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Author Index A Dusza SW, 152 Horne AM, 29S Abatemarco DJ, 234 Dworkin MS, 163 Houston TK, 426 Allison KW, 20S Dydek GJ, 284 Howell-White S, 311 Andersen LD, 51 Huebner CE, 344, 356, 367 Averhoff F, 22 E Humpel N, 119 Egerton WE, 284 Hurt RD, 167, 386 B Eng TR, 237 Hutchinson AB, 67 Bader JD, 315 Erickson RJ, 276 Bakhireva LN, 436 Espinoza P, 105 | Balluz L, 213 Ibrahim JK, 99 Bardella IJ, 1 F Isham G, 67 Barlow WE, 344, 356 Fant KE, 141 Iverson D, 119 Barrett-Connor E, 126, 436 Farrell AD, 12S Bauman A, 119 FieldinJgE , 375 J Bellamy P, 254 Fine MJ, | Jahns LA, 186 Bennett NM, 265 Fishbein DB, 265 Janosky JE, 1 Berwick M, 152 Flanders WD, 243 Jia H, 453 Blaxill MF, 91 Flores ET, 105 Johnson-Partlow T, 29 Blog DS, 372 Fontanesi J, 41, 265 Johnston BD, 344, 356, 367 Borawski E, 453 Frame PS, 315 Jones DA, 402 Breslow R, 67 Freed GL, 11 Jones SJ, 186 Bresnitz E, 311 Furumoto-Dawson A, 431 Jordan NN, 284 Brewer RD, 230, 255, 294 Jurkowski J, 419 Brink E, 22 G Briss P, 67 Gackstetter GD, 443 Brown DW, 112 Galuska DA, 402 K Kamerow DB, 375 Bruckman D, 141 Gandhi N, 67 Burg J, 271 Ganiats TG, 126 Kandula NR, 163 Byers TE, 105 Gardner JW, 194, 205 Kang HK, 443 Kaplan RM, 81, 126 Gay FN, 20S Kark JA, 205 C Gebbie KM, 94 Cardinez CJ, 147 George P, 67 Keenan HT, 189 Carmona RH, 1S Giles WH, 112, 230 Kellerman S, 254 Kelley PW, 95 Carroll MR, 163 Gillespie C, 294 Casteel C, 276 Gillies R, 259 Kelley V, 15 KelJlr.y J H, 461 Chapman DP, 213 Gilpin EA, 156 Kemper AR, 141 Clark SJ, 11, 141, 307 Goins KV, 377 KernerJ , 67 Coates RC, 67 Goldberg D, 431 Kleinbaum DG, 252 Coffield AB, 375 Gorman-Smith D, 39S Cokkinides VE, 147 Graham JT, 443 Klevens RM, 34 Kohn M, 72S Coleman MS, 265 Gramling R, 426 Compton MT, 178 Grant T, 271 Koo D, 254 Kopald D, 41, 265 Contractor D, 254 Gray GC, 443 Koplan JP, 252 Corso P, 67 Groessl EJ, 126 Kraus JF, 276 Cortese MM, 29 Guidotti TL, 462 Kresnow M, 217 Cox LS, 386 Kritz-Silverstein D, 436 Crabtree D, 311 H KrugerJ , 402 Croft JB, 112 Halpern AC, 152 Croghan IT, 386 Halpin HA, 99, 259 Kurian S, 372 Crosby RA, 159 Hamilton D, 254 Hammerman M, 431 L D Harris RP, 56 Lauderdale DS, 163 D’Heilly SJ, 46 Hempstead K, 311 Lawrence DM, 367 Davis MM, 307 Henry DB, 12S Lawrence R, 67 De Guire M, 41, 265 Herrington Jr. JE, 135 Lee L, 156 Decker PA, 386 Hiatt R, 67 Lee NC, 67 Deladisma A, 22 Hibbs BF, 11 Leenders N, 130 Dellinger AM, 217 Hinman AR, 67, 84 Leslie E, 119 Delnevo CD, 234 Hoffman A, 431 Levinson AH, 105 Denny CH, 294 Hoge CW, 284 Lockman JL, 46 Diaz PS, 29 Holcomb K, 41, 265 Lohr KN, 315 Dicker RC, 29 Holtgrave DR, 159 Long PV, 375 Am J Prev Med 2004;26(5) 0749-3797 /04/$-—see front matter © 2004 American Journal of Preventive Medicine ¢ Published by Elsevier Inc. M Peek-Asa C, 276 Smith PJ, 34 Ma Y, 377 Perez-Stable EJ], 105 Soriano Y, 271 Magill AJ, 205 Phelan DL, 152 Stallones L, 257 Maglione MA, 391 Phillips JM, 222 Stalvey BT, 222 Malarcher AM, 112 Pierce JP, 156 Stehr-Green P, 92 Marantz PR, 271 Potter RN, 194, 205 Steinberg MB, 234 Marcus BH, 426 Powell KE, 243 Stoddard AM, 377 Marshal! SW, 189 Stokley S, 15, 34 Matuck MJ, 29 Q Strine TW, 213 Maurice E, 34 Quigg SM, 386 Stryker DW, 265 McGwin Jr. G, 222 Quinn WH, 39S Sullivan TN, 48S McMenamin SB, 99, 259 Suttorp MJ, 391 McNeal SF, 222 R McNutt R, 431 Rabiner DL, 39S T MennoneJZ , 29 Ramirez D, 271 Task Force on Community Preventive Meyer AL, 20S Rauworth A, 419 Services, 67 Mihalek EF, 29 Raymund M, | Teutsch SM, 67 Miller JW, 255 Reese L, 20S Thacker SB, 299 Miller-Johnson S, 48S Reilley B, 67 The Multisite Violence Prevention Project, Mineschian L, 276 Remington PL, 51 3S, 12S, 20S, 29S, 39S, 48S, 62S Mojica WA, 391 RepaceJ , 167 Thomas JL, 386 Mokdad AH, 213, 230, 294 Rhodes SL, 391 Thompson RS, 344, 356, 367 Moolenaar RL, 299 Rickert D, 22 Tobler SK, 284 Moriarty DG, 213, 230 Riley B, 419 Tolan PH, 39S Morton DJ, 436 Rimer B, 67 Trentham-Dietz A, 51 Morton SC, 391 Rimmer JH, 