu N. Measles Elimination: A Mass Immunization September 01, p 1351, The Precautionary Principle Makutsa K. Challenges in Implementing a Point-of-Use Campaign in Romania, July 01, p 1042, Field Action and Public Health Water Quality Intervention in Rural Kenya, October U1 Report Krieger N. Changing to the 2000 Standard Million: Are De- p 1571, Field Action Report clining Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Mansergh G. The Circuit Party Men’s Health Survey: Find Health Real Progress or Statistical Iusion?, August 01 ings and Implications for Gay and Bisexual Men, June J p 1209, Research 01, p 953, Research Jaakkola N. Smoking During Pregnancy in Finland: Deter Krieger N. On the Wrong Side of the Tracts? Evaluating the Marbella A. Racial Trends in Age-Specific Breast Cancer \ | minants and Trends, 1987-1997, February 01, p 284 Accuracy of Geocoding in Public Health Research, July tality Rates in US Women, January 01, p 118, Researel Research Ol, p 1114, Research Marciante K. Modeling the Cost and Outcomes of Pharma Jacobsen H. Seat Belt Use in Top-Grossing Movies vs Ac- Krieger N. Socioeconomic Data in Cancer Registries, Janu- cist-Prescribed Emergency Contraception, September tual US Rates, 1978-1998, September 01, p 1395 ary 01, p 156, Letter O1, p 1443, Research Research KumanyikaS . Minority Women and Advocacy for Women’s Markel H. Journals of the Plague Years: Documenting the Jagannathan R. Relying on Surveys to Understand Abortion Health, September0 1, p 1383, Commentary History of the AIDS Epidemic in the United States, July Behavior: Some Cautionary Evidence, November 01, p 01, p 1025, Commentary 1825, Research Marks G. Effectiveness of Post-Migration Screening in Con Jamieson D. The Precautionary Principle and Electric and L trolling Tuberculosis Among Refugees: A Historical Magnetic Fields, September 01, p 1355, The Precau- Larkin G. Larkin Responds, April 01, p 652, Letter Cohort Study, 1984-1998, November 01, p tionary Principle and Public Health LaMontagne A. Evaluating OSHA's Ethylene Oxide Stan Research Janssen R. The Serostatus Approach to Fighting the HI\ dard: Exposure Determinants in Massachusetts Hospi- Marrazzo J. Papanicolaou Test Screening and Prevalence of Epidemic: Prevention Strategies for Infected Individu tals, March 01, p 412, Research Genital Human Papillomavirus Among Women Wh« als, July 01, p 1019, Commentary Langendam M. The Impact of Harm-Reduction—Based Have Sex With Women, June 01, p 947, Research Jernigan D. Sentinel Surveillance as an Alternative Ap- Methadone Treatment on Mortality Among Heroin Mausner-Dorsch H. In: Psychosocial work environment and proach for Monitoring Antibiotic-Resistant Invasive Users, May 01, p 774, Research depression: epidemiologic assessment of the Pneumococcal Disease in Washington State, January Lansky A. Trends in HIV Testing Among Pregnant demand—control model. May 01, p 828, Erratum O1, p 142, Research Women: United States, 1994-1999, August 01, p Mayer K. The Evolution of the Fenway Community Health Johnson R. Emergency Department Screening for Domestic 1291, Research Model, June 01, p 892, Field Action Report Violence, April 01, p 651, Letter Lazovich D. A Pilot Study to Evaluate a Tobacco Diversion Mays V. Mental Health Correlates of Perceived Discrimina Joja L. Trapping the Vector: Community Action to Curb Program, November 01, p 1790, Research tion Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults in the Sleeping Sickness in Southern Sudan, October 01, p Lear W. Venereal Disease and Gay Men: Opening Remarks United States, November 01, p 1869, Research 1583, Field Action Report June 01, p 901, Voices From the Past McCormick M. Participation in a Community-Based Infant Joyce T. Welfare Reform and the Perinatal Health and Lee M. Challenges Associated With Increased Survival Mortality Reduction Program: The National Healthy Health Care Use of Latino Women in California, New \mong Parents Living With HIV, August 01, p 1303 Start Initiative Survey of Postpartum Women, Decem York City, and Texas, November 01, p 1857, Research Research ber 01, p 1975, Research December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 | American Journal of Public Health Volume 91 First Author Index | 2045 McEwan E. Developing Public Health Management ‘Training oO Ramos |. Environmental Health Training of Promotoras it Capacity in Nicaragua, October 01, p 1586, Field Ac- O'Connor M. The Effect of Different Definitions of a Pa- Colonias Along the Texas—Mexico Border, April 01, p tion Report tient on Immunization Assessment, August 01, p 1273 568, Field Action Report McMichael A. Global Environmental Change as “Risk Factor” Research Rauh V. The Contributions of Maternal Age to Racial Dis Can Epidemiology Cope?, August 01, p 1172, Editorial O'Driscoll P. Predictors of Accidental Fatal Drug Overdose parities in Birthweight: A Multilevel Perspective, No Meltzer D. Patterns of Prostate Cancer Treatment by Clinical Among a Cohort of Injection Drug Users, June 01, p vember O01, p 1815, Research Stage and Age, January 01, p 126, Research 984, Research Reller M. Cholera Prevention With Traditional and Novel Mertz K. Decline in the Prevalence of Genital Chlamydial O'Malley M. The Association of Race/Ethnicity, Socioeco Water Treatment Methods: An Outbreak Investigation Infection in Young Women Entering a National Job nomic Status, and Physician Recommendation for Mam in Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar, October 01, p 1608 Training Program, 1990-1997, August 01, p 1287 mography: Who Gets the Message About Breast Cancer Research Research Screening’ ?, January 01, p 49, Research Resnicow K. A Motivational Interviewing Intervention to In Meyer I. Why Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Ogutu P. Seeking Safe Storage: A Comparison of Drinking crease Fruit and Vegetable Intake Through Black Public Health?, June0 1, p 856, Editorial Waiter Quality in Clay and Plastic Vessels, October 01 Churches: Results of the Eat for Life Trial, October 01 Miller A. Uneasy Promises: Sexuality, Health, and Human p 1610, Research p 1686, Research Rights, June 01, p 861, Commentary Oppenheimer G. Paradigm Lost: Race, Ethnicity, and the Retting R. Crash and Injury Reduction Following Installation Miller H. A Terse Amendment Produces Broad Change in Search for a New Population Taxonomy, July 01, p of Roundabouts in the United Sta p 628 Data Access, May 01, p 824, Research 1049, Health Policy and Ethics Forum Research Mills T. Health-Related Characteristics of Men Who Have Rich J. Syringe Prescription to Prevent HIV Infection in Sex With Men: A Comparison of Those Living in “Gay P Rhode Island: A Case Study, May 01, p 699, Field Ac G9h8e0,t tosR”e seWairtchh Those Living Elsewhere, June 01, p Palmgjrueanean UPs.e : ‘Te‘lTeevstiss ioonf SenCsaamtpiaoing nsS eaenkdi ngA doTlaergsecteinntg, MaFreib ru- Richateriaodsneu sR MeopJr.ot rBatll iatcyk -Winh itthee DUinfifteedr enSctaetse s, in AIungfuesctt io0u1s, Dpi Mintzpt o E1.P5 o6iN5no,tt - oCJfuo-sUmts meae nDWtraaotrpey r in Ttrheea tBmuecnkte t:S ysEtxepmsa,n diOncgto beArc ces0s1 PamuaCkrh ya nE.0 g1,iC nagup t i2to9ou2 s,tl hye Re2sA0ed0aj0ursc thi Pnogp utloa ttihoen NSetwa ndMairdl,l ennAiuugums t 01 Richtde1ro2 5n1eK, . MTaRoiebnsatecaecrnoca hn Ucsee Calnide ntsQ,u itF ebArtutaermyp ts 01, Ampo n29g6 , MeRtehsae arct MohleBri as?B,. J‘aTrneunadrsy inO 1, Adpo le1s50c,e ntR esSeuiacricdhe: Misclassification Pandipa ni11 74J,. EnEhdiatnocriianlg the Value of Cancer Registries and Riegemlunmiacna tiRo.n sH:e altNha rrIonfwobramnadt ioann dS yBsrteomasd banandd HTeeaclhtnho lCogoime s Molarius A. Trends in Cigarette Smoking in 