419 Trinidad DR, 156 Muennig P, 453 Rishchitelli G, 461 Tyll LT, 344, 356 Muggli ME, 167 Robert S, 51 Mullen P, 67 Rodewald LE, 15 Rosato NS, 311 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 326 N Roth EA, 391 Naimi TS, 230, 255 Rowe AK, 243, 252 V Ndiaye SM, 307 Rozier RG, 315 van Mechelen W, 330 Nelson I, 271 Rundall TG, 259 van Poppel MNM, 330 Nichol KL, 46 Runyan DK, 189 van Sluijs EMF, 330 Nichols C, 74S Ryan MAK, 250 Vargas-Rosales A, 15 Nocera MA, 189 Nordin C, 271 S Ww Novak SP, 426 Samala U, 29 Wallace LS, 130 Nowalk MP, | Santibanez TA, | Wang E, 419 Santoli JM, 11, 15 Weinstock MA, 147 0 Saraiya M, 67 WellsJ , 284 Ockene JK, 377 Schenck AP, 112 White C, 67 O’Connel MA, 147 Schiff GD, 431 White DD, 217 Offord KP, 386 Schmittdiel J, 259 Williams E, 271 Oguma Y, 407 Sciamanna CN, 426 Willis B, 15 Okoro CA, 230 Scott KC, 443 Wilson SA, 1 Oliveria SA, 152 Scoville SL, 194, 205 Winn D-M, 39S Omenn GS, 375 Sege RD, 78S Wolter TD, 386 Oncken C, 377 Sehgal M, 217 Woods MG, 307 Orleans CT, 99 Serdula MK, 294, 402 Woolf SH, 56 Orpinas P, 29S Shefer AM, 265 Wortley PM, 307 Ostroff JS, 152 Shekelle PG, 391 Owen N, 119 Sheridan SL, 56 x Owens M, 213 Sherin KM, 372 Xiang H, 257 Owsley C, 222 Sherman SE, 391 Shih S, 22 Y P Shinoda-Tagawa T, 407 Yusuf H, 22 Patten CA, 386 Shortell SM, 259 Paul WS, 29 Simon TR, 48S Z Pawlson LG, 96 Simpson Jr. RJ, 112 Zapka J, 377 Pbert L, 377 Smith EP, 39S Zimmerman RK, 1 464 American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 26, Number 5 Subject Index A Cc Crime Prevention Through Environmental ACPM Position Statement California Department of Education, 74S Design (CPTED), 276 vaccine availability and utilization, 372 California Healthy Kids survey, 76S critical path analysis, immunization ACT Early program, 5S, 32S cancer delivery, 265 ACTIVA project, 5S breast, early detection, 51 adolescent(s) colon, screening, 431 D screening in communities, 67 death and violence, 3S skin, 147 alcohol-related, 230 immunizations, 22 exercise-related, 205 smoking, prevention, 156 cardiovascular disease (CVD) and physical activity, women, 407 in military recruit training, commentary, adults, older, influenza vaccination, | community screening, 271 250 aggression caregiver, role in sun-safe practices, 147 infectious disease, 205 factors associated with, Figure, 30S caries, dental influenza-related, elderly, 31] prevention of, 3S, 29S physician intervention, 315 motor vehicle crash-related, 217 alcohol preschool children, 315 nontraumatic, military recruits, 205 consumption and HROQOL, 230 risk of, older drivers, 217 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consumption and mental health, 213, (CDC), 3S traumatic, military recruits, 194 230 vaccine-preventable, elderly, 311 objectives for the Multisite Violence use /abuse trends, 294 Prevention Project (MVPP), 12S decision making alcoholism, 294 collaborative, 67 role in youth violence prevention, 3S Applied Epidemiology Elective (at CDC), interaction, figure, 69 Chicago Youth Development Study, 5S 254 shared, 56 child(hood) armed forces commentary, 81 abuse, reporting and incidence, 189 U.S., nontraumatic deaths, 205 informed, 67 brain injury, 189 U.S., traumatic deaths, 194 dental caries hearing and vision screening, 141 assault, workplace-related, 276 prevention of, preschool children, 315, prevention of dental caries, 315, 326 assessment tool, rapid, post 9/11 attack, 326 chronic disease and risk-taking behavior, Department of Defense Medical Mortality 284 213 attitudes and practices, physician, survey, Registry, 194, 205 morbidity and mortality, 213 developmental services for newborns, 344, 234 cigarette 356, 367 autism and mercury, letter, 91 smoking, 99, 105, 112 diabetes, community screening, 271 automobile crash rates adult, 386 diet, unhealthy, intervention, 330 older adults, 222 smoking cessation, 391 dieting, adult, 402 risk to older drivers, 217 women smoking, 377 disabilities, barrier and facilitators to automobile passenger, risk of death, 217 clinical physical activity, 419 attitudes and practices survey, 234 disease prevention, chronic, and walking, preventive services B 119 delivery of, 259 behavior drinking improving, 259 health, tailored communications, 426 binge, and health, 230 colon cancer screening, mailing FOBT high-risk, 294 media portrayal, 230 cards, 431 drivers risk-taking, and mental health, 213 commentary alcohol-impaired, 294 behavioral services for newborns, 344, 356, academic research, youth violence, 78S 367 older adult, 217, 222 state administration, youth violence, 74S educational programs for, 222 bicyclists, risk of death, 217 state and local health departments, youth risk to self and others, 217 binge drinking, trends, 294 violence, 72S visually impaired, 222 body mass index (BMI) and quality of well- Surgeon General, youth violence, 1S being, 126 b military recruit deaths, 250 E bone loss in older men, predictors of, 436 shared decision making, 81 ecologic model bone mineral density in older men, 436 common cold, book review, 94 for health behavior, 119 book review communications, tailored to health of youth violence prevention, 6S, Figure, common cold, 94 behavior, 426 7S quality assurance in health care, 96 community cancer screening, 67 eHealth, defined, 238 terrorism and public health, 93 community trends, screening for breast EIS publication and job choices, 299 the plague, 462 cancer, 51 elderly brain injury, traumatic, child, 189 computer-tailored health behavior vaccine-preventable disease, 311 breast cancer, community trends in early communications, 426 smoking cessation counseling, 112 detection, 51 consumer health informatics, defined, 238 environment, attributes, perceived, 119 Bully Busters program, 5S, 32S coronary heart disease (CHD) and physical Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) businesses, small, and workplace violence, activity, women, 407 report on environmental tobacco 276 cost of immunization activities, 41 smoke, 167 Am J Prev Med 2004;26(5) 0749-3797 /04/$-—see front matter 465 © 2004 American Journal of Preventive Medicine ¢ Published by Elsevier Inc. Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), 299 I melanoma, malignant, 147, 152 epidemiology, applied, training in, 299 iatroepidemic defined, 461 mental distress and healthcare coverage, evaluating violence prevention project, iatropseudoepidemic defined, 461 213 commentary, 1S immunizatio(ns ) mental health summary of measures used, Tables, 55S, activities, cost of, 41 and alcohol consumption, 230 58S, 60S human rights, commentary, 84 and risk-taking behavior, 213 violence-prevention intervention, 48S monthly voucher pick-up (MVP), 29 after 9/11 attack, 284 violence-prevention intervention, 48S programs, vaccine shortage, 15 mercury and autism, letter, 91 violence-prevention intervention, 48S, rates in inner city children, 29 Metropolitan Area Child Study (MACS), parent measures, 54S schedule, childhood, 11, 15 40S violence-prevention intervention, 48S, under-immunization, 29 Mexican immigrants, tuberculosis student measures, 54S, adolescent, 22 prevention, 163 availability and utilization, 372 military influenza, 1 recruit deaths, commentary, 250 F -WIC link, 29 training, basic, and nontraumatic deaths, families incentives, mail surveys, physicians, 234 205 delivery of care for, 367 infant morbidity and mortality, and training, basic, and traumatic deaths, 194 GREAT program for, 8S, 39S, 42S smoking, 377 minorities, and influenza vaccination, 1 Family Solutions program, 5S infants, under-immunization, inner city, 29 motor vehicle crash rate, older adults, 222 Fast Track project, 41S influenza, 311 Multisite Violence Prevention Project fecal occult blood screening, 431 elderly, 265 (MVPP), corporate authors, 9S fetal morbidity and mortality, and smoking, vaccination, 1, 46 myocardial infarction, acute, and cigarette 377 minorities, | smoking, 112 funding violence-prevention