36 Populations Other Data Sources, January 01, p 157, Letter as Core Public Health Competencies, August 01, p From the Early 1980s to the Mid-1990s: Findings Panford S. Using Folk Media in HIV/AIDS Prevention in 1179, Health Policy and Ethics Forum From the Who MONICA Project, February 01, p 206, Rural Ghana, October 01, p 1559, Commentary Riley P. The CARE-CDC Health Initiative: A Model for Research Pappas G. Health Status of the Pakistani Population: A Global Participatory Research, October 01, p 1549 Molitor F. Methods in Survey Research: Evidence for the Health Profile and Comparison With the United States Editorial Reliability of Group Administration vs Personal Inter January 01, p 93, Research Ritch W. Strange Bedfellows: The History of Collaboration views, May 01, p 826, Research Parascandola M. Cigarettes and the US Public Health Set Between the Massachusetts Restaurant Association and Molnar B. Child Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Psy- vice in the 1950s, February 01, p 196, Public Health the Tobacco Industry, April 01, p 598, Research chopathology: Results From the National Comorbidity Then and Now Robbins J. Socioeconomic Status and Type 2 Diabetes in Survey, May 01, p 753, Research Parascandola M. Parascandola Responds, September 01, p African American and Non-Hispanic White Women Mong Y. Impact of the Safe Water System on Water Quality 1345, Letter and Men: Evidence From the Third National Health in Cyclone-Affected Communities in Madagascar, Octo- Payne-Sturges D. Local Lead Data Are Needed for Local De and Nutrition Examination Survey, January 01, p 76 ber 01, p 1577, Field Action Report cision Making, September 01, p 1396, Research Research Morabia A. The Essential Tension Between Absolute and Pearl M. The Relationship of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Rockhill B. Physical Activity and Mortality Relative Causality, March 01, p 355, Risky Concepts Characteristics to Birthweight Among 5 Ethnic Groups Study Among Women, April01 , p Morello P. Tobacco Use Among High School Students in in California, November 01, p 1808, Research Rockhill B. The Privatization of Risk, Mar Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 01, p 219, Research Perez-Stable E. Cigarette Smoking Behavior Among US La Risky Concepts Morgan R. The Challenge and Place of International tino Men and Women From Different Countries of Ori Rodriguez E. Keeping the Unemployed Health Human Rights in Public Health, December 01, p 1922 gin, September 01, p 1424, Research of Means-Tested and Entitlement Ber Editorial Philbin E. Underuse of Invasive Procedures Among Medi Germany, and the United States, Sept Morganstern H. Morganstern Responds, March 01, p 469 aid Patients With Acute Mycardial Infarction, July 01, p 1403, Research Letter 1082, Research Rosenberg P. HIV in the Late 1990s: What We Moulton A. Strengthening the Legal Foundation for Public Pickett K. Coverage of Tobacco Dependence Treatments for May Hurt Us, July 01, p 1016, Editorial Health Practice: A Framework for Action, September Pregnant Smokers in Health Maintenance Organiza Rosenberg S. Prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis 01, p 1369, Public Health Law tions, September0 1, p 1393, Research C in Pe ople With Severe Mental Illnes Muggli M. The Smoke You Don’t See: Uncovering Tobacco Plescia M. Community Assessment in a Vertically Integrated 31, Special Focus Industry Scientific Strategies Against Environmental To Health Care System, May 01, p 811, Research Rosenfield A. Where Is the M in MTC! bacco Smoke Policies, September 01, p 1419, Research Plumb M. Undercounts and Overstatements: Will the OM sues in Mother-te-Child ‘Transmissi Mussolino M. Jogging and Bone Mineral Density in Men Report on Lesbian Health Improve Research?, June0 1 p 703, Women, Mothers, and Health Results From NHANES III, July 01, p 1056, Research p 873, Commentary Rota |. Processes for Obtaining Nonmedica! Exe mptions to Pollack H. Pollack Responds, November O01, p 1734, Letter State Immunization Laws, April 01, | ) Research Pollack H. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Maternal Rotheram-Borus M. An Intervention for Parents With AIDS Smoking During Pregnancy, and the Cost-Effectiveness and Their Adolescent Children, August 01, p 1294 NNaannaannOi1n , PDDa..pk iFsH1tue5ara4ntl5,h,t e hr ALSpetrtTaithlteo ru su0 1g,h otf sp t h6eo5Nn 2 , P aBkuiLrsedttteaennri oPfo pDuilsaetaisone, MeOctthoobdesr PPootruclooaRb f eo stTVS.eo. mamRoryiAkcs hkiP nCilgeoofn t t eICrSne,tfs uesdcaytAt ipioronoin fl F0B1Irl,no otmoed pr vN6een3te6Lied,aol dne ,R LeesRvMeeeaualsrrsecc hhi na t 0R1ae, l Pahptli eo 4n3 2 to KRootwheeRY oerusaAte.m ha-sMrB caohnLr aiuvgsie nmgM e.n WtiEt fhf iocf aHcICVyh, ilodfM haaor ocdh P reI0v1le,In nteisvpse 40atI0 ,nH teearRlveteshne tairFocanhc i lf or NNNNoeoorurrittgnhheCaDugrrraboa yliinay ,ddsSu .ggi0e aeed12rn, e A0 d r0 MMa1Np..,tRe . iTw 1orEE 9naMdd4sAinii,Pp,tt snaro ogdirrreIli''Man ssnmadd 0giy1ae, gN rN goom tt0te hpe1ee:sH,: of eo5 fraW5 pl o1AT tHH,r6dhheI 9le,vaV0d aEl, ’dnt JPsihcuC ot iaCnwornHoereeegi m:raa m 0ll1te Lo,hEenf :tsth pbiPai ciarWac8nloyt5, u5r r,lae dnsG,d aE ydH,iCF etleaioblBnrrtiiiuchsaa-e ll xs PPPorriweceleor PPBifRr raepreaRiciaosn.Cttnt g. esiti r sa RoahPHrnoe am.rc nm n,e Shi ddtiS snui St sdcraDyiDtQam,euouot psrcaneltslg eO ieimcte Fobtasfreo tC LobioreLfmaven ooder sr w t 0 LDr1MeH,u0r ovBecu1etaatg,lipclis vk tp:o ah n1A t,91Pbi 76aTuRn37ihsegN1,nees , o e OvLaRnROaeresLevtmcseesiehebatenr ade oa -r rraSicac nanCh hfdo 2e a0 u 51p-,PlCT Yrehaeospeams’i rpb r 1e r8ciPE3tPafdei2r--tgv i eec RRRouussyssceeelltp VLREill ieveo sosi1Rc l.ed6S$a ..eiae2 ntnr5Bn Sccai,cAaBerh edoem r o nniRelieise-nenir:s SssFn ecer A aeox1drmntP 9 octro9l h7oa Re , bosS lNmUceneaaxeiMtmnunviatsaecoyri lens c ,aa a ll0On 1rd,J i PAuSretntentupeTndrt hayaae7t,c0it2 a1tri7,l i ,o o nnAp uL RgIC9aeuaaV0unssns 3detde,s a, r‘S0Tcu1eOh,iREs cc texitipsdnopeeeg bra eir1eric2nn Rh 7ci e6sO4sk 1 oUfS Northridge M. Health and Human Rights, December, p riod: Patterns of Remission and Treatment Use, July 01 Rust G. Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers: A 1921, Editor’s Choice p 1107, Research Reasonable Standard of Comparison?, February 01, p Northridge M. Immigration and Public Health, November Pulerwitz J. Extrarelational Sex Among Mexican Men and 318, Letter 01, p 1735, Editor’s Choice Their Partners’ Risk of HIV and Other Sexually Trans Northridge M. Labor Day and Public Health, September 01 mitted Diseases, October 01, p 1650, Research p 1347, Editor's Choice S Northridge M. One World: Global Health, October 01, p Sallis J. The Association of School Environments With Youth 1548, Editor's Choice R Physical Activity, April 01, p 618, Research Northridge M. Tempo and Scale of Change, August 01, p Ramazzini B. De Morbis Arnficum Diatriba [Diseases of Sambamoorthi U. Use of Protease Inhibitors and Non-Nu 1171, Editor’s Choice Workers], September 01, p 1380, Voices From the Past cleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors Among Med 2044 | Volume 91 First Author Index American Journal of Public Health | December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 icaid Beneficiaries With AIDS, September 01, p 1474 Stall R. Use of Antiretroviral Therapies Among HIV-In- Wenger L. The Cigar Revival and the Popular Press: A Research fected Men Who Have Sex With Men: A Household- Content Analysis, 1987—1997, February 01, p 288, Samet J. Turning Science Into junk: The Tobacco Industry and Based Sample of 4 Major American Cities, May 01, p Research Passive Smoking, November0 1, p 1742, Commentary 767, Research Wetter D. Hospital Preparedness for Victims of Chemical Sarti E. Evaluation and Reform of the Mexican National Stanback J. Hormonal Pregnancy Tests in Sub-Saharan or Biological Terrorism, May 01, p 710, Bioterrorism Epidemiological Surveillance System, November 01, p Africa, October 01, p 1614, Research Preparedness 1758, Field Action Report Stein A. Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Prev- Wilcox J. The Face of Public Health Nursing: Carol Mau- Satcher D. Why We Need an International Agreement on alence Among Male Transport Workers: Bulgaria, 1986 reen Easley Allen, December 01, p 1947, Faces of Pub- fobacco Control, February 01, p 191, Editorial to1997, March 01, p 455, Research lic Health Savitz D. Environmental Exposures and Childhood Cancer Steptoe A. The Impact of Behavioral Counseling on Stage of Our Best May Not Be Good Enough, April 01, p 562 Change in Fat Intake, Physical Activity, and Cigarette Wilcox J. Editor's Note, January 01, p 16, Faces of Public Special Focus Smoking in Adults at Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Health Saxe L. The Visibility of Hlicit Drugs: Implications for Com Disease, February 01, p 265, Research Wilcox J. Editors’ Note, June 01, p 897, Going Public munity-Based Drug Control Strategies, December 01, p Stirling D. Land Use History and Public Health, December Wilcox J. Vieques, Puerto Rico: An Island Under Siege, May 1987, Research 01, p 1917, Letter 01, p 695, Going Public Schackman B. Cost-Effectiveness of Earlier Initiation of An Strauss R. The Role of Community Advisory Boards: Involv- Wilcox S. Registry-Driven, Community-Based Immunization tiretroviral Therapy for Uninsured HIV-Infected Adults ing Communities in the Informed Consent Process, De- Outreach: A Randomized Controlled Trial. September September 01, p 1456, Research cember 01, p 1938, Commentary 01, p 1507, Research Schmid T. Transportation for Maternal Emergencies in Tan Stueve A. Time—Space Sampling in Minority Communities Willis D. Them and Us: The Politics of Population Taxon- zania: Empowering Communities Through Participa Results With Young Latino Men Who Have Sex With omy, July 01, p 1048, Health Policy and Ethics Forum tory Problem Solving, October 01, p 1589, Field Ac Men, June 01, p 922, Research Wilson S. Socioeconomic Status and the Prevalence of tion Report Health Problems Among Married Couples in Late Sclar E. Property, Politics, and Public Health, July 01, p T Midlife, January 01, p 131, Research 1013, Editorial Scout. Removing the Barriers: Improving Practitioners’ Skills Theerman P. Theerman Responds, August 01, p 1170, Letters Wirtz S. Prevention of Toddier Drowning in Pools: Isolation in Providing Health Care to Lesbians and Women Who Thomas C. Maternal Smoking Cessation Intervention: Tar- vs Perimeter Fencing, March 01, p 468, Letter Partner With Women, June 01, p 989, Research geting Women and Their Partners Before Pregnancy Wolfe M. An Outbreak of Syphilis in Alabama Prisons: Cor- Seal K. Predictors and Prevention of Nonfatal Overdose November 01, p 1733, Letter rectional Health Policy and Communicable Disease Among Street-Recruited Injection Heroin Users in the Thomas S. The Color Line: Race Matters in the Elimination Control, August 01, p 1220, Research San Francisco Bay Area, 1998-1999, November 01, p of Health Disparities, july 01, p 1046, Health Policy Wolff M. Community Advocates in Public Housing, Decem- 1842, Research and Ethics Forum ber 01, p 1972, Research Seccareccia F. Heart Rate as a Predictor of Mortality: The Thompson E. Evaluation of Indicated Suicide Risk Preven- Wolitski R. Are We Headed for a Resurgence of the HI\ MATISS Project, August 01, p 1258, Research tion Approaches for Potential High School Dropouts, Epidemic Among Men Who Have Sex With Men?, June Segui-Gomez M. Where Children Sit in Cars: The Impact of May 01, p 742, Research 01, p 883, Commentary Rhode Island's New Legislation, February 01, p 311 Tierney E. Population-Based Estimates of Mortality Associ- Wong M. Effects of Cost Sharing on Care Seeking and Research ated With Diabetes: Use of a Death Certificate Check Health Status: Results From the Medica! Outcomes Sell R. Sexual Orientation Data Collection and Progress To- Box in North Dakota, January 01, p 84, Research Study, November 01, p 1889, Research Sembewnraarr odw R.i HcezUa,nl ttihtJylue nde Pe(0oO1p,nl ee p D28a05y19 0,, ThEiJdsui nteKo irdi0 a1l, p 8b7y6 , DaCvoimdm eWnot}a-r y Todd m4a6Ct1.i, c RESemeesxreugaaerlnclcyhy TDreapnasrmittmteendt ISnfcerceteinoinsn,g Mfaorr chA sy0m1,p top- WrigLhettJ te.r Professionalizing Public Health, March 01, p 466 Sharfstein J. Is Child Health at Risk While Families Wait for Tseng M. Area-Level Characteristics and Smoking in Housing Vouchers?, August 01, p 1191, Research Women, November 01, p 1847, Research Shi L. The Effect of Primary Care Physician Supply and In- come Inequality on Mortality Among Blacks and U Whites in US Metropolitan Areas, August 01, p 1246 Ullman F. Eligibility Under State Children’s Health Insur- Yach D. Junking Science to Promote Tobacco, November 01 Research ance Programs, September 01, p 1449, Research p 1745, Commentary Sibthorpe B. Self-Assessed Health Among Indigencus Aus Unger J. California Adolescents Offer a Glimpse Into the Fu- Yerger V. When Is a Cigar Not a Cigar? African American tralians: How Valid Is a Global Question?, October 01 ture of Multiethnicity, July 01, p 1136, Research Youths’ Understanding of “Cigar,” February 01, p 316 p 1660, Research Research Sidel V. Good Intentions and the Road to Bioterrorism Pre SiegelpaE san roMae.u dgPnhCer?oso,usm n,ot tJeiuMrloaayn yca t0li1 ,0n1 g, T po oplT1: 1o70b10Ia6,s,c ctohRBe e isoMeTtoaeotrrbocrarhoc rcioSs pmoS rettsP trleSeppmaoernndsteo drnsehsisp VVaallednmWtaient ihs T . DSiVe.a lbeePctrteoisdv,ue c tJiRvaiinstuk ya ryT aakni0d1Vn ,gv EcpA omn1o2o9mn,i gc ReNseBeeuadrrldceeh n ExAcshsaoncgieat ed YYuo unS.gaG r ryPo rFu.e p0n1Ssa,t, tr auplcN tou1Cvr3a6aer,lm e b eRPerlsu Usere aa0lr1Ai,c smhm op n ga1n 8d6 S5e, lAelclRt-eeCsdae uasreAc shi Maonr talAimteyr,i caJta nu Siegel P. Subgroup-Specific Effects of Questionnaire Word Participants: Implications for Supplemental Interven Yuan Z. Effects of Alcohol-Related Disease on Hip Fracture ing on Population-Based Estimates of Mammography tions, March 01, p 406, Research and Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study of Hospital- Prevalence, May 01, p 817, Research van der Klink J. The Benefits of Interventions for Work-Re- ized Medicare Beneficiaries, July 01, p 1089, Research Simon P. Meeting the Data Needs of a Local Health Depart lated Stress, February 01, p 270, Research ment: The Los Angeles County Health Survey, Decem van der Sande M. Obesity and Undernutrition and Cardio- ber 01, p 1950, Field Action Report vascular Risk Factors in Rural and Urban Gambian Singh G. All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality of Immi Communities, October 01, p 1641, Research grants and Native Born in the United States, March 01 Z p 392, Research Zabina H. Monitoring Behavioral Risk Factors for Cardiovas Sly D. Influence of a Counteradvertising Media Campaign Ww cular Diseases in Russia, October 01, p 1613, Research on Initiation of Smoking: The Florida “truth” Campaign Wagenaar A. Lowered Legal Blood Alcohol Limits for Zabos G. Bringing the Mountain to Mohammed: A Mobile February 01, p 233, Research Young Drivers: Effects on Drinking, Driving, and Dri- Dental Team Provides Community-Based Services to Smugar S. Smugar et al. Respond, August 01, p 1169, Letter ving-After-Drinking Behaviors in 30 States, May 01, p People With HIV/AIDS, August 01, p 1187, Field Ac Smulian J. New Jersey's Electronic Birth Certificate Program 801, Research tion Report Variations in Data Sources, May 01, p 814 Research Waitzkin H. Social Medicine Then and Now: Lessons From Zingmond D. Circumstances at HIV Diagnosis and Progres- Sommer A. Sommer and Akhter Respond to Chen, March Latin America, October 01, p 1592, Public Health sion of Disease in Older HIV-Infected Americans, July O1, p 467 Then and Now 01, p 1117, Research Sommer A. Sommer and Akhter Respond to Lundgren Wang J. Sexual Behavior and Condom Use Among Patients Zhang P. Zhang Responds, May 01, p 828, Lette March 01, p 466 With Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Jinan, China, Sommer A. Sommer and Akhter Respond to Wright and April 01, p 650, Research Wohlfeiler, March 01, p 466, Letter Warner J. Can Legislation Prevent Debauchery? Mother Gin Soobader M. Using Aggregate Geographic Data to Proxy In- and Public Health in 18th-Century England, March 01 dividual Socioeconomic Status: Does Size Matter?, April p 375, Public Health Then and Now 01, p 632, Research Wei W. Association of Smoking With Serum and Dietary Sorensen A. Promoting Public Health Through Electronic Levels of Antioxidants in Adults: NHANES III, Media: A Challenge for Schools of Public Health, Au- 1988-1994, February 01, p 258, Research gust 01, p 1183, Health Policy and Ethics Forum Weintraub J. Treatment Outcomes and Costs of Dental Spaulding A. Can Unsafe Sex Behind Bars Be Barred?. Au- Sealants Among Children Enrolled in Medicaid, No- gust O1, p 1176, Editorial vember 01, p 1877, Research December 2001, Vo! 91, No. 12 American Journal of Public Health Volume 91 First Author Index | 2045 Subject Index Categories Aging Health Administration international Health Asians Death and Dying Health Care Facilities/Services Bio/Chem Warfare Gays/Lesbians/ Bisexuals Quality of Life Ambulatory Care Laboratory Services Hispanics/ Latinos Alternative Medicine Hospitals Maternal and Infant Health Immigrants/ Refugees Anthropometry Hospices Birth Outcomes Men Body Mass Index Intensive Care Units Birthweight Military Behavioral Science Home Care Infant Mortality Native Americans Anthropology Nursing Homes Breastfeeding Veterans Psychology Health Financing Pregnancy Religion Sociology Insurance Teenage pregnancy Rural Health Child and Adolescent Health Medicaid WIC program Agriculture Adolescence Medicare Media Migrant Health Managed Care Day Care Medical Specialty Areas Screening Growth and Development Health Legislation Dermatology Mammography Learning Disorders Health Policy Gastroenterology Sexual Behavior School Health Health Professionals Gerontology Socioeconomic Factors Chronic Disease Allied Health Hematology Statistics /Evaluation/Research Allergy Nurses Immunology \nalysis Arthritis Midwives Nephrology Biostatistics Asthma Nurse Practitioners Opthalmology Clinical Trials Cancer Physicians Orthopedics Clustering Cancer, Breast Physician Assistants Pathology Cost-effectiveness Cancer, Cervix Social Workers Podiatry Demography Cancer, Lung Health Promotion and Primary Care Methods, Statistical Cancer, Skin Education Psychiatry Mortality Cardiovascular Disease Health Service Delivery Pulmonary Health Qualitative Research Hypertension Access to Care Radiology Quality Assurance Myocardial Infarction Continuity of Care Speech and Hearing Reliability and Validity Diabetes Quality of Care Sports Medicine Sampling Osteoporosis Surgery HIV/AIDS Small Area Studies Community Health Homelessness Toxicology Surveillance Consumer Health Urology Surveys Immunization/Vaccines Dental/Oral Health Mental Health Vital Statistics Infections Depression Disability Hepatitis Eating Disorders Substance Use Environmental Health Mycoses Gambling Alcohol AAiirr PPoolllluuttiioonn ((ionudtodooro)r ) NPaorsaosictoimci aIln feIcntfieocntsi ons SMcehnitzalo phRreetnairad ation TDorbuagcsc o LHeoauds ing PPoullimoomynealriyti s Infections SStlreeesps Disorders SPamsosikvien g SmCoeksisantgi on Pesticides Rubella Technology Assessment Radiation Sexually Transmitted Diseases Musculoskeletal Disorders Urban Health Radon Tetanus Neurologic Disorders Veterinary Health Water Pollution Tuberculosis Alzheimer disease Risk Assessment Vaccines Stroke Women’s Health Estrogen Replacement Epidemiology Varicella Nutrition/Food Hysterectomy Causal Inference/Theory Viruses Calcium Methods, Epidemiologic Zoonoses Diet Writing Models Information Science Obesity Authorship Trials/ Interventions Injuries/Emergency Care Weight Book Reviews Electronic Reviews Ethics Violence Occupational Health Exercise/Physical Activity Abuse Worker’s Compensation Family Health Accidents Pharmacy /Medications Family Planning Disasters Prevention Firearms Abortion Prisons/ Jails Homicides Adoption Injury Control Public Health Contraception Motor Vehicle Accidents Public Health, History Fertility Poisonings Public Health, Practice Sex Education Swimming Pool Accidents Public Health, Profession Genetics Suicide Race/Ethnicity/Special Groups Geography Violence African (Black) Americans 2046 | Volume 91 Subject Index American Journal of Public Health December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 Subject Index Abortion ace/Ethnicity, Immigration, and the Ss ele tive Risk Cost-Benefit Analysis of Urine Pre November 01, p 1736, Editorial 1l mplications strual Regulation in Vietnam, M » 406, Research Emergency Contraceptive Pills Car Prevent Abortion, July Adolesce Socioec onomic Status and 01, p 1137, Research Adolescent Sexual Orientation and Suicide Risk: Evidence American and Nor Post-Rape Care in Hospital Emergency Rooms, August 01 From a National Study, August 01, p 1276, Research vidence From the 1169, Letter An Intervention for Parents With AIDS and Their Adoles xamination Survey Relying on Surveys to Understand Abortion Bel cent Children, August 01, p 1294, R esearch large sted Mailed Mater Cautionary Evidence, November 01, p 1825 California Adole of enis Offer a Glimpse Into the Future of ( reasing Mammo Sex, Lies, and Silence: Reproductive Health in a Hostile E1 Multiethnicity, July )1, p 1136, Research 1j anuary 01, p vironment, November 01, p 17 39, Editorial Efficacy of a Preventive Intervention for Youth Living With en-Year Change HIV, March 01, pt 400, Research IR acial Differences f Abuse Exposure of Adolescent Girls to Cigar Images in Women's in the( ARDIA Study \ PoCpoulmamtiitotne-dB asAegda insAts sessEtmhneinc t Aolfb aHnuiamna n RefiRti gt In: WhMoag'asz inAefsr,a id 1o9f 9t2h e T1r9u9t8h,? , I MFaeyb rua01r,y p0 1,8 28,p 2E8r6,r atuRmes earch The iAnsds ocPihaytsiiocni ano f RReacc«e Kosovo, December 01, p 2013, Research Maturational Timing and Overweight Prevalence in US Who Gets the Child Sexual Abuse and Subsequent Psychopathology Adolescent Girls, April 01 p 642, Research January 01, p sults From the National Comorbidity Survey, May Measuring Statewide Merchant Compliance With Tobacco itinuing HIV [| 753, Research Minimum Laws The Massachusetts I xperience With Men Emergency Department Screening for Domestic Vic July 01, p 1124, Research e Contributior April 01, p 651, Letter Among Adolescents in Opposite-Sex Ro Birthweight: A Prevalence and Predictors of Physical Partner Abuse Relationships: Findings From the National Lon Research Among Mexican American Women, March 01 gitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, October 01, p »ct of Primary Research 1679, Research Inequality on Mo CCBBAAirhocdoiamcdlnnrmeogge0atgFWsuPBi1Te1hsiniuirsnn9e,ecssdetoog7 i a ai rth 2mmltnpt“e ,t N itygFo ro nohr r8H atPenoo8RIhnr pACRLnre9eVdoicoaetMA i,scv /cor sodso eieIrAbeCu,mvnads:LiI C shnoersi aDicetoSs cnndSaPma eeehm,t,Rt:rsii