programs, older adults, | Table, 75S rates, 307 N informatics, public health, defined, 238 natural disaster and child abuse, 189 G injury, unintentional, 194 newborn services in primary care, 344 GREAT Choices for LIFE, 21S inpatient smoking cessation counseling, 112 effects on parental well-being, 356 GREAT Choices for NOW, 21S interventio(ns ) nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT), 99, GREAT defined, 8S family-focused, 40S 391 GREAT Families Program, 8S, 39S, 42S GREAT Schools and Families, 8S nontraumatic deaths, U.S. armed forces, theoretical background, 41S GREAT Schools and Families, 205 theoretical model, 17S GREAT Schools and Families intervention, nurse intervention, skin cancer, 152 8S interventions, smoking-cessation, 391 skills training, smokers, 386 evaluation of, 48S 0 smoking-cessation, 377 intervention, theoretical model, 17S obesity GREAT Student Program, 8S, 20S adult, 402 conceptual framework, 23S L and mental health, 213 Latinos and smoking, 105 and quality of well-being, 126 conceptual model, Figure, 21S lessons learned, conducting violence- impact of in elderly, 126 lesson plan, Table, 22S prevention research, 62S, 64S obituary, Abram S. Benenson, 187 theoretical background, 21S training and supervision, 26 S lifestyle intervention older adults, vaccination, 265 GREAT Teacher Program, 8S, 26S, 29S in primary care, 330 older men and bone loss, 436 description, 32S theory-based, 330 osteoporosis, older men, 436 local education agencies (LEA), 74S theoretical background, 29S, 30S Gulf War veterans, healthcare registry, 443 local health decision-making, improving, P 453 parents Lyme disease, risk perceptions, 135 effect of newborn services, 356 H role in sun-safe practices, 147 HbAIc, use of for community screening, M pedestrians, risk of death, 217 271 mail survey, physician, 234 Pentagon attack, mental health impact, 284 health behavior, ecologic model, 119 mailings, effectiveness, FOBT screening, Pentagon Post Disaster Health Assessment, health departments, state and local, 43] validation of, 284 commentary, 72S mammography screening, community persons with disabilities, physical activity, health promotion in physician trends, 51 419 organizations, 259 mass media, physical activity and health, photographs, and skin self-examination, healthcare coverage and mental distress, 130 152 213 maternal smoking, 377 physical activity / inactivity health-related quality of life (HRQOL), media portrayal of drinking, 230 and CVD, women, 407 213, 230 media, news, and physical activity, 130 and mental health, 213 Healthy Steps (HS) for Young Children, Medicaid coverage for tobacco and smoking, 426 344, 356, 367 dependence, 99 and weight loss, 402 hearing and vision screening, 141 Medical Mortality Registry, 194 disabled, 419 homicide medical subspecialty practices, and vaccine intervention, 330 military recruits, 194 availability, 307 population-level influence, 119 workplace-related, 276 Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, television coverage of, 130 human rights and immunization, and Modernization Act of 2003, 375 walking, 119 commentary, 84 prevention associated with, 375 physician 466 American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 26, Number 5 organizations, health promotion in, 259 community-based, 271 reactivated latent (LTBI), 163 response to mail survey, 234 hearing and vision, children, 141 practice factors, vaccination, | Second Step, 29S U primary care, and mail surveys, 234 sexual activity, unprotected, and alcohol, USPSTF plague, in the wake of the, book review, 294 guidelines on shared decision making, 56 462 shared decision making, 56 recommendation, dental caries, 326 pneumococcal disease, 311 skin cancer, 147, 152 dental caries, children, 315 population skin self-examination (SSE), 152 attributable fractions (PAF), 243 small-area analysis techniques, 453 health technologies, 237 smokers, support people to help quit, 386 V health, 