pmoCe ”eecn tse oGspa MeuanOm alleoymAnttmrtf, nboie suaeunt e daPrngTMrulnByiPeub oF eiurt lFesshbsir0rdyel1casooteix,0-H mr mcur e 1Bi aaam,slaplHlHe,m t eseH ph daaeo1 l:4ludAD3atts g 1enhhi,eCfd n an Sr gceA1e,1 8yM 7Rr , TC'MavearFAsoirysiaem bc ee nieolDaslseRdnr(g ec ecege fnrh t odo A ecrtrthmI i e o n iI nI ssues SP[T[raheoeelmb veaeevce tHioaiBinRRcnIonofsciIinoe r tn iSsy sVd,sfioke S e elAnn 3xexa uAdg 5nuoBFerA Io-msfra(aenclRn Yla colctccshSeoteht enIeot eaio mlsmg hrrxor acmous Anu-nei,loQc daOf ntgu tlolM ircii dladaoSaeJ se s,unte sRl sU ieysiceao ks iencinAFkiAnn 0a,th l n1mttA c,IuigsS roB-lspe icy hLa eed ahoScrph nltotOu T,ia,oP0itT aAb v11lolrshr0 1ssindo eg 3R,1a otpe g0ou n,r t,arradAl sB ia9nanp dJ nele0 cmdoug nR63Il s en lee0Ae el cf4sTisE mc,ieacixeoo txinateR0yU s nenpwners, 1 etDasgc tR,Asrnehr ed ,i a oaspuo efrnG elGncgdaM9ae atcaM y4rsr yea 0Siccs-,yjeehU Svu s xne aaeL untlneoaaR0e fss A1nle b,imc siVtTeoaiei ocnBpanv b,e rge ahc7 a cahn9cavd 4o11 n 3 d UWWZTThnhriheeedapr et ( r UhdatLl dPE1nlrieeuoSsoa of0yrre rro Ids 8efsmnIstesn2deteeis mv’in,st0- c\ , s1ec aait , i n in EoApWCCvdtfnRdaio ie1vipoaetLmt»gni9nl esovrImahereaeg8ren r1y dssol yv5a5 crs a 0r ne s,icFAn itcttvoyEu fe xtR peeo ssSeuPuraMriero y c l Good Intentions and the Road to Bioterrorisn lobacco Use Among High School Students in Buenos Aires May 01, p 716, Bioterrorism Prepare dness \rgentina February 01, p| 219, Research Aging HIV Prevalence, Risk Behaviors lealth Care Use, and Trends in Adolescent Suicide: Misclassification Bias?, Janu \ctivity Limitations Re Mental Health Status of Transgender Persons: Implic ary O1, p 150, Research view Survey tions for Public Health Interventior June 01, p 915 Iwo Decades After Vaccine License: Hepatitis B Immuniza of Naiic Research flon and Infection Among Young Men WI Have Sex irc imstances ¢ Hospital Preparedness for Victims f Chemical or With Men, June 01 965, Research Terrorism, May 01, p 710, Bioterrorism Preparedness Understanding Responding to Youth Substance Use: The Medicaid Managed Care in New York City: Recer Contribution of a Health and Human Rights Frame- Do Socioeconomic Disadva mance and Coming Challenges, March 01 work, December ( » 1954, Public Health Matters Reported Morb Research l > D h by David Wojnarowicz, June Whitehall Study Privatization and the Scope of Public Health: A » es Investor Ow Survey of Local Health Dey ment Direct Who's > April0 1, p 554, Commentary the Quality « p 611, Research E fle, ts of Alcoh« | Productivity and Economic Burden Associated \ African (Black) Americans Mortality: A Re betes, January 01, p 129, Research \ Randomized Trial of Augmented Prenatal Care for Multi ized Medicare Bene Racial/Ethnic Differences in Attitudes Toward Seekir ple-Risk Medicaid-Eligible African American Womer Epidemiologic Tre Professional Mental Health Services May 01 805 January 01 Research Medicare Patients ft Research Black—White D erences in Infectious Disease lortality in p 1121, Researcl Removing the Barriers: Improving Practitioners’ Skills in Pro the United States August 01, p 1251, Research ncial Difficulty viding Health Care to Lesbians and Women Who Part Epidemiologic Trends in the Hospitalization of Elderly abled Women nesults Fr ner With Women, June 01, p 989, Research Medicare Patients for Pneumonia, 1991- 1998, July 01 Aging Study, Janu Socioleecmso noAmmiocn gS taMtaursr iaendd Ctoheu plPerse vailn enLcaet e ofM idHleifael,t h JaPnruoabr y HIV p II P1r1e2v1a lenRcees eaRricshk Behaviors, Health Care Uss and TLhief estylEec,o nomFiucn ctiImopnlailc atAid O1, p 131, Research Mental Health Status of Transgender Persons: Implica Among a Na Syringe Prescription to Prevent HIV Infection in Rhode Is tions for Public Health Intervention, June 01, pp 91915 January 01 land: A Case Study, May 01, p 699, Field Action Report Research Psy hologic Distress and N The Association of Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status Increasing Voluntary HIV Testing by Offering Oral Tests in Community Study, Septer and Physician Recommendation for Mammography Incarcerated Populations, August 01, p 1226, Research SOCcI oeconomic Status and th Who Gets the Message About Breast Cancer Screen Local Increases in Coronary Heart Disease Mortality lems Among Married ing?, January 01, p 49, Research Among Blacks and Whites in the United States, Ol, p 131 Resear n The Effect of Primary Care Physician Supply and Income 1985-1995, September 01, p 1499, Research Inequality on Mortality Among Blacks and Whites in Poverty, Race/Ethnicity, and Psychiatric Disorder: A Study Air Pollution (indoor US Metropolitan Areas, August 01, p 1246, Research of Rural Children, September 01, p 1494, Research Household Solvent Expos ures a The GLBT Health Access Project: A State-Funded Effort to Racial Trends in Age-Specific Breast Cancer Mortality Rates phoblastic Leukemia AprilO 1 Improve Access to Care, June 01, p 895, Field Action in US Women, January 01, p 118, Research yi he Environment and Health Report Xacial/ Ethnic Differences in Attitudes Toward Seeking The Precautionary Principle Also Ap Trans Health Crisis: For Us It’s Life Professional Mental Health Services, May 01, p 805 Actions, September 01 x0ing Public Research DPp rinciple and Public December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 American Journal of Public Health The Short-Term Impact of National Smoke-Free Workplace Immunization and Symptoms of Atopic Disease in Children May Not Be Good Enough, April 01, p 562, Special Legislation on Passive Smoking and Tobacco Use, Sep- Results From the International Study of Asthma and Ai- Focus: The Environment and Health tember 01, p 1416, Research lergies in Childhood, July 01, p 1126, Research Household Solvent Exposures and Childhood Acute Lym- The Smoke You Don’t See: Uncovering Tobacco Industry Sci- phoblastic Leukemia, April 01, p 564, Special Focus entific Strategies Against Environmental Tobacco Smoke Behavioral Science The Environment and Health Policies, September 01, p 1419, Research The Influence of Geopolitical Change on the Well-Being of Patterns of Prostate Cancer Treatment by Clinical Stage and a Population: The Berlin Wall, March 01, p 369, Public Age, January 01, p 126, Research Air Pollution (outdoor) Health Matters Promoting Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening at the Air Pollution, Weather Stress, and Blood Pressure, Septem- Them and Us: The Politics of Population Taxonomy, July 01, Workplace: Results From the Woman to Woman Study ber 01, p 1345, Letter p 1048, Health Policy and Ethics Forum April 01, p 584, Research Donora, Pennsylvania: An Environmental Disaster of the What Is Community? An Evidence-Based Definition for Socioeconomic Data in Cancer Registries, January 01, p 20th Century, April 01, p 553, Images of Health Participatory Public Health, December 01, p 1929, 156, Letter Effects of Air Pollution on Blood Pressure: A Population- Commentary The Search for Cancer Risk Factors: When Can We Stop Based Approach, April 01, p 571, Research Looking?, March 01 p 360, Risky Concepts The APPcrrtieniccoainpuslt,e i oSnaeanprdyt ePmuPbbrelirin cc i0p1Hl,ee a lpt Ahl1 s3o5 8A,p plTihees Ptro ecPauubltiico naHreya lth BBiioollootgBghiiiecoc atal“el Fr rraoonanrdnti d s CmL hCiehnPmeersim”eci pacaloarf l e dPTuneWberlasrirsocfr aisrHmee a ltDhef,e nMsea:y 0A1 ,V ipe w7 18F, rom V‘aYioun cargCeea sn l eo Hfc aenlHcpeea rl Dteh(f “eDaetf eaCta ncCearn”c:e r”)A, MuJlatniu-aCruyl tu0r1,a l p So2c0,i etyI m- Alcohol Biopreparedness and the Public Health (A Response to Pre- Confronts a Disease, July 01, p 1018 Images of Health Brief Intervention for Heavy-Drinking College Students: 4- emptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Anything Cancer, Breast Year Follow-Up and Natural History, August 01, p From History?), December 01, p 1917, Letter Breast Cancer Size and Stage in Hispanic Americar 1310, Research Good intentions and the Road to Bioterrorism Preparedness Women, by Birthplace: 1992-1995, January 01, p Can Legislation Prevent Debauchery? Mother Gin and Pub- May 01, p 716, Bioterrorism Preparedness 122, Research lPiucb lHieca ltHhe alitn h 18Tthhe-nC enatnudr yN oEwn gland, March 01, p 375 HospitTaelr rorPirsemp,a reMdanye ss01 , fopr 7V1i0c,t imBsi otoefr rCohreimsimc alP reopra rBeidonleogsisc al PromoWtoirnkgpl aBcree:a st Reasnudl tsC ervFircoam l thCea nWceorm aSnc reteon iWnog maatn theS tudy Continuing-Education Needs of the Currently Employed Preemptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Anything From April 01, p 584, Research Public Health Education Workforce, August 01, p History?, May 01, p 721, Bioterrorism Preparedness Racial Trends in Age-Specific Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Depre1s2s3i0o,n Raensde arScuhb stance Use in Minority Middle-School TerroRreiaslm , ThBrieoalto gitcoa l PuWbleiacp oHnesa,l tha, ndM aByo na0n1z, asp: 70A8s,s eBsisoitnegr rotrh-e iii US Women, January 01, p 118, Research Students, May 01, p 761, Research ism Preparedness The Privatization of Risk, March 01, p 365, Risky Concepts ELfofweectrMifBsoezee crehdttdosaa f lv iMiLoteoenAy dgr:lai scDlc or ahiirAonBn e lkl-R io3Reno0egtBd ,ler n aoSettsaAfDeptlirdeeccis coiv,tha iiDornviligMese ,a es yL,aaCi smnoeJi0dh u1t ol,sory Dn t rp f0i o1Hvr8S,i i0tpn1Yu ,godp -Fuy Ar1 nRfa0geotc8 sfte9e urD,aHrr- roeiDscv rRpehieria nsstn:kead ial -nr Egcf h- BM\ia rtRteahrjp nnladaeOn-louuR amtirisScyzkm o,eo md0keM 1is,en d Tgipr ci aal1ai 0nd5od-,f E ltARihuegeisg bemRlaeiersn ckt he Aodffr iEcaParrnle yn aAtWmaeelar niCicanargne: WfooArm MeMeunlt.tai - CCCiiaggnaacrreepeFrtt e,ttb1 eer3ssu4L a5uraa,nynn g dd L e0ttt1thh,ee e r p S u1UrS9 g6Pe,u obnlPi ucb GleiHncee arlHatleh'a sl tSheR revpiTochreet n, inSa netdph te eNmo1bw9e 5r0 s 01 Patterns of Cigarette Smoking and Alcohol Use Among Les- Analysis, February 01, p 304, Research Cardiovascular Disease bians and Bisexual Women Enrolled in a Large Health The Impact on Clients of a Community-Based Infant Mor- Air Pollution, Weather Stress, and Blood Pressure, Septem Maintenance Organization, June 01, p 976, Research tality Reduction Program: The National Healthy Start ber 01, p 1345, Letter Remission From Drug Abuse Over a 25-Year Period: Pat- Program Survey of Postpartum Women, December 01, Effects of Air Pollution on Blood Pressure: A Population- terns of Remission and Treatment Use, July 01, p 1107, p 1975, Research Based Approach, April 01, p 571, Research Research Pregnancy Complications and Outcomes Among Over- Heart Rate as a Predictor of Mortality: The MATISS Project, The Influence of a Family Program on Adolescent Tobacco weight and Obese Nulliparous Women, March 01, p August 01, p 1258, Research and Alcohol Use, April 01, p 604, Research 436, Research Local Increases in Coronary Heart Disease Mortality Tobacco, Betel Quid, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug Use Among 13- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Maternal Smoking During Among Blacks and Whites in the United States to 35-Year-Olds in I-Lan, Rural Taiwan: Prevalence and Pregnancy, and the Cost-Effectiveness of Smoking Ces- 1985-1995, September 01, p 1499, Research Risk Factors, July 01, p 1130, Research sation Intervention, March 01, p 432, Research Monitoring Behavioral Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Dis- Variation in Youthful Risks of Progression From Alcohol and The Contribution of Maternal Age to Racial Disparities in eases in Russia, October 01, p 1613, Research eTroatbiaocncs,o tFoe bMraurairjyu an0a1, apn d2 25t,o HRaersde arDcrhu gs Across Gen- B1i8r1t5,h weiRgehste:a rchA Multilevel Perspective. November 01, p Obesiitny Ruarnadl anUdn dernUurtbraint iGona mbainad n CaCrodmimouvnasictuileasr, ROicstk obFearc tors Unintended Pregnancy and Low Birthweight in Ecuador, Anthropometry May 01, p 808, Research 01, p 1641, Research \ Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes About Diet and Ten-Year Changes in Smoking Among Young Adults: Are Health Among 35- to 75-Year-Old Adults in the Body Mass Index Racial Differences Explained by Socioeconomic Factors United States and Geneva, Switzerland, March 01, p \ Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes About Diet and in the CARDIA Study?, February 01, p 213, Research 418, Research Health Among 35- to 75-Year-Old Adults in the The Impact of Behavioral Counseling on Stage of Change in Growth in Indigenous arfi Nonindigenous Chilean School- United States and Geneva, Switzerland, March 01, p Fat Intake, Physical Activity, and Cigarette Smoking in children From 3 Poverty Strata, October 01, p 1645. 418, Research Adults at Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Research i Obesity and Undernutrition and Cardiovascular Risk Factors February 01, p 265. Research Growth Status and Rela#d Medical Conditions Among Ref- in Rural and Urban Gambian Communities, October Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Prevalence ugee Children in Massachusetts, 1995-1998, Novem- 01, p 1641, Research Among Male Transport Workers: Bulgaria, 1986 ber 01, p 1800, Research Pregnancy Complications and Outcomes Among Over- to1997, March 01, p 455, Research Obesity and Undernutrition and Cardiovascular Risk Factors weight and Obese Nulliparous Women, March 01, p Underuse of Invasive Procedures Among Medicaid Pa- in Rural and Urban Gambian Communities, October 436, Research tients With Acute Mycardial Infarction, July 01, p 01, p 1641, Research 1082, Research Pregnancy Complications and Outcomes Among Over- Breastfeeding weight and Obese Nulliparous Women, March 0i, p Maternal Smoking and the Risk of Early Weaning: A Meta- Causal Inference/Theory 436, Research Analysis, February 01, p 304, Research Cancer Culture: Epidemics, Human Behavior, and the Dubi- Prevalence of Individuals With Skinfolds Too Large to Mea- Where Is the M in MTCT? The Broader Issues in Mother- ous Search for New Risk Factors, March 01, p 357 sure, January 01, p 154, Research to-Child Transmission of HIV, May 01, p 703, Women, Risky Concepts Mothers, and Health Causal Influence of Car Mass and Size on Driver Fatality Asians Risk, July 01, p 1076, Research Health Status of the Pakistani Population, October 01, p Cancer Environmental Exposures and Childhood Cancer: Our Best 1545, Letter Cancer Culture: Epidemics, Human Behavior, and the Dubi- May Not Be Good Enough, April 01, p 562, Special Tobacco, Betel Quid, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug Use Among 13- ous Search for New Risk Factors, March 01, p 357, Focus: The Environment and Health to 35-Year-Olds in I-Lan, Rural Taiwan: Prevalence and Risky Concepts The Essential Tension Between Absolute and Relative Risk Factors, July 01, p 1130, Research Cancer-Related Risk Indicators and Preventive Screening Causality, March 01, p 355, Risky Concepts Zip Code—Level Risk Factors for Tuberculosis: Neighbor- Behaviors Among Lesbians and Bisexual Women, April The Privatization of Risk, March 01, p 365, Risky Concepts hood Environment and Residential Segregation in New 01, p 591, Research The Search for Cancer Risk Factors: When Can We Stop Jersey, 1985-1992, May 01, p 734, Research Colorectal Cancer Screening Participation: Comparisons Looking?, March 01, p 360, Risky Concepts With Mammography and