237 smoking vaccination defined, 238 adolescent, 156 adult, state regulation, 311 improving, 259 and physical inactivity, 426 coverage rates, 22 postpartum and smoking, 377 and postpartum women, 377 delayed, 34 practice, subspecialty, vaccine availability, and pregnant women, 377 influenza, 1, 46 307 -cessation counseling, inpatient, 112 older adults, 265 practitioners, public health, methods for, -cessation intervention, 330, 377, 391 physician/ practice factors, | 252 dependence treatment, 99 possible adverse events, 11 PRECEDE-PROCEED framework, 2 ethnic and cultural differences, 156 vaccine pregnancy and smoking, 377 onset, age and ethnic differences, 156 availability and utilization, 372 prevention associated with 2003 Medicare pharmaceutical aids to quit, 105 doses, invalid, 34 Act, 375 prevalence and mental health, 213 influenza, availability, 307 prevention, price of, 41 social capital and healthy behavior, 159 delays in availability, 46 primary care, visit satisfaction, 426 and TB rates, 159 timing guidelines, 46 program planning and evaluation, local social determinants of TB case rates, 159 intervention recommendations, Task data for, 453 stroke, women, 407 Force on Community Preventive Project IMPACT, 41S Students for Peace project, 5S Services, 42 provider type and smoking-cessation suicide, military recruits, 194 refusals, parental, 11 interventions, 391 sun-safe practices, youth and parents, 147 safety, parental concern, 11 public health support people, training, to help smokers, shortage, 15 approach to youth violence, 72S 386 Vaccines for Children (VFC), 15 practitioners, methods for, 252 surveillance system, global disease, 237 veterans Gulf War, evaluation, medical, 443 Q T U.S., U.K., Canadian, of the Gulf War, quality assurance in health care, book Task Force on Community Preventive 443 review, 96 Services, vaccine intervention violence prevention quality-adjusted life years (QALY) and body recommendations, 42 CDC role in, 3S mass index, 126 teachers, GREAT workplace, 276 teacher measures, 59S research, lessons learned, 62S R teacher support group, goals, Table, 35S vision and hearing screening, 141 rapid assessment tool, mental health, 284 teacher workshop, goals, Table, 33S Recommended Childhood Immunization teachers, middle school, 29S Ww Schedule of 2002, 34 technology (ies) walking Recruit Mortality Registry, 194, 205 emerging information and behavior, models, 122 reporting, health, 130 communication, 237 purposes, 119 research design, MVPP, 13S emerging, defined, 238 weight loss research, academic, youth violence, 78S terms, defined, 238 adult, 402 Resolving Conflict Creatively program, 29S television coverage of physical activity, 130 products, 402 Responding In Peaceful and Positive Ways terrorism and public health, book review, strategies, 402 (RIPP), 6S, 20S, 23S, 29S 93 WIC-immunization link, 29 rights, human, and immunization, tick bites, prevention, 135 women commentary, 84 behaviors, 135 and heart disease, 407 risks, population attributable, 243 Lyme disease, 135 postpartum, and smoking, 377 robberies, workplace-related, 276 tobacco pregnant, and smoking, 377 dependence treatment, 99 Workplace Violence Prevention Program, Ss industry and environmental tobacco 276 SAFE Children prevention trial, 5S, 40S smoke (ETS), 167 Safe Schools/Healthy Students program, 4S -related illnesses, 99 safe-driving strategies, older adults, 222 use, 391 Y schizophrenia training, EIS, evaluation of, 299 youth prevention, 178 traumatic alcohol abuse, 294 risk factors for, table, 179 brain injury, 189 and parents, sun-safe practices, 147 risk markers for, table, 181 deaths, U.S. armed forces, 194 violence, prevention, CDC role in, schools, GREAT, 8S tuberculosis (TB) 3S SCIDDLE defined, 20S case rates in U.S., 159 Youth Violence: A Report of the Surgeon screening prevention, Mexican immigrants, 163 General, 1S Am J Prev Med 2004;26(5) 467

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