Prostate-Specific Antigen Asthma Screening, August 01, p 1264, Research Child and Adolescent Health Geographic Variations in Asthma Mortality in Erie and Nia- Enhancing the Value of Cancer Registries and Other Data Blood Lead Levels in Relation to Paint and Dust Lead Lev- gara Counties, Western New York, 1991-1996, Sep- Sources, January 01, p 157, Letter els: The Lead-Safe Cambridge Program, December 01 tember 01, p 1394, Research Environmental Exposures and Childhood Cancer: Our Best p 1973, Research 2048 | Volume 91 Subject Index American Journal of Public Health December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 \ Pilot Study to Evaluate ybacc ersion Program, N xu jlescents: The Benefitosf Gay Diabetes: Use of a Death Certificate Check Box in vember 01, p 1790, | ‘ HIV Instructior chools, June 01, p 940 North Dakota. January 0 1, p 84, Research Adolescent Sexual Orientation and Su Risk j Pr nti idler Drowningi n Pools: | Promoting Breast and Cervical Cancer Screenir g at the National Study. August 0 12 ernmeter Fenci O1, p 468 Letter Workplace: Results From the Woman to Woman Study igarettes for | Nonmedical I Exemptions te \pril 01, p 584, Research Research p 6451. Resear Racial Trends in Age-Specific Breast Cancer Mortality Rates Intervention for Parents With AIDS a he \ l ot ugraulo e Use in US Women, January 01, p 118, Research cent Children, August Socioeconomic Status and Type 2 Diabetes in Africa: Fain, january \merican and Non-Hisy c Whit Women und Men vidence From the Third Nati« Health and Nutrition ilifornia Adolescents Offer a ¢ Examination Survey, January 0 i6, Research Multiethnicity uly O1 1136 len-Year Changes in Smoking ong Young Aduits: Are ire Seeking During Fatal Childh Ines I mant traction and Experiences of Violenct Racial Difference Socioeconomic Factors trict, Kenya, 1998, October O1, ; 1. Resea 5 61, p 903, Resear 1 the CARDIA Study? 01, p 213, Research Child Sexual Abuse and Si ) 1e Impact of Behavioral ( yn Stage of Change in sults From the Natiot at Intake, Physical Activity, and Cigarette Smoking in 753, Research ommunity Health Worker | ruary ment of Multiple Childhood | Privatization ¢ Kenya, 1997-2001, Octot he Search for Can Jepression and Substance Use I ooking? March ( Students. May 76 COMMENTARIES ieting and Smokin \ Bold New Directior Boys: A Prospective Stud ditor’s Note, January 01 fficacy of a Preventive HIV, March0 1 Addressing Lesbiar ligibility Under State Chi From the Ir grams, September O01 O1, p 889 \re We Headed I Among Men Who | Commenté valuation of Indicated Sui Health R for Potential High Scl rom Fun Research ommu osure of Adolescent Girls t Cancer Culture Magazines, 1992-1998 is Se nsufficiency, Family fr Risky Conc Preschool and School Research (G rowth in Indigenous and I hildren From 3 Pove Earth Day Plus Research Environmental Hea Growth Status and Related he Environment ar gee Children in Massa lransger ber O1, p 1800, Researct h Care for Latino Child: tal Birthplace on Insurance St Services, November O1. p 18 HIV Infectioni n Parents of ¥ quired HIV, April0 1 Household Solvent Exposure pahopbl astic Leukemia, A: pr Chronic Disease ImmunTihzea tEinovni roannmd enSty mpatnod msH R \i Comri a . P In: Who's Afrai Informational Priv Resulis From the Internatior lergies in Childhood, July 01 State Publi Commentary Importance of Attributable Ris Events After Immunizatio Children, February 01, p 31 king Scien¢ n: The Association of School En Commentar\ Physical Activity. September g Newbon Influence of a Counteradvertising ation of Smoking: The Vouchers se Water Management of Childhoo ymment Benin: Problems and lealth Status Health Law 1625, Research pennies M\aitautruartaitiso nal TiT iming . and 1 OverwI ei Adolescent Girls, April Measuring Statewide Merchant Co Wit t May Health Minimum Age Laws Focus: The Environment and | ial Orientatio July 01, p 1124, Research Household Solvent Exposures and Childhood Healthy People Mental Health Services for Y phoblastic Leukemia, April 01, p 564. $ engthening the | abled Youths, July 01, 1 ‘ ei The Environment and Healtl tice: A Framewo Night Shift ina G l Factory, Se r Oly 7 | Prostate uncer Publi ages ¢ %j e. January 01. p 126. Rese utionan Poverty, Race/Ethnicity. and Psy i tivity ind Mortality: A Prospect Study Amor tions. depte mt of Rural Children, September 01, p 1 I Vomen, April0 1, Ip 578, Research Principle and Pu Preventing Sexual Risk Be viors Among Population-Based Estimates of Mortality Associated With The Precautionary December 2001, Vol 91, No. 12 | American Journal of Public Health Fields, September 01, p 1355, The Precautionary Prin- The Evolution of the Fenway Community Health Model, Depression and Substance Use in Minority Middle-School ciple and Public Health June 01, p 892, Field Action Report Students, May 01, p 761, Research The Privatization of Risk, March 01, p 365, Risky Concepts The Role of Community Advisory Boards: Involving Com- Evaluation of Indicated Suicide Risk Prevention Approaches The Professions of Public Health, September 01, p 1362, munities in the Informed Consent Process, December for Potential High School Dropouts, May 01, p 742 Public Health Law 01, p 1938, Commentary Research The Role of Comraunity Advisory Boards: Involving Com- Using Signs, Artwork, and Music to Promote Stair Use in a HIV Prevalence, Risk Behaviors, Health Care Use, and munities in the Informed Consent Process, December Public Building, December 01, p 2004, Research Mental Health Status of Transgender Persons: Implica- 01, p 1938, Commentary The Visibility of Illicit Drugs: Implications for Community- tions for Public Health Intervention, June 01, p 915 Turning Science Into Junk: The Tobacco Industry and Passive Based Drug Control Strategies, December 01, p 1987, Research Smoking, Novembe0r1 , p 1742, Commentary Research Racial/Ethnic Differences in Attitudes Toward Seeking Undercounts and Overstatements: Will the IOM Report on Transportation for Maternal Emergencies in Tanzania: Em- Professional Mental Health Services, May 01, p 805 Lesbian Health Improve Research?, June 01, p 873, powering Communities Through Participatory Problem Research Commentary Solving, October 01, p 1589, Field Action Report Uneasy Promises: Sexuality, Health, and Human Rights, What Is Community? An Evidence-Based Definition for Diabetes June 01, p 861, Commentary Participatory Public Health, December 01, p 1929, Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers: A Reasonable Urban History, Urban Health, December 01, p 1944, Commentary Standard of Comparison?, January 01, p 319, Letter Commentary Zip Code—Level Risk Factors for Tuberculosis: Neighbor- Population-Based Estimates of Mortality Associated With Using Folk Media in HIV/AIDS Prevention in Rural Ghana, hood Environment and Residential Segregation in New Diabetes: Use of a Death Certificate Check Box in October 01, p 1559, Commentary Jersey, 1985-1992, May 01, p 734, Research North Dakota, January 01, p 84, Research Productivity and Economic Burden Associated With Dia What Is Community? An Evidence-Based Definition for Participatory Public Health, December 01, p 1929 Consumer Health betes, January 01, p 129, Research Commentary Not Just a Drop in the Bucket: Expanding Access to Point- Socioeconomic Status and Type 2 Diabetes in African Who's Afraid of the Truth?, April 01, p 554, Commentary of-Use Water Treatment Systems, October 01, p 1565, American and Non-Hispanic White Women and Men Commentary Evidence From the Third National Health and Nutrition Community Health Pricing and Promotion Effects on Low-Fat Vending Snack Pur- Examination Survey, January 01, p 76, Research \dults Buy Cigarettes for Underaged Youths, July 01, p chases: The CHIPS Study, January 01, p 112, Research Diet 1138, Research Strange Bedfellows: The History of Collaboration Between \ Comparison of Knowledge and Attitudes About Diet and An Assessment of the Ability of Routine Restaurant Inspec- the Massachusetts Restaurant Association and the To- Health Among 35- to 75-Year-Old Adults in the tions to Predict Food-Borne Outbreaks in Miami-Dade bacco Industry, April 01, p 598, Research United States and Geneva, Switzerland, March 01, p County, Florida, May 01, p 821, Research The Cigar Revival and the Popular Press: A Content Analy- 418, Research Bringing the Mountain to Mohammed: A Mobile Dental sis, 1987-1997, February 01, p 288, Research Dieting and Smoking Initiation in Early Adolescent Girls and Team Provides Community-Based Services to People The Relation Between Community Bans of Self-Service To- Boys: A Prospective Study, March 01, p 446, Research With HIV/AIDS, August 01, p 1187, Field Action Report bacco Displays and Store Environment and Between Food Insufficiency, Family Income, and Health in US Can Public Health Researchers and Agencies Bridge the Tobacco Accessibility and Merchant Incentives, Decem- Preschool and School-Aged Children, May 01, p 781, Push From Funding Agencies and the Pull From Com- ber O1, p 2019, Research Research munities?, December 01, p 1926, Commentary Obesity and Undernutrition and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Community Advocates in Public Housing, December 01, p Contraception in Rural and Urban Gambian Communities, October 1972, Research Extrarelational Sex Among Mexican Men and Their Part- O1, p 1641, Research CommCuanriet yS ystAesms,e ssMmaeyn t 01,i n pa 8V1e1r,t icRaelslye arIcnht egrated Health enearsse’s , RiOsckt oobfe rH I0V1 , anpd 16O5t0h,e r ReSsexeuaarlclhy Transmitted Dis- Pricinchga saens:d PTrhoem oCtHiIonP S EfSfteucdtys, onJ anuLaorwy- Fa0t1 , Vep nd1i12n,g RSensaecakr chP ur- Diabetes Care in Community Health Centers: A Reasonable Intention to Use the Female Condom Following a Mass-Mar- The Impact of Behavioral Counseling on Stage of Change in ‘Do SItt aNnodwa!r”d Yoafk iCmoam,p arWiassohni?n,g toFne,b ruaanrd y th0e1 , Cpa m4p3a1i,g nL etter k3e0t7i,n g ReCsaemapracihg n in Lusaka. Zambia, February 01, p FAadtu lItnst aakte , InPchryesaisceadl RAicstki viotfy, Coarnodn aCriyg areHtetaer t SmDioskeianseg, in Against Rural Typhoid, November 01, p 1768, Public Modeling the Cost and Outcomes of Pharmacist- February 01, p 265, Research Health Then and Now Prescribed Emergency Contraception, September 01, Dr. Button and the Airplane, March 01, p 534, Images of p 1443, Research Disability Health Post-Rape Care in Hospital Emergency Rooms, August 01, p Biomechanical and Psychosocial Risk Factors for Low Back Encouraging Stair Use: Stair-Riser Banners Are Better Than 1169, Letter ain at Work, July 01, p 1069, Research Posters, August 01, p 1192, Research The Essential Tension Between Absolute and Relative Financial Difficulty in Acquiring Food Among Elderly Dis- Environmental Health Training of Promotoras in Colonias Causality, March 01, p 355, Risky Concepts abled Women: Results From the Women’s Health and Along the Texas—Mexico Border, April 01, p 568, Field Aging Study, January 01, p 68, Research Action Report Cost-Effectiveness In: The Economic Implications of Self-Care: The Effect of Estimation of Health Benefits From a Local Living Wage Or- Cost-Benefit Analysis of Urine Pregancy Tests Prior to Men- Lifestyle, Functional Adaptations, and Medical Self-Care dinance, September 01, p 1398, Research strual Regulation in Vietnam, May 01, p 825, Research Among a National Sample of Medicare Beneficiaries, Financial Difficulty in Acquiring Food Among Elderly Dis- Estimation of Health Benefits From a Local Living Wage January 01, p 158, Erratum abied Women: Results From the Women’s Health and Ordinance, September 01, p 1398, Research Productivity and Economic Burden Associated With Dia- Aging Study, January 01, p 68, Research Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Maternal Smoking During betes, January 01, p 129, Research Investigating Neighborhood and Area Effects on Health, No- Pregnancy, and the Cost-Effectiveness of Smoking Ces Socioeconomic Status and the Prevalence of Health Prob- vember 01, 1783, Commentary sation Intervention, March 01, p 432, Research lems Among Married Couples in Late Midlife, January Is Economic Policy Health Policy?, March 01, p 351, Editorial Demography O1, p 131, Research Meeting the Data Needs of a Local Health Department: The Area-Level Characteristics and Smoking in Women, Novem- Disasters NeighL1ob9s5o 0r,h AonogFedile ledsP ovCAecortutinyot ny aRnedHp eoatrlhtte h RSeusruvregye,n cDee coef mTbuebre rc0u1,l ospi s HealtbMhee-rn R:e 0l1a,At epCd o 1mC8ph4aa7rr,ia cstRoeenrs iesaotfri cchsT hoosfe MeLniv inWgh oin “HGaavye GSheext tWoist”h BiologtBhiieco atl“e Frrraoonnrdti sCmL hienPmesri”ec paalorf edPTuneberlsrisocr isHme altDhe,f ensMea:y 0A1 ,V ipe w7 18, From iRne sNeeawr chY ork City, 1984-1992, September 01, p 1487, With Those Living Elsewhere, June 01, p 980, Research Donora, Pennsylvania: An Environmental Disaster of the Population Growth, July 01, p 1139, Letter 20th Century, April 01, p 553, Images of Health Prevaience of Hepatitis C Among Injection Drug Users in Good Intentions and the Road to Bioterrorism Preparedness, England and Wales: Is Harm Reduction Working?, Jan- Dental/Oral Health May 01, p 716, Bioterrorism Preparedness uary 01, p 38, Special Focus: Hepatitis C Bringing the Mountain to Mohammed: A Mobile Dental Hospital Preparedness for Victims of Chemical or Biological Pricing and Promotion Effects on Low-Fat Vending Snack Pur- Team Provides Community-Based Services to People Terrorisin, May 01, p 710, Bioterrorism Preparedness chases: The CHIPS Study, January 01, p 112, Research With HIV/AIDS, August 01, p 1187, Field Action Report Preemptive Biopreparedness: Can We Learn Anything From Promoting Stair Use in a US—Mexico Border Community, Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Periodontal Disease in History?, May 01, p 721, Bioterrorism Preparedness December 01, p 2007, Research the United States, February 01, p 253, Research Terrorism, Biological Weapons, and Bonanzas: Assessing the Psychologic Distress and Natural Menopause: A Multieth- Growth Status and Related Medical Conditions Among Ref- Real Threat to Public Health, May 01, p 708, Bioterror- nic Community Study, September 01, 1435, Research ugee Children in Massachusetts, 1995-1998, Novem- ism Preparedness Registry-Driven, Community-Based Immunization Outreach ber O1, p 1800, Research A Randomized Controlled Trial, Sentember 01, p 1507, Treatment Outcomes and Costs of Dental Sealants Among Drugs Research Children Enrolled in Medicaid, November 01, p 1877, Depression and Substance Use in Minority Middle-School Socioeconomic Inequality in Voting Participation and Self- Research Students, May 01, p 761, Research Rated Health, January 01, p 99, Research Drug Prices and Emergency Department Mentions for Co- Strange Bedfellows: The History of Collaboration Between Depression caine and Heroin, September 01, p 1446, Research the Massachusetts Restaurant Association and the To- Challenges Associated With Increased Survival Among Par- Factors Associated With Prevalent Hepatitis C: Differences bacco Industry, April 01, p 598, Research ents Living With HIV, August 01, p 1303, Research Among Young Adult Injection Drug Users in Lower and 2050 | Volume 91 Subject Index American Journal of Public Health December 2001, Vo! 91, No. 12

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